TIJE DAILY" G;1Z7 rmacaFxo ocraerj we nave - a ccsn-ii-ia. Dally. Eleven Ci ' Dally, Onevtlonth ........ ........ 49 .'Daily One Wek ...... ...... ...... IS lOUSneSSi ,c6nstipad6n atld kmf L noteneraMynown that a atate ' Weekly. Gaselje One Tari... 1 fO uaa iiiw, xaicy icij- I I.I ill I-1 --M.1 il 111 r 1 1 M - ? ,3 Ve -ti M s -fcV w . - "'vA iVSrmrYiiic Rilrlv j 1 1 " 3 r - r r rH r.Vi :' r RnV'rran SnhiiW'and art crWd-Tof recoenwed value. f rNI ' 'ir: I , "4 . . , : - - ' ' - - . 1 antee satlefaotlon. YbsZt ova lactcry, e . , 1 '- i- . .. .... I: 1 II """ - Ill O The Gazette's Telegraph lew 0 : N ' - - -V. Ill ( Service l rrom. the .Ijaeasv J li ONewa- Bureau New York O ( v. - t - Ill 1 r Prescriptioh Work catrtisted Iter us is attended td by a Pharmacist at twenty' five ycat ipt&ctlcal ..expert encc. .Irt-thiM acr 'of any al ne.ta ue' public? U W . i ink lts, fo?eonv o :inJi pr Pjrescrtp- trust yworx tn pnarmacisu Thauiaiids 0t fainocent lpebDte hav been killed By incompetent," inexpert enced, reckless, intemperate druggist and drug clerks:' - . : Thee; are facts which Vjs do not nave t ; prove, the' public know, it is true;' ; ; 5 :. Mri , 8VvD..'PeU4moX Pelham's , pbar: J macy, gives ils peraotaal attentton'to - important wpawmffl. !;A -c .r - i - ; : We keep -none - but the ;ibe Hstandar 1 idruscfieicls;,ilutd'e --;-: . Before haviiwr your preearlptlwie flH ;-V::Ouar chargee or prescilprtion work ar ? s : : Keeptns witftour it. Rate pnees I . money, etc; by tvlngr you cloeest pos ..siute c&sn. pnoe. ' . ll'S. PHARHIACY, &MMiM&"FPtion;oraugms, !:lilllfttt:S24-! Palton Avenue. : STheiptpUjiviilk wMch the bi . JOT !th re!6r1iaon.- of . the suffrage M this ' . upportJsuch, a-measure, arguea fa r ? v f vorabllyv by the legialature. WS?S:uJmt ; k any 'modiflcati&n,' -VThla itin44adon of the suffrage was the , 'X, Issue oo Which the elwtkm of ehe pres , i ent general assembly turned, rwatwith . ' aJaaijag the. fact thak. through; an uai , ' justilned fear ot the consequence there i - V freQUent denials during the cam- wjten4ed.i .Tha Gazat?te wbs to tstvxx 6t ; aucta miejasuEeas ha now beea Intra- It . wouM be unfortunate for itpiroa- nMWWmy ' 'propoaea contuiOooal masa oi tne vortra of 3;rekllae that thds was ' ihe itateinitian 'f '; .; ifihe tegisSatume 'theii "elected.. The W.in . , V'faton bJH, 'with .Its .excepUms, ilrantJh : : i ,;. i--. r"esas lew .white voters, as nossiible and : sunrag&m ne hands1 df some " wotrvaju meg-noes, wno wouaa otherwise -uitstpuacausexi, unaer cne eauoaitaonal 3Sfllft ubinltrhe amendment, r with itemporary eleotian Jaw that wiffl be micwe ;favor1able to its passage ithan the s ; .;: , presenft one, and the Hesult will be prac- ( ;r'--- i h .i t4.i urn rria a.11 a wm a h . l t "iiS-lpKf0111 vrs ta v Ashevilie complain . :.w vthat tee Is ilittie In the way of "amusei 1 ; : emt and entertalnmenit in the town. J7!t the: landscape beauties of ' " ;tSxe. city's leiurroundinsg, and, when the .::,,.a, . roads permit, the charm : ingrlves into the country, thian whioii V t?!?r? f"1102116 anywhere of more varied beauty than those about Asttxevllle. But ;: : uch a day ai yesterday when the -- - magnificent spectacle of the mountains, ; , Is bbscured by the mkts and the" enjoy 'f-1?,wl'of driving or any outdoor sports is debarred by the weather they bompfein V ; of the Vdullneas" of the town. Ashe : vine, like every other place in the world Sf1""11 a'singleexoeptioai, ih'as itk lim- itatton. It cannot please or satisfy ev '; . erybody. It is m place of mlany lattrac . tiona, however, and the price of admds- ; j? the entertainment it offers Is : y fashioned to all purses. There 'are cush ioned seate in the parquet foe tlhe weal ; yyd cheap places in iihe gallery for . the. poor, and l there is no closing of doors at any" month of the year. ' ETn in the winter' season there vB??;!0?8 flne weather to satisfy oroary appetites fon outdoor enjoy ment.,Tlhere vls sport for the hunter 4n - eariy reach of the city, that Vis equaled rj in. few.other y localities to the United States i 'golf; is becoming . popular in, the "city .and. there are" excellent links at 11) 0 0 bwil S ITOll 0 r : 1 -5 3 o - Cwil SB ll S t b jon Monday, Jan.- 2nd, 1899, have in. display new aVdpret gry line of EmbrbideriesV Hambnrg E?gipgs and 1 nser tiD gs,Naln obokl Edngs'an-' Insertinpi, . Swiss- Edging ind Inserting HambnrKainsook andJS iriss ill Overs," Nainsook Sets to match i Also Hand-made and Machine TorcHonsc , i, " i . ; . . - Remember, all winter goods at great redactions. ; -FOR SALE., rABolierTbp Desk and an Iron Safe. ? f Which toj play. - AsheviWe is . aJdvaocin J month Company .P faas had onsidera in, fe line of eo&ai kizSzxi fflwly, in .holding - tbe- .atmory there are clubs and societies suClclent to ib yM -"- uit most- tastes, liforte oflonBes't0f pafoy Q.- . j , -., . search them oat. v What is ctjJeiffy?need- ed is a nlace of recreation 'iand social gattertitt the public much int the line of tihe of ten broached but never ..realized "auditor lum" or casino; toT b open' ,afrbooiK and evenmgs and which' woukf afford, ijnder proper restrictionii eaitertalnmenl iwmi.uwwii ww -..vouxywyi k p of ; a isuffleientiy vakedf character to I PfiaJed to the powers, the board ut poun- Irove generally attractive U hef city's visitors. There are -farmer ware- houses" in Abbeville gaflofe. where 'the tobacco growers and produce dealers ! ait&-ema'r.ooim'ad spend! the night to social pleaiure in -thelr owni rough way. with their mules and cover- -J .... -. . - r ediwagons about1 them. The- tinkling of ; thier banjo and . the sound of i?higing andlla&glhter floats out from the dimly lighted toaXto'hOo silent gttreet, and many y& persoo pajMing regrets that the town does not aiford some place of equii; enjoyment for the sociatt class tpj which he belongs. In a quiet way it may be that eiteps.have been taken that wfal lead to this result m the converaivja of the large warehouse ait the . S wan- nanoa hotel intoah' amusement halLThis room, which1 is 150 by 50 feet in size, and cAT&iA& of seating 1.500 people, and with four large ante rooms, has been deco- rated, given new windows and other- wSee rendered attractive iand suitable for its new purposes. An rdhtestra lsl a "hi' 4rTvHrvwH W ifihe hotn reriivte far '"'I ' , ..v evening enti-eiriuauiu7iy? .9wmw sw.- errngs. : . 1 ' UNWORTHY STREET BEGGARS. KKlvtor xne uazecce. The workers la cha.rita.ble otf,g&sia tlons here know that C. could. maKe more generous peopie xoam . inwae, u AshevilleV but they aje' convinced: that he never did. There is.' no call rorneap which is not quickly anfl laberaluiy an swered; but this really1 respnee Is torrte- ffiife plausible or pathe'tii? the story may be. Only recently a-warm hearted : woman tobk lier own liltle girl's best shoes, and stockings, - andi; with her ows." hanVls puu tV4m'. rtn "ri. Kaiiftfooed beeeir." who cams fto- her aoofi The next :-pambfculajrly ctfld! - iPoit't Tobacco SpHat Smote Ir life lwy. day she looked out df her wladow to eee 'To'quit;tohacQOHe.asily and foreyer, bewag the same eh'Ud, barefoot as beiPoaie, so- letic. full of lWe. nerve and vigor, take No-To-Hr.ttfnc- latfms from oassers-bVi and point- '-3ate. theohder-wbfkefc that inakeS treat taen inlg: to her naked, feet, to enforce: her ap- peai. Aran officer 01 the Fiorsver iyus- sipn, I veniture the' assertiori that. there is not 4n thie town today, a. case.otf- real nedd anVl misery. Which some member of the-Flower Missiefdes not know of- TMfi.? Bm htre A.rv?fe.slnnal erfifar wMh whom the society sWunacquaiMed. j no and amy person; whouW g mug or money, to take tne name ana ten- dress, if possible), -tte report immea.ai.eiy w viui. nucnaei. sou'tn jaaia stjreet jisenckeng, ner ait the same, time the-money. thoughr 14 a.w-w.,4. ..1..J - 'Whi, ,M w- ,r, iwi''4iwwitWi clothfner' can be sent to the central office fb the Flower MUgsiom audi money to Mr. W. C. Carmfchael or to ;"Mrs. w. W, Barnard. e y-.: ,f;;-'- ,r The '-'giving alms is-itldeed kan im-, perative Chirfstlan duty, but 'the. ex ex'- C3se of judicious care In giving is no. less imoeHaittve.'. Both of tihese dutis can be itulflEed by sendirls Jtie alms, to the FliWer; Mission, which is alwayithj nieed SECT OF FLOTVR MISSION, GRAPES.- Tihe , J endersooWmes seiie ;w?th avidity the statement;; gsven out an irreTonxitle. ixnitnrormea . .in ew, . x otk 'i. v: -i. i. I newspapery man to me enecx, tnai mr. Vanderbiit meant 'Jo.gite up Blltmore. Despite the fact that autJhoritata ve ae; nlal of this has been issued from Bfilt more, the Timea says: - A, well fcBeflned rumor Is In circulation itJhiat Mr.1 George W. VanJdlerbifflt is about lljn gve np - his magnificent estate at Biltmtarte: and it is at least hinted that ithe state may receive "tne manorial por tion for some philanthropic purpose.; - While this may be only rumor, lit Is a fact that Mlr.i and-- Mira. ; Vanderbilt tuaye gdne to". France Mrs. Tanderbtl,tibe4ng generaUy reported' as. having! 5 taken) a dMUke to her new bomei- i Improvements about tihe place hlave come; to a4; siMden efop'and wther thinga point in1 tba Vilrec tioa' irMitiaited. ' . 1 . ; ShouM tihe rumjor prove true, vAeheVille will sustalai a: verystMid txrnise the; "op tjes; dincdenrtly.- more- general. snd mieritedi attention may Jtherebr be. di rected to, the' -supenioTt atitraotions, 5wt HexMeaiponville, whJcn have been undujv me dosi way xnen oi maKiwg-em iwrn is a great surprise on account of its worthy xrase, Will WuniirtteTidee and I exceeding nromnthess in relieving biaia no dishohest o?ieencouragd,;ts for,iif4 hia,?. lriAni atmT hKir -in .$Jie State GuardaT ;Tiiere fai natumlly a -etroaff r riyalry, between the two!C3nitions ,arjd the-past I lew.oays ago a.,-coniicauo iras f held by , the offlcem, Company i they were; pitied ton - 1 theirvmeettnga fay theermpryv but vCom- J PW ' to-absolute possess; an4 denied ,iheir rfgtit use the arnipry. Tlhe coosulon lled M relieve, the I ty. - tOTmisrfianera,. Xieutenant-Achi- Iioit r presented . petition,, to tJhemissliji appesioea riiung;e. . ? - ;-t,t i 'OrdieTd that be .third floor cpf,Athe nwe be aowai.Xor .the se I IW' Jlli 1 . m ' . . I w r-PwniH oi,-sne- I vllle Known as the A. I4. L and the Blue I Rifles? each . company , having I eq rigihte, wiCfch the other; ..the pom-, pawiea adjii8..(htma of meeiing. Ttoe prtvUege to reaerved to the .cbunty I r9 the room., at apy time. , Thl$ order snDject to W.revocataon of tha.bqarcl 1 f1;? tme- " -- z-r-.. -ij "T 7 ; , I Switzerland by the heavy iall J df show wif thin the jaa.tfe; dJya e St' Jaineette says thjt the I flrmi of Kytaocha, of ' Binninffham.- hai I egrun kng cartcidges .uaider an I the rate of ,10QD,0Q& ar week.. ... , Lj v. ; 7 ; " "" tfJT&!&Dt Ex" that the Duke of Qrteane, oiv JTanuary 1, mseivea 1.000.000 ifranes flremii a French manufacturer as a oontributaon! to the royaCtot polatfflcar fund. Ladies S3 shoes, no tin. fM 1 1 i-2, 4, 4 1-2, to close at n.5Q and 11.76; wuiv wm4 tVHW?i VT. At fiE dOTUT j pnoe BXOrs. I Afi Uadies'Wool Shoes, 0 p& cet, of i oosu u. a. Meant and Bona. "'- v ... - . -- i , ; .; r Infet came.. i5ears tn Signature of .jw. , - i . v .-. v.-; I itroii.': AU dragsts, 50c or-fu - Cure gnaran- t. uoomec ana. sample tree." Address oterting ltemedy Co.,1 Chicago br iTew York , , . 1 . . . . BELIEF IN !IX HOJJRS. , ,,,, - Distressing kidney and bladder I Great South American Kidney Cure." Believes retention of water i almost immediately. If yon want quick -g Dy T. e, gmJtih, druggist, ASheviile, I niri-' rtu u.i Cdn. WCIMUS TT 1104,61 vv Cures Piles, Scalds. Burns. f Men's Rubber Shoes, all styles toes, at 146c. O. A. Mears and soma. HEADQUARTERS FOR .and We are carrying a larestock of ' ''"'"-.A--' - '-i- V.'-'v ;,' unnTufhu iuii .litiup - annt - nun menn nnu ha live Arruco. i.'f ' Also Oranges, Lemons, , and, other fruits in connection with ' a general jobbing produce bus? iness. G. 3. COOPER, 39 South Main Street. v ; , Your household EVER io much easier,; .more-ecpnoni!-ical and "with ibfiteij less friction ;and4 domestic infe licity if ; you" Tvill only; buy your BREAD of J CASTOR IA -sptrsi a Fruits Praduce :ourWIf6 : Can. -Run teofan Autonio,Tex.. 18 South -Udn fitrcct-; u ; - 1 J a. r- i r REPAIR U .,,MPAQti J-V - . . rj . MAKE m:.; - Respectfully. . .a; i I r:lnr r Bg Bargain In Bleached Cottons. I . ' 1 11 . . 1 'w.i .'.41 I. tirt 3JJJL2L Clothing, Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Shoes, Hats, and But tertck Patterns. .-v,l )r.V vf S I ,1.1 il i 4 1- - 5 -t?, natea tor, ijnsnjess A'npnes fcTf j OVIl 400 PHONES i' Temporary OflSce, W. PALL Asheviite p .. s 1! RPPP k' FAVORITE BEER OF ASHEVILLE. OrdersIwiJl be filled ,f ifllftfr at-. naiyDnrcon uo., ? uTanK u uonneJi, u. 15. Mclnlyre, Fat. Garr r iswannanoa Pat. Mclntvre, iintlttlllf III til mill ill lit 11 j mini tin tti ituii I 1 TOENEW. Is about' to be usnereohin. Perhaps .with it you will commence a new set of Books. Ifso we wish tb reimini; yoii that we have just received a new select stock of CASH BOOKS. ?. BAY BOOKS, 'll'i llil ;VfEer' ; astonisli you. . We rT4- uw 11 saeviLtE v printing H:-ccfsSl 4c:dea W 7T 1- ... 1 v ; YOUR PURWWRE YOUR: FURNITURE V CARPETS SHADES-. . . .,sis. - - - - ' M ir 16 PATTONTAVENUE. mMMMM T.i.t.. ."--. "r II . . SH? tns. - w .C wdencePtones iiWkf' Kates for esidenceI UNDER C0NTLa:PT. Barnard Bnildiniar. & S. PROCTORiii: FOB- i" ' .re i f. . ' - ' y f MMHi- for Bottle Beer Jtlotel Uo., and Art Aufi:usta!BrewindCo. , 1 Prices :that :Wi . r' g can sell a canvas " Pascs, ior 2.50. Carp a eieDnone - 4 - "T - YEAR AsiiAviirewnfco Hsn- Ana 'fX.i-. . .' J ' V J tut' ' '.1 i.t Jty ix t(Tj!? & GoUins fflhilrnS Tno i.Sin f Tegeta)Ies.-- Norton turner .ana Bejr &Tre?f. j;-. i'HOlirE 327.: Youhiiist "Stop and consider these twoY neiS a gb0d fbethS-a Ring. ; ;t. i r 0 We carry an extxa large lin of Botb, and take pleasure "in'. showing them to everyone. ; B. H. COSBY, ! The Reliable Jeweler 37, Pattow Avjaaugs - The? Burning question : the least I - i Now, if y yQnr.fmnds:;(for you ,all hav; nds 6with,us) try u. - rour qn?ifay. . ' H. C. Co., A' Toothsome Morse from h0 .k . iitT-'' -i f:Tf " iov tare tnaJt you en-r joy aurmgr he;feetave eeaanmi. wuit jt-ou & SUCC.ll nf AhM'i .1 1 ".TTi cm you a succulent, choice and JrT Joliiison iiDertteaic irom the sirloin n - XZZ Zl -tne .pamaered ai)- 5- lng meal :K ' F. ZIlIMERlEaKN. 1 City Market iyTHEiGHEAPIidfi 1 Vi -; ; iV.!- :t -V- v".;v'":V- Em s V .V V M" . 'to X - BON MARGHE Try It arid See! STORjSS f V - " ' '