THE ASHEVILLK GAZETTEMARH 3 0 - - ' ' ' ' - - . , .. J -r ' Daily ,Gaxp.. A5HEVILLE, N, C. USLISREirUYIRY MMIM IICFPT THE'ASHEVILLE GAZETTE PUB- : liWhing company.? .v; . JAibs e. nobton; prident; ' " FEED A. JOHNSON, Secretary. SUBSCRIPTION RATES nan v. One' Year. H2 2.25 SSJ' EleVen Weeii'.. LOtt ,40 Daily, One Montn. r .15 1.00 riaiiT. One weeK Weekly Gazette, Six Months .60 These reduced rates are for subscriptions paid POSITIVELY IN ADVANCE. All they may run. .. .: i , The Gazette Is delivered In 'Asheville, Victoria and ummore dj .! regular ' suibscrlpuon rates. w lcmn urew Emits of tenuxry the paper may be or mA utter, costal card or telephone, BDd the i , anibscrlptloa price paid to' iJitf axrier.. . : - . , f f;t TELEPHONE 202. - ,1' , - , Day and Night. 1 .v , You Get it For Less :; At PELHAM'S ; Fwm five to twemty-ilve ier gent - Today we' quete; ',' " ' ." JQiig's Hoyal Germatuer 65c. aamlin's Wizard Oil, 50a size 35c. ' HamCin's Wizard Oil, $1,0Q size 75c. Hamatn's Blood and Liver Pills, 25c. adze 17c. ' Piatt's OhJorides, 60c. size & J8c. ... Pamopeptone (Pairchiltl)' 79e; .r ' - .Warner's Lithia Tahleps, 3 grs."25c . Warner's Llthia -Tablets, & grs. & 35c ESnk Pills for Pale People, 50c. size 39c. Hagan's Magnolia Balm, 75c. size 53,c. Wyeth's Wine ox Tar, 75c size 10 45c. Packer's Tar Soap, 25c. size & 15c. ; BOzzoni's Complexion Powder, 50c. size 85c., . t . j., ' Angler's Petroleuim Elmuislon, 50c. size ; 40c ' ' ' Augier's ; p'etroleum Emulsion, ?l.O0 size 75c. jiv ' ' -! ' By's Oeam J3altm, 50c size 38c. Ternoline Balsam, 25c. size 19c Fernoline Balsam, 50c. size .37c,- Bjrd -Manna, 15c, size 10c. - - ' ;: ;' !' iA ; full line of tooth, ' nail, . ha'if, "flesh Ebth, - bath -and . shaving, - brushes,. , All. .at CEDT-RATE prices. ' rIlhe Leading Cut-Rate Drug-Store." Open 'every Sunday- except during chaircht -PELHAM'S PHAKMACY, . 24 PATTON AVE. ; "Leading Cut-Rate Drug Store " - This Date .InHiBtory-rMaict S 1651 Thomas Otway, poet, born at Trotton, ' Siissex; diedlC85M' v. ..s,- : '556 William Goodwin, English novelist, horn; - 1793 William CJharles' Macreaaytragedi: n.v'si.'.w born in London :-died 1873. - . . 1847-CIaude Perriii VfctorV cttle: l 1 Belluiol - ww..nj) Tn "kt i T , 4 the field of Friedlanor. died': bom 1764" 1861 Emanciation of Russian serfs "by inipSriall j decree ,QzariAxaadfir Serfdom wfff uiiiruuuou ixi tu Auatua air ine cioso Ol 'U0 ; -sixteenth. centurjran fa. a fewvears al . rural populations' were subjected to ft,' ex: -: cepting persons in the free communes on- ' the crown domains. - By'1 grants of' crow' j:v j lands myriads of peasants .became serfs tT xne towesr gpaaeu Aiexanaeriana Aicnolas " favored liberation of the peasants.' Alexa&v - der II accomplished it in two years; r ' . v -v1896 Dr. WP. Palmer, antiquarian and writes, - . died in Bichmond. ' ' ' - 1887 Nelson Wheatcrof t well known actor . v and. dramatic teacher, died in New York ,?: ;f -There rare a very large' numlber of visi- tors in the city at present. ' The .daily ar rivals 'have beem steaddly increasing for the -ylast week.-. . . t - ' ' ; "Intervention of .the United States in Cu fa," in the March nu-mlber of the North American Review hy John H. Latane, is -..i an article, which," of -course, was written and in print before recent events made -this topic of such immediate and absorbing in terest. Jt, therefore, is free from euspic 'ion of 'being dictated in the heat of pas : don.or revenge. "Should. the government of the United States," asserts 'Mr.- Latane, V '"ever consider it Its high mission -to tober " ? rene in the affairs of Cuba, 'whether in the : oause of civilization, or of ihumanity, or of , Amer'ican interests, it must he armed in tervention carried .3 to " f uMllment without : regard to" Spanish ' (promises of reform." ; Between 1872 and -the end of 1896 the ex ports of Germany increased hy $398,400,000, an increase of over 68 per cent. In an ar ticle on '"Techaiical Schools in Germany," the Tradesman says of the little -Kingdom ;of Saxony that it is "the leader of the' in dustrlal woiCd.". Nowhere else is teohnli , cal sklU. so highly developed; and "nowhere .' tee does manufacturing approach so nearly , to the rank -of a teanned prof essron," Amd flmall as the vKin'gdom Is, it "has no less 4lan 111 technical schooBs, including ten of (agriculture and forty of-commeroe." Bad ; en, - which "has r about tho same population as iMorcn Carolina, spenos ?280,uuo a year fn its technical schools and other German priaacipalj ties make a eimuilari - showing. "The-whole German .eople remarks t the Tradesman,' 'are being educated scientific ally In the arts"of- industrial production. V and undoubtedly this .education Is what is (giving Germany the lead in the- industrial world. " " - v ' "Patriotism: Its "Defects,; Its. Dangers, and Its Duties," is the title of a timely at v tfole in tbe -North Ajmerican . Review-, for ; RLarch, by Bishop Doane of Albany The ' fishop contends that hatred of other qoun- ries is, not only '.not 'the only signrbut'U ; is no sign at all, of the love of our own. Qur own national 7 pride v and. affection - ought to lead to respect lor all other -pa- trfotism. He . says: t. t - session and' "the practice ofAn intelligent interest t the ptil&c -affairs of this 'un try. Hopeless" fa the face", of the over whelmmif majorities of -selfish -and self seeking masses'! men, blindly if ollowing a leader to whom they hand over the exer else of what is supposed to Ibe their will asi expressed toy rotes, too ot 'in fluence and; character hare wiahdraiwn from all xsmcern In the adniinistration of govern ment. And tt isthe' etUtud'e bf cowaird ice ' and v hnanorality. 'Conspicuous instan ces -of failure in tfche. attempt' to bring hout a -better condition; of political man agement, are no doubt moot discouraging; W uitaa&ate !..ii..tone;es tne 186 xpeuon! .ox uwuirw.u -mvu. And, meanVMlei'no.fQTJoira,' hope was ever j led by the kind of men who loses heart In thV face or iiMJie ear of failuro. And more jSbaj .personal duty 4a not nneas- country -even . his life, 3f the saxsriiftce is demanded;;, and he ow-esjihe service of his DarticJoation in high public affairs." TOPICS OF TODAY. There is till some talk .here and there about establishing postal .savings lanks, but it W''all talk and nothing -more. The banks will not be founded unti4-3t is shown how they can "be conducted withouit "having to 'tak fhe people who iiave no d-eposit -top-ay interest7 to thoise -who have.' Mail and Etpfess, - . . ; 'There, are'7,63,360 the United Sbates, a-ccording to the -census of 1890. Of thee s4 .yai )00,000 are in the south, orr to 'be 'particular, the number is 6,795,- j 722 fHeip are. the states in;eraocord IniollhS. numbers f Gedrgi, i 8f,96 ; Mississippi,' 744,799; South' Oaromna, 689,-, 141 r Alaani . 6799; Vnia,v v,635,85 i NorCh Carorina, 562,5"65; 'lMana 560,152: Teais,' 489,588; aSennessee, 430,881; Arkan sas,; 309,427; Kentuckj-, 268,173; Marlyland, 215,197; Florida, 166,473; Missouri, 150,726 and West Virginia, 32,717. r -'i ' ' ; . ''' The raising of 5.000f. by the passengers of the French, liner Champagne for ;-h brave life "boat 'crew that went in oeajwh of assistance shows ithat -human nature deeply appretflates 'haroism;- Sonnetim s bravery , is not .properly 'rewarded, but in the present instance it .seems as. if Third Officers Unsworth "and his Companions will reap substantial larels.iwii--they earn ed so justly. Newrlfork- HeraM.- . Another instance of the Influence the de sbructioa of forests ; has upon torests, is shown" hy tijdeciion of the, flghicommis sioners to stock the majority of suitaible streams' In New 'Jersey wl tfi rainbow trout. T2leira'fsadV-la a poorer-, quality trout can exist. The destruction of forests strange a. t nay seenyiias tended fto warm the water of the una to such a high degree that "wild tirout can no live. via -it;v; The officials ar,.uow gofMg to try the-' raiabow variety.. v, Ki' This" is how the cWpianvof 'the Illinois house of r representatives prayed the other day: VAad-df it be ! Thy will "that a bar- bjiious, bloodthirsty, natiojn be-wiped from Je .mftPoJLthe world we will submissively say: 'iireat and marvelous are ray wotks; Lord; Godl Almighty Just, and; true are Thy -'" v...- Cj,-- . a .-, . ' .; -r " ways. Thou King of Saints. Amen." With the murder of the Lake City (S. C.) negro postmaster as a text, the (New York Evening Post says:; "Thds' hostility to the black officiail is but one manifestation; of "a hostility to the race which affects the whites in all of their relations as citizens. They will not submit to . the rule of the blacks, no matter, what the numerical su premacy of the blacks. Thereare tens of thousands more blacks than Whites in Mississippi, South Carolina and Louisiana. The two former states i'nave within the last few years adopted constitutions .which proc tloaHly dfefranchi-se most" of ' the' : blacks, and a convention now sitting in' Louisiana will undoubtedly follow these examples. A pretence is' made of reaching this end tlirough the ' establishment of: educational or property tests which affect impartially the ignorant and shiftless of both. races, but the unconcealed object, which Is ac- complished in most cases, is -to keep nearly all of tihe blacks from voting without ref- erence to such qualiflcations, fwhlle , not disfranchising any : whites.. : If all of. the colored men in such states could read and were owners of property the whites would not allow them to govern. ... -We do not think that the feeling m this respect is greatly different in the iorth. Lynching is less . prevalent 'here than there and we should bope that South' Carolina is the only southern state where the -respect of fcu man life is so low that such an outrage as that at Lake City Is possible. . But pur people - would resent bitterly bhe appoint ment of negro officials, and no republican administration .ever : named " a black ., man -as postmaster ua -xu: norui.- POSTSCRIPTS. T!he'; war department v(ha : decided' to abandon its expltion rfor. the relief of the miners' In the Klondike country because the conclusion "bus .been' reached that no necess'lty extefcs for it-V - IA!t a ;jargeTy -c attended mafs-meelrag st w'iweurolds $90,000 was raised by pod- ur subscription to keep the public sc3z ols of the effly? open for the entire ech-ool yeaTi the appropriatSon .bavtng been, exhausted. . JThe tdeath of. .Mr.:krgerly'of Philadrl- phia, will ' somewhat simplify , the settle- 1 KiTiur rr .tTcnt. r.T- Irwamco .It win iwiiom I than jwnatlve Jldjtrout, but they thrive 0 i v - iri'!'iw$! faer than .thinfvtchvwiild he element of-sympathy from 43ie. transac-; Thomas 'A. JJdisoi;wsflnns the stite rrjenit recently araade that-lbe. has . dftsijoy erod a now process for -extracting gold from jhte mdnres; in .ithei qrbiz;' tandj rant in. New vr-P.Tiiftn:. mA If v.the 'system , wanks, s'4ie Laims. 'he wifll receive f,15O;O00 fof lls' ini, Tenftionv, H: -.?'7: n'jiifl . Nortlh. - German "Lloyd steamer Kaiser WilhelnV, Der Grosse. which .sailed rom tBremen for (New York Tuesday,. had amoug. her, passengers Prince Albert - o Belgium nephew of King lifeopdld, aiM heir apparent to the throne wno is to maKean extensive tour of the United States. ' ' 4Mrs.' Virtorto "WoodhTiliJMartin, ediLtOT lirf IThe Humanitarian; has arrived in New Tork from xonxion. wnere sn ur wtu 'Wing Jor years, and 8s ait the Waldorf-As toria. Pbe wM h 'here ?for several -weeKS, ji-511 tmvei across the conitiment an 3 through tihe souther yisiting many xi.leg s amid soienttiflo Inartifcu-tloins. She-baa -in rrsUfcii tihe es-tabliishment!' of a "Temple of Soien-ce." "- . i . A jspecdaJl despatch ' 'from ."Shianglia! says: The United (States - squadron is ionoenttrated at Homg Kong with a view - of aottv opera'tittns against ; Manilla, Phlftp stoe tMan-ds, in (the event oif ah outbreak of war- be-bween the Unlbed1 States and Spaiin. TThe sruadron, wlbiah 4s powerful, lodLVtAi rhe -ctfuasers Olympia, Boston, Rateagai; C!onord and Petrel," . r . The bouse cdmaniCbee on! naval affairs has iaisTCd o lferfB of $i,tXM,000 fcr?the rwttfiwH'rt powder; $902,009! far the erectionof . butildfins on:1 gover an m rjround for -the mahiu'aicture of smoke'ss osrd'eT, .with the 'neoessiry macbJin-ery'-and pq-uiproent and $60,000 loir armix; ac!d equipping the naval; militia. - - " ' -.' :. , ,?" " ' TO CURE A COLD IN ONE- DAY ' rak6 Laxative Bromo Quinine -TaDlets. Al. iruggists refund the money If lt fails t 'ure. 25c The genuine '-has Lu B;vQi?oT4 'ach tablet - ' -v. -'-'-: . s .. F STATE POLITICS, . yoUr; eye on William !T6ucSge'h; Crawford; of -tihe county, of , Hajfwod3. He is destined :o receive ifche 'mantle of Vanice;" ", " 1 vKope "Elias to'i the iNews and Observer it ther is no tuskm beten the "dmo;.rats apa populists Jflie former will eaxry 'the state -next November 3ike cyi:loae. ?; , Tlhe -chaiin' gang scandal in uinoomlb has .gotten into Judge Bwart's alminai court. a day of scandals Ircm' top to bot- onx and every day proves the tmrtai of thft Bible maxsito. that when tbe wicked rule ihe righteous mourn. News and Observer. "The; Press is of the opiinlon ttet 3raw "ord is the s'trongest man in the district to -na-V-e tberace agairst Fearacn or' v any yitier republicao, and he is the man for: 'h? loirooratio party to put up to bury Pearson under a mounitain of votes next fall. ?raaikliin Press. ;- - -. .... , v It -is generally conceded here that1' ex ngressrran jprawiford wll be scieoted by the derrocrabic convenitiOn as (Richmond Pearson's opponent this fail. Mr. Craw !ord is true and tried, (he is stronger now than, ever .bere.HeinJdersonvili'' special to. News and Observer. ; OertaiiTk, republicans, it is said'.fefffe, in their hftmiger f or ofBce," casting rnyi-ous Tlaaces -at the little place h. Id by Servant ike tie fatthiful old keener of the arse nM.; "Baffied by 'tie ciVir srr 4 e, there ieeirs to be no pIaw-tbolmall'$scare cae, jrongry oorge. News ana Observer. server, , - - Let rtihe democracy of Nortb Caroldna make jth-eir fight next e!ection . f or. s ate foisor tand -overnmeh.tof tlfe'Stata b Its best elements, and! i ; will eome " ou vJictorioua and an- -era ; -ol- peacev good will and iprosperitjy will be? asherjpd in, and the oh) North State will iitft up her head HONEST I.AB01. Must bare honest food and not pay more than an 'honest price for iiL "' There are many preparations scid at eood round-, prices whi-cfli are unworthy of the maime 'of groceries, r We , can sell you ' the best, flouTi-1 or $6.00 per barrel; best flour at 4c-Fer, pouiid; alsp a gocd assortment ' of dried f ruibs at a reasontafble price. ; JENKINS BROS. Spot Cash Store. 45 South Main Street. 'Phone. 125. IFip Mcmt." The Carroll House, furnished, if taken at once 'Two other furnished houses, well 1 oca tea. two small unfurnished houses. J. II. Weaver Box 244. No. 45 Patton avenus. We are the Leaders in the Wine and Liquor Trade. PURITY- .GIIARAHtESB ' : pon't let Whiskey get. the Under the same Formula for more than is Guaranteed absolutely the PUKEST in the World. " - 1 ON A TINE DAY BAINBRIDGE'S - x ; s ' - t "'V?"' " New Books Engraving IT. BAINB RIDQE,. V ' !' ' of San 18 South Main St. 16 BATTON oil mo'ii prouidiy again among, lier sister; states. We have had enough of deals with arf&abtle an jinscrupuloua adversary, let t&e.sne-a. who love 'iNorui uaroiina ..ana wisa 10 see -xie: prosper, come . together under the''banrier oil deurocracy in home issues,' even if they aaart on national matters. Stocky jMouat Argonaiuit. .' .' " AT THE OPERA HOUSE., The PerucM-Beldend company begin a week's engagement at -the .Grand -Monday rseat, "in a repertoire of modern plays, and viatudevalie at popular priceaL 1 iMr. PeruchI has been here on several previous occasions in 'Mi:Fee's Matrimondal. Bureau," in ji-ch he played the; comedy role as "Tbe Office. Boy." The ' paper4 'oi'-iBhisi'iobtlh'iiasfar vored ,this attractdr.wit4.eomm crttifclsEns from -among . wMch- we -tafce , the 'fpOlkjWtn ' ' ' ' ' '' ' ':v ' i. jnheire was notaUtcvJtt the- hole !ay? i"" w , , :Jr S9itK j- . lifebjl' Porter' beleen the acts, kept the 4- . . - ' . . Tl "fr. -m 1 1 n houW inr x contttouaf ber, and bis cabdh song, 'Rubber Nec&' evoked riotous applause.- The famous Carleton. sdssteraC are ,, not oalygreM da-nic- ers.'but ar0 sweet :iimkemim. and, winantabng'brouiVr Tbyyheerftiliy rretopviiffi they. er,?worn' '3 ". :-" . A.' SL Gwbyw innager-;! fthe Swanmnoa CaeT la lookliag tttepsfT a -s business is daily increases:. V.": t? ? .w. . 12tf . . .' : ' " a . '. i.v .-. -.-'j - u CURED aFrBLO'P6iTOTBE PIF TTTTO DOCTORS -. FAILED. Blood Balm Co., Atlanta G. .. . Gentlemen : In 1 872 a small pimple broke out on my leg.' It4 began eating and In four months" I was-treated by, a. phys ician of Talladega county; Ala., where I lived eighteen years He relived 'di for a short while. In six. weeks it :broe out again in' both Iegs,.;also on 'my; shoulder. Two small bones were taken'' out. It con tinued until 1876. In this time I had twelve lifferent physicians. They told me the on'-, y remedy was amputation:' that it could ever be cured. For six months I .could ot',walk a step. I went to Mineral Wells, exasspent . $300.00 ; came home; went to Mot Springs,"'' Ark., stayed nine months w. jis w iinam best of yrfu. Get the -BEST: of ' Whiskey, which'it the wuuuie isuuery Bottling of - ATTX 100 Years and BEST . YOU CAN SEE BOOK STO R E v' C : MO U NT P I SG AH ; r v Fine Stationery AntonioJ Tvxas. v , , . . , 1 " . , Asheville, iv.X 7 : ou cari. be certain to, get, a. Baby Ilii that will suit the of vour baby at Furniture and Carpet House OP son AVENUE. Q ASHEVILLE. N. C. ill failed to cure me. In 1887 I came back o Birmingham, Ala. I was advised to vrite you, which I . did. You wrote, me; hat B. B. B. would cure me," and I could set the medicine, from Nabors & Morrow, iruggists, of 6ur! city. I bought ten .boW les and before I had finished my-fifth hot -le my legs began to heal, and In less than wo months I was sound 'and weiL That aas been nearly two years ago and no -sign f its return yet. I have spent in cashover 5400.00, and B. B. B. done the work that ill the rest, failed tar do.. You have? my -permission to publish this. I have traveled 30 much trying to get well that my cure is well known. Fifty-two doctors have reated me in the last seventeen years. All they did was to take what money I .had and done me no good. I am now a well man. PROF V d H. RANGERav;- . c" For sale at PeLham'a Pharmacy, Ashe ville, N. C. Price 75 cents per targe bottle. . ' . ... "" 1 1 1 . .. j . . '.1, Hot Buokrwbieat Cakes end MapOe, Syrup Dairy Luncb. 13-tf 1 A-? era; ONE WEEK, COHMo& March 7 And Woodward'-. Warren Co's ' " - Consolidated In a (Repertoire of 'HH'gh-class Farce and IMusrcal Comedies. Merry Mirth Makers Notbiimg ever repeated. -A complete chiaasge. of pliay, .scenery, music, jcostuimies and specialties every performanice. A dol lar show for ri 10, 20. 30 cents: The famous Carlton Susfcers, the -world's greatest buck and' wing' dancers every night. . ' ii-... . . " Mcpherson & clark DEALERS, IS Stoyes, Tinware and Joust Fnrnishing Goods, Sanitary Plumbing, Steam and hot water fit s ting, hot air furnaces, til, r and slate roofing and gal- vaujzeu iron cornice.; Vj ; 45 College Street Telephone 188.; " 1 .Vt-.1 uranaOp House Peruchi Beldeni ; . . Bottled and Distxlied ONLY by 'p-:' Jas. E. Pepper Ci., Lexington, tKjr. see Store 1 -T t s-rV ; 30 South niainStreer. r- Ito requires a great deal of . excitemeat o satisfy our cravings fcr, some tjhing new; . u fact, to soare peop:e4 thre is no hing ; ew; the whole.1 world lifls-grown ctd; ev- 3rytlhlng to stgM.-vhas .been i seen so of tea here is no 'beauty-inthen'''7h:,kolc a ; vise as owls and" boot at' any-rMng you: ray say or do and are trying bo joak away . ver behoind the moon 1 and stars or fire niles deep in the earth.' They turn loos - illi that is near them - except ; tbeir own .iobby;4ajndvwhen,I.iaeet one . of these fei " O wis -J. al ways -tbink of Thpson's cot ?hieh't was said was '':hV blggeet foot-im be world bepaji!se;be, swam :the rlTer., t. eepr out orjai ? shower otralnJTaey ooght :o go together' f- J'-J V - : - - Tbe people I ' want to initerest are tlrose 5 vhp.wanitjto Joe,. ifttereseted as to bow, and vhipte jbevqantg'it ;their wbite ods. or hJldren'4 sprang deses; and aprons.' v Our store lis deicortUecK .fcritb? just iuc$ goods & I have mentioned; at a price no reaon 'ible person wdU.obJert. to. ? Come and see before -tbis, job o2 ,whitegooda are all '3Jf:ir.: f : -.. We are perfaiUyriware tl utterly 'mpossib-le to pkaise. everybody.; . You could -lot do that Vjreeif but 'you; wan. . do the best you vcan and a'.B reasonable ipeople -vill apipreciate your effort,. ; :. ' k : ' Mr. A. P. Roberts,' formeriy of. JupSter" but- npw.of esrervHIe is;ji ttrqe' an4trle" friend iky'Btiojiiui exays Out 'Newis Is a libt!e. gem. : -V' -. y ' . Francis Asbury Bird "of Glen Ingle, N. C, how 87 years oM, says tbe Racket Store News brought him th; to see our shoes that he. 'adeard so much.albout. He bought a pair "and:'we" are sure be'- will "be vplease witlh! bis first purchase of us. V .. . - Capt. F. M.'. WaddeM . is "a matt that moves lad no one would blame a pair df sthoes .t set rid or (him soon, r Yet a nair of our Sample Shoes stuck -to him fron January 1897 J -j Fisbruary,; 1898, without a stitck 'repadring.o' -."v'v- yc?--:; ;;.v.; ,. - We are eorry to .learn that Mr F. E. WM-te. of Proviso, N, C, had the misfor tune'' to loose bis house by fire Jaivuary 31. Loss1 about $350. - Wbile you, wait for something to turn up you will get " turned under and tnem 'ubs about it. : . ,- W. G. .'Burgen of: Swajn-nian-ca, N. C. says he wore a pair of our Milks Saukple Sboes six : momths" and they are good yet. Yo see our shoes are all made out c leather. If you want to sleep good buy for cash and stay out of debt. ' J. EuV STYMIE IE All lederfOrSOC POSTPAID. . We are tired of sell ing to "dealers and waiting 90 days for our money; so we, will sell to- house keepers at jobbers prices.. . "',r' "' yaii postpaid Qne6f our best. f ;Bay State Radsin Seeders guaranteed . to .. seed one pound of raisins in five minutes. . Simple to operate and ?asy to clean. F4ST0N SPECIALTY MF6C0 64 Federal Street, Boston., WONDER! The New EUREKA Camera, a gennins Kodak, -made , the Eastman company. It holds six glasi plates, 3 by 3-K iaehei in size. It has a fine lens, takes splendid picture and those sold are delighting tba purchasers. -V: : ' B. 11. COSBY, The Reliable Jeweler, . 27 PATTON AVENXJ3. Walter S. Cushman, ... (Successor to Cameron & Cushman.) Real Estate Broker, 17 Paragon Building. Comer of Patton avenue and Haywood St - ALL. KINDS OP RE Ah RSTATB TO SELL" AND TO RENT. FURNISHED HOUSES. tTHE CHEAPEST For Sale Thfou h ALL COAL; DEALERS AND ALL GROCERY STORES f 'Ill -a m m j uiiuiia li II lyiyj iy :-alJ the marks of a true patriot 1 the pos Trhich haro ft 'phocs.