CiTti2 Daily Gazette is crer published in ''Western. Norih Carolina;j dnoxviiie l nbune; ' , r? v ' " - - ' ; I - r ' ' - t. - i .. . - ' ... -" t . - ' .... . Now Entered upon "T!- - UTL. T-rr r-j.IIlguDinio? ! j -x 1- ..-1 - t ' ' r I Covering ithe' JNews ot - " T ' - -1 1 ' . -, r JMewspaper . s. ' - , f t of ,theynews of tne world from Daily Tdegrams and News 1 ijv S other points in North Carolina ' Linotype Machines. ; published eopesit, - 5ipb2 to, ifclhi State At ' V ;One Year...... r'l - ; Six Months . V 5? Eleven .Weeks. . i -OntM nth;. N - .VFf ee Carrier Service in Ash 1 1 A The Largest Most Complete ' and 'Most Entertaining 1 4 ALPniv 5t 1 iuua Only $ 1 : Weekly . Newspaper in North O'-olina. - , , , t - - -1 V .. v ' Replete with the'News of the World, of the State andvol ASHEVILLE, N. 0. X ; THD SXTiRB IGIIIPPECTJRE Tiere Is-, no vm"- suffering -.'frooa' iid dreadful malady if ryou will only get the right reimedy, ,Ytfu are' "having1 pain , all : through! your ibofly, your liver. Is out tf "order, have no appetite nofe or ambition, bave . a Ttwtd oold, f tnt fact are ? completely use:J vsp. i tElectric- ttEfitera la the only rem--edy that will give you ipromjvt and 'sura relief. ' They, act" directly on.: your, Liver, Stomaidh. and" Kidneys; tone ttp the whole v system and! make you feel like a new being. They are aranteed .to ouro' or jprice re funded. ' For sale at T. C. Smith's Drug ' Btcre;!!'! Pelhaia fPhinnacy oyJ E3 cenita per (bottle. t , r ; . 1 . :.TRTON.N. C.Forty-two miles- from Asheville; distinguished as surpassing : all other southern"resorts in its Invlg v oratinsr climate. -. and beautiful moun- : tain scenery." - Pleasant rooms; ; good . .board; moderate terms; circulars fur r nished. XIrs. Boardman. 1 ; 3-tu-th-8 WOU UnCD Hood's' SarsapariUa il your blood is impuTe.yonr appe- titc 01:3, yenr health impaired;' ITc , ' ing build3 up healtli like EIOOD'v, J the bast newspaper ' .f i 1 : TT" v ri- liK , " 1 j.f ii - A ' '11 "f 1 ' Asheville and its sui . - - - I , . , A -v x 1 , ', -' - j I the Laffan Newt Bureattr Letters from Raleigh ancl from IType set by Mergenthal -V- w f j j - . ... . - - - . - i '.f 4b,Cents a viUe Victoria and Biltmore. Year, 1 ,00 a Year. s. 1 - .The "l&zt salve la' the world' for Cata. Burkes 6oref Ulcers, Salt Eheum, . Fever sores, getter, unappea iixnas, unii&iaioji, Coma, and all SMa Eruon. and posi- tivelv cores Pileai or tvi rav reanired. -. It U guaranteed to give perfect satiafactioa or money refunded;? -Price 25c. per box. For c&le by T. -Bmithaad ; Pelhaiaf a vxi w.t "tr.Mnir.T?Tt?TgTr r as soon as the machinery, -can oe put up J. CMauldiu . wilj open a first class saw , works, -as a branch of the'E. C. Atkins & Co., saw, and tool manufac turers, ..Indianapolis,, Ind. . Until, .then all saws: will receive prompt attention at kthe-shops "of theAahevillo Supply and Foundry cum pony. ' i. ; Don't Tobacco Spit and Bmoks.Tc-? I .." ; ilf you want to .quit tobacco - : and forever, be made well, strr , lull of new life and virrr, tr ' . the wonder-worker' ,til .s m? m ctrong. Many gam ten r 0400,000 cured; ' Bv., drusrgisiH ' under. guar' - . r ; cr . Vd ..rk, fi.nor Booklet and an sterling iiunedyCo.,ci 4 , . ' ; ' j'j-- - f - - -. . r r mil 11 "i f - lazetfe Tlie llaily Date In-HistoryrJiiiy 3..: I77S Tories and Indians massacred 30O Aijieri- " cans t Wvoming, Pa. I . ISlS-lIrsi Jordan, actfees and mother, of the tn children of William IV, died in ob v ecurijy at St. Cloud, France z born in. Ire-, land 1762. , ' y - ,v. z, , 18C3 Decisive day at Gettysburg ;- Pjckett's : ' charge repulsed. 1 -..' 1871 Borne declared capital of Italy with: im- posing -ceremonies. - - Borne had Tieen the capital of ancient Italy and: ultimately 01 the Roman empire. After the downfall of the western empire it dwindled to a. city 13,000 infeahitants. On the withdrawal of Napoleon's troops in 1870 it Was occupied by an Italian army, and its" citizens ub? 'mitted to the authority of the king;, of united Italy ' - T ----v : 1890 Idaho admitted as k state. ' l' ' 1897 - rJohn Evans, ex-governor , of ColQradoi Dorn. J814. j . .. ... r t ASHEVTLLE POSTOFFICE , General delivery liours arer."rV-: H 8:30 a. fnv , -to - " 2:30 p..m; 3;00 p, m.; 'HvtofkV , 3:05 p. m, 3:30 p, m. ; -,tov " ;'- 3:45 p. m. 4:30' p. 'in. '.; to 6:30 p.m. MAILS ARRIVE! AT POSTOFFICE.' From "the east.... 7:30 a. m.; 3:45 p. m. j? rum me weau.i;w a, m.; ;:v p. n. From' the nortii:.7:30 a. m,;, 2:45 p. m. I From- the south. . 7:30" a. m.: 2:30 d. m. For th west..2:30 p. m.; 9:00 p. Ijjor ine. nonn...,i:iK p. xa.; :oo p.n. For- the' sojith.,.. 2:05 p. m.; 7:20 sCvi. i'orthe south,... v A -S:0Gp. xn. ATTHECHURCHES, T. M. C. A. O. B. Van Horn, secretary. j..t.v c. xLtcuviU' ' will Bpetn. lu -1 men Sunday afternoon at .the Y, M. C. A. on , j iie Law 01 Limitation and Lie ert: ,Te .sntaT mee?n.r 1101 begin at 5 "o'clock instead, of 4:30. r : A. on The Law of . Limitation and Lib- now Services 11 'a. m and 8:30 p m.V,, West ".End 'BaptistRev. . A. E. Brown, pastor. ,- Services 11, a. m. and 18:15, p"."m. .."-". . CentralilVtethodls Byrd, pastor. , Sunday 1 school; a9.'30ja m.: services 11 a, m. and 8:30 p.m Ther .'ill be a, children's service tfei4 morning. . . ' 1 . i - .-.- c!j. - Haywood Street M. E.,. South. Rev. H. L. Atkins, - pastor. v Sunday school 9:45; services 11 a. m. and 8:30. p. m. The. sermon in the evening will be for young people. ' ; : ; , J ? ; North JAsheville M. E.,' South. Rev. Li J3ain,; pastor. Services 10:30 su xn: and 8:30 p m. - Bethel M. , E., - South. Revl J. - R, Moose, pastor. : Sunday school 9:30 a. ma preaching at H a. m. and 8:30 PVpir by the pastor; Epworth League, 8 pTot. f In the evening the pastor will preach upon the - Fourth commandment. . . . , :: First ; Presbyteriah.-4-Re'vi 1, Rv'S,4 Campbell pastor, Services 11 a. m. and 8:0 p. xn. ' v . - In the, ausence f Dr.. Campbell Rfev. A IX JktcGlure,- of Wilmington, - will officiate.- ? -' -j nominational. Rev. Joseph . ;Cadwalla- aer m charge. services "every Tuesday at 11 a. m. and Friday at 4 p. m. Chris tians jpf . all denominations cordially in vited to attend. H ; - v St. Paul's Lutheran-Rev, ,X3. Brown Cox, pastor. Sunday school 10 a. m.; preaching at 11 a. m.. , s Services will be held in the . Y. M. C. j A hall until & building can be erected Christian Church.-Rev. Waller Scott 1 1 Cook, pastor. Sunday school,-10 a. m.; preaching 11 a. mc , , - . -Preaching this, morning, by Rev. Jo seph Cadwallader, 1 Christian Science. Pythian Hall,' No. 35 and 37 South Mam St.r-Service, 11 a. u; FOURTH SUND AT; AFTER TRINITY f St.:Lawrence Catholic Father Mari on, pastor. .Services at II a. m. and J8: 30 Trinity r Church Rev. . McNeely Du- Bose; rector. -Litany, 9:20; holy cotnf munionand'service,ll a. m.; Sunday school, 5 p. m., evening prayer; 6 p. ri At. both services Instruction will .be given on ;the : subject x)f ' confirmation, t - -V -"": ' 'W - - St. "Matthias' Chureh.-Rev. Henry S. McDufTey priest Incahrge. - Sunday schpol, 9 :30 a. m. ; holy communion; 11 evensong and eermon. 8:30 p. m; Grace " church.Revi v W. v Francis Rice, minister in charge. ; Services jat ll m..ana 8 p. rxu; Sunday school at 10 ,r-All Souls7 Biltmore. Rev R. ' R. y Swope,1-D.D.,'; rector. ., Services at 11 a, m. and & p m.; Sunday, school, 3:30 p. ul. . - . ...... . t..- i . i? All; seats In this church . are: free : and: the public isrcordially; invited to Attend the services The following - 'musical program hasf beeh arranged f -; FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER -TRINITY matins.- - - : . r - Processional hymn SSS-'Nicaea" .V . . . . ; : .". r -v. -Ul B. Dykes Venite, Exultemus Domino,", tone' 8- ' .lsc endmsr ..' ...........Gregorian Psalter, 3d day- (Glorias &nly. chanted) Te Deum Laudamus in E flat........ t Dr. H.-S. .Cutler Benedictus, in E flat.. Dr. H. S. Cutler Hymn 664r-"Swains;thorpe,.J...J. Booth Hymn 332 "St. "Anne" " . . . W;, Croft Anthem ''O, God,.- Thou "Art My. uoa"".-,w1,...:.'Dr.'H. s. cutler IHymn 225 "Eucharistic Hymn,f,'..r.: :..:.V.'.,.7...;....;4....u....c.- Fiorio Gloria m Exceisls in F" (unison) . . V7- ..v... . b. .Tours Recessional hymn 141 "S t. Godrlc" .. a. J . . 1 " . . . . . v. . J. B. SyKes j Processional - hymn . 383 "Nicaea,, . . . : ' i - ;...; ...........:..J. B. Dykes J Psaiter"?dVAay;"t" Magnificat Q (unison) . C. Pldrlo Nunc Dimlttls in G (unison) .. C. Fiorio Anthem '!The Lord is My.; Shepherd" .....;.:w....:.......,.t.....C. Fiorio Hymn . 645 "Heath" . . : . R Schumann Recessional hymn 141 "St. Godric?. touring the summer of 1891. MrChat P. Johnson, a. well known attorney of Louisville." Ky.. had a very severe at tack of summer -complaint Quite 'a number of different remediesi were tried but' failed to afford -. any ' relief. : A friend who knew what was needed pro cured him a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea .Remedy, which . quickly, cured him f and, he thinks, saved , his life. He says' that there has not been a day since that time that he has not had thia remedy. in., his household., f He speaks of it In the highest praise and; takes V- much pleasure in recommending It whenever an opportunity Is offered. For sale fcy T. C Cmith. - LLw.L k 4.iEl Retail market Quotations. Prevalent prices of staple produce , at the Ashe- viUe City Uarkett f T . . BUTTERBest country 25c: cooking butter, 15c to 20c . , ; - POULTRY Dressed hens, IDcto 33c; dressed l-ying chickens, . 15c to 20c; dressed turkeys, 12 12c to 15c; dressed ducks,-25c each. , N - i-VEGETABLES-rPotatoes. 'Irlsh - and sweet,T JL00 per-bush. turnips,' 15c per peck; onions, 10c doz.. 40c peckp cab bage, 3c per lb; beets, 10c to .l21-2c per bunch; Lima beans, 12 l-2c per quart; snap beans, 12 l-2c per Quart ; lettuce, 5c per, head; spinnac,b,3 30o per peck; turnip greens, 15c per peck; , celery, ,10c per stalk or JL00 per: dozen; radishes,' 5c per bunch. r -, , ; , - ' MEATS Hot-e raised steak, 12 l-2cT to 15c; round, iici. Hamburg, 10c to 121-2c; rib roast,, Uc tol21-2c; -loin roast, 12 l-2c tol5c; - lamb 'and mutton chops, 12c to 20c; lamb roast, 15c; 'veal cutlets. 12 l-2c to 15c pork chops, 10c to 121-2c; pork roast, 8c to 12 l-2c; West- J ern. dressed steak 15c, to 20c ; v roast, 15c 10 zuc; mutton-chops, isc to 20c; Iamb roast, 12 l-2c to 15c; veal cutlets, l5c; stew. veaL 6c to 10c; sweet breads, 12c to 15c ; all-pork sousage in links, 12 l-2c; mixes sausage, 10c; stew beef, 5c to 10c." - FISH AND OYSTERS Shad,' 40c to $L00r salmon trout, 20c;- red snapper,-121-2c; flounders, 10c; oysters, , 30c- to 50c" per quart, : according to size; Blue Point oysters in shell, 25c per dozen. - -NOTICE OF LAND SALE. Pursuant to the directions and by the authority of a decree of the' superior court of . Buncombe county, made and filed at the March term, 1897, in a 'spe cial , proceeding ..therein pending ; .entitled-Nannie J. Alexander and others. ex-parte, Lwill offeV for sale at publio auction: at the (county) - -court.-, house door, on Monday, the fir s t day of Au gust, 1898,; all those certain lots and par cels of land situated : in. the . county of Buncombe, in French Broad township, on the," western - side ' of - the French Broad river, at the. railway station, of Alexander, known and designated as lots Nos. L 2, 3, 4' and 6, on: the western sideo said river, in a survey and . plat of the lands of the late A. M. Alexan der, made ; and filed : In the ; above en titled proceeding, and which were sold on the 14th day of February, 189L un der a decree In the said - proceeding,: whu and where J."A. Gwaltney nd A. B. Shepperd became - the ' purchasers; the said lots or parcels of land contain-' ing In . the ; aggregate forty-three end twenty-one ; hundreths (43.21) - acre, more or less. The lands will be sold in one body, the lots being contiguous,1 for cash, to. be paid at the time ot sale and In the event the last and highest, bidder shall not pay the money -at the time of the sale, - the next highest bidder paying cash will, toe accepted " and reported ! to the court as the purphaser, -.Upon the payment of the purchase money a oja-veyance,- under the' - direction of the court, 'will be immediately executed to the purchaser.., T. S. MORRISON, June 10, 1898T Commlsssioner. lQ8-l-a-w-30d.. j ; tA NAKROWSC?AlPE. ; ! Thjuikful rworiM 'written bj Q&racLda.. EJ. Hart, of Groton, S. D. "Waa taken wSta bad cold whlica settled cm. my Iug; couisb set la aaid finally terminated in. Jonaump ttonw i Four Doctors .gave gn up, :.: saying I could Hve tout a short time. ' I gave my lelf -up to my Savior, determdned It I could not stay wlth my iriiemids on, eartli, I would meet imy absent ones above. My huaband was . axiviseki to get Dr. . King's; New Bis covery t or Ocmsuaniptloir, Ooug!h and Ooidi. I gave It atrial, took' in ajl eight bottles. It bas cured sne, and thank God I am saved and now a well ? and healthy - woman.", trial tkxttle ifiree at T. C. Smith's Drug Store, and Pelham-'s iPhiarmacy. i : URegular size 60c and $1.00 Guaranteed or refunded. " ' 1 - v . . .NOTICE. " ' By virtue of a power of sale contain ed in a certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned . trustee, by -A. -"Rankin and Mv Carrie Rankin, his wife, on the Sd day of October, 1894, and record ed in the office of the register of deeds for Buncombe countyNorth: Carolina, in book of mortgages and deeds of trust No. 37, r-iise 587, et seq., to secure the payiilfent of a certain -bond or prom issory note In said - deed of 'trust de scribed default having been made In the. paym-mt. of the . principal and - in-, terest'.of., said debt ' the undersigned trustee will, on Mondays the first day of August, 1898, .at tbi - scourt house door i in -the city., of -Asheville, - sell to the high estv bidder- for cash," the prop erty conveyed in said deed of trust and described therein as follows: Begin ning at stake in-, the west edge jpt South Main street at a point thirty-seven and sixty-five hundredths f eet; from the intersection - of the west', edge of South Main street withthe' north edge of Willow street,' and runs thence with the west edge ' of South Main ' street twenty-one feet - to the centre of the south wall of the oJd Patton or Bearden and Rankin store, thence on a llne-with the centre: of said ' wall and : parallel with the . north ilinev of WiHow street ninety-one -feet tJa stake- in an alley which runs parallel to- ,South - Main street, thence -with - the east edge of said ' alley twenty-one feet to a, stake hear the gre nary, thence with the centre Of the north' wall of the granary "and callery buildlnsrs ninetv-one feet -to the beginning, , the same .being lot N?. 3 of the Sub-ifl i vision" of the Rankin property on South -Main .street as shown ..hy the olat-which 4s registered. The 'above described property beinsr, the. same now occupied xy J." B. Shope as a harness store. i - ' This July r, 1898. B B ATKINSON. Trustee. FA::ius:fnE:6iF-.nEr:HDY : t IJcvcr Faijo. 5 . ; EriDORCZD OY.THQU3AND3 Of ladles as a periodical regulator without an equal, soccessfal when Cotton Root, PePayroyal, Ergot, etc. kaveproTen worthiest. S3 hKKttt stamps brinp trial package, and convinces the most skeptical of their won derful properties. Sead 4 cents in stamp for pamphlet, containing valuable information Sot ladies. ' . Address LhClaix Pili. Co., U. S.'Agents, Boston,, Mass. N. B- All correspondence confidential and returned with trial package. - ' FOR SALE IN ASHEVILLE BY C. A: EAYSOR, - s Patton Ave. . ,7,!,..,; nP.1 ? L' ",i mmm "s- -H amd--3TlIainuH3day, :v .r;:.r - - ft,.'' 'F ? ' tor IEead 'ffBaese iPii'acies, CdfHBie IEan- Ladies' Skirts at big reduction. Fruit of the Loom.... ....... .5 cents Calicoes.......;. ......... .U......3 cents Lawns...., ...i cents Lace 'Curtains .i...63 cents Ladies' JTost1...... ......... .....5 cents hildrens"i08e; .5 cents Lonsdale, Cambric ....8 cents Dress Cambrics.. 4 cents Boys' and Cliildren's Special for this sale -iobo Wash Suits from 4 to 14, wortt from $1.25 to sale they must go for. i Just received 100 pairs Men's Trousers,! the:i:v; oestHine in me city, days otter ours, $7, Pants for this sale at 1 3Uios at'(Ddt;EIa)l;i8'':JPjrlasBS.; ; ; See the Gent's Hose we are from 20 to 35 cents a pair. Come C--': ?V -irr v - . Cc?C!incrc!y i z'.izl oyTcrfrca wy Chrcalo disease esq eMab a Era cr L-xct tir tua t:3 tzi ernrrcn. Cs:sa elves every csss his perscsaj axtesusa. . ... f - :.m . .......... . . . .V .r ; : 4l t s I Tfceasaags csred. Stomach, Throat Dowels, - LCSC3. , f-ffHU T-'-'-lui? J. OKin r -- . ; - . An tbsolnte specific for Loses, V Drcins, Prematare Discharge Had Dreams,, etc , A . Eltirrcf lists renetflss wiH be sect cpoi receipt ef $2.CX Ttslr etTect b HLi:3 tL;rt cf c!pc!:ss. ,4 . Send f;r C)-r.;tc tlaslts asd fs!I Isfarnatfsa itvpsCz epKralllss. An b-IriC3 chserfIy esswered. CcnscItatJoa cFres.r Dat l:t this ch;nc3 ; Qi: c:v;:i'ii n d.;m i3t:i St.. n. v., ucsr-st-n; a c.y L "i ".Ji n 1 ;.S'R Ig, , .6, 7. SPECIAL SHOE SALS. Just receiyed 5000 pairs of Ladies' - V s vjiioras au prices tiiat aety compe-1 . tition-r worth from "98c to Sl.25 - this sale they will go at . .S 8 $ $ 'i SEE OUR 39c cobsed: WORTH 75c. SEE OUR 79c wmti . J ... T t. .w: ' 1 i -t WORTH $1.50. v 1 ,...,.k , lK,, ...( .hm. skH.h i mki 4h , T J i iSpecial Bargains in . our ; ' Gorset Department.: ; See our line of . Lawns and Organdies f orhis"sale at . 5 and 7c a Yard. 1 vv4 36-IISCH PERCALE for this sale down at 1 ' : 1 5 Cents $1.98, for this : vvin ior tne next ten t and $5 QZu2 i AO oflering 3 pairs for 25 cents, worth or and ee" the assortments : ' v' T- j- ... i --. V 1 . woria-wiae repstsmsa ror n Cases ttat bave been prcsassccd , A Hls,pec!s!lis3 ere : y : -S-' J j , f .rf Deafness. ; ;r Athmaf . Consumption Catarssti . UISD8SCS. X gesnuxteed ctm for Irapo--, tency, Weakness, , Early f iecay, jlccs oi roirer. etc 7 JI ST3 ' A FN 11 r ; . . V ,v U Li ;LTli lU UV . "" -v .4. i i..: - f 'i v. 3k

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