J W- 'W' 4."tJJ.. .:"i,7 J - UnEQUflLED! r; o 0 1 j V.-:wAt;Allen-s,rOj3posite--P- 0. :- PHOITE 118. THE WEATHER. Woshhigfaro; March 26. -Generally fair -j -i ,v a The following teanperatures prevailed, at '. : -s Aahertlle ; ; . :', . V.:. 46 Fair - - Atiionuf ....;.;;-.. ..2?.;,'., 48 CtosAy . 'Boston : ..: . V. . . ; 40 cioudy . V"" Chicago V.,..,.......... ... 44 Cloudy t v " CiacJmaiatl .iiV...l.''.. 48 Cloudy - V- Ttaleigh- .-. . .' 42 Cloudy , 'Jacksonville ......V. 62 Cloudy - New York .,.'; . i . S8 Cloudy T (Washington;., i,."..' 40 'Pair Dr. H. J. Chapman, in charge of the gov ,if - v crimen t weather bureau at the - Winyah; Z-1 reported at - 9 - o'clock . last .night the fol Jowing weather condition- prevailing Cr in .Asnevaiie. , . , : - J ktmm teinper&ture' for hs tay..v.t60 . - iMln&mana temperature for the day. 41 -;- .jArerage temperature far tbe day. 48 Average, relative humidity 70 -: " "Barometer at 9 p. m.". ... .". -28.17.- Rising. CITf NETTS IN V BRIEF. C A: ..There were no sales at the tobacco 'ware- ihoniscs yesterday. " - , , - v : ' , - Mrs. Cob Long was reported as not ibe'Lng -'-BO well yesterday. v , s i- " T.- Jt. JHanison Alrew the picture at Tri : tleld'a diawlng Hast night. - - v , ' -. - ' ?i frweis with was oq the street yesterday ' after tseverai days' illness. s . . t - - - -- - ' ' 3enera was reported! "hy .J. N; T Vaiaoe yesterday as 'being improved. . -if - W. : G." McDowell annouinceB Jiimself an vT ndependenit' candiidate for, chlief of police, v Democrats 'are invited to , attend," the ' meeting of Zeb. Vance Chiib itomorrow even- tag- , , 7 " Central JDpworth, fLeague devotional- jrvftPltiWig . JJlft ivfigimg Will ID Heai OT dJT, ; Dan-'AtMtts. . i tEJ..M. Alston. Is again: on duty at Ray-fear's- drug. store after an indisposition of - several days. ' ; VTosepb. Mankiewlcz bas opened an up- - holstermg' estaibUsbment . at 'Nev .1 East - Oourt square. - t - , '-r ' Rev. Dr. C C.-Tiffany,. arcShndeacon; of ' v New York, wili preach , this morning at 11 ' -'o'clock at Trinity tdhurch. ' t v ;6t .The regular quarterly meeting service i: -"will be held at.C'tralcIhuircJIt this morn 4ng, Dr. Atkins presiding.. . , - '- - " I" - - ' " " j , . A"mad dog scare on North Man street ' iy. - yesterday resulted in much. exLitement and -'. ,the death of two dogs, - - Tbe jHuint Club .Is making arrangements ' for several live 'amins this week. They . "Will " probably put out' some live red foxes.' , - i ; Tb)a IBoard) of lAldermen met yesterdiay afternoon and approved' the name of a sub stituite for one of the democratic Judges. ' The -Rebalil Clerks' TJtnlon bave appointed Messrs.'' B. C. Featherston, A.; Nichols and T l Ofies Clyde1 Morris a committee on. ;initia-- tion- . ; - ' ' , The event of the' week ftn social circles N -(will be the benefit concert and ball given by . Cobb's , orchestra Wednesday evening , '"at tbe "Battery Park.' : - . . The reception! at itlhe.Y.'M. C. A. wbM ' was to 'have been given Friday night has beenr postponed. . The . date will be , an 4 -, Bouncefif later. ' 1 - i - i ' , ' ' - - - ' Sishop Tuncan 1 a. visitor in the city .' and, 'Will preach vtihts morning ' at 'North - . Asheville ebjureb, and this; evening at Ceu--. tralchuiroh. ? ., Mills .Evans was bound to "court yester-r-.day-'fopcarrySng.a'loaidedsl-ing shot. A i j 'naimber of cases were postponed' and sev-: r eral dismissed. - 3f t t Jt 'Persons who have' moved from; one pre- , inct to another are reminded that unless " transfers are obtained tbeywill not be en " titled to vote to the coming election, ; ' ; i -j DRov. C. S. Cashwell has accepted the po , i sitiont' of secretary of the Western North .;. Carolina Baptist convention and will, begin - y I rwork about May 1. He will probably .locate . j;-vjwiiubj his family ihere. - " ' Mr G. H. Snelsonv' of Jonetlhan's creek, r,S-,- (Haywood county, .is In the city and reports V ; : that during the past week 217 head of cat---, tie were sold -from, that 'township alt an - . average price of $16.00 per bead. '.'' . , 1 ' - The Asheville Library has decided to add -v'-to its list of magazines 'Harper's Weekly, ; Harper's Monthlyv The Century, Scrlbner's, - ,7Munseyjs ldfe, and a complete list of all -r other well known periodicals vwb!icb, will ' ' e ordered at once. ' -' . " - - v 1 ' r 7r ' -. -1 ' . " Confederate Veterans met yester- --tT'day.' Six new members were received. The . . . -tappointoent of a sponior to the Charlotte DR.DAYID EsiVdDFflte ; . idc one sure cure for :j ? TTje Sidneys, liver and Blood - rc pt4CE ro S4 ve money. , We, can save you mdney on bug gies, wagons.-, vsurnes, . harness, whips, etc. i at bur - new' stand -on 'Patton Ave, ."opposite P. O , , Remember we have the latest '(t: f-: H': TAX PAYERS TAKE NOTICE.' '' , oo : The btudebadker.or Owensboro wagons, are -the very best and the price the lowest. Call and .see us before buying elsewhere.5 Buggies . from ?33 up. ' Carolina Carriage, Vagon and Il2rnc:3 Co. T7riht Cs Lie Canlsss "Props. C3P.-.ttca Ave., Oppc-itaP. O FREE J ELIVEIIT. " f jre-xniiioni wa pert-poned . until the I (next meetxng. Various minor matters were us cussed. ' . " ' - Tlkere whs e naAlcuff " fig&t on--. Nortih Main stret last night, engaged to 4xr w E. Zjominack -and fRoberf Cocnee. Botb par ties -were assted by fPoliceman. J. A. iy erly amdlv J. Z , iNoiaaid!.' Ivomimabk gave toond and Oochee wa flocked up. - . ' Tlhe case of 4tevel vs. Campbell was yet to progress 'when oot&t: adjourned .yestfer- day and -will probably consume two more days. :Ttaie was -taken during tne day to try one or two divorce cases -and. tne near- ing of a motion in" regard Jta tihei Western Carolina (bank affairs, t - " i - ?- - " - - , " r c -The "issue of 1.450 copies of the Daftly Gazette was exhausted- before' 10'; oolock yesterday morning," and! after j, that ihour tJiere , were demands from t nearly every newsroom in towa that touid not be' sup plied'. The edition to-day and .Ihereafter will fbe equal to all requirements, ' , ' .Tomorrow, aif ternoon- .at 4 o'clock,. Dr. John- Hey Williams -will -lecture at itlhe , Y. M.-C. JAaiall on "Comimunicaible SfcinT'Dis- eases. ,? 'Dr. Wil'Tiame aectu're is tihe sec-, and la the series whlch' was so well begun by "Dr. Ambler's lecture on the eye and ear. Teachers - in the city - as well as any parents wlxa -may -wish to come are most cordially invited to 'be present. ud! QPayae was given a heairlng before Jfustioe Carter yesterday for keeping a dis orderly house, on; the street below Greasy corner, aie was sentencea' to a cnoace Be tween; .thjiirty days or , closing up, but juflg merit was retracted mintil She' tbree other negro restauramt keepers, - for ; whom war rants -were ' s worn 'out, can- be 'brought; to court ' , , j, " . - , . " Thte gospel meeting In the rooms of the Y. MXA. thSs aifiternoon' will be conducts ed by (Mr. Miller. The meeting will be a public one and all persons are cordlalily" in vited. The subject will be "The .Relation of the Holy Spirit to the Second Comling of Chir'ist.t' and, as the topic bears directly u-jfw juiuyTt tv uy uujuiai fvi, iiL 'iuwi ings- this- week It is' boped - those especially will be -presentr -who expect to attend tbe meetings during . -the week. ... . .. ...... . .... ...... , . ... . . . y. , : . . - V -' V - Quite a number of ' visitors' engaged rooms at the Rose Mont : the" past : week. Among tbose "wno are now there are: Sir. and' Mrs. James west and son1, of Dayton, O. f Mav Shenmon Huston-, of Boston; Miss Ballambe, Miss Julia Ballance, Peoria, HI. ; Mrs. . Prank H. Mandterville, . .Mrsl . J.v h. BraTniman ,.!New York ; Mrs. . Isabel O. Price, Miss Price, . Washington, C. ; Mrs.- Mc- Ouilumv Miss McCullum,' Cincinnati. The public 'heart .was gladdened' yester day by the' appearance of several loads of handsome iron fencing at the base of the Vance monument, ostensibly to replace the barricade of boards rthat bas been reared aibouit the pedestatl. to gusard it f rom the Sons of Rest.. : The glaidness ,bowever;-wias premature, as the fending -belongs to Mr. George 'W.-' Pack, and will' soon. , be placed on,tihc stone coptog in front of bis Merri cnon avenue property. . It was delivered at the monument by mistake. ! ' " , ! ' " Wang, April : UPHOLSTERING. I. Those wbo wan-t first-cl-as3 work in up hJodstering caax now secufre lit at reasonable prices. " ' Manufacturer of matitresses. ' Also bajrniesses from $10.00 to $400, and repairing. .Many years' experience in large cities. - " . . JOSEPH MANKH3WICZ, ; ' ' vl f 1 ;Eost Court ' Square , - ' UHHOLSTTEJRING. I ' Those wbo "want first-elates work ' in uo- holstering, can now secure It at reasonable prices and promptly. (Harness ananufaC" tuied and repaired. ' - - THE : GLAD HAND I ,-is, tne nana-:that t . ;.passes- out a goofl ! i t" Cigar. , V - - r 1 vviiatis a .uooa xgaxt STEPHEN G. CANDIT : makes the best cleaf ll i HaVana; Cigar in-ihe t; world. ;; : : i fine assortment of these cigars,-1 ' all sizes : and shapes ranging' T in price from 5 ,cts to2o cts.v'f , Give us a .trial,' and be con- "I vinced" that , this, lsf the best "t . cigar made. - i w : ' " I A. F. HAR6RAVE, , i m'r , successof to The White G. Smith Drug Company; ! The enld jof tne fiscal year isjapproacMog. Many personB have aflreaidy pfaid their tax. To these I express my obligations; f . To others X urge immediate iettlemenit.'.' Xet finis "notice be , sufficient; . and call ".eftner on me or one of my deputies and close tjp your Account - not la-fer tnaor April 15th, next. By doing this you -will save cost. U vou " nesleot '.this nonce do not TMaime Tne. for 'yourselves will !be-. solely? Teaponsible for any unpleasant results ura'r may 'fol low. T. J. TJnzzn, 'va-x uoaector. : 32-7 For Uuncomle County. O il zi. '-V) X W 1 T t .j41FT-T.1T m WW i (Jy O rjrTj viyi. JWe back c our $10 ancf $12 suits epreseuted.- - ? just as re 4 Alexander , ; Clothing, Shoes, Hats 50 Paiion Ave. Sgyggsgy. ySgB jgyfffnff!! The reason Rogers sells so much .stationery is that he Jij always sells' gooHT stationary cheap. 'Noiigh sijd. : S Time Tried ! .. -4 rf Time tells the' nferit everythinp-. It- is the -test which ' only : the honest' can stand: It tears on the mask and exposes the fraud beneath. The Eagle Bicycle has been time tried severely, and has passed muster. It has stood and been ridden when others have fallen. Its, price is as low as it is possible to make it It may bedepended upon absolutely. 2. We axe here at all times to make-good any deficiency. Eugene -C. Phone 228. - V Special Notice ! ' Received fresh lot of r (WIlf ;(Dliinlb : - .which I offer at $n.4:S IEaeDn Golf Clubs repaired on short notice?. 53 PATTON AVE. ; Advertisers will thef GazettbyAbririging in copy: for. changes early in the day, jas all displayed; ' be set before- night. 1 VJe Do lot Have lb Tell 3- Yea any. filry t&Ia about our coal that you may see tts superior iuaimea. Make your fire -aftd it will-' apeak' or itself. Burning, it stanfia out Kke a picture and heats like a volcaaa and it U ilean and it ia all there," i -iA - - . . v CO Palton. Avo. ; Phono ISO. unexelled in point; of . style W and - quality.: . -Our. 'stock pi v, . jSorine Suits and Overcoats is O ; is beyond doubt the besl everQ offered. ; . ' ' . ees, very latest styles, newest colt I ' ors, most j elegant pauerns; and the cut and nnish are, eaual, if ot . superior vtothat . ox tne nignest pncea laiiurs Our prices run fromiolbo1 1025.00. . with your mottey back if not v - .--;." - . - Cv & courtney, and Puinishiiigs; Drhumor Block, 'r of Sawyer, Mgr. rf 4T Patton Avenue 4 V Ticket No. 3773, won a box o;fine cigars, and, ticket No ;399i;won : a f handsome meerschaum vcigar holder. The holders of, the' above numbers are requested to present them at mystore by - - ' ... -Monday night jo p. nr. confer a V great favor 4 on Please don t forget this. GOD LIVER A Perfect ai:TaBtele8s Preparation of the. Extract of Cod Liver bii. x - - ; : ; .einitsh & Eeagan Druflaists, 'If , '.-The goods are alljwopl; inT fancy worsteds,; cheviots, ser- menons; etc. au oi iuc w ,f Nil wampole Chsrcb St and Patton Ave. THIS MAN te in a peck .of trouble. He did not send Ms laundry to the Asheville Steam Laundry, consequently the v? neck' hand of itlhe shirt (was torn and "he nad to exchanige for one of oar perfectly laun- kiered ones. 1 Asheville; Steam Laundry, ... j 1 1 Phone, 95. West College street. J AS. P. SAWYER, President. Capital stbclr Condensed 'Statement of The Blue Ridge National Ban! -:- at Close of Business March 15, 1898. SESOD!RiaE& J 1&ABBJTIE&.' Loans .: .....t 67,363 7S Oaxtal PaSa la....'. S 60.000 Overdrafto .... . . . i I . ...... ...... ... . None. -. ; Net Profits .. . . . . . . . 1.208 United States IBoa-ds (cost)...... 85,012 50 Circulation : . 22,500 Cash with U. S T5reasr: $1,125 00 Total DefpdsJts 133,018 Cash In tBariks.?'..., w. 19,848 61 Casibi on Band ............. 4377 04 64,350 65 . ' Total, $216,726 . - Tetftl, $216,726 93 The Remaining $40,000 of our Capital will.be paid in wit! in the next four months, asprovidedby the National Ban Act.' - ' : '"' I'y' ;r:;.v ERWIN SLUDER,' Teller. To Golf Players Have received another large assortment of . Golf Clubs and Balls, leather Golf'' Bags. .We rent clubs and bags at reasona ble prices by ihe day, or hour. Remember I am not a sub aent for any one, buying them direct Have secured ' the Vagency for Wright : & Ditson Base - ;Ball, Golf and Ten- " nis Goods, r Will have a shipment of these ecoods in by uext week. ' LBLOMBERG" : Leading Cigar .Store, 17. Pat. Ave , Established.i887 rl LEAD-OTHERS FOLLOW. I " Swapping Dollars." -1 . r. Being sot often accused 1 of : the above we are led to beliere that we are selling . goods daily' for less " money than others axe willing to take for them. v - . - 'Now we do not mind such crtti- d dsmsv Really ; they are .our ; beat Q advertisements. Three 1 cars Flour and Feed this week wtth another - arrival Monday. v" V -x Come ; right along for while the i dollar ; swapping goes on we save you money. - t j , f -' . L9 Jk 38 Korth MalnJ - . ,-t - - . . - v Oxfords. 8 "S" ' . - - :i , That's" the sort E: C Burt & Co. make-tlie'new goods are -in fine as silk. You'd wonder, how they wear. so long. .That's, a" strong feature, as well" as their beautv. 53.00 buys 'em A to EE.; J. Spkngenberg, 4 1J. Court Square. "7IIE WHOLE- system feels the U effect of Hood's SaxsaTjarillaetom- tch, liver, kidneys, heart, fcerves are Natty 0 FOOD FOR THOUGH1 'JWfo.y$om "tt coal shopped by ut j ways ibum clear and free, giv out mc heat, 4Mirn tonger and need replenishi lessf often thanraaiyotSier coal you can bu Wo'-won't charge jou - anytiing for telii you that it is because it carefully i leoted, Wg!h-r&de ad carefuaiy sreen and -we dent ask any more for lit than y tvUI pay for some inferior grades. AsheYille Ice and Coal Compan . v J 34 PATTON AVENTJB. J. E. RANKIN, Cashier. - - - - $ioo,ooc Superior Facilities iot Voipg General Banking Business. S. 'r, 'tis.- " ?- :: . ' r - .. -. .f . ,v;- .. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. - - " ' - . '' ... - ' SAFJB DEPOSIT BOXES. HOR RENT- . -.v.r-.i ' 't ' , - Wv J; SLAYDENv JAS. A. BURROUGHS,, U J. E. DAVID, E. R LUCAS, J. W. NORWOOD. S P. McDIVJTT. HOUSTON; MERRIMON, Book-Keep NORTH ASHSVTLLE Meat Market Groceries, Vegetables, Fis and; Oysters. i : PHOKE 209. Onf Ileisitllarket in Doubleda; V v ' - - .Zimmermann, ' Butcher and . :. -Steam Sausage Manufacturer. Fresh JBeef, Mutton, Veal, Sat sae andrDreflsed Chickens d wavs on hand, t x Pofrk . Sausage ? a Specialty. California Hams, 8c per poun( Su9;ar Cured ;10c " Pure Home-made - Leal Lard, l cV SMOKED MEATS .6jmy own manufacture. Phoned : VStaUs City Marke Ball & Sheppard 6 Patton Aye. Prdctical Plumbers, 6ai and Steam Fitters. .- ":lD6ne on Short Notice: 9 t Eirengtnenea and C U OTA 1 1 1 E D. fVf