JHR'ASHEVlLLE GAZETTE," JANUArV j&; " i s mtm LVfc hTrrflQuiMnfnw M I till HIIIIIIUII I UIU s: m- mw mm w w . ;. w Indications that;Ewart;will be Confirmed Probability of an Extra Ses :, sion of Congress. ' AXlfrA Gold Find in Chetofcefr J. . w 111 j&ODens ; uongressionai Aspirations. Special to the Gazette. " Washington, D. C., January 19. Hon. 3: Will Roberts, the ex-legislator of "Madison county, and who has re cently spent a few days in Washington, has some mature congressional aspira tions. He befieves he can go to con gress from the Ninth district regardless of any gerrymandering scheme the democrats may formulate and put tn 'to practice. Mr. Roberts has returned to his home and wiH 4mmedatel begin to rope ito the wires. Should she suc ceed, a universal' and deep feeling' of Security will pervade business! circles. Mr. Roberts would doubtless assume the leadership on the republican side, and as Rosooe Conkllng would remark, tna gallleries would have a vociferous and hilraliauia old time when ' he - and Mr. Bailey came - to cross colloquial swards. There is good reason to beMeve that John Hart, formerly of AshevMe, wlH get the postmasterahiip at Spartanburg. It is said at the postofflce department that there is a rather queer situation with reference to the contest over the Spartanburg office. There are several applicants, all considered good men, and no one applicant ha said aught against the other. Mr. Hart at one time conducted a large machine shop in Ashevdlfle. I There isai quiet but -persistent Under current rumor to the effect that steps fcave beten 'taken to remove District At torney Bernard. Yesterday your corre spondent diisieussed the rumor with an official who was, Sn affl probability, in formed with regard to the matter. Im Tepfly toa question the gentleman re ferred to said he did ndt think any . "formal "'- sterns 'had.. been taken to re- move Mr. Bernard. ' It Is not clear why ,, used.' At any rate it is practically cer-; "Washington to) a few daya to make the conduct of his office. An 'old soldier arrived here today from Cherokee county td investigate some matters pertaining to his pension claim. A considerable portion of Sena tor Pr4tchard'i3 time and. attention! Is given to Ithese penslion matters, "When the soldiers come here and make per sonal application for pensions every courtesy is shown) them. Senator Pritch- ard'a reception room to the Maltby buifldung 4s a very busy place, but work Is suspended to receive the old soldier and his wants are attended to. When It Is necessary a messenger is sent witk the veteran! to show Mm the way to the G.A. R. hotel. If 'a soldier belongs to thy (organization no charge is made for his temporary entertainment. The sold iter from Cherokee says the; gold fever is prevalent in (his couinity; that last week several rich finds were made on Valley river, a few mifles from Mur phy He says that three compandeei are working' mfight and day to get out . the precious meteaJT. The object of the night twork is for the purpose of guarding the I armrest ma miin. nw flTivtininsr i.u, tm says. Some of the ore is eo rich that should any of it be stolen it would be i a considerable loss to the owners. The" probability of an extra session of Congress Sa fuiay realized. A large number: of members have expressed the loplnloni that an extra session will be, an I absolute necessity Several .imporjnt (bills are up for consideraition -and! otlhers tfjoon. will lx. am d ilk hp flifnrn!if 'tm rU cuss them all and get them all .through in line norx xime mat remains. M.r. iflmuey said this morning' than he dM not how an exitra: sessioni could be avoid Tne sar . aast -eyemngi - "was very; tarve la its prediction, of an extra ses kSon, saying that cerlLain desired military aegisLadoni can aioit be had ait fthe pres pntleession, andi thatt there are India ptons of considerable inaction during the present scission Senal:or Piatt ofl Con hedtiicut remarked ifd a Irierud today; inax tnere .womd ceraatoly be . an extra I The friends of Judge Ewart; are ' s:ill jrmi in itflse beiiet tnat net wiin be con- s Asjxeiegmpnea to itne. liazeuce. ned td have iamy thing, further to do ith toe case, 'and this the .friends of udge EFwarto oonitend, will have a favor ble efCecffc on llhjepooniteist. . Another Sen- tr, who iti is - believed i . was strongly 'gainst the conflrmaftion hafe said that he II make no a'dtSve oppositioinLr, One the known attorney's ofl Charlotte has Led Congressman Lflnney -.that the of thaJt city unquailifledly m favor ifhO cctnnrma'tion off Judee TSwart y A ge-numberiof well known lawyers are nding f endorsements of -Judge Bwart d. they . make specBal reference to the iiter.v or . "iuiuctaj; v temperament. out wtiicb!so much .has been said. ' An, ort is being made joi . have - an - early led meeting of this sub-Judiciary Com tee: and have some " action taken in le Judge- lEJwkrt meutlter without wait S until next Monday, the regular time r meetinig'. ' - ' . , - , Senator Pritchard-wasone-'of (the pall tar era at the funeral of 'CongressmaQ ngley,' and! was alsb among those who FQPIGS MOKE TBXlTLOB'P. MAGISTRATE - -' CIGAR were apoinfted to aceompeny- the re mains ctf the diitinguMied statesman to Lewiston. Official' business, however. prevented his serving in the latter ca pacity. . , ' : i - f .W. A. H; WOOD'S PLAN MAY : ; AGAIN BE SET BACK Now Understood that Santi- ago Receipts will Have to be Distributed. Santiago, Jan. ; 15. Telegrams rmj cetved by officials from Havana confirm the belief that the province -wil! no long er derive exclusive benefit from its rev-; enues but that Ahe large receipts at this and otlher ports will be distributed among the other provinces. The order has come from Havana to give ' the estimated probable expenses and forbidding the expenditure of cus toms moneys without the aprov3j of the division commander. Unless the governnuent at Washting--ton intervenes General Wood's exten sive plans for improvements will be seriously hampered. COLUMBUS' REMAINS WELCOMED IN SPAIN People Looked on the Cere i monies as a Symbol of Spanish Empire's Burial. , Sevilte, Jan. 19. A great Crowd, many in mourning, today witnessed the ceremony of transferring the remains of Columbus' from tihe boat wMoh brought them from Cadiz to the ca thedral here. Salutes were fired, there was a funer al procession and a solemn requiem mass was said.' The people seemed Ito think that the burial of the Spanish colonial empire was symbolized. 1 BOYS III BLUE HONOR MEMORY OF ROBERT, E. LEE Parade by Thirty-First MicMgan in Savannah Sumptuous Dinx er to the Soldiers. Savannah, Ga., Jan. 19. Tlie men of the Thirty-first Michigan Volunteer lin fantry had an excellent exanrple of southern hospitality today when they were given a sumptuous . dinner at the grounds at Camp Onward by the lady friends of the, thre iocal companies that formed part of the First Georgia regiment, which has been mustered out. The officers were entertained sep arately by some of the officers of the old First Georgia. After the dinner there was a parade by the Thdrty first - Michigan the -famous Chatham artillery and Georgia Hussars in honor of General Robert E. Lee's birthday. , WHEN WRITING TO CUBA. . The Gazette yeefterday received a card from'Lr. B. Alexander, of the First North Carolina, which stated that let ters for that regiment in Cuba should not as formally be addressed "via Tam pa" as new and quicker routes have been estabMshed. The simple address, "First North Carolina Regiment, Ha vana, Cuba," will meet the most prompt delivery. Mr. Alexander In h'i card eay: 1 "A postofflce) has just beett opened at corps headquarters!, and all mall for the entire corps will come to camp prompt ly on arrival of boats." BaJMes' Moccasins, 15 certs a ptSr al color. O. A. Mears and Sons. mm Ulil Lace mmmmmmmmntmimtttttttttntttHftttmniHtm Ladies I. . Blantori & o. ' 1 ;- ' ! PATTON A V F. . lOEEifllE Dfli HORSE Will ProbaMy Succeed Quay In the Senate but Quay , is Still Confident, w Harrisburg, .ia.,.v. Jan. . 19. Semator Quay left for Washington tMs after noon. He eaid the situation was satis- - - - - . . i factory to him and'that he had not the slightest doubt of has re-election. There was no material , change to the ballot today. 4 It not expected rthat a baTEot. wfll be takea for another week. There 4s a suspactoa that some democrats are waiting for a chance to break to Sena- tor Quay, but if they do so the rest of the democrats and independents Willi refrain from voting and thus prevent an electioni A compromise candidate t&eems likely to (be the outcome and Chris Magee, of Pittsburg, is likely to be the man. DOUBT IN AfJEST VI Republican Caucus Nominee Lacks Two very Ne cessary Votes. Charleston, W. Va, Jan. 19. B. Scott was nominated tonight by the re publicans for United States senator. The republicans have a majority of two in the legislature but three members purposely absented themselves from the caucus tonight and the election of the caucus nominee is in grave doubt. POST OFFICE BILL HUNG UP IN HOUSE Metropolitan Appropriation Voted Down-Bill Still Pending; WasMngton, Jan. 19. The refusal of the houee today tOtake up the Bfbwn Swan son contested election case from the Fifth, district of Virginia necessitat ed a premature consideration of the postofflce appropriation bill and the ses sion was devoted to that measure. It went ithrough tine committee of the whole practically as it came from the special committee. An item appropriat ing $171,000 for expediting the mails frdm New York and Washington to Atlanta and New Orleans was stricken but by a large vote.. ' When the biffl reached the house a motion to recommit was made with Instructions to omit "newly acquired territory" from the operation of the bill. On this yeas and nays were de manded, wlhereupbn the house, .adjourn ed, leaving the matter pending busi ness. v-' " ' 1 ' ' MORE JUM0RS ABOUT ALGER. Washington,. Jan, 19. There are many rumors in circuteitJon Ih-ere that Secre tary Alger is about to -leave the Cabi net. In some circles it is positively de clared that the resignation "has been handed to president M'Klnley, to Ibake effect when the army investigation com mission makes its reoort. It is admirtted in the best informed circles ithat the secretary of war is dis pleased greatly oyer, the decision to have Commisary-General Bagan court mar tial ed, but, while making this admission, these people say that Mr. Alger is going tto bury his pride and stay in 'the cabinet umitil he has evened all scores against his dearest enemy, Nelson A. Miles. There is.no doubt that before US Eagan court-martian fairly is begun the jsecre Ftary will make an attempt to involve General Miles. All the other members of the cabinet claim that they have heard nothing of the rumored resignation or of any inten tion on the part of Mr. Alger to resign. mm ui Tan Shoes, RGINIA m0mm - Complete stock; of Ladies' , 3 TanXace Shoes at popular 3 prices, 3 $2.00 $2.50 and $300 a Pair. I Made by experienced x man- 3 ufacturers J smooth . onv the 3 inside, so that you canivear 3 them all day Vwith ; per,fect 3 comfort. , 1 I ' .-V3 . uuu HATTERS MOST DISCUSSED '10IIG THE 5 The Defeat of tiie Superiof Court Proj- ct-Winrton's Sixfirage Bfll-rEus- V; sell's AttituiiePcrsonal Hotes. ;- - Special to the Gazetted Rgh, Jan. 19. The legislaltuTO nas received many compliments on the per- ekmnel of its menxbers, and. I heard the fiTst riticlsmyesterday. It was by an Afthevilie man. He said: "This legia Bature a nerveJess body; it fears pop- fn opinson and ia always considering wnat the people wll say. It hesitates Swulfc taking tmportant action." Yet this contains the suggestion of a com pliment However, the above charac teristics undoubtedly I'defeated the pro posal to estaMlsht new superior courts. wtiij urged that the people would not like the expense and "some members were Slad the governof'ia demand that he have a majority of the appointments v yroposea courts' Officers gave them an excuse for refusing the courts. The criminal court people shonM watch sharp lest after these courts are abol ished the legislature may forget to es tablish new onest The two house are democratic in a broad sense. People crowd to to the anlbe-rcoms and side halls, sit on the members seaJtef and make themselves at home. At first there were buckets of water for 'drinking, but now the (legis lature has ventured to Install water coolers and tfcin- dippers. One of the representatives who Is making- a good reputation tel Hon. R. L.. Leatherwood, of Swain county. Mr. Leather wood is a hard worker, and aH7 though ia new member Obtained fQr a constituent, Mr. J. H. Elmore, of Swain, the best legislative office en grossing cliark.. i Candidates for superintendent of the penitentiary must wait patiently until something turns up. No one 3s push ing measures to oust Captain ray, al though Speaker: Connor is, it Hs said, preparing a bill too remove the captain. It wfU be a satisfaction to candidates to know this for when Judge Connor is satisfied with a measure Captain:. Day will be oult for good. There is the same state of affairs in regard to rthle railroad commissioners. Their removal and the election of new officers is only a matter of tline, however. The republican are few and wily, so they linanaged to hoJd a. meetlntg- Tues day night without attracting attention. They say the governor was not there. Neither was Colonel "V. S. Lusk. It was a "family reunion," the republicans say. The. suggestion! iq the Gazette thalt Colonel1 Lusk has injected courage into the governor wag verified by Gov ernor Russell's reconsideration' of has intention that he would appoint the democratic caucus nominees judges and solicitors. "Reconsideration" lis the propel expreeBion because the three members of the caucus steering com- ! - miittee who saw the governor were sat isfied from what he said that he would appoint democrats as the court officers and lit was on this belief and this only that t'iey called the caucus. - The 'statue In front Of the ' capltol, which ; represents George Washington bareheaded, annoys every legislator. The members think the great man should not be bareheaded. The members iProm the Atlantic sea board are assailing the legislature Witk bills to erect lighthouses at Old Topsail inlet and Ohunckamuck sound, to reg ulate1 fishing with seines, .Dutch nets, etc. J. Frank Ray's committee on prop ositions and grievances is a very gen eral sort of committee; in fact," using the expression rteapectfully, It is a sort of "hotch potch" cpmm'MJtee. It con siders all kinds of bffls, charters, pen sion daims dispensary, and It gets meet of the resolutions. The Winston bill to submit a consti tutional amendment on the subject of suffrage, based on the Louisiana law, hes been1 placed ftn charge of two of the most capable members of the commit tee on constatuitional amendments. It is probable that at will be made shorter, but not materially changed. Representative Josh Curtis believes in pushing his bills from the day of their introduction'. He etees that they Teach the committee and then he presents his case,, gets the bills back- before the house, and- (has succeeded in getting the house to pass them. The aegfettature &nd outside parties' in attendance seem not tot appreciate its importance, not to. realize that it opens (Che way for the easy election of two United States senators, . 'a governor, state official and other valuable of fices. There are those who do, however. The members are not overconfident of success two years from now,, although they have the power to pass an elec tion daw and submit an amendment which wdM remove a great part of the republican party. ' The legislators "; act as -it. -the" next election would be close; and that they must make a record for it , - ; i Ladles' and gentlemen's $1 overgalt era for 50 cents. -4 G. A.. Mear & Sons shoe store. , Ten dozen; - bay . them while you can ' et them, Q tA.- Mears & Sons shoe store. r-- ' - sj;ll Q Tf he Knest Private Inn South. Loctrd in a residence Vf rr ten minutes from car. Private baths, electric wood fireplaces. In connection with The Manor are two artistic cottages. First season opened January 1, 1899.' .feor farther information apply 6 M RS. CHAS. M,PLA TTf Manager. SEMI-FINALS Oil THE LINKS Finals Flayed Today and Frizes Awar dedA Golf Club at Hot Springs- The semi-Analkj of the Swannanoa Coumtry club's gottf tournament proved am interesting feature on the links yes-, terday. The playing was spirited and was watched by a large number of members and friends. 'Dr. C. T. Jordan and Miss M. Neu bold won with 5 up and 4 to go -from Mr. J. "West and Miss Howland. The same result was reached in the match between Mr. D. C. Waddell and Mrs. Warden and Dr. Cheesborough and Miss Helen Doyle, the former win ning. The ftnails of the tournament will be played today. Two handsome first prizes and two -second prizes will be awarded. Mr. McDonald Shroder, the golf pro fessional, recently spent a week to Hot Springs changing and improving the minks of -the golf club recently Organized there. Mr. Shroder caused a number of bunkers and streams to be placed On' the links, thus increasing the "haz ards and makpg the links very sporty. Hot Springs has many golf enthusiasts and a tournament has been arranged for next week. It Is expected that tour naments will soon be arranged between the 'Swannanoa and the Hot Springs clubs. UNNATURAL MOTHER LOCATED BY POLICE Believed to te in Danville, VaM and Efforts will be Hade to Have Her Arrested. The police are making strenuous ef forts to Jooate EBen Blakely, the unnat ural mother who deeterted , ' her two months old babe last Sunday. Through hard work the police have obtained a description of the man in whose company the woman Is said to have left tJhe city. They also believe they have ascertained his right name and address. The name of the desert ed chad's father has also been discov ered. It is known that the Blakely woman boarded the north bound train and Us at present believed to be in Danville, Va The police will endeavor to have her arrested there. The baby is being cared for by Mrs. Smith, though foer cScurnstances make the irreased expense a burden. She vriM probably return it to the Blakely woman's people an Craven county, Ga FARMER DEWEESE INSANE. Robert Deweese, a farmer In the neighborhood of Bamardsvilfle, is Incar cerated in the county jail here because he lis a lunatic. He had been suffering from mentaH aberaition for some time and a few days ago he became vio lently Insane. A party Of friends brought Mm ito the jail here. Deweese is a young married man and has two children. The cause for hla doss of reas on has not been known. , SHAMPOOING- Beware starch. of Imitations. Use Elastic Atl DadWWool Shoes, 10 per cent, of cost. G. A. Mean and Son. HJB end Green's ChJMrea oast. Q. A. Mears and Sons. To Ladies: SUPER FL0US HAIR I - REMOVED 0X4 vtet UtfW ti Dr. J, Van Dyck, of Fb41aJ6MpMaf Pa., was the first phyeaclan In, this country i ipermanesntly destroy uperfluousihair by the eftitjrSc needle., Mrs. Josephine Van Dyck, successor to Dr. Van Dyck, has devoted 20 years to h5s operation. She has -been most V sucoesBful having never failed to destroy the todareest bair from the most delicate . skin, -without leaving a mark, or giving paSn. Testi monials - from eminent physicians. Da dies taught iV; Hours 10 to 4. - i- s ; 158 Cnestamt St Ashevilje, IT. C.' "Atbemanle Park. Charlotte Street. center oi Asheville on electric! light, steam heat and open1 PEIRSODWAiL! R. L. NeilSOn. Of Gren.hnirn Tract 4 the city yesterday. ' W. R. Crawford and R. D. Gilmer, of Wayneevilte, arrived in the city yetfter- Miss Ada Gudiger has. returned from Sincy11!!? VlSi't ln Lebamn' Ky- 4 Sx$ ' Colonel V. S. Lusk returned from Ral eigh yesterday morning. He staijes pos THvely thait he h-ais cit influenced any of uio gvnrors axnions. Mr. Wairmen. of New Vmrk ,rrkr0fl here Wednelsday, to VJait his inva'id brother at the Knickerbocker. He left yesfterdiay with his brother for Scranton Pa. ' Mra R. H. Flemming, wife of the mayor of Ludlow, Ky., and her niece, Miss Fannie CUaisison, who have beea Stopping in the City, left yesterday for Savannah, Ga. J. D. Rattinea, of Chester, S. C; E. H. McCutchen, of Holstein, Pa.; Reubtn Genibiv, of Danviille, Ky.; B. Marks, of Ph'iQadelphia Bind George C. Walters, of New Orleans, are at the Hotel Berkeley. $ Avery Elliott, of T. C. Smith's phar macy, has returned from a business .trip to Burnsville. H. Heweston, of -this cbunty, is back from a trio Cut wectt, A. V. Dawson, representing Arnold Hennfigar & Doyle, wholesale boo't and shoe jobbers, lits in the city soliciting or ders. Miss Bessie Sphar, of Winchester, Ky., entered the Asheville college, yes terday as a student. 8S Arthur Mader ia here from New York, ito join h& wife, who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Will Bearden, on Bearden avenue. lor a few da-ys. Mrs. A. DowelT is here from St. Lou!a. visiting her father, Dr. A. Crawford, cn Grove eitreat. x? 'Judge and Mrs Marcus Erwin return ed from a visit in Chattanooga, yester day. Mifels iFit'ja Horn beck arrived here from Mt. Steii'img, O., yesterday, to spend the -winter. After a sojourrt of several d'ays in Asheville, B. F. Kohler left fof Tryon, Ualat evening. Mn , Thomas Spencer Cobb, who has been a guest at ithe Berkeley for the pact month, leaves town tfoday on a commer- fei'al trip in North Carolina, Soutlh Car-- olLna and Georgia. Remember the fire sale ait 28 South Main street The entire stock of A. Tri fleld, sligb'Uy damaged by his recent fire, is being sold regardless of cost. 298 6 t Shoes. 10 per oemt less than cost. A. Means and Sons. G Babies' Shoes, "20c Mears and Saons. s. miv. To Care Constipation ForeTer Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c If C. C. C fail to cure, druggists refund money Ladies' Over gaiters, twelve inches long 39 cents. G. A. Meant & Sons. ISEASES THAT KILL Consumption is ce tarrh of the lungs. Certain complied tionsmake consumf- incurable. Most cases of death from con sumption are the direct result of neglected ca tarrh. Pe-ru-na works harmoniously with nature to eject the tubercles from the lungs, and works so successfully that if there is a cure for consumption Pe-ru-na is the remedy. Bead this letter f-?n Mrs. H. A. Tyner, of Pour Oak? p.. C, about her daughter, Mrs. L. Ke-ae. She sajs: Pe-ru-na Medicine Co., ColumbustO. Dkab Sibs:- "My daughter had every symptom of consumption suppression of menses, night sweats and great ema ciation. She was so low that none of our neighbors thought she could livs. In May Mr. C. R. Adams, of this place, who had taken Pe-ru-na, told me if anything would help her Pe-ru-na would, I got a bottle of it and some rock candy and began giving it to her. During the firsi few daysthe was so weak she could only take a half tea spoonful at a time, but I gave it to her as of ten as ehe could bearit, In less than a week she could walk two hundred yards and back without rest ing; she kept getting stronger, and in twelve months she seemed to be as well as she ever was in her life. I feel, and so does every one that knew about her sickness, that Pe-ru-na saved'her life. My daughter's name is Mrs! L. Keenc. & ; Ask any'druggtrt for a free Pe'ni-na ; almanac . " 'C;v ' ,'- IL al f - .v" En

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