THE ASIIEVnXE GAZETTE, JANUAXii THE GAZETTE. ... -; . Af2IEVTIL2, ; N. X -V . : Poblistcd Every Mondn mm JLSHEVTLLE GAZETTE PDB- A' - LISHTNQ COMPANY. B ITOBTON. erMidamt. . ; 3UB8OKIPTION.RA.TE8: Daily. Eleven Weeks 1 C9 Tairv. One Month 49 Thdlv One Week ...... ...... ...... 15 Weekly Gazette On. Tear 1 00 lit - -m-mrr--:: , Q The Gazette's Telegraph- News Q - - -.V-- & ? 0 , Service SUt 'fxom the rlAfCaa iH ; - J ill; t Neway Bureau (New , Tork r ill --'M'SvU ' A- Vyi & Sun). . .; r w in r . r v : : . -lit Something New, 1899. ,!yHave 70U ever tried either af our. specialties, for chapped hands and face, Camphorat ed Witch HalMCetn apd Floral Lotion? ' They 'are all we claim for them, Delightful Preparations. " Everj hbttle sold under Guar antee. Call at our store and ;,let U3showvthem to yo 1 and give you Free Sample- : There is nothiug in Ashevi.le that can equal them. v PELBAM'S PHARMACY, j" 6?le Jlaoufacturers, -r. 24 Palfon Avenue. : THE Cut liate Druggist. A woman In Battle Creek, Mich., is on Hal for feeding glass to her husband. The testimony bore out the presumption r thai he died in pane. ' . If Emperor Willie doesn't take, a, reef '-' In hia Philippine aspirations, he'll wake up eome fine morning to find Germany '. annexed to thie United States. 1 r We do not believe Norwood will con tinue his coolest for the judgeship from which he was juetljr deped. If he does the matt.ihouid bw.prompUy settled ujr ma liuueacmneni. t Robbers at Ash burhham, Mass., en tered the First National bank, blew the safe 4o pieces and made off with $1,300. 'YBut they left behind $20,000. The way of the transgressor 3s hard. ' - We have heard ft said that Judge Brawley wali not probably preside at the trial of the bank officers here next xnionth, because he come -way, occupies the relation of a creditor; to the defunct bank. " - t- - The court of appeals of New vTork has affirmed the judgment of the trial court sentencing Mrs. Place to death for thie murder of her Stepdaughter. The , question Uow which confronts Governor Roosevelt is, Shall a cut. to death in the electric chair ? . ; . - -A Chicago man of the name of VSross , . says he and not Rostand wrote the fa- ' mous play, "Cyrano de BeTgeriac.'' In " view of the fact that the5 Chicago man has spent most, of Ms life peddling wheat this would appear to be a?GrdS libel on Rostand. But who ttose ? - ' Senator Foraker, the mouthpiece : of - McKlnley, hastens now - to declare " that the admhiistration doesn't mean to hold the Philippines permanently but " only until, they, can. set along withoui . :. , us- When' one picks up- a real hot pen- -ny there Is only one thing to do drop :-- it . The Sailor having phazed the Gentle man and beaten the Kid will now have a hack at- the .'Kangaroo. TWe- peace treaty and the Philippine affairs are .completely overshadowed : by specula tion, as to whether Sharkey will knock :the Freckles off Fitzsimmons or receive 'a prod in the Solar Plexus that win prove the Grand Finale of ' his aspdra tions. - ."A bill bas been introduced, in tne leg islature to prevent foreign corporations from transferring suits brought against them far the rfate courts to the federal courts. The bill provides that foreign, corporations doing husiness ia this state must 'become ' domestic corporations, either by a special charter granted by g ExeeptMondays will, on Monday, Tan. 2nd, 1899, have in display! a newand pret. ty line oimbrbiderjepHambnrg Edging andln8ertiDs,4Naia eook Ed'nga' and? InserdDsi; 8wiss Edgings and Insert ingsj Hamburgi Nainsook anUS wiss lU Also Hana-inade and acbine.Torchons k ; ; ; V " Hemember, all winter goods at giat reductions, ; T FOR SALE- A Boiler Top to.-" Tutt's Liverflls keep;the,how eis in narurai monpn ana cleans- -: the system p tall impurities jA: absolute cure for sick headache : dyspepsia, solirrstomachjCt?n stipation and kindred diseases "Ctm't do without them". R; P. Smith, Chilesburgr Vi writes I don't know how I cocV do without them. I have Liver disease for over twcir' years, 'Am now entirely cure . .. j-. - Tutt's Liver 1 the general assembly, or incorporation under , the "general law of theMstate. it may be questioned whether-sueh -iegia- lation would be constitutional. The meeting of the Aeheville bar, which is advertised to take place to- . ... morrow wall be, one of impontanoe. Among the questions likely 4 to. be" dis cussed will 2e the estabfishment of more- jrfdiclal districts and ; th;ef provi sions - lor. ' additional judges. The Twelfth distrioti is especially interested In this matter, as under the present regime there is an interrugmim be tween courts in some of the western counties much to the inconvenience of attorney and litigants.' SPAIN WILL PAY RANSOM Rios Instructed to Treat with AguinaWo-Neutral in Case of Trouble. , iVt&drid, Jan. 12. At. a cabdnet opuncil today ' Premier Sagaetta. explained the measures adopted conoernicg the nego tiations to tecur9' the ? release of the Spaniards held prisoners by the Fili pinos. Public opinion.; is excitted, it, be ing feared that the prisoners will be held after the t,reaty is ratified, t General '; Rios has ' been instructed pay to the rfebefe a reasonable rlarjisom. - instructions wenevalso cabtedhat the Spaniards were to remain nteiitral'ftf hps' tilities break out between the Americans and natives. SPANISH SOLDIER'S DEAD BODY FOUND In the Barracks Probably Deserted by Comrades. Havana, Jan. 12.The twov American soldiers who rati amuck yesterday, as saulting, shooting .1 and robbing, have been : arrest ed by "order of tb.e secretary of war. The corpse of a Spanish soldier has been found in the barracks on Com poetella etreet. The man had been dead for eight daysU'' . It is believed that when the Spaniards left they abandoned him. CONFEDERATES DON'T WANT PENSIONS Another Army Post Renounces Sen; ' 1 tor Butler's Bill. little Rock, Ark., Jan. 12.-Omer R. Weaver. Camp tof ex-Confederate veter ans of this city adopted resolutions to night favoring the proposed plam of gov eminent assistance in caring for the graves of Confederate soldiers, but -relative to pensioning the ex-Confederates passed the following resolution: "We regret ;to hear jof any proposltioQ implying that it is our degire to add the names of any of our comrades to the pension list, for such a desire does not exist among our rankxand file. . , LA B0URC0GI1E TO. BLAME. London, Jan. 12. The admiralty cfourt today tfound that the Jja Bourgogne of Campagnle ' Generale I transAtlantique was alone to blame for the collision with the British c ship Cromartyshire July 4 last, near . Sable island, 'off the coast of Nova' Scotia, resulting Sn tbJe sinking of the steamer and the? loss of over 600 lives.-;-' Desk and an Iron Safe. t f r rTweifly Years Proof. it t ft- I TEEtRIFPfC GALES I F J G n E Af R it ft I fi - ' j - ' s-v- .- ,,: -.' f . Much Loss'of cLife Feared; Train Blown from Track. LfOndan Jan. 12. A fierce - westerly gale prevailed ovtr;ihevBritis isles to day. It is feared that when telegraphic -. . ... ..... communication has been established it wil be1 learned that there Was bee& much lags vof : life. . Ah-eadyi reports f isolated deaths have been received, it is reported that a railway train in the west was blown from the rails. - THE QUAY fP f Oil . Ill EARNEST Senator Cciifdent of Eis Ee-lection and Zis Enemies are Perplexed at v is Attitude. Harrfeburg,' Jan. Senator J Quay returned to Washington ''after making t&' X5ohfldent Statement that he Would win Ms fight lor re-election. , On the surface his declaration .ap- pears to be utterly without basis but he has come through so many tight places that even Ms enemies arte perplexed at h9s confidence. ' ';, - .. . The anti-Quay men assert most posi tively today that Quay is down and out. A hmg deadlock is inevitable unless Senator Quay gets democratic support and the democratic leaders say this id impossible. Quay and Jenks were formally nOrftin- ated in the legislature today, and the antf-Quays put e4gW,ham6s in nomina tion to avoid showing thfeir hands.. THE DREYFUS CASE DISTURBS DEPUTIES Stormy Session Held But Before Ad journmeiit a Tote of Confidence was Passed. Paris, Jan. 12. The ohteumber of depu ties held a stormy session, today dis cussing the latest phases of the Dreyfus case brought about by De , Beaure ptaire's. resignation, and his alleged dis closures, buJt befiore adjourning until Monday the chamber expressed cttpfijku denoe in the ministry by a vote of 2 to 124. Gents' woolen, cashmere and gloves at Mefers. kid It nevr 'sticks to the lronsr-IUastlc starch. HEADQUARTERS FOR Fruits and Produce, Jugt received, a large consignment of IRISH POTATOES, CALIFORNIA ORANGES N. C. GUEEN APPLES N. C. SUN DRIED AP PLES, Etc., Etc. 39 South Main Street. fehowina o That Whitman's Chocolate Creams at 20c a pound are as good as any 40c , chocolate creams solSJ This; saves you 20 cents on every pound you buytL We have a fresh ship ments. VTiy not buy a pound. rtS 4 V'' HAULING. Traasf er'and Bitege;?piamo and v V- mhvmg.V Furnit ' s Aor.MpmeniU .Storage 39 Col- ' v - - - v "r 4,''r This is worth 1 : THREE 2- ?4. ; j;TOyrimTa Book'Store? s S Why 4Titt'iway;'from a Bookstore? Why s i it impossible tQ',aky;fdm a Book Store like If you will corne ihsi4e answerjttemselYes. REPAIR PACK MOVE SHIP STORE MAKE LAY MAKE HANG Respectfully; Furniture, Big Bargain in Bleached Cottons. is ti REDWOOD CO. . - - Clothing, Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Shoes, Hats, and But terick' Patterns. t -ia -3S- A'shevil (INDEPENDENT ) EndoreeCby Abbeville Board of Trade, Rates for Business Phones I Rates for Residence Phones. $24 Per Year. $16 Per Year- T 10VEE 4D0 PHONES, Temporary Office, Barnard Bmlding. W. S. PROCTOR, Supt Amgmsta; IBrewimg Go's t THE FAVORITE BEER OF ASHEVILLE Orders will be filled for Bottle Beer ifjletr at or phoned to Halyburton & Co., Frank O'Donnell, C B. Mclntyre, Pat. Cair. Swannanoa Hotel Co., and Pat. Mclntvre, Acrt. Augusta Breyine Co. iiuuiuiiUttiiuuiuiiuiuiuiuuutmiuiuiaiiuuuiiUiiiiu&! 1 : W;TIC! d2 3 On and af ter Monday January 9th, we will S 3 receive the Advertising Journal Company's - E 3 Periodical tickets on all cash sales of station- E 3 ery, as well as on job printing. S 3 This, coupled with! the fact that oriration- S S ery is from 20 to 50 per cent J loyrer than the S prices usually charged, will no doubt prove good sr news to the ladies of Asheville. e - - sr ASHEVILLE t 4 N. Court Sq.9 Gazette 2 ; ' ' P. S.t We have; just I S ! . 18 South tldn Street. my store these questions will V' YOUR FURNITURE YOUR FURNITURE YOU R FURNITURE YOUR FURNITURE YOUR FURNITURE YOUR CARPETS " CARPETS " SHADES " SHADES Willian Co. Carpets, &c. 16 PATTON AVENUE. SUNDER CONTRACT. PRINTING CO. 4 1 Bid ' , received; another V ship- ; 3 Telephone Co r'0rti,Qk XL Xi v V- made sto prter,;, tfjb Jiaye a competant arearaaker who wfll fit you to perfae tftxu vrOur-prices are low and we aotee aatkfaotlon. vVisit our .factory; the people we employ and laapec mx work. Then give us an order. Skirt Mfg. Co., Pattern Ave. and Cou t Square.! ;;Sortwi & Collins Wdnt everybody to know that i tbey keep the best Beef, Mutton, Pork that can be bought. Also Chickens, Eggs ami Vegetables. Corner East and Seney Stmr. PHONE 327. You must Stop and c nider these twe things: one is a good Watch the other a Ring. Q5 We carry an -extra large line of botb, and lake pleasuie in showing them to everyone. b: H. COSBY. The Reliable JeweTer, 37 Patton AvEimc The burning question still, with some,, is,' ''where can we get the exact goods we want f ;r the least; money? Now, if you can't fully believe yonr friends (for you all have friends trading with ' iw) try n next mo uth and we wil ausw- r your question. Respectfully. H. C. Johnson Co, 36-38 Norh M -in t. PHONE 188. Filling aa Order for Breakfast That win tiemit taiie mcot coquettish ap peftate, we always aim to do to cutting' ouir choice loins, ifba or steaks from prtme juicy, native or Swift & Co'a. western dressed meats. , Try a brace of our succulent lamb or mutton chocs, or one off our tSd-bfts of tender beefsteaks. They will give you the vitality Co re sist colds, and the energy that a business man needs. - ' - .: . P. ZHIMERUANN, Phone 4. ; City Market THE CHEAPEST For Sale Through ALL COAL' DEALERS A I I A T-r si . c " at if V, 1 ri i ,BON M ARCHE ALL GROCERY STORES i - tt'-