iff iliS r Vi : W . X I - M Vol -HI: No 17, ASHKyiLX.E, ;N, CSUNJ Price o Cents; c-' I ttWF and CfllK 28S:MainSt. A veryt strong : advance guard of bur armles of Spring Goods liave arrived, rITev? styles, nobby;,nattthingS;Spaniads Entertain for all ueparunenis are nere for your inspection.-; : :x : " A choice, big lot ; all 36 inches wide -and; fast colors at 7, 8c, 8 i-3,:iocrand I2c White Organdies, double width,; at, I2i, 15 and :20ci the usual 20, "2S jand 29c. quaUtis, 5;;;-' 7 1 New Madrasf French rand Zephyr Girighams; Large f stock of imported Woolen Dress Goods, fancy and black. -."- - -:-Uix ,-, ; V New "Embroideries; Ham- burgs, NainsobksAand Siss large variety, low prices; Even thing; new and-de- sirable ' in aces: 'Ydeiji. ciennes Orientals, white and black Silk LacesNew Veil- ingSi ff : i"' ' fV';r V-. i-.f OurV selection of r silks as worthy " of your inspection and purchases ; v A Fancy. ; -Organdies, - all shades;; at;Siio j and 28cj will prove equal to 7 J 15 ; and 25c qualities. " V. ; 1; : A visit: to bur Vstore -will prove intere sting and we ex- tehd.a cordial invitation. i 4 n iVo. f leaves stors 9 30 aJCm." X V 7 r Eastern section of cityryt iVo; 2 leaves store o a. nxr t JWestern section. tion-.-': Southern section- and ? t y icioria,v : -. i 7 Wagons s'arerreturhed. over their rpctiVe routes as they; come in. ---r''- 'i.::? Hiaticrff FRUIT . V - - OOLONrAL FLAKES.,' - , ' ' BROILED HOMINY. I. ' ; BROILED MACEREL: t - . - H ' r. HASHED" BROWN. POTATOES. i OLD FASHIONED BUCKWHEAT CAKES. Served with our Puire Home-made SyrosC- - Can we furnish yon Vwith ,itl.ihoye- In gredieMT ? . .-'. i- 1, PURE rOOD.STpSEr : Phone 49: : 19 Merrimon Ae Good payias t-rlaers fcr kJ. Far par ticulars address II. O.. P.'. Gazetta. . J " The carrier pisca was ia tfrs ty th state department cf the 1 CitCEron cnpixe - TST-6vm ScMiile I vvaguu I mmimmamm Absolufe Secrecy Still Hain rV -tained Regarding its ; f Apprensionsis to ;it$ t Many. More Bodies of the Maine't Sailors Recovered From the t - 1 FwUwr::-PwbfVTaat.;Vthev Large ; Hagaane Ihd Not Ex-: f J f nioae; : ? - r t-'.r. . ' - - t , - vv'.' r- " 1 - - WaviiTWl-'"1iVh 9fi STOW tfn.crm. W nlodei HavAtta,'Feb. 26. The Mangrove left ihU evendpg tor. Key '.West with the boaad of in (miry.. Senator-y ProctoP - o ;VerinoliC beid " a 'conifererj-c e v w i Cb the board. '2 The SpanJard'a complain; about "the-. board'a e orecy arid en'tertain grave apprehensions concerning ita conclxislcos. Ia Laichja.to day - makes' 4 ? fierce . atflick on Aioericaa newspaper corrpoLdn;'deoia "raffle--, with" irreteponiible reiport8."r It - saiya the' goTemmeint ougat to prosecute tbem Jor tiieir 4,crimtaal -work" inl trying r ito l; -ean broil : Spain 1st a war with the UlU ed tatekti5S- lJAl Ce?-? Many cwxre bodies were recovered todly. Frederick t!.-; Soltzer -ofBrookl!yflf7one of tbTe wound'd,wlio is terribly injured, llng- ered un til today in terrible ajgony He died at cooo 5LdMriuin. In liis lascwo.da h-e1 called on- (pt,- SiSsbee eJ take Mn$ 4uway with.' JokOr' as 7the :MnVhad-gone away and-ieft bim behind.. '- -"',"TJ " ' Not the slighiiest bin't ia been giveo by any member of the board of inquiry aa .to its conclusions. - Many newspciper men d&- clare the evidence submitted -to theboard showed that the ship" waa blown up Jiy de sign. '-Others7 declare ''the board'e . report wiU .how it has not. determined yet what caused the . explosion. x ? j, W t-jvw.- ILL FEELI1V&1N SPAIN. iMadarid," Feb. 26!. Antl-Aaflerica-Jfeeiing Is f rapidly increasing viWciatJisfty."JT!he governanenit- &s endeavoring to holld:-lt-in. check ae-muetf aspoBsible: Orders .were seSt'Wtali parts . of s the country, tcanbid ebrattLona. These Inetructions were obeyed in most-oases I;At,'Vlen,tia the pF!ocessioii ear appeared' labelled ' '"Pork " ' Butch era irvhich represented the inside of a bu'tche? shop ' - where . grotesque eitatendlaxuts were ee4Mng "Woodford horn' "unclean; sau gefc an4 "Xee black puddiBg."!5 Tgie car 'nival committee 'Wainted to strike this en &y from, the;Ust; bur the pufblicr protested. aurroutnded tihe .car and escorted.--it. wiitTh eheera,?' if iT; Tiie eaWnet ba considered the situation and no lnjbident fs reported as. altering the Vjordiall'ty of the relations between Spain and .hei Undted SUteV. lhxyu'tbe n is tens expressed "-. regret s tt , theT passion which r.hiaa' "crepit -into . iwllc opintatt . dur ing : the , present 'ineident.", j i- A minion pesetas ($200,000) . was voted to develop the aavtjr.-'- t!!E CAUSE OF IT.' v'.Tft NeWtYorkr Feb -l 26- -A - special oopy righ'ted eaiblegram. to "the Evening. World from Siyvesf er Scovei;, at Havaca, eays ; "IMvers working forward . yesterday 'found " adequate roof" thalt tlhe - forward magazine,' which alone could have eo dam jaged -the Bhip,-"1 surely unexpioded. ' The Asides 'and floors of ,th'is maigazrae are prac tically Intact 'and'. -In such shape -aa is 4m possible liad an tTplasion within occurred Many, divers have bo sworn today, to tie InvestSgaittog board. 'f,.-- j "It la t now believed by experts that & (&ig E3TACMSin31 lC3.,f T -VVv"'.'' -T Specif Private Inltutaoa for, the (,; ; .l-- :'A.. t CARL TonBUCK, M.X.lntlcmr ttifi-. : ? , ';f:t rtATKS. S? 50 PGR WRS "a"$rtipwfcrd. aeftordfng to the tooot. fln:tdvt3- . Vn,-rp evrrvthfe 5 excepting mesSIsiines, taJn Btamber of rooms asre reserved at a lower rate for patients whose fLmaa-ZyX ' cial ciroucnstaaces, require it, and to feuch the, medicines are Also included, Patients cn enter and leave .at aay'tfmeia Advanced eaees not admitted, .t ,- '-r ' ."Winyah Hotel and Sanitarian Uo. I ,. y 'torpedo jcxt mta, aided j,.500.fpcmd3 sa luting powder in the rre jvaaoXh. ixl to the trig taagLziiier m-gbt hare produced 'thi lactruai resurt8 botlkk? rajdsiT extent nd . direction -Itmqjd in, hr- "WTdk.' Col lapse'd jwrwdcx ca&ks f cwxAkSwit. tie maj azin bave hexagonal ni.airfc3.-fn- the - 'thin copper -wTire the ex tcroai :pirssur , tarped it' Into 'Its m.tfflts Ifexagb&al- Wwiw.' Mangrove goes to KcV WcStt&iay wliihe L hoard of iaxqniry.Y'Our; conrtspond-emlt- S anahled tbsajr that ; tiy t have "obtained f jroofa .fhiait the prftoary oaoxse of 'tie exp5-1 slon wiaa eoonethjfcg from outside tJre va 34. Whether 4 1 waa a-inl2iejv'4orpedo4r a Jarge ' floating ;dynaarilte ' hoonlb; - the ap-reitly-doaaotVet ; 'toagazlne of the si'p, ooateuln'hig 2,000 pounds of luting pcrwder, rdld txplcde, 5 but the one whidbi conltainei jieCpo.wdc atjikis ten-jiich guns ndryf irhldh there Hfere oearlyl .toEBlhas not' exploded;' Judghig'from ,the littuanber - of; filid oasea taken oufc aedy. Tt'O powder tanks taken out ;of tbeioa'sa- .U-weretotaoL,, -cr- ,, fi t ' : w- - . If Jla the ominion oftht"b6aTd.,aa well asT'3enX' Lee, 'tlhat highpafiish-.iofflel!aj'3 were ignorant of -the .p!ot. Tielr bjel&ef. is fouindfd '011 , the 'fact " that f Wi -etjujser ' f onso , XII ."waa. anchored , ear, 'thg,; J4aini, Still," .ascong the- thousands of petty ff I eer and followera of Weyler, were many capable of -t!he dastardly act. JtTis iuff tn cleat prooXt of this to cote the' rejojclng tih fcegiMng testated'toaC :the" explosie w&a , oue xo: xniernaa. aoDiaeiii unty- are - now fearing tbat the truth IwSsi brea dls- covered and are oegtnniDig itoMMStaiiate thar1 It'migbt Jiave. been the work-of Cubase If the Uited StateswotrM ?ind a few igood detectives, - Speaking Spaniki amd : wJUi plenty of - money It fc would "tfot jbakeJong to Jknow, .the Jiame tvpMJens:and tails of t!he whole affair a& seentoa -fresh Washington,; Feb;26,udge t Advocate; General "Ieajily , has received -a: telegram frooi W. F-lEhianpflrey, preeideotf the Boston Towlboat - coorpany, .one Jof the con cerns engaged, n wreckg -of the Maine, istjaiting that- the big tug tTndefrwrfer ea-ilej from Boston yeeterday for Havana to Join the Merrttf -bo4t mow. ait that piice.' :'The Undewrier Ito -atop' alt 'New Xork onjher way South and plcK" upt- te, $Irritt " and Ckapinan floattingrok aid tat er on the big derricirMonarci'fwlO- fol low. The iprinelpal fufntim -0 the .. latter craft, wlicih Is. epeciaWy engagea a)t j&rg? expenfie jW5U be; to ' UBdertake'foviat toe. turret ama ; rig guna oDTuie'aane, & weight beyond: .the oapaeftv of . the amal derrick fX9ile('to toadlew-- ' ft RELL1C0SE. LEGISLATOR. Washington, Feb. 26.Rreientattvie Lewis of 'Wa&himgtxm, thia afternoon of fered as an amendment to the sundry civ il bill a resolirlffon ?eijeanjnlngMi'nlaer Woodford for giving banquet to the Span isbroabi'net.; ,He dedeared tiha)te was op posed to feaWtSssg the .murderers of those whom - the; natronr was . burying. ' 'iTBie - ' -It 7 Waehtogton, . Feb. r2fi.Tsrrtay - Long waa early at his desk thi3 morndng in con lamltatkm with'AisetetaiDt Seeretaay Rose- Yel and CapL.CtashafiOa; j&tofet of. lift, sa-vigaition bureau. " HeWdKtlief puhCii ouighifi not- to 0e" Under amy misapft'hettQn, witi; ffiegard taitie ;mviar"iadvemente; i.o, far,' they "haA nossUytbeen ordihary 'diapot eitiions:'maide from, t2me to 'time; for in-. stance,. 'the "shlppiTig of gunarjto eWTork is to ripply 4heCh1?ago and other, ves eela5 under reconstnictJon theire," and. they would go at any .event z 60, too'th? -ail f OTi more inenf ia simply. flrevivaJ of the recosnmendatton; ip hla ann,ual 'report.. 33iii s-tatenienit was made by the secretary, jevi dentlyto allay theImpressiona ca-ueed by theV reports of havy ehLpanenita of " gone from the WashlogLon navy yafidi, aod. otherf warlike Tneasuxes.' v;ijch '"ere" -soppJied at eost.'" A ccr- - ----- "v:r--yy . ----i f-y TllhPEUUfcS AT HAVANA e.Twr,YorK, Feb, 26. Plantins or Aorpe- ie Cuba harixxs tesanLielsE i y&ar ago. Torpedoes and rtorredo-matBrial wre Kent Ship Legaapi;- ThU vesssil arrived in Cuhi I 4MnSrdthe close of 18S5.- -Aftfw.- a laidinff1 1 nr. ot?ieoifiigoa-and Santiago da Cubn har-1 "runs lahxt" n? rvVi-rol if K.n. , TT liii:m( .xaw. iociauiQn off uie- rtunea lagamst.xae ycjtea itiat, Cias been -de-and torpedces Jn Harana. harbor is .tasown -i-i v ?;sy " only 'to the few' wnneeted with the work I P086" hy Ardhbiahop Oarrtgan: Tbday n 3 Taot-tha't ther were feeing laid a no secret Jo anyone in-Hirvaim tLt-the time.' On Juacy -5,-1890, .jtKRepubSc orxpS eat-in :Haitt. cabled: -VV -"J - rraso, warship aapl dled 'lffit ndslit Otaot.jduw er.triorpedo FT sperts w lay mine In'that marbor dl""aMU1"i5,'ui '.V- Mr .T'Pv1 a.t!kgode C,rT'he - ilavr;' ;li 1 kit irom . owr 4n -ju-wro oasu&r',. 47 v. ii'rV-r. - "I 0 - . 1 ':"Mi4drJd Fb.-6Cw!ty ;jfesa-1JI f ptayaov j ed message ftfean the former captain i ental of -,6uta. aeaiylpg: th: rcort thM I -StJS the fftrtiftrtatln. ' - ' c' . : I Tihte deputy 4say It is doubly ab&urdrto I supiose itiiat Gen. Weyler jaacd aJDina and toppedees .la Havamatey to tt&rjxg&imxi-. za'timt-Wit3it5TW!arJjln .tare ehlaaln,?. i-- tott tb;3jwiJ3e' apeecJies, Pideht 1 ,Mdsurjey-fljKi that of;Gen. WoaTordl-At j . Tk' is actively preparing -fox'- war wblch, is J inevScfeWe lf the rebeaiioi'. W pioaonsed "be- 1 ?ond May," IBREAD RIOT IN SPAIN..: . Salamanca. .Spain, ; Feb. 26. A ertfwd of about s,0b6 ; workmen," accompanied - by groups of .women., carrying flags, .paraded the BtffejptB todays shoujtlug for work and bread. .Many Jbtftiae -were, atoned, the rai.- road t$ioa '"' s torined ,:ad oons:dera!bfeia whjat stolen. The Authoriiiles promised toiag- .Ait 2:10 o'clock a policeman ondu,ty imu. WW tvr juwiuinwjrwi otuu -uicy j i IIRED' ATKIM GEORGE: VTISSMPTE ; TO KILL -irSESF ORE rClAN RUtER His Escort tmded butie mug and His Daughter Who Was With Him 1 Escape Unbent,- . lAtlni Fekn-Thte afterneoa .wttea ' : :fe- -- - ''T - ' - .; r" 'v - . l ,xiMisrkLa!Ueh)tetr.' were returniAs; from at Mve Jtn ia - ?nTlage, - two,; ; young, - well-- 'Iirceoedmeto' leajred -;oit , Irtwn - ditch, I whietre . they were -hiding, aiQhl fired several shfote iait ithe.kinig.- The escort riding ba- hdirtii -wiae wouawSed J-a the arm, and an unit. ridOTi'StruwjIito' Lr4lheJ'k!'fl5c t the driver to srhipv.up Ma iorse, ; While with great orav- "S, r ,'Aj.iVj;-,3 . , --. . ry me 'wyOT ijira uuigtex s uwjyrMnui ides own to shield -her trom the bulle'ts of the would-be -aseaasftiB. ' - ; r-;."'"1 - 4,5'uwtBW: . 7"? oitccajnrtteJt'nine. eairraageout or range. fiig carri'age.' The king gave a goad i de- acri-pUon of (his assidiaaaite. W. Sa. expeoted tihev wtiftl eoon. be oarrfured-. .An immense senaaitloo-waa. faused by the incident. ;. . .The abfteanarted asaj34slnatiOB wasaa-ribed oy s.ing George mo -uneranoes an efaiwOiiBi rntH. h,nlh .h.omta nrol Harl lomwn rut ong iUhe fopwaee agaaws royax laim- . THE SUNDRY CIVIL B1LU r ;rCl Washington, Feb. 26. The Jhoue? today completed the eundrydvil Mil; except nlnel pages. All attempts to increaee appropria- fcion-aatxclty by ameiidiment; were" vot- J. "ivic.v. 1- The iAJwrt.lo Tailoring eomipsay guarmst- tees ail gateneiiits inftde tfj thism to fit. - Likely;6u; Hesitate Before VbOecide . wHefe Ltd buy vour i DRUGS.; You lire "right especially it ybu.have;; A to be filleoV ' We make a; specialty j oiDrescnption work: .useithe very bsxahd;puresridrufsapdchem-jtlis apt a cheap raae; oi cpi Li7ui?i LAf feoli fee We believe it will b6 compounding - is done ,by, expenf jerJ'Srjigite-xjpJyr " v";;"?. PriteV atiscl utely the lowest cox sistentrith quality. - ' I A SimVlLLE DRUG 6. East Court Square andl -Colle'se'Cireet.-.: ; " J DAVID WA ji Manager ?frrte? - Tlked?Uxipatri "VV otfoaHy .' r7?7 J?- Rer. . Fither Wcftipr. it' ra.41in2iVnUot " 'iw d-iWi V,. 11111011 "eee&tly."d.&etariiig thathia par-; . - T - i ' .- "i-.--?1!.' i Infernal "iniacai'ine, v loaded 'wltJi 'diynaonife "-j " ' j.--" 'f' . Powder. n airangtd itli nbfen i that it would explode wfaen the cover was h9v - c,n' j,fr: TO.o WJ- Vv. 'J V' : ly, - Uei inoal oleri dloovert d 'tli nature of ur vi uw otxj e eaaaea ic to -water ana Weber almost fainted Vfcen th waggish pjetriiagter preff ered the oachine ' to - liim 7 "r """"c UWKU ixa.ie.a wws exige rated, but the" people :e sf indignant ht:.they refuse tot lli to iim. . -- V lIlMK Rl RllWn W nyftTH IT5 VI liniiy -1U' jVUAlll- 3UDDEN CALAMITY IN CHARLES TON W :Vy ' 'S"' FarnilxlStot'OarJYom Escape' inTheh A .: Horae and Die Amid .' , V-- ", 1 . - Flames. -.1 . Chariestoni &- ;., Feb. 26 Nine '- lives wefre-loEia fearful fire whicih raged for - 6! in Ch'Qwli 6treet its-anorn. notjcenj cig Bparka nytng from the tene- promptily sent Is the alarm from the near est box. Tihe "officer "found -that a "blaze was issuing from one of the windows op -lie first - Coor. The dcore - were broken open atid the family on itihiat floor trushed out wtthout any dtagxuage. r Somebody' yell ed that a fiamnily of women were sleeping on the third floor.. The ipoldce "rutshed lip J reached the toptory; names, - wneu. seeffnea o oe .piayjng over the .entire butldfcg:' Screams from -dying women were;-- heard,. t and 'Officer Bagby hcddpu-Iled out 'three, cfcanred bodies. -Theuikk work" of te ftre depart- ment ch-eefcea tie nre ano at was soon un. der "control ouit not umtil the lives ,n tie third atory had been lost. The dead are:, - Mrs. Rebecca Knickmeyer. 1 -Aflbert O'Neale. Oaswell 0Neale.. , - '. ' . A Josephine" Knlckaneyer," 17 years of age. Katie Knickmeyer, 15 yeana of age. " Leonora Kniackmeyer, 9years of age. " Frances knickkneyer, 6 years of age.- A 4aby of Mrs. Knickmeyer, 1 month old. Mrs.Kittoieyr W tlie wife of Theodore Kniokmey err a. "carpenter. The other. Knick I - - - . . - " " ' " ...t- rv1 1 meyera af-all hi children, and the : O' iNeaee ere 'nae orocoere-in-jia,w. BOUGHT BY THE SOUTHERN 1 Memphis .:and " Charleston .Becomes fr. -v . Part of the System Memchts. Feb. 25. Today the -Memphis Jof the federal court to the " fctefhest .bidder. 1 ' . IV 'thnfi, I " . " I at tne apset price oi szsi,ouu. , nete-'waa I ther blddeirT jt wifl be "operated in the , , . - it - . . I rUOUTe IB TOBUeCUOU -WIUU.WW WUUKTll. FI VE PERSONS KILLED. -Oiioago; Feb. 26.-A i'Bua" load of young J people wa ruift ddwsobyAn incoming Grand Trunk limited ..train at Blue Island;- Just ouftside the city Jimits tonight. Five, per- I sons were instantly" killed," itwo- men,- two j (women ana a ooy.. une man was to oaaiy Injured that Ihe rwill die.. The party .was rty.Wt t 'And "not f oundwanting in 4 ? any of tlie high qualities that Imake 'uC.cup - of fragraat and; ''j V;' . , v V -1 "appreciated" ligiven- a fair; triaL:- 2 "i Price 23 Cents Per Pount Emm 61 Court ':Sq.A i f - - . j - l Arch Front. 1 1 - . ; i"'- ' v J TRIED. $avockia SNIBi FH0ST BlfTEfi UEH Ifj A BOA iTheyXcftXa Ch 1 L yr j.- s. It Found A"tflft aFSea by ..' . - - The French : Liner is Lyfn Hejplesi .' ; off Newfoundland. " " I She. Broke .Her Shaft andvAnclioped Vn Fehruaryfl& 1 1: s Nine Men and one Officer Were Sent out uTa r ' Small M io;eelcThey Were hearty v - Dead When Picked upHeip iSenr'to- 'thV; - Disabled Steamship." . - . New -York, Feb, 2TTie'stenisJilpJEto4r terdam, from Rotterdam, arrived tonight with: "imine frostbitten and1 exhausted 'me!:'''"c ' andTird'OfficerTJnawortli iof the pasaea get steamer. Li'Champagne; which Is'jdx ' days overdue. ' yeterdaiy T the T Rotterdam! . picked up one of La Champagne's Hfe.boaU J containing the men, Who, for" an entir V; v week, had been rowing about in the hope of,'" . --X "'" ' crossing the track of eome steamer." and' s securing aissistanoe Jar the La Cbampagna?- J - whiich broke her tail -shaft a week ago ye terday. off 1hO Newfoundland banks. : : La Dhampagne had - encounitered; eeveri weather and at 5 p. m. Friday, the 18th, her 'tail shaft sudendy snapped and the vet-' sei was helpless. She was out of the line of travel and Oapt Polrot decided "tbAt the 3niy .nope of getting assistance was to an- ibcr and eand'a. boat away to the lne- HfL.'X- rVZt -ravel to secure a paasimg-ateajner.'to tow him la. e 'boat wia,. well provisioned : am d started : i " -"", off..- Sformy-"weather ."was oacountered anT. not' a: (Ba appeared In sightfor a whoi J - rf:I wtxiK. - rue urea oe9une , eAiia-osica.-. truaj . . oMinnal rowing amd the -inteose cold, soT ""- eral i'deolai4ng.-time.nd''agaiiir 'thatw.-they '-,0- might as I well give up."All were, badly .- r ; froe'bbitten on the feet and hands.' - '? ; tlnaworth encouraged the men; but yes-c -erday.when the Rotterdam picked nipithe jf boat, its occupants were in & helpless con- , ' dition and cooJdliav lived but a. few houni , longer,!- They were given medical atten-";. tkwt atrd waron- quarters. ' They aald that when Uiey"leftilh'Lar3amp "";". In a sound condition .nd . not leaking: a ; : "" drop.;biitwas "entirely helpless to prooaed. :- . , u '. - were weii on ooara: an? 'nopeiui er rw- - cue. . Powerful ocean tugs will be sent at jqnea-, to , tow La Champagne in. Though utterly, r helpless. to move, t is believed he is to;'"" no danger unless" a' big etorm come, '. up. It is possible, but not probably "XbaX sih I has been picked up already. There - 4M ouls aboard. She 4s welt stocked with -provisions, and should they rum. short; tnurli4., food that is lbs. tier cargo could bemused.,, -The fear Is -'of -pamic aanong her passen- : e-re at the long deify in .the arrival, of as sisstanee, ae the rescued men say the steer- ; age passengers were greatly alannied V? J- MORTH. CAROLINA GEMS. .The rare beauties' nsfture, ris-v wa z ;i .:k " ";-.--vt -"' U':;- -r--represented fa 'Western Norh!arsfss are pecotnirng ewer sjnown evwy uj j people who are better edited kted ia Hkm tm- mation:n4tinty of minerals jvs tsas tiwer4lmei'sow ..their sprselaMe t Ihesf , gem Jby using U tar aQ k!4s 4 adornm K , W have deefded . U close out seme st i. v i.-vj i J .: ---Ji: 'j?' -these genlaud offer them mi prlees Cat should make them all sell, in Jnr Uw days. -f- WIS OFFER': One lot of 41 gecis at SO eents eadu- One lot of 40 gems' at CO cents eaeh. 7 w One lot' of ICS gems at 75 caaU One lot of 49 seen at U0 each. : One lot of St cmsit Sl.ZS each. CtL One lot of S c!mi t LE emeh. One istt t CJ. at adk One Wt ef S. gm tM 6n,lotceinifal $4.11 eaeh.'""' '-,"'; : 7 VylAUl liU mm KlrMMI IklVUItV, f v - . - -1 If 'St ' earty as the I cuJt:r.-:i ce;-L-J -V