xt- ft- . ' ' f .4 Eii Tin National Banks of tKe V State do a Large; 1 Businessr; Csckstsrsat Camp' Attem)t to Raise V. Prices But are; Sat On.1 . r ; NoVsald Tkat 8 llMore.Meitre Need . ' A ed to Complete the Second-Dealh 'I : ' . . of a gob of Henrv W. Miller. ' V ' Raleigh,' July 2.r-It-,was stated a few ' ' days ; ago : that. jooqIf' twenty-five more - men "were needed to', bring, the -Second regiment up'tri Its required strength of - 1350. , Now' It la said, that sikty'-one. inore are needed. Why such conflict ."lng reports are-given out It' is .hard to sayr ' ''' The council .of administration- met - yesterday and recommended prices' that hucksters at ; the . camp . , should charge for 'certain articles as soon af the mefn : f were paid off, the other -'day these - hucksters advanced the price of dlffe'r V.; vent: things. ' . : jjj '"Several cases of desertion were tried '- ly court martial at Camp Russell yes ' ' ' terday. - ' ' .There was a fine inspection drill yes i ';: terday .at Camp Russell Instead of duress parade. t '':f . ciVK-Itls learned today that Henry M. vi?" -Miller . died at Norfolk, Va., yesterday. ' Me was" born in Raleigh, and was the ' - oldest son o f the late Henry "W. Miller, -ne of the most gifted men at the North , - . - Carolina bar. - v. The tobacco crop all in this section -" is particularly fine, '. " ,. The railroad commission did not re . duce the assessment on any single-road In the state. f If Vou Oant to be well, see to it that vour Kidneys and Blood are itf a" healthy condition. ' It is an easy matter to learn what state your Kidneys are in.. Place some of yourlarine in a bottle orumbler, arid leave it stand one day and nightr ? A sediment at the bottom shows that you have 'a- dangerous r Kidney jdisease. Pains in the small of the back.indicate the same thing. So does a desire to pass water often,' particularly at night, and a scalding pain in tirinatlng is still another certain sign. .71 .L . yJf y.: ' ' Read "- PjC? VXT-'"inent "meii -Ir. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy is ; 7 ' ' what you need.' It will xure yovr surely if you do not: . delav tfw lonir ii tatfncr it. i-Kiaiiev diseases are dan-' . r . r i :r r- v PAAte e kt irt isr rv n onrioran a einrria mnmattr whati; !!. Kippo unlon in. x.v a prom-. member of -thje G; AR., says: VX was troubled j - with my Kidneys v and - Urinary Organs and iyjf Qsuffered c great annoyance ' day and' night. v but -since using Dr. ''David :Kenriedy'a 4 Favorite : Remedy I vhaye greatly im ? proved, - and ,thatc dreadful .burninir r&ensa- r tion has 1'entirely , gonerV, I had on my lip y ;twhat was called a pipe cancer, swhich spread i 'most, across myIip, and was, exceeding painful; now.. that, is almost well , I also had severe1 heart trouble,, so that it was 'difficult to work; that is a great' deal better. - J have gained nine pounds I since I commenced taking', the Favorite Remedy; am 'greatly5 benefited" in' every way, arid cannot praise it too mucti.V ' - ' r ' ' . , ;if v Iriverand Urinary troubles. In Rheumatism,'' Neu V ralgia, dyspepsia,- and Skin' and Blood Diseases, it has never faded where theMirections were followed." It is also a specific for the ' uwuui.es pewuxitu w iciuiucs uruggxsis sell ll at I.OO a DOtue.. " 'J. ; (STnnl Rftlin' T y send your, full postoffice address OUIiilV UUHIt ID VVi to the Dr. David Kekdy' Corporation, JRondout, jN. y., KoA mtnitcn -JhtSi paper, - we will forward you, prepaid, a free-sample bottle- bf Favorite Remedy, together with full directions for its xuse You can depend upon this offer being genuine, and should write at once for a free trial bottle. k ! V ' ' - ' Tv 'Asheville ih.liiit 8:20am v .. ..... Lv Spartanburg i..., 11:50am i S:C5pm Lt GMA1 SDrtncrs... :L 10:00am Tv Greenville ........ 12:01am 4: OOora i Ly Xaurens .. ...... u ltSSpm 10:45pm Juv AnaerBOQ ............ .... .--t ;vaza Greenwood ....... :35Dm Ar Augusta .......... 5 : 05pm . 11:15pm 11:40 p, m. trJln from Augusta makes elose connection at Calhoun Falls' for all points on S.. A.' Ij. ' " ; . . - - - - I , . Close connections at Greenwood i for all points on ,S.' A. Xj." and Cv & G.' rail ways and Spartanburg with Southern railway.. sr , - 'For any information relative to tick ets, rates, scneauies, etc, aqoress i - 'jW,- J. CRAIG, Gen. PaS. Agt. - . E M. NORTH, Soliciting Agt. -' T. M. EMMERSON, T. iL - - . -,t; , " ; s' Augusta, Ga. The state treasurer has the report of ' the 27 national banks in this state .. showing loans and discounts of $6,744,- - . S43; United States bonds $908,000;, Specie v $578,000; aggregate resources, $11,088, ; "000; capital stock paid in. $2,671,000; sur ) :C4 : ilus $807,000; undivided profits $395,000, ; National bank notes out-standing $594,- . 000;. undivided deposits subject to check 4 ' 5,712,000. 1 , Adjutant General Cowles - has been , ; ! ' notified that no more naval ' reserves will be needed as more have been mus I tered In' than the government has use ' for. , ' .The names of officers for. the Third regiment,, negroes were given out last !'. ;v night as follows: J. H. Young, colonel, 1 of Raleigh, Chas? L. Taylor, 'of Char- f lottexlietuenant colonel; Andrew J. . L Haywood of , Raleigh, majort -'' E. E. Smlth, of: Goldsboro,- major -adjutant; ' Abe Middleton and David P. JLane, eur freons; Thos. R. Mask, J. A. Dellinger , . and M. T. Poe, quartermaster, Thos. C. V-MIllen - :rp ' Judge Purnell says that under- sec ' , , tlori 602 of the revised' statutes he will v ,te called upon to appoint all the refer- t ees In bankruptcy in this state. . This .,,of course, being upon the felief that Ewart !wlll ,not be appointed judge of the western district. - - J.'. M. Bishop," who shot and .mortally " '-wounded1 MelvlnEarw'ood on the edge v f thisf county lastTuesday voluntarily , , i . Surrendered yesterday to .deputy sheriff Rhoades of Henderson county and "was brought to Asheville and lodged" In jail ! He ,was visited in jail by" a XJazette fe ; ' porter to whom he gave' an ; account of ; ithe unfortunate occurrence , Bishop - j , ; claims' that 'lie was in no wise responsl v , ble. j Hedaims that be'dldt not precipi-; tate. the fight and that all he did was ? to defend himself. Bishop says that In View : f . the critical condition of Ear : wood, he will not now apply, for a writ . : of habeas corpus.' .: Late last night' Ear ; wood was reported to be dying. ; K r i SOUafHEIlN RAILWAY. : In Effect June .12, 1898. - Numbers. Numbers. 'Number.1 - ' 1 . Numbers Numbers. Number 37&11 , 35&15 5 , (Eastern Time.), 12&38 . 16&36 6 s 4:30pm 12:05am Lv. New York , Ar. 12:43pm J 6:35am x ?,., e 6:55pm 3:50am Lv. Philadelphia Ar." 10:15am 2:56am " v " s :20pm. 1 6:22am,, Lv. Baltimore r Ar. 8:00am 11:25pm . v; 10:43pm ; ; ll:15anv; Lv.- "Washington Ar. V 6:42am :. 9:35pm 6:10am; 6:07pm Lv. ; Danville . " Ar 11 5pm 1:30pm, 12:10am 12:01pm , - - Lv. ? . Richmond Ar; 6: 40am - 6:25pm - - ....... - r 9:35pm 9:10am Lv.. Norfolk Ar. 7:50am 5:55pm - . 3:10am 2:50pm .-., 1 Lv. , ;v Selma Ar. 2:40am 12 :35pm 4:05am 3:60pm ' - Lv. Raleigh , Ar. , ,1:40am 11:35am 7:05am 6:35pm Lv. Greensboro V Lv. 10:43pm 8:50am - - - ; VIHE TELEPHONE MATTER. . - ToTelephone'Subscrers:';'';. ' -In asking the co-operation of the cit , lzens of Asheville in securing: reasona , ble ; rates we ,have assured ;them . that the: board "would enter Into a contract : with no company except for. a term of years, in- order., to avoid, a recurrence of this figlxt It has been forced to make. Therefore' we. 5 caption our citizens against eufteripg into " a contract . with any compa ny , other than the, one . in dorsed by the',bpardAfor ; it is":workihg solely. : f or .a ; permanent C good : to mlL One point we wish to call to the atten . tion. of the residence subscribers is that ' all the J . business houses - here have agreed ! and, ..bound themselevs. to supr port and nibscribe tb the telephone sys tem endoned , by the board -and allow none other; in -their house.-,; Therefore any other company; cannot furnish the resident with the connection they -want, 1. e., business houses ' Yours respect fully, ' -( v ,; .- -"' rJF. Morrison- - " . ' - ' - . . .f. P. Sawvpr: 9:05.im 7:E0pm Lv. 9:55am 8:30pm .. . Lv. 10:35am 9:07pm Lv. 10:53am 9:25pm Lv, 12:12pm 10:34pm . Lv. 2;15pm 12:03am Lv. 2:25pm 12:10am , Ar, 2:35pm 12:15am :30am Lv. ' 3:P2pm 1:29am " 7:45am Lv, 5:55pm 3:00am , 9:25am Lv. 7:40pm 4:25am" 11:00am , .Ar,' 11:35pm 7:40am 7:20pm Ar; ' 7:10pm 7:10pm 7:40am Ar, r (Central Time.) Salisbury Statesville Newton Hickory. v Marlon" Biltmore . Asheville v Asheville Ar. " 6:40pm 9:30am Ar. 5:48pm 8:43am Ar. - 5r08pm- 8:09am - Ar. 4 : 50pm v 752am Ar. , 3 : 32pm ;! 6 : 45am Ar. 1:35pm 5:21am Lv. Tl:25pm, S:15am Ar. w-1 : loprn & : luam 4:35pm Hot Springs f i Ar .11 :46am T 4:00am 3:l3pn 4 Morristown v-Ar. jSJSOam'SQam 1:25pm Kjioxville'- v Ly. v 8:25am, " 1:15am . 12:10pn Chattan'ooga Lv.'s'40am,rlO:00pm ' 8i40air Memphis-' .,Lv. , ,9il5am ? :00pm 6:40am 6:55pm Ar. NashVille' 7:50am 7:50pm. Lv. I0:10pm 9:l0aan Ar. ' Louis ville-Lv. 7:45pm '7:40am' 7:30am' 7:30pm Ar. Cincinnati Lv. 8:00pm -8:30am 10:30am Ar. ; New Orleans (Lv. 6:00pm A. ANDiS.rBRAGJBt; - No. 14. No.. 10 No.8 - (Central Time.) hNo. 13. 7:20am - 2:05pm 8:00pm . 8:28am ; 3:15prir r 0:10pm r 9:17am 3:29pmi 9:58pm '. 10:20am ' 6:00pm 11:03pm 11:22am 6:15pm 12;26am 2:40pm ' 9:35pm. , U No; 9 " No. 7. r Ar;; 6,;00pmi ? -l:45pmf 8:45an Lv. Asaieville ; (Eastern Time.) LV. ' Biltmore Ar. 5:52pm ; 2:35pm Ly. Henderson-ille Ar. 4:59pm 1:45pm Lv. Tryon- - Ar.' 8:49pm1 12:42pm Lv. Spartanburg ,Ar. r 2:35pm 11 :25am -Ar. Columbia' Lv. 4l:l0ara,8:30aan 9:35am 8:42am 7:42ar 6:37am 6 : 40pm 11 : 00am , Ar Charleston . Lv.; 7:30ajn - 5:30pm 5:20am 5:20am . , T.".. (Central Time.) . ; v Ar. Savannah Lv. 12:24am - 12:24am 9:15am ttil) ' 9:15am Ar. " Jacksonville -s Lv. - "8; 00pm' '".fcOOpm AUGUSTA .'ABD--AE2aTXIXa..fiIIC3E '- t' TAZXH. ' s, ' Schedule in EfTecrilay 15, 1S:3. Lr Augusta- - 0:4Sam J:4?m Ar. Greenwood .. .... . 12:17pm Ar Anderson 6:10pm Ar Laurens. -1:16pm - - 6:C5am Ar Greenville , 2:45pm 10:15am AT iiienn apnngs.,.. r:wpm .. ........ Ar Spartanburg ..... . S:C3pm 10:20am Ar Saluda ............ i:Z3pm . - J . . mJII & . . " A.A... " - " ' Ar Asheville 7:00pm Lv 'Augusta ' ."7"...:;.v 2:55pm Ar Allendale ' " r5:00pm Ar Fairfax 6:15pm Ar Tamassee . 19 :45am : 6:20pm Ar Beaufort 10.:soam."7:20Dm Ar Port Royal 11 :05am:: t:S5prii Ar Savannah ; ....... t 7;35pm Ar Charleston 9:10pm Ly Savannah,- .. ; .-. .. ' 6;00am Lv Port Royal:....:..7' ifOp'm S:30am Xjyiseauron- . . . i : oopm ; i s :vam Lv Yamassee 2:05nm' 9:45am Lv Fairfax ........... ,, 10:51am Lv Allendale :,..... 11:05am Ar Augusta ....j.Ui,. ........... -AAOpm SOUTH CABOLINA AND GEOBGIA B. I- B. CO s , . "Tht CLtxlet Cen Line. -Corrected to, December "10, 1187 Batcrs , - , j,. .- . Time.1-" -v - j -j Ewrt Daily. Leave Augusts. - 6:1$ a. m. Arrive Aiken 7:10 a, m. Arrive KingriUe.,. .10:10 a. m. Arrive ColumhU .............. 10:55 a. m. Arrive Charleston ...... 11:00 a.' m. Wert Dally. Ieave Charleston ............ 7;10 a. m. Leave Columbia ............... 7:00 a. m. LeSve Kingville....... 7:40 a. sn Axtlve Aiken- 11:09 a..m. Arrive Augusta 4. 11:51 a. xn. -rr , Bast Dally. L4Te Attgueta .......w........ t:2t cw sn. Arrive Aiken. ...... 4:07 p. bl Arrive 'Kingrille .............. 0:20 9. m. ArriTe ColumM, . 10:10 p. m. Arrive Chartettoa ............. -t:00 p. nt I--" West Daily. Arrive Aiken ...i. 0:57 p.. tn. Arrive Augusta . . . ......... 10:45 n. m. Leave "Charleston ............. 5:X0 p. m. ueve Columbia .............. 4:00 p. m. ve KingriUe 4:44 p. a. Lea, CAMDEN BRANCH. . Daily .Except fiuaaay, ' -Nerta. Arrive KlnivJlle 4:21 . m. Arrive Qsmden .-..... ........ 11:55 a. m. Leave Kmgrme 6:00 a. m. Arrive Camden. ............... ; t:15 a. m. Leave Camden ............... t:45 a. dl ArriTe Kingville 1:CJ a. m, Leave Caanden ...........i... 2:21 p. m, ArriTe Kingsvine 4:25 p. xo. ! ADXBN AOCOIOIODATION. . . , i '-Dally- Except Sunday. Leave Augusta v. . ; . . Arrive Aflcen ................. Leave Aiken ArriTe Augusta 6:41 9. m. 7:20 p. 4:20- m. 5:17 p. m. i GEORGIA DIVISION. Dally Except Sunday.- , v 8:00am i Ar. . Augusta Lv, OOpm OiSOpmi, 8:55pm ,5:10am SJlOam Ar.; .Atlanta) t jLv. V7:50am ll;50pmT llOpa 7:40am 8:10pm : 8 :10pm ' Ar. New Orleans v Lv. 7:45pm .:; 7T55am 7:55am 7:40am Ar. VMemphia ",vt 1 ' Lv ? S: 00pm" 8:20am Ar. ,Iacon Lv. 7:10pn MURPHY BRANCH. No. 67 -No. 17. -(Central' Tiha.)'' No.,68 No;18t a 1. 1 , - 8 :00am J 4:40pm v 10:29am' 6:05nm 4 - Lv. 11:20am a 6:50pm ' r -. - Lv. Balsam i:45pm ; 8;40pm I t; V -Ar ; , Bryson uity Lv. - Asheville AAr. a" 4:00pm."' 1:00pm, v , fWaynesville , : Ar. . l:50pmK,,ll:43am ' 6:45pm ; Daily except Sunday. Ar. Ar. 12:20pm , 11:20am Lv. 9: 30am 9:35am Murphy. - Lv. 6:00am- v- - Daily, except Sunday" - ' " v Lvi Augusts;........ 7:60 a. m. 1:0? 9. m. Ar.! TenaiUe... .2:00p.m. 0:27p.m. Ar., Macon........... 8:45 p. m. 1:55a.m. Ar.f Dubli.... '4:20p.m. .;.... Central Time. LrJ Dublin:..... ... ll:eia.m. LTllacon (Cen. time.ll:22 a. m 11:55 p. a. .Lt.i Tennlle 4:00 a. nvv 2:00 p.m. liV.'August i:ei a. m. 7:X0 9. - .r - Buniay Oalyr- Leave Augusta .,.;,Vwi ....... 1:11 a. m. Arrive ; Tennille. . . . . 1 :4J p. m. Leave Tennille . . .... 8:00 p. bl Arrive,, Augusts .N......,..... J:20 p. nv NORTH AND SOUTH VIA, DEN1LUKX Tluvugh Sleeper to "as Vrazn New 1: : W.. B.Northrup, r E. R. Lucas, , W: B. Williamson, . " .Telephone; committee.; , Icrlafaxits and Children. '7 ':'t''. -" -l "r (SLEEPING CAR SERVICE.)' , - y $ - r Trains 37 and 11, and 12 and 38 arry . Pullman sleepers between New York; Washingtdn. -Asheville, Hot Springs, Chattanooga eTnd Nashville.' Trains 9 and 1U and 10 and 12, between Jackson vilIe,Savannah, Columbia, Asheville, Hot SpringsKnoxville-and Cincinnati. Trains 36 and .7,? and 8 and 35, be tween Macon, Atlanta,iSpartanburg and Asheville., Trains 13 and -14, parlor ' oar between Charleston,-Columbia,-Spartanburg and Asheville, ,-, Together with our excellent equipment and" scne duled to the north and east, all r&il: through Washington, the public's special attention is called to, our rail -and' water route to-the north and east-cSouthern:railway and" the ' Chesapeake line. , This schedule tallows a day's stop-over at Norfolk Va., affording an.' opportunity to visit Old Point Comfort (Fort . Monroe) Virginia Virginia . - FRANK -S. "GANNdN. Third .Vice-pres. & Gen.; Mgr. Beach, -Newport' News, etd, j; M.,.CULP, ' ' - TrtLffift iManaeer. " v -' -1 " ; Washington, D. C. . " - - ; t Washington,- D.O: S. H. HARD WICK, - , ' : --V W. A. TURK, 'r - , . . v J-, : : "v . , A. G. PA., Atlanta,- Ga. -Gen. Passenger Agent,' - W. H. TAYLOE, t . r ' - "4 1 ' Washington.D. CV , t a G.' P.5 A. Louisville, .Ky.- TCA. BENSCOTER, - -r .' Fr R. DARBY", ; ' . v ; ' ' VA. G. P.' A., phattanooffa,' Tenn. , x ","' ' City Pass, and T. Agent ' 'J- ; V. r - 'i ? ' 'v - - ' r ' U '.' - - 5 -.Asheville, N.C.;-; t--",:'- .-.-fc; $ i T.-y t - 'fthink' De - Witt's VWftch . Hazel ?-Saly5 Is the .finest preparation on ;the r)arket for piles.'! So1 writes v John' C." 'Dunh, pf. ,Wthe6lingf W; Ju Try" it and 'you will'thlnk the same. ' It also cures eczema and all "skin diseases. White G. ? SmiiJh Drug Comrany.J ' '. , . A-CLEVER. TRUCK. 'ft " Just try a box of Cascarets,' the, Cneart liver jad.boirl regulator ever made. At PeXaam'e Pharcucy. J - rTCO r: O Gl Yin ,takuig"Hood,s Sar ":Lm eaparilla, 'because ::'.100 doses one dollar" is peculiar to and trae only of 1h3 One True CLOOD Pui-ifier. Children's clothisr t half price. 'Al:r It . . jrtney. 4 - It certainly look like it. but tJere is re- '-,...- - ; r. . i - -. v. ... .1 , . . ... .'..-.'' aMy.no trlok about 4t.f - Aoylbody .can try it wboklbas Lame Eaok and ; Weak Kidneys, Halarta or nervwia trm!MV;Wet cam ouire t himself right away by, -taking Electric' Bitters.- Thla medicine tones up he whole system, acts s a" stknuHanit to Liver and Kidneys, 3a a Wood jwj-ifier and nerve tonic ItVcures ttanstipation, Head ache, Fainting Spella, Sleeplessness asn Meltaiucholy. Tt la .purely vegetaiMe, a mild laxative,; and restores IJhe eystem to;t its niatural vigor. : Try Electric 'Bitters ad be convinced that they are a miracle worker. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50c. a bct tla .atiT. C.,-aiSi'a Drcrstcre. and Pel- Leave Augusta 1:20 p. SB Arrive Aiken .-. . . ..... ... . . 8a2 p. m. Arrive Riclhmond..... 2:40 a. m. Arrive Denmark ..... 40 p. m. Arrive WaaMngtoa ......V... 7:00 aA m. Arrive New York-., .......... 2:02 p. m, Leave NewYork......... 9:80 a. m. Leave Washington 2:30 p. m Leave Richmond... ... . 7:11 p. m Leave JDennu.T'k 6:17 a. m. Arrive iken '...,.. 7:10 a. m. Arrive Auguxta g........i.a 7:55 a..m. .? " '.'' 1 .. 111 r i . 1 1 1 ir Cosnections at Charlftiton ; with ' Nnr York steamers, also , with steamers fet Jacksonville, Fla.; en eaOlsg dates; sal at August Wltn :the ' Georgia . Road t and "from 1 - all Toint west and aouth: also, at BlaekvHle JSrltlh the Carollaa Mid' land- rrailroaa to - anc from BarnwalL Connections with Southern Railway: at Ce- iumibia to au pwats tn upper Soutac ans north Carolina. - 7-- - r- , JOS. SANDS, . L. A. EMERSON, 1 .Gen. Manager. - - . Trafllo Manacer.? P. R. SLEDGH, Gea AgW Augusta, Ga. ' ,.THE HAYWOOD. White Bulpliur Spri WATOCSVILB;;NvC. td -'- -- y ) ' f ' - I W 4. ' "N'LnMfi iJj one mile from Waynesville, at tLe health 5 ghpDg which ifc"takes its :title,"in the most healthful part of tbeirfi ,ii;of the Siy" at ah altitude of 2850 feet, in the heart of the piie balsam belt, ir.offers unequalled attractions forwrea- hberally.man8ged. fA pood orchestra; m attendance. Express, telephone, telegraph vUnsrirpasse hunting and fishing uear ho tel. Circular mailed upon application. -?' ; ,"V' - -. Within $0 miles of Ashevme Higher altitude z Scenery grand BlWWXiiU'ii1 iwiwwii'iMi wwmiaw.Ww;iw...M. uium: WAYNES VILLE, N; : C. S0l5PSiftifc' The Carlsbad ;of America. r'' .v- .... Jn Grainger .county, Eat Tennessee, ; one pile from K. B.- railway depots connecting with. Southern railway at Mcrristown. - V . ' . Tate's Epsom Water is especially, rec ommended for'aJi troubles of the 'fiv er, kidneys, stomach bowels;; etc. Hotel and cottage accommodations .tor five, hundred. "Extensive iawn, hundreds of shade trees; 'fine orchestra, tea nls, bowling, billiards, good table, daily mails, telegraph; leng distance tele phone; all buildings repainted; modern systemof water' works," supplyinc bot and cold batus and convenient' closets. , Water shipped any, time, any where;; also handled by druggists. Ask for 40-page pamphlet. Tpmlinsoh Br Elevation 4;oo6 feet. i ; ; CHmate' Unsurpassed. . Opened this Season under hew Management,- and; now ready for guests. A cool, ? delightful climate and; charming views around. Within easy, driving distance, of M endersonyille and Brevard ' Special livery arrangements froni these places - enable; parties to reach the Hotel at a minimum expense. No "EXTRA expenses, " - All livery bills payable at tie Hotel -Office. Informalion may be obtained from F. P. Darby, City.ticket' agent, or by writing to i " - BEN E GEER, Mgri Caesax'skeady S. C. , THE! BO jER HOJVDE, : T O. H." BLOCKER; Proprietor. 4 . Good;Board$5 perweek; fl.50perday. 1 oii) O'EIT 1ST C3 Doryra warn a Bummer and Wtoter Hemiem tlhe Land of the Sky? Cool la ffrniau jmJ mxmni'-iooked tfao h "Norffii wlthSoaithera expomrre for Wlntenr mAmmum" dry 'lr, JiOOO be 2,000 elevation.' Now tathie thue wMLe ixropertr ii loir ml! 2 "WES'!! IEJIsTHD7 KOTEI : . West Main St., Bbevabd, N7C.. 1 Centrally located near Court House and Ppst Office. . ' - -' , ' Sample room faext door to my General Stote, Cooper Block l rr Rates $10 per day: $1 per night ; 60 cts per meal. ; " -' , Free' Hacks meet all trains. - t4-' . , U.V HOTEL; FLE M I NG Marioni?N. GKUBER' CONCERT CO,, Proprietors. t KENILWORTH PARK ; , One mile from, court house, on Bilt more street car line." high elevation, in the midst of an extensive grove; health record unsurpassed, every home com fort provided and first-class board for only $5.00 and $6.00 per week. . - - Mrs. A. Z: Cooley They Sav The New: EmtlnntS fHome 102 Potton IBOAED-esirabto. room -with', hoar maf d ma at Airs.' a. c tayis, . Sainaa. : ;The Leadink Caf e : in Ashe vilio. ' s iSfior order lunch and cola driols served at all hours. JS?v- erything etrictljr first-class, :- '"X . :C00K'& GAEBRMiTH.-:. The raood awn? HENDEESONVUXK AND BBEVABD ' 'Ml "V. STATIONS. Ik -- ii a.m. p.m. ; Ar. 0:00, 5:30 a.m. p.m. 10:00' 6:10 Lv. Hender - " sonville " ; . JJ'U Lv' --Yale.'.;. Ar. 8:40 5:10 x Lv HoYBe Sho Ar. 8:S0 6:00 juy. . .cannon., at. 8:25 4 ri; 7 S X -X fv. ..towah.. Ar. 8:17 4:47 .-.Blantyre. Ar. 8:07 U:S7 Lv. ..Penrose.. Ar. 7:57 , 4:27 11:15 7:2 Lv. . Davidson .Lv. 7:45 4:15 River, Is ithe bldestXand the leading Cafe ih the city, has been newly remodeled and. is1 now ready to receive ladies and 'gentlemen. LnncM at noon, and dinner at six o'clock P, M.vby day, week or month; Table suppled with ev erything the market affords. ; NOAH ttURRpUiSH, Pro. 36 South Main SL )'-- - ANNOUNCEMENT.' ; ' I herebv annonnnA mvsplf date, for county treasurer subject to the av"u- i county aemocratic ' con vention. 1 ERWIN W. PATTON. " , . A i tia , TS'.a Kiri H:i fca Al":; Ect ; Avei, is thd; cicna i , ; , est House In Ashc ; vine. 4: -'-rr- LEr&GOANDfSEm t t tic- : IlaDtoeillCoitoD, N?wiy.Enrnihed aid Renovatsd " ' t , Uniwr ManageSient of . h Mrs: E. BudnaJl md rm BL lUQve, otzt John's iHoieljm vj K Jackson ville, Fla. Corrfesjpdndence Solicited. ;THE JGROVE HOUSE ' : : lftis, : XOFFXXBBBQB " i -"j Grove street, Aaheriae, It CUVV Houae i, nicely . papered aa txzx&S& throughout. iHaUs vrell beated. ESSa- teff and cold , water. Modem. Northen eooklng.: Near street ear t&m; Sv .Two miles v from town; BSfactsti views;; house new i rates reaeozuCbAn also two rooms with large porc&ea sj town, for.; light housekeeping; . restxL 5.00 per month. - Address Country, C aette officer.. . .; ; . ' S4-wrtoa-a KOUMYSS Thousandj or people hustle ior, xoa&sj ta u injury ox. fcneor neaitn.' ? We advise to take care- of your health first, sx m, : una oy uanaf v ; r 1 . r . It Us' remmended by an ptysSdrra, II cures aervousnett, dyspepsia,.-. 1223 ensss bles, heart dLseaae, headache, t23 ' V- vsoSi constitution. "Koumya 1 , csld tj 3 drugsists.i ai&iiifactured by J. a CslzSSL .Wccey,'.N.'.a; tekse ira- la.,' pad o :n zzjm'-' :tlieK 3jTh3i::l V;j ibL-: I f. r J i y. 1' ft Jit 1 c:zzz-79 cf (-cZcSj.. ,.: , ' :::: 7:43 Ar. ..Drevcrd.. Lv. 7::?-4:C3 I