i! "'J YEAR'S VQBK'OFJHEY; M.; A, Secretary's Eeport a Host Encouraging One f or all Departmeiits.' t , - Secretary"' .Van Horn's aawrual Teport v, of the work ctf the Y. M. C.'A., contains the following: . VVThe year-1898 marks a new epoch in the" history of the Young Men's Chris tian association as an otganizatton. " It ..baa not only Increased in. usefulness and C power bur. has ahown to the world that -.It is not an instttution built upon theory. but' can vA r ojoes iiter 'upiror ithe active marts of life and Is nat afraid of the pe? Us of -war. The .progressive niovement i of the organ! zaQon in the very beginning f our recent war wton. 1 for . .. thef asso- ' elation many friends and adherents. - "While we!';: -rejoice In the- general good success of our organization1 a:., a ' whole, we turn with thankful bearu to our town aocal association and- e thank iGod for Wa progress, and our constitu- enta f or theBlr srappork The year SbCgan well because oie Jthe wise eAx of ou? board ntf dJredtiloira to'aun the ctast - of full memberahin tram J7 t $5. The aasodJaMooi'e influence " and efficiency ' was If eCJt by a third more young man thji during (the prevJoua yeair, aaudl the treaa , ttryi ' was imaleriaSity' increased. With . tMs exceflent beginning, our Smcressed work to all jlepairtments and through ourb this entire year was in' advance of previous yearns. During 1897 we issued 218 membersMn ticket while 1898 ran , the number up tho 318. "Aaxother great benefit derived !from ; the redutitlida of the price of member -. "sMp Is the beginning -of our privileges . withJltf reach of the' . poorer, but none ' the less worthy, class of young men The objeciti of the Tounlg Men'a Christian As ' 1 adciaitJan to heU men, fanfl we esteem . it a privilege to be able, -to; assiat any ' ' young men living a ChTstkui life, givihg" ' ':him educaitional, physical or social ad-; Vvafntages. , : I- "We pliace the Christian life first and - uppernlbeoaUaie thkt is really our eole object. Our diversified methods are used aaHy ty aid: in bringing men wi th an, -the influence of tihe religious life and '. principles. Our Sunday meetings have " been aUtenifled by F2;89 meni, an average " ' of, 54 each service. 2A.t these meetings 13 j. have prtofesated' falK'fo- Chrlsti, and"64 " Wave beer vak who cam of out;-city 1 seeking he&Kfc; f and have fpiassed away,; , but not withouit ai cnrismn'a nope. .. : "Our bible classes (hilVe taken renew , ed llf e aindl energy. In. one of Ithese we have devoitloWal study of the We of Christ and-Jfche cithelr is for the devel- - opmenit "tatod 'tra)ming In Christian work. - TwVj hundred and ninety-eight men toave been in these classes tfturoughouit the year rAa they aTeitiot tonflned !to the as$oct- . ation memberaplp, they Should have :a ' better aittenKEance. -; ' "The pat year has marked su.oh pro gress in our educational department it "almost ems like a new dteparture. In -' 97 Wfvgave SnstimcieioTs'in thTee b-'aT'rh-, rs, charging $1 for the entire . course, thus leivhiga balance 'tfi be palld by the ' r aissocSatSon. This season we enHarged the - wfrk to seveia bnanches,. hire1 xhe ' competent "iios&ruJetoTS ,and raSsed ih pritoe of ituHtlom tk $2 for ithe cbuirse. Our ; " enroffl ment dbubJed quickly,, . and; a bet ' ter class eff work :has beem bbtaJned. . This depairtment is self sustaining,' so1 far, (blanks to feu few g-enerousfriend!3 and -the faitereased tuiltion. , Pne of our daily papers very kindly loaned ttsttOollumns .; lor the raising of funds ftarr3:h work, , and! we thlaink the publishers Hbr ttv f VA. reception to the educ(atlonail mem was igiven to December'and muc& 'help v received by those present. - VAt one of tthe meeltinfes of the boterd ; Of dlirectnT) tn JiauryJ wn-voted xy repair and place new apparatus in the, gymnasiurru. This wjas dome, amd a re " newed iTitfireTt was rnanlfee'i ait once. cliaef3es held dursn phgttinl8-fHhrrc31assc cf asses (held durine- Ithe spinier and fail. - while the sartie Lasses in '97 biad an at V 'tendaince of 445 : - r j "An improvement was made during, V (the first part jof the year En, theibath room si, by pHackig a second shower ,b th T In the place of one of 'the tubs,huis iv 1 fing more f acilitties; for bathing, 2,303 'J batha were taken during the year. " -r "There remains to be reported a very ; potenft sfa'dtolr tn our work, omie whSch chnndt be told in figures, bult is only known to thotee whb have beeothelped - refer, to the social dtepairitmenti' TWhJle we have not had as many re . ceptSons! as usuiaJ, there has beea an in- crealse Sat the daiHy 'attitendaaice at the rooms, both day and night. Many have i taken advantage of the reading privi y' Oeges or 1 games, lipid spent a pleasant v hbur tor evenine: within the Imfffuence' of - a Chrtsltian mstituftian where tJhey might have spent in sOmerof ,the places of evil ffn , our city. 'An- (average of 110 visits . ' have been mtaMe dally to the rioHms, four receptions have been given and! one lec ture for the benefit of the members. T"From,'the lact Slhat AsheviUe is a re sort city, and visited by hundreds of young men in search df beafflth, the open - rqjoms, with their excellent privlleares. cannot ,be over estdmaltea.' For the; ben efit of this c$a!s, we also ihave a' boardr . 4ng house register, . airid Bassist many . young men ia gettfllng located in Christ- ian homts. , Such plaices' have been found X for 2Z-during Ithe year. -rBy the able assistaruce of our Ladies' Auxiliaryvthe'socM feature of our worlc "5s mtede more effedtivev The flabor... of keepi-nig our'piarlor attractive, of eervihg ? , reflresluments at. our receptions,, and, of giving to the public pleasing entertaih 4 mentis fort the benefl-fc of the tassocSatlDn. 1 coriptdlftrtes a pfart of their very helpful , work.' . -U. EPIDEMIC OF GRIP: s J l 4 ' - Prilntoeiboh,-Ind., UanC lC--There aref 250 t cases of grip in this ofty, and the dIJsease Is spreading rlapildly .Wabash, Id., . Jan. , 11. The 'grip pre vails a!o this taty to an extraordinary ex . teaiL v;laJ 'physlclaina estimated ithe number ol cases at from 800 to 1,000, and all affllrmfed that ttlile disease was om the Snlcrease.' ' ' .. . Faa, 111. Jaau 1L The grip has be- toome a sericais epidemic la Central IHi- noiis dtles. Over 300 oases are reported in uayiorviue ana a similar number in Shelbyyxue, wnlte fully 25 percent of " the population: of Pana sk Slkewise af DeWitt's: Little Early Risers. ' ' The famous little rUl. ? THE CHEAPEST AND M USIAkWS7RUMENTS , We have them of all kind and:-at -Tiolins; . :KandoUns, eter ilaeties of. fixtures forjmdsical instrumehtarr? f " jt, Music, loaicFolios'and Instruction Books; t- i i ; Shee Orders for Tuning iefVt this ?-J. W.Bailey,Df -Heaidersonvine,'.- is .tjopplng at the Swannanoa. - ' - Gecrge T. Barnard, of Camtion;, I1L, is (toe city. 4:, . , J. O. Hairisoftj was tn from Franklin esterday. v J " VVJ fE3i Fletcher was 4n the city yesterday ritom Fiatjchers. Mrs,, O E.ffCromwell,Jf Woodfln street It in New York."" f - 4 - - Hal R. ;atephens,vf Milan, MoV.hi'ai asvaved 'nd loaken -Aip work tas cor- worker with J..L jBeaIe, Art the French uzxted Fiess prust shop (O' H.?lfgllsh, of rMad3son county is in the cSty. ;Bert: Jackson; 'llende m the otty- ywberday,. . - Judge W. Niprwooxl, of Waynesvill?, is m line cicy. 1 3x3 The Black Mountain hunting party has returned.: The party had a success furl hunt. . ; . Xeputy Clerk? George Young, ts -sxiffer ing wtth w severe attack, -la grrpp. if MiV; 0 nd ; Mrsj T. A. J 4 Barnett have returned to their- home m iHtenderson- vllle. Mrs. J, O. Hbwell's oonditSoo. is very tiri deal. Judge Charles JMctare was in town yesterday vonrQliiway tb Greenville, S. C. ' ' ' ' "Lawrence P. M-cLoud returned from a vMt in Cleveland, O yesterday. SX? Rt. Rev. Junius M. Horner, bishop of he Asheville jur&dicitton, went (to Rich mond, Va., yesterday monning. He will be gone about ten days. PW. B.v Gorman.- advance agent for the Hwmaick, Leon and 'Adelaide, ithe great magicians, arrived f in town yesterday ; and arraJnged to brSngf "Ithe production; herG for January 17. ' A. H. Bramdhorst, representing the .T. Weller Co., of Cincinnaiti, O., dealers in pickffies and condiments, left yesterday afternoon, after a !our days' stay. He hi'3 arramged to send .a car load; of goods to SKaydeni, Fakes & Co.;- Asheville: agentts of the firm. - The Misses' 'N'oytps arid fWhitney, who have been visiting fait Ashevitle- ool lege in the interes'tSs of the Young Wo man's Christian! association, Heft yester day for the city of "Mecotloping over at Atlanta and New' 'Orfeasiis.' " ' : Men's calf shoes at cost; medium and broad toes; sizes 6, &il-2, 7, 7 l-c2, 8 and 9; were worth $3.50 and $ 4v now $2.25 and $2.50. G. A. Mears Sons. Call and see our topN natch shoe: worth $2; for thirty days at $1.50;- ev ery pair guaranteed or your money re turned. G. A. Mears & Sons' shoe store. 1000 pairs Childrens 'Grain Shoes. 1 per cent of cost. G. A. Mears & Son Shoe Store. : f - Ladies SmaH Size Shoes, $2.00, $3.00 $4.00. fwe off er for $1165., $:h90 jand 2.15 These are of the beat makes, 21-2 tor4 A. Mears and Sons. . IiaOtesf Short Vamp Shoes, 20 pe cent, lea than cost. Sizes 2 to 4. G. Mean and Sons. x NOTICE. ' ' I have Ith'is day fsold my business to Mr. K DKeeltogfswho'wiU alf debts made agiallnst "said busineWroa Jand after Jamuary 1, 1899. Thanking my friends, and many cus tomers for their kind! paJtronaige and and solictft a conitimuanbe of same for Mr. KeeMng. . Resp.eotfully, January 5, "1899 '", ;" . r- 4 I W.iE. ALLEN. . -Dr. David Kennedys cures Ail kidney Stomach AND LIVER TROUBLES I A For Lnfants and Children, Tha Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of ARTISTIC PORTRAITURE Our operator, Miv White &as hid sev eral years experience in large city stu dios, and understands thoroughly how to make good photographs., . We are gaining patronage dally and permit no work; to leave the studio that is not aH right in every jepeCt:' . . , , Re-sittfnga : . cheerfully '- giverif when5 necessary, but this seldom happens, v . - We charge enough to afford 'to glye'all work our best attention, but believe In liberal treatment. If any part of our work 3s mot satisfactory we make ft so. ,qur large photos rof ( the beautiful where. , M- ?.''. " ' We uee.the same matei$aIsJari4j5i amateur work as well as We do bur own work. . . The photo supply department , carries everything areeded byirAo(tiograpnetsalt reasonable prices. " ' rl , Ray's Studio, 8 North Court square. CUT RATE Booh Store. 7T -'1 4rl r all prices: Pianos, -Orfrans, GuitaM store ;will be done by W. CsRtLEtS CASTOR BEST . - r , . , - i O RCHARD AN D GARDEN. i-Iir transpIanUngr cut off all broken or mutjlated roots. , t f ' ;Low limbed trees are not - so easily in-t jnred by hard winds as taller ones. , - ? The best rapples are ? grown in a hilly country and; a somewhat rocky soil. f The only objection to low headed trees is that they' interfere with cultivation. '. Save up all of the ashes during the win ter to use as a top dressing in - the garden next springs . , ; -j - t:,T, 'A moUnd of earth ' ralseoround each tree should never be omitted in the fall transplanting. In growing fruit for market It Is an ad f vantage to harfnrarticsiraTwliretf wen anu Dear,TriinportatKi); rt t 35 Jt is claimed that i; libaral dressing of gals under qaince trees as far oWks tha roots extend trill help 'jto induce bearing5 The greatest iOTeteyjof hofl'Sef plants' la dust. Much of thisniay beTjavotfd by covering before'; omxanncihg tOirsweejp; Wash the leaves occasionally. Exchange.v ?r :.'- --'-i ,,J,-.v ..I ; notice. m'$m& '13y virtue -of the power of salehtato 4 ed in a certain deed in trust executed to the unkSanaigned trustee, by W. H. Pen land and Mary H. Peinland, hta wife, on the 1st day of May, 1894, and recorded in thet office of the reglsterXf deeds for Buncombe county, Nont&: Ctarolina in book 37fe at page.of mortgages and j,iattrust, to secW a certam note in Sttdki deed In trus;:f ullyi diesCribedi de fault Sbayimg been made in the payment of the ptftncipal of aIid note; andN the lh terest thereon, nd; liaymgbeenx so re quested by the legal owner of said -note. I will on Wednesday, the first day of February, 1899, between the hours of 12, m. and 2 p. m.. sell at public auction. afc the court house ttooru in the city of Asheville, to. the tbSgbestv bid.der . for cashJthe i property conveyed fa. said deed in trust, .and described as, follows: A piece or parcel of landtuaite,, lying and; betag in;the cftty of Aahevine, coun ty of Buncombe and state of Nortai Car olina, lying on the east side of Haywood street, . Beginning alt a stake din the cast margin of Haywood street, J. H. Wil liams' northwest corner, and runs with safcd east margto of said Haywood street north 41 deg. 40 mine West, 169:6 feet to a stake, the southwest corner of Mary C. Peniand's TLot thence wath the south line of the las)5 mentioned lot, north 62 deg. 13 mln. oast 197.5' feet, to a stake in A. M. Finland's liner thence with said A. M. Penland's lirfe south 29 deg. 41 mln. east, 190 feet to a stake in rr. J. H. Williams' lfne; thence wtth his line, south 71 deg. 18 min. west 166.1 feet to the beginning, con'tainiag 31,720 square feet, and beiing the same $ot of land con veytd ito saEld W, H. Pehland by Mary C. Penlana, by deed dated the 20th day of November, 1893, ankl recorded in the of fice of the register of deeds of Buncombe counfty, In book of deeua No. 87, at page 177 et seq., reference to wbJlbh Is here by made. This 31st day of December, 1898. CHAS. A. WEBB, Trustee. ea wk to d of a. . .NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the estarte.oSf W. H. Sales, deceased, late A resident' of Buncombe county,, all per sons havSng claims against the decedent are hereby notified to exhibit the game to such administrator, on or before the 6th day of Jtouary, 1900, or Jthis notice will be pleaded as a bar to the rtcoverv thereof This January 5th 1899. JOHN A. BROOKSHIRE. Ajdmin'isrrator of estate of W. N. Sales. aeceasea. w f286-6wkJ pThls $s aTnew yearfaineWqurtfer rfor" payment of water reauts. The oity is ootmpelled to cut down expenses. Therefore, I give you until January 15th as ;the flmfl d!ay !of settlement ofEwa.ter.. tax; airter Bat time,' IwtEf; proceed to cut off the' water -iisedlbv'fieM jand dJt wffll cost you 50 cents extra when turned! om, 2 Nqw HUbR? g;--wtrraed and abuse? ire for complying With the -law, ovw. couip ajict seme sm the time given you. . Respectfully yours. E. D. McCOLLUM. Wtr Riir. 283-10t Beware of imdtatfons. Use Elastic starch. - ; " . Rock Ledge family hotel everythins: ern management, is setting an excellent iaD4e, try at., . . Makes linen look eood as nvw ftarcb. Dr. Geo, H 4 Lambert, VETERINARY STJEGE0S. (Graduate of McGill TJniversitv. Office Wiilow st. Phone 18 Residence 140 Chestnut st. Phone 284. Cattle tested for .tuberculosis $5.00 a head. . Herds at special pnees. - ; - GRAND OPERA HOUSE. January 17th, FAAOUS ADELAIDE-and LEOll Presenting TnaTt elolis r ptbgtam 4f J Magic, Mystery and Dance. I tJL. mil umrmm Wondrous Sleight-of-Hand and Sensational Illusions. ADELAIDE HERRMANN'S ".' . ,Alibewrtnfsvseaso& " -- - ' " i 11 n . '": ! v4 Positive Sensation1 .The .Witch Qr, The Eesurrection of. She. ; The ; most Idazzlingly beautiful; dance v, . of tbe present decade; ADELAIDE HEIUJ Allil ; i IN tm a n.rn. : The only Woman Magician in 4 ' - - the world.' , r SHE ' - v' w n JJM JL 1 v , f SHSCEIJLAKSOU8 . ' LiOSTA la probe on Haywood street, or . Cumberland avenue, Tuesday. Liber- ? al reward, if returned to Lu Murray;, ' corner Vance and Collvge streets. . I 2902jtr -!-iv -w. - -.-i-' t' j WANTELWTwo r tlrmi h ?d. rooms . for I lighV housekeeping, j 1 e-.tns must be ;--'S.. Gazette ' :r 't.r WJCNTBD-A1 once, th? ee W Urnjshed v "rooms, pn Grove , Ttb11 two, weeks, gratea preerr.ipaperd rooms af jusv Know acnonoev oA, :sBivaiy ie".r i ;.anBaa?rjbe kheajt&& MODISTE--Mrs. M. W. Fxaser, corner I Pme and College streets.- First-Bass' dresses t made at reasonable prices.; Also .tea gowns, wrappers and dress- MJSS v N oMa- WARIG- Pianist and : eacbert in stringed Instruments, 12 f 'T. -VS v " " ! SOTJENlRSAnd all kinds of fancy paintings laade to order. Pupils In : crayon drawing and oil solicited. : Miss Minnie T. Deaver, 25 Pine1 street, Asheville. tf ROBERT BBOl I City surveyor and engineer, office liy ..uazerxe; resi.. dence, 65 "Vict avenue. . : .s "Si BOARD IN ASHKV1LLE. WANTEI--Barder. Vefyi desirable, sunny and nicely furnished rooms are now vacanlt at No. 58 Orange street. The rooms have southern, southeast ern, southwestern andi morthweSterai exposures, and-, open initio -large and comteortably 'heated halls. a Pleasant service vandk good bTd, guaranteed. Persons desiring such ialccommodations are asked to call almd examine rooms for. themselves.. Terme, .$7.00 bo $10.00 per week aocordtag to room selected. Persons having tuberculosis are not taken; WANTED A few boarders In a private family. New house, newly furnished Elecftrt? lighits, hot baths, northern :8a- ' ble.' FIvsl -mlnufteB wialI!lcfrom square. Address, Waited, care ef the Gazette. 285-64 i BOARDING! Private tamtly .neat square; terms reasonable.,. Mrs. X y. Cole, 9 Spruce street. . T"; 140-tf MONEY TO LOAN. TO LOAN-i-On improved Oity property $500 to $800. Address with description of property, box. 200, postomce.4- r UiSiJLl'. WAMK1) WANTEDAgir!f IS :- do "any kind' of 1 work In a small family. Apply at this office v 289-tf WANTED A young' wftflte girl, eleven or tweive yesura 01a, to neip icuce care c of a baby and . make herself generally useful. ' No hard. .work. Address, H. T. Gazette .office. . ; WANTED An intelligenft young wo miaai, as special agent. Salary or com miesion. Enquire at vmce. 95 Colleg street, side door, between 10 a. m. an. 1 p. m.;or 3f and 5 p. m. AGENTS WANTED Apply to the in dustrial department Of Bun Ldf e In suranx?e company's office. No. 9 W. Court square, Feathers ton building. FOB KENT. FOR RiENT At jahe Jow rate of $12 per 8 rooms; large 1toL IE. : Coffin, 00m er Haywood and West College streets. . J91-tf. ' v , . . FOR Rent All or part; of a. finely (fur imsned bouse, one diocb: from poatomce quiet looaltion.; price Dow. Apply ito the Kiss-Me Candy do. FOR RENT Furniished" rooms with electric lights; hot and caLd - baths; fires, etc. Apply, to the E&a-Me Can dy Co. ' FOR KENT A co2y flat of 4 rooms and bath, iceJiLar, ete.v - Newly furnished., Cumberland avenue, ten mimutes wadk from Court square. One block vfrom street cars. Apply at 90 Cumberland .avenue. 288-6t FOR RENT Two rooms on first floor, will rent separate or together, furnish ed or unf urnished. 38 Penlamki street. 287-6t TWO ROOMS for rent; furnished or un furnished;; first floor; Ideation cenitral. "B. Ti" oarey Gazette. ' lw FOR RENT Newly, papered nine-room house, with stable, m Penland "street Also several offieee oh secsond floir of Gazette bullfling. Mrs. C B. Alvey. corner of College and Vance streets. 272-lm ' ; ' '5 s ft" i FOR RENT Two shores, Noa. 35 amd 3' South Main .street. Also several de slrafcle rooms on second floor above the storesv Apply ;at Noi 105 South Main: street. . ' , 2786t FOR ' RENTTwo j apartmenrts of ' four v rooms each, unfurnfehedv in a a single I house, nice and' sunny I Hot 'and 'cold waDer ia each, apartment. Apply tc O. D. TterdX 31 Temple Court, third ,:'fioior. " 26d-tf FOR RENT Three nice furnished rooms, with bath room, complete for tight housekeeping. Also one furnish -f edaipartmenti four rooms, .with boy 'and cold water and range. O. D. Rey . ell; 31 Templer Court; Hhird floor, i-.s 260-tf . - c . .. FOR' RENT Bed t; room a,t ; In -Henry ' block. Apply to C. S. Cooper, 39 South : '.Main street. - 248-tf ;4 FOR RENT Front room first floor,' c furnished or unfurnished. - 38 - Pen-. ' land street." FOB SAIJS. FOR SALlEJ-A line' driving" horse, wi th s::or wnthoujt bulggy. For fmtther inlor- - maleson, call at. 12 . Church eltreelL, FOR" SAIiE Quaker , bath cabinet, tar - Turkish and Russian batbs, .to be tak- C 'en in ykwr room. Price $5.v . The lat eat ana bert. boon' to : mankind for s full v- pajftJcukre ; and examination of cabinet, aiSdresa Miss Sutton, 243 Hay wood dtfceet.' " ' f -282-3m duringSw will b rrtH ' ? A TWO fFBfitodir; J' :Givin riamiltori i ) ir Bt XIRK MUNROE , i BtMOLT.v ; , . SCOUTING ON THE 9 -. im WOLVES vs. PISCIPUKB 'L By Usmty W. y iscHsa. A DANDT AT HIS BEST 1 ill -T I Or - Cjrw C Adaos n inaiuauuBUf JiuiHH CRUISING WITH DEWET By Haold Martin ByW.W.STONa A SCARED FIGHTER,- BILLY OF BATTERY B . ByW.J. Hwtdersow :fX . . , By Colgate Bakxa ! A WAR CORRESPONDENT - AFLOAT ' ' These articles will be especial interest to every lire and energetic boy who ' - ' ' . lbesaiiventure IndAHLdnnr mnnrt ALASKAN FISHERMAN By H. C. Jerome , ART OF FLY-FISHING By E. CKewt 8 SSS. 8 TREE-TOP CLUB-HOUSES By Dan Beard " THE EDITOR'S TABLE STAMPS AND COINS AH will receive attention each rnojuth In ISie RyOKt) ABLE JO Ctnts a Copy ' ' ' r Subscription, SI 00 a Tear -Address -HARPER & BROTHERS, Publishers, New York,' N.Y. Molly "EHlot Seawel) fflUAKPK IT IHI IS KiMPIKDEJ'g: WIBISDSES' Will continue to give week by week daring 1899, by means of Illustrations and text, all the important news of the world in a clear and concise manner. POLITICS M v Independent oU. parties, . goedgovernment, it will not hesitate to approve or disapprove, -whatever : the situation may be. Cuba and the Philippines " Special articles-will appear on these 1 two countries by Messrs. Phil. ' Robinson and F. D. Millet, both of whom made special journeys to the , islands. ...THE: H. C. Well PICTORIAL fflSTORY OF THE YEAR Is what HARPER'S WEEKLY has beea in rthe past and will be in. the future. The great work accomplished in, the late Spanish-Americaa war is characteristic of the WEEKLY'S live and energetic policy. SERIAL STORIES ' WHEN THE SLEEPER WAKES By H. O. Well WITH SWORD AND" CRUCIFIX By E. S. Van ZH . THE CONSPIRATORS By R. W. Charnber R. W.Chmmb Some feWRiNorrls Owen Hall H. S. Williams S. F. Benson THEWEST Casp'tTMtneyr ' ' l and lis- indatri!'!will be a series . of articles by "Matthews ' ' ' Ther London Letter wHl be' written 4by Artirtdwihlte. & and win be full of ttmeiy AMATEUR ATHLETICS will be continued weekly by its weU-known." editor, Mr. Caspar Whitney. . 10 Cents a Copy: I r . Subscription, $4 OO d Trir . Address. HARPER BROTHERS. Publishers, New Yorltr nrT, Franklin Mttl ews of more than nsual interest durine noteworthy subjects, it will contain a MOST I v v 11 HISTORY ) ; . By ' , flENRYXABOT LODGE. V. S. SENATOR ; who' Is eminently fitted for the task, not alone because of his ability as a writer of American history, but for the position he has held in our government. f'f'x 5 1 There jvJH also appear such articles as ' Admiral Sampson's Fleet . Battle of Manila Bay .fBy Ueui."A R. Staunton; A serial story to appear endeared IW.DHoweUs 1 JobaFoa,Js. The Princess Xenia By H.B. M. Watson : ' - A serial story full; of adventure and ,i vjstrong situation: f ,f f - : SHORT v UNDER AN APRIL SKY By Brandef Matthews ? v THE RENTED HOUSE By Octave Thanet THE LOVE aQF PARSON ; By Mai?;BvWUfciB Ma ; "'.8 7t v rr ViS r9tr V V) By Henry Smith Williams. M.O. oTriese aper wfll thorouehlytreiriew-the work -ac omphshed br throughout the nineteenth White Man's Asia v) 4 rV.ra. N ) v m ' .SdC Ik Si Cents m Copy U H. S, wuu.. - Address HARPER & -i 1. 1 f f, " -'J4ri -1 J: r' lABLEIsi to FlctUwu Tr, vel, and Sport, ai will be Urn It SEi?IAf. CTHDir-c onuK l a 1 OKIE ; PlAIKS AV EXCHANGE OF SHIPS , , By GeorOb E. Wausu THE GUNSHOT. MINE.- ' By Charles F. Lummis r THE KING'S TREASURE-SHIP fj o w n hi a v t Witts v & j j - iu. ' ! STORIES OF THE WAR ff! -These stories are founded on fact, and in many cases are the actual rtvA. .. enceoftheawhors. ;. ' ' y Caxltow T. QhXpmaw ' WITH CAPRON AT EL CANEY By Fletchr,C. Ransomb ' iARWLEON SPOlRT A0TRAVEL ARCTIC WAYFARERS -By CtrisC. Adams TWO-FOOTED FIGURE-SKATING ,ByJtV. G.VAN T. Sutphen BICYCLE POLO -By A H. GobFKST : THE, CAMERA CLUB ' PROBLEMS AND PUZZLES ART 1 The pleading artists of the - Country . : will eon tribute to the pages of the WEEKLY, as heretofore, making it the foremost illustrated weekly. . HaVatt and Porto Rico ' These, places will be similarly treated by Caspar Whitney and W. DUrwrddie, who likewise made a devoted to . study of the places BEST Short - Story Contributors F. J. McCarthy John Corbln H. Si Herrlnian. M.S.Briseoek , ALASKA treated ia end its resources will be the satiject' of a seriei of paper by EdWsrdX. Spurr. ' . "TOBusrwoTir; - by S. dVlartlni will tonturee-to " aansejirid instruct its readers. -' Franklin kl matter. 1800 Besiles a series of articles on comprehensive political and narrative OR THE sir ((- fiiin. - i SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR IJ.S.Nv By Lieut. J. M. ElljCott, U.S.N. THEIR SILVER-WEDDING JOURNEY J By WIlHamt)ean Howells ' containing all that characteristic charm that has Mr. Howells to the reading public. Spanish War Story By John Fox, Jr. A serial story the scenes of wbidl are laid during our recent war. STORIES GHOSTS OF JERUSALEM ' " i ByT"';N yia Crinkle" WAY OF THE CROSS By Stephen Ronsat THE. CUCKOO CLOCK .LORD ll BrEllen DouglDeEaratr THE CENTURY'S PROGRESS III SCIENCE century. Other series of papers to appear are .. . Republics of South America By Julian Kali h , y . . Subscription, S 4 00 Temm BROTHERSr-Pabllshers. New York. N. V, SSti '..ipr, ,i.V--:. ; w cPHERSON & CLARIS DEALERS IN t. btwes, i'lnnare ana hm? FarnisMng Goofe ;; k; sanitary FiumDing ; - Steam and Hot Water Fii-ii Yapd 8lAteoorlDgf and Gal- ;"T Yamzea iron uormce. ' : ; , vD-uoiicaof Streetc' w V ssssssse tit J I 1. 1. 1, , ,1 '.

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