WHEN BABE HE-GO ETH WALKING. weB oar tbe he f?oeth walking In his garden. Arotind his tinkling feet the sunbeams play. ---be posies' they 'are good to Mm -nd, boW them as they should to htm Ag taretb. be upon his kingly way, nd birdlinga 6f the wood t o him . t wake mode, gentle music, all the day, gben our babe he goeth walking in his garden. .often oar babe he goeth swinging in his cradle1, Then the night It iookethever sweetly down, The little stars they are kind to him, The moon she hath a mind to him - And layeth on his head a golden crown, V And singeth then the wind to him Xu A song, the gentle song of Bethlem town, henour babe ha goeth swinging in his cradle , . ' Eugene Field.: IN THE GLACIEE; pretty tough climb, isn't It, Max?," The speaker was a tall , Englishman: of .perhaps 50, but looking as hard and tough od generally fit (a hao6t men of half bis' age. . . - - 1 . . - "Yes, sir,' said i the guide, who stood before him at . the inn door, jand. we'll jmve to start, early if - we are . to get back the same day.!' r& r-w Sir Robert Ballard turned : and re-entered his room.' ; Fsom'hls desk he pulled out a sheet of paper, and, picking", up a nen. sat down at a table and began a let ter. " -: y ;?-t;3:' -' ' ' " " ; Mt Dear Harbt I'm afraid I've not been juite fair to you. A; zhUtLi';3tjy good digestion; sound sleep; a fine appetite aiida ripe old age; are pme. of the results of theuse of futtVLiver Pills. '"A single ddss v?ijl- convince you of their wonderful , effects l and virtue. A: Known FatttC An aBsblute cure for sick head- ache, dyspepsia, malaria, sour stoniachi dizziness, constipation bilious fever, piles, torpid liver and'all kindred diseases. tutt's Liver Pills PECULIAR: POISOtfS. " t ' I -f, .... ..-.. . ... v f - -J JOIIir DEBATES. boastod all sort 'of modern Improvements -among them a drawing room, a band The latter Harry was studying when he i was startled by the -names, "Mr James I Rennle and Miss Bennie and maidGlas ROW. ' . c - i 5J . ' 3 'V' 'My cousin, by Jove I" he muttered. He had seen nothing pf them for years not since Mr. Kennie ; had come in for linking over things again I ' Sir Robert's money. . The daughter, Mu see that your foolish pranks which so much offended me may have been indeed no doubt were the results of sheer youthful high spir I Its. 1 am. therefore again altering my will, end instead of my oouain James Bennie being nv residuary legatee , you will find the bulk f mv property will eventually come to you. i tenet this will have been a lesson to you and that you will grow up a man worthy of the i trust I am reposing in you.' Tour affectionate ancle. 1S30BBI BALLARD. riel, he had never seenuu James Bennie he knew by repute as a rather hard and can ny Sootchman, and here they were staying at the same hotel., They met that evening in the drawing room,,. .1 .l-J, r '"And this is my daughter Muriel, Ren nie said. - - . - Harry looked up and saw a soft dot of a girl in a black evening gown, who gave Sir Robert sealed and stamped the letter ! ym a warm, impulsive handshake. nd then on a sheet of foolscap proceeded j . Somehow Harry and his charge staid on It seemed an easy enough matter, and took but very few , minutes. , t You would hardly have imagined - the amount in question was , sometrong j ixite . o,uuo or 90,000. EITEUATED HT XHE HTHIAIT E0DY I Appointiaenta fpr the Ccagressicnal - ouu DcueLunax ij.es tins. . was happening. Only the poor, fellow had not; fully realized it . Each successive day was plunging : him more deeply in love with his cousin's daughter. ' Then the Rennies gave a picnic It The rapid pen ceased flying over ;he turned out a s brilliant, sunny day; and it -t . , hj.r v a a.- i 11 paper, ana csir xtooerc nouoaeu we un. "Call Max Schneider," he saidYto the waiter, "and yotr, .too come-- in. g t want you to witness this signature! for me. He signed the document, the - two men affixed their signatures, and then he foMr ed it, placed it in an envelope andslipped it into an inner pocket of his Norfolk jacket. ; f 4 itfJS& "What time do we "start-tomorrow, Max?" he asked. ,'r, v$ Cf- "Not later than half past S, sir," an wered the guide., ; 4 ' ' ' . ' " "Very well, then, I shall go to bed , at once, and I supposeyou'll do the ' same." Then to the waiter: Mind vyou, call me harp at 3. Good night!' ; iv;f And 20 mluntea later he was sleeping like a baby. " -,'' :-',- --t-l. -. ' - . ?vsl44g "Great lock having such lovely jveath r, eh, Maxf '. ..-.'-ww.- ww !aa5yyffy; "Lovely indeed,- Sir Robert. -"But" pray don't say anything about it till we're clear of the ice. It's the worst of bad: luck sir" Sir Robert laughed the - laugh of - a strong man who is thoroughly, pleased with himself. . : . ' .- - Indeed he 'bad ' reason 'to be- pleased. Tery few men had ever climbed the beet ling cliffs of the Aiguille Vert at all. Few er still could boist of having accomplished the feat, within the hours of a single day. Half an hour later they reached the edge of the Ice. The sun had now set, and the air, chill wiih approaching night, was no longer clear as it had been. C Pale wreaths of smoky mist hung in Jight bands, which 6eemed to shift and change' Kaleidoscopic ally, though nq breeze was f elt : ?& -Still roped together, as they had been during the entire climb, they crossed the moraine and started steadily tramping across the roughce, whose surface was broken by a hundred deep rifts and lumpy, yawning crevasses. - ' -u IHV The fog closed and fell thicker and thicker.1- ' -W-'- : 0 Same three hours later that night one of theguldes burst int the kitchen of .the Montvert inn. ... 1 ' " : His face was- white and drawn, and he was almoet speechless with.CKsitejrnenV misery and fatigue. M J:Wv?f-'r At last he managed to gasp out his pite-? ous story how they had missed their way in the fog, how he had heard a sharp cry: of warning from Max Who was leading the party i how next' he liad been jerked -nff Mateah hv a. tremendous null at the tope round his waist, .and how he had des-" perately saved himself, by driving his alpenstock into the ice. - JJext , thing he knew he was alonealon on the edge'tof .a giant rcrevasse i' whose misty depths jrawned silent.as a grave. " I The instant- they understood' him a res cue party was formed,; under the guidance of Herman, the innkeeper.- " " ' ' All night the devoted jnen -worked, and most of next day. f tsm m w uMtue&.' The glacier . Ti . ... K .V 1 il A Mir. broad shouldered, good J looking young fellow of about eight tend twenty, was sitting in a rather dingy little room in TTrrv Ballard had been looking out for a cnance of accompanying a readingparty abroad during the long vacation', and b good luck an even better billet had coma his way. An old friend of bis father; a Mr. Ffolkes, had written to him to engage hla services as tutor and general bear lead er to his son, young Everard Tfolkes, duiri inst a forthcoming Swiss tour. . f- Hn had alwavs wantea to kbu uxa, was decided to go up the valley to a wood near the tlower end.of the Aiguille Vert gUcierljltvras at a this picnic it foirtho fbt tifne ; struck Mr.' Rennle that Harry was a trifle more attentive to- Muriel than there was any occasion fori He did not bayanytning, but he made up his mind to two thngsr--fir6t, to watch, the young oouple pretty' carefully that day f secondly, to leave Montvert tomorrow. iJ Harry and Muriel slipped off among the trees 1 and soon -found ? themselves quite alone. ' They strolled down to where from under its arch of . muddy ice the glacier river started on its foamy career and seat ed themselves near-by on a great mossy stone under a pine tree. "1 The blazbig sun made the sliade most welcome, and the two sat there auietlv drinkinsr : in the warm scent of the woods, p -' '-Jrkx 44 1 m afraid our holiday will be soon over," -she saiL 4 4We have to be home by the 1st of October. " , Harry ' exnerienced a curious shock. 'With extraordinary suddenness he realized what life would be without Muriel. ' 4fMuriel," he said quickly and earnest ly ; VMuriel, will you care?;' . f Annarentlvhe did. for when, five min utea later, an interested spectator walked quietly up behind them oyer the carpet of noiseless pine needles he saw a sign? tnai made his smooth face wrinkle witn rage. - The two cousins, were sitting closer to- gether: than strict cousinship altogether entailed, and Muriel's head was . leaning on Harryfs shoulder. - r : James Rennle lost his temperi Vnn 'mAaVT9 Winner IWIIlTinmll nfl The Result of Imperfect Digestion qf Every living ,tfcJiigv lant ' or animal, contains within itself the germs of cerw tain decay and death. ; . - j- , In . the human body, these germs, of disease and death ("called bv scientists Ptomaines) Are ; usually ! the result of imperfect ;digestion: of food;, the' result of Jndigsstlon or dyspepsia. A . , The, stomach, from abuse, weakness. does not nromDtly and thorouffhlv ; di gest the food. The "result is a -heavy, sodden i mass which- fermenta' (the first process, of decay), 'poisoning: the blood. making, it thm, iweak and lacking in red-corpuscles: Doisonlner the 'brain- causing headaches and pain in the eyea. jtfacj aigesuon - irritates- -the heart; caixsins. palpitation- and finaUy.bring ingr on disease of .this important organ. tfoor aigestion; poisons the ? kidneys. causing Bright' disease; and- diabetes. And this, is se; because every organ; every-.nerve depends Upon the stomach alone ,. Tor hourisxrmnt - and : renewal, and , weak 'digestion' shows Itself not only., in- lose of appetite and flesh, but in weak: nerves and muddy complexion; The great English scientist, Huxley, said the -best start in life is a sound stomach. ".Weak stomachs fail to digest food, properly, because they lack: .the proper - quantity; of digestive;, acids (lactic and , hydrochloric) i and pepto- genic products; f&ftnioet sensible rem edy in ail cases y of ) Indigestion ;is to take after , each? meal, one or two of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, "because they . supply in a pleasant, harmless form all the, elements that, weak stom achs lack.- ' t,' -i "- The regular use of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will cure every form, of stom ach trouble.exoept cancer of the stom They: increase flesh, insure pure blood, strong nerves,, a bright eye and clear complexion, because all these result only from Wholesome food -well digest ed. V' '": i ( " - Nearly all druggists sell Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets at 50 cents full sized package or By mail by,, enclosing price to "; Stuart company, Marshall, mien., oui ass. your aruggisc ursu ; . ;ty A little book on stomach diseases mailed free Address Stuart company, Marshall. Mich; S - S A. FollOWlner are AnnnintmAnt9 fnr fh senatorial candidates,. TV. j; Cocke and T. J. Murray on the-democratlc- ticket on the republican ticket:. "-'-;. ".' . , Candler'BV Saturday, Oct. tip. m. ' tCanton, Tuesday, Oct.' 4, 1 p m. ' Pigeon. (Bethel church), .Oct. S, 1 .p. m. - -t vjonathan'a Creek (Shady Grove), Oct 6, 1 p. m. . ' ' I." ( ' , v uraotree tuui's scnooi v house), uct Fines Creek 03antist church) Oct. 8. .Spring Creek (Gap of the Mountain), Oct. 10, 1 p. m. ' - ' Ma ran oil fn 11 1 n m Mars HiU (chapel), Oct. 12, 1 p m. Upper Laurel (Baptist v church), Oct 13, 1 p. m . '- v4 , f 'k . i k ;E Terry Fork school house, i Oct 171 P. m. ' ' 4, " - ; W. W. WEST, v Chn.'Dem. Sen. Com. . JESSE rR. STARNES, Chnv Rep. Sen. Comu , "X . Hon. Richmond Pearson 'and Hon. W.. T.- Crawford wlll address j the jciU-j zens : of the " Ninth congressional v dis trict; anon the political . issues .at - : the following times and places: r ', f .--? Webster, Monday September 28. , " Glennville, Tuesday, September 27.; - 'Highlands," Wednesday, September 28. x - - . Franklin, Thursday, September 29. Hayesville, Saturday, October 1. jMurphy, Monday, October 3. r -' 3Robbinsville, Wednesday, October, 6. Bryeon City, -Friday, October. 7. - WayneavlllVvMonday, ;October 10. Leicester, Wednesday, October 12. " Marshall, Thursday, October 13. f MArs .HllL' Monday, October 24.. "Burnsville. Tuesday, October 25. v Bakersville, Thursday, October 27. Spruce Pine, Friday, October 28. ' rMarion. Saturday. October 29. ' ' Rutherf ordton, Monday, October SI.-,. Caroieen, Tuesday, nighty y November 1 " ' 1 -- . ; ''.-t Columbus, Thursday, November 2.f Henderson ville, Friday, .November ,4. t Brevard, SaturdaypNovember 6. J vv 3';" Chm.:Dem. Ex. Com , 1 V. B. M'GAHA, Chm. Rep. Ex. Com. . , . - . . J if ll U U AUJ . 11. , If 11 lb U li . . ; ," It li il U 11 U Li! La" La t . r Z..- - - i - ssf -r Jt ? 15- ',' '".i i f ; ! ' i li Oloiii; fell iti , - . . v ?r I II 11 IK I 1- llMl.l I i II' , If.-JlS-ll'Ktll 1 II 11 II. Il ll 1 v- I II I I II 1111 " v a . mew. m : . J l' M v I I II V" llll' 1 I I M I I I I - .. I I s:.r M . ,r, ,V M il II l II ' -Ml ' I II IWII l ll M II - 111 If II II II II - i - II Ml i II - 'II . II . II II U WM ' M inn II mm . ' ' - " . .. ., " ' J ' 4 . . mmmmmmwmmwmtmmmwmwmmmmmwmlmwmwmmmmmmmmmmmwimmtm "nrr tn ti tit a rrrr rm r7? tttv n ti n t France' ha9 determined not to ;be be hind Germany in my ''respect, and 80 a French pacific crusade is to be sent to the Holy Land in emulation oi the kaiser's expedition. Many eminent; scientists and literary men will accom pany the party, --fvxWV.A -lx ft BE OU R E you get what you want when vuo ask for Hood's Sarsapa- rilla; Unequalled in M erit, Sales, Cures There's no Kubstitnte for HOODOO, ECONO MY In taking Hood's Sar sabarilla.' because " 100 doses one dollar' is peculiar to and, true only'oj tne yne ixae & LUU &s . "unaer. v Is now; in Isfew York purchasing the largest stock ibtbinsVi py CSoodj .Maib kfflldl Shoes ever brought to this city. When they arrive we must have room to show then, therefore prices on everything , .". "-''.. -V- : : how' in the house will be AUGUSTA n,&z & -5, , SHORT am ii -.. . The "Liondon Chronicle -l Quotes; an American iron manufacturer, who is ort a- business visit to Engranav as saying, that the Welch miners are better paifg better fed and better housed than the miners in America. This -is not what the American i manuiacturer useq io say when a tariff bill waa being framed Schedule In Effect June is, jsss. Lv Augusts , 9:15am l:sopm Ar Greenwood ....... 11:80pm ........ Ar. Anderson ........ 1 c;iopm Ar. Laurens. 12:50pm 7:uoaxn ;Ar. Greenville 2:15pm 10:16am Ar . Glenn "Spring 4:05pm Ar Spartanburg ..... Ar Saluda .......... Ar Hendenonvllle . Ar Ashevil!e ......... BETTER than cure is prevention. O By taking Hood's Sarsaparilla you may keep wellwith pure blood, strong nerves and a good APPETITE. The Philadelphia Bulletin (republi can) believes that- "congress should, ne able to make a marked Teduction in tanoiicm next winter without interfer ing with the efficiency or any depart ment of the government. .-'Poo . much as Dau sur plus, besides- temporarily loewns up I cash that is needed for business, inev itably breeds extravagance ana corrup- Don'tK ask the price of anytning just bring along Si few ,eiat to pay for wraping up the goods, wraping paper, twine, etc. It, i juV Asneviue o.v ... i .-- .. . ; ..v-' t ,,. K Us room ve want, and room We must and will ....... xi:waim :wpm :2:20pm 10:20am 4:25pm : 4:59pm 6:00pm 8:20 Greenville Ly LiV LrV Ar Augusta7 .. ....... 1322-::'S5 8S have, so comeBnow. as this sale will only; Greenwood ........ 2:20pm . .... I u . last a few days- till our new goods arrive 4:65pm 10:50pm 44I beg your parddn, sir," said'Harry very quietly. There was a dangerous eleam In his eye -44You were saying" "That vnn ftTfi ft Rr.hemlner fortune hunt- iinla nf. von nff- .nd now vou TtTTrrRTT,'ICN'S ARNICA " SALVE. derhand way by marrying my daughtertI Bruises, Bums, Ulcem t Crash,' fot gSf&ST py a neavy iaii, maae auio iKt- ysCOMS piia or r. A great; piece of ice, loosenea r WIW r It ,8 guaranteed to heat, had fallen ( away from v the glacier, 1.-. tiafftction oc money re- And jwimethini else toosomething dark th s f-nts ner box. For and soft had slipped rrom xnejjrojteu uum and lay limply on the debris below. Wear a moment no one movecC ' "hen Harry stepped forward and stood rv the fallen flsnire. 5 ;; The.bthers followed. It was the body pf a man. He was dressed in mnrrh twefid-and hisupturned face IiV Augusta ........... ....... Ar Allendale . ' Ar Fairfax ..." ...... Ar Tamas8ee ......... 9:45am Ar Beaufort ...... lOtBOam Ar Port Rcymli ....... ll05am Ar Savannah ..... Ar 1 Charleston ...... 255pra i 5:00pm J 5:15pm I 6:20pm i 7:20pm 7:35pm 8:35pm 1 9:10pm In a JEew T Days 6:40am Ly Charleston ; Lit Lv Z,v Tamaasee :05pm 9:4am JmY Fairfax ........ ie:5iam Allendale ........ llU)5am Ar Augusta v. ...i.- 1:10pm sale by T. C Smith and Cfexinichaera drug had a quiet, peaceful expression, have -died an hour ascoJ Jf ' w Instinctively the two men removed their hats. Then Harry looked at sax. uenzue. ...MVmi know who it isf " he saidW : va ita Sir Rnhrfc:V.he answered In , Tbepicked the bodyup and lifted it Into the shade of the pines. As. they did The insignia' of the -Golden - Fleece worn by Du&e i-nuip,, -wi , wuuu the order, is sttU.m ; tne possessum Don Carlos-ra raot tna causes He might chagrin and; irritation. dow f '': s ' I queen regent or . spam :.f"z ri of Austria. xt xs . . umwiu JC affair and of high;, Intrinsic value 1 !or?B7.7:;: wopni lisSS We will have something to say in this space Beaufort 1:55pm ?f40am I ' ahmiKniir npw m l crnnnc;. whirh wp. as;iirft;: our triends : will be or tne latest in styles ana connections t Greenwood for the best in o alitVxtne great IN oithem markets can supply. Remember: 31 - H S - TPatttom; AVft is the olace, and MW is the time 1:40 p. m. train: from Augusta makes ! close connection at Calhoun Falls for all points Close ell notnts ways and spartanourg witasoutnern railway. v.;:-.'.-r;; For any information reiauve to uck- ets, rates, schedules, etc, address . , W. J. CRAIG, oen. ras. Agt. -E. M. NORTH, Soliciting Agt. j T. M. EMERSON, T. M - Augusta, Ga, Dinner 25c; today at Candy company cafe the Klss-Me did not easily give up Its prey. w wn. iviarima tear Its reMet. It rX Z UMhUm foStowlac: MrM.il. -Am AATiMlf- t!hAt X .1TUI 4k ? WCTMWS so a folded paper fell from the torn jacket.' JwiS 4 HKSTDKBSOKTTLIJB AKD fflUEVAKD 7 sy I Time table No. S. In effect June 15, 1S33. - ;,Your father" has told you what it was m.nrt?' hft Raid, i r -r- . nvd' cVin 'fiTiswered.--' And he . ..';. lO : . - told me. too. aDout your suggeswuu. any lefeger, darUng'said Harry. 44 But snail no rxuu uu ucu best i paysiciaiui la omr dty vast mu to .im'- iTr ' mr dnmdstt. recoanmeaa" Electric Blbteind -after taking 'two ir u rtrelv cured. I now uum great pteaawire sat reoomimwnittiiTig ;.uhu w any persoir eufferinig from vh4 terrible ,nr .-im, -MfMfuli'V Tours. M. A. DC- Trinffifrnt: Kr. field Iff T. O Smitai end ,Feinan'S 'wmnwi. j 05 you, know we.i ' " " "" . i . '. A mnnpv. Rtifln I wer Muriel's answer quira .sawuuw, him. Answers. i ; NOTICE. . -AsheyflIeN.;C, Sept, 1898. -Sealed nroposals wlU 'be receiTed by the-' city, or nnvir t.h nhance had fallen his way he 1 v,p hoard of aldernien, "of. , v.0't nf f. I " - . ..." i .. . n 1 -.V . : hall was resoivea io .nua ww. iuou r Ashevllle at tneir oiuutr fcv'irwk. tvromrxtlv Friday, uc- tober 7 1898; "for" furnishing-and main taining one hundred electrio arc lights o AAA ofli. TMTfwer-'ifor the tterm or three years, with the option to the city r,nr tv.o visence of the contract. " Prices and terms. for. euch; purchase f included' in propsoaL. , ,H? The right is reserved: 4o ; reject any - m f a v wified check . for. five hundred dollars must accompany eacn Tvnvnosal. All , Dicis iu.ua. be marKed City Lighting;' vTicK-n'TOTfl.rl. his tnicil. ' was a mor- oughly nice lad, and the whole expedition seemed to partake more of the nature of a holiday s than - serious .work. The two trudgedVafoot through lovely valleys, up turf clad 'slopes, over rock bound, magnifi cent passes, drinking in the tlear air and enjoying themselves rather like two school boys than a tutor and his pupiL ! , vO Everard wanted to climb a mountain. Harry rather discouraged the idea. He told) the boyof the fate of; his uncle, Sa isoDers uauaru. . -. ' , . . , ..pmmsai for 44 Yes, I rememher neanng -, to F. M.: Miller, mayor t sympathetically. .Vere the bodies ever recoveredfV ' ' " f ' ?" - I - . "No; never," said Harry, "and proba bly never will be." t.'., i. .They - walked in" silence a little way, then Harry said:' ' , ' " : ' 44Do you know, Everard, I should lie rather to see the place. Suppose we go up to Montvert? We can do it in two day! . from ChamorauV Your father put no re; strictlon on our movements." . f 44Then let's go," replied the boy keenly. ' XTnnf -to-rf. hp-A heooiiie auita a fashion able resort within tht last few years, -old inn fcrdl been much, enlzr: : of AsheviUe, N. CMU; - " - t: Qi P 3 5-P t1' i awl n & is - v v ' . - - ' 1 1 1 ' , '..-" - - ' ' ' f ' .- " .. . ; ' i i " . - . . .' , 1 i,: V PATTON w-Rprtaxv J. : Sterling Morton, oz Nebraska, has been , invitea ny . xn vMin f . rtf Argentina to. spend"' the viserof the government iai matters oi aTio.ulture and Che organzauon oi an a.ricultural department. He may pos sibly accept tne mission- . ? - i- i p.m 5:1 S:S3 6:40 5:43 5:53 8:03 6:13 :25 a.m.IMs. 10:00 10:221 lOiSO 10:S3 10:43 10:53 11:63 S 7.1 8.4 10.11 12.21 11:1518.1! RAILWAY QUARANTINE NOTICE '. On account of quarantine regulations tickets cannot, be sold . to Memphis ronn nr throueh that point. Citizens af Memphis win be allowed , to enter the said city if they hold health certificates signed by the president of ,the, noara nf health of Memphis, Tenn. - All per-- i.wTur in the state of -Mlssas sippi ! should provide themselvesv with woitfi : nAT-Mfieaee. J Full information rtrmoernins the quarantine regulattena Statlona. ;'lp.mja.m Lv Hen'onve Arl x iue . . . 44 ' Horse Shoe;; M ir Cannon . M t 44 ., Penrose " 3:45 3:22 3:15 3:12 3:02 2.52 12.42 2:30 6:40iU:80a.6lArMiBrevard..I-y2:15 8:S9 8i07 8:00 j 7:671 7:471 7:371 7:27 7:15! 7:00 i V Connects Vlth Southern " Rallway at Hendersonville. T. J. RICKMA, Manager., : T.&BOST7ELIi - -, Superintendent. ftSTil m . mi 'I if i i .n-r:T' rauiiiess VjorKmansnip ana uesigm Bucklen FREE.JILLS -Send'vour' address) to H.: B & : Co., Chicago, and get a free sample i box of . Dr. King's. New Life Pilla. A trial will convince you of their merits. will be - gladly: furnished at the South-1 These pills are easy in action and are ' . -The superiority, of' Columbia Bevel-Geat oveT'Chain jna- 1 "! s" - 'chines under all conditions of riding make s 111 ' - ' :" ' -' - , " . ' j : f evel-Gear ; ... ... :. - ', City Clerk. t, JL ; a " . . - vTha Kid Yea fcva toys HOME AND DAY SCHOOL. ; ' 251 Chestnut Street. v- . TTTirteenth year begins September Address MI&3 . Champion. . . 28. Til : 13 Hakes linen itio Starch. look good as new Elas- Mflnrav tli-.fcPft office &t N(X 60 Pat' toi avenue. - - ' F; R. DARBY, " City Passenger and Ticketi Agent. Sept. . 1838. v , - , : xxr nhariea Tenbv. former, United BfatM minister to -China, has returnea - a morir. n.f ter the almost unprece dented record ot thirteen years:- eoniw- uous service as mimsier. , . unttrnArv oTvnlns at G.-A. Mears & Sons Friday, September 23. OCuOFULA tn its TTorst form O.. yields to the blood cleansing power r.f HOOCl'S Cjarsamnilll..-. i.liuusai;ua vi .".1503 have been perfectly-CUR ED. particularly effective in ; the cure pi i Constipation " and Sick Headache For malaria and ' Uver troubles"; they have been proved .Invaluable They are guaranteed to be .perfectly free- from every,'' aeietenous suoscaiice imu w w i purely vegetable . They do not weaken hv jhT Aftrt an. " tent tv fidvlns tone to the stomach and bowels .greatly lnvfc orate the system. Regular size 25 cents per box. Sold by T. Ci Smith and Car michael, druggists. ' - i - - - - . mm ml mm-: : . mm 9 m u Mj ' CHAlllLtoS UIUTULtS f r - - y V'io to therCoumbia dealer in your-town and exainine; :J , our line before buying. , -We otter you tne Desi cnain ? r j wheels in the world.:';- :rui. l'- i'.: v J r COLUMBIAS and HARTFORDSs Good ViTieslsal Low Prices.; '. v, :,,Vfcdette8,.;jacksana Jius. -u - , v- . Catalogue Free. POPB UANUFATUEIHGi CO.y Hardford Conn. 1 Reraember the Maine dzzr Ls -cold 6t nTr.hPTff. rrhft l.-.idr in btct cl ears. nouGii a Dunimn, coLTJUciA.rrALmn,