THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE. APRIL 8, 1898. , - . ... . ' -. ..1 1,000 has, established of (Northr CaroUapK la of the secured dhe services th-is place, as state e0 0 a'eaJHbal stock or 5.00C Hand v a t i oraiwai apr we state VlfB tbiseity. Tfcey have Rr . a of Mr. . C. Roacbof MHMMM m .- m I, and Surroundings uM CLAIM DENIED. Morganton, t.-TJh euiperior court handed down a decree in the case of orcdttore' Mat of the Morganton Electric Ligbt and 'oww Compauv dcyrtngv : the claim of the General 'Electric Company, of New York, to a Idea on Che plant superior to 4fee mortgage 'bonds for dynamos sold the company, declaring a namfber of small, claims aggregating about jtfWO,. , superior Kens to the bonds and appointing Messrs. F. H. Burtee,' of 'Raleigh, and W. C. Et vta, of iMorganton, eomuuissioners -to sell the plant and pay off tbese lienta, tihe mort gage bond and itihe costs. The General OWtric Oomipamy appealed 'to 'the supreme count from that point of the judgment de claring that its clai-m lor dynamos sold the company was inlferior to (the Mem of the ipoUtgage bonds. This, however, wili not Snieet the ale of the plant, whUeb will be made isokne tiime after May 15, unless the indebtedness' of the company de sooner arranged. ' PI - 1 ! CATAWBA PRESBYTERY. Gastonia, April 7. The Catawba Preaby tery is now in sccsSon there. .The opening sermon was delivered by tihe retiring mod erator, Ret. Judte Knox. "Rev. O. J. San ders, D.D., has 'been elected moderator, El der S. a. Pride, temporary clerk, and D. B. Young assistant. f DS0N COUNTY PRIMARIES. A 'Lexington, April 7. The democratic ex ecutive coromitue cf Davidson county have ordered that the township primaries foe held on Saturday, May 14, to elect delegates to tihe county convention, which is called to meet here on Saturday, (May 21, to elect delegates to the state, congressional, ju dicial and senatorial conventions. CHARLOTTE RE-UNION. li HOWARD DECISION AFFIRMED. Raleigh, Aiprfil 7. The supreme court has affirmed thief kleoision of Judge Molver in the case of Howard -vs. Bad Iroad, from Ro wan county, where it was held that the railroad could not carry a damage suit to fhe United States Supreme court. Thie ad tniirJlulbrator of 'Howard, who was tail led in a railroad wreck near Old Fort, got a verdict for $5,000 damages against the Western North Carolina road. 'Afterwards the plaintiff decided to bring suit against the Southern . (An effort .was then1 made to car ry the ease to the 'Untfted States court, Th-is de denied. The decision in the Howard case applies likewise to tihe James case, James was killed at the same time, and his administrator got a vertiict for $15,000. Judge Avery, who represents the', plain tiffs, says bOtb damage suits will now be entered against the Southern. VOLUNTEER COMPANIES, -j KnoxvfMe, April 7. 'Upper 'East Tennes- is rapidly coming' to the front in volun teer companies. During the past ten days 140 men have signed volunteer enlistment blanks and others will follow. IRogers viile, Rui-seiiville, 'Mcssey Creek and Wbtte Pine have mads the. greatest progress since this plan of enlistment was inaugurated. In trwenlty -four hours' notice all available vol unteers could he at tihe railway stations ready for business. ' CHICKAMAUGA CAMP. - .r T' ....... Chattanooga, Tenn,, April 7. Prepara tions are rapidly going on here for the re ception' of the government troops at Chick -aarauga Park. The statement sent out from Atlanta that -there is not an adequate supply of waiter is .wi'thout foundation and ridiculous in view of the fact that Cfo'icka nuauga river runs through .the reservation.. AIL. the available regiments of intfantry in the army are expected fbo he in camp here by the early part of 'the week. PROTECTION OF BEAUFORT HARBOR. -IBeaufbrt, N. c., April 7. Col. Craigbili, TJuted States engineer, Wiilmingiion dis tract, anm seostant w. :u. retry, are nere l fonmn.Iate some plan for -protection of Beavifort herbor, and tbe probaible naoyiing Of Fort Macon. 'All indications point to a mosquito fleet for the port in case of hos- ciJretea. Hatteras anu Wiltmington mU be eonnected foy rebulMing oast telegraph line. CtOLOGICAL REPORT. iRaleuign, April 7. The geological report on the tfcniber and forests will be ready for distribution in a few days; a repotr t on the aay depicsifts and clay 'industry, and an other on gold mdniing, will 'be ready in a couple of weeks; and the report on water powers, ,and another On road building will soon' foe in the hands of the pxtiniters. The bulletin on m ineral waters will foe ready by earSy summer. 1 ' iOlevelBind, T. C, lApril 7. The Veterans of Clamp Xeveland met here 'Monoay in special session to make arrangements t the camp to afctsend1 the oeleforiaition of 'the 20th of IMay ait Gharlofcte. Tihe t amp unan Imously eteoted iMtss Fearl Blxon sponsor and M'iss May Weils maid of honor. Every thoa, word and takes vitality jbeiil the blood; evfery Done, organ and tissue Quality Therefqr 8princ j&lV bedfe Mtolajliireaiwuaa is the great blood purifier and the best Spring Medicine. TheretoreUaia the great cure for scrofula, salt rheum, humors, tores, rheumatism, catarrh, etc.; the frreat nervine, strength builder, appe tizer, stomach tonic ana regulator. barsaparill EPISCOPAL CONVENTION. Hen'dterson, April 7.-The piscopal con vention of the diocase of North, 'Oarollna meets in Henderson 'May 10. The ci'tizens here are making preparation -to enter tain 'be delegates and visitors in a 'liberal man ner. . W0FF0RD VS. WAKE FOREST. Sparltaniburg, April 7. The biseball sea son will 'be opened Tuesday afternoon, April 12, with a game (between Wofford Col lege And Wake Forest. Tne Wake lowest team is well 'known here. The, Wofford nine will foe much stronger than, last year. CHAPEL HILL WON. TihMirtrfli Will. Aaxril 7.-The -University of North- Carolina won-'theljecond game with Lehigh Cotlletge foy a score of 9 to 7. The batteries were: - OaroMna-MLaweon' and Gwaltmey; C.afyette, CNevins sod Kelchner. ASHEBORO'S CAMPAIGN. Asheboro, April 7. The city campaign htaisi opened and promises to foe exciting throughout. The issue will foe scnooi ana anti-school rather than political. BUCKLEfN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve in the world, for Cuts. Burises, Sores. tScem, Salt Rheum, Pevei Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Come, and all Skin Eruptions, sad posi tively cures' Piles or no pay required. If is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 26c. per . box For sale by T. C Smith and Pelham' PfoarmacVj. v The preachers are talking about war 5al their sermons. In his sermon at Wilson last "Sunday, Rev. B. R. Hall, presiding el der, vigorously comfoafcted -the idea of war and declared that thiis country ought not to go i nto the business of 'billing men . Everybody Says Sc. Cascarets Cand v Cattwutic, ttie most won lerful medical dist'ox ery of the age, pleas it aud refreshing to the tasve, act gently ;mt positively on kidueys. livet aud bowels itanstng the entire systm, dispel coins ure headache, fen r, baVflual rOnftipauoi ul hi ionpns. Pirase bujr amf try a h. Greensboro Female CoiHege has 3,000 vol- umeis in its library. BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. KHaoord. April 7. The secretary of state has incorporated the Cabanus County Building and Loan Association; with Jehu C. Wadsworth, . B. Co"e:rane, J. M. Odell, W. R. Odell, F. L. Robbins, . P. Dayrault, W. H. 'Lilly, D. JJ. Johnson as incorpora-, tors. The capital stock is -to be not more man $25,000 and the principa(l place of fous- m thas city. Children like it. it saves their lives. We mean One Minute Cough Cure, the infalll ble remedy for coughs, colds, croup, foron :bi'tis. grippe and all throat and lung troubles, C. A. Raysor. LAiND SALE. six for 85. Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. America's Greatest Medicine. flood's PillS taken after dinner aid digestion. 1 i nan bbb WORK ON WARSHIPS. iNortfoHk, Va., April 7. The repairs to the cruiser Montgomery, which it was thought would require but a few days, will require about 'tharee week to complete. After docking her, it appeared on examination that her furnaces and flues are badly in need of repairs. Nearly 1,100 men are at work on- the Newark, tout 'instead of .being completed toy April jo, it is now believed tnat tne work wiM not be flnlishied .before about 'May 1: ' The work of erecting a torpedo plant has begun at 'the Norfolk navy yard, and will be rushed. Here torpedoes will foe made tor use in barber defence. Tbe pump house in the dry dock has been utilized and the great dock pump will supply the com pressed air for packing the tubes. puni i nc umn MuinHjaanii t hiiiim iuiiivu fkE WRITE flV A H9& BARs 5 beolotely I3C WllieS. 4UW mWmmmammmM wwia WfWiMi:!; V m O And I still claim tmo: lrest stock pi nrsi-ciass gooq? 01 vy doubu in rne state. J O Beer bottled fresh every day and delivered tjSart f ders frorn a dig- Q X tanoe solicited. Boxing and packing fr. e. Mr QuaUty, Hot Quantitr is My Motto. X Phone . 56 and 58 South Main Street. X Will X ails sold by all dnunrista. si - W A STARTLING INCIDENT. A startling incident, of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject, is narrated by mm as follows: "i was in a most dreadful condition. .My skin was al most yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain con tinually in back: and sides, no ap petite gradually growing weaker day by day. TShree physicians had given me up Fortunately a friend advised trying Ease trie Bitters, and to my great Joy and sur prise, the first bottle made a decided im provement. I continued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they saved my life, and robbed the grave of another victim." No one should fail to try them. Only 50 cts per bottle at T. C Smith's Drug Store and Pel ham's Phar macy. The first shipment of strawberries from Wilmington was made Monday night Buy your Easter or Spring Suit where all -wise buyers buy ? Of course you must have a suit. A pair of odd pants, also, won't be amiss. Our $10 suits you buy. axe equal, to many $15 suits fi you want something fine, we have it. Our $15, $20 at d $25 suits are ahead of anything of the kind ever shown in Asheville. Bare-footed Men thin Blood r Are not expected to attend . church Easter Sunda and if your corns hurt you, you had Abetter stay at home for all the good you'll get from the service.. OUR SHOES DON'T HURT. Try a pair of our Vici Kids, or Cloth Tops. "Where the blood loses Its Intense red grows thin and water as. in anemia, there is a constant feeling of exhaus j tkn,alackof energy vitality ft and the spirits depressed. to I Scott's Emulsion tDRHimoR block. SHOOTING AT DURHAM. iDarhamv f Ab 7. At the factory of W Dta'ke, Sons & Go. yesterday a negro named George 'Green shot Mr. IBud Ahdrews, one of the foremen'. "Mr. Andrews was paying off when a dispute arose between 'him and the colored' -mani The baffl entered iAn fiirews' rigbt shoulder and lodged there. Green made his escape NEWBERRY COLLEGE WAR CLAIMS. Oolmmbia, April 7.Hepresen!taive Lati mer has received notice from the comptrol ler of the treasury 'that the treasury de partment wets ready to pay the $15,000 voted to 'Newberry College as a war claim. The Claim will be paid as soon as a rep resentative of the college presents himself at the college. ' . BRANCH OFFICE AT NEWBERN. New erne, 'April 7. The Model BuiUd Jng and 'Loan bank of Syracuse, N.. Y., with Bl Mttle boy asked for a bottle of "get up in tihe morning as fast as you can," the druggist recognized a household name for "DeWitt's Little Early Risers," and gave Mm a bottle of those famous little pills loir constipation, sick headache, liver and stomach troubles. A. Bayson. . INorice is hereby given that, by virtue of authority vested- 14m by a certain deed in trust executed toy J. B. Parham and wife P. A. Parham, dated' the 17th day of Janu ary, 1896, and regisibered: in the register's office of 'Buncombe 'County, in Book of mortgages and) deeds in' trust No. 40 on page , 107 and tsfcquei, default haying been made in navment of the interest on the debt in satid deed in trust secured, and J A. Burroughs, after giving five days' notice to said J. IB. Parham and his said wife, of bis liirutenftion so to do, the said intercut till remaining unpaid, 'having -declared 'the whole of the debt secured by said deed in 1 trust instantly diu'e and payable accord in ; I to the provisions of said deed in trust, 'the ' undersigned' trustee will' sell at public auc- ' Li tion for icash at the court house door in the oitty of Ashevi'ir.e on the &th day of May, v 1898, between the hours of 12 m. and 2 p. m.. , a certain piece or parcel of land, sit uate, lying and being in the County of Buncombe, State of North. 'Caro'ina, adjoin ing the lands Mar-ous Smith, James Lcm inae abd others, and bounded as follows: ' Beginning at a slake near Lpminac's bars, the noraheast corner of J. B. Parham's tract deeded to Mm by B. M. Bedtoon and wife LovimJia, and runs north 54 degrees west 111 poles' to a stake; thence south 62 degrees west 60 poles to a iiiiftke on the bank of Newfound road; thence a southeaat course witb' the meanders of the road 82 poles, to J. B. 'PaTtoam's corner ; thence wifth. , bis 4toe . north' 47 degrees": east. 49 poles to a pine; thence wtiith said line south 72 degrees east 32 poUes to the beginning, being" the tract of land" conveyed by D. M. Redimon and 1 ovinia Bedhion, his wife, to ! rr,iisuvma la., far nam. on me Z4tn cay 01 August, 1883, and registered in page 540 in the office of the register of Cod-fiver Oil with Htoh phosphites of Lime and Soda is oeculiarlv adaoted to correct this condition. The cod-liver 1? oil, emulsified to an exquisite fineness, enters the blood direct and feeds its every corpuscle, restoring the natural color and (ft giving vitality to the whole $ system The hypophosphites J reach the brain and nerve centres and add their strength- i ening and beneficial effect If the roses, have left your cheeks, if you are growing thin and exhausted irom ovc worn, or li age is oegmning to telL use SCOTT'S Emul sion Be sure you get SCOTT'S Emulsion. All druggists; 50c and $1.00. SCOTT & BOWWE Chemists, New York. TOP OFF RIGHT with Spring Hats. one of our new Alexander & Courtney, SO PATTON AVENUE. The 'MooresviUe ''Record learns that the Mormons are preparing to build a church near Mayhew poaftoffice, in Davidson town ship, this county. They hetd services there recently and a land owner has donated enough ground for a church. "Slapping Dollars." Being so often . accused of the above we are led to believe that we are selling goods dally for less money, than: others are willing to take for them. Now we do not mind such criti- dams. Really they are our best advertisements. Three ears Flour and Feed this week with another arrival Moaday. .... , Come right along for while the dollar' swapping goes on we save vou money. 9 1 : H. 0. JOHNSON CO. g 36 A 88 North Main. - Our responsibility has been established by 21 years of fair dealing. In buying a Hartford nr Vedette si For Sale 11 c The stock, fixtures and good will of an established grocery business for sale in good location. Building f 01 rent at reasonable price. From five to six hundred dol- Book i9- lars cash required; or stock can be reduced in short time lister of i . ' . . jl . ' you know your bicycle is all that is claimed for it. MPE1IP&C0., Hartford, Conn. deeds of Bimeoimhe County, State of Norlb . that half amOUnt mentioned Will DUy Xue DUSlueSS. CaroBinia. I . - . :" . V-c ! lAqprll 7th, 1898. 5i-ev-(Pri. . OGtBTJRN, Truetee. . Address ASHEVIE GAZETTE. t. mmmtmntmnrnmmmmmronimmtmnmmmmmm 1 Mnj'. Kl ,irl A TV m Supplies Finishing RAY9 "on the Square" Kodak 43 South Main St. P.O. BOX, 146. m v mm LIQUOR C0.I P. ft. Mat PHONE 72. 1 TALK IS CHEAP, wfj- but visit to ear - Mats convince you that we have the finest gest stock of Pure old Wines and Liquors of any house in the south. We aMresneckLl attention of those who waart only the heat and purest of Liquors for Medicinal or family use. We have Wines and Liquors from many and guarantee AOS, PURVY ta battled Beer we rsasmmoniT "SCHUTZ'T The (Beer, that Made Milwaukee and POSTNBR'S "HOTBRAU" SRiehard ''Henderson-, of Salisbury, wbo Is first lieuitenant on board the 'batCleshnp In diana, is now in command of the great warship's magazine, having succeeded T ;ieutenant Hoisey , who retired on account of bad healtn. XJeuitenant Henuerson for meriv fired one of the big guns. .Site 'tak ing lieutenant Hoisey 's place is in line of mwrnotlon. eis present duty 3s to super intend the amount of powder supplied to the gunner on' deck SaQisbury Sun. Anticephalalgins cures quickly and safely an forme of headache and neuralgia, from whatever cause, kind or degree. Fountain, i0e. 26 and 50c bottles. Raysor's Drug Store. tf I If Columbia are not properly represented in your vicinity, let us know. . j MBMBS Time enough to write with a pen. Bat what about "the other fellow?" Has he time to read it? Your pen-written letter k apt to be neglected, while your competi tor's story written in plain print on a "SMITH PREMIER" gets attention-he gets the business , too. L.B ALEXANDER, Agt.50Pat. Av. FIVE CENT Advertising o.'s PREMIUM COUPONS. Will be received by the foUowing 1 business nrms in the city. Trade them and avail yourself of our with S "4 mi urns. Ray. UPHOLSTERING. inose wno want nrst-dass work an up holstering can now secure it at reasonable prices. . . Manufacturer of mattresses. (Also he lean make hand-made from $10.00 to $400, and repairing. Many years' experience jn large cities. JOSEPH MAOSnCIEJWICZ, 1 East Court Square. Amateur Photo Supplies. F Bakery J. M. Heston & Sona Books aad Stationery Raj's Cut-Rats Bicycles and Bicycle Renting Hough A Dunham. .- ; .... ..... . . Clothing and j Gen ts Furnlahlnge- Alex ander & Courtney ..-. , Candy Kitchen L. M. Theoboid, Dentist Dr. J. E. Hawthorne. Drugs White Q. Smith. Dry Goods Bon March. Fine Fruits W. E. Allen! Fish and Oysters Asheville Fiah On. Green Groceriea-r-R. L. Ownbey ft Co. Groceries H. C. Johnson, Groceries Jenkins BrosTN General Merchandise-- W. J. Sudderth. Jewehy-B. H. Cosby. Meat Market McFee & Jones. Musical Merchandise Hough & Dunham, Optician J. O. Houser. Laundry Model Steam. Photographer T. H. Lindaey. Shoes J. Spangen burg. Publishers Gasette Publishing Co. Mattress Renovator E. S. Hall. Books free. Premiums liberal. Office in W. A. Blair's Furniture Stars. H. B. PUTERBAUGH. Manager . Pictures of People We make photographs of people also. Our new gallery over the store is fitted up with the Latest improved apparatus and we win deliver only first-class work. Call at Ray's Book Store and examine some of our work. We photograph everything indoors or outside, make a specialty of Flashlight work. ' " . Developing and printing for amateurs. Also copying and enlarging. Ray's Book Store K0UMYSS Thousands of people hustle for money to the injury of their health. We advise you to take care of your-health first, and you can do this by using KQUMYSS It is recommended by all physicians. It cures nervousness, dyspepsia, lung trou bles, heart disease, headache, and weak constitution. "Koumys" is sold by sM druggists. Manufactured ty J. C. Schmidt, Weoteey, N. C telephone No. 10L X - It DR. GEO. THRASH, SUMEEf AND MEDICINE. Office am Phone Ml. 24 8outb Main St. but a tew cents to edver- in the People's Column of the and if you advertise any- anybody WANTS returns are sure to be large. If yea have Rooms to Rent, a House to Let or to Sell, or if you desire a boarding place, or rooms, or a house to suit your fancy, try a "Want" in the Gasette. wanted, Half Price. The Sun 'wants Durham viapture an army post- to sai l in and BEATS THE KIONTttKE. e people as well a Vwne should try tbe Juicy bad ait A. M. Goodiake'e, Phone Mf. those who -to t s be SS m m W Bm CURtCOItSTIPATIOH PjoJ bU fret li. STEBUS8 BKIEDT CO." CUeJTBo.aW. C. . or Nt. lork. tni