ASBfiVILLE, N. WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 9, 18S3 Eyisode in Asheville. Price 5 Cents - , . ub on aNogrt' unci PATTOH AVE. The above cut represents one in the largest assortment of SILK SHIRT WAISTS to be found in the city. Plain black Taffeta, $3.50 and $3.75.' Tucked front in black for $5.50. Fancy Stripes and Plaid about cost Of silk. Solid Satin, Waists, assorted colors, with beautifully tucked fronrtfor $6.00. Plain Taffeta in Cerise, Greeta, Blue very swell, at $5.75. One lot of Velvet Waists. Maroon, Green, Black and Navy, $2.75. Small assortment of all wool Waists trimmed ha Black braid for $2.48 and $3.50. A heavy Corduroy Waist for $3.98. Our large stock of Under Skirts grows less every day, but plenty to select from if you are quick. 1 Fleeced- Flannelette Wrappers, assor ted colors, at $1.25. 1 " . i. mm ' ' .i g .i. ) mi i 1ft jm jh Our Tailor Mads Suit are in high. favor. See thein and save the vorry of I getting up an expensive gown. Oestreiclier & (Jo. Retailing Grocries Successful retailing must consider the greatest varieties of consumers. The range of grocery goods must be. espec ially large and diversified. . We think our nresent showing of groceries un equalled im any other city the size of Asheville. The most expensive luxur ies touch elbows with everyday neces sities. Qnfl.litv is never sacrificed to prices. GREEKS. i Do You Suffer With Chapped Hands or Face? Do you know what to use ? A bottle b! Hygienic Cream will givft im melinite relief. Try a sample bottle 10c, r Made Only by I HEINITSH & REAGAN, 51 SniRiif Graduated Drpggists. . Church St. and Patton Ave. Agents for . Hixyler's Candies, , jft. - r . " l : ., i . w r-ra . mm mmf Democrats Win Both Housed of North Carolina Legis lature. Superior Court Judges Also Believed, to be Dem ocratic. 4 It was an Orderly lection throughout the state. Simmons Says the Majority in the State Will be at Least 30,000. Raleigh, ov. 9. Chairman Simmons gave the Gazette reporter the following statement at 3 a. m.: "The state is overwhelmingly democratic, by twenty-five or thirty thousand at least. The house is three fourths democratic. The senate is over; twot-thirda demo cratic. 1 think we have elected at least forty members of t!hie senate, probably forty-four are elected. Six congrelsemen are certain, probably eight. "It is the greatest political revolu tion ever known to have takem place in the state, probably in any state in the ( elected.. Later returns will increase th present majority, whicli mlay reach 35,000, posibly 40,000. Country districts will ibe a surprise. "T ia ttriVviitp. thei vir'tVrrv tr thf eiomrt semse of the people and their determin- ation to -overthrow negro rule. It was a repudiation 'tibe 'honest people of the false, slanderous and -Ifi ng cam paign, the fuslonists have conducted." Raieigih, Nov. Reports at midnight indicalie a large democratic : majority in both branches of the legislature and 'tihe election of the seven judges of the su perior cOurt.- Raleigh, Nov. 9.-2:50 A. M. Since dark tonight wheal the first election re turns began. t;o Mdida-te an overwhelm ing democratic .vkiotory, this good old time town has been the scene 01 uncon iined joy andi.ep'thusiasinl.' - atrpt hnn ffj&s amT tiivihoirn bricadeS iare tnaking'he nlighthidus aindfeajt in front of the bulletin bojards. The leiading democrats claim the state by 20,000 to 30,000 majority and berth houses of the legislature by good majorities. It is considered tnat xliuiz. in the seventh, Kitcnin, in tne sixen, and Ihe democraltic candidate m the fifth cotngresisional districts are certain to be elected. AtWater, in the rourtai, a w'hiitp sunremiacv" oooulist, endorsed by thie democrats, will possibly be eleot- r fimaH. in the first, and Momas. in third, have a fightiailg chance for eiec- tion. Linney will proiaaDiy oe erecwu m ' . 1 J J I the elsrhth. White's eleabion im tne iMond. is conceded by the democrats in advance, butr the astonishing result in Halifax county Heads Chem to aope for anything, and the wild suggestion is being heard of iai solid democratic congressional delegation'. Halif ax i now .reported democratic by 1,800 majority. The latest estimate is that countiets, wiifch the posible excep tion of 'the folowing, will be democratic- Paisqutamk, Perquenpn, Oamden, Bertie, Northampton, Washington, Craven, Bladen, Forsyth, Davie, Chat ham. Beaufort, uasweii, uneruKw;, Ohowan Dare, Henderson," Hentsford, Madison, Mitchell, Stokes, -rerreu, Vance, Waren, Washingtoni, Wilkes. RaleSgh, Nov. 8 That Davidson Was gone democratic by a large majority is conceded' by the republicans. It is reported! ttihat young Oliver Dockery wais eigged abd. Wad his face sapped at Goldsboro for misconduct at the polls. Raleigh, Nov. 8 Advices received up to 11:30 p. m. add to the democratic, gains lln every county. Republicans ooncede overwheimiTi'g democratic vic tory for the state ticket. The fcowing is the result of the oonigreteeionlal ticket Rt this time: eatem districts Small, Fourth; Atwater, fifth; Kitchin, eixtH; Bulard, seventh, Klutz; nirath, Craw ford, all democrats; second district con- ceded to White, republican. j.n iaw legfetlaitlve ticket is; certainly tJiiree fourth's democratic in, both hbuses. Raleigh, Nov. 8. Tne democrats claim 'CabarraSw Edgecomhe is oemo- craitic by 1,000; Randolph close; una- low. democratic by 350 ; Mcuowen anu Dupliai safely democratic. At Palmyra, Halifax county, tne repuDuoans'wiui drew and held atr .eectton by them selves. The democrats held the erec tion retflarly. Perguiimans is very (Oonrtaraued on- Eighth Paige.) ESTABLISIII1I 1CC3. V " . ii iiii iiiiii, A Special FrlraU Iartltutloa for tt ' Treatment of Long and Tlitpat D1sm. -nA Bowaret, weeeordlas to tfc room jNActed. hiTeivervthm excepting medicine wWcJi coppUd at cost. A flnnoiIl circnnurt&nces require it. and to each tm. mwUoine ere S?faSSd lttoS?n tmT;x. lre at any time. Advanced easee not admitted. ' A . v; winyeJi;IZQUi! and Sanitarium Oo, p l nV l I n I 1 g'trtre And All the Rest of ,the County Ticket is Trium phant. J'B'Bi r - i i r 4 If !..) Old Buncombe Rolls Big Democratic Majority, in a Senatorial Candidates Have Also Been Success- ful. In the Congressional District the Con test Between Crawford and Pearson is Close Buncombe county has ope strongly democratic. Th Ojatte has returns from 25 of the 32 pre cincts of the county. They show democratic gains in every instance. The majority for Craig will be from 400 to 500. The senatorial candidates, Cocke and Murray are elected. In the congressional contest the returns are not sufficient to base a positive prediction. Pearson has run ahead of the local tickets in most of the localities heard from, but himajority, iie reelected, Will npt be large. The city went demoraic Srom 158 to ?83, Crawford reedvSkg" ' the emajleaft mfajority aaid Mackey' tlielhighesit, with Hemry Stevens a close second, his ma jority being 280. Chambers' majority ovier Reed was 178; IPriadg's lover Lusk 261; Cocke's over Cdler 202; Gaston over Caney Brown 273. The city vote by precincts will be found 011 the fourth page of todays Ga zette. AKRY'SjQfllEEK. Avery's Creek gives Candler 70, Mur ray 108; Lusk 69, Crafts 110. LOWER HOMINY, Lower Hominy gives Craig 170; Lusk 73. Adams' majority in 1896 was 75- Lower Hominy precinct gives Mur ray and Cocke 169; Candler and Chandley 73. Crawford gets 173 ind , Bearson 71. LIMESTONE. Limed tone precinct gives Chandler 112; Murray 138; Cocke 128; Craig 133; Lusk 113. BIG IVY. Blr Ivy is democratic. ' On hun dred repubLioaai last year. Greenwood carried it. by about 35. Reed may win bV small majority. ARDEN, Arden, N. C, Nov. 8. Crawford's majority over Pearson here is 28.; Craig and Curtis over Lusk and Penland 19 and 20. Thomas J. Murray and Wm. J. Cocke over .CjaSodier and Chiaundier 18; Henry B. Stevenss ovier Biytho 27; Thos. C. Starnes over Wagner 27; Er-( win W. PafctlWn, over Payne 34; John J. Mackey over Bryon Reeves 31; Lee ovter Greenwood 22; Chambers over Reed"38.: j ,-. j BLACK MOUNTAIN. Black Mountain., N. C. Nor. 8. t Democrats ciarried this precinct by sev enty majority. BEAVERDAM. Beaverdam bb democratic by al ma jority of 43 tail arouind. j BILTMORE. Biltmore midnight Pearson's ma- Jority fn BSlixnore 9s 12; Sa. 1896 it was 120.' Ti J. Rfaed carries township by 110 .majority; T.C. Starves by one vote. Cocke Sis beaten by 6 vofbea. Reminder of democratic tScbet had majorities. WEAVERVILLE Midnight Wfiavervllle township (two Reems creek Itownships) give a repub lican miojorlty of 30; in 1896 it was 71. SWANNANOA. Swannanoa; Nov. S. Hepubllraus ead for SeaKL-te by si. CrsOs has ma jority of six for legisLaJture. County ticket htaas smaH republican majority HAZEL. Im Hazel precinct Murray got 150; aindler, 154; Craig, 151; Lusk, 151; Craw ford, 156; Pdarsota, 151. HENDERSON COUNTY. HendersonviOie, Nov. 88. Pearson's majority esldmated at 400 im county. Knttire republican county ticket fleeted. Pearson's majority was 420. RUTHERFORD. Rutherford, Nov. 8. Crawford's '-.majority is over 300 in this county. Adams' majority was '4. FLAT ROCK. Flat Rock, Nov. 8. Flat Rock pre cinct gives the whole democratic ticket about 16 majority; in 1896 it was 9. SALUDA. SlaludaVNov. 8. Saluda precinct gives 118 for the republican ticket and Sl'for democratic. MARSHALL. Marshall, ,N. C, Nov. 8. Only three precincitsi no ine township heard from Indications of usual!) republican ma jority ftn county. BRYS0N CITY. Bryson bity, Nov. 8. Crawford's ma jority here is 85. Adams' was 221. POLK. Four precincts i out of nine in POlk county heard from at 5 o'clock give Crawford 70 majority. TRY0N. ( Tryon, N. C, Nov. 8. Crawford carries Trybn precinct thinly-five ma jority. Pearson "carried i't two yeas ago by 23. BURKE. Morganton,- ov. . 8. The - legislative ticket to Burke, is elected by iOO major ity. " 0LD F0RTv. Old Fort, Niov. 8. Crawford receive J 187, Pearsion 126; Boggs nine, at Ol6 Fort. Official Adams' majority was 3 5n 1896. CITY NEWS 11 BRIEF. Number 40,385 drew first prize at Blom berg's l'asti ndgljitj. , t.v Smafhers' feice i!s agafn opetf for patients. He- 'biais recovered sufficienitly to begin work. All membelrs of Ith'e carpenters and oSoers' union are respecitf ulily asked to attend the meeting tonight for ithe pur pose of . voting on amendments to the conisti'tution. Sergeant Charles Wernwag, of the First artillery, who has been visiting his father aind isister, leaves today for Tybee island, Ga., where he is at pres ent stationed. Nellie Frady, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Frady, who was so badly burned while playJng around the stove Sunday died at her home on College street after suffering great ag ony. Mr. J. G. Stelnheimer, who has for some time been at the head of the Ar mour Packing company' imtere&ts in this city, has received quite a promo tion. He is to be placed in charge of their Savaninlalh branch and expects to assume hfis new des Monday. He will leave probably Friday or Satur day and will be accompanied by Mrs, Steinheimer. It is with much regret that their friends will give them up. big money to Hustlers no cap ital reauired. Apply room 4 between hours 12 to 2 J&d 3 to 5, Featherston building, W. Court square. 233-tf Thirty dozen ladies' bulldog and coin toes, oaten t tips, button, and lace, worth 31.50; we offer for 99 cents for this week only. G. A Mears & Sons' shoe store. Have you seen, our BALSAM PILLOWS t They are beauties, and only , 50 and-75 cents. Come in and dbok at them. AIGRBTTI'S CREAM '.- CHOCOLATES, THE . GENUINE. ' ' paragon Pharmacy Co., ' s - TS.-8. UAVIS, Manager. . . .. - . "" " Opp. Post Offia : v Night bell at side door. N The Republicans Will Hold Congress With a Work ing Majority. Democrats Will Lose U. S Senator in New York V and Wiscodsin. Gains in Voting Strength, However, are Shown in Many States, "KTnTT TaMAn - T Tl ? n A 1 ! uocjr uc jvepuDiican-Bpnin t uaroima and Georgia Very Democratic. A dispatoh to the Gazette from New "ork at a late hour last night declares that the republicans will retain a good working majority to the next house of representative. Reports from almost all the states where eectioms were held appearing below indicate that this is the fact. New Jersey went republican -and two congressmen were gained for that party. This? partly offsets demo cratic gains elsewhere. Florida 'and Texas will send demo crats to the senate and eWst "Virginia will send a republican. New York will also (send a republican, ousting Mur phy, democrat, and Wisconsin will re place a democrat with a republican in the senate. HEW YORK. Roosevelt is elected by about 30,000 majority. Van Wyck carried the city by 83,000, but up the. state gave Roose velt a tremendous vote " Republicans hold the legislature. The democrats will gain about three congressmen. MASSACHUSETTS. Boston, Nov. 8. Wolcott, republican, re-elected governor by a'tooult 85,000 ma jority. Democrats have elected three congressmen out of 13, gain of 2. ii nil irnnru . ' , N I" Ull iJ.MXKa. ireiTtonr JN - J . , Twv .SI J ersey has gone republican by from 5,000 to 10,000 and probably the legislature.. Demo crats have elected two congressmen . DELAWARE. Wilmington, Del., Nov. 8. The re publicans elected state officer, con gressman and a majority of the legis lature. INDIANA. Indianapolis, Nov. 8. Republicans elect state ticket by indicated plurality of 21,000 and 'have secured at least eight of the thirteen congressmen. TENNESSEE. Nashville, Nov. 8. The democrats at midnight claimed fhe election' of Mc Millin as governor by ten to twenty thousand, but the republicans were still hoping. The democrarts get eight of the ten congressmen, and a good ma jority in the legislature. WISCONSIN. Milwaukee, is., Nov. 8. Republicans elect Scofield governor and the rest of the state ticket by about 35,000. They claim nine out of the ten congressmen and have a majority of the legislature which elects a senator to succeed Mit chell, democrat. WEST VIRGINIA. Wheeling, W. Va., Nov. 8. The dem ocrats have probably carried the lower house of the legislature but the repub licans have enough in the senate to in (Continued on fourth page.) i A PRODUCT OF The famous biiass region. OBELISK FLOUR Always reliable. Another car load just received at Snfdefs r:6;CourtSq. M99 L IL Col. Roosevelt is the Governor-Elect of, the Empire State, Van Wyck's Plurality iix New York City Was i 83,000 Legislature Remains Repub lican and Will Choose D, S. Senator. Democrats (Jain One Congressman-lip State StuckJ to Rough Rider. New York Theodore Roosevelt wtur elected governor of New York by plu-- ':' rality mot far from 30,000. Vote very heavy and victory gained In strictly ru- i rail dlatricte. Van Wyck received plu-fi; raltiy in Greater City of about 83,000 . but splendid pIuraiRy for Rough Rider I. made it up. i 's Legislature remains republican and will return republican Seoajtor in placf of Murphy. Democrats gained Con.-' . '-'IV' iV. gressmen. The State Senate will probably stand ' 27 Republicans to 23 demociats. Gain of nine for democrat. BASIS SPAIN'S CLAIMS A Letter of Aug. 7 Which : Said She Would not Re- ; linguish Sovereignty. Paris, Nov. 8. Spain bases her .cftaiml to sovereignty of the Philippine on 8 letter dated 'August If wMfti?aKimra rdea'"Torhe SfmmiissroSers. The ter stated that Spain hiad no intenifciofci of ' relinquishing sovereignty and Spain'- i clattms she accepted the protocol wltbi .' that understanding. i The Spanish sympathizers find, en-."". oouragement in the coming visit of Em-'-, peror William to Spain. The govern-. ', ment has ordered the squadron to meet, the Kaiser at. Cadiz. It is fondly be-v'. lSeved that the visit signifies the Kai- ! ser's sympathy and his conidemnalfioa of the American attitude. A PRIVATE WOUNDED. 15 Athens, Ga., Nov. 8. Private Henry.,' ; Slosson of the 202nd New York, wae-. . dangerously wounded here last night inv a row with a local policeman and prl- , Vate Mulligan of the same regiment - , was seriously shot in the leg. Slosson. , was 'taken to Fort McPherfeon for an. operaitilon:. The fact that ihe soldiers were alone prevented a bloody riot. -, :.;; LONG IDLE MILLS TO START. l',- Boston, Nov. 8. The management of. : four malls of the Warren CotJton Co., at j West Warren, a nr ounce that they will a; j. :(. f start agalnj after an idleness ; of two years. During that time West' s Warren ha3s been pracitidaily a deser ted village. y'f'V. Have you seen our splendid display of Loving Cupii V1. suitable for ; i 6olf Prizes Wedding Presents and Gifts ofalllrinds. I Arthur Al. Field, A' Leadinii Jeweler, OF i t h 5 t $ i ! i : i Asheville, N.f C MMMi -..) C1 ?v 1,1b 4