! Only AsheyUlc paper sold R. R. trains And circulated In all H I I F P I I I rB ir r I I I" The Gazette'. Mountain towns. f", . :.W "Vf V 'VV-V V-V-Vi V W V Ci'ain ' V sW In Ashevilte. i TolIIL No 68, ASHEVILLE, N. C, THUBSDAY MOBNIXQ, APML 28, 1898. " Price 5 Cents. oestreicpr&co jjjjji FLEET To AttHck M ATAM7A ? 1 GOES OUT TD BATTLE " . Dnupippm Special Bargains. - KV I PHfl H MKAKhHl 1 m i uuna have not recti ved tbe pro pa epace in our advertising too many othtr things were pres eiDgt but we- have the trunks 4 fl right, in all sizes and qoalities from the lower grades to the finest iuvestiation will develop the fact, hut we sell them for less than w iat is usually considered cheap. Dress Suit Cases solid sole Leat'ier with brass lock and trimmings at $6 aid $8 worth $7,50 and $10. Umber ell as Re-covered While you Wait. and not waiobut a ven short tiiiiC either; the best and neatest method pver yatented. Covers from 75c to $2.50 put on free i f charge. Underskirts. Black Sateens from f L to $1.75. " Italian Cloth from $2 to Fancy Silkatines from $1,25 to $2.25. Workma iship-and goods the best. 7 Style ot Ruffles the Latest. Special. 8 1-3 White In iia Linon Or piec 1 of 25 yds, for 5 c. ! We are I the only I house in J Ashe vi lie , i Handling1 the famous Red- land's "Golden Poppy Navel x X The finest, handsomest, i X heaviest juciest and most de- 7 j licious oranges shipped this J t year ' T Don't make the mistake of i comparing these) with "fancy" f T Navels. There is only one j T Golden Poppy brand, and f T we have it. I 6. A. GREER. A A. A. A. A A A A A A A A A A A A A A. A A A , Large Stock of Men's Shoes in Tan and Black, made in the Bull Dog" Toe, from $3 to $s a pair. You can find almost any thing you want in Foot wear at our store. J. D. BLANTON & CO. Spanish Squadron Leaves the Philippines to Meet Commodore Dewey's v Warships. ' WILL BE A OR MANILA Great Interest in Washington This Government mediate Hong Kqng, April 27. The American squadron steamed away from Mirs Bay for Manila this afternoon. On board of one of the ships was the insurgent chief who is to lead the insurgents. Many Spanish vessels are leaving Manila with passengers and treasure, and the Americans are anticipating the capture of rich prizes. Mirs. Bay is about twenty miles northeast of Hong Kong. Now that the fleet has started for Manila it will not take long to reach that port. The av erage time of the passage between Hong Kong and Manila is two days. TO CAPTURE SPAUS'S FLEET. , . If Kgpril 27. Thirty leaders of , the late insurrection wanted to ac company the American fleet to Manila, but only Aguinaldo, the rebel chief, was taken as their representative. The primary object of the squadron is the capture of the Spanish fleet. Upon arrival at Manila Dewey will de mand the capitulation of the city in 38 minutes. The governor at Manila has issued a proclamation, saying that a squadron without instructions or discipline is coming to the Archipelago with the ruffianly intention of robbing the coun try of all meaning, life, honor and lib erty. "The aggressors," he says, "shall not gratify their lustful passion at the cost of your ,wives and daugh ters; shall not cover you with dishonor, because your valor and patriotism will suffice to punish this miserable peo ple." THE COMING BATTLE. Washington, April 27. Interest at the navy department in the progress of hostilities centres in the coming com bat in the Philippines. Dewey knows his ships as he knows his men, and with a naval force inferior to his own to contend against he will have no diffi culty in defeating the Spaniards. The department does not expect to hear of the result of the movement against the Philippines before Satur day. There was much satisfaction at the department over the news that the Spanish squadron has started out to meet our fleet. Dewey will have fifteen of the enemy to contend against but the American vessels are superior. Na val officers, however, are afraid the Spaniards won't give battle, but in that event the capture of Manila, will be an easy task, -since the old guns on de fenses are1 no match for the modern guns of the Olympia and larger vessels. It is necessary for the squadron to take Manila for use as a. base of sup plies. HAVANA PANIC STRICKEN. Key West, April .27. A British' steamer from Havana, sailing under a white flag, arrived here with one hun THERE ESTABLISHED 1688. A Special Private Institution for the Treatment of Lung and Throat diseases. ml KARL von RUCK, 1W. D. Medical Director. bates, 8 5f pkr wrkk and upward, according to the room selected, te cludes everything excepting medicines, which are supplied at cost- A cer tain number of rooms aire reserved at a lower rate for patients whose finan cial circumstance require It, and to soch the medicines are also l"?' Patients can enter And leave a any time. Advanced oases not admitted Winy ah Hotel and Sanitarium Co. NA1 ML CONTEST, WILL BE TAKEN Over the First Movement of for Actual and lm- . Fighting. dred and thirty refugees aboard. The steamer reports that Havana is panic stricken. ARE THEY COMING? Further Reports that Spain has Sent Shi s to Attack our Coast Towns- London, April 27. A news agency dispatch frfom Lisbon mentions a ru mor that Spain on Tuesday dispatched four armored cruisers and three tor pedo boat destroyers to "an unknown destination, but it is believed they are bound for the Massachusetts bay for the purpose of bombarding New Eng land ports' The point of departure of this squadron is not stated. WARSHIPS IN A BALE Flying Squadron Caught by a Raging North-easter--Fears for the Safety of a Trat sport Ship. Newport News, April 27.-The flying squadron is in a raging northeaster. At one time today there was danger of a collision between the flagship Brook lyn and the battleship Massachusetts, the latter dragging her anchor, but the former got out of the way. The gale has increased in fury since nightfall, and indications are that it will be one of the worst storms known here. Uneasiness is felt regarding the fffte of the cruiser Montgomery, the gun boat Vicksburg and the transport Pan ther, which put out from Old Point yesterday, and must have run into the worst of the gale off Hatteras. It is believed " the cruiser and gun boat can weather the storm but many fear for the transport and over seven hundred marines who are on board. SPANISH FLEET SAILS. Madrid, April 27 The people here are much excited over the report that the Minneapolis and- Columbia are bound for Spain. Today the squadron left Manilla to give battle to Commo dore Dewey's fleet which has left Hong Kong. ' ' FLAG NOT YET RAISED. Honolulu, April 27. The stars and stripes have not yet been raised over HawaiL NOT CONTRABAND. Rome, April ,27. The chamber of deputies s declared that coal is not a contraband of war. ry uuit luniiu lu ;,n " Plan for Co-operation With the Insurgent Troops. For the Conquest of the Spanish Army in Cuba. Military Expedition May Start' from Tampa Next Tuesday. Washington, April 27. The plans of the war department for sending arms and ammunition to the insurgent army, under escort of United States troops, have been practically completed. The part the programme not yet ar ranged ls":he date of embarking the expedition and the exact point or points on the Cuban coast at which it will laid. This will be attended to as soon as tne department hears from i Lieutenant Rowan and Captain Dansh, who are now conferring with Garcia and Gomez. ... It was learned this efternoon that the expedition may leave Tampa next Tuesday. , . According to the present plan the ex- ! pedition will be landed in two d5tvTsfbhs.7 The man now stated to have been se lected to command the expedition is Brigadier General Shafter, now com manding the troops mobilized at New Orleans. Unless all plans miscarry, as soon as our troops land the forces of Go mez and Garcia will have taken1' such a position that immediate communica tion can be established between the insurgents and General Shafter. The guns and ammunition will be turned over and the land attack on Havana will be undertaken at once. Washington, April 27. President Mc Kinley, Secretary Alger and General Miles conferred today in regard to making arrangements for the invasion of Cuba. It is proposed to make, a na val demonstration at Havana and to land two thousand marines under fire. The insurgents will co-operate with the United States soldiers. MINNEAPOLIS AT EASTPORT. Eastport,, Me., April 27. The cruiser Minneapolis, anchored near Broad cove, in the western part of the city, tonight, and was hid from view by the steamers coming into the harbor. It is reported that two Spanish steamers have been seen in the Bay of Fundy recently but the report is not verified. No steamers of the enemy were seen by the cruiser on her trip down. WILL OPEN SPANISH MAIL. Baltimore, April 27. The government has ordered all Spanish mail to be op ened by United States postal authori ties. BRUSHES Like everything else, there are all kinds. We keep only the good kind. Your choice from an excellent assortment for and your money hack if not satisfactory. I WAY'S PHARMACY, t East Court Square and I College Street. PHONE 82. T l T03TH 25 c Three of Sampson's Warships Throw Shells Into the Cuban Town and Silence All its Forts. WORK OF RUIN COMPLETE The Damage Done Supposed Uninjured-Morro the New Key West, April 27. Sampson this j afternoon, with the flagship New York, the monitor Puritan and the cruiser Cincinnati, bombarded Matanzas and silenced the big guns of both forts and the land batteries in eighteen minutes. There is no means of judging the casualties but from the appearance of things they must have been considera ble. Our vessels came out without a scratch and none of the American tars wWe injured. This .move is evidently a part of Satapson's plan to secure a base of -stiipplfes for the landing of a military expedition... Key West, April 27. Four shots were fired at the New York from Morro cas tle this morning. The flagship was about eight miles from the city. None of the shots landed near her. She did f-not reply but steamed out of range. Half a gale is blowing in the Florida straits. The mosquito fleet is having a rough time. Key West, April 28, 2 a. m. Later reports say that Matanzas was practi cally destroyed by the bombardment yesterday afternoon. The marksmanship of the ships' gun ners is reported to have been deadly, and every shot from the big guns struck the mark. The work of ruin was complete, and in about two hours the order to cease firing was given. Havana, via Cienfuegos, April 27. Nobody here is able to locate the Span ish fleet Contradictory reports have been received regarding its where abouts. Spanish troops throughout the land have been concentrated at dif ferent points along the coast ready to meet any attempts to land American troops. It is reported that thousands are being enlisted into volunteer bat talions by for mer Spanish regulars. THE GREAT ARMY IS NOW GATHERING Volunteers Far Exceed the Number Called For. Washington, April 2. Directly and indirectly the secretary of war has re- ceived offers of volunteer troops which would form an army five times as t I Sec Our Window I To-Day I And take advantage of the Bargains we are offering in Smoking Tobacco. ; SNIDER'S I I 6 Court Sq. j to be Enormous-Our Ships Castle Fires on York. large as called for by the president. So eager are members of volunteer organ izations all ready formed to secure ac ceptance of their services that the in fluence of senators and representatives has been brought to bear on the army administration to consider offers favor- , ably. Many requests have been made to Al ger to have the apportionments of the several states modified in accordance with what each state can most con veniently furnish. Just how far the services of independent organizations can be used has not been determined, but some will be enlisted under the spe cial clause in the volunteer army law calling for 3,000 regardless of state It is believed ny the army adminis tration that volunteers won't be order ed to points of mobilization in the south or to Cuba within the next month. The pressure for commissions in the volunteer army is becoming very great. Six major generals will probably be appointed very soon, three from the regular army and three from civil life. -Three civilians whose appointments are first expected are: General Lee, of Virginia; General Wheeler, of Ala bama, and James H. Wilson, of Dela- ware. v THE WAR REVENUE BILL Beginning Debate on the Measure Intention of the Minority. Washington, April 27. Three days' debate upon the war revenue bill began in the house today, and was well nigh featureless, the most notable incident being the eloquent tribute by Dolliver, of Iowa, to the patriotism of McKinley in dealing with the war crisis, and to the self-sacrificing spirit with which the people entered upon the war. Other speakers were Dingley and Bailey, of the committee, and Bell, of Colorado; Sayers, of Texas, and Ridge ly, of Kansas. Opposition to the bill was based upon the proposed bond Is sue, in place of which Bailey indicated the intention of the minority to offer an income wx, unis i oc,e" orage and an issue of greenbacks. The debate continued into the mgnt sion. NORTH CAROLINA GEMS. The rare beauties of nature, so well rep reeeoted in Western North Carolina, ax becoming better known every day ss peo ple who are better educated in tne forms lion end utility of minerals hare from time to time sbown their appreciation of these gems by using them in ail kinds of adornment. f. We have decided to close out some of these gems and offer them at prices that shouM mate them an sell la a very few days. - WE OFFER: one lot of 41 gems at 50 cents each. One lot of 40 gems at SO cents each. One lot of 169 gems at 75 'cento each. Ji 1 One lot of 40 genu St $1.00 each. One lot of 32 gems at 1.25 each. Sold. One lot of 5 gems at $1.50 each. One lot of 3 gems at $2.00 each. One lot of 5 gome at $2.50 each. Sold. One lot . of 3 gems at $4.00 each. One gem for $6.00. ARTHUR M. FIELD. LEADING JEWELER, Church street sad patton Avenue, viile, N. C. i 3 - 1 39 Pattern Ave.

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