PORTO RICO as MR. POWELL SEES JT 1 V writes Denoior rntcjiara .Regarding ; the Kin&'of Government Needed. Gazette Special oCrrespondence. ard . lias a letter from George S. Powell datedt Poncfe vPorto ; Rico in which he glvea a full description of that island. Mr. PowelleaJfiJehintoS9lt : would be of nefW; to Setiator-Pritchard in. determining th ind of anmimi beet suited, t!jfi$ple. He says: - v 'I find herefeebple who .have- heett governed by thgon and degpot hand oZ Spain for soii&thling' like f our-'4inn- in i s . "v-t-4 rM n T-ycji TkriKTMirniTi fir i ri--7 r s- ignorant and iady opinion incapatJie of Tei-g,avernineni3t their present dondf tlrTJi QC course there are educated, re fined' people here but they are divided into factions which fight each -other at everir opportunity thereby minimizing whatever influence for good they might have. The masses are very childish and easily influenced. Naturally, they are mot at aU vicious. The common, people : nave great respect for the, United .States, 'but I am sorry to say that for many reasons tbJis is being lessened. Among 'the business men there is a deep feeling X -of' unrest and jdisBatisf action caused, it is said, by the uncer,taiiiity of the money and tariff legislation for the island. A& sded to this, however, is a feeling of prejudice and jealousy against Ameri . can, competition, which they see must, X in the nature of events, be met. The "present custome! laws are wholly in the - interest of the large' Spanish firms here, almost entirely shtrttin: out American .goods and. American competition; and . Jf Americami "are tri havA anv showine here ; these old musty Spanish , laws should be repealed at once and Ameri . can goods admitted free. The money question Is a knotty one, I should judge, though it is one that should receive prompt attention n American capital : end enterprise are to be used in the de velopment of this "wonderfully rich and fertile island. If the present money .. line saiverTJesosj sajmoxoe eiuDatitutea by American money it seems to me our- government ought to establish a rate of exchange between this and our money that will not' fluctuate if it is possible to clo'sov' I realize that this' is a . difficult j tjueetion to Settle and old not see howit can weu oe aone x v civil government here is in many re- -.JiriiWifa. A- fo1iitA T KaVA anAnf .mnot ;xn"y timein the two principal cities, San Jnan and Ponces and -I find the eame -conninons existing 'in ootn oia s Spanishmunlcdpal civil government that i"1--.- " s 9.A. i . a t i -I i is an absolute farce. The whole thing -from secretary of state down to the re motet mundcipality is a -failure, and one does not -have to be here long to reach vthe conclusion that it is only a ques tion of time when the United States will I ; have to take charge of all the branches . . . A l . ot ,ine governmenx nere in oraer to Jiave good, stable government. I believe "this is the only thing that will satisfy the natives. As I stated before they are to divided by factions that it will be some time before they can' maintain a - government themselves. If the United : States will take charge of the civil gov s' eminent here, settle the money question, ' and repeal the customs duties on Amer- lciui gjMi iui win tsutJLi oe oue.oxuie - - richest Islands in. the -world. American - - ' ' - i ... capital and ettterprfee will soon make it wnax. ougm to oe an American isi i And.." 1 ' ' ' Mr. Powell contemplates remaining in v- JPorto Rico urittl Spring. ' 1 Dr. Fred C. Gray, of Philadelphia, a - practicing physician, will make Ashe vllle his home. W. A. H. 'iii(tititinrnMio nriitr arBiiwat . m n mm a . s a a a ru , .a. mm bb n a ra aw na a u n a II Hv I I 9 IV. tM I 9mf I V F ( mmtJ mm Jmm m 11 I F g Ll wasbangtoni, Jato. 12. The commiiffltee k. T i -m r aw . -f 1A j pomted to make preliminary axrange- . .menjtB coin fthe gnand peace dairnival to - ftiaike plaice tn rtihds city dwring May next. ' Secretjary McKean (to make a report of " ts progress and contender) future , plans. . The commattee is graaitlliy , pleaded with -'. hum - tmwucrojcvsiiitnsi, , Ktveu uy iuue rTresi dent to theft movement tfor a carnivtaJI, and the enlJatment of his moim eunwrt ' ' a counlted upkm to add to the success of the .undercaktog. The secretairy also reported that Inquiries had been re- : ceived frtn : persoin(s to otheri cities, , -wneoia rane ; pew 01 icne proposea carni- ' val thlad been ciliated, asking regard Ing thfe lirrangements and seeking other tn'fotrmatapn. fieui ti -J Yoa Haw Always BctigJt ' UmhrenrcJcjoveired -while ySaa,ynSt( D. BlanSton & Ooc hoe store.1 De Witt's : ' . The J "1 x &'frX THE CHEAPEST M USICAL WSmUMENTM We have them of all kinds and at -violins; Mandolins, etc. All-varieties Sheet Masio; Music Folios $nd Instruction Books. vvi Orders fCrTantog left at this viviji5y in c wiAiiu . ' s m cown irom Hickory. " JXJ ' CSaptain W.-'TB. Troy art-rvtekJi in twn from BSaifaisr, yessteirday- He leaves for bJis home today. ' .Cap'caJn Frank Jcudlaa lleft: for Swan nascloa yesteinday for di.few days' visit. T. Hardy Cttiiambeins s dill &t his home in , Wioolsey. " i Chai'iia: entered into a-part-juebrsjbjip w'.th-the lavr firm 6l Tucker nrl Miirphy. ,;-i3Che fiinttHwiil be kc:od(eas Tucker, Murphy and Curtis. .. .. i mi W: " Deiutr.ColI"i Itcir -JP T. .ibrr Hri- tuirriiid 'to;,his home in Newton, lN. C, ISxr Senator John A. Ramsey, wijohas eireVbbusiaiesB, iMtunne fiw his hjome in' Ealisb-uiry . yesterday mwh&rg. Mns. M. I. Leach latttrived heire yester day from New York, Ito join her husband at the Hotel Berkeley, for some time. Dr. R I. Wlfeom was in towai from CoopcjrS yesterday. He says ftihait twenty studlencs ait Farm, sdhool are laid up with la grippe. " , &4 ' ' . Ciaplikin J. IEJ. LawSom ha , 'flecovered fitom his reoem(t illness and bias resumed h3s rua to Columb,ia, S. C, on the South ern. James SkevenSicmi has (returned from Knoxv'iille. Judge H. B. Sltevlens returned from WayneBvMe last evening.---The docket of the Haywood cburlt was small am "was d&posed of by 1 o'clock yes'texiday afte.-- Mrs. Ohtarles W Bytrd anxS children have returned Iflnom WJaslton w.here ;thev htad beem cabled by the sickness of a rel ative. SS Robert SMprrmn, of the Biltmore es ttia?te, hks returned from a hunt li'n South CaroBnteu S. W. CarMid,la merdhant of Knox vUlle, Teton , is in the cOty. 3XS Misses Malry H. Chlniifty lamd EaviiJra H. CulbeHbsidn,, tflrorn dJnaegfe, Pa,,. arrived in the city yesltlelrday !Pcir an extended visSit. These young iladie are nieces of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Brawtai. Mists Christy wiM vlslit Miss BedJilAxn, No. 69 Chestnut Si&eeSt and Miss CUlbSertlstoy the Misses Brown, $Jo. 159 Norttlh -Mlalinl strtee. x Hoter Berkeley: J SSnyder, Vir-; gilnia; L. H Elsalst Aitlamta;- R. H. 'Mitchen, Bds'ton; D. H. Sdlonion, New York; J. B. Alexander, Chlairlotte, North Oaablina. - Swamnanoa ihatefli: F. D. Crtm and dSiughtier, Hot SpangsrHeniry Pember- Kqm,;. Chyttianoogai; Dr. S.. K. . Hunter, Chicago; Miss E. D. Gwelgory. Ft Smith, Ark.; iS. P. HMioway, Virginia; George Rods aintt A. H. Burgess,, New Tork. OaiplSalia Btntd Mrs. T. F. Houghton, have been called to Salisbury by the death of a near friend, Mrs. Henderson. Mrs. EUmter B--. Hkfehian is visfting her dister, Mrs. Anderson, 'ih Chicago. SxV. George H. SnMJhers bind Iawxenlce P. McLoud left ithhs mcsning for "Wiaymies- Mns. Fred Moore is VJsifting in. Web- Jesse W. D. Sbokely, who, has been visiting ttte bratlheir, Justice R. J. Stook eHy, left for Ma'bjolme fn"Del Rto, Tenn.. yelsteatiay. 11000 pairs Childrens Grain Shoes; 1 1 per cent of cost, G. A. Mean & Son Shoe Store. Ladies' Small Size Shoes. $2.00. $3.00 $4.00, we offer for $1.65, $1.90 and $2.15 These are of the best makes, 2 1-2 to 4 A. Mean aad Sons. Short Vamp Shoes, to vm cent lea Wat cftwt. ESzea 2 to i. O. Jdean ana Bona. NOTICE. I have Kwa aay sold my business to Mr. E. D. Keeting who will assume all' debte made agtattbst said business, on and atter Jasntmtry 1. 1899. Thanking my friends, and many cus tomers Dor - their khwi . pQltnonaige and and BOlicirt aconft!Inuanbe of - same for Mr. KeelBng. Respectfully. January 5.1899.: ' o r. W. (EJ. ALLEN. David Kennedvn CURES ALL KIDNEY, STOMACH trtB LlVtR TROUBLES. Artistic portraiture Our operator, Mr. White, har bad, sev- wi yairs expernence in laxKe cixv. exun dioe, and understands thoroughly how to" make good photographs. We are gaining patronage dally and permit ho work , to the.atudio that i nox am ngnx in every Teepeoc. ;-. .. , Re-sittings cheerfully given f when necessary, but this seldom happened i - We charge enough to afford to give all wotk our beet attention, but believe In noerai xreartrnent. if anv pert of our work 1b awt jtefttotwy-w our large photo of the; beautiful owainnanoa river wuere. i We use the amateur work as well as we do our own work. . -; . The, photo supply department carries everything needed by photographers; & reason Die prices. v Ray's Studio, 8 North Court square. MNU.DBa I overt all prices. . Pianos, Orans; Guitar of fixtures for musical instruments;" stor? will he donehy WJ&Rlt&Yt ..44 ikki W U are uneaqualled any same materials ' and do COLUMN MbC t L JLAN 0 US . Rrmd Ave uue and Bkaucery Park B&nk, an -t-n-veacpe marked, "TPcr deposut, Mlrs. A T. laasleir, containing check teigntd by Mfae. D- S. lawyer, fiimd $40 ai .cash. itne xt&zmn&'gmxiil& :wfafisecuTe sKoi-id avenue, I wanted To ibbdiln 2 roDm& fvrnisfced I suiaabile tor light housekeeping., Pre- - fc. r. on '? "n a sir tail novsa aiiu vix -other boa rderb f Have no lumg iirouble Adresb, FurtoEshed Rooms, 'cir0 tne MODISTE Mrs. MJ W. Fraser, corner Pine and College streets. First-lioss dresses made at reasonable prices. Also tea gowns, wrappers and dress ing sacks. ..... - wTfis mot? a WATtK Pianist and teacher in stringed Instruments, Vance street. 12 SOUVENIRS Ano all kinds of fancy paintings made to order. Pupils in crayon drawing and oil solicited. Miss Minnie T. Deaver, 25 Pine street, Asheville. tf ROBERT BROUN City surveyor and engineer, office Daily Gazette; resi dence, 55 Victoria avenue. HOARD IN ASflEKTI LI B . "WANTED Boarders. Very detfirable, 1 sunny and nicely furnished rooms, are mow Vacanlt at No, 58 Orange street. The rooms have southern, southeast ern, southwestern and (northwestern exposures, and open into large and comfortably heated halls. Pleasant service and good ...bW'td guaranteed. Persons desiring uch Jakmindfltion3 are asked tOvcall -afeidexamiine rooms for themselves. Terms, $7.00 ito $10,00 per week, accordimg to uoom selected. Pers'onts having tuiliercUJobis are not taken.- v WANTED A few bcairders in a private family. New house, newly tfurmdshed Eleatrik? lighjts, hot baths, northern ta ble. Five minutes walk from square. Address, Wanted, Care of the Gazette. 285-6'- i .. ; - n l ;-i-' BOARDINQ-Prlyate itmtry near square; terms reasonable. .Mrs. X. V. , Cole. 69 Spruce strt .. ': MONEY TO LQA.N. TO LOAN On improved ?ctty propertj $50Q"to $800. Address -with description jofroperty bw joatofice. UJCLF WANTED . f . "- WANTED. A min with dome capital to bJelp puJah the manufacture ot a feJia- Die arltffcle: big money . Address Mi Gazeibte. 292-6, f WANTED A srixl to do any kind of work in a small family. Apply at this office 289-tf WANTED A young whites girIi'ie4eTren or twelve years old, to help take care of a baby, and make (herself generally useful. No hard work. Address, . T. Gazette office. WANTED An intelligent young wo man. as soecial agent Salary or com emission. Enquire at mice. 95 coneg street, side door, between 10 a. m. an. 1 p. m., or 3 and 5 p. m. AGENTS WANTED Apply to the In dustrial department of Sun Life in surance comnany's office. No. 9 W. Court square, Feathers ton building. FOR BKNT. FOR RENT-One newAy furnished room 11.25 par week, with, use of batth; alao two unfurnished rooms, SI. 25 per week 1 with use df blatffch; will rtsnjt together if I desefred. Oercovkfh. 217 Haywopd St. . 1 292-3 FOR RENTNo. 1 Gray GabOes; Warm biriitck house. 6 rooms,, with tramge. Aoolv to A. D. Ckjonler. 292-6t: FOR RJJNT--One Uteunge sftore room un- deir iAHhevaite hto(m Apply to A. U. fTobneri 292-lm FOR RiENT At Wie low rate of $12 per month: reaadence, on Bmnrton ettreet; 8 rooms: larsre tot E. Coffin, corner Haywood and Wert College streets. 291-tf. -; FOR Rent All or part rf a flnetty ttur- nlshed house, one Mock from poatomce quiet localtlon; price low. Apply ito the Kiss-Me Candy Cp. iSor thent Futtifshed rooms with elecftrfc Ughw: hot farad com hatha; flres,'.etc. Apply to the Kflss-Me Can dy Co. FOR RENT--A cozy flat of 4 rooms and bath. iceJlcar. etc Newly furnishea. Cumbertand avenue, ben minutes walk from Court square. One block from sti-eei 'tare. Apply at 90 Cumberland ayemie. 288-6t FOR RENT Two twhi on first floor, will reint separate or together, furnish ed or Untfuraisbed. 38 Penlasokji street. TITO RQOMfioc Tenitfurnishted n- fzumi&nea; ntrar noor; uocaaon. ceu.uraa. B.v T.? rtaihe Gazette. f lw :OR RUNT JJewly papered nine-room ; Jwvutuad mflfK maYRieL lrnni "Po.n1l.Tirl trrert I i- rm-m. . tw . ... z I A4B01 several omoe wn eecuriu. uwr Gazetite buiMtog. Mns. C. B. Alvey oorner of College and "Vance streets. POR RENT-Two stores,, NOS. 31rinid 2T txh . Miii efxeet." ASHa several ae- .rfcJraMei rooms oii second floor above the , stores. . Apply fMt No.. 105 Soutth Main . - ; - i. J' J ' 1 ' . , ,' FOR "KlTt--Twrt- Abtfi.TifTrAt.ifs of four 1 hMhWieach.nziifumlls In a a sinrle uuw, nice ana sunny., hw ana coio I J. J rTmm m' ' ' a. 1..- x m - 1 -a... . O; 3D,. RevelV SI .Temnle1 Court, titilrd FOB. , RENT Three ; uflce . furnished -v zooms, .5 with - bath. ' room, complete for - ignv ODUseKeeptng. Also one furnish , ea q?artment, . tour xooras,- with - hot anfl cold tvTa.t)er and. range. O. Rev- , , v v t Z48-U hFOR BENT-Iront room, fl-rst floor. furnished or , unfurnished. 33 lar-treet, 1 - ' Pen- VOB SAXS. FOR, SALSrA fiaa drlvins horse, with or without buggy." For furtther Staitor-r maition, caHl at 12 ' Church street. 291-3t ; - V . , FOR SALEiMikeTr bath cabiret, for Turkish and Russian baths, to be tak-? en in ytour Voomi Ptrtce $5. The :at- est and best. ." A boon to mankiinid, tor full paifticulrs and examination of cabinet, address Miss Sutton, 243 Hayr wood street. 282-3m NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SAlS. Umder tasnd toy ; v&ttue of a power of ' salie in' a deed tof Urutdt contained' exe- ; cutfed ito lhje uhdeWsagned ,m jtrustee, bf J. F - Woodbulry, idialteial Deicembew 16, -1895,'iftti)d gMrea-the -16th day of January, 1896, In blobk f inkatgiages land deedatf trusfe Nla;40, ai; y ages 86lt, sea. , in,'he officeiof 'tthfiR.ferxJf Deecls of Buacbmbe county;; NwL'i ; Gaublin!af and dx vjrrtue or saia xiieeu o:,tru&c, icj?iiauit lWLVihg been .made in the paymehtis pi thte monieys secured by ial d' deed tit itrust bs well as 5h other pmo-- -'.km& coiiiiaonied; am saacu aeea oi irus: xne uaraer sigteBed twill tsSeU $pB&c-rX .- ''.at v'; public ialu.cltifin ail Ibhe court hior?e door in the city ofl Asheville, county of Bun combe! aind tstafbe off Ncirth Oaxidl'ina, to the hdghfesti' bidder, cm Salturd, the 11th diay ol? Febn'rry, 1899, the propfettTty conveyedi fcn ;the said! deed bf itjrus't , and which; i described theneJn m follows: "A p!ece or ptatrcel of land JtualtJe, lySbg and beanig :ln- the ci'tiyt of AshevECiLe, clMiintty .of Buticiombe and 0tlate of Ncirlth CaffOliaa; on -the "we'st sffde of Bailey -jsltweetj.- bounded amd mfcre ptaftic ulairty described ais follows: Begtomin at a stake, William Blaixton's coroiand runa' south wliith Ithe west edge of BlaJley sltreeit seventty-five (75) feet tto a dtake; thenete West one hunkJred latad fiHty (150) feet to a Intake; thence njorltih seventjr flve (75) fegiC Ito a'isiiake; thence east one hundred and fla?ty(50) feet to ithe be grrindng', St bemg Sxwf- No 2 of what is known tas Shelbypiairk, a ptait of wMch is rtegiStleT,e,d:-,rn. the office of thle Regl3 df Deeds ,'for-fBunaombe coun'ty, wh.ioh daM lclt No. 2 was conveyed ito the saH J. F. Woodbury by R. P; Foster at"d Dove H. Foster, 'his wife by deed exe cuted the 7th day of June, 1894, and xe oorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Buinootmbe couin'ty, in book of deedsNa -89, at pages 265, fit sea., n-ef ence "a whilch (said plat ainld sal'd deed 4s heiifeby exptresJy given for to more full and perfect description! of ithe land here by conveyed." TMs January 12, 1899. , THOS. A. JONES, Trusttee. CPrl-4w NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator the estate ofW. H. Sales, deceased, late a resident otf;Runcoijabe county, all' per son's hiaving claims Against 'the decedent are hereby notified to exhibit the same to sucK admiifetraJto or before the 6ch'day of January,' 1900, or (thts notice will be pleaded as a bar to the rtcovery theredfj ThSa January 5th 1899. JOHN A; BROOKSHIRE. AkJmtoisfcrator of estate of W. N. Sale3, deceased. 286-6wk TO WATER CONSUMERS. Thtib 43 a new year, tod new quarter -torpaymerst of watier petnits. The otty is compeslled to cuft down expenses. Therefore, I give you until January 15th s ;the flaal (day of settlement of water iax; iatKer thaJt time, ! wffll proceed to cut off the water used (by delinquents. and dJt wfH cosft you 50 cents extra when 'turned on. Now Dota.'t gelt worried, and abuse we for complytog' with the 'law, dux cone ana Betitae tfre the time given you. . Respectfully yours, x E. D. McCOLLUM. Wf Supt. 283-lOt Beware of imitations. Use Elastl starch. -Rock Ledge family, hoteleverythlns: era maniagement, is Bettdng an excellent ta&le, try it. Makes, linen look good as nw Elastic rtarch. No-To-Bac for Fifty Centa Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak men strong, blood pure. 50o, tl- All druggists. Babies Shoes, 20c to 25c Q. A. Means and Saons. Hill and Green'fl CnDdrea Sheet m cost. Q. A. Maars aad Sons. MILINERT. On FHday tod Satuxidtay I wiat sell trench feSt hits ait 25 cent, Mrs. Lon MltbheJL 291-2t . Dr. Geo. H. Lambert, VETERINARY STOGE0N. (Graduate of HcGill Univertity.r Ofiice Willow st. Phone 18 Residence 140 Chestnut st. Phone 284. Cattle tested for tuberculosis $5.00 a head. Herds at special prices. GRAND OPERA 'HOUSE, January 17th, SHE FAMOUS ADELAIDE and LEON Iresenjbinfi: . a marvelous program Magic, Mystery and Dance. I Wondrous Sleight-of-Hand and Sensational Illusions. ADELAIDE HERRMANN'S WORXD-FAMOTJS DANCES 'All new this season. " f . A Positive Sensation 1 I I'W - V; V TtVU 0rTho,Eesnrrectionof She.; The most Jdazzlingly bean tiful dance 'of the .present decadV.V r ADELAIDE BERUA1I1I m - MAGIC, Theonly Woman if axician in ; the world. ' errmaiins r:ilHAIRRJHJM-ir-,f during 1899 will be devoted v. ' best all - TWO f Forward, March !" Gavin Hamilton r' By KIRK- MUNROE ; 'J: By MOLLY ELLIOT SEA WELL is a ttory of a young hero with &oose- is a story of the time of Kine -... . veil's Rough Re. K Frederick the Great. r, ? SOMB SHORT STORIED ; m . auk mubeo , t A . SCOUTING ON THE PLAINS By " Buffalo Bill WOLVES vs. DISCIPLINE By Henry W. Fischek A OANDT AT HIS BEST By Julian ..Ralph B 1 2.- VWyS? vytus C. Adams M JJ'" A WAR By 5 (' ARTICLES ON SPORT AND TAVEt. These articles will be of especial interest to every live and energetic boy who 1 " loves adventure and out-door sport. ALASKAN FISHERMAN . - ARCTIC AYFARERS: By H. C. Jerome- By Cyrus C. Adams ART OF FLY-FISHING: TWO-FOOTED FIGURE-SKATING - v - liy K. C K-ENTii . , ' By w. 3. VAN T. Sutphrn TREE-TOP. CLyB-HQUSES,-: r BICYCLE POLO. Br Dan Beard THE EDITOR'S TABLE V THE CAMERA CLUtf STAMPS AND COINS v PROBLEMS ANDHjZZLES All sHl.ASceiT atfentitVs eaclf bpnth OJklR 10 Cents a Copy Subscription, SI olf o Fear Molly EUiot Sea-fell Address HARPER & ffl 2 Tanas reATrggDsrs wsig nBiisgap- IH.c.weiis jfr ILWChuBbefs Will continue to give week by week durine 1809, by means of illustrations and text, all the important news -of the world in a clear and concise manner. POLITICS rr.t,ART. Independent of parties, devoted to The leading artists of the eonntry good government, it will not hesitate , Will intribu$e . to the pages of the to approve or disapprove, whatever WEEKLY, as heretofore, making it the situation may be. Cuba and the .Philippines Special articles will appear on these two countries by Messrs. Phil. Robinson and F. D. Mlllat, both of whom made special journeys to the islands. - . - . . . THE PICT0RUL HISTORY OF THE YEAR fa what HARPER'S WEEKLY has been in the past and will be in the fatfartf. The great" work- accomplished .nrthe lata Spanish-American war if 1 . 1.. -C .U Wrtlfl VS lin mnA mnntii- TWllirw ) U . THE CONSPIRATORS mi Some W. E. Norm Owen HaJI F. J. McCarthy ' H. S. Merrlman E, F.Benson H. S. Wllllami John Corbin M. S. Briico J5 x. g THE WEST (J CupatWiMMy! R and Its Udustries will be treated in W) da series of articles by Praaklla U jfi Matthews. 8 The London Letter fl I d J U Vill be written bv ArsoM WWte, m I ; kW 1 lm and will be full of timely matter. amuse and Instruct Us readers. II J 8 AMATEUR ATHLETICS S Mi ?A ontad weekly by its well-known edlxir, Mr. CMpar Whttacy J 8 Wtmkii Msttkes ft Address HARPER BROTHERS. PHllier, ffewTork, N. Y f will be of more than usual interest during 1899. Besides a series of articles on noteworthy subjects, it will contain a comprehensive political and narrative SPANISH ; sTHeiRr5iLVEivfWEODiNd Journey , . By Whllai .Peaii HweIl.v A serial storyto appear conuininfc all that characteristic charm that . . endeared Mr. Howells;to the reading public. W.DrfbnreU ? The Princess Xenia By H, B. M. Watson A serial storv full of strong situation DNDBR AN APRIL SET i R BrahdM Mtthwa' JnFJa t tctv DDMTvn nnnce , By Octave Thanet THE LOVE OF PARSON LORD By Mary B. WUkins . WQtUUBS 0 c s a yC to Fiction, Travel, and Sport, and will be -tha atoand boy's paper pablished- SE&AL STORIES ., AN EXCHANGE OF SHIPS , By Geobgb K. Walsh . THE GUNSHOT MINE t By Charles F. Lummis THE KING'S TREASURE-SHIP By Reginald Gocrlay - STORIES OF THE WAI These stories are founded on fact, and in many case'are the actoal expedU ence of the authors.. ' THE RESCUE OF REDWAY . CRUISING WITH DEWEY " By Harold Martin - By W. W. Stonr SCARED FIGHTER BILtY OF BATTERY B By W. J. Henderson By Colgate. Baku j imh CORRESPONDENT AFLOAT k Carlton T. Chapman WITH CAPR0N AT EL CANEY fBFLEtPH" C Ransom t iiy A. H. Godfrey BROTHERS. PubllshiIiV oris, NY. the foremost illustrated weekly. Hawaii.ancl Porto Rico These places will be similarly treated by Caspar Whitney and W. Dinwiddle, who likewise made & stady of the places. BEST ... . SERIAL STORIES , - WHEN THE SLEEPER WAKES. . ByH.JCI. Wall WITH SWORD AND CRUCIFIX. By B. S. Van Zile .rid By R. W. Chambers. Short - Story Contributors ALASKA and its resaarces will be the subject of a series of papers by Edward J. .This Busy World i iby $. Martin, will caadaae to amuse aad instruct us reauers. VA K PA . r HISTORY aOR THE - AJVJERICAN HENRY CABOT LODGE. IL S. SENATOR - who is eminently ntted4of't!e iaik, not alone because of shis abiTiry as- af writar af Ameriipanistory, but, for the position he has held in our government - There will also appear such articles as Admiral Sampson's Fleet Battle of Manila Bay By Lieut. A. R. Staunton, U.S.N. ' By Uet.'J. M, EMCorrrUS.t. . SpaiUsh; War Story, - By John Fox,- i a. adventure and A serial story the scenes of are lata a during our recent war.' SHORT STORIES GHOSTS OF JERUSALEM By "M y n Crinkle " WAY OF THBCBQSS . " By Stephen Bonsai -1 1 THB CUCKOO CLOCK . By Ellen Douglas Petaa THE CENTURY'S PROGRESS lit SCIENCE , : By Henry Smith Williams. M.D. These papers will thoroughly review the work accomplished by sciendsta throughout the nineteenth century Other series ot papers to appear are- White Man's Asia - Repnblicsof South America, J . By Pocltncv BIG.UQW ByVttAw KfT J S3 Cent Cops Mstrtptton, S SO Temp. Addreaa HARPER A BROTHERS. PuWiahefi. New York, tklti Mcpherson & cuRir DEAX.ERS Ut Stoies, Tinwaiet- anft Hond; V :?oriiislilBg Goofls, - ; Sanitary Plumbinfj. . tm Stearii and Hotf Wap Fit- . tingr, .?H6t- Air ;Furnii(3o. Tir ; and . Slate . Rbofinfft and Gal- J yanized Iron Cornice. 45 Coricoe Street i

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