THE ASHEVILLE GAE1 TE JANUARY i .; 1899 C22 CAROLINA tlEUS I. v Tv- I Interesting rltems -irpri Va- ' rious Parrs of the state. Gljippef 0 Life jiid Progress V- tne - Lind pT'tne Sky. , ITotes QottisCfor the- Gazette ! and Se- Carolina Newspapers, j 't A negro emancipation coaven- tiorC has been called to meet in Raleigh February 7. The Craven memorial hall at -Trinity .college is partially completed and now shows that it will be a striking struct ure. ' ' ' . - - The Landmark saya the Statesville cotton mill is in good flnanacial condi tion. Its stockholders declared a 6 per cent, dividend Monday, besiides there was $14,000 Jaftely spent in new machin- ery. r -. During the year 1898 there were dssued from the register of deeds' office in Hal ifax 134 marriage licenses for the white race and 361 for the colored, anakjng 495 in all. Scotland Neck Common wealth. J. C. Osborne, at Cleveland Mills, last week killed five hogs, the respective weights of which are as follows: First hog weighed 325, second 350, third 385, fourth 544 and fifth hog weighed 564 pounds. Fifty-five gallons of lard were realized. Brittain Bros, have shipped since last august up to date 63 car -loads of cattle and sheep, aggregating 1,800 head of cattle and 3,000 sheep. They have 60 head of cattle they are stall feeding for the spring trade. Murphy Scout. Edward H. Marsh,- a groceryman of Salisbury, made an1 assignment Tuesday naming Mr. John -M. -Julian as his as- . .. ... . . , i ;m Bignee. Everything - was surrendered tor the payment of hia creditors. The amount of indebtedness cannot yet be xtold. (. ... , The big Confederate bazaar to be held in Metropolitan 'hall, Raleigh, from -January i to the 28th promises to be a .great success. f It Ai for the benefit of veterans who cannot, although deserv ing, be admitted to the home for the lack I of roonvand mooeyll & Jr. The Tobacco Plater's Guide, a book on the managemenit of tobacco by prac tical planters and experts, and compiled ty H. D. Harmon, editor of the South em Tobacco Journal, at Winston, N. C.,. has just been issued hy Messrs. E. la. " and J. ! A. Meadows. f 'l The two years old child of Henrietta - Jjee, -colored, was' Choked to death Mon day morning about 10 o'clock. It hap pens that the woman wenit out and left w 'the child In' "the room eiting some bread and when she returned it was dead, aa a result of being choked to death oh a piece of bread. Winston- Journal. . . . . j . . . i . - The Evening Telegram of the 9th tells of a most' Wonderful feat of hypnotism . performed in Greensboro. ' Reliable citi zens, including representatives of the press, witnessed as-followed - A man took' a "needle, got into a hack and drove . about a mile and a quarter,- then placed the needle behind a tree in an out of the way place and returned by a different . 1 roufce.vThe subject was then blindfolded .rtand put into the hack and given the adnes.' The man that placed the needle was kneeling! with his hands resting on the subject's ehoulders. By this aid alone he drove ba: horse aright to the nearest :-pbnfcr-' then' got out and proceed- ed to the place, a.nd with. , little delay -foundvttiei needleiand; returned by the very way the hiding party went '. .1.- J". yn-,1 :v.r. . 1 - A Special to' yesterday's. Raileigh News "and 'Observer from " Guilf says: Mrsc Nancy Welch, a most excellent white widow dady, mother of five chil dren, residing about three, miles from Harper's cross roads, in Chatham coun ty, va.s outraged and murdered about $ of clock, yesterday afternoony Henry Jonec, a black negro. Jones was a iles- nn "Hotn my wife and myself have been : . B ! H HAS! ! A K W r-lllrt .V.. V.. ' r. ' meaicuw we nave sver naa In the noase. ' Last . - nmn hit nuo niu inuuo Wlin DeiOACnfl TOT two days, she tried someof tout CASCARETS, A and they relieved the pata In her head almost luuueauHeiy. . we ootn reoom mend Case areta.f! 4 OSSl-V "ZH QHAS. SrSDSTOBD,-if ? r , w wyv, I ibWUUltil f ft. - Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Tatte Good, Do Good, Never Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c. 25c 50c ? CtJRE COWSTJPATIori. S :.. - SUrUaf KMMdr CMqiur, CMofrS Sr Tm 817 f O.Tn.n h ft 8014 n tnaranteed bjr all drug 4 - U"0AVl gUu to UUJi(rtacco Habit. l l V J J CATHARTie - X TSADI MARK MOIfTIKCO rjjf perate character, . about 25 yeare old. Mrs. Welch had been visiting her son-in-daw's Mr. .Jones, and as she did not return home at-night search waa'jmade and Jier.ibody' oundahoiijti fiftyf yards from the public road ait 9 o'clock .with her throatf cui. The alarm'was given, search made and the negro found at hLs home,' near Richmond. - this, morning about 3 o'clock. He confessed" nie guilt, and was carried back to the seen? of the murder and hanged by an known v party of about fifty, was found this morning:., . , - - -t . -. . r '-. .. " f V On Tuesday sight' a young man of Canhonville, named . Boyd Gobble, went to', the general delivery window, of the postoffice and . called for eighty-five cents worth of "stamps", handing a rag ged; worn 'out bill to Mies Ella Biume, who ; attended to - the window. : Miss Blume hesitated about the bill. ' Chief of .Police Boger was standing near and was called to examine it. The bill is a one dollar bill wltlr-ciphers adjoined to the -right of the figure "1," representing it to'be a $10 hill. It is badly worn, and Is a'jsrery good deceiver to one not paying close attention tor it. After looking on Who ha been nominated' by President ; i , r dlnBiry and plenipcentlary to Great Britain. ; 7 . Mr. Choate's political career practically began in 1856 when he took the stump for Fremont. . Since then, he' has been known' as an, afdent republican, .thoifgh he has1. never held office. At times he has not been tin touch with the party organization. Mr. Choate was president of ' the state constitutional convention of -1894. From 1873 to 1877 he was preeadent of the Union League club of New Tork city, of which organization" he ljad always been an active and influential member. The present name of the law firm of which Mr. Choate is a member Is Evarts, Choate one side it seemer to-bea ten dollar bill but no sooner, than ft is turned oyer the scheme - is easily detected. As: to whether the young man? Is guilty of any offense will be a case for the next feder al court at Charlotte. In some ways it smt that the younjr man is perfectly yUmocerat, while ; there are reasons for a diffrenf befief.-oncord Standard; The Washington Post has the follow -ng statement from Greek O. Andrews, of jRaleigh, who it ls alleged attempted suicide- lnr Washington a few days agoi "I was returning to Greensboro from New York. From Greensboro 1 intend ed going .on to' Raleigh after spnding a day or two with my, family. My father and mother live in Greensboro. I was unta a few months ago president and general manager vof he Raleigh Post. During my stay in New Y6rkwJiere I was for ten day, I was attacked wfth grip. I had a serious case of it. . Upon arriving in Baltimore I went Into a hos pital where; rejn3ried for several days. Then lf came-on . to Washington, tmtend- Ing to Mayerea" 'day or two to coim- plete oinja- usmess, - axrangemeats. I etoppedtheHotel Dunbarton Sunday afternoon -'"-WJiu tWP-'.0'. take a nap in tbjt rbom I 'discovered that there was an?odor oT gas aibout me. lit. d)id not oc cur to me, -however, - that it .originated from the jet In my .room., I paid no at tention ... to Jl and fell asleep. I must have remained so for some hours. r i did not i know tihaf'the room was filled with gas till I was aroused by' the door being forced. I. was quickly removed in a dazed and seml-tiniconeictous condi tion to the Eimex-gehcy 'hospital where I was ;soon resuscitated by good treat - i AM URE llLlEi IE CLAIR'S FAMOUS f REitCI1 1 REMEDY Rev-ergons;; i X f if " -rt-t irr-r , - f i t ENDORSED DY THOUSANDS )f ladies as s periodical teguktor widvoat am eqnal ioccssful when Cotton Root. PeD ayroyal, Ergot.etc.-' lave proven worthless; 95 tworeeat stamps bringtftria.' jaeidafev and coavinceatlie iabfet tkeptical of their pon ierf ul properties,' Send 4 cents in stamps f orpampble, r aiftingyaable informatiwi foriaies; Addres. JiClX ta t Pi u. Co.. U. S. Agen's. -Bostoiy Mass -. nth trial package., - "- - - t i ' FOtt IN ABHEVJLLI3 BY r Gk KATSOR. l i'ATTON AVe on n a Is caused by torpKl Iivef, which prevents dises-. 6Ibyturikl Iivef, which prevents dl tioriand permits food' tq fermeutand patrify in; 1 3ic,-n 9 insomina, nervousness, and, , If nbt reljeyed, biliouSifeTer j O or Wood poisoning. Hood's I 1 M i I PHI stimulate th stomach. u U U reuse r4he: Bverr eure TieatlacMfagssTco!? stlpataon, etc 2S cents. Sold by all druggists. The only Pills to take with Hood's 8arsaparifla. meat I did not Know Jiaui I was. in. formed at' thex hospital 7 that my room was full of gas, and that I had so" nar rowly escaped : asphyxiation. I did not turnio the gas and eaaanot imagine; how tie jet1 was opened. I never in my life contemplated suicide." , CRAIG'S MASONIC SPEECH In 4he report yesterday of the meet ing of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons at Raleigh Y6ef Post of that city saye: "The gem of ,the.vening was the an- TMcKinley to be ambassador extraor- & Bearman. A-'. nual address by Grand Orator Locke Craig. For . pure Masonio wisdom, eloquent language and brill iamt or atory, the address could not have been surpassed Itv was 10 o'clock when Mr. Craig ookthe floor, and at no time did the assembled Ma sons grow uneasy,. . but were capti vated with his eloquent and thrilling flow of oratory. When tie closed the breathless silence was broken by round upon round of applause. Upon motion the Grand Lodge, expresed. its thanks ,-- to Mr. Craig for his address and ordered that it be printed." ELECTION LAW COMMITTEE. Specjai to the Gazette. i Raleigh, N. C, Jan. 12. The house committee on election laws has appoint ed Mr. Stubbs (chairman), Charkson and Winston a sub-commit! tee to con fer with chairman F. M. Simmons and draw an election law.. The committee favor the Tepeal-of .all existing election laws first, so thatr the supreme court Will hesitate to declare the new law uncon stitutional, because then there would be no law. The state -election wiM be in August or September, when farmers are at-leisure. Ladies' Overgaiters, twelve Inches long 39 -cents. G. A. Mears & Sons. Ladles and gentlemen's $1 overgait ers for 50 cents. G. A. Mears & Sons shba store. Ten ; dozen; buy them while you can get them., , G. A. Mears & Sons' shoe store. rLaddes . Starp per cent, of cost, and Sons. Seamless All sizes. Slippers. 1 G. A. Mears Record of Life. Polic- Nor 229 880 ISSUED BY The . Northwestern Mutual life Insurance Co. . May 4, 1891; t age' of 45, on the life of R. U. Garrett'-of Asheville, N .C. Amount bjStied $10,000. Annual, premium $384,60. Divi dends .applied fo;rdiifev cost. . -Ji-;--- ;-tr. KijjttrJt 'tii'V-rt . Tear; - . , . Cb v t : - Payment. Cash 1891 ', i 43S4 0 1892 - e 1 . . w 95 105 7 108 60 220 JO 1U 80 118 80 e 278 "90 1835 ... 1898 .... 276 00 .... 1S3 90 . .. 272 80 260 80 e mi 1897 1S38A ..... Double.dlvldend. TTbe dividends are more than even pronilsexLRt XT. v Garrett, t 1 ivA u u u u (in i o LEU 1 : H mt0VIiT SQUARE If! M vSANTJAdO v IJissionary Says- Vice Ragek ! Cuban City. ft - Says Our Soldiers are Continuosly Drunk and Disorderly. Says Cuban Children are : Being Con .'t&niitafed&t'Gener'obd Seeds. New York Sun, Jan. 12. Hour Si. C. C. Astwood, formerly United States con sul to San Domingo aodBOK mission ary of the A. M. E. church toCuba, is ini town. Mr. Astwood established the first Protestant church -upon - former Spanish territory, -having just organized a-Spanish Mi -IS. church at Santiago, and he ha eometo New York for the purpose of receivting inistructions from the missiicwiary board of his-church as to the further prosecution of his labors in Santiago. He has been in consultation with several of the bishopg! who are now iii this city, and be and they are elated over the prospect for the spread f Af rican' Methodism in Cuba. . The ex-consul general was born in the West Indies and speaks Spanish flu ently. He said yesterday: "I left here August 11 on the United States transport Yale, in. company with the Eighth Illinois colored regiment. On landing tin Santiago I was appalled at the scene. The awfulness of the af termath of war was still apparent. The frontage of the harbor and the confused streets reeking with filth tseemed like the slums of darkest America. The innumerable drinking saloons were filled with the rabble.' Soldiers intoxicated, armed and unarmed, white as well as black, filled the streets. The poor Cu bans, not a single one intoxicated, as I could observe, but half starving and diseased, begged for alms by the way. The sick, the maimed, the halt and the lame seemed to throng the thorough fares as they did dn the days of the Master. The dead house filled up daily and it wad heartrending .to witness the condition of the people. ' , "Profanity and intemperance are the greatest evils that our civilization is teaching fin Cuba. The poor Ittle Cuban boys and girls are being contaminated by the fearful condition of some of our men. Decent Cubans are horrified, and lived imprisoned within, their homes, leaving their countrymen to be judged by the rabble that mingles with our rabble. Generals Lawton and Wood are good commanders, but they seem ig norant of thes suroundtnge.' The reports coming 'to them from- their staff officers are conflicting- and the heavy military duties devolving upon them make it impossible for these two competent men to - be advised . of the real condition of affairs. They are being prejudiced against the Cubans and their ability to govern themselves by the element which favors the abaorption of this splendid island and the stamping out of independence. Means must be placed at the disposal of Governor Wood to;es- tabllsh a civil government in Santiago, manned, by the intelligent Cuban; ele ment. 'there, to organize the courts of justice, open up the schools" and let ed ucation, morality and justice take the place of license, immorality and profany' Ity. .We have led. the Way for a glorious future in the evangelization of Cuba, Other Protestant, denominations must soon follow."; CURE OF CONSUMPTION if. x ' I ? 1 .y 1 A At Dr. Preston, Specialist Invites lion to His Successful. Treatment. Why not be cuired of cotasumpitlicm and return Ito your famiiliy and home. "With alii the oiUier niethodls "used you can onuy be Wreated, not culred.:. Do you wiawt to be traa(teld, or dk you wini to be cured or your msease. ur. Jev&mm is net uj - ferlhg cyou a mew. ufctoried remedy. He a new, cured hJs ftaslt case w;thtfflt five yeaira ago. He has bill aUctog- Isince then been labile (to cutre those in ithe fiiriSt amd. second eitages, and the riniy onies he ever lost were ;tthkse Ifcn' Sine, (third tageis. During (the., pas! six monldhs he has perfected his demedy ir far that he dam! cube even those ffln the- 'tMM atagte... .His plan of itting-.conisumpftloini 4s ai common. -fenke one.' In ooideb too' priove (that "his-remedy Is not only not Injutriousa, buit thaftithey .will begin to dmiprove, tajtoogt trfom aom 'mencemen't the" wfiSL g&ve ltf Itfleatmen'ts free ot chafige,'wliiich turer glveaby fii jctinig the medicine under ithe skin ione teach dav fT 21 darvsl The blood is keM otodghly 'feacur&tdd "dtartng :tBid itime, and ailil ither-gernas are dtatoyeia. The docrtJdr win 'glive you the itoies of some of Sihoise he hiaa"Cuted, so you can invei-fcig&te.- dther dsocttopris wfiEi "dlilscouraige yiou and try 8o ke5p you from taking- ithfs fcreafcrnienfti butt you will understand why. Wihfloh. one of I thera wSIIl giv you : 10 trda,tmeinill3 IWeev an iordier -to pirove wihat he dan do? Dr. Pre&tcto's offices laire in the Sohdley TblockTlrlooma ' afid"Fr t'cor ner Pat ton avenue tamtl (Thurch Street. Ootnsulta'tion freeC x ' T i - AN D L1VFK j, TROUO CES . Ohttdireas Winter Shoeev 5 to 8. 60c, at , Aieare ana eon tiaoe Etore, ; 4, -DeWUt'srWitch, HazeL Ssxtv Ladles Felt Shoes. All sizes.. Lace 0 Li I I i JV 11 If 7 Arexsaflcring with Vmy diseaso of the Kidny. J gZS Bidder, orvyrinaryibrgans-r. David Kennedy I ctts&L cases that tiria end they are t . -c iwinK ...v..- . .... j . Jl'-" postoffice I CITY MARKETS. Prices to consumers: FRUITS. " ' ' Lemons, 25c to 30c. dozen. Pears, 20c. to 40c; doz. Bananas, 25c doz. - Apples, 80c. to (1.20 fra. Grapes, 25c. basketT PROJDUCEL Geese, 12 l-2c. to 15c ' Ducks; ' 3c : eac5r. Turkey 15c. to I8e" ' - Eggs, 18c. doz ? r CMckens, dressed, 48c. to 80c. each; Butter, country," 20c.' pounds cream ery, 50ct.. poundi .I .--9. -i'l:1? MEATS. VeaH, 7 l-210c: -r - ' Roasts, 1020ctpotind. - Ham, 20c. pound; Lard; 105. pound. -Dried beef, 20c. pound. - LamJ,-910cu pound, w .. - 1 Sausage, 10012 l-2c. pound Bacott, ldc. TJound.' ; - A. Steak, 1020c. pound 1 -.- . Muttony 810c. pound. Hogsbead dhteese, 810c. pound. . . .... VEGETABLES. Spuash, 5c to 25c Onlonsv 5c. quart. ') Parsley, -5c. buncb. Cabbage, 510c head. , : .. . Celery, 5c. bunch. -Radishes, 5c. bunch. Butter beams, ; 10c. quart. Sweet potatoes,. 1020c. peck. String beans, 510c. gallon.' Irtelv potatoes, 20c. peck, r K Cajned tomatoes, 1 ttZQl&c, can, Pepper, 10c. dozen. . FISH AND GAME. ' Perch,, 1912 l-2c. pound. Drum, 10012 l-2c.. pound. King flshi, 1012 l-2c. pound. " FJtoimders 1012 l-2c." pound. Sheepsh-aad. JLOc. pound, Red iSnoper. li l-2c! pouud:" ' : Speckled trouti 1012.l-2c. pound. Black bass, ,12 l-2c. pound. . Blue fish, 10c. pound. 'SaMT trout, 20c.' pound. - - - Oystiera, 8040o. quart. ' Quail, 10. 12 l-2c. each. Pheasants, 65075c. each. Clams, 15c. . , . - - - - Brptte. Bignatuxe. The Kind YoiKtn Ahea; ltreeta wftJi yo wnetlrar 70a eowtuw t tbm MrrB-iuunc tooacco nun, it vaviuu remores tne aestre lor tobaoco, one nerroua auirvw, tine, panses cue M tores ioc maaai makes tod strong- 1&,Ml000 andpockeVrfJV l llPiraTOBAC from book.- rmW f EmraKt m - drunzist. who euree. a irUl Tonch foru Take It with -Wttl,patintiyv peretetenttjr. One Z Rttawaiteed acnre.rweref udisniKT. Swritof BwHCe., eklge, HertwaU Mm SmL Bali S r4 6 Pfttton Are Anyone wishing- to put steam heet , thei? buUding could not d better than - ' -r, r . 'rr r But yon must have? experienced work mett'to do? the .work,- and we are conn dent that we can please youv-- ..- . Ball & Shepher d?, . PrlONE S&. . The only New TorktaQor to khe city. The finest.- line of goods In the cfity all ttie newest .noveiDtlee for gentlemen's clothing-. The only store &a the dty that makes clothing- to order exclusively. , ;(r r Save your- money. and yomr clothing; to hkvethehi cfleanjed, pressed and 'repaired, Aljvorgiaranted,;,, f, : (SEIlTirarirfTailor, f ' ' w 1 "Si Ga 'mv c S MXL Ttl U B ILLaOO box rM2sVC bordered on tiMpfniraculohsi I..ScWy!Wmenanddmen otixiahility to how not compelled to get tip often and make water at night It remqvea the scaldineeniation in jmu, waen lascn accorcung io directions, if - "' ' if .w v& .... uu UftCC. Favorite Remedy not only cures Stone in the Bladder and Bright s Disease, but prevents them from deVeloping. , ' i " ; One case is that of JomrJ. Nxnx, of son North Eighth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. In 1889 hebegas to suffer indescribable inieriet from Stone in the Bladder. An eminent physician said a surgical operation was necessary. If. unsuccessful it meant death, and Mr.Neill put off the erifdayas long as possible. While in this frame of mindhe -heard :';of Dz. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, and bought it.. Befor xe had finished the third bottle the gravel was completely dissolved and bj' sufferings were at an end. Favorite Remedy is a perfect Blood and Nerve medicine j It restores the liver to a hiltir i condition, cures the worst cases of Constipatioo, ' and all diseases peculiar to females. It cures Scrof ula. Salt Rheum, Rheumatism. Your druggiu will sell you a regular full-sized bottle for $1.00, ISSmph Bottle Free. Those sufferers who wish to try Favorite Remedy before buying should send their full address to the Da. David Ksmxxdt Co- POaATioif, Rondout, N. Y., and mention this paper. A. tree sample bottle will be sent them prepaid, together with full directions for using. This is a genuine offer, and til our readers can depend upon it. , -- - Trade supplied by Dr. T. C. Smith. hu 4aieBstnle4 tea. tfcaMtfcfttlt la elaeit fob vorun'o WEAKWEtlEUe brenlsrltiei ana lirufOHia. It hM beooBie tke leedur remedy -- lot this elessef iBMblesteem wonasneJly semilsf, iiieeitili ,eniBc end looihisf iaieeaee pea tM menstraai orrsas. II ewei -'whitM'' sndfaluageftSiewems. ;-7 t stepe teodiaiiiMl telievee ma Airinv erscmeaey, and kelps se svaag esjMfsa late aomae for yssxs. It iBTleorsles. . faesa, I Waft ejtei esse. This greet r eessdj is eflsfef any woman sailer another alnsts wita serUia rsUst withia rsesht Wise of Cterdnl ealy costs $19 per bottle as year drag stors. . Jbr advios, in qases rmtirh tpweisl sarseWows, dM. rieiM tymptosia. Me " Ledtst' A&Uory JPeyui Niiiit,'7 THE DIXIE ? Restaurant and Confectionery! 36 South Main St. OysterB on the Mali Shell. Ojsteia and Game a specialty. Lunch Counter for IShort orde. ,We will serve you any thin, from a sandwich to a hotel meal TR Y US. Private Dining Rooms. i, THE OIXIE . - News and Opinion . - ... , OF -- I National Importance 'contains both. DaUy, by maiV - $6 a yeaf Daily & Sanday , by mail 8 a jee THE SON DAY GW is jti; gtt$t&ati Sun 1 Ne wsj 7-sr. perin-theworld. - Jfnce 5l'y mail $2 a.-yew oc. a copy. AddrewTHE SOT, NftF.-orfe. Old Papers Clean and nnmr.tilated forf is at the Gazette Publication Offll by the Dound or b v the hnndreC tnetsedejid eelafal mtnttrBsUsm For Chsate Vf life it is the kssi medicine) msd. Is is bsasflslsl US.. UMr-JH ; fa esstf Wbia af Caraal etbasM I lita af tfee waste ass tt aaUfab; I ' 5HE SON r it H ? "lt)vcs a HuKdrid'Gbils. 7 fit ail. Cor; Haywood and College Sts. 1 4 -C M 1;' V- V -f- '1 v... V lit r1 is'1