.:;rvi : : .t Have iusfc r- -Hived a largefjiipmeiit of fine Bananas, Call- 7 it -.- XvixSfisJKeSJ definition. oLiriilitary cenins; r Giving A.' an'- - vtT v -u o the most goods to the mos.t people for the Jast moneyis ouden;, hiti6hTiOf business, and the wiek! justendd henstrated that our idea of busUiess has been endorsed by the public - . ":K 'nr i i .! -IT 5 58 Patton Ave V Qpp tt'tfc r'Pbpifo 118: Jcosbr to W. AllenJ - v -4 Vtf Uil II tf "TUT! GIGII 0? TIC3 E00H. "Getting Tbor Fostcst YZitn tlis Hcstcst Ucn" ; . it l i it.. o nivr hi I I .1 If i ,.f -1 ; . r' ithle . wtaEite in Oouinfty : Tax 1 4 Ooireotor !: Chamber roffice are beftnir re-puperei: .A ' " Twp new six-roam ? ccHfcagea will be erected oa Atkins street by Gaston Hears. Cttark: Snathes 'Was engaged yesterday ' roSEtedtols oT. the Tlen'a MiasAotoaay ' tiokdeity, tit the EQrelt Ittesbyileriain church . ' "--vMi held HaUIb ndglhtt bit Da R. P. Camp- w. .-Tmr ceeadetuce on Orove1 street. ' ' - $ . - f i ' -t ' ' c-v (The Vbanekeepem and gU,ugerB, to , th flheven-ue t) (rvtloe wre peiW off yesterday i i OoCJecrtfan' HblrkSna fciignetiJ 274 checks, ag ' - giregutlniff $12,000. '; ' , r . . j i . - ' ' 1 '-''A. new-.tiiainlCh xf tlhe T. M. C. A. is t 'be orgajnlzed In. ftlhe A&hevuie JTarm VJHRhhrtL at cDetoinajrk. . Secretlary Van :"iHorta anii Sliilie Secttetfaty W. M. Iiewis -will a-db e3 crgiaaiaeira. , - ' - xThe twedtyxnl'niuiteo acahedule was re- '- moated. ifee- Blltmigire.trdHey Sue . yea-'-'lferday, indiead f a car. vtery fdity mln ' rutea .The two .new, dars,' jrecemitly pur- ;fi t1' chteusod, will be used ntoidjauyv ' j 1 1 Tike SouftUera E5cprea9"Cmpany i& pre - -poking; tea rofotve fcV Na 72 South ; Main treet iindeiri the Ashe vflle habel. -Elhie new1 Quarters will be ready for oc . cupbacy Jaboiit thia fimslt toif next mlomih. ,; - Thfe nyn-oommlalsioned officers . flor .. .ctampany G, A. L. X, wani mot xe ap - rlatnteidl- unitfil ItEe- indtumn - of ;. CSatotWn T. tc'"W. Btookliatft, from Baltimiclre. Officers .- have bteeJa detailed in the mejainuune. ' s Justice Van Gfildefr dJaittes thlat in the - ' , - case of Lucy Duff, G. A. Mears & bona TexuS9u ijo pmosec woe bks uie uuououiu Ithle akjcwsad wjotaian rb&d tor Ithe ski0 . Tihe ccdta wena Impobted on fthe proee- - vV -. .. . s - The gtjd, and much needed wbrk of , ' 'flufehingr toe pavidii sdreete in lthe fcity ' ' :vima commeinced by the stireet dep'art " ; ''meat yedbenidy, Ito thJe Sateruse attsfac- - ,tt)ort df busttWelss men atnd irjhe convenience - ' peiaeddfiabs.' -,'v ''A - Abetoi ireiadived In the k?ty yesterday " .i&stteB ttthofc Major TtoomaSi O'Connolr, who 1 T ' , - was one itdmie conioected! with W. B. BeagJaJx in the mlamagemetatt of the Ashe :V "". ,vllle twfeei,' "daedl on December 26th, at I . Harbor Springs, MScfc. Chief tyeiry: Mala reodivekJ (a letter from -- TL A- Peetirlin, lE&irle, N. C-, sflaMng ' -Wat TVfltA Moreain. a cjdlwreVi man, has . ; ' tfafltein Ms hofase and o(5d it in York, S. C VJX '' Mff1. Peetmam. is cetrtatn itoax jodt ; ; , f.-giaiai fca iyaftig to thia jafttiy-. J " Predetoft Jdnes loif the AshevfUe col ; - lege,1 tetttted to tHe GJanSetfte yHterday that " Jx& to dawsider app23xsallJions . niiflornsirtroy iredang n ' thWtr-nlne offerreinlt sNte J' ( " padaklon i telJs fl- . U, jfebfcjie Cbtetale,' a;yxungTady of . aiMa lilty, whllle out w&aktogwth am e - ' i " '.ctotrtt crtvSpmg' ettree!t,eatex even--" r; teg fe?lE arid bmke heiarmi Just-'above . -the - wirifl Ttfe ftiacitJube received , the Tro' Swrmenit att he hlamda of Dr. '-r - IXB Sevier- " r ' . . . ! ' i I0ag PbMce Justice R. J. StSoksfly. " ' ' 'ftaeA )ftw cashes irf.iaru'okeoajess, $3 apiece - ; Tyeatetrdfeay morDiBg-. The ctaise of : Homer ' BtefaAvp. wWo fts oharpied. with the. theft ? - i. fcit-cu piaSc tf eihoes. from J. - M. Stoner; 'HI'iriBL on Fouth Mafcn tstreeit, - was; can- tfinued xM$Bt lthte m!dhing- . . .t ' 1 tTh'e hectcBto-of he bHird. of itjriade held ' ' t mo meelttog' yesteiidiay aiStemnooVi, as pany - mearlVr failed to. reornize Bt exb-eme Smpoct'.'nce KUnd -werre absemU The piirec i - Vofr-s-wtni meet thils 4-ifter?topn alt 4 olctock . ci,t,fatt:d V Sfti tiriaerit itn-V-t eyety? director be. -i yieivdt 'Wa.at Vh 'iimpd-tanlt jbusi- - . nebs, which wStl be brought up. - - Ftrench 'Rroat'T: avenue (has been, tjrars- f - formed folio a huge mud hoiDei, sinAs the, , p-fserl1: rbCny swl .struck Aehvire. - .' ". (rfs'ldetrs'is. however, are eofaara4tu- " ----- ' -4.lt. LA-i t--H 1 -LTT-L il. .AT -'Jt J : cided) to Imprbive the oondilMloni of this v ' ,-fhi-J-oufiThifa.re. Supfirintendent of SlWeets ,s , J. B. BcrVSrhais been Snstruoted to;maic , adaimfize tfche isitlreerti ' -1, p C. WheeVr. ks Madislon county, is ; in (-he rrtty wnd telQs a crPd srorv -from - ' ' bfe sectfeoni - He' slay Jthat yesterday i ' r"Hih)niir bejfrtwe !a ih'eta.vl'fy Maded t Wi g tm,' dmwte !by Ifoutf' hjonses a diatatnee ' V - 900 Vpfrfffe Vn See w.Wch hafi ifwxzflu over , ' fei bbianch 3Sn the troad to such a (thickness ' ' ih1""1. no pojnlt dSd a wheel breHk ? v " tfbttiroerh. Mr. Whelea: says tbait ttb : i mbutritiadns atrtounid! Laulrel are covered -r f " ,wSth antow and Idej n ? 1 Twenty -.five atplicl?ttic!iiis iter iadmJM&u , V " Wt 'KW-ts 1n Oirvl ITorfcys eig-ht-islinie-s ,r kjria cbtarus '.(l-'feia at the A!?hev!.l?e ?' "ocegie Ira.ve -aliieaidy been rece4vH.:; The ; ' :pur6ie intW' rrars will be rurtil&d,' erd , , rj'lTeges. wjo ts desirous of folnhi " j st Mo, t.hfTc" appricaitfn in by next Moa-diiv-vewn?. Mr. .FIIt-o's irbmrte in c"i ; 4 nledtJoQ with the class (is certain to make -, - St a success. ' ; ; rt i We : plersure in-aihcqfou ncSas lthat' "';oinr Visit sq meDlchadta for 1899 4a superior , y to" any t heretofore published., ' 1 . f J Bve3"f.;r;li4gKes!t' satiding and iJhiH' lB-.f(r.4ie quial- Tciios offered."-. ;:,.:-'.: ; :., ;; -V ;" :. ' Tov "are invSted (tk caJH ait the offlfteJ C 34 Palrfbon Itfveriue and andr. gelt a list of arms Jid uoofic of Ockens for your own i ' ' Yin 'c'm tuwiSkh'-'nacely wlSth very lit ; tie money, by buying on. the imrieallment rm fntvrn Mm" Lc A. Jolmson, 27 North Mattt s2xieati Kcreec.,, -r 'I'.' GOODLAl'E & PARKER, 1 J am i ii VI Mi 1 1(11 AC I . . - 'w5 9 TS r ; Clioice Fresh Lfcats, Veoitabici. . i :. The aweetesL;" judest, teniieresS; Jhlsrh. r 1 ; est nsvorea,- znos easily ; owi?u. sesjc FROfA THIS DAYTON: ' Oar Meals will be better-.- i . Oar prices wlll bt higher. ,7 day limit 21' ZQeal ticket, .$4 SingleMeal cents)raVthd 43 Patton Avenue. ' ; A. CvMitchell,' Manager. ! !'. Like manna in the wil derness, these Coffees will put new life In you. Seal Brand 2-lb cans JSC Pure Java, 35c Our Blend, 30c Rosoda Blend 25c Maracaibo, 15c Pare Apple Cider. Dill Pickles A. D. COOPER. 32 South Main. I SHORT HAND CLASS. Miss Fanny iEknanuel wiu open an evening class in Btenography on Mocday," January 16, (t her residence. No. 50FTlnt street. Any one. desirous of teaming short band by the most modern, prac tdjoal, business methods should avail themselves of the opportuoiiy of. aodn- Iftg'tMa classt ' Instructioa thorough, For further toformation.atily , at res- Bdence No. -J5(T Flint street or (to Miss Clara lESnoanuel, Barnard build tag., , SMOKE TRAYLORS MAGISTRATE CIGAR ALexider gilBllack f jop$4con Ptoture play ''Maes, Jewy," wiE be, pro ouce& hkjrte January SI; ttor tthe benefit 1 me uadaes' auxSMamy; oT the T. M. C: A. The Ndnfolk lrginJaiii -says:- f'It-Is aouDtrul it ttlhte T. J. C. A. hall wia ev--er the scene of a more thoroughly ar- tisttlc amd- Bemghltfui eutktrtainmeliVt than ftjttat fulrnasdieli.fllaisfc oouirse Norfoak.tipewpte rwajfll i eagerly awattt Mn. Biatok's rutttaand whemhe does corned Ti 1&?,f Ahall wllT nioeyibe lalrga ienogh IOo( fltoOia h aud!eh.ce ',i't Our large store will bet ior rent Tklarch lHu' A big. opportunity ba -off ered. toany party wtshingitai engage ilnj juessw Our entire stock for sale at a great sac rifice, with "gxxjd'wM.' V Bumnr & O Rock) Tdge. FamJia.y, Hblvcry thftng -modeina landi cleanc TabHel board- ens wanlted. ' ' .." ?&&M'- - - MTTirimTi 1 f 1,1 rr is tne -' tempeaatture throughout itne house,'' at the ,Oaks hotel. v , 3 Dr.1 Preritott, tlie consimpn'speiial ist, ds, 3octeitedfln .the, Sbndley ; buiMlnsf ,. cotfneri-Pattoir avenue' aind Church street, This isi, the Casit sday of bis- specilaj offer, of ten tatmiens5 free. : ' : . - " - ' :.M " " ."- . 3' ,i. - : - Tjadles XesrEtn Jersey 'and Leather 75c 0 $150. : O. : A '-Mears and ; Sons; Shoe Storie.-; , To Cars xibaitipstton ForTr. v Take Cascarets Candy Cathaziift lOd or VSdi xi uuu uu co cure. arucsuiHf rcjiuui uawucj. A C IT E ATres?bfui?iip ,'qaalled lit i tiiMial '-fijpYeci i HoodsSaMibarillai)Os8e& known to any other' M EDI C i N ! , 1 -1 - .1' . I"..-.. V"-. . i ' till II Wejtis finished : fiiidtob'much'hea r'l- aerwear onnana. ;l;Ho DGl!im;RinP5GynT tn f I Replenish yburnwardrc ! ;Ottvui tms season V Petted Ave. Phone No 254.' The Rims are beaut if ally enrtraeld and Rtripwl and t e New Aluminum--wooduombmataori Rtras arrtrea makinar the strong est wheel in the woild s You want? to come in and Sf e 1 hee "Eagles." L. .'?'.VV;,. Eugene C. Phone 228. . ; to our We have 18 PATTON AVE., OPPOSITE HOTEL BERKELEY We will Celebrate i - u- our ,opcniDg by liberal dijBcounts in all departments Zy per cent, off all lien's and Boys uits. ' ' 25 20 20 20 20 1 a ft , n tt ii ii it ti tt it ( av; All three and four dollar Your; chance m " Jhl l . -.a 18 Patton Ave, We have not the time to enumerate and give prices of bur goods. We have the goods and. the prices are low ;- so say our customers. Top, Dolls, jBold Pens, Bo ob, from the oheapest tp the tree calf. WeP are stilt receiving; goods had to du plicate orders. Do not take our word ; come and see for,, yourself. SHo trouble to show goodar and give prices, i OPEN NIGHTS- . BOOK STORE, West PubllctSquare- .. . . ... ... 'At Clothing and, JJri- ?in oraer recrace 2i givea PER ; Not tooiateto s gooas.; , 1 Pbcsa 78. irvrrnTVTTD h XYILVUJJaXVOTAXIAI fr -T- r 20 South ith Main Stfeef E an Mode For?) are Sew Modelsn o old amel this year is absolutely with- -; out a blemmht elossy a tid durable; Sawyer, Mgr. 16 &18 Church St. Hew.,Store ,tt ' OvercoatSi " Underwear. . v t Qttratoro tt tt Bouse J jackets, Bath Robe. Stiff and SoftHats. Shoes at cost. Don, t mis s it! J - FEED AI5D r sale STABLES A FnliXiri of Firpt 'class Liver Rnnbpr Tiror Buggjps. Rising: LessoTiB "Given. Prompt Attention Paid to all Ordprs. Qppn Day aad.Kight. , C. C. MILLARD, Prop. Phone 180 27 Haywood St And everyone grade merits: dear, brlghlv than any by the mvec mm 1 - CI' I'm A !; Tim6 has tested it; ts : - - .- - ; . X that uses our jinco hih ; Aiif ars ov rie oo x at Factarv Price-, 21 ; Economy, in" tonsumption. C J r' - , ,,v . 4 - 'J-? Ss . I -S; t-xil :2k'L fire, thajt radiates, more heat 1 ,TVC COUlpanPOn OL 0.urcCiaLn(L-Dricei Witbto other coal you can user .-'Sold ;W - f lnm'h'mf. u-.il-t-: . 2 FTr ; K , ' A CHRISTMAS m FT r: - ?1 WU4-. b'ej 4he qu&tfbe whtteness: of vjtomnias. snow;Wiat,we , will . lay; upon your shirt', bosomi 6o3laj ;; jid . cuffs. Those who kaaow.a goodCt thing' wbea they see it will appreciate the fiuHles9 work that, we put on their linen In color, and perfect finish Sample VL, . Steam JAS. PSAWrRR; President. OaupitsuL Stools: Laundrv p aperiot f utilities tor Doing a Genera) ' - v Banking Business. :& . SAFE DEPOSIT SbOXES FOB RSKTf The Blue Ridge National Bank OF ASHEVIULE. J. W Norwood, President. U Depositary Capital $100,000 Every accommodation extended to depositors consistent mth souu i banking. Safety deposit boxes to rent. No interest paid on deposit. W, J. 8LAYDEN, J AS. A. BUKBOUflb, E, K JL.UCAR.: .. : J, W. JbTORWOODr E. Sludir, Teller. It's only r few days off when the (Mleriaii MmB ill be, rl? LEAbING CIGAR STORE. Hereafter all presents XOU DON'T EAT Dnleris yoid 25 Patton: Fine Confections I DELICIOUS Come unto me, all ye that are shermle nish the; best ;nieals in my REmURANT th ' tza he obtained ia Asheville." , -3 X HAS 0W: ON'ISILaV; South of I Frank houiSm-j ; : vi, .pigarsj;" cents to $i.oo cachl Briar Pipes 25 cents to , "W.lPcwli;' and r Meerschaum ; Pipes ' Cigar and V O asu ; Your fcroccr forJT- MevillinilHnsoAip'y Cool Schcted and Re-ecrMn-, ed for Domestic Use. : ersWhole ' indfetail: M MSiiUe lea ajid Coal-Coinpanj diothiLed wathb. HjL. RANKEST, C&8bjr - - $100,000; E H. .inn oh:r J. DAVil, Houston MXKRiMON, book-keeper ox Giyen Away, 17 Patton At. will be discontinued. iGrOOD C ATDX biiy it air the Avenue f Luscious Fruits ! OYSTERS I hungry, and I will guarantee to fin- 4inNEST;illE,CF- -ru-: New York. - t'i 1 iIes.-?.f.VlTT1 tcheit sm'nz. Aim5ic&ca!M 1 - -J