QpSj Ash I I Paper sold On R- trains And circulated Know the Value of The Gazette's Circulation In Asheville. In all Mountain towns Km rinr i it ii dim i sin - - r a jf.rf - a. a IM 1 1 - Voim: No 6j, , AsflimLLE, N. CL, FBID ffcNINeyAPItlL 29, 1898. Price 6 Cent 0ESTRE1CHER& COiTWr TPAnPQ AT TAMPA !l I ODnCDCn iliUUnvin iinw kirvT l i ild f nuu r j ill c i l ill l n if i v f 111 r i iviif mi a i 28 SOUTftHMS ST. Special. Bargains. i Trunks have not jvetived tfee pro per epace in aur advertising too many othtr things were pres sing, but we lve the trunks aB right, in eH Met aild qualities: from the lower grades to the ftoeetr investitfa ion will develop the fact, but we sell them for lees than what is usuaJl y considered cheap. Dress Suit Cases solid sole leather with brass lock and trimmings at 3 and $8 worth $7 50 and $10. Umbertllas Re-covered While you Wait. and not wait but a very short-time either; the best and neatest method ever patented. Covers from 7tc to $2.50 put on ireecf ubtre. Underskirts. Black Sateens from $1 to f 1.75. " Italian Cloth from $2 to Fancy Silkatines tonkJtUSt; to Workmanship and goods the best. Style ot Ruffies the latest. Special. 8 1-3 White India Linon 5 c. Or piec of 25 yls, for We are the only house in t Asheville 4 Handling the famous Red land's "Golden Poppy Navel Oranges." The finest, handsomest, heaviest juciest and most jjie liciOus oranges shipped this year Don't make Hie mistake of comparing these, with "f ancy" Navels. There s only one Golden Poppy brand, and we have it. I 6. A. GREER. Want feet to Tit Our Shoes. We ties, and v have ioo or Hladi - V : I es r 2, 24 3, on B and C we will at Half get almost in J. D. BLANTON & CO We w'dths that m out You can fiirshape toe above shoes. the j nu LUL lit f I u im 1JI LHUL Entire Command Activly Engaged in Pre4f paring for a Hasty Departure The Steamships Florida and the Soldier. Belief That the Desti cation Wednesday's Bombardment has Prepar. ed the Tampa, April 28. That the army bow encamped here win leave at once for Cuba is an assured fact. Orders to this effect were received this afternoon and the men are actively engaged in get ting things ready for a hasty departure. The order first received was con fined to the Fourth infantry, but under later orders the entire command is pre paring for immediate departure. The greatest excitement prevails and it Is the belief that the entire force will be sent 'to Matanzas within twenty- four hours after the last order is re ceived. ' The IClorida and the Olivette, of the TERROR'S f .a , Sharp Firincr at Night ish Steamer ' THE DOUBLE TURRET ley West, April 28.--Oneof the shots fired by the Terror in the chase of the Spanish steamer Guido, captured eft Cardenas yesterday, wounded the quartermaster. The distance between the two vessels was two miles and the Terror's guns put every shot where it was wanted. The sea was very rough and as it was night the marksmanship, is considered remarkable. The Terror only wanted to hit the superstructure of the Guido so as not to sink the vessel. The first shot struck the pilot house, the second carried away the lifeboat, the third hit the pedestal of the' compass and the fourth carried away considerable rigging. On'-y the six pound guns were fired. Passengers arriving today in the Ctvy of Key West say that the Red Cross Society, through Miss Barton, will send a small steamer from Tampa to Havana under the Red Cross flag as a test as to whether the Spanish will observe the sacred character of the flag. If the small steamer goes through all right then the steamer State of Texas will be sent to Cuba with provi sions, medical stores, etc., for the relief of the reconcentrados. The State of Texas arrived thi evening. ESTABLISHED 1888. THE : SMaTABUUM. - 1 A. i A Special Private Treatment of Lung RAKLTOll ni vn, am. rates, ma sn pkr wkwk and upward, according to the ream eludes every thrne excentiQg medkines, t In mamhor Af nuun. ana. MtfJtrVi cial cirouanstancea require it, and to Patietuts can enter and leave at any 4 ft Olivette Ready to Transpor in Cuba is Matanzas, are now getting up steam preparatory to moving the troops. Mobile, April 28. "On to Ouba,-' was heaMiMthe camp thte afternoon when an oer was received for the transfer of the Tenth and Twenty-second tofan try tD Tampa. The men wHJ probably get started tomorrow afternoon. It is expected the troops will join the first military expedition to Cuba. PLANS FOR frnST EXPEDITION Washington. April 0 28; Preparations for the first military expedition to Cu ba were advanced rapidly today 1y army officials. Some details regarding landing of troops and the conduct of the expedition after the island was reached being effected. The commana of 'troops will be given either to General Shatter or General Wade. The base of operations will also be used for 'distributing relief sup- j plies and the hope is also entertained of (Continue on Fifth Page.) That Brought a Span- to Terms. MONITOR TERROR. and Throat .1 tw which are supplied at cost. At ft laVfiT nijt tOT OatieatS such the mediciaes are alsej toctede. time. Advanced cases not admitted. T Wd v Iftaleigh GUNS Acer- . t Hotel and Sanitarium Co. 'L"km-j , t Special Hecei-ed Ymtohm j Adjutur f rmumeers wm laken. tpt Bookhart. of the A. L. I., re- the following -order by wire yes- ove your command to camp at Monday. May 2. Railroad will you schedule of departure." receipt of the order was not un- ted and a call for a meeting at the was immediately issued. At sound of the drum the company to- r with a large number of citizens bled in the armbry where there a drill and orders given to the company. Many of the recruits were t anxious to know if they would be allowed to go. The membership of the company is now about 160 including the recruits, dlii; of this number it is thought that about 119 will be acceptable. There will be a meeting of the com pany at the armory tonight, and the members, including the recruits will be examined by Dr. Jordan, and all who come up to the requirements will. Join m group. , ' . - 'V -; tPhe arrangement for the departure of Western North Carolina boys has thus made: A special train will eWaynesville at 4:30 Monday bear- the Richland Rifles reac: ,tBi. They wtti be Asheville Light Infantry and at S tatesT ville by the company at that place, as well as the company of Rowan at Salis bury. . . r The military boys of Western North Carolina are ready for duty, filled with both enthusiasm and patriotism, and in any emergency can be relied upon for a favorable report. SPANISH SPIES Gov. Atkinson Warned That They are Plotting to Blow up Bridges on the Route to Key West- Atlanta, April 28. Governor Atkin son today received a letter from Dr. Long, of Qood Hope, Ga., warning him that yesterday two Spanish spies pass ed through that place, having arranged with negroes to blow up bridges along the route to Cey West and employ the same method in destroying United States troops en route to the varioui rendezvous. 3 A similar report comes from Adele. so the governor will take precautionary action. SPANISH SPY CAPTURED. Port Eads, La., April 28. A Spanish spy was captured here today. Gen. Gra ham is here to appoint a court martial and the spy will undoubtedly be" shot. TO HOLD SPANISH CREWS. . r;'; Key Wet, . April 28. United States District Attorney Stripling received a telegram from the department of jus tice today instructing- him to hold ail crews and passengers on the prize ships and allow no communication with the ships. The crew and passengers of the Panama wfli foe held as prisoners of war. 5 T Jlr TTAt-vtriinp- else. 1 there are all kinds. We I kefepealy the good kind. Your choice trotn an excellent assortment for and your money hack if f not satisfactory. , WAY'S ! PHARMACY, East Court Square and 1 re Wettera tfNers Ive time mm Wnory afliem mm hlng Ashe- joined by the mtlTU RMICUEQ I UU I II UHVVIIhV 25C t l xiege ajreei. 4. ill Tit v HEAR SAMPSON'S GUNS jA If His Ships are Fired Forts They wiU Sui Did Matanzas. Effective Work Done by the day's Bombardment. A Spanish Official fieport Sayg That Some of the Def enders of the Fortifications Were Killed Washington, April 28. When Samp- son directed the fire of the bjg guns of the New York, Puritan and Cincin nati against the detenses of Matanzas yesterday he did not exceed his instruc tions not to bombard Cuban cities. The engagement with the Matanzas bat teries was the result of a suggestion made to Sampson by the navy depart ment several days ago. He had been instructed to keep away from the for midable fortifications so that the ef ficiency of the squadron would not be impaired, while Spain kept her squad rons at St. Vincent and Cadiz intact but it was not Intended that Sampson should preserve a dignified silence against the barking of the coast de fense guns. Yesterday's engagement wlb the sequel to the suggestion and from now on there will be other en gagements similar to that at Matansasj ry time a shot is fired at the United States vessels. The navy department nadisrrlwn tiredlfefe.rfhwinfir the Snan-I ,-rJZ- r jL .felghfteh minutes. is ii uaiienea iu uare lo u un uur ships, v "RThile the bombardment of Havana I; may occur sooner than expected it is the present policy to starve out the Cuban capital. With the batteries at Matanzas disabled there will be less work for Sampson when it comes to protecting the landing of a military expedition to be sent to Matanzas. MUTANZAS BOMBARDMENT Spanish Official Report Says That Some of the Defenders v Wer Killed. Madrid, April 28. Official dispatches from Cuba say that the American war ships were' compelled to withdraw from Matanzas bay after a half hour's fight ing wi6i the batteries there. It is re ported' that some of the defenders of -fVi-fiflrn firms were killed and a "certain amount of damage done to the town." THE BOMBARDMENT Details o- the Work of Sampson's Shi s at Wantanzas Thp Mean ing of the Attack on Board the Flagship New York, April 28. Capt. Sampson yesteraay af ternoon, silenced and pretty well ue- stroyed the Spanish batteries in posi tion and those in course of construction at the entrance to the harbor of Ma tanzas. The vessels used in the bom bardment were the armored cruiser - i And take advantage of the Bargains we are offering in t Smoking Tobacco. SNIDE RS 6 Court Sq. To Day at From th Spanish Efer Three Warships in Wednes New York, the protected cruiser Cin cinnati and the monitor Puritan. The Spanish gunners are poor marksmen, and their shots went wild and failed strike any one of the American ships. ' While the boats reconnoitering, for the purpose of locating and destroying the formidable defences being con structed, the flagship New York was fired upon by the batteries located at Points Rubaicaya and Points Maya which are used to guard the entrance to the harbor. The New York replied with one of her forward 8-inch guns. Which is located under the boom. Tls flagship steamed boldly between tb batteries and fired a broadside at each battery. The Puritan steamed behind the New York and engaged the forti fications at roiate Maya, while top flagship went to the right side of thp harbor coming close up to' land poured shells into Polnte Rubaicaya. Tn cruiser Cincinnati remained astern un der orders, but she soon signalled far permission which was signalled to her Ifort on the west side of the bay; The batteries fired explosive shells. out most ox uiem ten wine ot tne mart One burst just beyond the New York, and a shrapnel exploded above her. The three-silijrjs silenced the forts in just eighteen minutes. The last shot fire from the forts came from 'Pointe Ru-a three,s f baieaya. The Puritan replied with one I of her 12-inch guns. The shell struck the battery with wonderful accuracy and blew up a portion of th'e fort. After waiting in vain for the Spanish guns to renew the engagement th American ships withdrew, leaving the forts in ruins. When Sampson left the cruising ground to visit Matanzas and Girder? as, he made up his mind that something had to be done with the fortifications for eVery aggressive Spanish artillery man was manning batterfes out that way. They had twice fired on the tor pedo boat Foots and were busily en- ' gaged in erecting falsifications and placing guns. At Matanzas, the New York found' the Puritan and Cincinnati blockading the port. Sampson decided to make a reconnoissance then for the purpose of . locating the batteries and discovering the kind of guns that had been mount ed and to decide on what, measures would be necessary to stop further for tifying. The New York led thejgsay with the Puritan a few hundred yards behind her, and the Cincinnati behind a slight ly greater distance. The flr'ng soon be came genera, and the marksmanship of the gunners was perfect. .Though it was a long distance about four' thou sand' yards between the boats and the batteries nearly all the shells fell within the fortifications. The New York reduced the range to three thou- f sand yards and tossed three shells a minute into Jtubalcaya. The Cincinnati, which had signalled that it be allowed permission to engage and the same being granted by the flagship, steamed broadside' and began , td let fly. The best shot was made hy rthe Puritan, which struck squarely, a gun of the battery doing great destruc tion. The New York returned to her block ade, leaving the Puritan and C ncinaO ' guarding the blockade. The ships fired (eighty-six shots, and the forts about twenty-five. The conclusions which have been drawn from the result of the bombard ment are that Havana is absolutely at the mercy of our fleet. The loss of life in this engagement is supposed to be heavy. NORTH CAROLINA GEMS. The rare beauties of nature, so well resented in Western North Carolina, as I becoming better known every day aa peo ple who are better educated is the forma tion and utility of mineral have fresT time to time aba a their appreciation of these gems by uaiag them in all kinds ef We have eat them ail sail in a One lot of 40 Mefet of ltt at 7i J!om lot of 4 1 lOne lot wf 82 1 at 1.2 Oaetetef 6e One let at 1 1 One lot of 6 g One tot of t 1 at HM aaah. 1 at 12.00 t jsjr a at $441 One for S0.0S. r4r V 4 ARTHUR M. FIELD. LEADING JKWBUUL Church street aad patton Aveaua Asaa 19 m 1 i 1 39