I THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE JULY 3, r lug ua '-is. , ;::r:z3 itoi vm& ncin eeab CHE ASHfcvILLB GAZETTE PUB u. LISlttNG COMPANY. ; 'K K. JIOBTOK, Pwridt. .B0BSCRIPTIOir BATES : i X5iT.r One.Year..:. V.'. .14.00 r5 six iftth.:r.v:-..'.'.s,..-. 2.25 f7-?yj Eleven "Weeks ...l..; AV" PlvOne Month . ., ' CiSy, One Week...;?. v. i? Weekly Gatette; One Jew 1-g ixriri-o' narottft. Six Months. ,...- w 7 These reduced rates arefor subscrip tions paid ' rosiTi v tun c?.. VANCE. All credit subscriptions hrtll Z?WZaA a i..te of 15. cents a Week for whatever time they may run. - m.. n0MH fa .delivered in Asbeville, Victoria and BiHmore byj carriers at the resularv subscription . n raws., these limits 6 'territory ; the. paper may be ordered by letteri postat card or tele phone and, the Rubsicfipjtlonprlce jpaid TOLCPHOinS 02 1 V? Day1 and &lgh& . iffCasli'Discount. TV;. Offer No. !: ; Talcum, boraredJ7 delightfully perfumed, iir spray cap tin box vfirregbla"p;price 25cC Our Cut fiateprice iO I ! r ' Call i or sample" aiid compare with what you, have befeh buyiu - and be your own judge. .. Offer No. 2: . - Wer will refill all boxes our Trand when empty, for 8c. per liox. Isn't thiB cut rate ? . See our window to-day. IPEIHAM'S PHARMACY, "Leading Cuttate'Dtug $tore" t I - - i r- ' - -1 ' v One feature of the movement upon r -Santlaee'that will n&ure graphically In j v ; the pictures tCi.wbe drawn by artists, poets and historians; is the part played . by; the Cuban ; "insurgents." ' Garcia has brought his little army of patriots to the 'support of our troops. The-Cu- " ban febel chief was visited, by one of . our. ; Generals anof asked what he could do, to assist, our army. . What he prom ieed he has done. He has furnished his ' , f ull quotQ of men -unkempt',' half starved , natives!; on w"hoSe heads therehad been , y a price, whose homes have long since : been destroyed and .whose wives and children are numbered ' among the sad ; or deady "reconcentrados.",. This rag ged ! artny has! marched in "advance of our splendid regiments. They have i t gone where,, our commanders have ' or . dered and from : all 1 ' accounts fought . the enemy' with courage.' Theirlosses In billed have been larger than tturs in very battle in which' they have "shared the dangers. They have seen Uniform A ed reginints oiily; as enemies vNow they have them as allies,, and no doubt , can extr tbAttheyf join' inj the? battles against the common, foe with intense jpride and confidence In the success of the flag that waves beside ilieir. ownr: Gazette ; l The f Gazette has1 v received ' many ' .ofda ibt ,warm -approval-iand- compli anent for Its service of the news of the Tvar., By holding oen the forms of the , paper to the last possible moment the Gazette frequently contains the record ; r 9f important events that' does 'not ap pear till. the following dayUn its con temporaries. r Many people regard the , -war as of great advantage from a buai- ness ' standpointC for the daily" newspa- pera- It has . greatly , increased their ; circulation, but It ha" also Enormously Increased the expenses of their publi cation. The "big news' for which there Is daily demand causes an increased in terest and sale of the paper, but it also calls for a largeinereased' investmient of money and energy by the paper. By persons who are thoughtless or Ignor- ant regarding the difficulties of.- the! Valenciennes Lace from 2c yard .Torchon Lace, hand and machine made from 3c. to very fine. ''5'", . Swiss Embroideries, an especially good stock.x Special prices on all our eriibroideries. . . White. Chamois Gloves only 79c. - - ' ,A large stock of white and colored Kid Gloves at 89c; worth I1.50: A full stock .of the celebrated Centemeri Kid Gloves. : : Full stock India Lmons 5c and praae at 25c. . JLaaies bailor flats at reduced pnees. ;. bummer, Un derwear; a new supply 5c up.' J , , , ;v -,v ' Box 96 Sheets and 96 Envelopes of Good Writing, M 29c; worth 50c. . ; A new supply cotton covert, the nice .wash "goods for skirts, sheets and sheeting. , Pillow cases-a'nd pillow casing; New supply just in. Great reduction in prices in Organdies and Summer goods for 5c up. The time for bargains is NOW, at " " ' .jm WM- 1 . . - . . ... ..: . V f i. !'-nf iVHM '; " .' ' ff V"-V .." V .-art"- work that.- devolves upon .the reporten the news -agency that employs him and the editor that receives the news 7 and promulgates It, the newspapers get much,' uncharitable criUcisnt for "inac curacy'' ;-in -the war riews they print. No newspaper j invthe country can be free from the criticism of these people, and -theTgitws'-agencieswhlch are expendingfortunes daily" and placing their best men in the neia to report., on the progress of the war are pomiea at ' - .-. - - r - . - as bunglers ang iaismere. x has been-subjected to. very Jittie 01 tms, - ... ,x ' unkind carping.; Oh the outer nana publishers 'have .'received jexpression frm,-htrritsrreaerrlnae, earnest efforts' to ,secure. the best possi- ' ' ii. 14; W toaR.ji.nrt- vei yt rri. y , - place it Derore ixa reaue yiy,iAiV.j, is 'generously; appreciated. Its subscri-j bers have come to realize by, daily read-1 12 - England no doubt loves uadearly, but ing of the paper - and comparing it the Englishsauthors;haye not yet di with the daily newspapers ofother citise.1 covered .that fact in its entiretjr cayi .thce on tropoiitaa cIMB.f the Chjco Tim-Har.ld. C!rk Bus- that the Gazette can berrelied upon to have the pews when , it is news,, as, ac- curately and fully as to Important de- tails as is obtainable .through any newspaper. The pleasure of knowing that ' our ' endeavors are thus v appre ciated is-the reward .we cherish. In contrast to this general- sentiment ""is the unkindcomment , of - a than whO wrote to the Gazette yesterday, after disapproving of an item of local news; My - second request as a, subscriber ; is that' you should entertain at" little more regard. as to. accuracy v in -your--war news, without" having to contradict yourself .almost every day." The in sinuation, 'is a reckless ; one, and if its writer were an editor, such recklessness would have to .be curbed with a strong hand and a blu'e pencil of truth would die daily from hisv handst An evi dence of the necessity: of this restraint appears in another, item in this corres pondent's letter as follows: "I am sor ry to find you supporting and upholding this telephone and other monopHea in their mutilation . and final - destruction of our shade trees li this city." "The Gazette has jiever- done anything . of the kind. Not a - single line in any t . .... issue of this paper has ever inclined in the direction indicated. Every , reader of the daily newspapers, who possesses and uses ordinary intelligence can re cognize the fact that whiTe much of the information j published t regarding the war, especially -as ?ta ?J coming- events and military plans, is .contradictory, his 'i daily reading of J any honest news paper enables him to know .witb ac curacy -what . isioecuring daily in the great .drama of war, with forecasts gathered by; astute and -careful men who are In touch with the best possible sources of 1 inf ormatloni, y It should- re quire no superhuman intelligence to discover the reason for a contradiction between information sent out from Mad rid and Washington? from Blanco and Sampson, 'or-that even our gov jernment "offlcials a should . . occasionally find it to their interest to give out mis leading statements -as tor their inten tions. ; No honorable newspaper man desired anything more; than Hhat' Ihls reports should be true-r-true to llif e and its absolute realities.' They are tireless in their efforts . to reach this goal. , In times of battle they wilf cheerfully risk their lives to, see - with their own eyes; educated to aceuracy," the scene? they are to picture. Every newspaper man is piqued when , he ; sees ... .this 7 news, gathered A with- infiinitepaihs and ex pense, ;. ; treated ; . with contempts and derision by its? readers because perhaps In a single minor, detail the;- reporter has , been" Inaccurate."1 The splendid work of the reporter., is in the graphic arid true' picture, he has drawn of the event and ' that but a few hours' kt ter the event -occurred . is on y the -printed pagev arid' being read a . thousand ; miles distant from the scene of It . , , f .s.' POSTSCRIPT. , 1 . In" Manila among other ,7 curious things exposed for sale are a species of grasshoppers, or locusts; which" are used for food and are a great luxury. .l . -" In : one corner ,of cthe rooms of the ch'amber of commerce v in San Diego,' lies ' an, old bronze cannon which was -ri .tiit4 Tt utih i to finest. up. . Persian Lawns. - an extra feet Sine inches, and its bore, three and a half Inches. - The ancient cannon was ent hi thv Snanistt government to. form part of the battery -constituting the defence or san uiegu ;n vhp'n San Dieero. in common with the rest of v Alta California, was under Spa&ish rule, -y;- -... 1 i Verdi. - now- 82 years old, rides on horse back every day. He composes a mA wrv momlnfc Dla'ys ards with hf fmiiv In the afternoon, and in the i evening likes to Tead poetry and phil osophy. &r - . Tne reatnaUanaJ game nVitbe fsi a varietv of Crap. It; is nlavfKi. everywhere. The workmen in j gtreetg Rtop . iave.a 4 at - this game before-, they.- go , nome at n)rV.I -'Thoro fa A AnflTltah Club itf the VtV whre the e has, been contin ued ioT seVeral years; ;some people say t his plaVe is token by another, Frequently several i men will keep., at the eame for twenty-four hours.s So -ame has been on day and nlght for.years, , . . . r q .j, and uudyard kiplingr, will have, it that aH Americans are Yankees, although .they wouia resent- xne cnarge inai. aii Englishmen are cockney . ' . -r . Another symptom of the drift is in relation to emigration from Great Brit ain.; Statistics show .that an enormous number of people come to this country from Great Britain, but the novelisti nerer heard; of, it." Micawber'anch his interesting family .went' ta Australia and got rich. - So did every other emi grant that Dickens sent abroad, unless, like Martin Chuzzlewit and Mark Tap leyi " they were sent to.this country to pojnt a moral and adorn a tale, AJll Eng lish writers resemble Dickens in that respect. In heir stories the emigrant aU '-go to Australia, Ganada, Africa anywhere but the ITnited States. J , This trait comes -under the hea ol "loyalty to the crown..' They knowper- fectly well that the JBritish emigrant unless assisted; by. a British society, takes himself . and . belongings to this country, and even if the society kindly lands him in Canada he takes the first chance of skipping over . the border. -The only time he goes to the "colonieat with cheerful alacrity is Ihi the pages ol a British novel. ' ' 7 , A corintryinan who expressed a desire to enlist in Kansas City was directed by a joker to a Salvation Army tent. .The Salvationists were singing a songwheu the fariner ctowded up to their little circle. ; He waited patiently. ; Then one of ithe men made an address appealing for volunteers.". The young ; farmer pushed into the circle, and, taking off his hat, stuck out hisnand tor theiini-; f orpied man who was talkincr. Icwan E to enlist,; said the farmer.' Bang Vent rthe. big'b"ass" drum, andJltallelujahr' 'jshquteq a .sweet-faced little .woman. Another pinner saved I' let us pray I n exclaimed "the soldier 'who - hell . the f faraners hand, as jhe knelt down on the aouuxi. . .tiYciiieiib .7, reverenuy... 4 xne farmer iWas. thoroughly, scared by. this turn of affairs. Instead of kneeling he looked about him. The prayer had al ready started; when, h e got his bearings', izg his valisei whicli hehadoppei on. the street whpn he took the proffered hang pfthe?soldier he broke through the 'crowd, and amid the guffaws of a crowd of newsboys he started north on jIain street. :i. . N . . . " 1 . 1 i . SHORT LENGTHS. ft ' , Canada stipplies about' i14'bfi the im ported food orGreatBritainCx " A- silk factory in. which pnlyj-wotn!! are'i employed has 'heen opened in a sutur ol London. It is estimated that at least 1,000,000 poiinda of rubberls annually xiaed inhe manuf acjure f , bicycle tires. ' TJie cost of fuel on steam railroads 13 about tenier ceiit. of the operating- ex penses, and on electric roads it i about flipper cent. V " " . ' J -' . The, value of all the gold, silver cop? pei5 iron.coal-'and lead mined every year in American is exceeded by the products of the forets;-: j1 ; ; - Atthe exposition which is to be held in "Turin, during theoming-"summer prizes 'are , to be offered for(jnotor care, the? first prize' being of the value of 800 i i.H v .j Mv -, .13ie sultan of Turkey has 5ui builfc at Mecca the btggest house' in the world. It is' intended for the accommodation, 0 pilgrimsiUnd is capable' of ' sheltering 6,000 persons : ; V i hl-1' It is reported that a prize of $10,000 is L offered by the Belgian government for the discovery of a" chemical that will take- th e ; place -of phosphorus-in the manufacture of matches.- . Bean the. Signature Jha Kind You Have Always Bought rTTh-e chief c burgess "of MITesburgr, fPa. says" DeWftt: Little EaMy Bisers are the best pills-he ever nsei In his fam ily, during. forty 'years of. housekeeping. They cure constipation sick headache and stomach an! liver troubles. - Small in", size ,but great in : results. White G. Smith Drug Company.- " .'fr.. ; , ; WANTED BOTtS AND GULLS. We "will flemdl cny reputalble boy or girl a $3.00 lot of ooxir ytegetable and Flower Seeds (my fciiwi -wanted) and mil gire a nice Nickel Stem Wind: amd: Set Watch when the seeds re xyid.'xINo. money; in v advanxce, eknply .write ua you. accept this offer and we will lorward the seed charges paid. We only ask taa& settlement be made la tlhlrty days. Seeds are needed by eyery one and yea can? earn a wattlh. eaay. vNane ere better thaa King's -Northern Growai. We have Wwlde Talr iledal and Efiplcma,' and miai)e"fc2gtffer3taget you toSielp na initre duos our bnuode.'", We gire Suite of. CSetlhes DJcycTas, Buggle Gune, and ananytyher val-uxa articles Write a' a ipoetal fcsday asd commirK5e a nice little business. Grar.d Premium list l& testimoslali ti T. J. & CO.. raclnonl, Va. Any one buying mocks or Aroquet a I3oc:ao -and lipine Islands J7i?ec? Later, ;"via Hong 'Kong : has not been confirmed. 7.DAI3 DQBE3 E'.G f (Late of Baa 3 a. J-- 1 Furniturei and ' Garpets that we are nol Headquarters :T6r.f"r 16 tAtTON rrr Latest Bulletin : For a sh6rt tlmef a large discount on Men's ttd Boys' Clothing, Mats, Shoes, Underwear and Furnishing Goods. ' ' H. Redwoofl E Co. , Telephone No. 150 F. D. THOMPSON & CO., , f Commission nerchants. . . HAT, GEAIN,' FEEBIIMECEMjENT AND - ST0KA6E. , WHOLESALE AND KETAIll vi; South Lexington AvenuelASBGEYILLE; N. C. btorage of Jbiirnitiire 3 We have for sale cheap one suit of .walnu furniture and one lawn inow er,; some door . and window:, screens, ; sprinkling hose and reel, One set lace curtain stretchers. ' i . . Which will Prevail Goods; GflREHI 56 cents Shirt Waists at 35 cents ;75: 4 " (t " so v " 1,00 " 69: 1.50 " " ? '98 " 3.00 " ; : "1.39 , 72 inch Table Damask, ,M " ; ; 14 ;r! " M "at- elegant quality Prettiest satin damask ever xiai&xus iu uitticu ai curresponamg prices; Small lot of tJticar hemmed sheets at 55 cents. : xaonawK nemmea sneets, 51x90 T ; 46 Our No. ioo sheet 81x90 - 39 Pillow cases to match this lot t " 30 cr Lot pillow cases; : ,7,.'$ii50 ' V -LACE CURTAINS; $100: l 25 . V 60 ; 3 25 Vt K -I it ".'6 06:. Large lot of linen Trihkow shades, assorted ' colorsat 25 cents I M one of my Hamr"' sets .will receive ;iL61 - in: the Phil: ; ? The above report D00 C ;:8T0nE? Antonio, i ezas.) v W . 18 SOUTH MAEN" ST. WHET HEjE You are ' going: to fur- hish Parlor or Bedroom - - we are the oeoole to see betore you'buy; v 1 here ' : - AVENUE. Post Office Box 76 r a Specialty. TV at this Sale While the Last. worth $1.46 at $1.15 " 1.25: 1.00 H i:io " .85 ' - Ji f,.25 shown inTthe city at $i.7s t t, it p6r pair, dz . 1 . ... . 7 H -v . .. . if ' . : (IK ' - - -.. -.- . , i r: : 195 2 69 - 3 15-. 3 96 4 89 ft- Baveybn coen the KairEircJak Camera. A gcnuic8ld&kvtprie& C4, take splendid ii pictures SJfcs. 3Ji inches? ; Cameras atToxioc3 prices and supplies. Nr ; " g PIIIE! JET7ELEY for iffeccatal A full line of choice articles to' select from.' B. H. COSBY v AslievmerDray ;Co. v 4 "- v ",?. 4; r Cor. Patton Ave. and Conrt Sisa - PH0m223 - la coancft3 idt& tour Cat pctoa: iflellvery waooji tSsa.t r 2z ready nto dHver iMtdke-j t-Cress Hj cseiiTered to the depot or eoy poSst la Cm dty.ait fiOo per gxtooe, . - - Iliss GeorgianaPnriEfca teas opened a Studio for tie in- I strnctionof Vocal and: Instrumental Music at room 16, third floor, Maxwelton buildings ""; .:Patton AVenur . Wholesale and Retail. Boman Candles,' v . . , w; , Sky Rockets, -Cannon Crackers,. Whistling Bombs, : Chinese Crackers, . , 1 : Colored Urc. Largest assortment f ilr lowest prices v - ' This' wul' be'a Bg W Greatest - celebration val CO o over tne; country for years it. RAY'S, 8 llorth Conrt SqcinL instructions - In Artistic Piano Playing. Method:-as usad in the procaioen conservatories : uOf mugio qI this eons try and abroad.., v Kurt Mueller, Pianist, Formerly teacher of the nner elasef 0 la a wprid-renowneaJQindworth-SchRrwenk Dob aervatory of Music, Berlin, Germany. , Thorough instruction In voice cul ture by Hrsi Clara Mueller after' fa mous methods. ' v t , - Harmony Lessons Without : exti charge;' Several Beeitala free of cliarge to students., r At noma: 16 C3xarlotte Otrct, ' 1 to 3 o'clock. , TEBUtmoreBtate Is Open to ; r . . y A . - " i ' ft t the Public on Ueteday and. Saturday ". V A". : I Applications Vfor Paaa should be made at the Bat more - officebetwe&ija 3 p. m A; Not morV than fifty passes will, be isstted "on any one day. : V-?; -4i r Applications by telephone will not considered be THE GEJEAPEGT l Vi7 For Sale Throngh. ALL" COAL DE3ALERS: ANir FirewoFlss 5 ALT GR0CEHY RTOT r T . w - i w

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