THE .ISHILVILLi: GAZETTE:-. JANUARY a., i gli;f I w - .......... The Kind You Have AlTOysBofenthiii lixs bSeu jf: r ana: lias been maqe JZiifler his per sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no ono to deceive von in thisu -All Counterfeits, Imitations and Snbstitates are but Ex- 5 periments that trifle .frith and endanger the health of ' Infants and ChildrenExperience against Experiment, Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing: Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains ; neither , Opium, Morphine nor, other Narcotic substance. Its age ii its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The M'Ton In Have Always Bought Use For Over 30 Years. THE CCWTfcUW COMPANY. TT MURMT STNeCT, NEW YORK OITY. SOUTH E UN K A i L W A Y. In Eftfct Dec. 5 I8i. 17A11 Nuir br li Eastern Time. ,urohr. Numbr. Numb it 4:t0pm l:Upm 1:20pm 12:05am t:50iur. 6:22axn Lv. New York Ar. L2;4Jpro Lv. Philadelphia A.r J 0:16am Lv Baltimore Ar 8:00am i 3tpm i:16art U:Hm 1:07pm Lt Washington A.r 8:43am L Tavni 11:25pm 6:2bam 2:56am U:ttpm :SSpm 1:10pm it:lam 12:01pm Lt, Richmond Ar. 1:40am f:2Spm :2Spra t :16am :tiam 7:tiam :16am t :60pm I.SQpm t;Xpm Lr. Norfolk Ar. 7:S0am !:S6pm Lt. Belm Ar. 2:40am 12:3(pm JLt. Raleigh Ar. 1:40am U:5am r Greensboro Lv 1 :41pm g:C0am t:Kam -x9:Uam - J2 :12pm l:lfpm i'Zayiri I-.tEpro t:Upca :46 pm 7:40pm U :15pm . 7:10pm 8:10pm -.07pro t:25pm to 24pm 12:02&m 12:10am 12:16am, UtUm t:00am 4:25am 7;40am i 7:10pxn . (Central Tim.) Lr. Salisbury Ar. 6:35pm 9:30am Lv. BtatesvUl Ar. 5:44pm 8:43am Lt. Newton Ar. 5:03pm 8:09am Lv. Hickory Ar 4:45pm 7:52am Lt. Marlon Ar. 3:28pm! ;.:45ajn . Lt Biltmore Ar. 1:30pm x$:21am' Ar. Ashevlile' Lv. 1:20pm 5:15am Lt. AaheTllte Ar. 1:10pm 6: loam Lt. Hot Spring Ar. 11:40am 4:00am Lv. liorristown Ar. 9:50am 2:20am ar. Knoxvllle Lv. 8:25am l:16ajXL Ar. Chattanoojt Lv 4:20am 10:00pm Ar. Memphla L- t:lSam :40am J' 7;0ftm :tpnS Ar Nasbviila Lv. lt :11pm T:(tpm Ar. Loulavllle Lv. 7:tfpm 7:44am CfcacMximatl Lv. l:tpm l:lam A. AND S. BRANCH. No. 14. N. 12. No. No. T. t:lm ;17am Ufc:20am 2:40pm 2:0Spm t:16pm ;2pm S:90pm C:15pm 9:35pm Lt. AahevlUa : ( Caatern Time.) Lv. Biltmore Lv. HenderaonvUU Lt. Tryoa Lv. 8partanbars Ar. Columbia Ar. 6:00pm 1:40pm Ar. Ar. Ar. At. Lv. 6:52pm 6:03pm 5:00pm t :10pm 11 :30am 2:30pm l:45wn 12:42pm 21:25am 8:30am U: Ar 'CnrletoB Lt. 7: If am ft:S9pm I :Kaua l:Wa (Central Tim.) Ar. Bavaxmaa Lt. 11:24am 12:24am ;lSm l:lim Ar. Jacksonville Lv. 1:00pm t :00pm IrClpm l:ttam :11am Ar. Ax. mroflta Atlanta Lt. t:Spm f:20pni Lv. 7:S0am ll:Mpm 7:4am L t:ltpm Ar. NewOrleana Lv. 7:4Spm 7:Ua T:4a3B XXBipkla Lt. t:ttpm MURPHY BRANCH. No. 7 No. 17 (Camtral Time.) No. 68 No. 18 3:00am 10:29am 11:20am 1:46am i:tfpa 4:00pm 6:25pm 5:50pm ' 8:00pm except Bunday. Lt. Lt. lt. Ar. .Ar. AchevllU Ar. Wayntaiville Ar. Balaam at. Bryaon City Lv. Murpay Lt. 4:00pm l:Mpm 1:60pm li:4Jam 12:20xmi 11:20am :20am :l 4: Mam Dally except Sunday. (BLEEPING C AR SEHVICB.) Trains 27 and 1L and. 12 and 28 carry Pullman aleepera between New Tork T7anlncton, Aalierllla, Hot Bprina ChaUanoa Trains I tod 11, and 10 and 12, between Jackaonville, Savannah, Colombia, Aaheville, Hot Bprlngs, Knoxville and Cincinnati. Trains 15 and 1 carry Pullman aleepera between Salisbury, AshevUle, Hot Springv, NaahTlUe Chattsjiooga a nd Mempnls. . ; TassttMCWlta our t elleni, equipment and scbedules to the norta and east, all rail " tnroua-a WAahlnston, the public spci h atten tlon is 'called to our rail and water rottf to tit north and et southern railway and tae .Cnesapeaice Una. ; -This scaeduls allows a day'a 'aw At Norfolk, Va., affording an opportunity to Tlalt Old Point Comfort fFfcr Monroe), Vlrgriniai Virginia Beach;' New-port Newa, etc. Baggage called for ani checked from hotels and residences .bytbe Aahevllilse Transfer Company, offlcs twlth efflty ticket office, 60 patton avenue, AfihevUlev N. C ? . j ' - ' V- r ' JTKANK S. GANNON. 1 -- -.- J. iL CULP," . ' - Third Vlce-pres. A Gen. Mr.. " Traffle lfanasr, - WashinstontfyOvO. - - Waahinaton, D. C. . H. HARD WICK, ' , JW. A. TTJRK, A. G. P. A, Atlanta, OS, un. r'assenger Afent, v.lQ. p. Jl LouIstUIs, Ey. 3 CL JL 1SEN8COTEB, W. X. DARBY. A & A CkAtta&osv. City Pass. aaA T. aicsaJ i - .. - - - - j .y . - i " f ,C0rKUL COLLEGE CF KE1TUCXT L-r.IHSITT v - UBxxvGToif. irr. .500 pafr ..Gbilbeaa Swefc 8 to 19. At G. A. ; Hears and Eons', Shot cost; VflCiI,.GOrmJ w AMD COTTOM tlllliFfc.g ELATED - A V t A Sharp Advance in the Coalers and Pacific Stocks VOLUME OF TRADE SMALLER. M i ( KIDNEYS altby kid- fieys filter im purities from the blood and keep it red & pqre:8ic kidl -neysdon't. ; Ii08tetter,8 BATS THAT STEAL SOAP. Cotton Firm and XTnchamzed Wlieat Erratics-Corn and Provisions ' ; Steady, : AGUIIIALDO'S OPIIIIOII. rears Entertained in Kewark City , ; nail for Boll Top Desks and Ofiice Rugs. -!"f;" iNiewark. N. J.r Jan '11 c. i i : liners; stiir- """JfiS xrora tne washstanda at j .the kid) the city hall h Newark for months and pror rr-t SCI9eb0dyr been suspected of steal: fortiiance of r118 Janitor and w&tcl&nan have I uuiug, jnaiuwn mucn worneu about the matter because t cake of tnilot soap seldom ! lasted over night. One day last week Tax CHerk1 Harrisoa chained up a cake Old Runnini? Snrcc make s the V.tching, Scratching EGEZIYA Blood Poison. By Direct Private vMe to W. P, H r Broker 48 PattOri Ave. One of His Eepresentatives Speaks cf the Basis of the Filipino Hopes. London, Jan. 12. The Berlin corree- New York, Jan: ii Tihere was aome 1)011(56111 Sdard jaya that Prof . t)l -A,! A . - V falling off in the volume of trading to-; iumenin"' -awnaiaos representa day hut prices were strong. The par- ; tive there writing to the TaeWatt ticular features were the Grangers, 8aysr which under the lead of Rock.IslaDd ' "The Americans, bemg addicted to made further advances. ! dlJink' are less able to fl8 Lin the trop in the surface roads Brooklyn flapld Falling hah-. BorelhTi,1: eruptionapuatulea.Mid i ulcere f th- Transit showed the most strength al though was Erratic in its movements. Sugar was weak, on developments from yesterday's meeting being construed unfavorable. Manhattan contiues to have a latere following. Douisville and Nashville was subjected to considerable proflt taking, but held strong. cific roads 'were all strong as well as Southern railway. A movement was made in the Coalers which advanced sharply. COTTON Late cables were about 1-2 above yesterday's closing 'and had tie effect of stopping further realizing by the local crowd, who were inclined yes terday to .take dome profits. ' The' opening here was 1 to . 2 points above yesterday's close and a rally of 2 points further followed. Receipts were light and Liverpool spot sales were large. Houston reports re ceipts falling off on aoount of no cotton in the interior. Everything considered cotton held firm, although final pricec were a;bout unchanged from last night's close. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE. Chicago, Jan. 12. This morning the market showed Na tendency to break away from foreign influences. Cables were unchanged at the opening but Liverpool closed 3$4bwer for May. While this had the affiefc of limiting the bullish feeling and curtailing business the market held firm. ' After rallying 1-2' cent in the face of foreign low cables, realizing later caus ed some concessions and the market closed slightly below last night, but in a position to advance on any encourage ment. . Corn showed -more strengths and -aK though on the advance it met with sell ing orders, prices held firm. ' - Provisions are strong hut dull. ics than sober. Spaniards. A guer illa war could be kept up for six or eight years, during which! the inevita ble conflict between the powers in east ern Asia would afford the Filipinos, a chance. ,s- " ; ' "All the Jesuits and Benedictines are at liberty; oMy the member .of the The P! ! other orderai jhave beeakept prisoners. Tie former are now pro-American ba j cause American rule affords the only j hope of retrieving their fortunes.5 Hi I treatment of prisoners U severely pun ; ished, -while nuns N are n'ot molested, most of them being the natives. The j Americans imagine they can .-buy. the iri-i'i-urgen army for $3,000,000r bufcthe Fil !i pines anticipate that "an American i party inspired by Washington's spirit I will yet come imto power and grant f of toUet soap and suspended it a few J Wn. etiff nea of the joints, rheumatism. inches obove the basin: In the TnowSi-nr t Tr?T . "t- : cnlr part of the cake remained and that was; marked with rodent teeth.! -Wlhile repairs were being made to the floor in the tax office yesterday aTlarge number of partly eaten cakes of soap were found in a cluster when a board was re moved. . Tne caty hall is an old building. It was once the City Hotel, , and was then a great nest of rats. Some of the des cendants of truoeie rats still make the place their home and live upon paste, cockroaches and the crumbs dropped by frugal employees who bring their lunch eon from home or send out for five-cent sandwiches at noon. Constant complaints have been made about 'the disappearance of rubber eras- era, lead pencils, penholders, inkstands, and other articles of stationery, includ- rig boxwood desk rules and celluloid- handled' steel erasers. The solution of t tb-ejmystery is now found in ;the rat theory, andMf any roll-top desks or of- j them independence.". v THE LUMBER TARIFF. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. Open High Low Clse Am. Tobacco 147 147 146 147 Ain. Sugar R. 128 126& 125 125 A. T.&S. P. pf. 55 55 a k.u.Ja h fill Jmiia lail towi Come. inctdlag T1U Bfci 4 Ii im i rtiDr aii .. RtnMrv TAMArw; Bait. & Ohio. Brook. R. T. Chi. B. & Q. Cbes. & Ohio. Chi. G. W. Del. & Hud. Fed. Steel. Fed. Steel pf. Gen. Electric. 11 Central. Lou. & Nash. I Manhattan. no. JraciP.c. 69 88 127 27 112 62 69 09 128 27K 113 5 8384 10001 55 55 67 m 88 89 127 127 27M 27 i izH iii ,ni 51 .51 82 83 99 100 116 117 116 116 66 66 65 65 106 106 104 I06K 46 46 45 45 Met. Traction. 190 190 189 18? No. Pacific No. Pacific, pf. M. Y. Cen. Northwest'ro. Omaha. Pacific Mail. People's Gag. Rock Island. 46!J48F46 46 78 79 78 78 124 125 123 123 144 144 143 144 98 - 98 97 97 45 45 44 44 112 112 111 111 115 116 y 115 115 So. Railway pf. 45 45 44 45 t. PauL 122 123 T23 123 T. C. & I. 36 36 36 36 IJ, P. pf. 74 -.76. ' 73 ,74 West'n Union. 94 94 94 94 Continental Tobacco pfd. 80 CHICAGX) BOARD OP TRADE. Onen Hteh Lw Clsa 71 71 70 70 37 37 37 37 27 28 27 1 27 1022 1027 1U1 5 1017 , OOU 0Z Oii i&i 515 .515., 510 510 NEW YORK COTTON feXCHANGE. Open Hlgrh Iw"Clse 572 ' 575 570 570, f WasMnglton,-Jan. 12. Washington ho 'teds are fiGILed wtfh a. very Tepresenlflaltave cong!negiatiion : ofl wealthy. Humbelrmeri. a royal ngut , samuiar iuo Jthit of two years ago wihen the Dimgley tlarlff law wtas passed, is on Ito detBeirmtoe wheiCher It'he tariff of 2 a thiousaflid feet shiaM prer vaill lor whether- the 1 Vate destred by Canialdljans aind by Amciricatnls who own pine (lands in Canajdia,, chiefly in 'the Geor glan bay dialtrldC, shall be foiled upon the Anglo-AmeSidan Oommiisalon, aind evenftuklly adopted lin 'tibe proptdsed arealty. Thus ifair the nta'tter Ja enltirely outislide the dettberlalteoins of the ciammis eabh, and thfa prospecits are that 'it will remain outslJde for la long ttime. Sen atoms abd Repnesemtialtivela from no:tthem Doraer stajes nave tor uae aaat two or three days benft every effort to prevent Ithe Canadians from outdoing itihem, in the absenice of Represenltatlve dnelery-. who was the stoutest advocaite of ithe $2 lumber irialte on. the o.tom5salon, and. af lOef appeailiilng even to ItWe Piresideat, are eiid to have reoefvied absolute aisssuTiaince yesterday thaJt the lumber dahadule wiU. nlt be reopctQedl urtOK Represajieaxive- Dingley is better or alt Jeaat for Ibhe pores ent. -;' I - 180 pairs men's fine congress shoes at dost. $2.25 to $3.25. G. A. Mear - 3ooa Shoe Storsc- Ulcers, Scrofula. Running Sore Eyes CURED BY Botanic Blood Balm- R R R The Great Blood Remedy . The above named, diseases are all due to diseased germ floating around Ik the Mood. These germs make their ap pearance In the form ot sore n th body at the point of least reatotaned. Lotions and salves ma; help temporarily but to effect a cure the poison must be got oat or tne dioocl Botanic Blood Balm fB. B. B.V ). th only remedy which has really effected a permanent cure of these terrible dis eases. B. B. B. la a rjowerful vemthiA blood remedy. : which, when ft mlrM with the diseased blood, causes the hu mors and germs to leave the ho, through the pores of the skin and ex. cretory organs. Mr. B. F. Price, a Phil adelphia druggist,, recently wrote us mat wnen people afflicted wTtfh blood diaetases called for a remedy he invari ably advised ithtem to use B. B. B.. and he never knew of a case that failed of a permanent cure. It has been on th market for 17 years, and we have recent letters mom patients who were cured years ago, saying that they are as well as cam be at the present time, with no trace ot tfce disease letft This proves tha't the poison wias entirely driven out of the system, and hence a permanent cure was effected. It is the cure that counts. We will let some of the patients speak for themselves. ECZEMA CTJREd. Julia E. Johnson . Stafford's P. O.. S. C, says: "I had auffered thirteen years with ec ema, and was at times confined to my bed. The itching was terrible. My' son-in-law got me one-half dozen bottles' of Botanic Blood Balm, which entirely cured me, and I ask you to puh- nn tills tor the benefit of others suffer ing in like manner." BLOOD POISON CURED. Maxey, Ga., Jan. 8. THE WORK OF AH INCENDIARY. S-Li-I J-&.-3"iJSS luoro xjx. uorruyuun, ana cue flee rug disappear it tell where they -went. will be easy to HICKORY NUT GAP TOLL R0D. Editor of the Gazette. In ycur issue of yesterday I saw in the proceedings of the legislature that my name had been published as the owner .,1 'the 44qU road in Hickory Nut Gap 1 beg to disclaim any connection with the toll "road, being progressive in my ideas. The person1 who owns the road and control the toll gate is Jerome B. Freeman, of Henderson county, Will you publish this correction, and oblige THOMAS TURNER Esmeralda Inn. Durhlam, N. C. Jan. 12. The colored graded school was totally destroyed by fire gjaSt night. . It &J though to have eten. Un tendfeury. The building wlais heated by tregiistera, tthe heaiters being teituaited im 'the balse- memt. About 3 o'clock tMo adltiernoon, aflter schbioU was dismissed, the heaiterc were iolea.neJd asui the sdsOiela thilown outside. The fire origjrtaittad in the wokd-room of the basememit about twen ity fteeit from the hetatetns and neair a win dow. The building coslt $6,000 and the furn ntture and fixtures labou't -; $1,500, Tre buildkHg wa& insured for $4,500. Noth One waft ''savmli fnoim. th flim. loxKitt eons n,,r dfijs esaaoin shrdlx EBEE II - 1IV II " I II f . 'i . ONE TRIAL BOTTLE 11 THIS OFFER ALMOST SURPASSES BELIEF. An External Tonis? Ajied to the SMi Beautifies it as by Tilagic A WOMAN WAS THE tNVENTORj" THE t ME May Wheat. May Corn. May Qats.' May Pork. May Lard. May'Ribs. March May Aug. 4t 11 679"; 582 577 685 F77 ' 'A J 6S5n, AU LadWWool Shoes, 10 per ceot. of cost. Q. A. Meara and Sons. ?' I Child's Spring Beiel Shoek sizes 16 8, $5o-. G. A. Hears and Son Y DeWltt Wltc!b Haael Salve i -K you 'aj"nWt satisfied 'wftli your presr ent accKWnniddatkifis trythe Oaks hotel; J rates moderaitRL .1 j' 'TJadies' Overgalters, 25c. fcf. A. Hear and Soiis Shoe Store; '2 Gentleman's $5.00 Shofes. narrow; toes. a, a. jsaearsi as bom. woolen underwear at G. A.' Mebra aMd xnousands have tried from time imme morial to discover some efficacious remedy for wrinkles and other imperfections of the complexion, but none had yet suc ceeded until the Misses Bell, the now fam ous Complexion Specialists, of 78 fifth Avenue, New York City, offered the pub lic their wonderful Complexion Tome. The reason so many failed to make this discovery before is plain, because they have not followed the? right principle. " Balms, Creams. Lotions, etc., never have a tonic effect upon the skin, hence the failures.' The Aliases BeD's Complexion Tonic baa a most exhilarating effect upon the cuticle, absorbing and carrying off ill impurities which the blood by its natural action Is constantly .forcing to the surface of the 8ka "ft is to the skin what a Yitelizfng tonic is to the blood and nerves, a rkindof new IHe that unmediately exhilarates and strengthens, wherever applied; Its tonio effect is felt almost immediately, and It , speedily banishes forever from the skin, frockles, pimples, blackheads i mdtn . .patches, wrinkles, liver spots, roughness, valines?, eruptions, and disoolorans'of fi-ov kind. . ) i.rder. -that aU may be benefited by . A v rJi -4"at iftcAvery the 'Misses Bell will, - in ih present naoatlieive to aU call ers at their parlors one trial bottle of fhab Complexion Tonic absolutely free ; and in order that those who cannot call or who live away from New York may be bene fited, they will send one bottle to any ad dresj, all charges prepaid, on the receipt of 25 cents (stamps orsil vex) to cover cost of packing and delivering. The price of this . wonderful tonio is $1.00 per bottle, and this liberai offer should be embraced by alL The Misses Bell have just published V, their new book, Secrets of Beauty," LThia valuable worlf ja free to all desiring m The boo treats exhaustively oflthe importance of a. good complexion ; tells hbwfa woman tnay ; acquiw beauf fnd keep it. Special chapters on the' care bi 4 the hair f bbw to have Tuxtuiant growth ; harmless methods of making the hair Jre serve its natoralbeanty andxlor,eren to adtanced age. 'Also instructions how to ' Danish super fhious hairfrom. the face. -, neck and arms' without injury to the skin This bc)kwiU1)eWiled to any add-on H reqties !g?'ll!t '1-, 4; J FBEB Trial Bottles ot Wonderful Com-. . plexioh Tonib free'at parlors, or 35! cents t (cost of packing and mailing) to those at a distance. . . -. CkTrrespondence cordially solicited. Ad dress - -;'-- . THR MISSHiSr RELI7S Fifth Av.. New York OcW. andtWi Thte Misae BeH'e complexion tonic. - '""Vr'n soap. skin food Decarme e aisease began to eat my skull bones. It was said I must surely die, but I tried a bottle of Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) with benefit, and using eight or ten bottles more I became sound and well, and have been so for twelve months. Hundreds of scars cam be seen on me. and I extend heartfelt thanks for so val uable a remedy. . ROBERT WARD." We know Robert Ward, and that ha has been cured toy Botanic Blood Balm. A. T. prUghtwpll, W. C. Birchmore & Co., J.H. Brightwell. John T. Hart. W. Bfcampbell, all of Maxey, Ga. fc? OFFENSIVE ULCERS CURED. ''On- Sumrrww. wvara 1 vmn a cn WJIIIO rail mo nYcf trt 1inl..tnnl . T L came badly affected with malarial blood poison, that tm pared my health for more than two years.. Several offensive ulcers appeared on my legs, and nothing seem ed to give permanent relief until I took six bottles off - Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) which cured me entirely. M. D. LANE, Deveraux, Ga." TEXAS SCROFULA CURED. Dexter, Texas, March 16. "Blood Balm Co.,: We bad a case ot scrofula In our neighborhood of long standing, who had used all patent med icines which were recommended to him; besides Otis, he also had several doctors attending- him, but everything failed to effect any gwd. He grew worse every day, amid had not left his bed for the last six months. HSs name la Servenka, and we got a neighbor of bis to permiads him to try Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.), and after using only one bottle h left his bed for the first time in six months. ''To the present time he has used less than tfcrjee bottles, and he is walking around visiting his friends in the neigh borhood. All scrofulous sores are heal ing finely, and you never aw a happier man than he. Is. "Nearly everybody for miles around has (heard of this wonderful cure, and all who need a blood remedy call for the B. B. B. LIEDKE BROS., Merchant." More testimonials of the wonderful cure of blood diseases by 3. B. B. are printed in a Ii title book on blood diseases which Is sent free, of charge to any one. B. B. B. is for sale by all druggists at tl per largie bottle. It cures the mall est pimple to the worst case of scrofula or blood poteon. Six bottles of B. B. B. sent, charges prepaid, to any one on re- BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga. De Witt's Colic & Cholera Cure. Quickly cures Dysentery mad Diarrhoea. Lames' Sprine HeS 8hW. sSc Q. A. Meant and Sons. Ladies' $1.50 shoes, to G. A. Meara and Sons. close, at 9Sc I will Dve this Year as well as f Dyed in" the Old Yean dy ladies' and- cental -clothes, tips. plumes, f eathers, jhataetOtiCbenUe cur tains, rugs, robes, ail kinds ox furs. I clean ladies and gents' clothes by chemical process, which does not shrink or damage tur goods. I alter and reralr ladles', and gents' garments, also furs, such as beaver. seal, etc All work guaranteed. One way express wfli twrpald on all out of town orders. ' - I hare also at lngstoref a Oourt place a few head nimaffed rugs for sals at a, low figure, as wolf, fox, leop- BtKth Ifaia atreet aSltA! wsv f v? f.V4 East elmlts 3iJt.3 PcticaiI)yer 55S.liainSt. Phone 200, t Addreat O. 'depCo are:or sale lff fhU city by W C. CarmlchaeL ?y -;s

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