THE ASHEVILLE -GAZETTB JULY? 3, 1898- PEOPLES -. -V,. . . w - -.- - . "-"-" ':.'? .T - :.!. .. !,." it. 1 !FOR SAUSImproved, gasoline stove, goou k new; ;cosc i..v; ,will sell for 510; can! b seen at 11c Adam Printing House; second Coot of Gazette buUding, ; . - - M-tf , -OF- - - - "j -3 t -.. . . .t - -- . ' - r r 'jRat-a-tat-tatt Ht AT-A-T AT -TAT ! . II JJ sotmded the snaredrunr and .the iVQuicktSteps, fell- into "line.: fifty , U strong ' Captain4, Scott W full W eignia and with drawn swordpaced at the head of Ithe: marching Icolurnri, ' ,bis ? awmewhat abreviateoT legs stretching t$graphPoetsr or sprawling , affection ately over the letter-box, "Awhile others withweary; and,envious ; looks at these tell fixed jsons stand in the mid die" of - the , sidewalk unsupported, s n vne itepup. . me iiulu - wiiu uiw umc j "?vlong, imposing, tellitarjrr tr iers; Up ) : " Saut? 'Main; str f theVprocessiodj-,, i VlneedV alight to freeze the black and r " 'lard! J ;,Haitr)iT4e..order. rang ,'out clear. - and crisp-on tne cwh,ihs- i" t"1"- - 1 : i nanta - M tti standstill. . The ') U2LTik leuiiiLB v- ; ., v. -. ''ft:-' 11 faint, glimmer of the headlight of an ap- roachi'iig trolley. 'car; glinted along the . tracks, but escaped unnoticed. , - ,&ot'JL Kuchi', The'iine moved n roWt -oHtVi nrfect precision. ' ' lfi ,- ' i';ciaM?Cfang!V'from.thVtrollei car. which was 'speeding directly ' on , ," the company., . . v, t, . Not a ce-paled, ,noA, a. swaer; Sirpt-, V. ped from tthe ranks and not a hain lost i Its kink, but likebom soldiers, schooled tv ' . jii j.i-.slix tVafaft rkf pertain i , death, they. marched, straight towards I ' - the ' juggerantV, Captain Scptt saw the I S aoDroaching demon and roued over in ' ' ,irf 'hntrder to srive:r Nowhere I in modern vor indent warfare was there ! : . rflfr;on how-ib avoid a trolley car. 1 1 When bullets and shells would patter ' around his roopa.3k:raln,;-be .would f . hMit in" stentorian "tones for his sol- ne ; ?j .yL 4- ' ; t V f w j It Is a stficthcninsr 100O' and tbnicicmkVkktklk Its fksh-forni- inevpropcftics- It ccmtalns,Cod- iVCT" Wll fCEUl-Ai.l&V f WIT . Jf'1' J tiMcaritihtiL with "the wcU- ' - - - - Y known - and higfhly prized nypo- WALTER. SCUSHMAN, "T- fleal Estate Uroter. - Na, 17 Parartn uullilasj' Cerntr C Pattan ATtaus az.j iitTWMa uppxxa-. . with now r.and,Ahen , a darkey, Is inclined. ,The J increased 01a moxive 01 we gamenng i lu uubb 1 : . - - ' pouues -ana crops, -oiocH.aue vixe m 1 1 ULLJtl 1 L kiiiU U ii UMLi9 f and coat .the sidewalk a liquid brown. - "y?' Vr-AiU . : ' h JTf mil( 9fff -ks of., flesh vand Vecent people wnojare iwucu u j-- - - - - . - t 9 i. i j - this blockade daflywhiithey don't ex- restore1 to anormar condition the iU X KmaV mtanl art ft ! (ATI T. Tnr 'T.nt Id. . 2LT1CL. lilt BUU1U A violently through long estakished cui- wfflcnricJi the blood of:the jemic; x A Via AAmora rv-f fV T1H W. rnAt and lunes. and the crowd could be sprinkled with'dis Ctire incipient ' COnSUmptSoiiiJ c mrectanis iiio lesson wrem av-yiy niaEX'liu'SiaKuicuv. odor. - - exoewence of twenty-five years has . The stroller endeavored, to "mail . a oroven H . in tensof thottsands of letter in Tthef box' ori thal corner a5 few -r7o SCOTT'S Emulsion. boi'by a dint of hard pushihg.fbllawedr,H lsCOTT'& BOWNE,' Chemists, New York, by angry words and Indignant , looks from the "corner squatters."- Two men were- sprawling on the box, completely closing 'the drop. When,' the Stroller held5 up the letter and asked, them to move, the" weary unwashed'?, regarded himswith. silent .contempt, and -.moved rvKcn at; a-otb fl'i'inw i firms - to E2JTINh 03N CITT .FROPSSTT- TH1 OOUJEGTION 07 RSNTS . AND THJ GARB OS'.ETATZX -,; -.' i--. r Cbaaxei oooar la tbls bulletin erery Irr A. PRIVATE RESIDENCE -of twelve a rooms with extensive" grounas ana ample shade; advantages of country 'and town combined. '' AN ELEGANT RESIDENCE "of fifteen rooms on-7 quiet street, near centre; Sample grounds," etc, ONE. OF, 'THE NEWEST and best of ; the fine; residences, in best residence part of the city rfurnisned (elegantly ) or unrurrusnea. i ' ' f OTHER. TOWNS. - ' IN TRYON. N. C. A larere and wel built house - of nine .rooms. , jfrice, $3,500, - . -t . , , V tn Tt?vmM tsx. n, .a five-room cot tage completely furnished; stable for two horses and vehicle. Jfrice, 5i,zou. A VINEYARD tN TRYON, N. , CM four acres, third ear of bearing An acre in oeachei.: strawberries; etc. and a delightful cottage. - lVce J2.100. - ' ATM? RxnfilPTTfiNAL TY in-Tryon, N. C, one of the very best BIISCEULANEOU8, BOARD . OR .OROOMS With private ; nortnern ramiiy, 15 Grove street.' v : COLUMN ; 126-3t, FOR GOOD "BOARD At reasonable rates,' quiet place, just out of: town; .five minutes walk ; from, the car line. Address for terms K. D., care Gazette LOST On Sunday a., watch between v th depot anxl square; return to Ga ' zette office and get reward : 122-lw , : $3,500 TQ IiOAN-On . real estate,: In amounts of . ?1,000 vand up; time one a.nrt tvtnn wn.rtii nAwnil ihimflrort flnl- lars in small amounts on short time. .J. . BOStlC. ,f FOR: SALE Telescope, Z inch, mount- : ea: cost n.40L wm taKe 19J)V. u, 19 . re "-- .".i - twt .- i FOR SALS Improved oli-ctrW Gcrdoa presa : Address W. N.f Eouniy, Cox 703. TOXI5T r At Victoria; ; r"ioear; , Astif -. - vill for - the Siinimef pf - ; i 898, well furnished house, ; ? 1 r ighC(8) bed, rooms, sta i ' ". ble with coachman's room. " r Z " ' - " ' ' . U1VUV4U ' ' AU4k Ve V rlllVIHVT v : i ; terms moaerate.t , Aaaress 'T ..-". ..... . i.-:. " ' . - . ' LOST--Between s Oakland Heights and . 244 cnestnut street a Drown envelope . filled with tvoe written sheets: olease ; leave at the postofilce p- or Gazette counting room. y . , -. . .- - . - y ' FOR RENT No. 2 ' Gray : Gables, 8 v rooms; all modern improvements; al s ' ibo 5-room ; brick " cottage near the : postofilce. A. D. Cooper. ; 122-lw : IOSS NORA WARB-PlanIt and teaoher in atriaged iastruments. 291 College Btreef " - I 'Offlce Parairon Building, Cor. Pattoa , avenue and Hay waodst, - ' E -p-.'W Ring Phone-141, 1 .. : .. . . v.. .- : - I , - . t Or call at S4PattonfAye., , done on the shortest notice; audv. - about a" quarter of an " inch ? then re tutned to their argument. ' Gently, yet instance it would only from the drop and the letter nsertd. v," Tl,rnflt's work easier. ' Then came the fight back out through , He. thought of the order, "Right the blockaders. Bathed in perspiration, : i. v ;tt..v, tT I ndlai ' uftA 1 itdihirt aS!illmD a3 .a KAnt nmin A.niii( K9 ; nuuii i ..v - th"e thought of his menfin, fre at, the stroller mined, t with a a ' t W them be slaugh smell clinging to his clothes, that would tered to the last man, but no order 'to haye madeTit Unsafe'? to wonder .in the retreat could be torn from his, pallid f vicinity of a health officer, -xne.useim. u r f - - The' glare of h the headlight gleamed i'a.wvAitv fn the darkened faces , wiiu w tj "7 " - 1 of his" command. Anguish rent his very, ct totallv destroyed to a lady." I E i .JEPtaCNXJtttle. incident, indicatiye. in th west end-lastweek AAi.filn vniittv.nrf'f'.hist r.ItV has a t uswtheaft.divellittgfin ttiis sec- n I u t soal hls.Jmagination .pictured tne flower of histroops swept away.,, The Wiastering danger Yaf wmmuvu. v - -l- ss w.wean . aweumgi iu ub L'J ,iH. .j, . - sword ri.v, 'riiAe-loTrflf pmnion.,s"the'" vouner - idie: fe being heavily -on aloft and shouted, Hey Scatter, aar thoughts ,naturally nlc-eahs' Doaii yo see dat yar trolley turned to his'adored one and he deceld- : UKSa' - . , . ed to visit her. He hastened to his car? Clar.out. r . , - , rdom, arranged an elaborate toilet ahd Awll'd Scramble, Ithe whizzing of the with hi3 downy mustache twistedlnto . and captaan cct -"r-Jm day ' ' deep sigh of Wlief. His conimana probablv oWn.t : . c Mfl He had iTlolated; all; known An response to his ring jher little tViA flor.x The sruest military tactics; but bis , ortginamy . ugner Info me parlor, and the from the -sis " It's - : nf TJantain Scott s h5Ts fniirtwpd bv agonized. , m,w- ,7- - r- " . rt;7"w.ftfirf ever dor gave ; companyit cart be-vWO-Tnax-w uu - :"r tne parlor , iody of colored troops will enter the the impression ; tha.. he Rhad '.-.:, . .-,.; !?.. ir;J:' '".i.i w0 intw a nla whftrft he was not war. Th5eutiy.mue ? -been indefatlgaDe m Bci.w&,;tri her pother1 in wasnmg aisnes auu inen and 'with the-discipline attired intone of her mother's. wrappers; .gether his men ana wivn , fitted-her a trifle suddenly. Any , 'ana experience 7' ' girl will ranzejner iviuiui,ioi". VVamn iife they can- be .'depended upod After lonfe deliberatloh -she decided to .; , 1 wd,Hv a. brave it tut, thinking that the DUe ' ? to serve ineir. wmm j . ,. - , 4. J- 4 5 R .13 xesidences in town, stone foundation, ROBERT BROtJN Cityxsurveyor and safetv CfUaranteed AlwdvS readV ' thoroughly buUt; two stories, 10 rooms, engineer, office Daily Gazette; res- Aanrina- ' supplied With ; waer on bothv stories; idence 55 Victoria avenue. 62-tf never aisappoiqjis. m , i 4 h - t m TADTnwP. nr ci 7 V B o en O t 3 srood .Rizp.d stable 2. all nearly - new'i h one acre of ground.- Price only a little more that half the, cost of the buildings. tUMM In JSmifh nurnUr. ' Bnilt in 1X11. Kvery ppMntmeatv for coayeaieno J aai Im than eost: r.lntrhuie .Talus. , Tsnoi to rult MVHTenlne of pwohaser. , V a; i STORE HOUSJB U : tUUfiVAlUJ. r t la town. . ' OOUNTET.X' ' A farm of erer oas laimarea aerts mis- r iTrmrnT! lrwnirih. Bratd rlrer ' bottom. A l&rse nie reidic. two large aubataa- tlal barat and : aumerjoiai , out-bttlidiings. Miles from railroad tatioa. , .. oztcxwi at .bargain,;' easy tsnna, .: . 'r t. A 4 y- r1 fT ,1' u -3 en jC c l r $ , ll '3 . '-Sl y h tf St' J2 s (A f I.l I ? any of their raceit - y "r ' ' " ' ' - TREET- corner loungers,, are ,u- ways the abominal nuisances, oi cities, towns and villages. , Ashe- ville ris"n6remptran:d'rthe base 3! SPECIAIi A first class modenx cob- mwmiAteitr i fiiirniahed: : .twO' : bath rooms; electric lights; desirable: loca 1 tlonrrentmoderalie; : ' ; -;V 'V-;;' 'TnTRmsTTTiiD huse of nine rckwns, on car line; electric Ughts; large gar den. : 4 ;J 1 X-'::J A 4 TTT!T .TflTTT ITlTTi PRIVATE' KB2SI- DENCE FURNISHED, surrounded by 37 acres of grounas ana. iorest snaae, yt within five minutes drive of public square; 12 rooms,; garden, stable,' etc; Will be rented for next four mdnths on very favorable terms. ; -: -u r , A PURNISKBD f OOUNTBT HOU3B. Sight rooxu besides , JdtclMift. : Mrraati' room, bath roocn and drewiag room, targj rich garoatf ana asparagus inB iHiwwrj bedas t One and att-auarter mUM 'frtaa j:- , i.. Reat'-aacr iu pv umu. one hour by x train r from , Asneyuie, house of twelve rooms,- oam rww, and cold water.- completely S- lurnisneu with - every omf ort; Ubrary and uiano, . beautiful grounas, ..nice v grovB, .:: vw wotar r!mible tennis COUTt. -: A lB0t attractive log cabm : near me vegetable -garden for use of tenant. i $60Q f on siXfmpntna mw?:eM- SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED A. woman; ; of f experience wishes to assist the lady of the house in managing a boarding house. Ad dress S. C, care. Gazette 125-2t WANTED-r-Work of any description by young man oi gooa cnaracter. xa-ai WANTED These , who are In need of either new. or sccona nana macninery of any kind to write to JV C. Mauldln, : of iAshevill i, N. ('.,; for special prices, 32C-2t --v .- : - " -- ; WANTED To rent for two ladles - two or thre rooms that can De warned, ftAnTwa.tinff ir nossiDie: suitame ror" light1 housekeeeing near the electrics. Address with terms Miss Kent. JtJiaca j; m. lokicki'& co; 34 PATTON AVB.1?V I; ; Th& HunsbnTy"p8writer : .-Is-tie'Bes WRITING : : MACHINE, v ": i t. i Writing In Slffht " 1 'Iv1 Mountain, N. C. 118-6t si ...... t-,, v.. I'JMtlKlt. WANTED To i buy a second hand body road cart .for, two or .four; persons, in fair condition ana cneao ror casn. u. F. Hvmas. Juno, N. C. ll6-lw ' '',..'....... WANTED-Physician. ' seven years : practice, 2 desires- partnership with busy , practitioner, at r- or ? location to practice near Asneviue. vv uum iu- cept positioi! " as olrug clerks Keier ences. Address. Box 111, Tryon,-N. G 4 The Highest Grade Standard of Excellence, Controlled Dy no ' Trust nr Cnmhinft- . . . i--. . WANTED By a first class white bar- ' ' v '1' ' " ber position. , capaoie oi taaing care ha Mnn;nn I vnPWntPr 1 10.. of shpp if so, required. Address "Bar- I I nO WlUnSOn I VD6WriU5r JUU. -. i . -. . . .-. ..- . ; The ai"11iCN80!rr" Typewriter; coawTw;. dlstlact points of advantage orr all otlber typewriting machines. It is the tnott' dxnablie. 'M -i . AdidreM for particulars '. , MANXTFlAtrriJililittS, , ."- 94 and 96 Wendell St,, Chicago, I1L, ber," 'Gazette oflTqe. ANY one needing any kind of .help -yaramen, cooks, ; nurses, cnaniDer maids call . on the undersigned and he . can suppliy you. I , guarantee all the helD I furnish to give satistac- tion, : both ? white and black.- John Smith, No. 18 Patton avenue. , 10?-tf . t . 4 J:.V"t.V J - ' . 1 . '. . ASHBV1LL.J&, JNU of i helping her mother wbloVexcuse her costjime. ; ;i;s - ,v . u a Giving her hair a few farewell pats, she entered tthe parlor. The youth arose1 and came : forward to The sight of his immaculate toilet was r. .-v, fnr the .eirr.s resolution Her own shabbiness was so apparenx .,a nnmno -Harkn that she? forgot .her y.. ,oa .ns.rPntlvUxpuse.aci everything in- her despair. I DISCOVERED .BY; A WOMAN. Z' chin quivered oitif ullynd tears Wtm made. hirf buUt for the accomodation, of this tuffused her pretty eyes. The young - i a ttvia country. aneclesFln this spotv loungers are -tol- fellow realized the cause of h lerteajj L.pj , fcurtenediits Quitches upon her apecies. in u y ? s i d ready witi he unbuttoned hi3 J '"JT nZ vabPs die WiUthstood Its se- : -.grated because tliey are m no on & wu, CQat and vtst threw tBejn on J"' "teSaSirt Ihervltal organs were ua ' Sand no serious objection can be made to and then took off Jiis collar, and tie deatU aeemed immineart. For . . anii m v while Ug pweetheart, looked on in,mute 'nPM, Rh wyuahed .iaoeesauUy, aad V , their lingering therein peace uuu astonishment When he haa rooea - finally discovered a : , Not content with the-, accomodations thus far, flBtoa recovery, by .purohatttog ofus ia . .. .. , srirl and said: "Hello, Jennie! inougni JcnBn 9tw Diateovery for fnrnishea ny tne cixy, xuwf yK d aad'a yoUr out ora relieved en ben of these nuisances have a habit of drive, but shucks! Ld 3s 'gj taking first' dose that slept all night; congregating on the comer of the pub- d the aernoon re, andkeep 1-1-- ; lie square and Patton avenue,.in front you.are, do you?";: A ; ;- iw wltes"'w: C. Banirick & " CSo.-, ' of of the drug store.- Every, day a motley ' The girls tears sXyT . Trial botilea free at T.fC. A ei r;.L!L.Lnn- " di:rfr; Smith's Drug Store and Pams Pbama-"-u - maiuuci oi- , vlv ' cy Regular size 50c ana ?i.uu. isrery alscanbe observed:. holding, tip the a deUght g? in tlur bottle guteed.-, - , W -! ...-.. -WMit ttti wtirt sava there. ia only one ' . . .-l . a. . : -- f.u-. -t- - ;ir I rt.; Zii 1 - i v xne eaixoT , ot xae mu -vit,, ., iue-Mu wic n-i v. Globe, writes: ,smie minute uougn e'nre is rightly namea. it curea my.cnuureu aftr-flTi -nthM ri medies f ailed." It TwUritv VflriR Proof, t; I u 1 a Vic vnilA : c'nM BROTHER S - , r , v . - -- - mnVLIUU V iijunwu.u. , feoughs,. colds- and all throat and Tlltt S Liver Pills keep, the DOW I tTha.nd or lover in trie army or jiavy? iVTlg troubles. '',WlUte G. , Smith, Drug ' 1-:--,1QUSnQf- Mall him today r a 25.cent paokae: of Gompany. , aMuiiaLuuu,, t,. o TTnn.o towderrfor the '.T --i f x Allen's. Foot-Ease,-a powuerxui - wUC T w MflK'OOOD. "-h cxrctAtn rs nil immirirlf.S Afi I n wiirt . TYiifAh walk or stand I--. n ti : .mra tTiMii! ..kln v:; absolute cure for sick headache' '1 SKSyS V;dySpepsia; sour, stomach, n SSKSK - V5 T,;,4 ?ec ' Sore or j Callous y. eiJ lottk; U your Mdneyare aifted,.you ' . --, - , L..,-.Mat an1 ehrvp. strr(f3 Sell it. 25 CtS. I i-M . . -CL. . rcn,i jn j - jti JLf-lii5 I " "6& t;; .-j j.ah V ii0 a I 00. you wnt sureiy-iiae w. hwb.o c .ut--. Olmsted,' L.e Roy,-N. T.". ' - rf J q-. . -lAjote directly on the stomaeh, liver ; -rf:.... . . .-; . .2.; 3; ; : -f. Ask any disinterested mechanic- al expert ana n ie youj BIcyles Can't-do without t!iem? R; P. ,Smithi. Qiilesburgt ya; .v n writes Idoprtkn6W how fc'ould opuci rr caress to H. B..Sucklea-& a.jaaneya, iytu "V- .. . .-;- . "- j I pies, D10 TOues ami UUIIS, vjtuu ;n.a.6uuu I---. e.4 a. ifl-CKk OflimTflA TWYT Oi 1 . . j . . . n - iw.i.- . -.. ."Ortiz? r, without :thefri. h have had King's New Ofe Pills, trial W C. S'g St peiham'. r- --r - - . . i . Af rt-r rttftltt.' TMSe duji riuuuiov. u w-w fv4 5-,. . -!- I ' v . ' '. 4 WilVW J v , I JL-lVen qisease, ipr Over XWenty to and are parttoularly ef - ' TTTJTJON3 GIVEN AWAY. mt la -Aeirfc-Jliilv cratlfyine to the ajublic to ir-wv-r rf MnMirft 1t the land who are i HIT S -LSVCry . iIfiiS They are guaranteed to he perfectly free Buffering. The proprietors of Dr. W from eTery'- oioowfriwuj-i , oauouuivo wuui int?t iioovery ww, wi"iiyw Oe Mlirt"ijr vtrjs?i-u!,w. . " 1 tuiu vUiu. juhyv t " j . -- " 1 'iW''Affl nnw pnhVli'iMiwlS ' tective in the cure of Constipation ' and ; .years.. iim now entirety curea. fBradadne:, ,ror Malaria ana-iiiveT k 1 JnP---i4.7 ,,11- TW OS s 1 troubles they have 9een proved inva.lua.bla n ? ;J lfTTf C: v .B 1VPr; ifi B 1 Q XJzzZ ,M4 o Hva mr,f Antlr free 5 .MraJ"': Michael "Curtain. Plalnflela, ,111., makes the statement ithat she caught cold, which Bettledl on iher luaigs; ah was treat ed or a montli foy her'.lamlly.physuclan, buffc'grew rworae.' tHe' told her she was a by tlheir action but Iby . giving tone to the Btomacib and bowels greatly Invigorate the lytrtem.? Regular sise 25c . per hox. t Sold br T. Kj. Smith, ; Lwuggist, ana rviduuu b VChamherlain'sr Pain Balm, has ,no :s: lupeiess victim of consumption and tnax no Dest remedy. - known for rheumatism, pnedlclne could cure ? her. filler --idruggist iame baok, neuralgia: while for sprains suggested Dr. King's New ; Discovery for cni3t bruisesrhnrns, scalds 'and -sore " CteMumpllonr be' bought a ibottle and to throat It is invaluable. Werty & Pike, ' . . merchants, rFeraandina, Fla.,"' write: J ' first dose. Elhe continued Its use and after berlain's remedies, "comes ' bacXc and taking six boimesound herself sound and says it U the best remedy tas eve r Mmii-n-rmprdh rtWw m-in iimiAewcrk. and t used.'!; 2a and EO. cents per Dottle at t as iwelli as she ever ms. rrei? txl:.l t:t- Dr. T. C. Craitn . . V v. Mrtn- triAl bottle of (tHxi ureat medicine; and have the satlsf action or Knowing iua -ihrti-iftiv ura ' thousands,-.of ' : hopeless Ma 'A-a-Yiai HR-YmiftbftJa.-" SoaTseaess mrt all'dtiseaaeai of the t jiirifa m.ha siireilv cured by it. mail on a. n Rmiii 'nniHjst. and' Pelham's - Phar-- macv. ana set a trial bottle free. : fftegular Size, 50c and;jl.00t iisvery Joxue guarn- ceea, or price rtsiunue. - r r E C P your blood pure, your appe-- tite good, your - digestion, perfect by taidng Hood's .fc5virsap3riiia,4T7iiici. bas power to Keep you ; j u I - - - a f-o Utia rf rf-nra and tobacco at ARE ITHE BEST i They aire absolutely uniform ill1 mi- ivf-wti nnfi ntnen y nil iihvh iiih added : satisfaction v of knowing no one can buy ; a Columbia -kn-! thn". Tnn.;' We sell for j one, .price only-tbe advertised I Columbia CMinless ' $12$ X do .- ; i'. - . PllartxordCdimi: atalegaefmeiromKaD CoJinbfan i'dealerer;by matt -lot otc. tamp. t: :Houglr& Durtham, Agent; ) 2Lsneyuie. AlSENTS WANTED ' FOR i "WAR WITH SPAIN, including names .on : sea and land. Contains all about ar - mies, navies, forts and warships of , - both nations and graphic story of the gallant Dewey; tells everything about Sampson,' SchleyrFitzhugh X-ee and ; leading. . commanders, v by: Hon. Jamea Rankin Toung. the intrepidUieader. for ', Cuba 'librs In the' halls ' of congress. The greatest war book: published; 600 ii-large pages;', 100 superb illustrations, mai-v in i richest colors. Has ' large colored maps; Biggest book, -highest him m i salons., .lowest nrice : oniv . !; Bach subscriber, receives grand $1.00 premium- rree. uemana enormous; 5 harvest for agents; 80 i days: credit; freight oaid: outfit, free. Write .to- Aa-& ah1tas ThA National Book i Concern, Dept. 15 35f Dearborn street- i FOTi UT1NT -Four or five tin furnished or -partly tumisnea rooms. , ou ie i-f first ' floor witK ransre and bath- i r rboird - y?- - l?4-lw l FOR RENT Four or five furnished i'l rooms on se :d flocr i nice resi t-A.. in e-rwvi itiffhborhood. suitable lfor housekeeping. Apply at. tnis ofllv XZ1-3C ..'', FOR RENTt-A gentleraan. with refer- .'. rntS ' invwiini ctaji rent a nana- f somelys and hewly i furnished: front . narlor at 167 Patton avenue with Privilege of bvath ort$15 i per? month. I f. c ti n-.f;ir mia Vi -an ' : T-nAmArfl nr . miHui k . iiuiiii v . ajnji - waaa. '-. w-- ; boarders.. . ' . , ; ' 120-lw FOR RENT My residence on" Beau-. mont Hill. for tne. summer, f Aaareas ; W.N.. Roundy. - ; ns-ti NORTH ASHEVTLLE Repair - and Carpenter.' Stop.; Furnltui' repairing and upliolftsrint ;: epedaHy.j u sAlao turning, and scroll saving dons U ; order.' : Ua aewtan ctf ceffltos wHU be kapt as haod after. llt& li May. . t , hAII work TTirl b done ngrat ana oness ; wut ne xegax aura. ,K Sast BtreeW Near Redmoa'i tttwa, .at 'HnirnhnnmfRftfl: kla I UUHUJ ULVUH y I iw,-. jtjM--i..'''-.-r .-. w f- ,1 ftefnrfi fteeiner ' thfr AmDTQYed "Remington, , will give jou better . satisfaction . . tAaa : anj . otAfei typewriter. , . ; v L. C. DEAL; Correspondent,4 r Vr. U. Tel. Office, asheyille; n. g -'I tJ A The Smith Premier :;N'EJNTEB There are few men more rwide awake. nd. enterprMng thai;T, C. Smith' aiid 'pelham's i P(harmacy,' who spare. w secure FOR RENT One furnished . room; ; rf .ni.4 fl.-ir h:' hraffi t. TiAfl.r. noat- office and square ; terms reasonable. Mrs. Cole, 23 Feniana street. T-tT TJTr!TJT,-.Ti'aslr rnrttn ; in office on Kcwrnd floor, excellent location: roller top. desk and chair:; for sale cheap. a ddress Centre." Gazette Office. " 75-tf theJbes;oiaryyd their inany oustomers.. They niowr have Is proancoiig sucitt a xuror an nTeruwwuu-f . tary Iby ;lte -maniy -:starlLng, ciiaoao-. A . TOk SAiK. nese ana au aneciauas i, e , i , t w-Vw -Afo. Vkfl 1 Aew: anIiungalfcCallat get a . trial bottle free or a regular size ior '"Trt i C SulliVan " 39 S Main SO.cents and- $1.00 Guaranteed MlSSfesS prke; I y:-- v f yr- Tfm TiairA as wrS with a a. Cl what aUout the sthar' tlomV Hat 3U time to read tt T Tear pea-wrrctea isciar v apt to be mtiH&Ul, mtH rozr tta&Sm 8fSS.; ir-trmedway FOR SAKE All the household good?1, of 25TTH -rESUITEX? gstt " att5U-4 "Moments are -uselesstrmea away, 1 f-.,!- Pa.ttbn avenue: al- mte M texfatn: tea r- . it oncaTAnglV wasted if COB umed by delay' ins cases -where a want A" inserted m the Gazette will bring y what .you want, tminegiamyyr; ::--EverrlodyrsaySSc Casicarets Candv Cathartic, the most won aerful medical discovery of tlagej)leas ant and refreshing to the taste, act gently and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, -cleansing" the entire system," dispel colds, T-pi-iiaHinnl tonstinataon -. Tr5i-mflwrr i22 Patton avenuer al- ;i so elegant piano and-gooa-cow. -4fcl24-3t;X:-.wM;t iFORSAXEme draf tor buggy1 L!l il f v A 'Ct(A AftiV - horse, seven years old -Ap. Cooper. f iMlCUlva .1 i iiOUy II ly .' - . . .- . - .... - . ' - POR SALE Ooriip.ete '-turnout or y ic- i ri a-- i n m ss n tin -Tair 01 . morses : ex cellent drlversj and riders Stylistf pony and pony cartel Wm. W. West: if t C C -to-dnT: i'.iiamutet .-"-- C n IT is' what has given Hood's SarsaparillaJftev largest sales th.3 vrorld and enables it to accomplish cnT a A T.T- rTf .TR A Ti'E-iA thorough - bred Kentucky ; horse, V pedigreed ,- stock;' good roadster; darkrbay,, 15 hands high; 7 years pld; gentle and " very stylish; want a smaller norse. Call on or address H IX- McAdam, tja . 4. Ti-.-'Cot-rt -s"iiSLre.':'jLhevr ' -pon YOtnia .irciT, a::d,coyo ACi Grade ConegeTFIStliig b.iC5sl t ,.,r ' pess areparitery t-cnocd. - !Plclaaxyt and', healthful locatica. , . Cz n - 1 ' " 1 ' f 1 1 tyju l. - 1 r mvwm r. . rc-I--r r-.---l frrj cr3 r 'if.