.'.CliEVILLE tJ 07 r;;;: :.::u;:t;.::: lzcchto dsszcted to the ADVEnnsEuEriTs that appeal ;-o:i.tsie sixth page of the daily gazette SS1SSSlSMIeesSBiSBHWBWMMBIMil " t V - "Ns OESTREICHER & COrS - -fit 'hi -"T i. ?t4 REUOUAU. if'? -J - J - -. One lot Children's, and Misses' Ribbed Tan Hose, 4q7;'guage; smooth and niceV values 35c to 39c. The lot at 15C per, pair. . Sizes KXA to86. . .V "Si A;" - x One lot Ladies 'all linen hem- stitched Handkerchief $ worth ,15c, marked down to 70c,VrV:. V 4 One lot worth 20c, marked down to 15c. '(3r-T A. Few dozen, very shear quarter, half and three-quarter bor ders, worth anywhere 39c Remby al Price 23c. One lot best 68c values,! same style as above, but very much finer to be sold for two days aX4Jc; Small lot fine Swiss embroidered ones, worth from 8c to $1) will be slaughtered during this sale. J-Sj Complete line of Ladies' Under- vests, low neck and short sleeves 7c quality for,;hw:V:; 5c 15c " (bleached).... Wc 2oc " ;? ;U..U....i.ll5c 25c " ....,...............,i9c 50c " ..................;..;42c Few dozen pink, blue and black to close out. Nice assortment of Ladies' Mus lin 'Underwear less than can be duplicated at cost. f OESTREICHE 28 S. Main St. tint' r' ' " t .. r:rfV:" .-. I Are One Hundred Per I Cent.; better than they were one year ago. . ; People whobnce used $ Periodical ' Tickets -are t now'v-dealing'withusi- I ."You can't fool all the ...... ..." , .... .'. t people alLth&'jtimfi.L! - cl- a rnccn Fine Groceries, 1 -r is iT M' T" Keep their health good by using .... BISHOP'S. ..v-1 . s ;. . .BISHOP'S -i BIRD DADTEEG, w bishop's;,;. - - ? 1 V - T BIRD HEALTflESTORER I jf :. :.?: S ni m ' r ..- -j ft 5 iMV s-'-- sf HEII1ITSH S REAGAI1, ;', ! DRUGGISTS. . . ,r Church SI. tni PalScn A3. h 1 1 tH iYi 1 i i'i' 1 m; iViTtiiyl f t - ' - ... v - " - ' , -i M - - - l-M' -fi ' . - ... v '.: ' - : - .' mm Oir EnglancTMay Find it ' Necessary to Go f to War. : Russia Has Heaped Repeat ed Humiliatiin and Pub- lie Opinion Is High. Queen Victoria's Adverse At titude Toward War has Kept Salisbury in Check. If England Takes a Stand Against the Partition of China She May Want Our Aid. ; - London, August 13. Europe's shara in today's rejoicing over, the re-estab lisment 6f neace in Christendom was disturbed by gloomy foreboding that will not be permitted to remain long unbroken. .... "hese fears find freest expression In England and England is the ouly coun try which, is considering the necessity oif' breaking "the peace; of the world. In other words England is . the only country whfcli 'will perhaps "turn tlje diplomatic war now raging in the far east into Sk, physical conflict. n The Chinese question Is t Important feature of . the ean comment and there is a universal re cognition that the United States will henceforth be of great potentiality. There is not the -slightest disposition to raise opposition to the terms of peace as far as defined, and there is no pro test yet against America retaining the Philippines or a part of them. .In fact it is a foregone conclusion that the is 1 . lands will- become virtually American, hut the Asiatic crisis Is bound to take t-a new and perhaps unexpected shape before the peace commission gets well - t at work. Russian's course In heaping humilia tion upon England is apparently re rardless of consequences, if 'Russia Is. not deliberately inciting England to ...... war. . . It is believed throughout Europe that nothing that will happen in China will force Lord Salisbury to draw the sword 1 ... land this belief is due to the Queen's de termination never to sign another de claratlon of war. .' The question is how, far If is safe for 1 XLiUglitllU rivcua lis u ui 1111a oaoumy- Lord Salisbury Is almost universally condemned for his eastern policy and I public sentiment in England will not submit to - repeated humiliation. This condition of the public mind will force the government either to forcibly in tervention alone -or to seek the aid of the .United ; Stages ' in7 keeping ' open I ri' i China's market 'or'accept the dismem y berrnent of China.' ' - l France, Hussia and Germany hope Lord "Salisbury will do the latter, Jeav- 2 ing a small share, to England and shut :r X ting out the United States,; but if the United ' States 4 and? England declare ESTABLISHED 1CC3. 1 INYAH 1 X V ;A , Special Private Treatment of Lung X J5' '.t " 1 v:l KAKI yea BUCJK bates, W3JJJ50 PKB TEKK and 'jRrhAAA flna.nr.fal circumstances require 1L- and. to such, the medicines are , -ti-xis-dl ;' z t t:'-i; t WlnTsJinotelsJiid QsjiltazlumCo. ton' buy unless you want 'toy T properlyrlperandfresh$. ' ? -ri5i:iiils $ bui you will wanMa ' . t : t prictwrt;es lees t! for f : , MMMmMj ..7 ;-- ,V.a1 t :.Vi(t merfyV Jt u iiws car fesy sxi fi , ' . . ..,,t,...-v.,;..,.r... , , ,..... -,- - - -' - . ,, - , - . - - f, i,i .i-,,;;' . t--: -, 4. is-: . v - i & f i-JUL d & i(T f v4- - -v , . v , t ?v -TT" J,: LL.-j. ...--, ht - . -. w--JT t T V;v t - - : - : t.'4-r, -.T-rJ- ' U sire to furalsSi tfts vclSswlUi Cie clas j : W&MipKiitasgfflS; mutms&l sS?3S'r: 88 mile from-vABhevillev Kedaced'jrates ;roundvtnp.ticKets irea all, points. ? i ;"SElBHatfOBb: 6pilUER BATES. v i - 'tis e- 1 '1 ' - . i -J " - - - ' . ; . - . ' - . , , J ...... 1 i . 1 '. - : -,.-.... . . Jointly thatt China must -remain; open. It Is not believed that' anytjowet " Jirill accept tne cnaiieuge, , , i The - origin, of the difficulty Is de tlared to be-therefusial of-phina o use English 'capital in; the construction of" the Niu. Chans railway.- - - - . ? , But that 1s superficial. That is ap parent ftomt,xh& nature; ofr the aewk from' Chiri to the tec- that Pavloffj the AKussian; representative, had not onlyw' prevented i'tEiil&'br capital lit :the"KiuI Chanxoad Jjjit ha.d:gone farther; scjaring 0hina 'into jnaking' flussia 'orninat "oyei;.jhe Per kin-Hankau railroad. Part 'pof . this system5 Is . In the sphere of . British, jn fluence?,'in ,Chtoa,'..iaiid, therfor .s ja premeditated rupture of u thee existing state :f EurOpean tairairs inChma -Cabinet members, members of parli-; amejjt" 4nd Jankers and! merchants of England . are claanoring for ; Salisbury to come : to a clear understanding. The fact that-Russia is already too powerful in China makes the acquir ing by her of a complete railroad sys tern in China a tremendous menace to British interests and, incidentally, those of the United States 1 And so diplomacy may have to retire and war-stalk on the scene. - FIRED ON fl Spanisn Truce coat's mxen 1: iir;1 of Man zanillo. v Washington, August 13.The message last night from Playa Del Este stating that an engagement . had . begun at Manzanillo was followed by prompt acf tion to notify our naval force - .there that hdstili ties had ended. The "message was sent to the Senior, naval s officer - there last night and : through Havana' and Blanco allowed it tions to the commandante at nillo to have the despatch delivered to the American naval commander Imme diately. . -' ; , ' ': Z- Bieports todavshbw that , the iboat went ' out o the American vessels iate last night. The -boat carried a white light and by mistake the Americans opened . fire. Fortunately no lone was hurt and at ones o'elock this mornincr the ; message ' to the , . American naval officer , was. delivered. According to official advices a num ber' of Spaniards were killed in yester day's fight but no Americans. SELECTING PEACEMAKERS President NOW Deciding On the Men Lee to Havana. Washington. August - 13. The selec tion of suitable men for peace commis sioners is causing the president consid erable trouble. So far? Secretary Day appears to be the only man decided on. One New York man is expected to be named and General Tracy and Joseph H. Choate are viewed with favor. Every effort will be made -to induce Senator Davis to serve on the comiflis sion. - .... - 1 . . .... xne xac, mat senator m. - tne' presiaeni, . xyuay , xxtu uausswu name to be linked with tne commission. He Is set down as an expansionist. General Lee win probably be'the lead Ing member of the Havana military i VUUlUUii&lVU ttll UUV MCCU WUCICU IU report to tne war aepartment in person, Admiral Schley may"be the naval member: General Miles, Brooke, Wade and . other 'generals are mentioned for I appointments on one' "of the commis- siohs. ,IhtltutIon ' f or the". ; rid Throat Disease r ? M. D., Medieal Dtreetor. -" V upward, according to the room selected. WHITE LIGHT ANITARIU BLANCH FLEES i4 mn guba Report to That Effect Sent tjnpson Searching lor "J Him-iTeresa to be v Floated Playa Del Este,; August 13. Admiral Sampson in the flagship New York sailed a few days, ago for Jamaica to intercept Captain General Blanco who was sdposed to have escaped from LCuba in the Montserrat. Nothing was seen of the Spanish ship w land the New York returned here yes- jterday. The Yankee and Dixie are cruising off V the North coast :.in search of Blanco. The Brooklyn in starting from Cien- fuegos on the same mission ran aground on Thursday in trying to avoid a collision with a transport, but was! pulled off by the Oregon without a mis hap. Admiral Sampson, was notified this morning of a cessation of bostmues, New York, with Brooklyn, Iowa, In- diana, Massachusetts and Oregon will start for New iorr tomorrow umess "r"0 VUSCU W l ai ry IfUOps IS apyi uvcu. Sampson recently visited the wreck of the M&ria Teresa, She has been lightened by the remov al of the g"uns"and It was expected that she be floated within a week. LAST HERO TO m f GIVE UP HIS LIFE Manza-4Cprppral SWanSen Killed Importance of taking means to repress a 1 Skirmish Near Aibonito. Ponce August 12, via. t. Croix, Au- gust 13. General "Wilson sent two guh3 forward yesterday within range of the enemy's earth works "crowning Asa monte ridge near Aibonito. The Spaniards opened fire upon the road which was occupied by the Third Wisconsin. The Spanish battery . was on the topmost peak of the mountain. A Spanish shell burst over the head of Captain McCoy of company I and the fragments spread, killing Corporal- Swansen and wounding Private Bunce and VaUshn. ' Our artillery was soon in rlace and the Spaniards were shelled out of their original position and for time their guns were silenced. They reopened ro a tima oi oi, sharp infantry fire. Lieutenant Haines of third artillery was wounded. Mayaguez was occupied by General Schwan's troops on Tuesday. The Spanish fled to Lares. CERVERA SEES HIS SAILORS. Portsmouth, August .J.3. Admiral Cervera today visited his sailors who jare prisoners on Seaveys , Island. - There was a great demonstration to the ' I . . ' 7 . " " (Spanish admiral on his lecuonate-greetings. were exchanged by nun, witn tne, prisoners, h SAVANNAH TICKETS. JS'-S.,!'" Sa" I - ----- - -r ... ; t cajinwu TOmaiCoesi,, we i win . now offer IihftTTi at. mna. vi,n,n,aif. ryor., vicwnl-ri them at one dollar per dzen.--Greer. WASH YOUR PAGE In water that is perfumed, with a few drops of our Cologne and you5 will be delighted "with--bo' f ref reshlnjg and pleasing a bath, ; It Is different from all ; other, Co-.- lognesv as ; itsr; odor reminds one V of the. pure'sweet air and fra- k grant fields Ve . wish every one Itr Cor Fatton Ave and Ilayvrood pt: , . .iMfitee99cy ' . -m-; V-;, . - - . v - - ' . - .. -.-.. .... ...... mum J it a u TO GUBA Fifty Thousand Men TOIL be Sent to Garriso n the Is : land Fear of Cuban :- Lawlessness, WashingtOBi August 13. The ques- tion 01 tna garrison forces . needed in Cuba and Porto Bico will be; determin ed b ythe. military commissions which are soon to meet in Havana and San I Juan. -Tne -administration nas some very definite ideas on the subject, however, and. the policy of sending no troops to uuoa untu rau win proDamy De carnea out. In the early fall at least 50.000 or 60.- 000 men will probably be sent to Cuba I to tne princip towns and coast points. - x v. Now, that the armistice has been pro- mulgated, there is definite feaT among some officials that the insurgents in Cuba will renew activity against the g panish troops, or take' advantage of the SDanish movement to evacuate to commit acts of pillage in the enemy's former a.rrisQns The approach of the Cuban recon- struction period may be the occasion - lan-lcn arA amnno- tho. inferlor claSs of natives and for ruth less plunder by the worst elements, both native and foreign. These considerations give President McKinley and the army officials very eood reason to errant leniencv to Snain I a j J-t 4- - t -9 m . I m regaru w ine ume wuawmg ner military rorces. - the Cuban representatives in thfe coun- try .have been impressed with the im- any unruly elements; BY CLOUDBURST wvv vjulivcu yiuwucut u.uu- j j tt , j Tk urcus numeiess hull riu- perty Destroyed at Grassy Fork. Knoxville, Tenn., August 13. The most destructive cloud burs't in the his- w in lHawkins county tnis m?rnin before dayUght while the few Inhabi- tants of Urassy orK, on ueecn creeK were asleep, a heavy shock resembling that of an earthquake was felt, fol- 1UWBU u IC"1U1C cloud containing millions of gallons of water burst on all sides of the narrow valley. Seventeen were drowned and a ereat amount of rrorertv destroved. Hundreds are made homeless. THIRD IMMUNES OFF. Savannah, Ga., August 13. This after noon after being delayed about thirty minutes in midstream, the government trfD to aantiarth-tt-Third immune volunteers. An ovation was given the departing soldiers. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself a' candi date for the office of clerk of the supe Hai- omirt OHMt tn HiA ontlAn -nf h I V" rv,v vs - li I democratic nominating- convention. s J. M'D. WHITSON. illWtnatoes.. T wehad. no old stock ?to carry over. - ": : , TJiese goods were: grown . o . .-f v.; : " -v " this year and packed when tl 1 1 mm t jfyyy . , . , ,' .s ! . r- . . ' ' " - DESTRUGTIPN y2w I . J-t-L- - I llnt.njt --'--- - - nnnr3r-a - jgS of Peace Ac- ceptance Meets Approval. Carlists Will Find It Hard Work Raising a Re- DclllOIl government Supported In Its Decision not to Wait ontheCortezfor Approval. Spain Makes no Free Cession ot Ter ritory but Yields to Superior Force. London, August 13.-There is no news Justifying the belief that any ser- ious consequences will result to Spain 1 1 mm tv.o mavinv tumaa . 0n the other hand public feeling i i , , , , pain is one oi almost universal appro- j ;It will be difficult for the Carlists to change this sentiment to resentment oyer the terms pf the protocol whichhas been their long; announced programtrie On the other hand there is much dis cussion on the point, whether it will ba possible to relinquish-Cuba and Portov Rico withoua vote of the cortes 'Premier SagasTa's tJrgaiuEl 'Cortao,.-; ttrgues mai xne proposea alienation or rsrritnrw let aiifhrvTvo hrtr artfnla KK ivince oi tne government to declare war land to make and ratify peade, report- ing its action afterwards to the cortes. El Correo, further says, "How could peace be made if the previous consent of the cortes were jequired? And what conquering country would consent -to waste time while deputies and senators were debating? What is happening now is not the free cession of territory. Spain , is yielding to superior forces alone. HAY TO SUCCEED SECRETARY DAY Latter Will Positively Re. I - . J sign After Meeting of , Peace Commission. Washington, August 13: The fact isr established beyond question that Sec- J retary Day intends to resign as sec- Paris peace tribunal ha ben rnrvind. J ed and it is almost equally certain that the president intends to appoint John , ' Hay, ambassador to Great Britain, to fill the vacancy in his cabinet It seems that the Biltmore Patent Flour is rapidly coming Into favor, and " gradually replacing the older, well-es- " tablished flours. Merit; will win - " ' 2 " During a number of years of expert-- ments, which demanded large outlays of cash, we have been tryinsr to nrodue the native North Carolina gems, cut I and mounted, at a figure to competi with the ordinary imported seml-pre-clous stones.; We bare Just succeeded i in accomplishing' ? what -we consider very - Important and difficult task an we can noir offer. to' the public a beau Uful,. llnevo . . patlTS Wrtti CarollBS - gems that sm. better proport! onedjan . rj iX; tt.t ' i - "' - . , . ... : .