- ;-vz?ji:h: ::;ts TiiAT.A?? c:: t::i ci;;tii i;.:: c? t::: c::ly CAz:ii2f ... -. . . fc A - v.. Vol 3: No 161 ASHEVILU5, N. C, FEIDAY UOBOTKa, AIJQUST 12, 1898- READY TO GOPPIMGER HI ORDERS .: ? YET TO QUIT SIGH PROTOCOL il HELD BACK t 0 " o Or- -trra i n n V -v 1 r ' : 'V and Blue One lot White Lawn Dresses, in Black Velvet; Ribbon, former prke $3, now $1.98 One lot . whit$ and black Lawn Dresses," former price .25, now, $1.50 . 0- ' An all wool grey coat suit Coat lined with Twiller Silk worth $9 now $6.48. Were all iPrepared Last Eiedition to ; Porto Bico ' . NighfBiit ICambon Got Called Offj-Where The " No Word. Soldiers-Will Go. Washington, August 1L Up to a Tampa, August 1L General Coppin iate hour tonlgfht the president and of- Ser's pedition wiU never. leave and ,L ' u..i - rM.-Ma. instead of going to Porto Rico, the Cambon would nave received auttiority - ' w De scaiterea tnrougn-the country. -The order cabling the expedition "off I was received late , yesterday and the It was the intenttdn to have the cere- work of IoadWfransports was immt- tnony rtT afnxmg- 'the signatures of dIately stonDed - - embassy and Monsieur Cambon finally! ' Had the order" not come until a few take place as ackm . & the ambassador j hours later one or more of the trans- was informed officially that" the Span-J ports would have been off, including Xnat none, HtLCJSAmey VV Ul j necessary authority, but the expected on board. This regiment had its equip- dispatch did not come to tlie:FMh MM w:jcfl BmL.-. .av,B ' emcmssy ana jvLonsieur uainoon nnaixy trimmed Spain; , Has - Gabled Monsieur Cambon . -'x -.- ;r v--.- - - - - - r ' ... to Sigh Peace Protocol. from Madrid to sign, the peace, proto col in behalf: of .Spain. Call off the Dogs of War. was in for sailinsr. It ; has .a.- j.- j. ji 11. - m i I -a I" wuu.kv government also gave up waiting and v wam.uits nux uvaiy went home. i . wmununa ana, preparations ior its Adjutant General Corbin, who was departure has already begun. Ililes Will go .i on Toward San Juan Until Armis T tic isa Fact. ' Washington, August " 11. There v will be no hault in the Porto Ulco campaign on account ofnegotiations for peace un til "the protocol has been signed an I an y A statement to that effect was made by, Secretary Alger today and putn end to the rumor that orders had been Sent to the commanding generals to cease hostilities for the present. From General Miles' reports it appears -that the Porto Rico campaign is waged more rapidly than ever since the negotiations begun. Four separate lines of. Miles' army are advancing steadily toward San Juan, taking cities and towns as they proceed. T11a QAfWft qillt Wftrth COUnCil Don't Want COrteS tO waiting for the protocol to be signed It is thought that the Fifth infantry &j I 4 - l " " -'- ocui uswiw w f uii aiurucifivu $7.50, now $5.98, lntenere id mce I ! . -Ji Making. to An all wool black Sergei ritt and Shafter that there must be gjid that the volunteers wiU go nk rurtner aiosttimes, jeit roe yvmte itmiio a to tJ ,. Of the volunteers now encamped at House at midnight. be signed at the state department to- Fernandina, as. welLas the Fifth Mary. 4. UA To-f ffll tw. " n: :.i Uht. n.iu . D..k.. monov. , laiia ajia second Georgia now here, are WOrt U any Wnere ;SI2.50, 1 r : Madrid To-daY. Iment.will occur in the diplomatic room in the summer. of the state oepartment, wnere tne new to be sent to Huntsville to remain dur- closing out price $7.98. Madrid To-day. Madrid, August 1L, Premier Sagasta 1 . . vv jwax capoie and eeau&s.,lttx.to.xiz::tnj& lhas informed a representative of 'the I necessary seals Has been, placed ona These are all well tall' &mMMM,, . tnat the American reply to the Spanish these price? win not lastly rec&v in lOttS Y a':::-' 'j. ' " ; p ... , press uitti uie svcixi uwivcu h4KAc. wUt w'hAn a telegram from Paris asnnouncfcng;! they affix their signaturesa morrow. - It is reported thai the Duke de Rio DISCLOSURE OF SEABOARD'S DEALINGS CARLOS WILL STRIKE Strict Orders Given by Him Some Small Uprisings. London, August' 11. A despatch to the Daily Mail from Biarritz reports CfllPPJlTfl lfilllli The Spanish Force Engages Schwan's Command in Por to Rico. American Losses Two Killed. Fifteen WoundedSpiin-i -zCx . Loss Heavy, STILL STRIVING FOR ARMY CAWP Miles Sends Forward Rein forcements of Ken- " tuckians. Board of Trade Hopeful That Another Investigation Will be Made Here Waynesville Site. Stone, Henry, Brooke and Wilson all Advancing Toward San Juan. r Ponce, August 10, via. St. Croix, Au gust 11. General Sen wan' s commainl on the way to- Mayasmez uii- covered a force of Spaniards in the near Private information was received in hiUs lyIng off . Mayaguez road, Hormigueros. , . A1ssortment ?etta SUk conference with the Frh JudC Simonton' Will Heir Ryan's w aists, piain ana iancies, ax Ambassador patenotre at which he in- lyfbtion to Compell the Railroad WOng pnceS.h : ; formed e French representative that pfoce tS Books. FTATVrtvv tA in thA ffrfcvfvniTTira rihaii aUzorizcl V Mori I i : iv i-L I N I n II IK 28 S. Mali? St. if i s - t agi tation: in various places. Apart from these many individuals have been ar- the goveromera had Anthorizea . Mon f . AM rhP nnnual asent3-" . - ' ' : ZZZ- I Leaidmg qariafcts in Madrid deny any sieur Oambon tb, sign , the peace proto- meeting of the Seaboard and Roanoke Jkn0wled&e orth tg. Don Car- ' - iT'V j 'r 1 ; '5 7 J railroad conipany will be neia in f orts- jlos nas g.jVen the strictest orders that mouth. Va, on October 7 and 'another there be no rising until peace shall Advices OXfixi f orto itico say tnere i AfPr.rx .wiT1 w made to vote at the elec- have been concluded. stock COl. A A A A A. A A. M M.M..m.M.A.A.. A. a'A'aZAAA have -been further risirigs of natives, 1 tion;. of officers the common nwiiwl hv Thomaa Rv&n of this city ana some . crinmg engagemenus have! and others. occurred. Our i GaShmies -"V X X Are One Hundred Per Cent, jbetter than they were one year ago. People who once used Periodical J Tickets are 1 now dealing with s us. X "You can't fool all tji e people all the time." , 6. A. GREER, MILES ON SCHWAN'S ADVANCE Washington, August 11. General Ryan's application for an order com-1 . , . pelling the production of the books of General Schwan's-brigade, retreated in Madrid, August 11. Dater: A copy J the company for examination will be the direction of Lares, and that r ,am Ttf,atair uealu "y """"" " pcuwau euiaeu xvj.a,ya.&ut; u v uiujs. i f!fi.Tnihion ; nas been! examined bv me I . t v,:n v nwmnioin( Pvon anrpa ' . - ' 1 All LUC Ulil VI wulUMWMfc -".7 O t H M a . m A. m the that finding that the owners of over ANGmY TllloBAriU O mtoisters and was agreed to by this city yesterday indicating that the government would probably reconsider its decision not to make a further ex amination or available sites for an army camp in this locality?" It is not the desire or intention of the hoard of trade committee to secure a re-ex amlnation by the war department of the sites General Randall looked over, and ouJjvhich it 13 -understood he re- ported (adversely, but the committee argue that when General Randall visit ed this city, owing to the short notice they had of his coming and his brief stay here they were prepared only in a very limited way to furnish him the information he desired. Only such locations as readily suggested them selves to the committee, without much previous thought on the matter or any investigation, were called to the gen eral s attention. The trouble was to The entire . Spanish force of the; Mayaguez garrison, ' comprising lf0W- regulars and 200 volunteers, was sta- tioned in ftie hills.- -. A general- engagement followed in", which Private" armberger.Eleverith" Infantry and another private were killed. - " " I -.' ' Lieutenant Byron, , Elgbth. cavkly, ? was wounded in the-foot and fourteen enlisted men also wounded. " The Spanish loss was heavy. Schwan continued the advance upon Mayaguez, which" plaee it was expected he would reach tomorrow. Schwan has not asked for reinforce ments, but General Miles is sending the Kentucky regiment with field guns to jin General Schwan at Mayaguez. General Stone's handful of men hav not yet reached Arcabo. V : ' 2,000 shares of pooled stock wished to AWFUL CRIME AAAA-AAAA WW WWW W.T Tine Groceries, AAAAAAAAA f TTf T WWWWW council tonight. The official copy will their posits, the committee arrive tomorrow.'' bought it in behalf of the Seaboard j - i I am1 DAOTinlra txri'hrvi-lf fVlft nSSfrnt Cit the 1 --Mn- for i( o tt. Kius a judge a Peacemaker, report that the government has cabled treasury of the Raleigh and Gaston t. . tt tttj a a Monsieur Cambonij to sign the peace ana searwara ana noaao&tf, uiu um- . t ; ! - ; ing the first named company a stock- tO Death and Kills It is understood that President Mc- controlled. Whether or not Ryan's at-1 Himself. j 14- Is Klr&lTr a larcrop I ' - . n . . mi Kinley will immediately 'order the ces- f ucca, .v xjeaawooa, a. v., August attenaence wm ne seen a-i ine memg men ij6 dead and one woman is dying sation of hostilities,, . I formerlv and that as far as posslr La I m , UN W AWMAV V. U UUWUU) HlMUUi lU WAA The councU agreed that St would be ble,' a full disclosure will be- forced tral City this morning. from the management. . I An hotel keener named Soannon. angry at the supposed improper rela- B0DIES FROM LA BOURGOGNE. tions between his wife and Judge Gid . London. Ausrust 11. The a British ding, started a quarrel with the judge steamer Londonian, Capt. Lee, from better to delay the opening of the cortes until peace ing that the body! gotiations. was concluded, fear- might interrupt ne- CR0KER AND HILL. ! Birols. X BISHOP'S.... r" Saratoga, N. T. He shot Jack Weir who attempted to Boston, has arrived here.. She reports I interfere, and killed Giddings, and beat that on July 30, when in latitude 4? wife almost to death and then shot degrees 50 minute north, longitude 60 nimself dead. August: 11. Richard I degrees 47 mirfute west, . she f passed Keep tluelr health good by using BISHOP'S.... bishop's..;. "v. ..BISHOP'S....,' -i: BIRD HEALTH RESTORER 3 RD D .iBTSBTQP'S.:.. mi DEED Croker authorizes this announcement: about' twenty, bodies of victims of the " itie"t ; . - l",' -.-v .-".--. I - ' - i - , Flour is rapidly coming into favor, and "l am not responsible for the attacks Bourgogneisaster and a quantity .of trr.aAnal. Q M mJ. upon ex-Senator Hill: which have ap-lwreckage fromi? that vessel. There tabbed flours. Merit wiU Vin - 2 peared in New York. Only, the signer! were lifebelts on the bodies. .The Lou- " m, of the articles is! responsible foiu these I Odohian sent a boafs crew to take off H$$$$S$ attacks. E have been unjustly accused! the lifebelts, after- which the bodies land not too far from the town' that seemed to fulfill some of the conditions required, out of the vast spread of country that lies around Asheville. The desire of the board now is to be General Henrv In select on short notice a few nieces cfl. . ' . ' , , , . . .. , utuarao and General Schwan will push on and meet him at Arecibo. General Wilson is pushing-on steadify to Aibonito and General Brooke is ad- vancing siowiy rrom Guayamo. The Spanish will have the chnio c given an opportunity to display to a retirlng from Aihonitf tn SaT1 TllQ xiTOvo .uqiuuem Lares or from Arecibo t sn Tar, - -... .. I . . some pieces or iana otner tnan tnose I Aibonito. seen by General Randall and which, witn a Detter Knowledge of the re quirements for a camp site and after leisure to look around the committee thinks will fully satisfy the depart ment. WRECKERS RETURN. Norfolk, Va.. Auarust 11. Th. tnM William E. Chapman and Plymouth. the barge F. R Sharp and the four pontoons which sailed for Santiago If the government orders another ex- vStah. nortC TW amlnation here the board of trade will Passed in the capes an hour later. not eoniine s attentln t. the i! of land in the immediate vicinity' of J Wrecking company here sotae anxiety this city. It has in view a very desira-1 'fll Z., 18 Tt tna som .aci- ' ble plat of land not far from Waynes-lit Is possible that the 3ommanSer mav ville, and if this is found to meet the have beea signalled from some point ; needs of the, government the ilTt,! ; board of trade will co-operate with the tion. for FEVER DOES HOT ABATE of being responsible forthem." sank. i f ESTABLISHED 1C33. MALT v ,: EXTRACT. i m Minim --anit arium, A Special, Private Institution for ti Vraatnatif rt T.nnr nfiA Throat Sisaaaaa. J '.if. -V;V'r KABL vn BUCK, M. D., Xtedieal Dtretor. l -; v bates, S28.50 FESWEES and upward, acoordlng to the room selected, Includes everything excepting medicine, which are supplied at cosU A. : oAiflin ; Tinmtwtt f rooms are reserved a at: a : lower rate for . patients -whose financial circumstances require It, and to such the medicines are v also included. Fauenw can enier, ana iev k ny umw autwwi. cases not admitted. c?.-..AT.. ! HEIIIITSH & REAGA11, J .xthurch SI , end Patten Avar : X KvvHMMm "V71nyah. Hotel and Qanltarlum Oo. HQTiSPR!NGS,iN-:x:! ; Mountain ParkiHotel 1 w ' 'af'ansger. .' " V S3 miles" from AaheTiller vl Reduced ; rates rouDd trij ticJcetr f rom alt points ' SPECIAL REDUCED SUMMER RATES, The heat of summer is very debilitating to many people. , The, best . restorative and tonic - during -hotr weather is MALr EXTRACT. It is a X carefully made ' extract of malted barley; -pure, r nutri tious and assists digestion. :A wine glass full . three or four ; times daily will keep, up your strength and ' make work . a pleasure.'.;-. ..f - rvi: . r 1 ; ; . IPifiAGON; PHAMACY,-. VCor Patton Ave.- r - , .-..knd nay wood pt;': V; Waynesville people in securing it the use of the army. . Mr. George S. Powell said last even- Washington, August iner that he was' vprv honpf nl rf thP Shaf ter's sanitary report 11. -General c for August 10 shews the tofcaJ of fdck 2.2SS? " f .'. a further quest for a site In this locality, cases; 2,151; new cases of fever, 307; fe- 19. i - ... ' . ,' . Have you Tried our American It is acknowledged-by ;-teaf drinkers ; to be of :l most delicateyet decide ed high flavor.:, During a number of years of expert ments, which demanded' large outlay -; ' of cash, wehave been trying to produce the native North Carolina gems, cut and . mounted, at a figure to competi with thet ordinary Imported semi-pre- clous stones. We have luet succeeded in accomplishing . what " we consider very 'important and dlScult task and V" ' Tou can get it -; 7 w I we can nbw ofTer to .the public a-beao ! tiful " line of native North - Carolina gems that are battec proportioned an i polished tian ire: taT,ev Jlat pricee.ahcst era half lees than for merly. It U ahraya oux atady and d. ire to fnrnlsa tie ccisrlth the clasr of ! Jewelry 'tsJl tSrca tttaowy d y r w nr. rr- rr e Tt tf?0, - f - . Lrra Jeweler, : 1 N

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