HMUtVt. KAY jIIRM'n 'H '(CWatlnuaJ; f Jtoro'iourthjpasfcy a , jfS-if nv iwei "T itHnl'kaoW'we had i , -J r-r CIGAB a Ssejfitob of dlsseicitton, f301. f ' JfclllillB - . r , i.- ' .. ' . li: .,- '. Spniatt Jusace saia are w1 wiu uiei nruia4; ? vrrana xxugc aSmOits of Jiumamfty. . t v.l .Tbe senate elections committee In the v'Senlator Wmom. :wUK-ew on fwj;-1 - , - ",. - - ; tEon hdW! cemea nor I V -' Fuller: Uhe ' colored debtor, tireafced 1 ifcriey ind Souther; ' from th Tblrty campaiign xaunaw-. - -.1 " ' vj- ' 4 " . " Replneie uatll .January 23 to produce evidence. toid theiseraatte biK. itabHedL ? ; ' . IThe contestants w(r( represented by Jotat commlUtee, of feitfrttnvme jsen- sasatter by R. Burton. ' 6kl "t.teJS JT. Jordan exeoets to reWtomor- ChaimmuWrd tndrew today aa chairman of r -Khe commiitjttee otn eduicridon. v ' - I the Atouse brasoh of- the joint committee Senaltor Brtowrv d, WrW on, Judicial districts in favor of E. J. :dttWt in tJie Wtialte, aaacB, Senator Jerome Juace. i; 8condeK his remarks. 1 1 The secret steering committee appoiot- The biQll Hto repldail tlte hld ed,s per a resolution of caucu. pub- i Tt nie of tme firsi W Gazette, met tonigm., x ne ham devolted to-.-" Senator :Je!!niOT:lvv -;,--; xrtt Whe: blillfbe takenlfeom tna- bwe rare: Lee S... Overman, -Heriot nlnce comma'btee ana placed 00 .oal- Clarkson, George Hintte6? E. J. Jua W SS 2lipiS.: ttoeMd.V?.B.Cou.; ;im the .ate. iniKrrtarice tax on' et)a,-eB kf : eteeatfea. Frank I. Osborne and R. Z. Smith: ' .,Tta Tvii itaxasT derived' flWont -1jwWc ' i i f trailers laHt y trcu anuunw , - - . . . , - diam-hBa teftiisKikwt: Th 9 nartv vote today seated George Deas, lieutenant governor a taugningiy , wf emacrrtt, Jn place ofiDudley Paul, re Tnectedf on th flalctVtM!t tbeiPioataald ; , , ;t . Sna?or FieM mtJ bevyery-butey1 puWiean, of Pamlico county. : ' , ha he fped alt one se&aloa ite sail upTiis 1 The, Grand Lodge , ot .Maeons elected Fielcte drWhWm WaaterVbr. fche promise of Crflinan:ibom to Kail Beverly S. Royster, deputy grand mas- commiWee XDQat ?S " .jil' ter; L J. Clark, senior grand warden; Sen&Htar Justixfe. nominatea Senajors. 7 ' . ; . . Gleniu Tiravla arad Jeromeias members ' . TiiddeU, junior grand warden: from the em'a.te, tie. ithe jdiirit oomnifttee, wuliam Sampson, grand treasurer; J. 2m hfietf fo the bouse C T5ewry, -grand secretary, Senator Glnn Called aititention ifbe v. . -, SK iWftRT WONT PRESIDE house initendei f rom ikw Tctrlwasd Itt efti ,fcw- force Ithais law silfrtctly. -Thxt ISetettaaA. Special to the Gaette . . saird th(ait some prlvafce , aws Washington, Jan. 11. Judge H. G. S SjM.SSi Ewart .h ..formed the atto Sen Glenn tbtoughit this tiidniott sajtaisfy Che' erai that he would decline to preside report ' Fir8 bank sealting Benitor Ttaanks, was Teaid ana come up for .trial. The judge bases hia Senlahbr JulstSce 1. reason on the ground that he is not con- SenfctorXJl . tti ... . thA betpx3taeietaudfe he said ttyfeport firmed. His action will not delay the and the seiaiting rif Semaitsor FanKsHurn- judge Paul, of Virginia; Judge d on a. weight !Ia.w question, .that is. OP Tudee tbe rtgixt xf tre IndXams to vote, ano me v, - , - - rdriteat ctf Richmlond! Pearson aejialjDst (joff 0f west Virginia, will preside. W. T. Crawford jJS' The Third North Carolina regiment (tihie name quesltlon. He said the Taction " of the senblbe wk?ujial.b!e quotted as su pre- certainly will be mustered out. cedl3Wa and' might have a. Bar ireaohiner gen-tor Pritchard lias introduced a fetffedt "He dM "noit wan't the senate To commit tttsielf wlthoiuit careful t3pinlder-. Joint resolution conistrulng section 4,716 altikra ito-itaietiiftght of the Indians to vote, jgyjged statutes, so as to entitle to pen Mr. -Juritice aid he ha,d no possible- . dire 1lo .urge tthe mtettter Bind .thldrew efons claimants who served in the. Con ors mltftalcb 1 tedoptt (the tfepcrit od& it federate axrny and subsequently in the rrfeS BW army. . mean, much ply "sayii TWaaiks is entjUed ito the iseart. to the state of North Carolina. ' By unanimous tkmsent SenlaJtor Skin- t W. A. H. rWr- ibhrodudfidip. requeUt bil-lto..asefl. : .. - - .the geirietrtaf eflMfcfef&n laiw, WTicn was femred Ito tthe eductaftion commJUtee. Sen1o4 MuiiWay'biM to. abolish tihe. : ciPKf p fc a fp n.n ic r n at- i a" i : " : ;gv -: nil mm Wmmmm& m Mmm t ..'! . V ' ,. , . 4 - v . .I-:-. i ir'. i rv:. r.--. t. .r. - V - . . . . : . '.'--V, . ' : - -r y . v ' .. . - , ii: w . v . r - . . ' . : : . . . " . v : rf - ..,-f,- . ., '-' ...i---. ; : -l . . r . : : - - '. ' t . .f .? .T --.r; S- , ".-V.'TS a ' - " : .. v. . r . . - ' . a : . ' . '" J ' ; j-vv'i ..... -'.. " . , . .'- . . - ' ....- . , . - ' " . fci i , rx. -s,; ,. liilsSiiii s liBrif - '. .:"-.'-. - -J - -- x - ' ! I , . :, QPunfly IHIdiiii( IRop renntt Mairdht 4WD fflay ttn eHD $iS,li01lopth of Goods v . eaita imt be dlsip(0e(i Dtf inn ttihiatt ttnimne att actional ctto Dneire ttlmey go att IBXLDIIJIK f ctt. 'rM nmeau the greatest. IlaiHigllii(teir ever eeim f anew aimdl alleMraMe gdl. dDnnr prnce fr ttlhie flait Iffive were imdw, udhiiu: m emmnDariiiii u uime price we weeiK. chain ganff systasm oT MaBBsbn: if:bun!tv. L was rettJerfiw-fSitaiiie on penal f Sent9iflcs,TTaVis bSCU Hk repeal chapter 159 laidtBof 1895, and cbiptler 185 of .the adt! of 1897. wfiis pJaoeki!-oni the aiein dair. -".: : J :- Senialtioir CSowpeafis bill too rtepeaVcbap Iter 522 Ac-(sj of 1891, was rleltoed-to 'tltB judlMrf?onint!tee SeniaJtjon- TTomla bill to ametod chap iter 168 fctf toe laxyts of 1897; as referred ko the ju-ftclary conamStitete. V ?3,75 AND $5,00.- .-v ' Two W-ids of -on heat&ig stovei. both. 'eobdrahh tried kinds. Either W51ED make. , ?tfMl steed room comf ortalef in cold we!thar, J. H. Law, 35 Paction avenge. urn .-oi, ' ,"v 41 TAJNGyACCOtNi OF STOC-. , mit wp. atp thntmeh we wiMs have some stood barg-lns to offer, '31 H. Law 35 Faltton avemue. --zax-zt nnw iptmtE nnn tniiie-iiii. VV ' -' ' C-f f ! .' '-v- . ... - , A . J WMMmortimg, January 12th, . ... Our liaree store will be for Tien March I Istf . A hi? nirtiv rfia nff erprt a aiiv It has beeni. snowing and sleeting an s 3 rcy, wjsning tu - t? i uumeW. day. i . ; " : : flJce, tttbi "good wM." Sumner & X., T. J. Reed, of Ashevllle, Is here In at- Ashievllle, "N C. . 7 : ! .. - r ; ' 1 Ladies' Bttfeber Booftl E We will close what Ladies' Rub- o We rameimttnim a few ariti cBe ttlhiatt yi eaim;Ciiimpare it, jprace Dnereitlfreo (tHni great iMfle wfiBIl Ibegfii 39c Pnfn --r kni' ah l- - 'I o4" t rr S I - nai ci70c o -XX Hrn I K c . tci 23 . I ' v mnVi lacc fl-icin rncf Kut" iir QfA riSt35 I ? i boo Ready-made' sheets standard quality; worth 55c each. Cost 44c. We sell them to first comers for 1000 Ready-m&de pillow-cases, worth 18c. Cost 12 Wc; to go at H these sheets and pillow cases are made of Pepperell mills do mestics none any better.- 0c boo Pairs ladies English black hose, the 25c hose in the stated cost 19c. g willing ;to carry them over. All mail 3 wm dose as long as thcy last for f.-A are rttrotl rtSm Tf off Aflffrtn . 235 15c E orders given prompt 'attention- 3 ..." 1 poo Pairs ladies' black seamless hose E ? . 2 worth 12 c; to close at m J M IHlaivfo-i Mr. W -3 39 PAT-QN AYE. i mm : 1 i A t fjj)ijjiwnnnnininijnninintuiauninniuiuuiun 4OOOO66OOX'5O0O0OOOOOOOOC 'he Manor,' They will be sold at omerfamW oxir regu lar price, which rings theWif ybelow cost. You have never seen any such pricesas you will see in our store Thursday morning. DELLTOEKT. All walking hats, sailors, and; other hats that we are selling at $i, $1.50 and $2 PTiQj will be on special tables, to go at vJiy'U This means abont one-half the wholesale cost, bat thev must go. IE! .C!KET. All our fine jackets, $10, $12 $15 and $17 will be placed on one table (T C IC -and sold for W ICdiIl All our $3, $10 & $1 2 Eng- T C C - -I. lish cloth capes will go at JpJ U--1111 All pur $1.50, $2 and $2.50 capes will be sold for ClL iiBWCMm Big line jackets will be sold for if t t ' ' l 1 - r m . 4' 1 .Tf.V . ' Cfiarloti.e Street. Wh Finest Private lin SSutli U. park, ten -minutes from ieuter pEhe car.. rnvate Datnseieccric iiguw, cv ooi nreplaceF. i .la .cp artistic cottages. Firs rseaaon opened ;Januar; I,Vl899. Eywything in onr entire store wilTe cut down in same proportion. Tsalawill last nntU stock is sold nnless entire stock is disposed of as a whole, .then, of course; prices will be' made by onr successors., t A , " , tn lflflt v ; ? ... -ii'x. t w nflrf nn. Mil we advise early bn w, as we do notexpectstocK to lasi; lonS3?o; rroken every day. Benr we have alwa done as we advertise and you will find thintrs Gong as they last) jnst as we say, auuuu uuc-uwi " , . f , i. il t, ' w-i- f . i . . U4VH j "J 1 , . 0ttva Ko vA the kindest feelmsrs for those who have kindly fa- we sincerely tnanfc every one ior tneir past iayu, miu n? w 7, i w rirr1fltnnrp nvpr which yored us with their patronage. , It is with deep reluctance that we retire from the dry goods business, but circumstances over wnicu we haVe no control, demands the change. a. ka nain Thousands of dollafs.wofth remain to b sold at tms w wxisi vu -.. . . .fAgaintWngthepubUcfw n-nnnrimr: 7& nihM'- i n!P n rrK" mm hints A XTTT A'l Li ii a 1 1 1 1 il '4 i t, 'f. . r ... t ' if- -'A , t i ;For fnrtherlnfomdtion ipplj-to; tt'VHH ft 5 -J- -..v." '- - - .,'?'' . 1 ' - -- - s. . k h 4 .A-

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