J . THE TiSHfeVILLE GAZETTE, JANUARY 12, 1899 V :'TGil-'crtl:r.it:;tI Bare jupfc reMivedLa lrgafepment o! fine formal Oraos, PaU ro fresh from ..'V Was General ForrVc3itib Gmog the mbstoods to tho most people for the least monej; is our deU nitioii 'of bndneend the . vreek justlended. ,h?ldemonstrted that our idea of TSusbccshaa bienVndorsedbj the public, v SC Phone No;iV:'iirr't3;r;i2:.s - A5 r l 1 v-r- 1 - - ThTrnTi . . r " -r -"v - :? reeling's; : 5&Patton&Ye V Opp 0; '-Phonel8: " fSoccessor to W. lJJ Allen nrnm i K 1 srr,- 1 -l V ''-. The city jail Is undepgo&Jg eltemtfioiBli " ; B.d repairs. .v . . t J . i ... 1 ' " ?Uv$i t The Btnbhin sudeJt9 ai oontemplat- , inr aremaa jat the Ba.dtry narK no .''!'-,"" Joe Buchanan was fined $3 in poiqae . y coiuit yesterday monfingr few: eatlng-W ;-' . wife. : ' , u. ; " "i i The dlrecitorg of the botard of tilaide will i.- - ,:htiLd a special meeting- fthda afteraadon a -4 o'clock. ' jt . "i : ' ' v Hhe board of heaJth mat In' the city. , haH last nighlt araS transacted rouftirie bustoeiss. v f - i - The ble: dry fitaads frtiore of Sumner ami Oomrpaiiy, will iJLoda oult thedr bus-. to ess. by March 1. - f J. R. Rich is buHdSasr a priviate sew er from the rear tetf hte ribore, tconiaeetins - ; ylth the PatSaa' avenue mamu. .f - ' ' , ' -j. . .- .... .(.-! 1 - . The Royal Aroanum will give an - - oyster supper in the Knaghits off Pylthlas batt on January 23, at 7:30 p. m. ? The faitant daughter of Jafekf Oraike of Inand'a, died yeetetmy of membran- otistcioup, after an. illness of a few bourai ' - .. 'The warehouses were thWonged Wth. fanners, ye8it!rdiay. The eaUas were fully equal .to those of. the. preceding' . day. Good offerings and ealtfeflajctaryt prices prevailed. W. H. Clarkie. tetter canfrter. at Ithe AsheviHe potstofflce, had acoeptoeai 4he position of subHtituite oletrk in the ram way relail servide. H will retia&ni ;hl present posit Son also. ' ' CSitajtloms will' be issued from superiwr r court clerk's office, - shortly, intrudftng deluxquetnt sdminlsWators, guardians rs "and trustees of cstjtrfes Wo file ttheir year ; ly Jal2counttlng as "required by law. ,' ' - Homer Beaver, a white boy, was ar : rested by Policeman Lywly, about 6 o'cCiock last vntnr. He is accusea or -stealing a patr of shoes mom J. n. r; -S toner, on- South Maim simeet. . i , vThte funeral of B. B. AClison, the r s stranger 'ftfcm Rhode iBlajndl, who died Jaat nrtiday, will be conductbed at the r; expense Of the- L O. O. P. The River- side Undertaking company Jhave donated the' shroud and coffin,. . . . De'puSy CbSlbed States Marshall T. C. - Israel to ' In the city summonftng wlt - esses tn the 'Frrst "National, bank cass -which wiUbe ltirled to. February, v He ' rhad In " liis posseasSon. - subpetomas " JCor ttihty4tw witnesses, mcfet tf whbmillye '.tn AxhjftVinRi ... - ' '. " W. H. Hough of the firm or iougn Durham, on Church street; has sold out "hisr hfterest In the blcytede !apartment Ito' his partner, H A DuritoalnL Mr. "t)unham Humetf full chargeyestdrday. snd WTO glvs'himiself up excluaiveCyLto the;' bicycle' buSSlfcess. r?trvl THork: oreanlst aft. All Souls' churchi BIMinore, organfetog ta! sight stoging and chorus cciass. arc xne . Asne- "vule 'coTtega" TBue pupus wwu oe moauv ktnirtenifK n the tctoUeste. bu Bi mStafl ' ; number of touitedders will be todmttltpd.. ' "The class wfll oomfttnue until "May 24; -meeting bi-weekly. An appIDcsitSon .will' be made at the H 7reseplt sessioh of - thte -legMatturo lor .a v charter f or a savlnrs bank In HMs otty. . 2l iS urnderstood HWlt Dr. G. W. Punetoy : :and a number of rfther AshevUliajns are back of .te rfovimemt. The nlew tnsti- - tutfon w$J! rmobablv bear the title of The AshevVle Savings Bank."' : ; ' Pae 'SJfevenson, ntegros escaped tfrom ? : ' the chaff n gang early Tuesday mamfling, ' ' aasd- trasrot beei re-captured. Sheiiff ; i Xee is exieDtiixg every effort to Owate ibe - i 'gStlve.. Sttevenson was recem.tly wen s s tenced to a 'two yelars' term on the cham i game, for impMcaitdba in the rdbbery of ' ' Fdiiir's stcre tn thds city. The Ashevflle bar w9M meet In the -court house next Saiturday laifternoon, fto lorm a caJendar ificr the superior court ' awnd h disouss the proposed change of -" the JudStetal dlstriolis, bbth civil and "r crimtnal. -so far as Ubiey effect Bunttomjbe r ' - county and weshena North . Carolina. vt?& Thre 4s some talk of a new jndficiall dls- - :WdL, J ' -1 The new hose wagon, lor the fire de ': ' .partmenit arr'Sved yesteaiday. It is red f j in cHI-ir; with bitetss niouritlngs. .? Its sU- periobSty over the oCfd hdse waswoi is , t evident. The hose Is colled Ira ithe bot i i ' torn of ithe wagon and is mulsh easfter to " -h. get into sjtsUbn than the reeled hose. :Tt : is 1,000 pounds tighter than the old wag on. Tt w purchased of a New York . Arm for $530. ; rHARGFD WITH GAMBLING. i Walter Woods, George Goodlake and .' ."Will McMahon werf arrested yesterday f on a rwarrant changing them with .3 f gambling -'The warrant specified that ; V tie three men were in the habit of play fng cards for money In a room on Wa : j; ' -ter street. t - . : t The "men were arraigned before Jus . ; ' 'f tice A:", C.Roberts in- the afternoon. .-"At v , the I conclusion of the ' evidence ; Justice , Roberts discharged the prisoners. , V V' The 'men -were - all .members, of the corid regiment.- - 1 .I t ' , , , . T1 " ; : - '.' Get a han'flscwrhe bed Toom suite -whQe they are cheap. You wi41;find, a-beau-".i-s?tifuir. selectlow at. Mrs.' L. -Xu Johnson's 27 North Main.. ' . ,,f : t . i GOODLAKE' &-PanKEf, Jileat Market J V83 last Street"'. !. C"iioic3 FresV Ucats, Vegetables. -'r"--". k- '-3? fci -tf -a The sweetest. Juciest,- tenderest,' high ert flavored, moslt easily cooked steak cast and stew always on hand. ' - - ; PROil THIS DAY ON Oar Meals will be better Otfr prccs will be higher. : t - -SSBSSBS4SSSSSJBSSSSBfcSS - . :rday limit 2 lineal ticket, $4 20 " " -"' " So Single. Meal, 35 cents, at the KISS-ME CANDY CO.'S , 43-Pattoh "Avenue. A. C. Mitchell; Mabager. Like manna In the wil derness, these Coffees will put new life In you Seal Brand 2-lb cans 75c Pure Java, 35c Our Blend, 30c Rosoda Blnd 25c ; Maracaibo; lSc Pare Apple Cider. Dill Pickles. A D. CQ0PER. 3ZSoath Maim SHORT! HAND .CLASS. , 5 Isa FanV - open an evening class in stenography on Monday, January 16, ;it her residence, No. 50 Fttnt street; ; Aay ohe dlrous of learndng ehofeittdrblli tlcalk vtaisiness methods? should vaJ4 themsei-Pes of the. ocTJortiMiltv of iodn- ingtthliscBassv: - Instruotaon thorough. terms moderate. . For further imtformation an-Dlv at res. Sdence, No. . 50 Fltat street, or ; tn . Miaa Cnam iBtoanuel, Barnard iulldingi . .' , : . r 289-1 SMOKE TBA.YLO8 MAGISTRATE VAfiTS TO BUY CITY BOIIDS. A (Mc&b Banker Offers to Ptbjs6 all CityCdaty. and: School Bonds. - Crlniina Court pierk Wilsoin received a letter yesterday from Duke M. Far son, a Chicago banker, who advances a proposition to purchase all the bonds of Buncombe county, AsheviHe city bonds or school ponds. V ' The letter lnquired whether the bonds .- v. i would W subjeci to" call and' -.whetherl the 'authorities would be williag.to re fund them . At a lower rate of Interest. It also asked if they would be wining to change the.,floating debt Into bonds, Mr. Farsxm-purchasinlg the bonasl'' The letter contained asurances of mu tual' benefitto-be derived from the ne gotiationiand J that. the)'v proposition would surely ; prove an 'enoxaf. Mr. Wilson la.'consultlng wi'tii the. city and county authorities," but no decisions have yetJeenJreached..v, , v - LOOIC OUT tot. the first signs of impure blood-rHood's Sarsaparilla is your safeguard. will .purify, curich and vitalize your D LO O D. laggings, Jersey and Leather 75c, to L50. , G. A. - Mean and Sons snoe tore, Weyerjust finished stbck-takihgand ( ' ;fin4top much Heavy; j r( i demear.on hand. ; ;cyyw!"it?iuii'11 win give irmi , GiiQin1 :B50Ka nTa"; ot too jate, ireplenish yotir wardrote, Dbn't TDut' 1 ntt Mil thiccoocrtn erAnrlp : " - :C'i Few t'-J 19 & 18 church: st. and are readv to Serve mir more. Weiil?liive few. days, andant you and'youif rind:to'come in and IaaT. 4 An l5 fif t 1t1'j iii J J J A : iuuu. ui Liicau. vui au. tumt your tires free of .any charge; ehe C 1 to our We 18 PATTON AVEi, OPPOSITE HOTEL BERKELEY We Will pur opening by liberal discounts in ail depaiirtmenf s 30 per cent; ofi 25 " 20 20 20 io " tt tt it : ( If All three and four dollar Your chance! 18 Patt6w ;Aye, TT Tift! ? H nnnn 14 I 1 K' P U UUU 1 iLl We have not tbe time .to enumerate and give prices of our goodsl We oiTe the goods and tbe prices are low"; o say our customers. Toys, Dolls,. Gold Pens, Books, from the cheapest to thetree calf.. We are' still receiving gjpoods bad to du plicate orders. ; t)o not take oar word ; come and Bee for yourself. So trouble to show goods and give prices. . i, - I. i . ' . . :r ' j. . . - - X .B0O1C STORE, " ?Vest Public "Square; ? .. .: '-.- - : XT--. - ' ' 4 Clothing and Unv? In order to reduce i rvnvTTvn T n mi ii ii n w i i l ;v . ,w, if '""f L, . , ..... .J frifeiitff utirl customers nnir a 8oma-9cdnezUUtlon in - is iiucu uiU v icauy lo pump Saivyen Algr, 16 &18 Charch SU NewStore . 's and Boys' Sdits. " " Overcoats. Underwear. laouse jackets, tm ana son riats. 1 v SHde$Tat - 5oilt. Don't miss itt U 1 :. ' '"J.1" II." ' I .. U i' i1 1 ' "y." "Mi:. ' : ' V ' -A CLEVER TRICK, 4 j It- feesfcaihly looks like .It, but there is really, n6 trick about S Anybody can try (Bt who has same back and weak Ki J . jpaklaia. of nervous -troubles. L We mean he caa cure himself right away; by 'taking J El eetrlc Bitters, This mediclns tones up the whole system, acts as : a stimulant 1ft ler and Sidneys; te a blood purifier! and neltve tonic; It cures eonkl patlon, headachs, fainting" spells, sleep lessness and melancholy. It' is " purely vegetable;.. j.;mlld laxative, axrid restores the system to ft natural vigor. ; ,i Try Sleotric . Blbters and be ' convinced i that they are a miracle workef. iv.y-.fbuf Ittei gu4ramed;Only"60c a bottae its T C. Smith's! and CarmlchaeVs 1 drug stores. : .-y? -v i:--: '--i' ' j Misses - lroey ;tggtngs, ' size 8 to 11 75c. Q. Ai-iMears and Sons Shoe Store Use Elastic starch. Flai4iron'v'trm4- mark. . . '-. v: .137, JfalieV Jereey Leggfasa, J5 per oent cot A. Afeam and Soiuk T.M&SIKf!8 Candy Cathattla 10o or25o.: ItCd C. 1U to cure, drucgits refsnd money. - jtynever ;st3c3cs to the' - lron--ElAtlc starch. . - y imv iiuil lLt7U .11, And Everyone, that, use our." Jellico high! grade coat acknowledges 4 Its superior mei4ts.'-;fi Economy, in consumption. a clear, hrlght.fire-that radiates, more .heit than any . other, coal you can use. V RnM 1 1 '23. Patton Ave. ; Phon8 130.- cBiebrate I- TOOM S4iYr4 Ct45 y - is wlU be the - WquislteV i whJtehesd : Chrflrtmaa snow that we will . Jay upon your shirti bosom; , oollara '. , and ": cuttL Those- who know ka good I, thing when they see it wQl apprecttaJte the faultless work- that we pu V on tbe$r linen in color and perfect finish. ,5ample tt. ; - AshevMIe Steam a Phone 05. 4$W& COLLEGE ST. JAS. P.-SAWYER, President. Laundry Banking Bwineaa. ' CORESPOISDBJSCE SOLICITED. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR KKIT The Blue Ridge OF ASHEVILtE, J. W Norwood, President. bepoj5itary Every accommodation extended to deposhbrs consistent with sojoj banking; ' Safety deposit boxes to rent. Nb interest paid on deposit W. J. SLAYDENv , ERtLUOAsiV . , r . . ; . . . . E. StxroiR,. Teller. JAS. A. BURROUGHS, J. W. NORWOOD, , It's only a few p May & -Will be Oiyeu Hereafter aU presentoBriffie discontinued. DON'T J S? ' 1 unless you .! I'VE Fine Confections I DELICIOOS Come unto mey ail ye that ire MKeiillfe ihthiegs in gS1172r that can be obtained in Washington, O. C., 1877 o 8 ;HAS NOW ON D1SI LAY 1. SMOKERS t O ?getie Holers5 ceils to k i;f:-:- -u-2:ll? Prank Q .r,Cigar.s s cents to$i.oo oachirBriif: Pipes 2 s xnts to O 0;-seven Jpllarseafi; knd-Meerschauin Pioes 'F'x Ciffar'- and ! lt fv v "-6wuftic Auuatcuuius. of riue large cities; : " vf. AsYofaar 6roccr for. ITe V flshcvillG nillinc Comp'y - . 3- Coal'Selected ahfl Ib-ccrcsn. . ; for Domestic Ueo.- Ldnera ; Agents, Wholecal 7 ".rand RrtiQ AsIisiiUe Ice anfl Coal (kinp an j pattou AynxiTn.;.- DISTTTiTTn WATUB . J. K. RANKIN, Cashier Rational Banlt E R Luoas 0h r Capital $100,000 J. R DAVlii, 8PMcDIVITll H oustqm Mirrim on, Book-keeper days off when the ilBap jKBirh. 17 Patton Are. OOD (0 AND Y bay it at the . ( ; Luscious Fruits I OYSTERS 1 hungry; and I will guarantee to fur- Asnevi e n. u. lbJ. - 1HS 'FINEST UNFCV' AaTICLESiH 25ch ... ... ' - ... - -r.-'. Away, TT 1 ... ' r .