THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE. APRIL 29, 1 ARMY OFFICERS B m 1 nil V la V m& is fcrrturro . : ; LE1CEST8R. Camo Academy, near Leicester, ' rapidly growing in popularity and use fcrmg-n-nder the -Hgorouo -ma,n-age meht of Prof. A. C. Reynolds. In .fact, it has saiaa&tiasiaftctaticiis of its most sanguine friends, the twcf years of The principal w ring the present S. Glenn and Miss closing exercises co U4Vlha pujstel & for strre on xnreiemeni hood and voma-nno- , found hnpresisioiv. on, the eerjgragtton- nai I9j ys 4ttf$ flaie$ is well Monday afternoon. Monday even ing the little girlshchSat aj& fully trained by 1M Mkfferrh, rtM orised and delighted the audience. The A "drill" was the most strikineajtur; of the evening and brought house. Tuesday morning the young menen-. tertained the audience with spirited . :. -Tiier-; 00; L - Jl 1 1 A 1 "m j- 4- i j 71 fi 1 i-i ui j n t-i 1 1 M.nrtm. , - man rtno flnv if thpv are true to the v " ,nfflina At 2 o'clock p. m. Hon. Locke Craig delivered the literary address. In-bearw tiful and eloquent language the honor- I strong man As he stressed morality and religion as the ch noble, manhood I thcu ionrd a mnre nnnrrmriate address cn a similar occasion. J$4 Tuesday evening tne yo ng laaies who had been trained by M ss Reeves List of the A ppoint men i s to kvGtAyernojkRmsr 1 1 V. 4nrl 9.9 beHp fsA'oe nsng "rWmixrlRird ii.lnslii'illiil to the oftanizatrtm olaMreerijWH Artillery 1 capta n, 1 frst lieut nant 2 second lieutenants, 1 first sergeant, 32 sergeants, 10 corporals, 2 musicians, 2 ITJCI' f (fetactsen Iflflffl bioodjJ very an aKes vi from the bone, or every nerve, muscle. tissue depends on the AM session w IjFI JV"jK2r333ri .7.1WBIiSiiriXO niieci-"t?Bnay, i fla'"lieTftehant)r I surgeon, 2 nSTI I I9.V1HR llJEBi U Ik Ml Tit BSST W !? -f w" W,1,3 jE:-..- lanajBdCint uiiiicioaa BiusJuiaips.Hja fWljlliA ill Crf It ma4o a pro. privates (minimum). Infantry (Company) 1 capta,In, I fh-st lieutenant, 1 second lieutenant, 1 first sergenat, 1 quartermaster sergeart, 4 rrfffrffl. 1?t rnrnnrfl1g 2 .mniirnng a, jii Uiluei, 1 waguuet, S9 privmerTmax- t Spring: Medicihe pure Therefore" living and hc&lthv I iH i mjmi I Hit lu i li fTpffT bloopm-Jfe andLf tfce bast ifedftfcfii irw it ii Si the res, rheumatism, catarrh, etc.; the strcqf builder, appe toni ni regulator. W 56 assistant itener 4, chief hos- i oods Prepared only by C. L Hood & Co America's. G after dinner ai V L 1 ' r 1 1 !g st M m0 estlon. spii andskfll which was quite jcrea- ine--p'iao mueic coructedxbs1? was pronounced Ty competent jTraeTW beeqistr 1 wtfig est eyh&dheurei Hiaa- Meairs. iLujisJSord i'dlscorsd:?e?jf cejient W3C s1hfe,?yio;aadrCMia JAR OS V SJDtfN TE ER - imtJDf theMaadMgatge.ccuimgv rfiujbloifcsisfifeissguqivheain bBa M the M-aafPBftidsiTefnpajay Ev Sssetnd 3f .ejeiuUy(taOTeemtin olis'9f9&ivie&pt?enfettafefnJr iffjtoew HlH!sibiljt3B..t.5toi0hi retajein uft8 ajprt gasnizfttKmaiifcflftlSfe! HMrfi:fr$iH&f$?.. Cafdlijaa MHtffiiiaiiwtWtigaJ rgirsnrr ui QJWi oatetai jsfr wai ftVO? se lection .tfcJe3otbBi& daoei s8ndia'e4ya ode ei,Ye-: f ejtrdr To xthftl Ig& tjat vfllSj ta ntrrt)er: VS;4?j:eseiit adrmttabi iwtert maaifesteid.. TheKo rfci.lutiona . . were vamefcy&tbWpA AxMrmyoiUmraw cures Piles or no pay requireda HEGM COMPANY AT NEWBERN. New Borne, April 28. A-ja calif i ie a company or volt sTe erne a company of volunteers vvas organized to be.known as the New -t'jiBf e were roriy men iOTtrtidh was passed of fering the company's services to the NORTH CAROLINA T0BAC0NISTS -Winoton, April 28. Three of Win- !frn tnhnnnn Tnantifn.priirecR rinvA fan a i fi i z . i . n k . . ; . tat ; - u i rom Kiehmond, Danville and Martins- iBv eir intention to age in pe- 1 fyfcfewgah whffifli irfeaiig56TRitlsttf oRgress relative to the increase New York could not play is nowr be of tax on tobacco. fasetl bv nrof essaf Crff mfi StifimSPn . TME WMITE mSBAR, n iiQiat r0 taffccty competition M either quality or Pge.G (o? V ,QBAndJ flriH rlnim to iiye thfi iftjt stock of firetlaajrgoyi of any fcp"3 jj. the State. O t;frtre N(rti(iT(i oxmy aiu Dmie irwv s am uuiuit. huu vuanuiv in nt mama rnsfc nnloraMirN' f C 111 fT l . J.fTL LIIJ. 1:11 J . - U I. OyJiLiiliii.i.i! I fvfiSB !Y MM mix S lit 2 hrl . 1 ;1 J 1 ItTI rE A U S IKHKK K Vf ix for $5. CORNELL'S CURIOUS ORGAN. fti-a-jfi LJ rT fi Si . Z WiPJ nasjjOflir primaries for every township in the county to be fceld to- jwrtow. The primaries in Raleigh owssnip win De neia at night. MORE NEGRO VOLUNTEERS used by profess) brgan is not, as might be supposed, out of t- tune. Tit Is heealESff it .K&HUeeHmtitxnSk i? tjf T'lUiU,; J ii-; IZWl I .-vC4 i. KaldiAPCoon, differs so radically fSQuVall ordi irnmn ot the Wake county populist faarvrcflnV-- Thn ( .r:riil rrf7n was invpntpd hirV7fiTi SuiariOi. scale. ItTs made for the compo- &im & -(iiY&s suchss at not to ibe tained on- an inRnianji -ftftd., TKe colored jai geaWor1tnie n1ar Eterv dfgai nat a Snd- flataPaH1 pWnrfaTe" shiaVs u snarp 157 rrnrno TUT J 6008 BllUaWU JUIUWJIV UfllWWU. ' . - , , it -u.h , . :t,- E4 .i.:.s bBO'UnUU.'UIHWt tHv lUWVlIUi'WtHJtJ UOtWtJll CHOOSING GOOP MUTEON. - vJSim:ts eMlighthafiito&4dioairfuBeh' The iaSo,nUr. n1Hn F8 So a. compromise ia 3 -r-i r. -t, Jio mor Ihealthful meat ., than,., young,, healthy ; wav befaen theiii is used " button welL cooked. : Mutton. Ukfiuall J WWWPl tflfirkOT kendef. , Good mtittbii should aye anj Wrfi ?lM'Pnilirf:l1dfti- Spi30&m Ssoay aas wwiiinrf certain othnr nntp.s On the nrdinarv Morgan aod wife, bearf No. '2nln1&n1ceXf m aounaance 01 nrm, wnue rai,. dui noij Z0S3mjS3 3L2 &$&5.97ii Jem P-v' JJliiauu you wuuiu nut ue amo iu imisiraw m overfat appejucance. Sheep, off of . the J yjiSW tlf&eWesWowotSfe Mil" ifereat ranges, have dark colored, meat J woe suarpo '-aa Bats- in -oraft- re osmipese' n La Jfto lK&y sTs 9.t 3 :.qho notes Tho nvnrtnnna nn tha H rktittrc r k lighter cblpr.May Woman's HomeJ PWSi Ms tRuT ??iSiM MS J a-5siS5i 9$Mi& fail (it- ssi'-'" litn'o. "tjfecpd in connection with this drean 1 resouatianaaEe contained in a siviinuot Sores, raer; ppedtlna LjPffis?lieri rnlhe'raaKSI lomsFai BWwueosvoip tiMrim kMMm Included in it. Philadelphia Inquirer. iU, ,LaJeiie:Aprii Te-ao, ,S,evn nayr,waanies briapime state.-and' some of them, already have. upwara 01 zuu men eniisiea.y?.-. A; eiggi-.c, Charlptte,,rWiliBWr rj.-Jgqu arrers jn n sand, sailors, wo wiHjjth ae felrjdflft -.-haye .qj cipanvea ; iasteadf-, 'oxie - ;n- .g, mes is secured they will omjjthei Wbfo eovEnpradayoJ: mtWl imon to every household, this linimen has no epuate trWiwai't n -iene?oess.: great deal of pain and suffering may be avoided. For sale by Tr.Qt( am fsj 'jr. Warrenton. N. C. Anril 28. epriWrflt rfferftSanatseihasmae'atfasS ment. J onn j raKe-isr namea as j ee? liahifflfes, iWt:,a8setS''WtE -TV TTCiTIB 1 KTB' H tot? tHW mb1PSweirfemetl HM blicaft the different conventions' ; - Got k isefera 4 6( ,The Cedartown, Ga., . Cottpn Marai- j. 5 jaf jldge, Apm Zto&at&ByMi Saturday nignt on Russia. jz -The second -gh-me o- thfe G.Ulfard-3Ql lge an OaBm iseriSio3iymes3iBijjJ to piayea nere nBSKSWosygiira-i: 33,ixfei.Intittite.Speait -a .iiioSfe delightttl4 day at Salem Academy, 23rd,;-r !cialf itrvtatioji ;. A sj)ieiidj cdncert r- he yotragadie;- a--.dKgtttfel osftinwsrt the artrigstfisoBi, :igwraiast4r ueiOTffr mance, orations asfi debate ?fesac 3u;sep,3aD05?ai jBtrtiothtmP! Iti he chapel, crowned tJrasstsiSh 3SSiMR but a native of Summerneld,J eiire;? as 2)a?fyiftHf Mam he Ml; GEL&RIFERE AD DANDY- HORSE. 4 riii iJKfe ii 9 n j it 'itjj tri4:Ji-i Sii4 a ' lis Kuaranteed to give perfect aatisfactioo ! i' Qiouey refuadedrPice 29c:' per box gw sa assi 7ny nsw-ff,fllAj r tri.,..i. f XTTLiX1 "JIilJS -5TS"'i..T5y- TWSTT. Used Two HuBdred a he Story Mr. Vi aiiors .wounaea or str;cK-, iPfiMiTiTTfrrr-fh SSfaMag? in the year 1690 M. de Sivrac a French - stripeaarajijS4oltitaa AmcjjfiaUsJfnaD, firsjthit upun the notion of makiugJg avenveie: upon dm o wneeis, mmie its viu&u s sat astride a saddle on a wooden beam to which :tW0 aresspiewsverj jaripJy ii?ed'. wards & Parker, Of Flame, tfa. TfitsHS e llAfc the end nf these nrosfiniRts there werfl tnnf t r. y rPVrt fitoniA rniMnt.iir ,...1 r . . . aod-aeefdeflta eosfifJ LLnisii fcjxfaiii2 wki:lo. uiiL: A SPfSiP0 W-5Vork!;on the, i property or the TlTey-WeV " WirfTrir Jl jnceua3 All the wonderful penetrat ing and healing properties of, the ereat Yellow Pine of the" . 3i ernoilne I -Jinaxt dt 3ii 6syl9st ums irs use is as wiae as tne d -hyupfflei rtofls tj&nsktavfir It removes imernai. ,sore-: luiiits. . ucu ttiKia nuu iucu- rrlaifs'm;Wseaspra:ms, Sdfe'-th e icrirtoiaBri erial,eb0ain, m a deed of trust executed by Jeese M. Morgans aod wife, bearing date July 26, pagO 359 Of BOOK the Hegfoer of Deeds of Bumcombe County, I will pro- iThe &mih Premier MmtAav. the 2nd dav of Mav. 1898. niifre-fc'clock to sell at public auction for bash at the Court House door in the City of -Aahe-viHe tho lands mentioned ia said deed tvt r.rtit tHho ma hAln? air iu.l a nn tw Rant fAavflle what iaSrnDlelay? I rEvopeparticuiany aeecnueu as ioijowb. Beginning on a stake on the East mar gin of NOrTB Main street, tflie Northwest 1 fat 1 JS' torneE of H. JB. Carter'. kt. andune wjthj said' GaWs)iinNowh 52 dfgrHs 30 inint uses Bast one hundred ani mirty-eix tisej c9rlfelic?rln9i 80miautos BJB degrees so minutes west one Hun dred and forty-one and two -thirds (141 2-3) feet to a stake on the East margin of said NertS Ma&F tfe 1 arM- thei! with; : the east margin of said street sixty-three feet H. B. OARTER. j eiin oi inaoiO ,jsi hiM44 Trustee. : .f I r S lAaOiwrme N. f!. Matv4i SI. ISdS. JSshVvSbS w ! SP' ''''fll 77 I 1 3 I ' I i rill f .Ml cough coug ciirantnin easlfesf, qurcKesf ami J.jy ffjrfmos ,oy au-.uruggisfs. B her of . , f Gs$a dajf flSsrlaSi ll?11!1' sif 1892, and registered In fihe office of the reg- l?nrit AT DSlj SPt to roe neglected, while your tori story' 'Wtte fafa" print' esja 1 In rKKMIETR NOTICE. By virtue Of a power of sale containea Carolina, to book 31 at page 258 et. seq., j Books and and bv reason . of. the fa dwyn o pay "the pria e o the said. W pat"an3T "merest Of a certaia, scribed in said 'deed of mortgage, which waajnsttreo the same, I will fell tor cash to tne algaesi s faid County of Buncombe ana State of being an undivided interest of two-thirds in a certain tract or town lot of land .-situate in the city of Asheville, County or Bun? Tim e enough to- write ..wit) A nevrJmut hat ..about "the other fellow?" Has he time' to read it? Vdurpen-wdftten feaid competi- gets attention h gets the business, too. .qSMiu - L.B A Prve cent miHiuiir ibouiotis. Will be receivsfl Dy the foliowrnt !ea4isv ousinesa firms in the eity. Trade with Amateur Photo Soppiieff C. F. Ray. M. Heston a SUttoDery rOb ift t S3) O a?) (Di dA i 4J A cfJ O flkA O W If a. aniLUULii Luiiaia. ai ia are selling goods daily for less, a una to -.J. trgorjLh iilMKF' French Broad' avenue" aha Tniraip - street,, troy tinyilOTt feet otthesHeH . ? V OV, 1 i nv n rS lift if vn a aa Vi i iiiiiip fiti cri auu ii v ice w vju mo mm w itnesfc- April, l 4 -NAwwe iys-mk-Rte. m m tlS'. t Jeipg so t shovs-wert 'MB to are selling goods daily for money than others are wil take for them. ft da mwfomj$m' illyiitSaTSvAuribest fi advertisements. Three ears Flour 9 and Feed this week with another 6 arrival Mc iday. .RffM4-! 1 ' Come right along for' while the dollar swapping goes oa we save fi you money. H. C. JOHNSON CO 36 38 North Main. -dftcV Broad AvMrnA. W ,3 ' & s m v r jot jl5. ie.. ? f W. A. GWTN, Mortgagee. M the: ceieriferes never iittpd vrttk har4 ias j . j a . r xne riaer, waicn aiso naa co kbou nis xai- pBWl th idcifig ie bad: rim a aftSBf-iajMijjqifp. ae.;sasD. n (?om).an:- -A" fie depostt";of rftre: clay 'h.- uW"36 vt-oUid draw theni: i& beiKling his- win sniD m large quanuues. tnerosee t.nBOi onm. iictini Whn tho . cleedeuliBphrfiP 'efsfWT Ask any disinterestec al expert and be will S&3ufl i iarg( U8 rf..- . - J 1. 15 SOT Cwa-gh Cure, ihe infaHt- Children like tT it saves "lEeftTIf sC W nute rnean One Mi yWjremtdft rf o-rwghs ,t col djr , crou Pbron ohrtis, grippe and all throat ana lung ItrouJbles SnencW; irrian hyiti ElBig Rock creek Saturday. beenreeteredjio neajflt by. jflne Mi Cough3 Cure: It quteMV res &&&& in Mitchell county last Iajaia3 URhing and so continue bi level roads, and especial ly dowj hill, in a fbO-rr space df time, btrt ft Was hard to do un hill. noli It has been claim ed.hy some that the erifer SP?as: Sthe invention of another Bnchiublineu ' BniSnl,hom 14-e-te :ido man anded cfc lepfor hi I rood tne tact teas sucn a periormance ptace-on -tna tr auu otner oceasiens in- ?ther,e: is nothing to support : this aim. In fact, it was not nntil Blanch- l bad oroed awr, togiand that he cited interest. Once there, however, he tLEtte S"artfcsm rdtfrtaaMJS of :twjzny ftve kn to ataraet atiteiition. j tlndefe tSbenJosa nfes,gfl ljanjelvifs., taring 08 re of royalty Ifesr 9Jfaj 1 IbnnwiiiBA thp "diiidv tnrsfl ' ' hArmtm ivin. Jf RSL wo JO bronchitis, pneumonia, rrlppe, asthma, aad iall throat a33f mi Jhey ai quality' added tfs no., on ehaap one . pti -price. Colauf Cola Han tords - : K i)' TRtPST'BDBS'S SALE. virtue of the power of sale in a deed of trust executed to the under - signed by Thos. O. Lambert and Susan Launbert, nii wife, and J, R. La-mbert and Ug.Lerhwlfe, dated Jauary 2ft, j uarymBmceo ffiergrferori deeds of iBiincjtm;be county; North Carolina, Ha fieoit ox- mortgages aiw oeeas ot trust mi rrJpageWet. seq., and by vir cue of said deed of trust, default having ma e m me payment of tne moneys deed of UUst, the under ill self for cash, at puib'.ii aAiction, house door ia the city of Astoe- Buncombe antdi State of to the Mgfheat bidder, on oiu yjt. x kjc sum. i , a. xj. , conveyed in the said ich is described there fW owing described lying and. being in e, adoooaiinK the W. Beal and oth viz: Known, as pfltace where the w Mves: Begin- souiUh 23 de- d eleven t with C a small 1) one bun te oak; ling, eleven acres the same land trustee, by KssjftsesirtBnff S0a;T?t afJ&iAWk Caldwell, Cincinnati, O.; Miss Eliza. S. andMrs. C. E. Dickerman, j- St. Paul, iRirteVrr? an6?rs.rrretf BftipWyV Waterbury, Conn. jmgmti Afncdlty mn the mayor's court by Cant. Gregory. aba ing bound ovejisaw ujpfe-under a $200 TioTrrriTafryasac a TTniTowrrnr -n -ifcl 3u neffa4s(Jto.miiRWmatlsra, rv. - t-i . .i ji iZ I. T. . i 4r .... '"TP 4 ooa uarm. iHr-rr. o:r " 'nwiwraffj TTe two-year-old son of W. L. Pur egaag I S.u.MuULLJinnojs Dvaiiagaecd. IS Jk LfAlithough fMgW l .11 w lr"? bond, should or not mayo "Was Manv gain xen PPimaajnjjiuvH, Boat If aud M the tnrong. Over 400. druggist, under guarantee -sp nw us. ( Try it, onsy $i.oo per large bortleTji PHYSKSIAN'S EJVI serr m mit wt a 1 i fTi n 1 n i-' VMH frt hMAW: Bota&jUMhm-WB. B., fal She haf beefl WtfPifleTl to Tier bed ?ev4 1 monUhs with. Rheumatism; which ha slstessll rhe ui?ual remWe5 hs yfeiibiours after commemvS i ooserreo of Bolton, Miss., had whooping cought. toWw-wfcoluiie,--sTtt8-airt wrgason, 1 I pursuaded my-wife to try M '9 J a f Vi vtiurtf Ttijr-l..,.fll.ortih Tieirnliina SVyraihie propel -TZ ML t trust, smPwh n- iiH .iTt:-- "-"lJttsi"'TiTK -T-'r.ifW ft fall rfi ViM TOUH fSPSS; MM mmMMMm,JMmMm-,.mM M MMT tMMWX Jr 7t I MMMM i n P I I Hll I ill IU II i ' i ' Id 'I i 11 1 I Z ffiWltnce norl aHw ttth BftlMm;? LJhe3beeini unu iiii'Wti.if-3. iu unyciTTC Mi. wss i.-i- i -IBasw'ggny.:-: oOTimoia:sl.i cast-. ' ' 'SST . MulKM sell f(ldi"'J." J mmnrLhaw wifflHse- f , -'Those - B lool&terma .yao. nofat secure sdj- d L Sir 1 RUt rvtirt If Vedettes r - 50 s-asii r iam. Aaents. elaaoa el qh ely free from all cough. I consider marked relief. Shi commenced her third bottle, and m m at. th KiRs Mf. XJ.JL.i. 1 PTNH O ARDErT SEBDS JDHNSON'S. - AT s&oo 1 4 40c, dinner for 25c at Kiss-1 diaol sdi hrflBrSBSCqfltaoa ddi Jo lalas ftfi&SB' .'?tokbmvrh - !ks inT. irJlf ToffBse1(rtefts?'fcnS3 il feet, ttoeaJTrrh rtl V -KJLUU2? uii sou vinegar, aept m a ked bottle and ssseabefore use iture musfejrtjsfid 'first: then mure can bewppHenwSer a small su Dolishing quickly with old silk ls3MMtattfkmmWfiu 11 W ... -r w- pouna naaubteadKantaEe not form hc6Wtriwoi4?eVe long use, which cake invariably pr oraoKs, ana toe r removes many s SB that ordinary uolishea do Kjcohange AM to ft fj? n SIM 4 RE BLOOD -Is the fnrin Th.i'Aifrtnvi Mom nt-m. I uiwu uui-ft?TOtt anriimi TrI iintr on? cojfnwnsitei ti&sU nol JOHNKTON, LSTERING. whowaht first-class work In up- Mftfaichiirwr of si 0.00 to S40O elrieeMh tl2fnd icycis stisgH & tJibWfnVSdGeuts Dentist Dr. J. B. Hawtnonse.,. . rklla Drugs Whits 0. SsBitlC - v 1 Dry Goods Bon March. 3 r,58BfeL j 5 &nS??Wrtha?Sis5w.fij uddero. Jewelry B. H. Cosby. o Meat Market Merges A Jones. lAundry Model teaxa. go oag Photographer T. fcL UndieyV gft -r1 iff Ms i! 5j Tt W Publishers Oazette Publishing Ce. Jflatiress Renovaioi E. S. Halt. 3 ri, Books free. Premiums liberal. Office m l&bWmtou&twM tarsu U. B. rUTERBAUGH. We sell almost all the makes of Kodato aaid: Camei as, in tact are hadquanfa tear rTOfermii inBiiiinii mil niTiittaae : Buckeye eameras; loud tnTla'ytrgBElWJriaf fgggl $ ssfis sss muckeye Camera, 4x5, $12.00, mir assssst Woo. iWX Eastman's Bull's Exel $6ikSi :l&teA usedels, ?8.00. -g k mw'S Pocke4A:4d1mar Dandy, 45, orB Wes,'' 4 s he Stern, dayligS toadjSJaifcf t I .dA. 2 t - '1 ST JV M lums, ury riafiBS.1 :OfeVSlofhts j . . jmm st 'tftr a uwons, bouo Paper, Blue Prfn m year'' 1 flSaat C wdr itnrfa v-"-- twrt pnuvf rTStsrngf t Paoer. 1 airing rniture repairing and u&uolsterina saecialtv. isarv RK5 1.1 H 168 Bast Street, asam tment of coffins wiU be kept oa t Street. Near Redmon's Store. I 0 & SON. m mm mm Mm -lnonsanos of people hustle Cor money s this. ai Mi f f e ad flrsi v7 f f Sanara. .('V :S'M m. -a 41 H the injury of their has fito take care can do Is rJberfmedUi Jbyai? physicians, H cures nervousness, dyspepsia, lung treu- csniafl1. ToQlmys" is told by li druggists. Manufat tured ty J. C. Schmidt, Wootsey . N. C. ; telephone No. 101. ;nrn THRASH, muli ti. ...inj jMf9'f rj-i ifl K itijs ji . A rf j isb 1 1 M ill ii 1 ivm itriv i iv .. . i. mm m mm. bere are in 8 ' J The time for the aaTnSe SFtfiT WTokWIRt UUldl I KAI J fbard of Mrd?cal Emmhieref rete e: tlnrj-jSA- .1 nlH ln99tatsnsjittBBsaBaBffl?TS r ALL I i "iTTrr "TT i TITTnT i f 1 ii usTMBmii li ORUeSISIS : hcagoor - mm mm. . "T i .

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