it r -ASHEVILLE AJAZETTE, JANUARY 20, 189 in r - . m - -- ..( ' - TV MoJJ OPEN TO SME FOfiLlb. 4 . R EnODELED J: 'I j -Table first-class; ut anol cokl Seirs from baleomes ; Best loeaiibir in city; ateeet cars from dpotj to hoteite;4liree blocks MamiCourt square. oJJp-P :datefGmceifree KUiards RATES MODERATE. f SAHUEL. HiREE,Ur Prop Asheville, IS. C. Sr RfinK ' i ' C- 6 '- -- ; - r-.- - Agemeni. Very sick people aad L Furnace heat, hot batb and modern conveniences. Good i - - " . " table, clean rooms. Tabls boarders taken, V Apply on me ;premifee3 f fte fnes equipped Hotel in On tliC southern slope of the Biue lidge mountains, where fogs are gefldotn- seen, aod, without doutt the best winter elin ate in western North Carolina, For further particulars apply to JOSEPH HELLEN & SON., Proprs. Oak Hall, Tryon,;N. C, THE BLOCKER HOME; O. H BLOCKEE, Proprietor. Good Board $5 per week ; $1.60 per day. Da you want a summer and winter horn e to the Land of the Sky? Cool in sum jamr and mountain-locked to the north with southern exposure for winter. Pine water, dry air, 2,800 to 3,000 elevation. Now is the time, while property fe low, this, ifl ithe place. Double daily trains on through Southern Railway. . Beiau'ti v fui Bcenery and the finest ihiigb altitude winter country in the world, attracting v ttemtton the world over. HOTEL FLEMING r Marion, n '() GKDBER CONCERT CO., Proprietors. f "A Home away Jialeighj Neyy arid Located; on. Fayette ville street, only four blocks from the Capitol. Street cars pass the door e very 15 miuutes, Everything new and first-class and all appointments strictly up-to-date. Cuisine second to none, and under the personal supervision of the Trorietor, with extended experience. Kates reasonable. Address a la J. . , 76 HAYWOOD ST. Under new management. House ffacrougnly renovated, ntrally locat ed. All conveniences. Terms reason able. - JOSEPH McGARRY. THE GROVE HOUSE, MRS. KOPPELBERGER, tl Grov street, Asheville, N. C. ; Hooie nicely papred and furntened nroughou-L -Halls well heated. Bath,; not and coia waxer. umuuBU aonvtence. Near street car line. KENILWORTH ri,. vntia frwn the court house: three mlnutee walk from Biltmore car. line; ! one of the healthiest locations in ,h sfae- lfl. ;New house, wixn grounds: open evr fort." no aovanceu iuuiv iuw ; tientB taken, a First t class board for only $.00 and SUM per weei. ' - ' Mrs. A. Z. Cooley. House in suburbs In lare shftdT, 'stove, good table with ; abundanc s ot fresh milk, butterr eggs.; .etc MJ from court house, on electric ' car lia& Tslepbone 295. Kates low. s, Informatics at Mrs. J. M. Ray's, on Iiookout Moun tain car lins or at Bay bookstor. p; to visitors. ; . ; ! Any one stopping" In town "who wotalfi 23cs private lesson in Preach will find an excellent opportunity to study : wits izne. Hetrtte, who bas s number of pu Ds at the hotels and In town. ! Sn Is-1 Parisian, and her terms are. veryv mod- srats. Address 41 Broad street. a-tf I ; : : : . tfidneate Tour : Bowels With CascaretB. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 13c,25c , If G C. 0. fail, drngglsts refund money. rat QlLB 3 ...LEDGE ..r ' -. - - . - childrt n not desired. the South, is situated at 4T O OULID POBT 1ST. from Home . ' 1 Popular Hotel, 9 i Carroliton, ' Ealei( New England Home. Furnished rooms, witb or without board. 1 102 Patton Avenue. Sunset On Snnset drive, ibove Winyah istanitta rium. one mile from square. - A idheerful home" for heallth ; or rest Beekens.' : New house, all modern conVen Sences. Fusiaace, heat, and electric bells in each room- Broad varMidas. Ftoest view ana neaiHtnaesx loceution in Amnsvxxie. Table amd cooking unsurpaaeed. ! TJele-4 phone and U!el4very. - " ' Ulli L. LiATTA. HILiCTDE COTTAGE. Corner Sunset dJive and Baird street Northern cooking, . spring water, fine views broad 'veranda, near car line. s MISSES DOUQHTi,' - Asheville, N. C.- M.EUick, PRACTICAL FURRIER. All kinds of. fur work for ladies and srentlemen made to order. Old fur ffar ments worked over in the latest style, such as Seal, Martin;Beaver , Musk Bat, Anmin. All. kinds of fur re-dyed black and brown colors. ; -.... ;-( A fine1 Overcoat made of Bear Skin suitable for conductor or motorman also a fine Deer Rug for sale. , f Office at Oestrcicher's, Glen i-SAlSJOS THE DEBT. Bclprn -HaadiVof , Trinity Church r Sunday School Offer a Splendid JEntertainm'ent. ' ... - V" f , The debt en Qffi Trtriay church rectory is -ait presenl- edsa'mg. the attention fof tke' ciongrelsa'tipa Evfiry 'opportunity "to obtain money far Its liquidation Is being eagerly giraspedAahefviilel people ,of &SS denominatioas acre nla'turally generous aatd always xiiifrnd aid to chuuches ir respective of sect , y ' J The latest band :Jto devote 4hemselvea ito the worthy object" of jraSslng- the debt ia Vita Helping1 Hands. as society in 'Je IHnity churcM Sunday dJhool. , rl !he Helping Hands have arranged a sptefi fiid eaiertairunemt, which wiU be pro tfuoad in the leoture room of fche X. M. C A. next Saturday nighi, -tihe doors topeiiiaig'.at 7:30 o'clock. . The evening's entertainment will open with the following pragiam: PSano solo. . .. .. . . Miss Fraflcis Camter. VocaJ dlo.. .. .. ..Miss Tai3y Sawyer. Reading Mrs. C. Hubbard. Piano soilfl. .. .. .-.Miss Ftiances Oafter. Violin solo.. Mi-- Anna. Pemland. Readi-ng-.. Mrs. Prank Darlby. Vocal soio ..Miss Catherine Baskr. Uhe Binghswn . Glea Club have been requested to appear at the enrenLainmiciiit amd there is every reason 'to beliieve that they wiU eceae, - During Jthe intfrmission betweea parts one and two, delectable refreshment a will be served, Ad mission, will be chargted, 25 cents to aSlults and 10 JcetBt$ ;to children. AS ARMY OF GATS OVERRUN BERMUDA Legislature Looldng to Making a Cor ner in Strychnsne- New York, ' Jan. 19. The New Tork World says: Captain Fraaer and the passengers' of the steamsMp Trinidad, which has. ar rived from Bermuda, say that the isl and is being overrun with cats. The nuisance has become so gre'at that the subject is receiyfeg the attention of the coltoniiail autawwitiee-. Invalids who are spending the winter in Bermuda are complaining that the army of felines disturb their rest. When the dog tax bill, as recom mended by the council, came up before the colonial Qeglslature 'last week, Dr. T. A. Outerbridge asked that a tax be put on cats. He said idaey did not kill rate but destroyed the bird. It is believed that th.e BermudaniS wall endeavor to get rid of the cats. DR. MOSELY TO VISIT CUBA. Charleston, S. C, Jan. 19. Rev. Dr. H. R. Mosely, of Florence, S. C, Was requesfted by the American Baptist Home Mission society to tact as general maesionary to the eastern province of Cuba, wjtb. headquarters at Santiago. Dr. Mosely ihas nott efiy accept ed tihe position, butt wliU go to Cuba for a few weeks to look over the field and start the society's work. He has had experience in Spanish-American coun tries, having been a miiseionary to Mexico. I will guarantee that my Rheumatism Cure will relieve lum- rheumatic pains in and, cure in a few days. MUNYON. At all druggists, 25c. a vial. Guide to Health and medi cal advice free. 1505 Arch st.. Phila. Miissee' Jersey Leggings, edze 8 to 11 75c G. A. Mears and Sons' Shoe Store Ladies' Overgaitere, 25c. G. A. Meax and Sons Shoe Storey One Minute Cough Cure, cares That id what it was made for. Dr. Geo. Lambert f VETEEIAEY SUEGE0N. (Graduate of HcGill University. ; Office Willow st. Phone i8 Residence 140 Chestnut st. Phone 284. -Cattle tested for tuberculosis $5.06 a. head. Herds at special prices, j - .. . . 1 - . I will , Dye jthis YezlTjas well as I Dyed in the :; Old Year. Tl I dye ladles' and! gents clotfies, tips, pliimes, feathers, hats, etc, chenile cur tains, ruga,. robes, all kinds o furs. I clean ladles' and, gents' clothes by chemical process, which does not shrink or damage the goods, 1 alter and repair ladles' and' gents' garments, also furs, such as , beaver, Beal, etc; All work. guaranteed. - One way express will be paid on all out of town orders. ' . ;I have also at my store at Court place, a f ew head ? mounted rugs for sale at a low figxure, vas-wolf;; fox, leop ard; wild cat; vetc.;;Oney way express. 55 South Main" street and No. 1 East Court sraare.. ''- - V-, ' '-. " PBACTICAIi DlTElTl. ANTJj1 - "v . T T "Chemicai' Cleaner, -55S;nainSt. . - Phone 206. Carl S:Pa;rS-RE-OnGaNIZEE Decided to Continue the So : citty Noble Worfc'1 ' The Society for the PreveaUon of ruaty to Andtnals Sield what waa pracaaay' a xwrsmlzation iaeetiiiff yesterday afternoon in the lecture room of the Y. M. C .A. - SiDce the death- of Walter Cushman, the active secretary of the organization, many members of the society have sna.dually lost interest. A : number, txwever, decided that immediate action must be taken to prevent this and Is. eufy a call to the aainual meetdng to elect officers for the ensuing year., President H. N. Iiockwood called the meetuig to order. On m:ot3an the read f the minutes was dispensed with. Tnen Presudent Iiockwood arose and made an eloquent -retiring speech. He placed the position- of the society plain ly before ithe members. I should be decided before the meeting broke up whether the members had the courage land energy to continue their noble work, and if not, the most admirable course to pursue would be to give up their chanter and disband. He f ek that the present laws of North Carolina were a serious handicap to the work of the society. He advised that its influence be etreng.thened In order to urge the legislature to enact a measure granting justices of the peace jurisdiction over S. P. C. A. cases. Af ter paying- a Oiigh tribute to the talents and energy of the late Mr. Cushman, Mr. Lockwcod urged :the e&ciety not to disband. Asheville contained the only branch of the S. P. C. A. in North Car olina, and he felt that It had exerted a wonderful moral' Influence since its inception. "The natives in this section of the country are not naturally or, willfully cruel," asserted President Lockwood. "I have remonstrated with a number of drivers when I noticed them beating' their horses. AW desisted and some stated tnat they never considered using the lash painful to any one's feelings; I am certain the very existence of this society has been a .restraint on many art igntorant driver." Mr. Lock wood concluded with the query: "Shall we give up our charter, or shall we strive witli more courage, zeal "and in terest to continue our society?" A general discussion followed the president's retiring speech. Dr. Bal-j lard moved to continue the society. Miss H. M. Dewis eeconded the motion: and H was carried without a dissenting voice, i - The ejection of officers was held with the following1 result: President, H. N. Dockwood; first vice' president, Mrs. Pease; second vice president, Mrs. H. Collins; secretary and treasurer, A. Thompson. Tine elec tion of a board of man'agers was defer red. DeWitt's Witch Maze! Salve Cures Piles, SceSd3. Hums. POOR HAVANA i The Cherry sisters, go to Havana to avenge the Maine. Memphis Commer cial Appeal. If Havana had riots before the arrival of the Cherry sisters, what will happen aft erward? Exchange. . Perhaps Blanco bribed the Cherry sis ters to visit Havana. It is an awlul re venge, worthy almost of "Weyler. Ridge wood (N. J.) News. . THE HIGHEST. The highest natural bridge in the world is at Rockbridge, Va., being 200 feet high to the bottom of the arch. The highest waterfall in the world is Cholock cascade, at Yosemite, Cal., which is 2,635 feet high, or just half a mile. The highest active volcano is Popocate petl. It is 17,784 feet in height, and its crater is three miles in circumference and 1,000 feet deep. It never starch. stlciks to the irons Elastic rTha Kind You Have Always B8ugm BeaiB tto Signature PUBLIC BATH and' Russian Baths me a Preventive and V ' Russian, Turkish, Trunk, Sitz, Fountain. Baths,, at EOPLE'S fMLUMN; ; BHSCELLAKEOU8. MAM gentiemain resident ' of city, wno ican ITurnish good Teferenoe, , utu-o avAMu ana ooara, with some nice, privatte famSy, must be near the aquare, on car fine, and reasonable Aoaress r. o. Box 254, city. 297-lt WANTED To rent M "New Home" owing machine. Addres3 "C care of . Gazette., wanted. To rent a, typewrftwr- for everai months; caM at Gazette offlc. MODISTE Mm M. Fraser. comer Pine and College streets. First-Has dresses miade at reasonable prices. Also taa gowaa, wrappers and dress ing sucks. MISS NORA WARE Pianist and teacher in stringed instruments, 12 . "Vance street. SOUVENIRS And oil kinds of fancy paintinga.made to order. Pupils to crayon drawing and oil solicited Miss Minnie T. Deaver, 25 Pine street, Asheville. tf ROBERT BROUN City surveyor and engineer, office Daily Gazette; resi dence, 55 Victoria avenue. BOARD IN ASHEVIIXE. BOARDERS WANTED. At the Tuxe do, 76 Haywbod sftreet; several sunny rooms vacanJt; gobdi table; reasoitabl terms. 296-6 WANTED To seEJ a good boarding bouse business, 1m befett location in town. Twenty-three rooms complete ly f urhflshed. Has enough permanent guests to pay running expenses. Ad dress IU Health, care Gazette. 293-lw BOARDING Private tatnlry near square; terms reasonable. Mrs. L. V. Cole, 69 Spruce street. 140-tf RiiOBIS WASTED. WANTED. A troroughiy furnished an up-to-date flat of at least five room and bath, or small house. Address C Gazette. 296 3t KONEY TO LOAN. TO LOAN Oh improved city prooerts $500 to $800. Address with description of property box 200 postofflce. HEJLJfc WANTED WANTED. A mlan with some capital to help push the manufacture of a sta ple aritfMe; Lig money . Address M, Gazertte. 292-6 TW ANTED A young whdlte girl, eleven or twelve years old, to help take care of a baby and make (herself generally useful. No hard work. Address, H. T. Gazette offi ce. WANTED Position as stationary en gineer or fireman; six years expe rience; best of references. Address P. M.r Gazette office. JTOK K1ENT. FOR PJENT Large snug rooms in new home, Centrally lol-ated. P. O. BOJC 381. 298-6t FOR PJBNT One pleasant furnished iraom, su'iit'able iflar one or two persons. Use of 'pfaome. 37 Noirth French Broad avenue. 298-tf FOR RiBNT Unfurnished, elegant flat 4 rooms and ba:h. Modern Improve ments. "Very pleasant. Also furnish ed coiLtage, 7 rooms and1 bath, for six month's' or Itanger. Call or taddress E. G. Keitehum, 90 Cumberland avenue. 297-6t. TO RENT. CotJtjage lim tjbe mountaiE6 fully furnlished, $5 per. month) unti summer. H., Gazeibte. 296-2 FOR RENT Pleasant single or double furnished rooms, with board1, 55 Col lege street. 295-6t FOR RENT No. 1 Gray Gables; Warm btfilck house, 6 rooms, with ranpre. Apply to A. D. Cooper. 292-6t FOR RENT One liarge sttore room un der Asheville hotel. Apply to A. D. Cooper. 292-lm FOR JIENT At the low rate of $12 per month; residence, on Blanton sttreet;. . 8 rooms; large lot E. Coffin, corner Haywood and West College streets. . 291-tf. FOR RENT Newly papered nine-room house, wJth stable, Oni Penland street All's several offices on second floor of Gazette buiMing. Mrs. C. B. Alvey corner of College and Vance streets. 272-lm FOR RENT Bed rooms in Henry 3jVlJATl fASS attioiTO 'Dwe-& i. - I' i block. AKrty to C S. Cooper, 23 SooQi; Main ctxeeL , " ? - 2iS-tf :-' t ' ": ' " :"; ' J'.: y,;' ! .-: POR ' RENT Front room flrst Jloor. rurnisned or unfurnisheo. - SS ? Pen land street. - ; 7 JTOlt SALS. FOR SALE Quaker bath cabinet, fof Turkish tnd Russian baths, to be Uk en in your room, partce J5. The lat est ana best. A boon to maoktod. for full paitUculaxs- anil examination of cabinet, address Miss Sutton, 243 Hay wood reec ' 2S2-3m RUBBER STAMP OUTFIT WJLL BB old cheap. T. K Davis, care Reg ister office. " mm HOUSE, WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY l The Event otthe Sea.ont America's Foremosf Tomedian, ' Mr. Samuel V. Glenn, assisted by D0BS0N .& KING'S SUPERB COMPANY -in a- 65UPENDOUS SCENIC PRODOCGION of Washington Irving's Celebrated Legend, RIP WW WINKLE. Seats on sale at Heinitsh & Reag-n's. Dr. David lienneclys CURES ALL KIDNEY STOMACH " 'AND LIVR TROUBLES- Gentleman's $5.00 Shoes, narrow $2.75. G. A. Meara & Sons. - t03, No-To-iiac lor i'ifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes ca!l men strong, blood pure. 50c, $1. All druggists Genta' woolen, cashmere and kid gloves at Mears. KLastlc etarch Is the only genuine ar tlclie. Lieut. Hobsoii The Hero of the " Merrimac," Will tell his wonderful stcry in three numbers ot THE CENTURY MAGAZINE. This will be a full account of the sinking of the " Mem ac at Santiago, and the experi ences of the writer and his men in Spanish prisons. It will be read by every American in the land. This is only one of many richly illustrated personal narratives in The Cen tury's new Spanish War Series. These men will write for no nther magazine. In the No vember Century begins CAPTAIN SiGSBEE'S STORY Of the Destruction of the MAINE," captain, the explosion and wreck, lne wnott Ktnrv of the destruction of Cerv era's fleet will be told by Admirals Sampson and Schley, Captain ... 11 ' rr i i ijoD n.vans, wptain iayior, nan uiua. If yon do not take The Century In x8oo, vnn will miss the greatest readine of the year. The November number beeins the volume and has the opening chapters of a splendidly illus trated life of Alexander the Great, and of Marios Crawford's great historical novel of the Cru. sades. Lieut. Hobson's articles begin in December number. $4.00 a year. THE CENTURY CO., Union Square, New York. AGE HOU: Cure for Grip. Frencii Broal Ayit ISt) on UllDdD BE f t 1 'C . ' A' -t - 1 ' 1 , i '- l 4 ."V "T - f ' 1 ! ' t . :