TH ASHEVILLE GAL,iI AUuLJi 13, 1. i 1 i K ., 1 t." - - '- M 1 - 1.1 - TtelDffly Gazette, -ASHEVILLE. N C. USLISHED fiYIRY IOMISG IICIPT MSDAR HE ' ASHEVILLE GAZETTE PUB 7 LISHING COMPAN.:,.. jAMlaS B.'jfOBTON. President..; 5i)B8CRIPTIONvBATE8 : $4.00 i DfcllTt One Tear, six Months 2-25 1.00 40 IS 1.00 60 Dally. Eleven-Weeks Dally, One Month. n.iiv One Week. Jr-JLir nT.Ptte' One Year Wkly Gazette, Six Months. " Tfieae reduced 'rates are tfor CSSalttS rate of 15. 1 cents a fo? whatever time they, may, run. The Gazette is delivered In Asheyille, Vtetoria and Biltmore by carriers the XSar Subscription n rates. Within S2 "mite of territory the Paper may wardered by letter, postal card or.teto tSSSV price paid t the carrier. TELEPHONE 202. , Day d Night. V Brace ro-ftv T,r.t thpfse hot days, not neces- ft " earilly with such appliances as are in-J - TTUJ - dicated by the cut to the left and the " cut to the right, . ' -; (Tho', we do cutto the right and to the left). Yes; that is a good way, too, and we have a lot of them,, all sizes, the best and most famous knickerbocker, and at cut rate prices. , ' But you can also brace up in an other way. How? why with a battle of "Res torative Calisaya Tonic," a truly won- , flerful spring and summer help. Regu lar price $1.00, now Cut Rate, price 75c. ' v, every bottle guaranteed. Then too, you can Brace up at our Fountain, where only the best of every - thing is served. Have you tried "Coca Toria"? tii great, 5c. Cream soda with fruits, 5c. " PELM'S. 24vPatton AYftnne, IS THE PLACE. ' Open every Sunday, except during ? Church hours. "The delightful shower last evening nded the droughc tha,t had been un broken since Aug'.ist 11. "My relations with other" nations continue friendly." Queen Victoria. Ours too. We have a oast iron agree ment to that effect. Said the Spanish Don With bandage on, As he wept and sighed In, pain! O, you can bet I'll never forget That I blew up The Maine Some cf Ashevilje'a side streets at . present are bjejt le3i.jns in what streets should not be. Upon the hill side back of the town is a quarry and a stone crusher belonging to the city. The crusher - was bought to provide - means for- macadamizeing , ths dirt ' roads of thecity. The results cf its ' -"work last year as exhibited in College and water streets were gratif yingly " successful. If the city could! squeeze . enough out of its pocket book to do ,v more of this work there would be gener al rejoicing. Charlotte street for : j stance is now a disgrace to civilisation and should be' macadamized to the city -lline. It is stated that Croker las defeated Hill in New York in the, first game, having"forced" Elliott Danforth, chair man o fthe state central . committee, -to issue a, call for a meeting Saturday for 4 the purpose of calling the'tate conven tion. This it is gossipped.'had been re "wsted by Hill, and Danforth, "who Is regarded as Hill's man, and -other poll ucians declare that Croker ,! now has control of the state." If David B. Hill ? has really re-entered the political are na, to gain ontrol-i of. the " machine In New York"; it can be asserted' with confidence that this first-bout with the enemy will not be the last.- It would be --Early-Pall Good Outings from 5 cents up. Sr Up t Purchases v owwc vijfiviV!-lcw .uuiujgs iii iu cens ior dressing aaCKS,- ere. New Russian Fleece. verV desirable for wrannpr? -Larare stock of Towels and Nankin ar lnc. tiV . : - , : neauquaneis iui iucuei ana just in n ' ?s: K ? Attention directed to our superior places. , . . : c . , -w of little interest to the publib oven In Kew York state, this question of . a con test between individuals , for , political supremacy butV that , civ(c interest is asleep in thastateas in. We others. The" contest between political parties is insignificant in comparison , to the squab bles - between a . few. politicians. 1 Piatt onorie side and broker on the other are equally bad. ''The indifference onths? part of the citizens' of- the state-to Hheir assumptions of ..ownership, of, Its gov ernment ; is 5 vastly wirse.V ;In; national politicsth'ese local bosses are a menace," with their bargaining' and, combinations It is a long look, ahead for daylight o, follow the darkness in New York. -, The only5 profitable' feature, of the situation is the warning it conveys to other communities "which i still preserva some semblance of political independence. PEACE. V- , iCC ' ' ' V Peace! ' And the war is, over. . Peace!',; :v.: -:- : - And the right has won! Back to its own dominion ' , Back to its own dark shore : v The buzzard nation of the1 earth Is sent forever more! r . Peace! . . And the wax is over." Peace! And the right has won! -The oppressed have beenuplifted, We have answered the'"Biteous'' cry, And theJJord of hosts injustice -Has given us victory! Peace! And the war is-over. ' Peace V And our Duty's done, , . The, eagle folds his pinions jTo the suppliant Spaniard's call, The great black cloud of warfare, breaks , . ' And the sun shines over all! : C. S. THE QUEEN'S SPEECH. Deplores Our War With SpainEngland' s Foot- hold in China. London, August 12. The queen's speech at the opening of parliament this afternoon was as follows: "Lord and Gentlemen: My relations with other nations continue friendly? I have witnessed with deepest sorrow the hostilities between Spain and the United States two nations to which the empire ia bound by many ties of affec tion and tradition. Negotiations re cently opened give fair ground for hop ing that the deplorable conflict will be brought to a termination by the conclu sion of an honorable) and endurine peace. "Changes which have taken place in the territorial relations of other powers with the Chinese Empire have induced me to conclude arrangements whereby the harbor of Wei-Hal-Wei ajid certain .. . ii wu itujiiL w mycpiony or iiong Kong were leased to me by the Emper- w - x uul ui arnuxsememB will conduce to the maintainance of his ndependence and the security of his empire and be favorable to the devel opment of the extensive commerce car ried on between Great Britain and Chi na, i ' "Gentlemen of the house of com mons, I thank you for the liberal pro-1 visions you have made for fmy empire. ,The sacrifices asked of you are severe, but no greater than the exigencies of the present time require. I am glad to recognize the value of the provisions to which you have assented. increasing the strength and efficiency of my army." SPANISH LOSS AT MAYAGUEZ. Madrid, August 12.A' despatch1, bevr ing no date, received from Poito Rico today says: y "Yesterday the enemy approached Mayaguezz. ", - The garrison, composed .of- AJf onzo XIII regimpnt and the battalion cf guerillas with two. mountain guns, un der command of Colonel Soto, ' "se Hied out tojattack the Americana. In the ensuing encounter our troops T)ad thr men killed and nine, wjjunded. Our force -remained ail-night in tfie - field, and the- next mornins the enemy "dis embarked their troops inthe harbor ana are occupying Mayaguez. 'Signed, 44 . '- "macias" Arriving. j.mitmg wools. Jur,; rail stock - ' .i v' ime or oiauonery at special JOY iij!IOi!S IN HAVANA -3 it Spaniards and. CubaifS Alike Celebrate Conclusion of Peace--Military not ' ; Reconciled. ' - - Key West,- August, 12. Advices from Havani say that the city is full of Joy over peace, both the Spaniards and the Cubans joining, in. the celebrating. The military and hotheads, however, are incensed at . Spain for obtaining peace, y - i . .. The. reconcentradoes are hoping that the; Americans will soon arrive1, and re lieve the prevailing starvation. ;An of ficial despatch was received ' by- the war. department tonight from a signal officer at Playa dr 1 Este, reporting an engagement at Manzanillo today be tween American naval vessels and Spanish- forts. According' to the de spatch, the battle began at 4 5' clock this afternoon. The. coahmandter of he naval force demanded the surrender of the plaice, ;but the commandants re fused. - ' ': ' ' '"' ; " .. -i - : Men "were landed fro the American vessels ' No further details were ob tainable. The naval otP.cbils, do not credit the report. .. . ' ; ItHiRD IMMUNES WILL START TO-DAY Accident Causes Delay in Get ., : ting Off to Santiago. Savannah, Ja., August 12. The Third immune regiment will leave Savannah for Santiago either tomorrow morning or afternoon on the government trans ports, Minnewaska. The troops are now on the transport and would have left this afternoon but for two accidents. Something got wrong with the refrigerator on the ship and 10,000 pounds of meat became taint ed and had to be burned and replaced Shortly after this was discovered it was found that the steam pipe had burst and this had to be fixed. It was also found that there were no water casks on board. By the time all these deficiences were remedied the tide had gone out and the ship was resting on the river I bottom arid could not be moved. If possible tomorrow morning's tide will bb caught. ADMIRAL KIRKLAND DIES. San Francisco, August 12.-Admiral Kirkland died at Mare island at o'clock tonight. His death was some what unexpected, for during the day his condition was reported to have im proved. Rear Admiral Kirkland was appointed to the naval academy from North Carolina on July 2, 1850, and has served efficiently ever since. He was retired a f w weeks ago. ATKINSON RHEINHARDT. muraer wm oui. ana so wiu mar riages after so lone la time. On th night of May 1 a marrtage was per formed by Rev. Frederick W. Wey at his bachelor, quarters, -with one witness i present. The parties were Miss Dm ma Rhinehart, the handsome daughter Mr. Charles" Bonner Atkinson of I Ashevtlle.- The ceremony was witness d by Mr. R. M. Rhinehart, brother of the bride. Mr. Atkinson is somewniat tied, up in nausiness iat Asheville for awhile, and Mrs. Atkinson prefers to . live in WaynesvUle, so they decided to keep the secret from their most intimate friends, but In looking over the record of marriages the Courier man ran across the item, and felt compiled to n nussion as -a newsgauierer, wish them a long land happy -married iife. . Mr. Atkinson is a son of the late Captain Natt Atkinson of AshevUlle, who was foremost as . real estate Uho did as much for its upbuilding as I any other person. Miss Emma is well known all over Westemi North Caro lina havine- lived in a hotel all her life, The marriiage will be a Surprise to all their friends. Even the bride's parents will likely get their first au thentic news from thisvltem. Waynes- ville Courier. OVER IN A MINUTE; George Redpat, ai sergeant in the Rough Riders, whose home is just across the Kansas line in Oaklahoma, writes as folliows from Santiago: "Af ter thatfirst day's ; battle waa . over was the happiest man s oh the soil' of Cuba. I don't mind. telling you that 1 had half a notion that I was a coward I had taken the place of sergeant, and I knew It would be awful if I ran away I didn't think I would run Awaf: but I' did have ia sneaking notion that might show the white feather Iri some way. . When the buuets nrst Degan to Whizz-z-z. " whizz-z-z, plunk, I - tel vou my -heart went . up to" my throat. but I errit'my teetn, gave a yeux and charered risrht along with the rest of the bovs. . The scare was over in .ute; and I believe J can go into tne battle ana. aoke nxe some ox tne bovs did in: this one, ror I know , now that I have nerve enough to stay." A HANDSOME DISPIiAY. y One ; of the most artistic displays of nhotoeranhy yet jseen in Asheville is on exhibition in '. the window of the Racket Store,, beautifully colored and true to nature. The faces wlU readily he recoemlzed as some of Ashevlle's leadine society. - This work is the work of -Mr. J. B. Andrews, the tent photo streets and lie justly deservs credit for this most excellentrwork ,The coi- orinsr of these photographs is some of known in Asheville 'iis a master work man and tvho-i now employed by; Mr. .. . i lr. David Kennedys - f- Arso His . 1 P ound Pan (Late of San WE HAVE GALORE. ' and Would like to show you just what is what in this line, now. COME LOOK OVER OUR STOCK. W. 33. Williamson & Co. 16 PATTON Autumn Styles Noy arriving almost every dayIn Clothing, Dry Goods, Underwear, Shoes, Hats, and Butterick Patterns. H. Re&vyood & Co. 7 & 9 Patton Ave, Telephone No. 150 F. D. THOMPSON & CO., Commission Merchants. HAT, GEAIN, FEED, LIME, Star Brand Louisville Cement $1.25 per barrel. Imported Portland Cement $3.00 per barrel. WHOLESALE AND BETA1L. South Lexington Avenue, ASHEVILLE, N. C. Storage of Furniture a Specialty. Wm hAvtt for sale chean one rait of w alnu furniture and some door and window KiM&i, sprinkling hose and 0 -E3I- MILLER. Mattress - Maker - 82 Woodfin St., Old Mattresses renovated and done at residence if desired. Bepairing and renovating springs and all kinds of D pholstery work. Charges very reasonable. All work guaranteed. Mail orders promptly attended to. Refers to house keeper at Battery Park Augusta ISrewing THE FAVORITE BEER OF ASHEVILLE Orders wDl be filled for Bottle Beer 1 , if left: at or phoned to " Halyburton & Co., Franco Donnell, i & B. Mclntyre, (Pat. Carp,- ' Swannanoa Hotel CcC and . . Pat, Mclntvre, AeU Augusta Brewing Co. You get'the Natural Flavor in Using J0) I i i n 'J ; IfD S h h n LEMON Absolutely Pure, i turs v ir4at:25i Cents; Antonio, Texas.) r 18 SOUTH MAIN ST. I AVENUE. Post Office Box 76 CEMENT AND STORAGE. reel, one- set lace curtain stretchers. and - Upholsterer, Asheville, N. C. made over equal to new. Work Hotel. FOE- n v YANILIiA. ; : : 6 lve Them a Trial. Co BARTLETT'S PURE, APPLE UlilEGAR. r i - w -f 1 ,- , -, 1 ; Everybody ; knows what it is. xou can get a gallon for 25. CENTS. i ' It JBnRins 45 S. Main St. Phone 12 STERLING SILVER NOVELTIES 1 -AND- f DIAMONDS Direct fiom Manufacturebsv B. II. COSBY, The Reliable Jeweler, 37 Patton Avenue. Wblte House Special A blend of the richest and best flavor Coffee in the world. THIS COFFEE IS PLAIN ROAST; Not glazed with poisonous impurities. None Genuine Unless my Name and Label. F. H. White, 17 SOUTH MAIN. PHONE 203. PHOTOGRAPHING OHILDREH Isn't an easy task, tut we an well fixed for It and are very successful with, them We have a quick working lense and can generally get tbem in spite of moving1. . Bring up the baby when it's feeling well and come whan you have plenty of time, we will have dolls and toys to amuse It. High grade -portraits of every one. young or old. We do all kinds of Indoor photo graphing on short notice. Developlngland finishing for ama teurs. Kolak supplies, Kodaks for sale anl rent. RAY'S, 8 North Court Sqnaa Magnilicent Bnilding Lotslor Sale At Saluda, N. C. Ixts of one, acre or more, only five minutes walk from depot, other loi further out Grand and sublime views, grand panoramas of beautiful mountain scenery and the finest climate east of the Rocky mountains. Apply to. E. B. GOELET, Architect and Heal Estate Agent, Saluda; N. C. 1793 Bingham School n SHEYILLB, Established In 1793. I , , I Maj. R. BINCHAM. fill I0QQ A.M., LL.D.,SHpt. fill 1000 MUitAry; Iff. 8. Army X 1 h. a Officer detailed. U LI THE CHEAPEST n " . . , For Sale Through ATiL COAL 'DEALERS AND ; AL GROCTIRY STOBFS H m .HAEIGHE,.--15 South Alain St. n IRES ALL KIDNEi. STOMACH whidr have a s Phone-