- - ,! - THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE AUGUST 13, 1898- iTTHE CftPlTOL J , OF THIS STATE qtatistips1 Gatheredby 4 the Labor Commissioner. , 4 Million Pounds of Tobacco fifteen Produced Last Year. Republicans "Preparing ThMr Cam naicn Hand-book-Populist State i - ' ,4 f 1 " Convention Meets August 17, .; :' Raleigh, August 12. The state super intendent of public instructions has pro; cured from the various- states-4niorma-lion as to what per cent of 'railroad earnings is paid as tax, .lor rivhat ; this tax is used and how much goes to, the public school fund. In most . of the states railroad earnings are not ; .taxed In Illinois the tax is .7, per cent on ' gross .no miners: in Minnesota 3 ,per cent, in Virginia 10 cents on the $100; in Penn sylvania 17 mills on the $100, and 60 per cent goes to the schools. In Texas the tax is 1-4 of 1 per cent. The labor commissioner has procur ed for this year's report the following figures; tobacco factories in. North Carolina: Cigars and cigarettes, 33; plug and smoking, 175, all these .being in operation. m ' i -y " - In the eastern district there are pro duced 15,139,000 pounds of plug and. smoking, an increase of 3,000,000 over the year previous; .7,192,000 cigars, and 277,520,000 cigarettes, the latter : being a railing on -oi less-man ou,uw,uw aai compared with the previous year. Of . snufC 56,000 pounds was the '; product. ! There are 129 whiskey distilleries in operation, which make 166,000 ; gallons The republican campaign hand-book for 1898 is in preparation.. Revenue Collector Carl Duncan, who is now the king pin of republicanism in eastern North Carolina, says that August' 24 Chairman Holton will arrive here, and that Secretary Hyams will then come. He says the republican campaign head quarters will b opened and a hot cam paign begun. , Claude Dockery is here. He "wants to be returned to the lower house of the legislature and to be speaker. The republican judicial convention of this district met here today to nomi nate Oliver H. Dockery, Jr.; for solici tor? He. says as far back ass three weeks ago that he .had no opposition -.and Was sure of the nbminatianL- He was nominated by acclamation on the first ballot, having no opposition. ,: Populist State Chairman Thompson begins his campaign with a speech at Clinton.-August 19. He says he will theh have something to say about the financial management of the office of secretary of state by some of his pred ecessors. He smiled when he was ask ed if he hajl seen" the statement' that one of his predecessors did not believe he had inspired , the attack. Thompson said in his speech he wTould make at tacks direct. The state charters the National Manufacturing . company, of Greens boro, capital, $4,800, . E. T. Garsed and others, stockholders. It is given power to deal in real estate and mines,- make machinery, woodenware, paints, chem icals, etc. Last week your correspondent; : was given a statement that State Labor Commissioner J. T.' Hamrick was in the west securing information about whiskey. It . turns out that this emi nent populist was in Shelby engineer ing a deal i between; populists and re- publicans.", One of ; Hamrick' s closest friends Cherfe remarked today: "His most important duties are in regard to Dr. Cyrus Thompson calls the popu list state committee to meet here An gust 17. The call, says the meeting' is for "important business!," When Dr. R, A. Cobb, of . that committee, , was asked what this meant' he said: "It Is to ar range for, fusion." v Senator Butler will, of course be JiereJ at the , time of. the "committee meeting, He is not of the committee but is bound to be on hand. , He "" knows ,Jthat ,.his strength is tox be, tested It'isthe oM case of ' Butler against1 Skinner up again. . ' ' - There are 24 members of the popu list committee and- 8 are new men from the second, ' third, sixth, . and seventh districts. - - : " It is whispered that Dr, Cobb's paper, The Home Rule,; may be made-the offi cial organ of the' populists in the state. The doctor' s'papery like himself , is bit terly anti-Butler. ; It' Is the proud boast of the genial 'doctor's1 friends that It requires an accomplished microecopist to tell the difference between b4m.and a republican 1 Senator rButleVs' paper has been the organ; " . f Dr. Cobb was . asked - what - news comes Ina!s1 tttthe " Congressional 'dis tricts. He -says "Skinner goes, through v7 Bverrbody Caye Sow Cascarets Candy Cathartiev the most won- wriui meoicai discovery ox xne age, pwsiw ant and refreshingto ttoa taste; act gently and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, ;1eansinr be Btte8 ystenir disper colds, core heidacbe. fever i. habitual constipation . Diiionsnep s.i f lease nny ana try a ov ; of a&.C. to-day? 1025, M cents.- Kolilanc' Prevention betterTthah "cure. Tutt s Liver pills will not bVUyJcurei-biiti if taken in tirner will r prevent ; uaitK neaoacne, - ayspepsia,Dmoiisne$s, malaria, constipation; - jaundice, torpid uvcr anu Kinarecraiseases.i- TUTT'S Liver PILLS ABSOLUTELY CURE. with, a. whirl in the first ; in the second part' the .popUlists illj.yotef or James B. Lloyd and part for Geoirge H, White, negro republican; in the third lie does not jthink anything of : Fowler's pros pects; in' the fourth things look "bil ious'f for Strowd; iij theflfth the popu lists will vte fors Adams:' in "the ,"y. iue tsevenin ne, nas no aouDi or Morri-j son Caldwell's success: in "th hth the populists are favorable to Linney, 4boltv does not amount to much; in the ninth Pearson can command some pop ulist votes. Such is the situation from the Cobb point of view.: Judge Purnell has appointed the fol lowing referees in bank-ruptcy: For the fifst district,' ak heretofore desig nated, Charles Guirkin, of Elizabeth City, Pasquotank county, Nl C. . For the second district, as heretofore designated: , Charles C. Fagan, of Wil uamston, in the county of Martin, N. c: ' For the fifth district, as heretofore designated; John Bl Hill, of Raleigh, in the county of Wake, N. C. DEWEY TO LIVINGSTON. Congressman Livingston, of Georgia, has received the following from Ad miral .Dewey : : ' 'Flagship' Olympic, Off Oavite,' Phil ippines Islands, June 17th. VMy-Dear Sir: I have just learned from the last; papers that I am indebt ed to you for the introduction in the hjouse of representatives of the resolu trams extending to me the thanks of congress for the naval engagement of Manila bay,, May 1st a neea tnaraiy ten you tnat I am most sincerely grateful to you as Jthe autnor or tne resolution, bringing as it does tine ini'gnest nonor that can come to ajiji American naval officer in nis protessionau career, ifut it is a great pleasure to acknowledge my debt of gratitude and, f thank you in unsuntea measure ror tne part you took in obtaining for me that greatest distinction. '"It is a source of 'additional pleasure to me, as a Vermonter, that the mover of the resolution was not a man from t!he North, but one from the far South This Is one of the good signs of the times. In the hour of danger there is no Sou tin. tk North, tout one united country. May we never hear Of sec tionalism again. There are no lines r ONE TRIAL BOTTLE THIS OFFER ALMOST SURPASSES BELIEF. An External Tonic ' Applied to the SMn Beautifies it as by lagfc. TIE BISCOVERY AGE A WOMAN WAS THE INVENTOR. - Thousands have tried from tune imme morial to discover some cfiicacious remedy v for wrinkles apd other imperfections of tthe complexion, but none had yet suc ceeded Until the Misses Bell, the. now fam ous Complexion Specialists' of 7$ Fifth -Avenue, New York City, offered the pub ' lie their wonderful Complexion vToniC". The reason so many failed to make this discovery before is plain, because they have not followed the right principle- Balms, Creams, Lotions, etc.," never have a tonic effect upon the ekin, hence the failures." -, The Misses Bell's Complexion Tonic has k most exhilarating effect upon the cuticle, - absorbing and ;carrying off all impurities which the blood by its natural action is constantly forcing to the- surface of the' i skin. : It is to the skin what a vitalizing tonic is to the blood and nerves, a. kind of new life that immediately exhilarates and Strengthens wherever applied. Its tonic ; effect is felt almost immediately, and. it speedily banishes forever from .the skin, freckles.' 'Dimples." blackheada,':, moth patches,-wrinkles, liver-spots, roughness, oiliness, 1 eruptions and -discolorsijons of . M . - i l J t A In order that all . may be benefited by ) !icir Great Discovery, the Misses Bell will, fairing the present month, give to.all call- i ' : THE ;rtlISSE5 BELL, 78 Fifth Ave., NeV York C The iliasea Bell'i' Complexloa Toaiaw Coarlaxica Cccb CSla cs3' EtejpHo axe lc cola ti'tlU dt7 17. C7 O. Carmlchael. - ---: ; . ! 4 OAKBIETGEfllSSmUFFE. i NEARIiT FTFTT TEARS O P 1 27? STUDENTS L.AST YEAR. M -S3- f I The largest and best equipped priv ate iteh, the Classics, Mathematics, Bookk writing. Terms reasonable. For cata 3v.- ;i - , - t L Jr r.lPBAOB INSTITUTE, Rafdigh, ISV C. 4 FatUOUS SChOOl tOT Glfls Judge Geo. D. Gray, Culpeper, Va., very best female school of which I have any knowledge.'' Illustrated cat alogue free to all who apply. JAS. DINWIDDD3, M. A., Principal. drawn in the navy.' I need n'ot ay that it may interest you to knlqw that my flaig lieutenlant, LieutehSant" Brumley, is a Georgian by birth 'and appointment. "Again thanking you most cordially, remain very gratefully land sincerly, "GEORGE DEWEY." SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES, Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet. It cures painful, swollen, smart ing, nervous feet and instantly takes the sting out of corns and bunions. It's the greatest comfort discovery of "the age. Allen s x1 oot-ii-ase maites tignt or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain tired, aching feet. Try it today. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores. By mail for 25c. in stamps. Trial package FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Ls Roy, N. Y. NOTICE. By virtue of a power of sale con tained in a certain deed of trust exe cuted to the undersigned trustee by Emaline Lawson on the llth day of February, 1896, and registered in the office of the register of deeds of Mad ison county in book No. 6 of deeds of trust, at page 361, to secure the pay ment of a certain bond or note In said deed of trust described, default having been made in payment of prin cipal and interest of said debt the un dersigned trustee will, on Monday, the 5th day of September, 1898, at the court house door in the town of Mar shall, Madison county, sell to the high esth bidder for cash the property con veyed in the said deed of trust and fully described - in - records above named in Madison county, N. C. This July 25, 1898. JOHN G. SUTHERLAND, ju 26-4w - Trustee. (SCROFULA in its worst form v yields to the blood cleansing power J of Hood's barsaparilla. Thousands of cases nave been perfectly CURED- ers at their parlors one trial bottle of 'their. Complexion Tome absolutely free? and in order that those who. cannot call or who live away from New York may be bene fited, they will send onebotfle to any ad-1 dres j, all charges prepaid, on the receipt of ; 25 cents (stamps or silver) to cover cost of packing and delivering. The price of this ' wonderful teaies $ls00 per bottle, and ' this liberal offer should be embraced by alL The M5sse3 Bell have . just published their new book, M Secrets of Beauty This valuable work is free to all desiring it. The book1 treats exhaustively, of the importance of a good complexion ; tells ' how a .woman may- acquire : beauty and keep it. - Special chapters on" the care of the hair ; how to have luxuriant growth ; harmless methods of making the hair pre j serve its natural beauty and color, even to ' advanced.age. Also instructions how to banish superfluous-hair from the face, neck and arms without injury to the skin: This book will be mailed to any address on request. ' - ' V i -FREE Trial Bottles of "Wonderful Com- v ptexion Tonic free; at parlors, or 25 "cents;? (cost of packing' and mailing) to those at a distance-r. ? ?. r.'V, .- . - - . Correspondence rdially solicited. Ad ? ; dress ,- .- .r . , CONTINUOUS SUCCESS. gi ?-rsr 'r-r ; -? it r i a 1 - - " in r ! fitting school in . the South. En- eeping, Shorthand,' Telegraphy, Type- logue, address - - A. & M. H. HOLT, Oak Ridge, N. C. Very thorough and of high grade. ays: "I sincerely believe it is the ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of elerk of the supe rior court subject to the action of the democratic nominating convention. J. M'D. WHITSON. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for county treasurer subject to the action of the county democratic coa vention. ERWIN W. PATTON. Mr. A. C. Wolfe, of Dundee, Mo., who travels for Mansur & Tibbetts. I Implement Company,- of St. Louis, gives traveling men and travelers to general, some good advice. "Being a Knight of the Grip" he says: "I have for the past three years made it a rule ' to keep myself supplied with Cham berlain's vColic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and have found numerous occasions to test its merits, not only on myself but on others as well. I can truly say that I never, in a single in stance nave knonw it to fail, i con-1 sider it one of the best remedies trav elers can carry and could relate many Instances where I have used the rem- edy on skeptics, much to their sur prise and relief. I hope every travel ing man in the United States will car ry a bottle of this remedy in his grip." For sale by Dr. T. C. Smith. Send your a&dxea to H. E. Bucklea & Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box ol Dr. King' New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of - their merits. These puis are easy in action and are particularly ef fective in the cure of Constipation and. I sick Hesulacine. For Malaria and Liver troubles taey (have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly tree from every delecterioua feUbstanoe and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to the stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the system. . Regular elze 25c. per box. Sold by T. C. Smith, Druggist, and Pelham's Pharmacy. 2 f ERIT iviiui, Lij.i given Hood's a SarsanarilliJ iSn liivo-pcf uqW in W I ' AtVU the world and enables it to accomplish thousands ?f wonderM CURES. Some time ago a little bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy fell into my hands just at a time when my two-year-old boy was terribly afflicted. His bowels were beyond control. We had tried many remedies, to no purpose, but the little bottle of Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy speedily cured him. William F. Jones, Oglesby, Ga. For sale by Dr. T. ,C. Smith. A N AKROW ESCAPE. Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada S. Hart, of Oroton, S. D. ""Was takenwlltii bad cold which settled oa my Iuag; eoush Bet In and finally terminated in Coiusump tion. Four Doctors gave me up, saying I could live but a short time. I gave my- elf up to my Savior, determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my, absent ones above. Joy husband was advised to get Dr. King's (New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I gave It a trial, took in all eight bottles. It has cured sue, and thank God I am saved and now a well and healthy woman.' Trial bottle tree at T. C. Smith's. . Drug Store and . Pelham'a Kuavmacy. ' , Regular size-50c axd 11.00., Guaranteed or prke refunded. K 1 "Our customers say you manufacture three of the best remedies on earth, said the mercantile firm of Haas, Har ris, Brim & McLain, of Dawson, Ga., in a recent letter to the Chamberlain Med icine Co. This is the universal verdict. Chamberlain's Pain Balm is the finest preparation in the world- for rheuma tism, neuralgia, lame back, qulnsey, sore throat, cuts, bruises, bums, scalds, pains and swellings. A 25-cent bottle of this liniment in the house will save a great deal of suffering. Buy it at Dr. T. C. Smith's drug store; : 1; , Dr. David Kennedys Wmomte Rsmedv cures ail kidney; STOMACH 4 'AMD LIVER TROUBLES. , BUCTKIiEN'S ARNICA SALVE. " The best salve in' the world, :f or Cuts, walsee, Sores, Ulcers, Salt ' Rheum, Fever Sores, 'Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Erup tions, -and positively cures Piles or no oay required.. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25c per ibox. For.saje by.T.C Smith: and Pelham'a Pharmacy. : ; . i Fov Infants and Children.' It3 KfcJTca I!3V3, AfcSjS C::3ut Signature of uZf&CC&X G ASTORIA - ,1 B . O fj COS & 4 a xm WMrsW 41 ?3 0 WD s .IP toi m ( rj n J ON EEa tJ 3f f.;tf i.t Cat taa cafaai tnfTrj ga ciar??rrfftr. Csses that have been proiouced tooif fi fSfSctDy cored at hsaa. Dr. Cswsa vts every his pcraeoal dtssticx -' . cTkt5ssl cicl Bl f?ech?afapt crt: ...... V Stoi3&c!)f Deafaess, f Asthma, Dovarola, N ConrumpUsa,. Cataract; Dlood, : Rbeamatlssay Obesity, - Gkln Diseases. -Xf v77S(m1o)ls, : VjU,,LniUUJ Liza abso Cad Dr absemte vpedta. for Losses,r 7 fl V; U J .(X ,4'iV,--rfVV.(,i'. ER&cr f ttass rtmedles w!U test b Ca-sSwrt f Kdraculoas. - j Sesd fw SYDff-toia klanks asd i t l.M.Ur .KWtith .MuxirflH - pMwnKtiAr: C - : IT iM IV 4I.S. : t? jJ. LL CODDBL LtD.. 715 13lh 3 -a ml C3 - - n , a 7 to 2 o pt S3 u S to g H Q J:. s 1 . S ' ' f4 ' -.V;"- . ixoooooooxjooy XOl t) ODD 055 Si y 6iT) M s MTa E( N B-fcr. Bfstl S3 eg 2 1g xxxxxxxoooooc rT fed 5 J 1 s D IS) 51 &4 bsjbub 7h Ul u. toy Chronic disease eai abtrli world-wide repotaliaa fr U - V. A gnu tinteod csx for Inrpo- veoej, ' WeakBCBB, arry Decay, Loss l Power, etc. ; epea recelst f ttLCXf I THeff effect x -- " fail InforaaUw recartfhri specialties. is to i Q E30BEE ftp1 a n nrnnM St.; 11 tf., Washington, D.'Cy . : r,-; . v. ' i - f V t' i 1 1 1 JC- i. ' t St - '1' -

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