Oflly Asheville paper sold Oo R. R. trains And circulated In-all Mountain towns. M i , 9 VoIHI: No 66, OESTREICHER&CO 28 SOOTH MAIN ST. Special Bargains. Trunks have not r chived the pro per space in anr advertising too many othfcr things were pres sing, but We have the trunks all right, in all sizes and qualities from the lower grades to the finest in vestiation will develop the fact, but we sell them for less than what is usually considered cheap. Dress Suit cases solid sole leather with brass lock and trimmings at $o .and $8 wirth $7,50 and $ 10. ' Umberellas Re-covered While you Wait. and not wait but a "?ery short time either; the best and neatest method ever patented. Covers from 75c to $2.50 put on free f charge. ( Underskirts. Black Sateens from $L to $1.75. " Italian Cloth from $2 to Fancy Silkatines from $1.25 to $2.25. Workmanship and goods the best. K Style ot Knffles the Latejfe M Special. 1-3 White India Linon 5 c. Or piece of 25 yds, for $1. FT ?f TTTTt' V ! We are the only i i house in t Asheville T Handling the famous Red- T T land's "Golden Poppy Navel x Oranges." 1 The finest, handsdraest, i heaviest juciest and most de- 1 T licious oranges shipped this year. I Don't make the mistake of X comparing these with "fancy" 1 Navels. There is only One T Golden Poppy brand, and T we have it. X 6. A. 6REER. rrrT ' Mens 28-Inch Self Gtosing Umbrellas at $1.50. We carry a large stock of UMBRELLAS Ladies1 and Gent's Umbrel las at . popular prices. Um brellas recovered while you wait. J. D. BLANTON & GO. 39 Patton Ave. VOLU Quick Respo Hurry and Bustle in the Armories Th: oighout the Country. WhoIeRegiments Under Arms Waiting for a Chance to Volunteer. Maryland the First State to Mobilize Her Fighting Men New York, April 26. The president's call for troops, according to dispatches received tonight, has met a hearty re sponse throughout the country, and in many states whole regiments are under J arms waiting for a chance to volunteer. I The governors had everything;' ready for action, the only thing needed be- ing the official call. Maryland claims the honor of being; the first state to send volunteers into camp, her soldiers being" in camp be fore sunset this evening and can be ready to start for the battlefield to morrow. The entire national guard of Ohio are under arms tonight in accordance with orders issued this afternoon. The Illinois governor was prompt In issuing orders for mobilization, and the Pennsylvania militia will all be in state camp before Thursday. Preparations are making at Sea Girt, N. J., for an influx of volunteers. CONGRESS DECLARES THAT President Signed the ning The War Began on April 21 . Washington, April 25. Prompt response was made by the house to the recommendation that congress declare a state of war between the United States and Spain, by unanimously passing a resolution declaring that wa exists between the said countries, andhas existed since and including April 21, and directing the president to use all his powers to carry the act intoef- feet. The senate in executive session passed the resolution without amend ment, and, at 6:18 o'clock, the president signed it. The house pent the rest of the day in discussion of the Young-Wise. con tested election case from, the second Virginia district, a vote oti which will be taken at 4 o'clock tomorrow. The army reorganization bill was passed by the senate with some amend ments, necessitating conference. Conferees were named by both houses. The senate also passed the naval appropriation bin, after some debate on the amendment for the government armor plate plant, which was voted down. fQim&m$0i ESTABLISHED the mmm A SpedsJ Prfrate Treatment of Lung KABL von RUCK, M. D., Medical Director. ; BATES, 2 50 PBR DHCKK and upward, according to Che room selected, in cludes everything excepting medicines, which are supplied at soft. Acer tain number of rooms are reserve at a lower rt for patients whose llMfl cteil cirouimstances require it, and to such the medicines are also toclnded. Pataenite can enter and leave alt any time. Advanced oases net admitted. Winy ah Hotel and Sanitarium Go. ASHEVILLE, N. 1, TUESDAY NTEER Connecticut is ready as are a bast of others. In but few states- has the apparent slighting of the guardsmen by the fed eral government's ignoring' their pres ent formations and officers been any chectt$b the outburst of loyalty. In Georgia Governor Atkinson wishes lit keep half of each regiment at home and recruit the other half with volun teers, but the soldiers object. The Banpire state will respond nobly, not only with military but volunteers of untrained men. All over this city recruiting stations have been estab lished 'Where "provisional companies are forming. People Injured in a Mad Rush to Escape From the City-Food Pri ces Advancing. Key West, April 25. Members of the family of British Vice Consul Arturo Rostugui of Havana, who are leaving Cuba on a British stemship, report thai the appearance of the United States blockading fleet threw the city into a panic. - rush ,of men women and families to the interior resulted in a scramble for the Mariana train In which several were injured. Outgoing trains from Havana are crowded. Extra trains were run out. Transportation is insufficient. Food prices are going up: The city is full of soldiers and volunteers. SHERMAN RESIGNS. Washington, April 25. Secretary Sherman's resignatitn was tendered at a special cabinet meeting today to take effect at the close of business thisraf -ternoon. The reason of his retirement is impaired health. His resignation is in the form of a simple note. v It was reported that Secretary of War Alger and Secretary of Navy Long would tender their resignations today, but the rumor did not materalize. PANIC IN HAVANA WAR EXISTS Declaration Last Eve miimm tastiWOw for the and Throat MORNING, APRIL 26, 1898. vervw ter Cuba. Four Thousand infantry and One Thousand Cavalry. First Call Sent to the Gover nors lor lolanteers. North Carolina Will Cohtrib ute Two fiegiments of t Infantry and a Heavy 1 'J. Sampson Will Secure a Landing Place for the Troops Then the Txas Will Deliver Her Supplies to the Star ving Cubans. Washington. April 25. Orders have been issued by the war department for the organization of the first mill' tary expedition to Cuba. It will be a comparatively small af fair for the purpose of protecting the landing place and base of supplies on the Cuban coast. Under the orders sent out the division win be composed of four thousand infantry from Tampa and a thousand cavalry and light artil lery from Chickamauga park. The Red Cross steamship Texas, on her way o Key West, will be the first vessel to land- at the protected base. A point on the north coast of Cuba has been selected and Sampson has been ordered to secure a landing. The eall on the governors of the states for the required number of vol unteers was sent this afternoon from the war department. Georgia is asked to furnish two regiments of infantry and two light batteries; North Caro lina two of infantry and one of heavy artillery; Virginia three regiments of infantry; Tennessee three of infantry. The militia regiments are not ordered TOOTH BRUSHES 1 Tib- a T7Atrrf Tiino ftlftft. 4 there are all khms. We keep only the good kind. Your choice from an excellent assortment for i and your money back if i not satisfactory. WAY'S I PHARMACY, East Court Square and College Street. PHONF 88. mm t . . E -v O - i . nnoT rind I B B mm mm m B I r that Will Eq- 25 c (5 azttte MY FORMING - : it -3 5 GIT 9 I out as organizations at all even for re cruiting as volunteers. rne recruiting officers will be sent to receive enlistments as individuals, members of the national guard being first considered, and after the troops are recruited they will be ordered to the state rendezvous and formed into' regiments, the governors naming the regiments, the governors naming the regimental officers. NORTH CAROLINA'S QUOTA V 1 11 Governor Russell to Issue the Call for Volunteers Today. Special to the Gazette. Raleigh, April 25. Officers at head quarters say tonight that they now be lieve tbe North Carolina troops will be mobilized at Wilmington, as it is the governor's view that while being in structed they can aid in repelling an attack on the coast. Governor Russell is tonight prepar ing the call for volunteers. It will be issued tomorrow. s At 6 o'clock this evening the govern or received the presidents call for North Carolina's quota. Later Governor Russell's order to be issued tomorrow will designate Wrightsville, near Wilmington, as the point of mobilization for volunteer 3. bMajjor:. M.. Hayes, United States! arny is designated as the regimental recruiting officer, and when the regi ments are complete he will muster them into the United States service. TENNESSEEANS PROMPT. Chattanooga, April 28. Tennessee promptly responded to the call for vol unteers. All over the state there was hurry and bustle in the armories anc this afternoon the streets of Chatta nooga were filled with guardsmen. The troops will be mobilized at Nash ville, Memphis and Chattanooga, and all will then be sent to Chickamauga park to be turned over to the govern ment. totne r OST TERRIBLE OF ALL WARSHIPS The Dynamite Throwing Vesuvius Sails to Take Part in the War Wha:t She Will Do. Newport, R. L, April 25. The pneumatic gunboat Vesuvius sailed this af ternoon, presumably for Key West, under imperative orders. While here the Vesuvius was supplied with one hundred shells, loaded with dynamite, and her tests have demonstrated she is a terrible engine of destruction. A single shell dropped on a battleship means the total an nihilation of the vessel. One of the gunboat's chief duties will be to open a way for the passage of our warships into a harbor mined with torpedoes, wh ich her shells thrown from a safe distance will cause to explode. A FACT ! 4. . t t Teas sre steadly advancing t We have a large and fine I i 1 V 4 ml T nl mA TXT, 1 1 not advance for some time. 1 Our importer says we handle as fine grade of TEAS as is brought to this country. I SNIDER 'S : f 6 Court Sq. ii Advertiser Know the Value of The Gazette' Circulation In Asheville. Price 5 Cents. 1 s t - resi- ChaDge in Strategic Plan Arranged for Sampson's Squadron. Some of His Strongest Ves sels to Come North to Guard Atlantic Cities From Spanish At tacks. Auxiliary Warships to Take Their Place in the Blockading Fleet at Cuba. i Washington, April- . "gfe the strategical ian arranged for Sampson's squadron, now blockading Cuban ports, has been decided upon. Its execution is to depend upon the movement of the Spanish squadron now concentrated at Cape Verde isl- The new arrangement, which wiUl go into effect as soon as the Spanish fleet leaves a reasonable period, provides within a reasonable pjeriod, provides for the withdrawal from the blockad ing squadron of six armor clads 'under (Continued on Fifth Page.) ! NORTH CAROLINA OEMS. The rare beauties of nature, so well rep resented in Western North Carolina, art becoming better known every day as peo ple who are better educated in the forma tion and utility of minerals have from time to time Shown their appreciation of these gems by using them in all kinds of adornment. We have decided to doss out some of these gems and offer them at prices that should make them ail sell to a very few days. ' - ' i WE OFFER: t one lot of 41 gems at SO cents each. f One lot of 40 gems at 00 cents One lot of 100 gems at 75 teemU One lot of 40 gems at $1.00 One lot of 32 gems at 1.25 One lot of 0 gems at $1.50 One lot of 3 gems at $2.00 each. One lot of 5 gems at $2.50 each. Sold. One lot of 3 gems at $4.00 each. One-gem for $6.00. ARTHUR M. FIELD, LEADING JEWELER, Church street awl patton Avenue. Ashe ?UID? T(l umi u iu PROT ECT v3 . J 1 1 ville, N. C.