THE -ASII3VILLE GAZETTE,' JANUARY i 1899 X I a'iiucp; nw in umi.QP IV (doctiaued from first page-y;- &y& that prominent ; negroes be invited y I to appear before' tbe wmmiittee on, con atitutiohal amendments w-nd that a;ue- grd member be added to.thevcx)mmittee. jroi indexing of w&is.r Referred)' .to i ithe -r wit ou tvat' thrp r -wni I Judiciary committee. 1 ;'. 1 : . J- x ' " 71,: : T . serious objection .? mi.u skmuuw, i elga .oorpbraaonsi. U Referred to the com that tfcerW -wa no intention ;iythe H?, democrats to; pass JuHaiifs law appor-1 oftine the .school fund, among: whites I sna negroes awxnumB v -''-i ,j - taxes paid by each race, but if the ne t groes appeared before the committee ia opposition ttf it and It didjnpt pass the negroes would say rbe4rtonuence . 1 . - ; .V ; ; Smith, caused a big Htugh by sayjng ' ie waa iverV glad of the assurance Ty ; iMr Ray that the Julian.; bill would not " pasd, and foe' would be deligthted to have 'the same assurance from Mr. Wiinston that hS law dief ranchdBkisr f the blacka '-would not pass. : msrJ Oyerm.Rotfhditree and Ray consented that some ntxf neoke shouW appear beforethe nnt, .want r-Smifch-'s resolution to paee.. Stevens, democrat. ' of Union, spoke In favor of ' Smith's' resolution. The reeolution was Caent to the commltteev whfch of course will keep it out , 'V HThe speaker 'announced aa printing committee: Heey, chairman; Wall. OHoffman, GatUs,: Redding.. The report of the finance commjtttee in favor of a. bill abolishing the state board of -equalization was received and the bill passed. f v The bill of Davis, of Haywood, to au nr7r -the county of 'Haywood to pay -' - I was passed. A bill to am-end. chapter 1378, acts of 1897, in reference to pay of judges and registrars of last elecMon, was discuss ed. It was referred to the committee on elections,, who will make it cover the entire state.- Representative Hoey introduced . a bill to repeal chapter 464, tacts of 1897, vac' prcjsoiti. uitt-yK ,. ,vy ilaw: ii.ioruta v. I state printing, and gives the printing I temporarily to the printing committee. I The following bills and resolutions were introduced in the house: Bv Justus of Henderson: To amend I chapter 345. acts of 1895, by striking out the words "French Broad" in ihflvte, By Wlln of Transylvania: iTo .ee- peal cnapier zm, private raws, iow. - - . AAA -i. one i By Willard: To authorize a popular election In New Hanover county to-determine whtherHflw.-.ounr commis aioners shall Issue $50,000 ibonds t or th improvement of the county roads. Re ferred to' the Judiciary commiittee. : ; By Nicholson: To repeal section 1333, chapter 31 of Jfihe ,code. Referred to the judiciary coiranittee. Section 1333 pro vides a penal ty for those who buy or sell pretended titled, to real estate. By Curtis, of Buncombe:. TO amend secuon ia c , a tween the word "tou" ana xne woru "shall" in line two the following words: "or exchange grist in. grains" and to amend section xvki oy .iuswuue wwx., "injured" and "provided' to lme flgHt I the words: 'and every fmffller who shaJ1 1 exchange grist nor graon; auu stv an change a smaller amount of grist than J than the grain received -would majte ' lese the toll, shall be subject to tne above penalty to be paid to .the party injured." Referred to the committee on j judiciary. - Mr. Curtic latms the roller mills are charging more than the-lawful one-eighth toll under pretense of ex changing flour and bran for grain. is tt TyiYvmrwfvn rf Davidson: To amend chapter 425, laws of 1891. V By Thompson; of Oavidson: To au thorize the town of Lexinigton to issue $30,000 bonds. .::.- ''- By Yarboroughi SenaJtwFleao; a diu ,wifact SOan-. He will, attend repeal th'e 'ax Wf ; $10 impwsed by each county on horse dealiers. eirxieu. jlu the commli'ttee iori prk)Qpoisi;tii!onS amd graeVanoes. . By Walter MooaH.ito amemja seotions 1,199 and 1,200 of !the code, so jas to - reduce the challenges, alllowea tne defendant in -criminal "leases, from 23 to 8. land Sncnefese tth.e atafcefa peremp tory QhaOlanffes to 8. Referred to Jtih judiciary kmmit3teeL ' f - Bv WA.lltM- MVirireL 'tb jsltrlke:;b,uit fthe words: "wlltihto' his county" -tfa line 20 of secti'dm 2,079 of tthe code. Thus, will allow processes of justices icif thei 'peace to be served direcifc In any oithier couofty. Referred to the judiicilary committeie. r . -By Trotman, Sb mlafce mlares sub j eat (to the preisent lien giSven On, tolls.; Re- erred 'to judiciary pommtirotee. - By Davis, .of Hyde, . to repeiai cnaprer ,V484 laws of 1897. Ref emred to itlhe com- mStitee on finds and forfietures. : - By Ray, of Cimberland, ' to repeal chapter 169- Jaws Wf 1897. ; Tbite repeals the power of counlty' commissioners .. to raise or lower assessments. Referred to tha judiciary oommi'tHJee. ' -Bv Nlf.liWIn. rtf n4wilfolrft..-'!to provide fthat the vtafflue of istjoleot-property; shall be !t5axed! against parsons found guilty of larceny or iteei'vlmlgi ;:.'Binlfflvp'aia3;lo.'Wiel owner. Rieferred -to 'Ithe judiciary com mittee. - -" " - v - v. .$ By Overman, teu;tHJ -tb give bodieli of crtminalb to the medieval ictoaieges.V By nequstts. i & aa - tsy Brjown, of Stiaifflyj prison S-o&SSi ttive ito to the judicfiairy committee.. r SENATE.- .--v " The fonSowms- balW and ?v resolution were Introduced in the senate: ", " ay Senaioir Jerome, to extend!-' tne Powers and duties of justfoes of .the peace, and amend sectiims -872 amd; 873 yt tne code. RelaJd and! referrea' to tne jU(libiary;cxnnmi'tteeu - V ; By Sentaitiar Thomaisv: to repeal section 36, of chiapter lftg of.lthe' 31aws of 1897. Referred to ttihe finance committee.' . -By Senalto Muirrjay,' o: .protecitt fish in o. u HownBhip, of Madison! i county. Referreidi tb e committee an. counties ailOKE - TKAYLonV DA1ISTRAIE ' - CIGAK By Senator Hafrtotan, license for-1 teaatern cnunties; were also in ttatoduoedi The session ,wta' tehtont tend COMMITTEE HEARllICi , , ; , : Oir AIITI-IIEGRD BILLS Colored Hen Talk on the Disfranchis ing Amendment to the Bill to Gut ' Down Normal School appro- priations '' - . " Spebial to the Gazette. : , . vRdeigh, Jan. 1,3. The eieasion, f .the house -committee ' on oonatltutional amendments wa attended by a crowd of spectators thia .afternoon.; It was ad aressed by three colored, men against the propoaed amendment disfranchising the negro, and the bill to Teduce the up- propriations to the negro -normal school Isaac Smith, th negro member from Cravenv' was tasked what he thbug-hlt of the "disfranchise question;: and if he favored It. "Yes. ali.'cept 'nough to elect Ike to the legislature,' he? replied. terested in the election law. ,He hoped the appropriation to the normal school would not bet- reduced. --He favored tot dustrial education, like 'Booker" Wash ington. Prof. Crosby, of the normal 1 1 Jl M 4 A AAA ' -'. O tT AAA voters 25,000 were entitled to the suf frage. Education, . h said,- ruined some negroes. A coni;eiemian said to the Gazette that ail appropriations- to negro schools would be devoted to Industrial educa tion. E.; P. McKiasick and Judge G. A. Shuford are here. nniAA tut niw Ur I llO Ur Int UAT III THE LOBBIES Flan of EdncatioiialCoiXlIDittee-riin- Court SchemesBuncQnibe Candidates for Various Offices: . . 1 T Raleigh, Jan. 13.-r-Th e committees of both houses ymeet generally in th)e,af ter- noons, and as a . number meet at . the ... . . ' . - 1 -members are obliged same "hour some to select which committee, they will at- tend. The" eduoaition conmittee of the house is apparently a popular one, as all .its members are.prasenit when Chair man Craig caHs-.'.tbie lHTne Tplaa & this commltitee is to repeal all the pres ent school laws to "begnP-with and; then invite the school super5n!tend!ftnte, and educators of the staifce to submit their vieWa on a hew lavi. The joint caucus committee's report and the action of the caucus on it has made a big sensation, as predicted-In . v numbpr nf & ormiinaJ COUrts .and the backers of these are strong against the laction which would knock out their pet ides The extreme west talks more about courts than' any other section. It is now proposed to create a criminal ctourt to be called the city court of Ashe- ville. Senator Murray, of Madison has an idea that he would like a court for Madison. If this is done McElroy wil be. judge and W. W. Zachary solicitor, It is doubtful, however, If the senator will urge this, as them.- tas -scarcely been enough crime im Maddtton lately to require the court. 1j- - Senator Cocke tells , me he Is going to make the Greater -AsbevMe a lawful - the mass J metJng giye views. Buncombe has several Candidates for places. M. L. Reed and J. M, Camp bell are canddd'ates for raMroad oom mlseioner; John Y. Jordan for superin tendent of the penitentiary; one lawyer at least is a candidate for code commis- I sioner, But it seems doubitful if 'there will be any code oommissIoTier or pevi llmiifentmmmtmimim I Snfants9 Shoes. S : Large assortment of Infants Shoes in hard and soft soles. '. ' f . Our soft soled infants' shoes are 30c 3 nd 50c a pair. Hard soles 40c, 60c and 3 - J :E 85c pair.;'- S.-X. ,hUw 'the bt' 'SK eveii carried by us. ; --"S I--' J. B. Blaiiton Co.: 1 ' S - ; 39 PATTOK AVE. . J3 nillhuuiiiiiiiuuiuiuiutiituiiiiiuuiHuamutiiuuiiaui mm clone bf 'the code.' This, legiaiature is strong wtwm5i tnd as. a, TevisiOT," pi the code would cost. $60,000 many mem. beri, t say the Jeast, win oppose .s J ; Isaac Smith,? the negro memoer sirom CrWve seems to be; trying, o break ia? Co me' demDcrainc- paxxy. . xa-v ; snvobttb customer, the legislators say ,j ill for several days, is much : betten - ChariesF; Toin4 !Esq., of Henderson- vflte,' has many f rienda toere who ; would likpta seeywm solicitor of-tne superior court' If now districts iare -created. :V Benjamin Poeey. ;Esq.? ; of; Bryson City, Is here. Mn. Posey' friends sug-. nim as a canuauju.; iot.1 owe . wm- missSoner. anEiiDMEiiTS to; :, GO TO LHGIEATUBE Mayor V Takes Necessarily Hasty Action-To Feed w Prisoners at 5 cents ; aM-rOther Board Newt. -Mayor Miller at the"1-meeting of the board of aildermeaivlast night stated for publication that, the amendments to the; city charter Which; have been heretofore aescnoea in .mto;-- troduced at 'this sessfrur of ' the legoia- ture. rne acrion was necessariiy en. prior to the returning of a f eport by the committee who are coneloerirrg the advJsa, of the amendment. ne- cessiity - arises-; from t ?fact that thirty days' preliminary notice ihust be giyen of such matters going be fore the legislature which will not con sider new bills after February 15. ' ISd Hunt's recjuest tcf connect wtffei' a orlvate sewer on Atkin ana vaaiey streets was referred to the street com. mittee, as was also F.' A. Shu ford's pe tition for steps on Flint street. 'r. " . ; -RniirUner .nermlts were gran'ted to Pink Liemgle and B. H. Hunt. The slot maxjbine ownergp asked for a rebate on the licenses, pointing out -the nvfln-hitnes had ceased running. The motion was .tabled. Chief L.yerly was told to enforce the ordnanoe regarding the cleaning of the front of property. Mr. Radul, of Albemarle park, com plained of the change of meter rates for water!. He Was "referred to the city clerk. On motion the chief of police was In stinicted o feed prisoners, ifppsedble at five cents a head. It was resolved that in future the school fund was to,be kept separate .front the general fund The city staterrfent showed disburse memt or the oast , week to have been $7,647,161 expenditures, $3,937.36; bal ance, $3;709.80; sinkdttg'!fundr$7.s95v TV frviWMxrinfiT hills, were ordered paid Southern railway. $44.50; J. H. ' Lee,,, $3.75:, Dean Steam Pump .company. $23."96: street department (pay roll), $79.66; water' (pay roll), $13.75; Bell Teft ephone company, .$1; J. M. Lorick com- neuiv. $44.10: Mrs. Ball, $12.80: Citizen comoany. $13.52; . P- K. -Hughes, $4; Asheville Suuply and Foundry com pany, $66.4;: sanitary department (pay roily, $60.15. THE C. L. U. : DANCE. -; The dance ,given tast evening by the Oenitral' Labor union was a great sue and was heartiily enjoyed. The Asheville orchestra did their part to contribute .to, the pleasure Of th eye- Tyinwpr MiceinTi PprPIVPQ yosterday from Raliaigh.- He is preei and the Misses Coffin, teachers of 10 Weil JSblOO , KeCeiVeS e Morgun!U)lni ihlatepM and wias a dancing class, ,and Mrs. Eben Coffin, the pianist of the class, seemed to take pleasure in meeting so many of their scholars among those- who .- joined ?- la the dance. The members of the Union certainly managed to please a large I number-of ladies and gentlemen. Large jafeakxntment of infants' shoes at J.1 D. Blanton & Cos.'shl6e. Rock Ijedge family hotel, umdjer norths ul mfiin 1 e loM-lin inn .-oTrffitAn trixs maiiiBscuuin "w"o " - . - ;-.3. sortment ot fafeW 6es,3 table; try it. . ;. , . . BSWGLEY Einriiihent Maine Statesman Dies after a Fortnight's v , Illness. ; waaangton, Jan. . 13. Representative Nelson Dingtey; "of Maine, ohalrman of ui ways and means committee of the house, died at his rooms at the Ham uioa nouse at 10:39 o'clock 'tonight ."f"euaate cause oi aeain was laiiure following an aittack of iWWooia f rom. whlohf he toad suffered Tor tne past fortnight.. -4ison, JDmgleiy was o statesman. journalist and lawyer. He was born In ?UttUJ. Jne., Feb. -15, 183Z. He was graduated at Dartmouth college in 1855; admitted to the bai and a. year later be came editor and proprietor of the Lew- iston. Me., Journal: During 1862-73 he served six terms fii the' state legisla ture and two as speaker of the house." He wae elected governor of the state In 1874 and in isst wa ltiMl to tnm gress as a republican. He (has served continuously since. In 1895 he was ap pointed chairman:' of the ways and means eommlttee'and won internation al fame because "of his authorship of the present tariff law lirtlf Hnilrn TA IIILfcrf UnLlltin 1 U u, '.rj r I 1 1 II 0 1 1 rn Tft n V ' JC LUIiurlCU I UUAl bne is . the Albany, Sister Shlp to the New Orleans, But Much Improved, vew Oastle, Jan. 13. The American cruiser Albany will be launched here tomorrow. Many improvements have been made in the- light of the behavior of her sfe- ter snip, the New Orleans, whichf was I one of ;he most formidable - L . 1 vessels of her olaes THE SUGAR PLANTERS AGAINST EXPANSION Two: : Associations Combine To Conduct a Campaign n j Against It. NewOrleains, Jan. 13. The Lfoudsiana 1 Sugar Planters' association has adopted resolutions against .expansion and has I Becidd to co-operate with the Ameri can cane growers association tn a cam paign It is jexpected that the executive committees or the two bodies will get t'tog-e'thier (Shortly and begin a congres sional fight. - . ' '' LANDIIIC MEANS WAR. Ldnldkm, Jan. 13. The Hong Kong cor- pespondenjt of .The Times says: "The Filipino refugees finstist thiat Aguinaldo will regjafrd a Hainldim? of the Americans alb Uoffc ais 'a ioIiaratiion of. war and 'will immedaalGely altiijack Mana'la Jle has al ready warned the foreigners, including fthe Spaniards,- of his imtietntion, offerimg them a aaife conduct ffnjfo 'the provinces. The AniieWcan . aulthowihiea stffll exercise a sMdt oehisbitahiip over "all press mes sages." BENEFIT-A SUCCESS $39.20 as a Result. The benefit to the Flower Mission giv en at Albemtarle Mancr yeUjtorjday after- and 'isbcilial suociel. The eliegantly b" faBhion&lblLe eelt of the city. The fair sex pxetlominalted, as Itlhey always do in chiaribable' enterprises, letniding colbr and cBarm to ithe oeca&akm. In the afternfeon am admlrabltsr ap- poinlbed. 'tea wals served in, the parlors, ald-dante- t'o AErS. ChlaTlles M. PlaJBt's emvi- hle renu'tatSom, bis ia hostess. At 7:30 o'clock! in rthe evenUng the 1. 1 .'hian (Mimipllivi ffiirbiiislieidl trtooms' in (the - 1 - r t; . . , Manor were xnrown ouwu -lw mo t.fbtni off. lt3Def nubile The opportunity whirJh hairlt Trieem. the" recentft deteiite in many hearlla, was eagerly seized, land oven onla . hundred" siigh't-sieeTa spread Krnertu ViirynfeflL AJti S o'lolbck the guests, returned 'tb the .piaiifiars and pre pared Jbr ttihe musidal ifcreat in istore. A few duinbers had! been changed! in ..the pnoferam, . without detriment. The mulsic twas exceMent, eacni penormr rendering iselecfcibhs wi!t!h spiatft and ex- presision." The program was aflratan&ea. aa VWial SdJa.:;:- .. .. ..MSss Lawne. "iri'AiiTi 'sswia ..Miss Dresser. (Club: MesBra. S. Jff. Jones, a H. Roberta, Ed. Da.vldson nd Phil vocai soao . . ...... - .J-.fJE;- oiiaTiirt RSnftri . - - Miss Caritter. .MiM'TTflrd he New XWTK pruwjy-, gidt wais .present, but did ntaH give any chairtaic'ter.: reladiags , i'f ifhnvwMniaiinm. vrf the mu6ical,. oe- lectable refreshmenttis were servea m .the Mission, was $39.20. - " PAnON-JOHNSON. Therewas another wedding at Ange- Une day before yesterday.The groomwaa Ed. PatrtXOT, of -Davidson's River., and -k-.vX zwi T t'on .XnhTi&m. of Mills Biverr There "was -a reception, at night at f'Floral Home,;thVTedence of the bride's-aunt. - -The newly wedded pair have gone to TraacWla qbunty, their,W iinrr" Thev' were -accompanied . Mratiivpji by a numoer oi ineuua . : 4 Charlotte Street. Wne Finest Private Inn South. , park ten minutes from center of Asheville on electric i car; rivate baths, electric woo J fireplace?. In .coanecticm with The Manor are two artistic cottages. First Reason opened Januar 1, 1899.X For fnr thVr information anulv to ' j( mR&CW . . .1 , . , r. - 1 -it THE CHEAPEST AND BEST MUSICAL We have tbem of all kinds and at all prices. Pianos, Organs, Guitar Violins, Mandolin?, etc. All varieties of fixtures for musical inairuuieuts. Sheet Mosic, Masic Folios and instruction Books. Orders for Tuning left at this stor? FALK'S GUSIG HOUSE, S. mm iT PEKSflDMAiL! 8 J. W. NeeTy has Tetumed from a busianese Itlrip dim Bretvlaird J.. Spangenberg' hats recovekted from his recent iUnefes. C. D.: CusMhg wa!s dsn the icHtv from Fietdhlers, yeaterxiay. Mrs. Punish Us ill atJ her home on Church, streets Storekeeper and Guaeter T "r. 'ijvin leaves lor 'a hoat visit tin New- Tor lr n-iai trwmrvfin c Ctty Attorney D. - M. Luttiher, has re turned from RJaiielgh. J. T. James andl his son Morrison, left yeWterdiay for a vsilt to Mr. Jamas' old home In, Lynidhburg, Va 1 Jtames R. Johnson, who has been vis Dttog hiia parents 'heaie, leaves this morn iffing for.' New York. ' ". " A. T.' Cooper, of BireviartcL S3 "-fev- the cisty. James Turner, of Bellbrook, O., and Jkmela Fuller, of anctaaajef, O., are ne beared fc Hotel Berkeley W. T. McMahaa, who was so seriously wfaunded In the bartitflle of .El Oaney, was In'the 'city yesterday. , , Mr. and Mrs. SJiuford, of Tramsylva nS alpe :vJsStilng relafcives ten the city. Rebel; Drummer R. T. Owens was oiiSt yestfeiiKSay, after two weeks sick ness, f Miss Mamie' D. Robfcfeon, teacher at the OMarigte titreeit, school, retuatne from Goldsbbito, yeSteniay. I ' ' , xS Profesisor Jacob EHls, a noted New York musicHan, is stopping ait the Al (timioaDt. j. J.-'M. Rogers ffietumied from Raleigh yeaterday. : W. M Smafthieiis land Harry Redwood have returned filomi Itbe'lir huniting trip in Haywood ama BunJcombe Icounties. Father O'Deary retturtoekJ to his par O&h. M Cam'den, N. J., yesterday. His invaMd- sl&toer, Misis O'Delairy, will re main, alt the Tuxedo. - Dr. Harriet W. Caamrnr tegd! Miss M. S. Carman are now boajndmg" ia(tl Mrs. Turner's 57 Church sltreeit. Oa-ntaln James P. Slawyer j returned The Ills of n tfw,4 hit Advice to Barents on the treatment of coughs and colds, TTIW A catarrhal diseases succumbo Pe-ru-na;r I . V.-n -' ?V ' ' " - "I V . n-,r rpi frw n free Pe - ru SAsk any -aruggt far Perru Locut4i in a residence, lights steam heat and open1 Manager. will be done by W. C RILEY. (ait the capital In Ithe interests tcif the asyium. a. Dunphy, who has Ibeen Visiting his flamlly here, left for Columbia, S. C, ttor a shioirJt vkaflt. Mr Dunphy is a formen yardmfelsiter oi toe Southern ttafflway, but now (holds the posiJtioia of general yarcfrnjaiatar of ithe Bad Let In and Aubrey division of Ithe Liehigh Valley railroad. Urn headquarters tare at Jer sey City and he will stop ait AsheVLJe on his return; trip. Charles J. CastUflo iSs lin tttoe city svm Tampta. Fla.. n the In'jertelslts of the 'Princess UouJda" cKgar. Mr John M. Stoner, of AshevUle, who has been in the county several idiays vis ttitog relatives and frilends, ituinn"ed home Monday mannings Sltoner Bros., ane doiaigr a pfnospentouS business In AsheviHe, we are gttad' to know. Dav- idson Dispaitdh, DAVID DOWS IS DEAD. A telegram was received yesterday at Biiltmore announcing the death of Mr. David Dows, Jr., in New York, which occurred yesterday afternoon. Mr. Dows occupied the residence of Charles McNamee during the ratter's absence in Europe a year ago. Hewas here for a short visit justbefore ' the Christmas 'haHdaya, returning then to New York. MINE OWNERS COMBINE Trying to Force a Coal Fam ine ia Asheville A strong com MnlaSionliB said tt be at work in Tennessee which, if not broken up, will Bhkxntflly iriafise ithe price of coal in Asheville. A well-known coal dealer in town (states (tlhalt the JelBco mine owners, who furnish the bulk of soft coafl for this city are making very laoanity ehftpmeots to Asheville. He has reiJeaitedly hkd or ders for larger shipmemta turned down on the plea that the Irallroads would not furnish enough cars, or some oftier sub terfuge. It Is well known that the supply of the size known as "dtameferio nut" hs been rapidly dwindling, unitiia: local deal ers find! it hard ito fill orders. Ifi is adsertied thialti 'the mine owners are consplringlo foWoe a coal famine In town, and then rush to fuel at their own prakies. It is hlard t)a defte'rmlilne the resuHt of the oombiaialtiion, but cine, audi possibly two, of the locial jobbers, will Cake Steps shortaiyitia breiaik i!t up, Iby arranging to receive coal frbmi other mines. Children. WkTaY to guard against colds, Nearly all the'' ills of children begin with taking cold. If your INSTRUMENTS child catches cold don't wait a moment before attacking that cold. To the ignorance or neglect of parents is due the fatal termination of many children's com plaints. If you are not informed as to the proper course to pursue to drive off a child's cold, write to Dr. Hart man, president of the Surgical Hotel, Columbus, O., for advice, and ask for some of his free books which contain the most pertinent facts about colds and coughs and all catarrhal diseases. Pe-ru-na, Dr. Hartman's great pre scription, is wholly vegetable. It wards off colds entirely if taken at the beginning in proper doses. It breaks up settled colds quickly; it is scientific and safe; there is no mys tery about it. Dr. flartman's books tell just how it acts and why. All druggists sell it. Mrs. G. T. Rogers, Elgin, HL. says: Dr. S. B. Hartritan, Columbus, O. ; TVir ati Rtr. Your medicine'saved my baby's life. We stopped all treat ment but yours, and now he is a ;leautiful boy. It was certainly a miracle Mrs. Becking, - East Toledo, ' O., -writes to the Pe-ru-na Jiedicine Co.: Pkab Sebs: ' ' Pe-ru-na is the best medicine I ever had in my house. My children had a, bad-cough, and VmA nf them had the lung fever. 1 cured them all with Jfe-ru-na. - na, - na aflmaTKUv -- -.u iwwiiHj. , ,,.-..., - ; y '--; I Hill T r - - tt - - ' . ' '1 "wjes land towns, i