" I" f .. . T , r" f- r "- . - r.t " ' v........... . ... i fc, C L w t" a tf. . - Z 3 L.j-jl L. ., ll'.o per c;.rt: Y7. L. KetcLin, 17.. A..E.V.?;. ..'Ill r.s--kin, J. L. CarrcII and Ed riiraJ .Cvs.A:'.?- r ....... pcci; - txifHij). :; c - n of Alaska Eaci had a ticket to Seattle i:y 3 to frcn -which rolEt,tisy:ii"-Il..i:r -tia i:c:' icund, lCc: liar.: j:rZ, iecl2i'a; rib Tn-:vpwir FiA-," roast, lSc to 12o; Icln rcst. 12lc to ISc - - - - - - - - lc-.b an3 nuttn crps. 10c to 23c; Unib I Eaipa wto .will probably teals ha "West 1 roa;t. i Te-I cutlets. 12V2e to 15a; pork I his future toma i c..c;3. ii3 iq iz2c: pork roast, Sa to lllis: Western Cresssd steak, 15c to 2Dc; roast . . r c . - -j,; r --.I- ICo ta 2";. n a try tt ; c ,. t o i . .2 r.i -C3, Co rcr tuzicb.: It. . c trin llrdr.' - fee 1 X. J L !,-. 1 .1 KOvXll MWWQ lOWDEW CO.. EW VC 1. rest. 12V2c to 15c: veal . cuttleta. 15c; tew VVl lUi- i'lUL III 0:lW-.,iiii! - f t - . f r,,;. lamb rczst. 12V2 c to t5c: veal cuttlets. 1F,p ' ' 213 I 3 '""i V' A vcl, tj ICa: STfrtct Lrc-3. 12a ta " Hannah, Ftb: IS: Smartly before ni4- ct,e-rt-.?- r? T ir-- r.r.d Ccdi. 3 r all-Fr:;. Eiuses .la links, lCc. ' ' - ' GAlIi: Quail, 'lCc to 13c each; pheas-1 where several itxtndred '.tales of cotton, ere ant3, izs to 75c; rabbits (Gressed), lGc the m:.-. - BY TEL.: 1 ' V Yesterday.' s. Fluctuations.on . the Exchanges, : AppaHing Disaster to Cattleship r'ainc ; UnsitleYcstcrdac-f'arket. iiuirrelj (dressed). 10c; . wild turkeys. $1 3,loU2.CTeacSi; cpossna (Pressed), 40c to 75C. - FISH AND OYSTERS Elua CisX lCc: grad,, 4Gc to J1.C3; Eilzioa trout. ks,- , 12iic; nibt a re wa3 discovered tf tfce large f 4t - r' " ' - r-..ij-tt- V. . ' - cottouaareiou-EO of Butler and Etevea3, yt ,.f - . - '" !. Jh " ' ' ' J stored, -Th lam will 5e heavy. It Will ztTtzt Izzz ci ilzzh and Three ihundre'd-ticket-have-been Issued restore to "a T.2TZlzl CCCitlcatHs red. EaaPrSr, r.l2c; ccuaders, lCc: I for tie Ba,I Foudre mext iloaday evemgat I . r ---4-it . -tjf -t' .4 4t, Tf cvsters.-SOc to E3a cer cuart accardlc? ta I ih'ft Ra.tfpirv Ba,rk.- ,-". wuouij .w.u.u- size ;: Blue' Point oysters i la: shelly 25c per Tlta'C'b'a:;?erore3'.&re Mesdamea Charles ;T, rlli enroll ti!3 CI TPS CXliliiii; , dozen! , T ; ; ; ' ' . ; tavis, W. D. 'Hiliiard, iGeiora:e,'iA. .ilebaae, sft--n 4'cr,T2-, ti2a.l Lfrita- ' FRUITS Ahlesr75 to $13 per-bush.; Charles A.- Moore, 'J. ; Ed. iRumbougb,- Wj. 6tJu-f ; oranges, 4Ccto 50c per dozen: cranberries W..Wistrt3orge. Powrell, John. Hey Wil- tlCQ CI tHS,thrCt G3 ltinSf- ano. 2.110. n n rr 1 J W .L ... Ml: ULL Men?$ suits, Children's suits, Overcoats extra pants ; W e offer goods at about make t!iis -rtataKaf tcas tfcs Halt tnetr vaiue tO UJliCCS OCub -JJaUUTO MONEY FORiOHTiFfUATloriS a; vay OlocClo The orlces are so low that everv- r - . :r, - - renc Catbollc church -by Father Marion, fWfbVcn It 111 tens cf -thousands cf tV.00. ; F 1 ll"C: A C ?U UW CV CI JT- tfCCr,-SXELTCN.'a BUI Passes the Senate Alte winter' 3' , . DOaV Call atlOrCl CO, QreSS Weil, "- - c " "esting Debater I city, was nr'ald' -of ionor, and iMr. yjjliam fina mim AM Jjpp,h Trnin. Wasbinton, - Feb; -16. Tn saaaito di3- I rtfr Mrs. Gloor'e will speiwi t&e 'wanter cussed ' today but 'without (Having -a vote I tn. Brevard., taken on 4t the resolution ; against the con:' firmation of the sale of the Kan'sajs.Pacifi-c- 50c" nd "$4. 00, all dnigf?5ts. ": SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemist, New ,York k ? 5 iui . Ul i: n :. nun ' Mi - -.-W- .if, PFRsnnni Ann snr.ini :mm c 11 k-u. 11 - 1 l1 ill -.o to our cusToaujiis. Chamberlain's CJouga, Remedy s the best by theexeou-tiveion Rafter tne leg, -"ffiZ-lS-SSf: r: et our Doces Deiore, vou -ibuv. Uurino" this . . .va Jar Vnrlr T.Tftftv - r ? . . . , ttdttity, Quoiai"uo , . . rf , islative session it was again resumed. The j also promounoed It the best. All we f " coWon ewShange .today was greatly' tarn- anices, the nill passedL" pered by the lact that telegrapaic commu- . ' - 1: : , v nication -with the "South was almost en- TRAGEDY NEAR SHELBY V!" tirely suspended and .tie -market was dull rH. P. Anderson leXt last night for Lynh- c x 10 1 Ch1a iiri I f n ' Hrrt-i fnn pu trimmed "bicycle a hats ;;for lad. ies,; misses and LTom-Rollirs'ls herefrom" Marshall. . v r-v JJ'- cw. - - ixvjr i. xv.xv.o l en Wilmington :Tlspatcih.Ooionet Olda r -, i . ."r VJ m t h !s nfR tl Cf1. . TOrm pV nriP P C fiP. v mo vv..w..- ' --r- 1 ijei'Dy, u., antr are-occupy ins ui buawu i . T f- ' i - , ; . . - p ident or che Auantic and -Nortn Carolina onjphurcn vtrcet. - : .- dozen -"ocriven- drawersvat o c a oair; lorm- ra'ilroad- tas-cone -to Washington Jlajut-I . W. - " - - - ' - f . . 7 i .ri''lower -Llverpool ad- A Young J5oy Kills -His Sweetheart uraMy expeota. to be ousted February 22 J j. B Henley.ol the Farmers' waieftcue, nriPP T O C 1 : " T hS f1ni7Pn fi Vl rJ Qrnff'iri and prices were , .wwert. wYerpow , u -GorVimits Suicide.: wien directors meet. - He-will have a) wto ml .of.the city ior ssyemi Cr priLC l .Z., , , c Jyy. "VrF.1 rld,nyj 1 ' 'fourths,' but thi3;'rieptirt" ;was not regarded 9 satisfactory; and out. -market . opened from one to four "points lower. .After the opening, jprtces generally eough.t the-level I' . " Isoh. Dr. Babb" and- Hanoock . .,pran'ting L- .x. - . . - - -v . - t ' - .-o(.-' . - r - - - v , . t . .--.--. w I tnings xnere o'u'gnt.x.o o9 svtm iuoi t- i ikeo,warxzj3,urg ; r go oux w muruj ma. tho , ntosn by today, acconrpanied by t3xer- brother, It is said uha't tih'e. sain aiever,seta on; the price-01 $1 rtr:' fWrtrtrfv: rtf S?nritt- Creek. Madl- 0" 1 !1 1 V. ;2 1 . WOf) tOD . maf.Kl 1 opening, jpncsgu:i.iij u,-. v . . WVAnifP.ftn var old SOrf I i --i-,' imhM tt'a-.frai.l I - u.u-t. iL st.M'--.v'-i....JTc) - '-IT . . of the lowest opening figures and prac" , schoolmate of1 .BUak of hatisg a.dU.burTanee.. . t 'J i;. -:- r .'-.V. -r- - - 'Jt fo each ' former DriCe $6 OO cally remained there allday. Recel-pts of r neignDor.ana scnooimare a . . .. ... . , ri i , r.. Stephens, : travelog cespon- hP4' 7 Cil-11 iUi-lI1Cli FA .TryU course were very eavy. ; May opened at ieapeaout rrom.oeiiina ytmywww,- . : : ; - : .0i?; declined to 6.01. and closed at 6.C2 to shot her-through the heart. He fired -two BLADDER TROUBLES. 6.03 with the tone oi cue mari-e.c steady, j more snots ;into ner oouy uu ucu i overcoats at disaster to the 3attle-3np -Maine atuayana ith ,h refused to marry 1 n31iTT, A TOienl-de for the urine; and as ereatlr unsettled -the stock. maTex.aa ua - LJ.ArVMt A mriTder and suicide. . such It is owt liable to any rorm-oi iom- cotton no good, We do.not feel bullish. L. . - :t - - :-r- z. - ; ease except by ooeof two fays. . Tae am - . I - ... - . " I anno inm Tr nisrf AJt ' rftftrt Yf ' til. KM- Ideal -treaitment of : oaaesr . tiuiease. dant for t(he I resale w P. ynesv lie, (ML n.; Record, ML Airy, Iowa; Republi anMiai, Mo.: is in the city; together wi th-his: wife; hiving come by private conveyance here j j from Minnesota..-."' '".J ,- .Robert" Love is here' from. Waynetnrllle. -fji'l. jet felhg as returned' from Old ForL .1 'rmr i;C?ol.,tUsk went" to Newport,; Tenn.,. yes fc Uy.: - i J .Tj f- A . - - . rvrvw i-vvnn. '.t."-'. a 'Eat tferv Park. - ; I ? mi .y:": TT71 1 It ''--tTi l ,y '-Kli T T- -"M '-"V-T lllh a .'-I I I hiLl An Ir. Ill a4i.im A. ; I I Attn n m m. m mm -. a m m- -y.-y: at mm m m m m t,--v m m m m m m m vw York, Feb. 16.The dow of tt .wasnms-au k u... - r'? ' -r '-it 5,Sr TfritK.T--s-vr-ij tl-i stocK vAt Rauscner's rn nonor-.i-K..-..u; vv -.1 .. .,--,-tti,-. . ihi . -Tharktt'ttt'. the -? ll-e - man; presidert of their alma" mater. Toasts t eiar. troubles vv TT- t-f-' , . v , " . proxinjating a. pcat u.xe u;Taa r1" were r-ded to ib'yTPreidsnt Schunnaj;, tt it ecrnfertinto know Cat Dn Kilmer's t E;R AYant.xf-We:.JelUco Coal company,. tlMtmirTfItmtiTmf K0 ,, senatororaker. who Is an alumnus of Swa-Tloot fulfills every wl-n qulckl waain town.jesterday. . f ; , . linimtU IlittlitinTIUinm - don on early transactions thtie -feiioiwea suaiui - w , - - - - curtns tlasJir and urinary -trout! as; It ---"-1" ' -'---, v-. - .- - '-.-v ;.;..';.. i . neCcnangesbutdcl Cornell, and others. , r SJfS5at calls.i inabiltP .oid TJie Misses OW Com- g ; ' - -V 7- w-V-. V .:Aei .-'non Jrasclxic, 2, Southern Pa- . . - : urtne and scaTdins - or :Un5 5 'pain r in fcbAve W ,2?te,Wfi E 'TT- 1 :- A';j- 1 - ! L'TCvQ t 1 eme;preferrd,191.3;Pennsylan,117. c,Jsrcr4T UTEP.ATURE CLU3. J. passiins ft.'or tad efreoui followinsnise of atJ&yland. left, yesUry,, to attend the 5 AyJ. 'Oi' '--- '"jfclo'AQyAiJi.J tC W-L-Crri ,:-,,Kew-'YbrK Central,; 116,; JawSc, 31, - C IS'JtMi licpiw, wine cr beer,, ud ewKomwittrt ;,.,VJi.:?:..-ik' C 'Tr..' ; - . -2 --'Burlington, lW.C ..-. The . Outrreiat -LSteratuw cluib reet thta upletnecesalty of being com?eUed,to ,.. ; -- :; - Vf.;- Sr-.V.-?-- ''TrV'T";;. 3 " 7 T .af iferaoon. at tine iwaolanDe of Mrs. Charles times .during, ihe nig'Lt- to .Mm lJttxJTtai.,.oI;.ndso..le g; HaS rribve4 to No. 27 North Main Street and: Will be .glad rSJ -A' ieS'SrS SiM: ,rtOSeeaU-h customers a.herp.Coandlg, diirtaio''rFeb. 16l til 'the first fifteen hfj0lka ,.1 be discrussel. -; V 1 V, t.n th fersbes f or ltsl"Mr: W. Q. McCormick'; the Chicago minutes .-trading today wheat sold np to I - T. - - ' wonderful rnsres. of Hhe? md;' distressing h ti aiv. w mv. .ThiJ 13 sasd to ne tne . - . r.nr.TCLnN'S ARNICA ALiVU. - - 1 - T mT?.-i-n vmr should I family. tOKetner wLtn nis paysiciant a fc5KM-rpmr-ftA ' ifocr that ! delivery 1 - : - -. - ; - u a Amvo fi.ff wta snd'i in :& Waener orlvate oar -yesterday, dnce 189l Openg pricestfoT'May which oesc 'gi 7 ma have a sample bottle MoOormlck will oceu Dr.- Cheeseboro closed yesterday? -at :-99V3c,. -gm - d Handg chilblains, t and. .pampihlet, botlh senlt free i ltf- Jn"-i noiwaveTiooKis. tn ' her new stock whether you want ' to buyr or not. A very . ri avi handsome line of bed rboni suits, 'parlor suits, folding. beds, -7 rr; . Mr. :wardroDes,: cnairsf stoves a gooa, ino. 7:,cooiaDg siuye . with fulLlineof vessels for $8; cash:. ; Will always give you ' 7- S: a little better bargain than any one else. ; What she, saves -ZZl Rin. I . w. h. pra.e. eenerai. mani.ieu'aujut u- 1 . ill lcui &uc Kivca uci buaiuwcis im Ma via kvvu. Dux-oiuta-iiu ,uwi-"; 1 rtvelv 4Mirpa Piles or UO pay require u. ui tqut uuuKtes. w ".v . o - -.' :r - . Ir, 1 . . , - -; . - . - . T .-. , ,- - .- - ,-Linj andshorts.in attemptins . to coyer d vy The proprietors of this pa- rerihtfcndent . tie Southern as Jn s "here before buying.'' "V-:f't ; :;,7 - -? 1. . - S ; out thia fact Immediately. In consequence " .nnA pVw' Der-boxJ oer 'guarantee iQie ,-gemlrneness of ' tMs I city yesterday.,-,; - -v. '-'-"-.:-- -4..: - ? . - epann mua' lliJltlB, u. uijcwn-ici , peyraj years ago a .party w .. u4 wi t ' : 1 rr- - - . Iiii fei.vance. . The' f 5 .M lt h -MejL- .bey -.IjaH . . , r, -TT- Al-t ydayWke-an 111-- .. . ,' - " . Ill j.j 1 - tv.....li .Vi.t.-fT anA Mil h - . - ' " - " " - t per cent Teducti'on of the Portugal grain nca'ie, Charles" R. Lewis, hunted -with 'a wflntv im wm -nTi market was strong and 1 ,A ft A .(..nivo .rrv!m.tev' ami killed 1 there was hetanry bnyirg in sympathy, with biraa tne entire northern party the bulge jn wheat prices.."-Receupts. were put tegetller 'Tihey next went in. their fine zai cars .. Thnft wflaTnin active Ervou oats, tecelps weTe 623 cars.. Provaons era.te soldier,-with. perhaps a -half , dozen -were very active- Atlantta, Feb.- llTZzz, 1C3J1'C. But W;wesmcrenr,'2CS2So; fancy Ten- al!6CM9C4k CI 149ei -:12c;; Georgia. LSc; &&khlXz-t 'Wi1 market glut ted.. Live pwitryTnrkeys, lC311c; tens, - wCi527cV;fcp43niijl-e-s - . "'Peking, 2527c"-'Dres2l ',rnjrtry--rur--rk-eys,'l214c; "hens, ' icsilo; dlcess, C'riii2c';;geese; l2'0 ; iwlatoes,, S5ctl-C0rbu.; sweE .potatoes, . ' 7585o ink aiobey, du.ll; 'strained, 6 3 7.'; In the comib, 7S:'. Cnloas, cew -crop; A IU601.25 bu.; J3.C0S3.25 tfcl. , ' " . ' LIV2 STCCX. f; ... Chioaigo,..Feb'.' 16.--H3.-Ii'tiTriitEd xe- celpUfor today, 34.CC0 hed; left over.yra " - . terday 1,21-(head. Market 'fairly a; Live . ..ficower. -Light. $3.904.10; . mixed - C3.S54.12U; 1 heavy -$3.954.J 5 roughs J3.S5C54. - - . . . GaMle Estimated receipt's Icr tday, 1S,- TOO head."' woimda upon nis body, Capt. JBenJam-m Collins, hunted '.witn the "northerners and when it was ended counted more'bird3 .than all the others.- Wilmington- messenger. -RHEUMATISM CURED IN A DAT, . Tifys.tlc Cure" for Rheumatism and Neu ralgia radically cures In 1 to a days... Its action upon the system i3 remarkable and cysterl:u. Xt r-3v-t once the cz isi and tie ;ir.:nediately disappeo.rj. pfa flK?Vn' T4.tlT t,ats. 75 cents. Cc:d.tyiP.;AnRayscr, Drugsirt, Asheviils, - - n-wl " ' TAtia 1 " ,n va' ifh'it. the ' Kew - Eerns t ,iAriaj j jt!n ria Hom lias m-aae tea rol'lowing seleLtions for the observation- of , Jarvis; Chaplain, Rev. R. B. Join of the h 1 Centenary church,, chief anarsnau, uir. jas. II. "irunter," of Hvelok. ; , --'it-15 easy to catcb a cold aid Just.aa eay ta set rid of it if. you commence early n-a rr?".iitP Ocurl.Cure.- It curca coughs, cols, bronchitis, pneulncraian and , all thrcat and lurs troubles .It is pleasr , fvo eqffl 'to use and sure tocure. &UU LU . ' . .. . .j .... C. A. Raysor. . . . -. " : Pi! .-4 ..'-.:;r , f i IS wm H1 ertended -tour through North and.eoulh! Carolina and portions of Fiorvaa in tne in terest' of hiis insurance busiaessr '-J ' . JMrsT G 'tt: Harley, daugihter.of the late NaYfeogeri was in the city yesterday from Baltimore fen. route to .Mnrpny,- 27. florth Gain Street, s UlUllUiiUtililliiaiUUilullUUiiUaiiUltUUUUllUiiUUllb! HOTEL ARRIVALS: 4 HOTEL ' BERKELEYWoin E- Miller, North Carolina; F' JB.-' Clements, bouxn Carolina; S C. 'Meyer, Pbliaueipnia; !fii. j. Tat, Uti . T ,vr!r, bursr.: Va. : J. - O. Harrison, 'Frat. .Iln. : New. York; A. '11.- ..vicore ar n: -Y.-; SMTJT. Crooiks, fcoutn. wena, : T".- Alxanler. - mexory; . v. 1. DESIRABLE neM'Things- r U InjAl departrhents-ClothihgDry . Goods, Fancy 7 ' y. v- Goods,. Shoesi: Hats, etcjnow arnyihg regularly ; "t I T 7and prime values they VreJ3argains,. like ghosts, . 7I 7 77;are."oftene? ; 'mentioned" thW' really, seenbut in, 7. ' - ,V niany instances we-shall show you, goods-below ;'-;r prevailing prices.. 777 ' - " " - 7-9 Pzttcn iAv r . " r- ri 1 ; r;,-'.' .-,-oV IIOTEIa Mr." L. ' A. .f.v;i.? ...rr'hv.'i-Y;.- .11 WlUiiman,.v South Corc"-ar!ira. 0 C;'T:;!-r, Naw Pae3tlr?-, kr- Tr- - t. - .(V-.:...ij.r New Ycrk; s. j Flan , ;uthCato.lna"f D.,A. Baker, Can. y-r -.-j-. . r- H JledvCod &0i "Af . . rTL;i- LIIOTItL: D." T.' VfS'I, Kr-crvllls;, J. C. Kceley.-Madison, - Wis.; Fred S.- Taylor, Ilcirst head, N, Y. .'.m.r '; .:r.r::: l.OIZL.. IL a-Turrsr, Tf siprurr iCv.r F.'C. Jc.rJu.n-, C'evcland, ! O.; W. J. Lamb, West Summerrllle, lUss.i SELLS AIX GRADES ftF. ipany corrTOse'd wholly cf Beeves $8.906 5.45; rvs i heifer. ?2.1D J fL ""7,"' tfr eiectrl-a Hsht t nhWin cock, with a: view -to lightis thxt tewn. rrJ'---or.zsd c a . . . , : ...... ;.V. - 1 1 mm lw. km m m m m KJ- m : W - 'O 1 1 S ti- tt - nivrininniin -f 1 a. J CV V u ::i:i.40; - st'ockers 4.45; Texas 'feer:5 f and feeders $3.504.50. ' - Bheep EsUmaited receipts fcr tciay IS, 000 head. ; New York, Feb. 12. ,inally;lt per t. Pritte -r mercati! , berltag ex-e ' -Jnessl;lbanke:3, t: wnaml and at i.ZZ lasted rates, ?4.81 c l nerclaa. bills $4.82. Silver certificates r1 r c .1 L :itil t3 CC rrrkfcs ef .-t'.r.::ty. O.. r i-i,- 7 tenure a . . . ' - "2 . . Ill r . kt.w r- r ci.ca c ... - rj"f;J ' In d;:::"-C. A. r.:j: .T. A. rir'ty ye:r3 r::IIe::- cilre f: Retail' market Wees of staple 1 ; '.City Markstr: BIJTTER-rE::t putter. t5e to i ?. POULTRY E. ; dressed f 1713 c- at r, ' r - n L Trr- T.'.'t".: . ' cf Ll3 IT3. --w v-". ..'....0.- t -: N S I f tc- -3 "da Parira toullilrs. frc-'tics Haywood street Ld3. " - -. . 'Five ofHce3 ea second "floor of tu.lli.rj; (wn'ili's "xus Store. Antkrccit, per To. :. : 7,- ..i";-.V' -: Lr;;;2p, C00 per Ton. ; , , L : - - Dcztic UuU 04.Q0 pcr Tcp. 21 1 J Lllng. ittlri C5:r, . !Lirs . club O 1 " - 1 : ::: . r:v;;tf- '..3 .r? f,r-.-- - i;tt' r'"" - ' s Two etrre tsres on - Lexint-xv V I. ... . 01 Pr. ttcrt At

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