.THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE, MARCH i8, 1898. ' . 10 IT Wher they sell 'Goods' not 'f Labels" is the V . GRAPEVINE. ' , Grape Viae, 'N. ., March 17. Miss Julia Coats,. cULugt'ter of J, Z. Coats, died on. the ' lith lust.,' and .was buried at . the family - grave-yard. She ;,was anost v estimable youing'ladybout-lwen'ty years of age, and her death is greatly regrettedi""She was a deyoteki member .of i; Grape- Vine-..-Baptist ''cUiiuirah. - . tj-': !;-.;': ''r".?'f.:':; .s ' 'G. W. Coie:X laiige. has .been operating near this place (for sev eral days has changed his; location to Hayr wood county. '? '- - .-. The preparation here for the culture of tobacco and farming generally indicate a larger crop than '-usual. The oat: crop ; will be very large if the season is favorable. BREVARD'S NEW TURNPIKE. Brevard, 'March. 17.-A meeting of repre eeantative citizen 'has been, held for. the , puipose of the establishment of the new turnpikef romr Brevard .to Sapphire, . and tfhe lonovirln&ollffcrs ;.werer elected - to J 4ake charge of Viaref affadra otf the company "and .push the road to an early completion:; J. P. Hayes, president; .tN. McMinn.,' " vice-presi-dent ; 'A. Gash, secretary; and treasurer. The hoard of'directors consist of Williaim, N-. Symington, M. D. Cooper, J. C. Cooper, W. Li. Hume, W. A. Gash, J. OF. Hayes1 and N. McMinni. To solicit funds lor prosecut iag the work M. A. Cooper and W. L. Hxrane were appointed. The capital stock is divided' into shares of $25.00 each. AT ESMERALDA INN. HJ-ameraMa lnn, "March 17. The latest ar rivals at the Esmeralda Inn, Hickory Nut Gap, were : Mrs. Hudson Samson, Pitts burtg, iPa.; "Mr. Harry G. Samson; (Miss Maria IT. IMeruiok, 'Danbury, iConn. ; Miss Kate Fowler, Miss Ida. J. Crowder, Detroit, Mich.; EMr. and iMrs. 'Mortimer Reminigton, t Newark, N. J. There has been several gai'lax gathering parties tfromi the Inn- during the paet two weeks aa the moountain sides surrcmoding the house are thickly 'covered with the beautiful leaf. - ' - NEW BUJLD1NQS AT FLAT ROCX. iF'lat IRock, March 17. Urrangemtnts are ahout uomipleted for the erection of the new Ibuiildings of the Hart Manufacturing Company on the ground recen tly purchased near the depot. The capital took of this company-has recently heen increased to 550,000 with Dr. Guerard as president and (E. iR. IMemminger as secretary. It is ex pected work on the new huiilddngs ?ill be oomeannced this week. SERIOUSLY SCALDED 7: Ksyiiva, r.-arcn 17. iA very pain-fui apa se rious accident to Mrs. C. B. Allen occurred at Mr Allen's home, a mile from this place. he went to move a kettle of boiling water when, a hoard in the floor upon which she was standing broke, and she was precipitated .to the cellar helow, and the whole of the boiling contents, of the kettle emptied over her body. ! . COURTS OF THE WESTERN DISTRICT. Greensboro, March 17. J The office of dis trict judge' for ? the Western district of North Carolina being vacant, Judge Purneil of the Eastern , district, is de-iignated by -Judge Sitaonton to hold the courts. for the Western 'District, beginning at Greensboro om the first Monday in April. Judge Si- monton will he here the second week of the term, - - - TRANSPORTATION OF TROOPS. Raleigh, -Marsh 17. The detachment of f rjcps from Fortress Monroe, Va., to ibe sent. to Fort Caswell at Southport, will, it is learned be carried by the Seaboard Air T-lne-via Raleigh. Just when they will come is . not yet known, but -they are ex- pet-ieu ai any iirme. - BURKE'S SJPERIOR COURT. 'Morganton, 'March- 17. The spring term cn ; ijurse superior tcourt wm convene on Monday next, Judge H. R. Starbuck pre- ; f tiding: ; .There are about 175 "oases docket ed, the civil and criminal cases being near ly equal In numfber. - . ESCAPED FROM REFORMATORY. Hendersonville, .March, 17. Deputy Mar- . stnal r. KJ. Hsrael arresited Alex. Holliings ' worth;, a sixteen-year-oldlJDoy.-who had es f . leaped the . reformatory at Washiington, D . IC., and placed him: in1, Hendersonvine jail - ' He will be carried back- td iWashinigton. . HOSPITAL AT WILSON. : , "Wilson, March 17. The establishment of A a hospital in this-town- by two of our-fine physicians and1, skilled1 surgeons is now an assured Tact, and arangements for-the -erec- - . tiom of a suitable building- are now being perfected. . ;.-; x. SHOOTING AT UNION. - Qtf&rton, l-MsmSt: 17. Neiws ibuas reacnea hare that ILee Tumfilt,- who' rune a distil aery at Union, S. Cr sihot Ms colored "house keeper and esteapeni; Turnflira iparenits live there. , 43 South 'Mafn . St , E; : P. 0. B0X;-14C. TALK1 IS CHEAP, It f.t v4 t-S T 1' v--' - t - but a visit to our stor will convince y vlwTavdh-.itoest. , and largest stock of 'Pure old Wines and LiauoTS of any bouse in. Che sourth," : . '. e WA Mn MnWti): attention of w?.t only thSest and. purest . ff''-M-ninf tvr 'Utamllr 41SS. want only tae oesv anw.puxwsi BIG COTTON MILL. .Rockingham. March 17.-The Pee Dee Cotton' 'Mill Company, or Rockingham, "have decided: to duplicate its mill by building another" there with 6,000 spindles. This will give the town of Rockingham eight cotton mdlls. . ', - SOUTHERN EXPRESS TO SHOW CAUSE. aiorgantoa, March 17. The SoWihem Ex press Company is notified to show cause why the office Should not "be removed from (the depot at 'Morganton Into the town , v ARBOB DAY AT SHELBY. K5heKyr March 17.i-Arbor day was appro priately observed here. The meeting was presided' over by 3r. B. F. (Dixon. The Cleveland guards gave a fine drilll. . SALISBURY'S STOCK EXCHANGE. (Salisbury, March, 17. TThe stock exchange at Saliisbury is- being Investigated. "There, 4s a suspicion that there are some irregu- laritiea in 'the management. WARREN'S SUPERIOR COURT. iWarrenton, JT. C., March 17. Warren counity eoiperioir court will iconvene next Monday, Judge Geo. H. Brown, presiding. SEVERAL TOWNS, A Stokes - county farmer fell into bad Jaompany in. -Wiinstoni Monday niigh't, and when he. sobered up was sshort. .$46.00. He does not know who got . has money, and is not likely, to -be any wdser. J. R, iMelvin, Who wors in the cutting department of the iBlackwell tobacco fac tory at 'Durham, let his fingers get too close to the rapikJJy revolving knaves and received severe cults, "buit .fortunately did not lose "Ms hand. r The 'Fayet'teville Observer learns that the United States government has made a con tract with tthe C. F.: & Y. V. and the A. C. Xi. railroads' for the 'transportation of an immense quantity of Pocahontas coal to Fey West; thelC. F. & Y. V. taking it from the 'Norfolk and Western and delivering it to 'the A: C. "h: at 'FayetteTtiHe. W:ihile 'the majority df the people ell over the country are talking "war almost to the esplusioU'Of everything else, the factories anl business houses of 'Winston ,LSa;l em are going right along doing .a larger 'business than ver and prospects are bright ior still greater activity "among our varied business enterprise this spring. 'Winston Journal.. iDr. Lucas tells the Wilimiiwgton Messen ger tihat the trucking interests around Cur- Tie are developinig on an extenaive soale and that tihe crops1 are now doing finedy. Thie straw'berry industry .nas grown con siderably over last year rfrom Ourrie and O. LiUt:as says tihe prodtu'ct tMs year will be increased to 3,000 crates. The vines are cow in1 bloom and looking well. 'Western Carolina fBapt'ist : At a. meeting df our mis.stion board: at Asn'eviiie on Tues day of last week iRev. IR. "L. Patton, of Mor- samton. was electe'd to the secretarysnip ol the Western convention. It is .not yet knoiwn definitely wnetihier iBrotner jfatiton will aeceipt tihe pcsition, but the -board is e'cucst coQxfdenit.tihat Jhe iwl'll come, we hope te will. W-estern . OaroliSt Baptist : 'Rev. T. Bright, psstoop;-o: our diurch. at. Murphy, was out Isst-r-week soliciting aid from out brethren audi visitors at. Asiheviille, Clyde and. WaynesvilJe, .to" pay tor the new .par sonage at Murphy. jW are glad to state he revived some substantial sympatny an the way of cash and piedges to the amount of $40.00 or 50.00 fram our "Waynesvalle cniirch. He will visit otner churches.. Tihe fOharrotte Observer is informed that the iMockstville-Mooresvilile extension, of the :N6rt!h Carolina (Midland railroad .is nearing its completion in the way of grading. The bed) is abouit' ready tfor ties and rails be tween IMooresiville and! Cleveland, and it is understood thait ail the grading to Mocks - ViMte .will. be. finistued-iln about two weeks. Trains are expected to Ibe running on the new road by May 15. The Southern is -rusbing all of its avail able empty box oars up towards Washing ton in order to be ready to ihand.le, ammiu nltioni and; provisions for tihe governiment. The lOoncord! Standard : is Snif ormed f rom a freight conductor itihat there 'is now. quite a. demand1 for empty box cars in Washing ton; andi other northern cities for hauling ajmmunition, and already three hundred hlave been; taken Ujp the Southern. Salis bury Sun. ''"'' :;' .; Our postoffice, aspiranits have been lookr itaig for the appoin'tanent 'of a postmaster thia '.week but as yet .they have been dis- appointed. We imagine come of them .will be 'glad when the agony ' is over. One would imagine. dSronl' the Way some of our politicians watWh -;-tho:rMv1y;.expected a. good fat of&ce by mail or express. :. Some one will be disappointed in this fight for the postoffioe and no doubt the disappoint AVINE AND LIQUOR -? PREE'DELIYIEY.. We laradfe, XI ST. 'S& In those who of Liquors J t ' ' -"'i ' M ui - iiquuxv t 1 .. - - . AAA.!a.AAAAAAAAA A. A A. A A a A m. A 1L A. A. A. A A. AAA A A. A A. A A. A A "a? A. A. AV A A.' WWWWW WVWVV WWW WW ??.f W ?f f Tf Tyf TTtTf f tf f? , Every thonght, word and action takes vitality J from the blood r everv nerve, mnscle: bone, organ and tissue depends on the-: Ll Jl i M 111' 'ttM .4 -J J!lf-- V Diooa ; ior s qaauiy . auu.-uiiuiiion. Therefore pure PPT1 r -blood is absolutely niAiiiAiMA necessary Cto right fttei eu I CI 11 .Uying and healthy bodies. Hood's Sareaparilla is the great blood : nnrifier - and .' the best" Snrino- Medicine. Therefore it is the reat cure for scrofula, salt rheum,- humors, ores, rheumatism, catarrh, etc. ; the preat nervine, strength builder, appe tizer, stomach tonic and regulator. filld Is sold by all druggists. SI six for 5. Prepared only by Of I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. America's Greatest Medicine. HOOCl'S Pills taken after dinner aid digestion. ed' 'man waH euss the lucky one for doing. Mm dirt. But thei world laughs and goes on 'Cne same as if ithere was no postoffice. Durham Herald'. 'A special from Wadesboro to the Char lotte Observer says: "Having failed to find a sufficient flow of water on the fac tory property, 'Mr. -Knox moved his drill and boring machinery to .a vacant lot up in town, and aJfter boring aJbout forty feet found a spot. that will furnish 6,000 gallons daily. This, with' ' the already available - supply, will be sufficient to run the factory mthout any loss of time m dry seasons. It is hoped that a stronger flow can be ob- 'tadned at 'this place, which will enable the company to abaradoni the idea of bringing water 'from Flat "Rook, where the welis have been bored for the town supplies." Th e whisky warehouse of C. I- S t eel - man at 'Nicholson's mills, Eagle Mills township, was burned Tuesday nigh't of last week. The origin .of the fire is un known, but is supposed .to be incendiary, as the warehouse was located some distance from the distill My. There were six barrels of whisky in the warehouse, . but "whether these were burned or Were removed an4 men tne nouse urea is a matter or conject ure. iDepuify .Collector jDanris went up last neon lu i j-i (raufiarc, u uit lwiu uusouvei nothing as 'to the origin of the fire. There room and the officer took charge of this and brought it to town. Statesville Landmark. . , ByCKLEIN'S iAlRNlOA SALVE. The best salve in the world, for Cuts, Burises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,! Corns, and ail Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25c. per box. For sale by T. C. Smith and Pelham's Pharmacy. tfT. John CaoTick Moore, -who was killed at 'Coruaia, " the "!Not -a drum washeard" (Moore,, died, recerfltly in London at "tpe age of ninety -rfive years. - IPrtnce IBisEnarcfc, who is .how eighty - two has abandoned' French wine, cigars and dogs. - ' i- THEY RIDICULE IT. QUAINT P1EOPO0 !RHiCULE THE IDEA OF AN 'ABSOLUTE CURE FOR DYS IPEIPlStA lAfND STOMACH TROUBLES. OF 1A1N 1AJBSOLUTE CURE FOR DYSPEPSIA AND STOMACH TROUBLES. Riidiiouile, However, is not Argument, Facts are Stubborn Things. and Stomach troubles are so common and in many castes so obstinate to cure that peo ple are apt to look with suspicion on .any remedy claiming . to be a radidal, perma nent cure lor dyspepsia and indigestion Tb Hl never oe- 1 Many such pride themselves on img huimlbugiged, especially on iruedrcines This f ear of being hiumbugged may be carriedtoo far; '.go far, 'in fact, ithiat many persons suffer ifior years with a weak di gestion, (rtalther thaau risk a little time and money in lfaithfully teslting the claims of a preparation so reli'ahfte and cuniiversally ustld eda Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets; v iNow Situart's SDyspepsia Tablets are vastly different $n one important respect from ordinary proprietary medicines for the reason) that Jthey are not a secret pat-. ent med'icdme, mo secret is mlade of itheir ingrediemts bult analysis shows .them 7 to contain the natural digestive ferments1, pure aseptic pepsin, the digestive acids, Gcflden Seal, biiamufch, hydrastis "and nux. They are not., icathiartic, neither do, they 'act powerfully 00 amy organ, but they oure indigestion on- the ommon, sense plan of digesting the -ftwdUekteiit promptly, . thor oughly, before it has ttime to ferment,; sour and cause the miscnaef. Tans is tnetoniy secret of their success. r; x tOathartic pills never have and never can cure indigestion amd-' stomach' troubles be camse they act entirely upon the bowels; wherelas -the whole trouMe is really in the stomach. buart's Dyspepsia Tablets takeni a'fter meals digest the food.7 That is all tfiere is to it'. Food not digested -or half- digestied is .poison, as it creates 0as, acidity, head aches, .palpditationi of the heart, loss of flesh: and appetite,; and man y other troubles -WiMian are orten1 oaiiecr H)y some otuer name. They are sold by druggists everywhere at 50 cents per packagerAdlaress6tuart Co., Marshall', Mich., for book on stomach diseases or ask your druggist for It. CO , -35 1 ySL barsapa P. ftv A1ARQUARDT, Mgr. : i A PHONE 72; -:i:-fc3 f have Wines and Liquors from many . . ZZm and. guarantee ;AM,- - ukITT. and STRE2NK3TH Sn all goods we selL " , - tottled Beer we recommend - . The"eer that'ffilade Milwaukeo Fazoous, l3 T - vrfTrT91.TT T Ct TMLiL.U ITTI . TV . ' .. V " jrjmMmx w ... iiVM-ivu ucw, m;- THE WHITE. AAN'S BAR, Where they make a specialty of first-class whiskey and ' wines, and defy competition in either qixality or price. And I still claim to have the largest stock of first-class goods of "any house zn the State. Beer bottled fresh every day and delivered tojany part of the city. Orders from a dis tance solicited. Boxinand packing free. 'Quality, Not Quantity" is My Motto. JAMES H. LOUGHKAN, PROPRIETOR. P 0 Box $ If you have coughed and coughed until the lining; mem- $ & brane of your throat and lungs is inflamed, 1 Scott's Emulsion 1 2 w $ oLCod-liver Oil will soothe, 8 2? , , strengthen and probably cure, w The cod-liver oil feeds and w strengthens the weakened tis- $ sues. The glycerine soothes $ and heals them. The hypo- & phosphites of lime and soda $ impart tone and vigor. Don't S neglect these coughs. One i bottle of the Emulsion may do more for you now than ten can do later on. Be sure you . g iK - $ get SCOTT'S Emulsion tAll druggists ; 50c. and $r.oo. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York, ijf TO THEIR LESS FORTUNATE SISTERS J A SURE ROAD TO BEAUTY The Misses Bell, of No. 78 Fifth Avenue, New York,- now offer the public generally tlie Complexion Tonic which they have so long usea successiuuy in personal treatment. TOE MSS has almost immediate effect in clearing and brightening the skin. 1 1 is not a cose letic. as it does not cover up the blemishes as twders I when applied to the skin, does not shov. f jt deanses the pores of the skin of all pcisc:i- ! s I s ous and foreign fillings and dissolves eiitiitly ' ' I 1 V. 1 ..1-1 1 i 1 . 1. excessive oiliness or redness in the skin. Its j use is so simple that a child can follow direc- i S tionri and get the best result. The Misses ! Bell have placed the price of their wonderful B J Complexion Tonic at $1.00 per bottle. w hich i OtE BOTTLE COSTS YGUMSTKIKG If the effect is not exactly as claimed, so that I yuu uurc no nsit in Benams ioric. 3 The price, $ 1 .00, places it within the reach I of all. It will absolutely clear a poor com- i plexion and beautify a good one. This geh- ; erous offer should be accepted by all. .... K" 1 - Ladies can address The Misses Bell on all matters of the complexion and hygiene In the. strictest confidence, and satisfactory advice will be given promptly without charge. An interesting pamphlet will be sent upon re ceipt of stamp, - j , . - :. Address all communications and send, all orders to The Misses Belli or ; ; THB BELt TQItETTCO. No. 78 fifth Avenue New York; Mil' 11 IM mi in urn mi IA sinlger died recently at Rhyde, Isle of Wight, -eSghity-six years of -age, -who- had sung. in -the Choir for sevens-nine years. Mrs. M. B. Ford, Ruddell's, 111., suffered for eight years from dyspepsia and chronic constipation, and was finally cured by us tag DeWitt's Little- Early Risers, the fa mous tittle pills for all stomach and liver troubles. C. A- Raysor. . iBaroelona; is jnow the most populous city of Spaisr, the reautlt of a census just-taken showing 520,000 - inhabitants to. - iMadrid's 507,000. , . J. A. Perkins of . Antiquity O., - wasMor thirty years needlessly .torture 7 phys icians for .the cure of eczema. J. He Was auicMy cubed "by -using''. DeWitt's v wtteh Haxel Salve, the famous healing ealve for piles and skin diseases. C. A. Raysor. - 'believe the warJa comirte ' now, sure enough, - "observed (Potts. , . c "Why so?" asked Botts. . t - ' "J see ithese fellews who has been brag - 1 gin' how they would fight ain't. ' havfim 1 nuUhiin. to say.V-HAtikuntfa JouimaL TO CURE A CO Lp IN ONE DAY C; Take Laxative Bromo JuInihe Tahlets.Aii druggists refund the money if Jit fails t to cure, f 25c.' Theenuine has" Ll B. Q. on each tablet. " - " Itaiyhas paid: $10,000 .for the large mo- iiitia.. iviiv lkhji. w ViesTivaus it contains seven jmale figlures,"with- an acrapolis like i that at tAthens In tthe 1 backgrounds -rand ! (prcbably represents 0?lato's ' academy lA splendiid border of "flowers" and'' fruitsrin closes-it; -Vl ' . oj. ; .sAniacephalalgliie, the great;!ieadache an neuTalgiat specifio cures -quickly and safely. At tthe founbala' 10c. 25" and 60c bottles.' Raysor 's Drug Store. - . - tf - fS PHnrift lao Weak I III III' III -llli lUiesBeaDllliiIlOMf i SELL S si Bulc coipi Lieuor - H - ... . , V72 50 CURED OP BLOOD POISON AFTER FIFTY-TWO DOCTdRS FAILEaD. Blood Balm Co.; Atlanta G&. Gentlemen: In 1872 a small pimple broke out on my leg. It began eating and in four months I was treated by a phys ician of Talladega county, Ala., where I lived eighteen, years. He relived it for a short while. In six weeks it broke out again in both legs, also on my shoulder. Two small bones were taken out. It con tinned until 1876. In this time I had twelve different physicians. They told me the on ly remedy was amputation: that it could never be cured. For six months I eould not walk a step. I went to Mineral Wells, Texas spent $300.00; came home; went to Hot Springs, Ark., stayed nine months all failed to cure me. In 1887 I came back to Birmingham, Ala. I was advised . to write you, which I did. You wrote me that B. B. B. would cure me, and I could eet the medicine from Nabors & Morrow. f88' V7 JTsMi S2" ties and before I had finished my fifth bot- tie my legs began to heal, and in less than :wo months I was sound and well. That tias'been nearly two years ago and no sign of its return yet. I have spent in cash over 5400.00, and B. B. B. done the work that all the rest failed to do. You have my permission to publish this. I have traveled so much trying to get well that my cure Is well known. Fifty-two doctors ' have treated me in the last seventeen years. All they did was to take what money I had, and done me no good. I am now a well man. PROF . C. H. RANGER. . For sale at Pelham's Pharmacy, Ashe ville, N. C. Price 75 cents per large bottle. ' Wilmington, :N. ., March 17. In view cf the possibility of war with Spain, the Wil mington Light Infantry will hereafter drill two nights every week. The Olydte steamsMp which arrived from New York yesterday broulghit two big cables for the electric .'battery to be u!s.ed at Fort Caswell in firing the mines in ithe ch'annel of the Cape IFear bar. They were sent down to .the fort on the steamer Wilming ton-to-day. A casus belli, little Dan, Since .you know you will insist, Is any thing which moves a man To double up his fist Chieago Record. tParis's famous horse chestnut tree of the Tuileries Carden., the regular blooming , of which on March 20 was the first recognized mark of spring in the Trench capital, is dead. $X$X$$X$ It costs hut a few cents to adver tise in the People's Column of the Gazette, and if you advertise any thing anybody The returns are sure to be large. If you have Rooms to Rent, a House to Let or to Sell, or if you desire a boarding, place, or rooms, or a house to suit your, fancy, try a "Want" in the Gazette. Situations wanted, Half Price. V - $ -$ "THE U6HT OF THE WORLD "-' '" : n . OR v. ' ; , . OUR SAVIOUR IN ART" Cost over $100,000 to publish. Contains nearly 200 full-pase engravings of our Saviour, by the great masters. Every pic ture is reproduced from some famous painting.; Agents are taking from three to twenty orders a day. The book is so beau tiful that when people see it they want it. The Hermitage, Prado, TJmzi, Pitti, Louvre, Vatican, National of London, National of Berlin, Bel videre and other celebrated Eu ropean galleries have placed their greatest and rarest treasures at our disposal that they might be engraved for this superb work. "FIRST GLANCE AT THE PIC TURES tBROIHGHT: TEAiRS TO MY EYES,7 ayo, one.;fi Cleared & $150flrst week's work with one book.", says another .Some high grade ' man or woman r should secure toe agency nere-at once, v saysevery editor, "as. $500 .can soon, he made taking orders for It." Nearly $10,000 expended now on new plates lor edition coming from PT6ss,f A3so a mail or ; woman of i good. church -standing can secure position of manager and "correspondent of this terri tory to jdevote all his time to employing and drilling, agents' and corresponding with: them Address for- full, particulars V -P.; T ELDER, Publisher, .278 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IlL ; , AMD I fO)) CURECOilSTIPATlOt. 1 I TJQnT TTTtT f!TTI Ul TTirfmn to on OUMUVXViUl MUAAlUAaifACiy tW'rri r rriWhnt mlml rmlt SOH tls sad tocliet fm. 13. ETZSUXa Ca.SSIYCX.a Chieaso. EontreU. Ct n.. er tew lark. - MT- Pop Sale by PelhamXFoy. oHse ana 50 outn jxiain street. HOUSEHOLD GODS. ' The ancient Greeks believed that the Penates were the gods who attended to the welfare and prosperity of the family. They were worshipped as household gods In every home. The household god of to-day is Dr. King's New Disoorvery. , For con sumption, coughs, colds and for all affec tions of Throat, Chest and Lungs it is In valuable. It has been tried for a Quarter tf a century and is guaranteed to cure, or money returned. No household should be trithout this good angel.' It is pleasant to &ke and a safe and sure remedy for old and young. Free trial bottles at T. C Gmith's Drug Store, and Pelham's Phar macy. Regular size, 60c and $1,001 Have 70a a horns that will accommo date boarders? A Gazette "Want" or "boarding house" advertisement at one cent a word will bring them. The Smith Premier Time enough to write with a pen. But what about "the other fellow?" Has he time to read it? Your pen-written letter is apt to be neglected, while your competi tor s story written Irf plain print on a MITH PREMIER'' gets attention he getj the business, too. X'B. ALEXANDER, Agt.50Pat. Av. VERY Good horses; good vehicles. Safe and an accommodating driver. Prices down. Bo- fore making other arrangements ask foe- Larkin Gwyn'a 'carriage om Court Square, r call Telephone 82. ASHEVILLE, N. C. - CATHABII ALL, onecsisrs BTrstoramsthutiomCaMCMnimmtXUal Ll i rn J-". "T .