-J Vol IE: No. 19, A.8HEVILLE, N.C., WEDNESDAY IIOHIIIXG, 1IAECH 2, 1CS3. Price 5 Cenb. j I", and Coipn? ; : 28 S. lAaln SU ; A "very - strong advance guard of our armieyof Spring Goods have arrived. y New styles, nobby, natty things for allDepartments are here ;pr your inspection V ; : ' A choice, big lot ;all 36 , inches wide ;.and fast colors xit 7, 8c, S1-3, ioc, and 12 Jc V : ,WMteOrgandies, - double widthi, at ; i2i, 15 and 20c. Htie usual 20,; 25 . and gc. ,-quahties. -c . 7 : Hew Madras; .French; arid Zephyr Ginghams, ' l; . - Large stock of imported Woolen Dress Goods, fandy nd hlaclLr" ; "7 ': y - ;f New Embroideries; Ham- "burgsj Nainsooks and;Swiss large, variety low prices. Ever thing new; and -de sirable; , in ; Laces. yalen denheOrien19twlute.and black SilkXacsNew .Veil- ings. : JjiC : ff" Our, selection pf silks" is worthy :6f -'your ; inspection and purchases';. : -r: ; i 1 Fancy Organdies,; all shadesat;5, io;andii8c, will prove equal to 7.15 and 25c qualities. A visit to our store will prove interesting and we ex tend a cordial invitation. 1 Some:i ;: -1 Peas - 1 vr iire :-v Jt;- f : perfect 1 1 :-"r French sifted, iarery smallregr tilar ;and jhandsome-about: the size of ?Firie".. French Peas., and, much, superior in 'flavor.-' r -V j - -' m 1 M II I . I I I . . , . ' . . J. '. ' 1 . . J . " . .... , I 'Ufiheville; Fehruary 28, 1898. c1Mr. Byard, Dear Sir; I 'wish you would 'send me 3y bearer. two pounds more of your twenty-cent coffee-like I tuad in my louder tuTy '- I must say - that our treakfast' Sunday-morning, whldh we. "cop- ied-from your advertisemenit. In Saturday's paper, was enjoyed iby . alL ; We like the coffee las well as what we 'have 'beeai pay-- v ins twenty-five cents, lor : Tho servant wfU pay youT Very truly, ; v-: The ahove'is a . tac-simile ' of a note i banded, us thas . morning hy . - servant of r one of (Asheville's leading ladies. It speaks yolrcnes fox ouar store. if. S.O c-":'- .PUIffi TOOD STORE - - .''-a -V . Phone 49 10 Ilcrricon Ave - ' iAtc3 tZj fcrmcTly with Ucz' :r, and ; credence J in irj bcr3, t-3 tr'ica petition wiah the C-fy Ii::c1:r- fcr-3 fx'l candiea ere ri.i3 fre 'i t 'y. 1 r Tr: 'i t'LraTrticry tax.! crcr3 c th " TISE SITOflTIOf sQWEflOEFflt At Least From the Adminis - titration Standpoint. . r- Lonoj Says .no Spanish Offici als afermpliciated.: ' McKinlsy May Spring His fPfahWr 5- " - Freedom of Cubar. Belief That .SagastaHas Already v - -7r;5; Been ADroachei 3" Spain Buys the; Chilian Warihips-Continued Anxiety in Madrid Over the" Situationr-The r: Work of Diyers in Havana Harbor and the Board - of Inquiry at Key West Sigsbee. Denies ;a I Sensational jfeporC "-;,V".vvr" ; " - New", York, ' Mar. J. -Despite' the wildest kind; of reports ;in the sensational press today, .the sttuiatlon as regards- the "Maine affair fer really more peacef ul - today than any- day; since the disaster' occurred. Sec-? retary Long, in an interview .this afternoon said: . " y J.7 " " - J- " ' ' ?TTbe suggestion: I that Spandslk officials were -implicated 'in the destruction ok the Maine" is; now "piwUcayillm4na1d.7 r- Jjater .lw Qualified this 'by dedariiig 'thai . j-. ' - - - - it was 'this ' own opinion anerelj, tyut bis "-."'"' statement, waa -taken 1 tjy; Wall tneet 's as expressing the view ol the .administration, and stocks went up wdth a rush,-closing several points - higher, with ; Aran "and buoyant 4one.T '" T - Thecrecy alH along . uiaintalned( by ;the board of inquiry, at Key West oontinues. The opinion is growling that the board; will of v necessity ba' compelled to- file J a report that.lt is unalble to estate what cans- ed the explosion as half of th yessel was almost entirely destroyed." " , T j 'A cabiegram . from Havana to the - Mail and Express today says -that a d i ver di scov- ered that, the ebip's plates were blown out ward, showing - that the exploslo n oacurrel within." A yellow Journal dispatch from Key "West declares that a government; tes- .... . . ,. ... .... . i . .. - sel conveded from Hamna -i11" secret part, of the mine, which,' the paper says, exploded fun.derjthevJtfaina siIaiso found and took up iwires -which Jled tohe mine.. Sigsbee"declares"t!his" vWe;" saying, that no search of the bottom of "Havana harbor has been ! jnade for mines,rasi suc3i : would be discourteods to SpalnM v The "Maine ihas 49unkr,nearly '.two feet in the Diud since she went dowttMore' bodies were recovered, today.- They - were . unrec ognisable and .were buried imanediately. The bishop of Havana announces that he will erect at ;t!he graves of .the. Maine's Tic- tims a Maine memorial , tablet, . ' - , -"A report from ' the ooard of Inquiry is not expected for a moath.' ? :J V"'' .hkinley;s plan to free cuba." : 1 rsVasb'higtonv Mar.. 1. Now that .the od mdnistraitlion has apparently., accepted' the view that the" Maine was blown up by ac cidentt McKinley has taken up the Cuban questionj ' and will press bis ; plan for a Bet tlement with vigor,' if the board of . in Quiry reports that 1lhe Maine baew up from j the inside. -The plan ia now for springing McKinleys ; scheme ; for , the freedom .; of Culia almost immedlattely following .the re port of the board; - Direct .interventdon 1 scarcely to be thought of, but . the propo sition .will be to purchase Cuban freedom by Ihaving -the! United y- States guarantee bonds that will . be ; Issued f in paymenf of the purchase prisce. -, . v.; - John J. MxJCook, the New Tork financier,- is now herer looking after the .finao cial end' of the scheme..: He declares that it would be no trouiMeworth speaking of to put the bonds oh the market. J " " -P There Is every reason to .'believe that , the Salgasta ministry' bas bem approached- on ithe subject : The president is said to have unofficial information that" thepropositloii is oaot without" the , possibility of accept- ancev 0 - i- ' :rc.t:t cf L 3 cV.J Thrc-t DIc:c3. .'HA.:L von r.r: I, II. D., irIeal Clrettor. t" -3 cvrryt-":.: 3 ,cztT--3 c 'ta, i c- -r cf. rccnap era rcr:r . :3 et incea require it, ta cJ3 -tsr cs3 l:iv c't r -y ; ': - t - : - - "Madii'd," ilar. 1. Spain succeeded in a maamer not yet disdosed,- In v raising ihe cash -necessary to ecure; tiree' CMliaa warships,- which taive beea in the. m-arke4 for "moire than "a year. ;The purchase is practally completed. JU- -r"v-.'T ': -'It is surmised that the" security for flje loan made today for ihe purchase . of : the ships tsthe monopoly of the importation, refining and sale of petroleum. ; r . : ANXIEJY1N WAORID- -. ; 7 (Madrid' -Mar. l.--reater anxiety .is visr tbte here regarding the verdict of the naval courr of inquiry .'into the-loss of the Maine than was apparent a. week ago. Constant rumora of possible hostility tare harrasslng and -weakening tflue government '-and they antvalsotryin!g the patience of the public. The "jingo papers publis exhaustive -dls-pafccheiS'" frcrax New York and 'Washington to the effect that the relations between the United' States and,; Spain, : are rhourly jbe coming, more strained. .Admiral Bermejo, mlnlster.:f:'inaa4ne,U'flieavely;8eeiBing the best .means to procure' additional warshlpsl THE1AKE: CITY CRIIIE SUBJECT OF INDIGNANT8: COM MENT BY CABINET v - -l: AUornej" General Gibbs Hope$to IBring the Perpetrators tor; Justice- r -V-v $..WiaiftiHnffrtnV a.:Xome.'.feeHnstws manifested at .the cabinet meeting -today oner the feportr ot assanika made;oa" ife groes boldhrg federal offices In' the south. The recent scooting of the negro. postmas tor at ,Lake.ity,. S. C.,-following milder outrages in Georgia, was the-- particular ; - - " , subject of indignant comments y!by cabinet officers,': whov wereCwianimously -Soi the " ,- "ji!.-.-v ."-- i,-r'i-; . opinion. 'that ' something, should lie .done right away to prevent repitition of such affairs.." . '. - - -At tdraey1 General Griggs reported tlt 1 , wasrhavlng. a "thorough ImvestigatiQn made - - - -' - t ' , -of these : attaoksaind hoped to bring the perpetrators)" to Justice .." Ifis ; course "was approved by the president and the- cabinet, who also wanted Mm to take' tie most 'ex treme measures; to stamp out the tenden cy in some commainities to interfere'with federal officers.'-" - r - r -. CondembleigratlflcatUm was expressed, however, at ,the tone of vthe South 'Car olina press over the shootingof "tie negro postmaster - in :- that state, and. Postmaster General Gary, was .told of calls made - on him by"Sou4h Oarolina senators and repre sentatives -to: express ..their , condemnation of tie"otrage.J'-J.' :: YISCAYA AT l HAYA1IA ENTOTSIASTICALY RECEIVED : ; t " J BY THE SPANIARDS f" V j Cheering - 'Crowds at the Wharves 1 Harbor Lighted "W ith Fireworks s& at Night. I t Havana, Mar. 1. 'At six o'clock this af- ternoon the Vtscaya passed Morro Castle . a- . Into -the baribor. : An Immense crowd was , . - " - gathered all along the wharves, "cheering with the greatest enthusiasm. Many, tug boats floated -the. Spanish flag and were fill ed 'with Spanish enthusiasts .who went out on the bay .Iol receive and welcome the cruiser. . Aa the darkness came on,' the bay was filled with boats of every kind, explod , . . - - ' ..... ,- - . ing fire crackers and rockets, " and, 'the people shouting entitusiastically, .Ijong live Spain,'- r' ? . The Viscaya saluted Havana with? ten. (guns.' ". The Spanish cruiser - Alfonzo XII will leave shortly for Key West.-'- - y'1 ' LIDERAL VICTORY -M. ONTARIO.: . Ottawa Mar.. 1. The JJfberals won ;rin the province of Ontario election today, the returns to 10 p. m. being liberals 43, con servatives 44. The liberal government has been in power. twenty-seven years, today's election giving them four years inore. ; - Z Zi ..-mZ - -?m . . . 4 - ' . " . L a- A, "I -v. ca c.r3 t. - . - - a- lewer r-- f. - I 't'ents t L: Euch. "ere ..- J ---. - , t!n,3. ".Adviz.:.! : SPAia BUYS WARSHIPS MUM !ppnnni DYIJg BY TEIOHSnWDS XThat tfie Reports From our t Consuls Disclose r : . -: the Island.: H Nearly a QuarterVf a Million of ?er "sons Starvlngjd Death. JvV 350,000 Have Died :Sincef Weylers ff. Order of Concentration,'- tnsurgenti, Victories inThree out of Four of the , Biggest - Engagements ;Since the .War " was J "Washington, v Jjyiar. l.--Off iolal - reports from American consuls in Cuba, received today, state" that the Jnaurgents have been victorious in three out of four of the'big gest engagements since the war began. In one engagement the Spanish lost three- bun dred, killed and wounded. r The Spanish column was attacked on February 18 near Holguin. ."!ITie 'Spaniards'' fought lying son the ground, suffering great loss. J --,'. VvTb'e' official who has (handled . the reports from the consols regarding : the" condition of the recraoenitradosr, saia today ; itTbese reports fihow far worse situation among the wretched people ..than : any -newspaper reports yet $nlsbsAbOTi&;2MJ0QQJM men, women and children are now. starving to death. --Between '450,000 and 500,000 are suffering from 'disease and lack, of proper fbod.' More than 350,000 have died of. dis ease and starvation since "vVeyler's ordeFbf concentration, - Mothers .by the hundreds, with "uh"t srn babes, are included among -Che vlctlras T1.3 publlcation cf these'appaH l&g tacts will be "follawedimmediately by congressional'action-No' congressman 'with a spark of feeling,-: could remain unmoved at the "(recital "of .itJie horrible stpay thse reports teli.'f--. V - r:r -' - .-,F00D FOR THE STARVING. T V :. Washington, Mar. L Secretary JLiong de cided today to send the cruiser Montgomery to smaller .Cuban Sports i' witb -about fifty tons of supplies now at New York for the starving paciacos. - iShe r will keep v away from Havana- and no other .warship wil. be sent- there until the board .of Inquiry re- ports. - -v,. u-- . - - v , , - V v friSURGENTS NEAR1NG HAVANA. Key West, Mar. ' L The board of in quiry continued dts .'hearing today the wit nesses -being-officers and seamen irom 'the Maine. . :A ?u: " A high naval official said today: -'Per haps the ccmrt of inquiry, will return, to Havana on boalrd - the cruiser.: Maiblehead or Jhe Nashville, instead, of the coast sur vey boat" Baches "The' Marblehead is epoc ially suitable. ' Shte blas ' rremarkabiy stoong electric .llgh4uplanit.''J7 )V. Gen. Nunez, : insurgent leader In 'J&e to- xenor, TOtesrr uara, w oeereging oay- amo. iGen. Pando with; 25,000 men is try ing to force Ms -way? up the Cantes; river to sdislodge bimXnitafe- open country, be trween Marda and Havana", Gomez is slow-' ly working Ms - way" towards the capltal burning plantations as Ire goes. - ? "As-Blaiiico , calls his-troops to. pioteot Havana, Gomez draws bearer from the east and Rodrisuez akdBiaz from the f west. TheyValil. expect the United . ates wlirder- clare. . J-X4tl' he, mono'ent, 'tba bappena Jthey Twlll I.ilfRlvVou " ' iHcsitate B ef ore you . decide where . to buy your DRUGS; You are right especialiy ii you have"' - - PRESCRIPTIONS : to be filled. . We make a specialty of , prescription .work; use the very best and purest drugs and chem icals that can be bought, and the compounding - is done by experi enced druggists only, y Prices absolutely the loirezt ccn Eictcnt VithTqulity . - . "; . r-v r- -. 1 - r W W i .... A ill -A DAVID WAY, ::::nrj:r. mass: their forces and co-operate wlth: the United States. Havana will flfalU and Outoa will be free. ' "V - - X ' - I JNewjYork,' Mar. 1. Tib dispatch-boat Dolphin was floaDed .today after, repalraj and will " be - put ; in 'commission in ; -' one month.- J. ;v" .The work of mounting the two new eight inch, disappearing guns at Will etfs Point, L.I.? begun a week" ago, progressing rapidly. Only short time -ago three new guns were mounted there . - . - r TJ" I HARKINS MAKES CHANGES " Promotions "and Appointments "" in the VZf XT Beyenue Service.-- , : Collector Harking 'yesterday "'announced i uutmber of changes ;wbldh wllf take, place in bl-s office. L -U : . .,-- ... - v maiding deputy tA C. Patterson gets the largest slice. (He ia to-mtcoetd' Reveniu Agent J. OP. Rousseau of Wilbesboro who resigned Monday. The salary 'is $2,400 ; ex penses 'Oo-come cut cf that amounic. r--- r- . Depuity OoHeotor Jule' S. Robinson ' isucr oeede J. C 'Hortoa a division deputy fof MiU:iheIl Allegbany,- .Ashe , and 'Watauga oouflMCies, Robfinson's desk here is to be occupied by R. " H, . Beisioker, of Davidson eoumity. -t rr, . ----.v- "-- - Hunter Arnold temporarily takes the va cancy r-&a.td 'by tiirg lesigination of Xerk R. V.WilliaanB. " -J X .1? ' -. .-iILaffTy MsOsseii, :of Winston, succeeds. As sistant Stamp Clerk Reynolds at that point, Reynolds (beting removed.- " . . 1lom''0. McCoy takes the place of raddling Deputy J. M. Smith, ,of Stokes xavwiy, , "-W, C. -Lewis lis succeeded as raiding dep uty by J. P. iHolbrookir of Wilkes county. , ' -tAjjosib 'of tluose newly appointed assume the duties of their offices at once. : r t - " KITCHER'S FIRST. SPEECH WAS NIPPED IN THE BUD BY -X. - - : CZAR REED . ' "3 r Butler Still "Fighting Judge Ewart's ;..V5 Nomijuion-Indignatidh at Special to the Gazetted ' WashSngt6n March, A. The war exci te ment is abating, ince the accident theory, regarding tlhe' Maine's diaaster. was t'an nounced by the .cabinet today, The: ma- Jortty of re"? and .the people axe Indig nant ajt-.'Hanna ajid- fthe rWain s-treet bondr .holders for their. efforts to control the adv mindstration lii favor of a money 'consider ation instead of patriotisia', for Spanish treachery, .J -" -- ' rV - . Kitchen, attempted hds flrl speech today, but Reed refused him the privilege of. re plying to the' charge of ; democratic abuses made by Pennsylvania republicans! and Kltu&en. declined "to -finish The Incident caused mveh etement.. LMcMillan '. and other ; democrats condeanned the- chair's partisan 'ruling; f- -- " - 1 F - 'tAddftlon .charges.were admitted tin the ...... r Eiwart cae before the eub-committee to day,'- hence; there, was a further postpone ment of confirmatloar.-" - -' Many prominent Carolindans are here at- '- tending -the food congress. " , ' -: The Gazette learns from" art autrterntlc source tlhafc Butler Is . continuing bis figh t against 'EJwairt; From the same source the Gazette learns that the nomination wthlch haa been referred to a sub-committee ef the senate is: sttill "beJore - that body, and that action- fihereotn has been deferred un til Saturday " j J DISCUSSING JHE LOUD BILL: :. Washington, -Mar. i: The bouse , today resumed, tlhe 1 consideration of the: bill to deprive f several publications and" sample newspapers of the privileges of - second class mall matter. .' Nothing particularly new was- developed.v' v,The passage f . the bill was adrocated by Messrs.' Loud," Hin richsen ? of Illinois. . and Perkins of - Iowa, and oposed by 'Moon of Teimesseej ICifcchen of North Carolina, started to make ajfree silver speecli, but was 'cut-oft on a strict enfowjementi of, the rules ? of debate" that epeeches must be germane to the eubjetet under consideration. : -K TRIED- -Andnof found -wanting". in -4 '. any of the high qualities that ri . make a cup . of . fragrant- and 4 '. delicious coffee. ' - is not a cheap grade of cof- $ -Et H- " : f ee." - We believe it will be X appreciated if given a ' fair t .- ... . : . mez zo i.cr.ia tcr fczna. t . :: err r 6 Court fOOi; THE LIFE ; OF IIIS FRIEtJD - v- " 'J - ,3i.-:L'i. -Q.-oJ . .nr. -. - v" ' ' "- -"- ' i-'-i .'7j, . ' ' A Killing That Jhas Stirred Tr J. Triminier Shot JDead ly Dr.Biyings. The Murder Occiired .In Trimmler-s - Store." -;" ; - Bivings also Wounded ffis Viotioias Son;-- - ;, Thj Causs of th Crime not Explained Put the - - i - -t Assumption is That the Dentist was Unbar-; V anced From Drink. - - ,X ' ' - . - ' . 'Special to 4he Gazette. r ' -Spjrtan!butrg,S. b.i - Mar. l.-At' ,S ' clock this affternoon- Dr. & J, (BJvlngs shot " and 4nistanitly kikkl Thomas J. Trlmanier in tlhe latter's book ertore on Qiorgan square. 'Bflvma fired several shots, $wo of wllcb took effect!''.'' r V f .."' ; ' lA,fter Trfimanlier feU, mortally wounded, ' ravings v turned! - arouod amct firel bt '. J, Wr.-"M'r i i. Kirt;-r - c - Oampbell Trtamffer, a eon of the dead maxt:a "l lc ' . , , . , wouncJinJg him eligbttly. , ' 'l - : ' Z.J& """ '-w v IIr. dSiviogs mtirrendered- immediately sjlI I v was d$3a!nmied and lokiked up." ' ; : . 7 ;The parties were IntBanaite friends and j temporary In&ani'ty from drink is the only. assELgnaJbile cotuse tor the deed. " . - - The inquest will be held to-day. -J T' ' i- " &y??T!! 'V-fPe procrinellir'VTe "tood well, ". TrJanimB.er.: being the : proprtietor of a' ; Camge Jbook tpre and jub, printing offtae" aad; JDr. "BJvlngs a prominent dentist J TheiishbaUmg caused. mUicili exd'tement lb a tlhe city. - - jiaanes'Trimrnleri, a brotiher,, of the, man wlMt was killed yesterdays -in -Spartanburg, wlH be.c remembered by -nuaaiy b'Sre, j wbrere for a, tfenle 'he was a residents lie -was tbe isonin-law of Samuel Sheiton. ',- - - . ANOTHER ACCOUNT, : - , From Laffan News Bureau.' r . , ' - . . jColumbla, S. C.; Mar. 1. Dr. fi. JT. Biv- ings, a leading . dentist of Spaitanburg, waffked into the book store of J. J. Trim- mier- this, evening ,withr a pistol, "saying, . "IH "Uacb you to insult my wife,w'be be- gan firingi Trimmier feU dead with a but- let . through, bis. heart..-. His son; a young - nun was shot in" the arm,-' " ' , r; Trimmier was one of the most public spir ited and 'papular', citizens in Spartanburg.' Dr. Bivings was . one of his most -Intimate -. Bivings surrendered, saying to the police man "No man can inillt my - wife .' and live." - The -detalls, of the tocldent blntei at are not yet disclosed. -V;" . , . k I NORTH CAROLINA GEMS. :j v Th rare beauties f n'tur, t Tll represented ta Western' Norft Carx, arcLbecomims better known Try Cay as people who are bstter iedttcated im tie far mation "and utility of minertls kar fzt tim;4r Hbnm Bbowa. their pprUtim f these gem by tusing them In all kiad adornmeat. 5 i's -, r : . ; - 1 ' - We have decided U cloew out soma f -"-.j. ' it ". these giemst and "offer v them at prloes tiat should make them irell In a very . fw days. y -v, v ' . A- a . -7' .tv'V, r: I- WE OBTER; r -'"; ' One lot of il gem at 5f cents eaci; T - One lotrof 49 gemtt at 9 cents eaeh , , One 16t of 169 gems at 75 cents eaol. One lot of 49 gems at SLC each. , ; -" One lot of , 12 ctcsa at $LSS each. Cell. One'lot cf'S cams t'1.0 eacli. ? : Os tst rf eacSu4" . Oa Ut cf c3 t f2.fJ cs'ii.-C::2. Oa Irt f f ccri at 1. r ; : " f Crj r:i f;r ?2.C3. - ; : .' '. ...;.... . t i rTtrr tm"' . t 17. 1. t: - Dir. .