rf.v ,- i A. " f -A .T. fr - TV X1 jp-J!(? y -f State Library. - - - - . - r .. . v? A8HEVILLE, iVCr' SATDBDAY ' LIOKNIN&, DECEUBEE 3, 1ZZ2 h EricaBCento r3 3r UlIUtlltUlUUUIJH IN OROEEiS l' - - jar r i x, s V-A-- i - .... JFll jqP lip-PA mm (rft Pi fl fTi 51 pat AVE.; A complete stock 6f iLadies' 4nd Childrtiis' Underwear, in Clotton. Half Wool and , all Wool, contains onie: special values for a few doB during the cold snap. : ; - Ladies' Union feuits lieavy ribbed, fleece linedtat 5c and 50c; belter ones, whitef .and gray, at 75c, part wool; t all woo!, at $1 10 $2. ; -V" Ladies' Vests and Pants separate, at 25c to $2;;-i' ;' ;7 Union isuits for Children,' 25c to SI; Vests, 10c ; to $1; pants to match at same prices. Infants' Wool ribridVestf'y 45c to 75c. ' ; : -r-. -, New lot of handsomely gdtr tea up Umbrellas; for Holiday presents, fancy handles . and Ijordered, at low figures.' New lot of the best Kid Gloves in the coudtry, for $1 50, all colors. , , A splendid Kid Glove for $1. warranted, Watch our notice of .fancy Xmsa articles. - Oestrelclier & Oo. "If man were but constant he ere perfect," . ' ( , J. , m the whicih) regjaWi our BANANA HAAIS excell maun. , Their PERFECT viUALITT being a CONSTANT THING roabes thrfsm a favoriite wtth all who use Z0 Try one of thleim and you will ave ok o!thr. They sell for 12 1-2 Cjta puuim. ail sizes. " y 6. 4. G&EERi yoa want a 2, 3, 4r 5 Pound fancy box for Christ-; aas? If s6, f: l: toe Your; Order liou l I and we'll have it fresh from New lork factory for vou. ! HEIIIITSH & REAGAII. t Agents:; - HOP SODA. Huyler'Hl u 11 La U Li u i V JJ ty) First Act After. Sign . f ing- ol' the Peace i Brooks . Ordered ; to l Compel : ; Aguinaldo to Suirren V der the Spanish; " . f " . Prisoners, ;: Agreement : at Paris . by Which They are to be -Exchanged for Col 0 nial Prisoners. - Agninalda Probably M Refase ; - bTitForcaWinbeUsedif : Heroes. " - Washing-ixwi, Dec 2. T2ie mast im portant developmeyit of today's oaibint ujfeetlagr' -was the Bending of a dispatch 1x, General,, Otis Jdirectiinff him to d- manJd of Agiiinlaldo the surrender of all 'the Spanish.-, prisoners- in the pos seskfion of 'the linsurgrenjts.' - " -f Arranremeaits are, being perfected by the. .Paris' cammlasioiB by which, all - the SpajiirpoMicaI prisoners sihaJ!l: be re leased In exchange for the liberation xf all the poliitlcfail prisoners - arrested for compUlcity in the Cufban br 'Phdlippine IrifurrectikMis. ' , ' -, ' z ' i It; is not improbable thatj Aguimialdo wM be ddspoaed to refuse the proposi. tion ainxi the administratio-n doesn't an ticipate open, rupture. :. s . t v -Howeyer, Aguinaldo must give a pos-J iave-inwer amid the United "States will use force : if -nieciessary. . The dMajTniament of the Filipino ar my --win probalbly be onie of the first steps after the treaty. 5a signed. filORETROOPS FOR -THE PHILIPPINES Preparing to Send Several Regiments of Regulars. Wasihiington, Z Dec. ' 2. Preparations are being ..made to send . a - number of regular infantry and artillery regiments to the Philippines. Thfe Third, Fourth, Sixth, Seventh; Twemtieth and Twenty' fiourth Willi ataaast 1 cerftainly go and possibly the Twelfth amd Seventeenth, Orders for the -iispatoh of tro(ops will not be isuseid until the deflnite conclu sion of peace but preparationis are be ing made to get .thJe transports in readl nesls." "No: voltmiteers .wiB be wdthidrawn from' Manila uaatit the regulars arrive. ' TO FREE SPANISH P3IS0IIERS. - Madrid," Dec:-2.At the conclusion of a lengthy cabinet meeting today Sa gasta telegraphed r Bios, - directing him to use every possible nieans to JObtiam- a speedy reflease of the Spandsh prisoners heUd by hle Fihpdiniois.A 'If their , libera tion is mot' obtained' -Immediately, the cabiruab will negotiate directly . with . COURT HAY HOT OPEll , ; : - It ia reported that Judge J ,W, Bow- mao wIB be unable to open the superior court here next Monday. r . , . At tto - Sw-alin , court, he informed At-J ttarnejr. W. Jones arid " Judge Fred Moore that Ms - son was.' seriously. la a hosplital.TaJt ;Washingtom,and needed his attendanoe." He' did not feelrthat he couild reach AsheVil'le until next Thurs, ; if .the judge failU to be on hand -Mon day cburt wail jopeni but r axyourn im mediately.,' -This program will be con tinued uMil-Judge Bowmfainfs arrival. Treaty V' 7 ESTABLISHED 1CC3.:7; 77'' V V A Special PriTU IrrUtstlca fcr tia 7V'.: , 77 Treatment cf Iuns and Throat Diseases. t - 7 - irARf, voa Kt-CK D., nodical Dirrotor. - ;J bates, caaio peh week a4 epw also included. , Patienta eah ntr ces not d3Utt. - , " Includes everytnmg exceptms Btu W . -tr.t, certain number of room r reserved tt JH":1? "JS..-? Will Depart" as Soon as the Transports ArriveVy t . Savannaih, Dec4 2. The One -'Hunsdred and : First? Indiana the ' Second Qtinbte, the First North, CajWEtoa,-the Fourth Virginia, the Forty-ninth Iowa" and the ixth Missouri, encamped ihere, y .com- 1 prison the Second diviidion of Lea'a corps, 1 -1 have been ordered to prepare for em- barkattloii to Cuba a soon as transports arrive. . General Lee said today ke Hop-. ed the start-would begin in a' few days. 5 VOLUNTEERS MAY ndf STAY IN CUBA Regular Army May be In creased Enough ito Sup ply alllDemands. - WashijW,'f recV' 2.If congress, earfliy in session should mafca provision for the inoreade of the regular army, it is quite probable that nioue lof the- vol unteer regiments now - Ivt , the service will be held to 3)o garrison duty in Cu ba. The trborlU to be sent to Cuba will be oomposed Hargely of "regular regimeiks soT far a they are avtailable. Plans are maturing for the mustering out of a many 'volunteers now Jn ser vice as possible. Thie denuind of the enr listed TOen to go hm& and leave the service is growing greater aod greater every day.; "This Is true in nearly e-ery,'-garrison-;'-jand the arrival" of -senators, and TepresenrtiaJtivest with.1 requosta for the. muster out of regiments or men in the reghnetats has largely increased during the' past three" days. V - V'T- '' BIG DEATH RATE AT HAVANA Sanitary Inspector at a Loss to Account for It. 'Washington Dec. 2.-Sanitary In spector Brunner at Havana reports 440 deaths in the week tending . November 24. Four only were from yellow fever. Dr. Brunner is at a (toss to account for the enormous, death' rate under the weather conditions existing but make recommendations for a thorough clean ing of thie city. . - ALGER RECOMMENDS BIG STANDING ARMY Partly to be Composed of Natives of tne Islands; , Washington, Dec. 2. As - expected Secretary Alger, in his r report,4 made publiic today, recommends the. Increase of ; the army to 100,000 men. " A portion of this army, he advises should be re cruited from natives of thte new islands of the United. States: s under American officers.," Ia the" dtlerf ' of ' Cutav Porto Rico and the PhfiOlLppinleB .a oonstaibu- vr ; . ' ; -s is have just reisei vect ftho ' secorid lat of pictures for the holiday trade. I 'don't mind ordering Ja Hhird lo,t ff we seH these before Chrisftmas, .Mrs. ' D. A. Johnson 27 Main street. - Phone 166.- . 256-3t " Ladies' $3 shoes, aid tip, sizes 2-1-2, 3 3 1-2, 4r 4 1-2, to close at $1.50 and $1.75; some, hand ' turns. . G. A. Mears ,& Sons shoe store. -:.'-v7 ' : '-' - '--..'-" - - A large lot of pictures, druggets, rugs and comforts just received at Mrs. ' I A. Johinson's, 27 North Main street. ,3t XadTes fine comon sense shoes,' 2 .1-2 to 4 1-2, at cost; '270, pairs, $1.50, $1.75, $2. This shoe cost us $1.75, $2 and $2.50. Gk A- Mears & Sons shoe store. fccscrilss ta tia rccri cct2. na ltra . 27 V.rr.. AdTC03 : - WLnysh Hotrl and CsLXiitsriazi Co. nley Will Bopni ISficaraumia: Water 1 Way- v-7 ffi; Message Expected " to 6ive Full -Endorse- ment to the Enter- f; - pnse. Biltfor (he. Beginning of & the -WorkMaybe x actor u . uy, jliii . Congress , Officials of the Panama Canal Com- f j , - - v - - - -. 7?, '. panyAlsQ Call onthe President. Washington, Dete. 2. director Gener at Hutin, of the Panama Canial! com pany, Jami General.! Counsel Cromwell caEedn the president "today. ; No at bmptras made; to, discuss the ; canal situation. , It is -understood Jjtttaat the president-hajs-determined to include In his adanial message to. congress on next ' . 0 canax,. put Die wilt make no mention of thP-Piarimu--nai T,a Nicaragua nrtvf.t wiim f ; OYti hrti in..Kf.. -w. . '7 - . . 3 - ' J - ; tStude-of the -administratdon has loae. beenknown to be favorable to the con-i s - ... suhuiuu w me utuiuu turn uu.aiiempii . - , m mi , AHub UO0 ivt Vlil av VUUO SCO sion."- - - THE NICARAGUA CANAL Commissioners Hurryinfir tip Their Re- piTv for Congress. Washington, Dec. 2. The Nicaragua canal commission! tourrying forwardt its work wiltih la vipfw tin nre&p!rvtln.er a 1 , , ; (,; - . . . ' . . , t , probable that ia summary of the com- missiem's findings will be':made knxrwn to the preefiident tfor such use, if any; as he desires to make lit in his message to congress. , An) important rteohndcaj piece of Work jusa. completed by the commissi'O'ni Ss a chart showing for the first time : the level of Lake 'Nicaragua for every day of an entire year,- estab- Ikhing a basis for the size and charac ter of dams, locks, etc. . - . The obsermtions show that the lake level Is about 105 1-2 feet above sea lev el in May and i07 feet in Octaber, these being the extreme months. -. Ws re verses the usuafl calculations of deep water in spring, and is due (to the . rainy season of the tropics, which comes lale in the summer. The observations are regarded by . the v commissioni as very favorable? in1 their Influence on the" can al project as' a whole. -"" " t ' One of the latest reasons advanced for . - -" the fact ithat the canal concession, of he necessity - of an eattna' session is tne p icaragua ' gov enumtsLni twtpwsB ue t .. "r I October, and ti!f congress does aoL; act f f avoraJKl v i rtrmf thft' canal OTOPOSti tlOn during the regular session an extra ses skm will have to be called next,, spring. Corn flakes. 6 cents & package - T. X Hevell. 30 N. Main street. 1 ' Z56-t ALL FRESH. Allegrettl, Whitman sad - Don't' jou want some? If you haven't Been our line of . .you want to do so. at once; they, were bought to suit yoa and they will, - ' " 7 -- C GHAHOPHOUE TOUIOHT : : Paragon PbM:cy B. S. IJAVIS, Manager. 7- - Opp Post Office. - - ' ..' Night bell at side door. Candy Led to;IInsufiif ierit Trans-i f ports : for Santiago. . Washington -Dec. "2. The most; im portant Wmony before the war inves- tigataon commission' today related to the' transpiortation of the army to San tiago. 7 7 r-"- :77;':: .r ,7 7 Colonel .Bird, the chief of ' the' trans- poraation. division, said ? the: transports had been arranged for thirty six "to run as far as Kavama, axtd as no rwrtlce had been given iii' advance of the size of ShafterV expedition or a3 to its " true dsitoarion . adequate 1 preparations cotPMn'tlbemade; ' " , " t f-?He thought it Vas the busiiness of th man -in "charge of the expedition' to see that tfce'chaJnges were made. - ' He said the first order was to provide transportatioin for five thousand .men to go to Cuba and the next was 7 for twenty thousand to go-to Mariel but nothing had. been said ' about twenty five thousand men- for Santiago uatil too late. " ' . - - Captotin McKay, who a-ssdsted in th work at Tampa, claimed that fine em barkation was orderly and systematic and any errors in navigattnig the trari- sporfe Were due to the naval officer in rirmi.mflmii1 1 RFRNARIl flftriFRFn - " P " 7 -..- " f U lit HD ClMEUTS - - - - " w Agaiast Participants in Wil - T mineron KaCfi KlOta. ' I - 0 wnmangtonv JM. C. I3ec. 2United States District Attorney Bermard has I - instructions from .Washington to cause the indictment of tlui rwrtarw whnlJor Anal instructions and here oi te"m-r, .' - - - -persons wnoi t Umted . BCates Commissioner .''BuaninfiT from.the citv owinc-- to he . - . .. " rat.P vj.nitfs " . . 1 The pla.ni at. present, is to secure bills i of-indicWnt: tissue ' bench VarrnnhJ 'ifrotm Ttaifcjffh Wa.v hntriaTi3 iu j . vt iiLC incu .vyiu ucr waioxicowcjv 1 - . . CRIMINAL COURT ' Several Cases Disposed of by Judge ' Stevens Yesterday. : - ' - 1 T -t-1 yat Is iwil. j. ' . J. --r.it I i . , iii ttiit; cnuiuimu court ytwteruay joiin i Thompson, cbiarged with selling liquor on tSunday, wais acquitted. John: Rice, charged with, am assault upon his wifa was aicqua.tted. - . Dock Fowflfer, who was charged with insultSng ia lady on Mountain street, - was called and failed to answer. A large number of indictments forjbama oh his coming trdpoilth gambling are being sent to ttne grand jury" wMdhi to still in session. The "orange cider" cases were not reach- ed by thait body yesterday but will be considered today. . James Harper, one of the parties to the Biltmore row, entered a plea of not guilty. J.' L. . Trantham, the - merchant who did the , shooting, was the principal wuxnies examaneu. iseiore . -uae wywu- gation closed Harper, through his coun - sel, asked leave ox ; tne court . to wn- draw Ms plea of not guilty tor forcible trespass That question and a further hearinig of the party were then left op - n- - j. The grand jury will be dismissed to - J - .. . r Call and see our top ; notch shoe; worth $2: for thirty days at $1.60; ev- 7 -, L . r - Boys servaceable shoes at J . JJ. tsum- CRYSTALLIZED FRUITS.1 I Pears, : :"...77--'- : Apricots, . - :;: -?.'-' Cherries, V7 ;;:; o : Oranges, ; u;- ;- " 7 Plums,- v-:V- 77 -Figs,- 4 7 ; 7 linger; r iFresh Fruits. Tlfs I 'Oranges;-v:;k urapets, Grape Friiit, ; Apples. ; I' v;0'- V,? ; " Bananas, Daily consignments now of J all the "Goo Things ."for the TTnlidav trade, at : ' - z - J , . S "Tin rft GZriimry Peace- . Cbmmissibh Gomes to Another Deadlock,: ; . , Caused by the Desire of the Afiiericans for a; Speedy Conclusion of the. ; : , Business; - s Spaniard Wanted to Spend "the Time Polishing the;: Phrases of Agreed . Clauses." - I Another Meeting to be Held .To-mor - c a w - " wgw, I v lnStrtlRtlOTlll. ' - Parie1, Dec. ; 2. Today's session of the peaoe commission was practically I TTTK4 oi'f-.Ai ' A 41ff?re,K:e py'- ,nn, y,ji -v.M a,i - .4. - iards suggesting that the articles al- ready a&reed tob put in the, form that Americans requested that the remain- v . J. ' -. -6 lTO mBt uu wu. - : niaros saixi pney must waitj -7 ' -V .7' Ane paniaros . leiegrapeea , uacma 1. - , . v . I for additional Instructions - and will Pet the Americans tomorrow, . .Apparenftly both sides -.arte 1 playing lIor auvantage or position. , r"7 "fT- INVITATION TO fil'KINLEY, Alabama Lower House Asks Him to be Guest of the State, - Monteromerv. Ala. Dec. 1. The houso of representatives today adopted the -7 t senate resolution inviting President I Mf TCinnv to become a . erueAtvCof "Ala-! The resolution as passed by the sea- Jate praised the ad'mlniafcratlon for "con-? ? tributing largely to the obliteration i of ;. sectional lines," but the7 house subs ti-; ttuted a noncommital statement. - De- J cember 17 was named . as a tentative date for the official 'visit. EIGHT VERE KILLED. wilmineton. N. S.. Dec 2.The,offl- - ciaJ report of the superintendent- oT J heaIth juat iseXied says eight hegroea are all that came to his attention as re jdUed durhag the .. recent riot . j He adds that as many as five other bod-v Jles found in the swamps of . I this section, supposed jtohave died from , 1 inJur3ee ceiyed during the riot, mjuriee vt- . ; H0BS0I1 MAY CO BACK. Washington, Dec; 2. Secretary Long ISanmago it tne wrecKing company re- nprf ffuim' s a reDresentative of the TO- Early Shoppers, "-'4 ..-J'. Who s wish to avoid the , rush and hurry of ' buying 7 - Vjust; before ;Xmasf we in- - vite your: attention to'our : ; - - - - , '-f i- "-. ''r - stock, ,which , is now. very ; f a- ; s -7'. .--;.. - complete. ' - ' 7 ' r' -"- ' 7 - '""' ArthuirSM; Field. Lcadmii Jcvclcr, . Church Sb. and Pattern Ave. . - iAshcvillc, H. C. r