.jL1 C X Trjon Grapf 3, lUagara, Delauarc and Uozccrd. Fi;:liETa;C;5 A' EOOIC-SALE. T:h : Tn nrflpr tn makp room on our book shelves for fall stock we have picked out four lots of books ana marked them: ? - T.rvt Nrt i. hook:?? from f(k. ' tn 7Fc. once uuw . .- , - f Lot No. 2books from ?5c. to $1.00 price now 50c. ,- . Lot No. 3, books from" $1.00 -to $1.25 price now 75c. . 7 1 -r Vt j .u.t. up x m rri rtTO II fill t '. r . ! -r, . .I , ir. ill i-i vv Vi'nnva anil wa -will not dUDiicate - f mnlao o nvlnaa nomorl Ovma &ai1ir nr1 make VOTlf SeleCUOUS. " ' '.' It - A M'Uirvnu'R . lee excursion, is eects c , , ' V laree excursion ,1s; expected w SfflnSmy from Chester, S, C. ' : 4 " v A -oivft-" Polk- coun- J 1 1 . Voarrwi' concert (at.iwul.f,.. 1 Me -sacreu vwuvv., - C.AFR . -nymv ? Vesteraay . ' , am.:, i " First artillery- -!y .'',- -r ,; ,( f".' : ; wof. $3. so -per-week.;- - . mS'V Outfitters in another coliiimw ; ,v ; V -, . j- ;- ' Report.. The board of trade Is certain thai No. 22 South Haiti Street. 5 i '.'Monaay.."u'i1"uo',. " I ' , , . - V tL. s nnrnmittee met. yea- I mt i- T J- A At.A - t f v '..- i1 noi ru v nuuw . n a riTTnTn u t i c w u r-r terday and, decided 4at "ie , i . Kr H . . iX-ould open Monua y, . - v, . . Cnrannon.a ; ill T pA. . . . A C;5 Awto jumadean addition T - 7 i.Vwnhh trallery In' the form ... flanl a $30 Ping chairs The affair is very - -, Bome. eria RandaU's . : Vrphp dray yard, whion nas weu ;J5v fSed on'the Buck hotel prop- . l' bVen removed to. the rear of the city , . - -r.i.M.iaiv,?a lAsheville will, have -an army camp v ' ' Mr' Samuel snaw oi ruu'c" j i- .. , J aAsiatanf treasurer :-of the hoard i of k.umberln- possibly 10,000 troops, locat- ' Church extension of L. .iw d'lrf of court willv speaK ax me ,"t, otJ. ' - ; .rf Cral.Epwortl. league s(JU(;te. , . . . s . - t ' I The iavoraDie view oi me uuiwui The saloon on court t Hands along the Swannanoa taken by " -'pSwSSltySi as hks been report- General Randall is responsible . for the " Id -Mr. Patrick Mclntyre will continue boird,s certainty. As" anticipated by " Uusines,s at his old stand on - Soutn Qazette if a camp ls established , , . ' . .. I here., this will be its location. The lecture to be delivered at we yesterday morning, "J. E. Brookshire, Vopera liouse Augusi .uy 1 ' "W J Ham, of ueorgia, iw -"c "v"j . xa.. j. o-cyc " : ' gosteV' is said to.be one of. J0,?: appointed k committe to secure propo , ' . humorous things of the kind ever pui r; w , v- I spected by. the general Friday.; It was frvirniPl Thad W. Jones, Tenth U. b.l t AtmmUv mieht X WSMS pu.auon, the com ' cofi!rft- -has reached his home on ,tf- WArA hannilv disanoointed. the 7 wiTtake SSlrge ?f a regtoent'of Jin- land owners asking very moderate rents ' . munes shortly and will perhaps re- The following property owners consent- ;turn to- Cuba. , ed to lease their iand as ah ariny camp The well known, grocery firm of Jen- to the government: tokins Bros., 45 Soum Main street, haa ; cheeseborough, 800 acres; John nartnershiD. SMr. John U. v.. . mrvm - . . ...X 1 WM asbamb M 1 aV 1A1 niTD : Al If . kins will remain in sole charge of the acres; s H Reed 100 acresl T. J. Reed. cVntinie to handle the -finest of au - - ' " Mmes of sUndard groceries., . ; T. P. Cheeseborough, 60 acres; Prof. ' ' , , ' .TT,oct B. F. Evans, 40 acrejs and C. C. Mat- TY" ,IWtrottPndine the I thews. 85 acres: Mr. Samuel Brill, own- federal court. He says that the ba- er of 13q acres iS at present in New - zette is yfj? fhl?rit ur York, but an acquiescent answer tothe town -owing to ..the fact that it lur- ; ;. . wishes to them nox uiiiy -.ic uwuu ui. uauc p., vmuuiuvuu, Pliable news but several hours earlier yesterday is expected. One property' :: ihnn otiit fttnpr nat)er. - . l . - . - ... :., ' owner is holding out for an exnorpitanc A large crowd of people witnessed ra but the hoard will not consid ' - thA hasft ball game yesterdayj after- ;-"rf 7 - . . . DiH-mnrA Athletic er ilia iigure. ne wm uuuuucoo J M noon between the Biltmore Ainieuu , . Club and Hominy teams. The game cept the government's reasonable offer. . . was weir, played-from start to finish, The fl&ures of rentai and a list of the ' Both teamswill meet In a deciding lease options obtained were; forwarded , jame next Saturday. Each team now to General RandalE aFWashington last . r M M w t t n. 11 H lllkj. m. . i i . . . . . . . l n Yesterday morning, as John Taylor, day or Tuesday of next week. , wa weir who is 5 years um, , .-j. h.- x o .,vi .n.vc.x j" r Pflttnn uenera4 nanaau leu me ciiy ai o, :r.-r.A Klo unn Wfft driving UP ralU'u . i avenue in a cart the hors became o'clock yesterday morning, over tne ' frightened' at the car and, whe eling , Asheville and Spartanburg railroad. ''tSS?;?rtllS tS He made an observation tour of Hen the "pavement. A portion of the bone dersonville and vicinity, but, did not ex- nvpr fhPr left eye was DrOKen duu Mvi arAA ire, ti tlia nrn. eve "badly injured ana me icit - , - - nearly torn away. His shoulder was bality; of locating a camp there. Hear aflso badly bruised and his Jiahd and rlvea m Washington last, night. ' arm - considerably skinned. The . , ' - wounded man was '.taken to- rr. - . . -.t g enn'S omce auu " C'l'l , II r Z I I ul 1 1 II 1 1 A T where he received further medical ai- ,,,y.i,M", J , icxiLiix Xi""r r: : ,n nvAr in a August ist at tne court Jtiouse aoor at ' SPkfht e will recover in a sell at auction the ? ' few tweeKs. . , - , t - J '' store, known as 57 South Main street, - ' OO flDAIIPE QTPFFT now occupied by J. B. Shope. Be there LL UllMliUU OlllLbla;, and secure a bargain in business prop- ; . After thorough renovation painting, erty: E. COFJTN, ; ' papering, kalsomining and refurnisn- juiy iu, . - Aucuuueer. , ine is one of the most attractive and . ZTZZZTT ' -. v.ta tn-r AYc mirnose in tue I . iKUlim. city; has an . elevated situation andl- George ,W. Jenkins succeeds the firn1 - commands a fine mountain view, xw of jenkijxg Bros., 45 South Main street; -V. house, of twenty .w tlv h John H. Jenkins retiring. All persons - , which are bed rooms heated by -hot TPnWn, m win 1po,p - A- - -waxerwiui jttii vytrxj. u i - : room;, lighted i)y electricity huaj eB ica.ii. ana settle wim uejrge- vv.-- oeu two bath;' rooms r, especial attention J kins. All accounts due persons from "': tU jyAlo r-vltciuciui' a-w- vte , r wf I ujr , lum ' t i 'Asheville, n. 4, -aou-u.. T.'-i'.fc.: )...v ,'v.;;,v.':....i. ij ',.ewW'i-,'' cfifrv.moii",'n1nthlTier " ' '',,ls going -at greatly reduced prices. G. ; A. Mears & Sons,. South Main street. : the- lllll) - .fir'' . 1 , WHEEL' . x; w ft: ill Consistent with ;peftppt safety arid lpcg wear, is unaonoTeaijr . , S EAGLES A REMINDER unki. u 'lnat i Mum'-nul -Ta t&S.'t TC5 BftT V'llUD UMBV. : ,m- 1 - - rYMW!sr If rail CAT BAT CrlH WIkw - -7-..- - , renuader, tor tbwy nww Cwfft J ww gtvw taeai tuna inm iN be done by us. crar tc3ss Asheville Steam taundrv, phone tf. AsU.YbuV Grocer for IT 1 y Ashevi!le:Mjllirig Comp' - . ; ncnziacturers. Coi Selected and Re-screen ed for Domespc Use. tf- ' li lef3Agent8r' Wholesale 'i'lahd ; Retail Msiille Ice and Goal Compaq, S4 PATTOIT AVElrrjB, S. 'JbJtLOISrE 40. It will not only lastybu a long time, DpB it wm require neit uj nothing t5 keeo it irerjait. It costs-DQtv$ou; a very low pnw for so thoroughly good a wheel. Eugene C. Sawyer, fflflr jAS. P. President. , 1 I RANKIN, Cashier. IEstiICanDk, OapitaJL Stoos. - - - 100,000; Phone 228. 47Patton Avenue twelve Dollars ,a' Year . V", . , -- . 1.1..', ... 'V ,. : : i - '. . Is the rate which we have established for At this rate, .which' is less than fblfflP BennM XJDH (fflay no family- can afford to hp without one. Upon notification1 jour agent "will call upon intending subscribers and make all necessary; arrangements for the connection; cnnnnvDiT dpi t tdt nnnmm KYin T RaPAPH P.rt uUU llluiUl vuuu mum uuim oiiv luuuuimi 11 wi) B 16 NorthCourt Square. Superior Facilities tor Doing a General Banking Busmt . CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. BATB DBOSIT BOXES. F(M5 BENT' " STATEA1ENT OF The Bluer Ridge National Bank At the close of business July 14, 1898. RESOURCES. IiOans and dis counts .. .. .. Overdrafts.. .. .. . v ill. S. bonds.... . War bonds.. .. I. R. stamps ........ Premium... Due from Treasur er United States. 3zo uw. Cash in banks. 10,495 24 $158,329 33 42 21 75,000 00 500 00 48 48 ' 10,012 50 y LIABILITIES. Capital stock. .... Undivided p r d t i t less expenses.. . Circulation Deposits.. $100,000 00 3,780 20 22,500 00 150,810 40 Cash In vaults.. :. . 22,337 90 HC'SffiOlET In your pocket to HAW IT ! X ou can eave money by buy ing Tour Clpthiner, Shirts Under weart Overalls, Collars and Cuffs of a firm that carries the best mn.?A crnnrlH fttthft lowest DriCteS Everything in Summer, Clothing and Underwear at absolute cost to close out. Have yourxlothes dyed, cleaned and pressed at the ' practical Djer and ' Chemical Cleaner, Carl Scjmitz, - 55 8. Main St. Phone 206. Ladies' aAd gent's clothes dyed all colors. White flannel and oth er fine summer clothes; (ladies and gents) a specialty. - V i $277,090 66 $277,090 66 BTJBE LEE ii with us at 85 South Mrin St. where we are cutting prices all to pieces on ciotmng. llanted-An Idea Protect your Idea? ther mar- tartng jrou wealth. ' Write JOHN WKiti'iviKnutfcM s w- rawM ws neys. WasUngton, D. C., toe their $1,800 priae offer ana uatoi vwu uuuwu urauvu.i'WKH oC some slmplo uung vo patent; THE NATIONAL TEACHERS' AS- I -1 ' J.- ; " . ,: v.. .rite '. : , SOCIATION ; (Atlanta, Ga., and Richmond, Va.) supplies teachers of iane talent in all lines to families and schools without charge. - Address Miss J. H - Clayton, secretary, Rich mond, va. , " lox-it G. A: i HEARS & SOUS. WM. EARR, Electrician and Electrical ; Contractor Electrical Supplies, Fixtares, Fan Motors. , House Wiring a Specialty. : ; 33 Patton Ave. 2nd Floor An EasiL Bicycle T : 1 1 l J 1 li ! ; IF YOU : GAFT READ 'v, 1 lI People 2new As a new cash customer hand- ed us a cneck tor $t5.4r he asked thfl nricef of a " certain, brand of flour, and when told" said he bought a barrel that morning, hnfc .naid 60 CENTS MORE, be- liinvin 9 hn wfiA trading with thu GiYen Away, May, Aug. 1st, H2S:Z- To the person holding the lucky num- to Save OUT friends money that ber the iwinninp number wiD published jt does to make for ourselves, this papaer for one week, and if no one , t . uvmig -nHfVi dam A T TiHlt " T)fl.VA - flJIOthCF I LAX ' . . drawing. Be sure and read the aL JL C. JOHNSON CO.' during next few days. I . ftimvn! 3-38 JNorth Main St. Leading Cigar and bporting uooas r in order to bell, out our Store, 17 Pat. Ave, - Established 1387. Reading room in' rear. f f E E P your blood pnre, your appe tite good, your digestion perfect by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, whi has power to keep you WELL. If the'iDm t'put : If the EC putting : Call and See. ($AnQLIA GOAL GO. 23 Patton Ave. Ihone 130. , AC ON I have been selling this : ; :t:JFiLiDTijiB:::: f 7or JTen Years, and there is nothing better made; Y7c are receiving a fresh I lot :-JfliK:6?i:ktyMf -fill!; t;rr yc j -u-f-r Atijr--"1? - v P1 ;.1fll W- H. 9t - : r i ' . ' a -1 ' . A; D. COOPER 'ivii(Bm?S;;-uyTiflnmiiueii',; ir RAfrfnnin? Mondav morninp:. August ist; We 7ill give to the onewho guesses "first" the flirpr. a t Ti Tttirnber of seed in waterrneloh in. I choT7 T7indov7, ono guess to be given with every 1 ncm Tiiirp.iiJi kk tJi su ui iimre. i-.uiiLCSL-ti V cloco 'positively "-at -7; o'clock on the: 15th of I Awnist. ;A11 lien's, Doys and Children's Sun mer VOOi ouits ut uuluiuic cuat. I 111 IPER; n 1 am. FJfc, W n rnuTn iiaht. : - Talk About War ! PASTOR WEY'S OIL OF COMFORT. thA hftfl.test and heat llnamest lm the world declared war : Ions S against . Aches, Pain, WoonCtf, Cuts, Sore Throat and many otker ills too numerous to mention, aai it has never yet. failed to vma nniRh thfe foe 25 cents a bottle. - Now la the time "to prepare aeaiast -LJSjlx ARD 1 " f a sudden attack of Bowel Com- KtTTLE KtHDERED LARD. LIVERY nlaint "of whatever deserislloii-tor PASTOR WEY'S INFALLIBLE ANTIDOTE 0REAKFAST ; BACON, in the house ' or-In your trarelizs -bag. It acta like m&gla and nerex Q A T PflRIf 4 . fails to give relief at once, ffkat w1-1 "U'H For sale by Way's pharmacy, East I uourt square ana uouesa screexi AHnRVl 1H. La , r - bmm ; m -r t . Address all communications to ' I Tt y.lfnmfiTVfrlQnH REV. FRED'S. W. WET. -. I A B fTl I I 1 I ll 1 if li'iiIT" 1 Stalls City U&ikct , . - I v , . - WM. GOOB-ER, I s Phoai)4.v 9c IQc Feed & Sale Stable. Commission Broler, 63 patooii Ak pall Sheppara Tiiill AnAtafiAna fntm fha nianr I C: ; . A' ' : x' 1111. wiiiiimijiijun i x (fill uiin.iiDn 1 York Stock Exchange, New York i Board of Xradefl : :: - - ::.rHraotical Flambcrs, oas and Steam Fitters. on --. V i- First-class' f lirnouts, . i '' . ,i Careful Dn vers. R&PAIR WOmA SPECIALll Done on Short Notice. j. - ssseV .. .-s ' saw r Reasonable Hates. .- ; Picne 180;.;. 27:Haywd St V'TTMCffn Mil rr ean tia cl-3 zi t . 373 El I l -J when yoa tci f or nood' Samp- 1 x ' i - . 1