f ..T , - .: "l ' - - . T . HE" ASHEVILL&GAZETTE, JANUARY. 22, Jsoo i si Tlie-OaksHotel GERMANY RULES V e f-ncy The fin3t w fa oce. prohibiting, under severe pendt fee?Pilsacih.. a gen ie- ilea, u rurtice of hypnotism, meamer J5-Inch. -lunurwoted from ism, or any other psychic force: also a' thLGTn'U1 CiVllv magl ?fJl . bin squiring- candidates for Judge of all the sk of ooeag the routine of PresI ' co. inferior to the state supVeme ucwwax work aad.o. vetaoiisam lua y court; to appeat-i before th TTaQ fka T1anri A-f Qsmnii I Dreceuan jl- Wlenl had- d.ue cb;..t, demonstrate itheir QuaBfications. naS :tne XSiana . 0 - aamoai Vhe .r for whIeH be baen latruc- aoid receive a srvui iflX!: r j ' .r vae nMne can appear on. the omdai bal- :' , "wwaui-i -wiui iut; wtiy. Jtuere lot. - lue member who Introduced the vas, also indignation anicaig tthe white , hyptnettem bill says he attended a hyp resiaenu cf Apia tther thun the German noHe entertaSnTrnt rimtv - ni i.. communicy of Matafele Publite meetings clared the mfesr made a. mbnkpv f mm. " . - -V -- " ---v- " -1 V - ci . - 1 - -v i- - . . ,f . - T' LOFn - Ji 9 i - m . - T . " KMit- nnntinn in mtv roaf w,M llacTitiA 'I'thtv 1 I .urJ I J,.- greatly 10 me aisgusc pi mm. r ---.w., vvii viuo;uyiu ltoyiiv itiui; uqu uir4i uerman officialdom, which was imposent . . lueu the storm. The .public had PEOPLE'S NOW OPEN TO 5ME PUBLIC. t REAVODELED AIID REFUINISMED. Table first-class; hot and cold bathsj steam faieat; splendid! vipws from balconies. depot to hotel ten ace; three blocks fiom Court i?quare. Up-tc-date eorvice, free billiards, RATES MODERATE. SAMUEL. H. REED, Prop., Asheyllle9 N. C. Under Full Control; FAMILY MOSEL. 62 HAYWOGD ST, bhanees proprietors January 1. Now under Northern nun- aeement. "Very sick people and children-ndt desired. United States. - President of trie Islands ana Half the Common Council are Germans. j.ne .puDiic naa irr nr miiTrn i some aufiMTi r.n iv - t wanid tm I Irr IIP I III 1 1 r 1 1 N I A I rS , ) table. premises Wields such Power that bhoild He D. sire He Could jDlo$e United States Coaling biaiiou- Once upon a tixne there was in Wash ington a motit minor official Who de- tinrnnPp heat hot bathw and modern conveniences. Good I bribed himself a "a, bigger man than r Ul Udoc "t , Gramt ' MakiTie- trie necessary al- Clean rooms. xa-UlC uuaiuciB wacu, xa.jjpijr iiic von Pilsach inrpreted the treaty as he 'is ac-ing; it wanted o know by what tuizicrity r.he public funds were sent thousands of miles away from. Apia ce aepcs.ted in bunk in Sydney; -it want ed to be as3ured' thtit the funds of thej overn.meDt were not, used In. the puT-i , ukmc ui ,. neApia newspaper, wnicn fnorn a sate of wholesome criticism had 'gone over to the most abjeot adulation. The best way out of the mess was (adopt ed; Germany withdrew Fiherr Senfft von Pilsach. - bcamidt-Dargtiz seemed tlo prom CONSUL IS III DANGER Filipinos Angered by His Ac iTity, S it Brought against Him f r Eevenge. COLUMN. UTSOJBIXAXXOirS. LOST. A five-dollar bill between Court square and 117 Haywood street Find er please reft.urn tt Ball & Shepard, 6 Pattern, avenue. WANTED To rent a "New Home" ewing machine. Address "C" care of Gazette. WANTED. To rent a typewriter for several months; caH at Gazette offlc. J Oak Hall, The finest equipped Hotel in the South, is situated at On tuc southern slope of the Blue Fidge mountains, where fogs are seldom seen, and, without doutt the best winter cliii ate in western North Carolina, For further particulars apply to JOSEPH HELLEN & SON., Proprs. Oak Hall, Tryon,jN. C, THE BLOCKER HOME, O. H. BLOCKER, Proprietor. Good Board $5 per week; $1.50 per day. OIOD IFOUEoT TST O Do you want a summer and winter bom e to the Land of the Sky? Cool in sum mer and mountain-locked 4b the north with southern exposure for winter. Fine water dry air, 2,800 to 3,000 elevation. Now is the time, while property m low. ISTia Smb. Double daily trains on through Southern Railway . ful scenery an-d the finest high altitude winter country in the world, attracting attention the world oyer. urYTiri CI PMINQ t Manon, JN 1 u I 11 I uu-mii GKUBER CONCERT CO., Proprietors. m: T 1 ,flT- 76 HATWOPP ST. )0, jjjuSer neiw management. f Qtoroughly renovated, centrally loeat All convenleaces. Terms reasom- qOSlSPH McGARRY. THE GROVE HOUSE, MRS. KOPPELBEROBR. H Grove street. AahevUle. N C Hoom nicely papered aad rurntoM throughout.! Halls well hted Batha hot and cold water. Modern ewrlencea. Near rtreet car Hne. KENILWORTH PARK " One mile from the court bouse; three zilnutes' walk from Blltmore car line, one of the healthiest ln Aehe vm. New house, with Jtle Sounds; open Area; every home com fort; No advanced tuberculosis pa tients taken. - M Flret class board for only 15.00 t.et per week. Mrs. A. Z. Cooley. PRTVATB BOARD, House In suburbs In large shadj rove, rood table with abundanceol gSto milk, butter, eggs, eta Mil horn court house on electric ir Une SSephone 29S. Rates low. nkcjmattos at Wen. 3. M. Ray's, on LooratMoun ear line or at Ray'g bookstore. New England Hon Furnished r"om, Hb without hoard. 102 Patton Avenue. ie. or Sunset Glen. On Sunset drive, above Wlnyah Sanita rium, one mile from sauare. A riheerful home for fiealth or rest seekers. New house, all modern conven enoes. Fumnace heat, and electric bella in each room. Broad varan das. Finest view and healthiest location in Asheville. Table and cooking unsurpassed. Tele phone and mail dlellvery. and TO VISITORS- , An-v mi atAtminjr in town who would - . . a rtn .i ni m til flnit oze private jeeeoiup ut txu4 mm excellent opportunity to study wltl Um& Heutte, who has a numlberof pu bCLi at the hotels and in town. She Is a t.iin mnA r terms are very mod Annmi 41 uroaa sxreex. Educate Your Bowel With Cascarets. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10o,25cT It a C. C. fail, drnggistsref und money. I will Dye this Year as well as I Dved in the Old Year. T ftvm IsLASem arul cents Clothes, tip, -nlnmaa. feathers, hat, etc. chenile cuT- dalns, rugs, robes, all kinds of furs. t .uon ionic' nmri . eents' clothes by chemical process, which does not shrink or damage the gooas. t ltot. ond -PflTWLlr ladies' and gents T-Tv.n oism fura such as beaver, seal, etc. All work guaranteed. One way express wlU be paid on I have also at my store at Court place s lew head mounted rugs for sale at a low figure, as wolf, fox,, leop ard, wild cat, etc One way express. E5 South Main street , and t. Nov 1 Bast Court square. . , ; all Carl Sblraltz PrActicaIi Dyer and Chemical Cleaner, . KR 8. Main Str : ' Photie 206. TUB ASHEVILLE LUNCEI COUNTER Affi 28 1-2 siautth MafetCtobe bought reasonable. . ': v Makes linen look good as newElaatlo old Grant. lowataces for the tropical atnd monarch- dal surroundings that plhrase describes the position of the preeddenit of the municipality of Apia, the present hold er of whidh omoe4r. Raffel, is asserting Germany's Mwer in Samoa. The king lived in a three roomed cottage' which the United States gave him. The presi dent lives in a handsome house. When the president orders a tin of biscuits the traders axe glad to charge it and present .tlbe account at the end of the quarter. There is a law of the kingdom that no store may extend credit to the bine except on an order countersigned by the president or the collector of customs. The king's ags are S43.C0 a month. The president's salary of $5,000 a year is a fixed charge upon the government assets, and must be paid before the pittance is set aside for roy alty. The president exists by virtue of the Berlin act. In fact everything in Sa moa is constituted by that document with the exception of the three consuls and the rebels. Three presidents, all Germans, have held the office. The courtly Freiherr Senfft von Pilsach, the bumptuous Schmidt and the learn ed and scholarly Dr. Raffel have con sistently made the Samoan king and the Samoan government Jeel the force of Germany's hand. The Berlin act does not provide for amy such thing as that. It is expressly designed to secure the autonomy of Samoa, But in prac tice tlhereis far less concern as to what the treaty provides than as to what it can be mode to mean. In general fit it has been easy- to warp the treaty by local 'interpretations, because. Great Britain has not cared much for Sa moa and the United States less. Ever since Samoa has found a place in his tory titoere has always been come one there to -remind Samoans of the might xst Germany. It began with Theodore nicago, Jan. ZD. A special to the Jtteccra from Hong Rong is as follows j 'ine sun. recently brougnt rnJnt RounsevMe Wildman, the United States consul general, by fine BMMnino 1 ise well, for a German when he was ap-i'the recovery of ithe surrt of $47,000 oinud r sident. It whs a hopeful novi claimed to have been denosited in hfa elty, this of appointing am official who! care is felt here to be simply an act of ' experienced in Samoan affairs: foT';revenge. The junta' has long been :ne new President had been German vice illegal exportation of arms to Manilla consul at Apia, knew the people and1 smarting over Wildman's aolivity whs .an excellent Siamoan scholar.. The in suppressing illegal exrortat ion indignation died out, "line public meetings of (arms 4o Manillii Ardl its ceased to be held, cdttzens n'o longer -action in the supreme, court is went from public house to public house ' bel-ieved to be the result. Within the along the beach with drafts off a new: last month the consul general has pre constitution which was to bring peaioe I vented the exportation of arms valued to Samoa. By common, yet unspoken; j at $1,000,000, Mexican, consent botih, Samoans and white people That the suit was brought for politi watched the turn of the event, 11 dispos-( ):al effect is thought here to be suffi- fnsPn it n-i, V. .'rr s"UA' a.Aniiainifnta o f I Afl't I r TXToAi i,n n iQit orl Vvr ifriA fiar H-Viar fair show. Yet Schmidt, proved imprac- Bray, the nolitical agent of the FiliDino tioable. German officials are nowhere! junta, contrary to custom, had ' notice famovs for suavitv of manner, and of the bringing of the action inserted in MISS NORA WARE-LPiantst teacher In stringed Instruments, 12 Vance street. SOUVENIRS And oil kinds of fancy paintings made to order. Pupils In crayon drawing and oil solicited. Miss Minnie T. Deaver, 25 Pine street, Asheville. tf ROBERT BROUN City surveyor and engineer, omce Ially Gasette; resi dence, 55 Victoria avenue. Schmidt had a few personal traits which put a most acute accent on his offici'al bearing. in his relations with the Sa mdan government he wa3 so complete a failure that King Malietoa appealed to the 'tihe rowers for the removal of the President. With the white De'oole he met with no betiter success. Keeping a (tight g-rip orn his German miajority, he forced the obnoxious measures Hihirough the municipal counicil and shut off the debase of the heirless non-German mi niority, denying them even- the scanty privilege of emnff on redord with rea: so1-.? for itheir dissent. " Thereupon the minority members of the council resign ed. Tti? President refused to issue the call for an erctioni on itfyB ground that members once elected must sta(y 'isa of fice until the exolralion of their terms. When he was forced out of tlhis position he did qii in nis ofiwer fo hinder the electl lon of ecodi men. Then he attempt ed to irir0(3UCe German as the official language. 'EniRliish Ihiaving always been used previously. This created mlore stir whii'ch made work forYhe ,cKmsuls, and went -as far as Washington, London, and Berlin. With all this he might ihave been yet in office tout for a peculiar blunder, The TPla.t'ir-ns became strained! between himself omd the German consul. Wha irer'resenrations the two officials matdie to th.e arthrri:tivp-a In Berlin! can! not be known: t.hp, result wa-3' that Piresiden SohTnjrit-"nareitr -nesigned and left with much haste, and the consul was promot ed to be a consul general. In nicking- its candidate for its third successive nomination; to tne tamioan PrexJency Germany chose- Dr. Joannesf Raffel, the district ju-dlge at Dar es'Sa lam, in the German aslt AiMc&n -colony. The choice' was significant; it indicated that Germiany Mad tested the indifference of the other powers and Quad ventured to put Samoan affairs into the hands of one of its ctolonial officials. It is onry nbliticallv thkt Dr. Raffel is a dlangerous factor; personaly he is all that could be desired. lEducatfon has put a fine polish J- J. TTrUAM V n A.rcf O T on '.inn-aire rennem w.. w ueu " - : rived at Apia !he was almost imdepend--; he was inclined to be sociable, mat the local papers before the cause lhad been heard in the chambers. He also gave the same story to the Associated Press tor transmission1 to fine United States, conveying the! impression that Wildman' had been treasurer of the in suTgent fund. Wildman has been warned manv time3 within the last fortnight that he will be killed if he persists in prevent ing the exportation! of arms. Anony mious letters to that effect are received dtaiily, and he is warned, too, that the orly alternative if he wishes to save his life is to resign FOR AN ARMY POST AT RALEIGH HOARD ASHBV1LI.K. BOARDERS WANTED. At the Tuxe ao, 76 Haywood Street; several sunny rooms vacant; good table; reasonabl termls. 296-6 BOARDING Private ktnily near square; terms reasonable. Mrs. I V. (fole, 69 Spruce street. 140-tf WANTED. A troroue-hlv furn'shd pn up-to-date fiat of at least five room and bath, or small house. Address C Gazette. 296 3t TO LOAN On improved city property $500 to 5800. Address with description of property box 200 postoffice. Bill Introduced by Senator Pritchard Yesterday. Special to the Gazette. Washington, Jam. 21. Senator Pritch ard today Introduced a bill appropriat ing $100,000 for the establishment of an army post at Raleigh. W A. H. WANTED Party who is going to Cal-i-iforniiai would vike to carry a sjde line tor responsible house. Address J Gazetije. WANTED A young white girl, eleven or twelve years old, to help take care of a baby and make herself generally . useful. No hard work. Address, H. T. Gazette office. Weber, that truly wonderful organizer, if they p EOt !tfcetn, a rule -they do not who not only created a monopoly of the HILllOE COTTAGE. Corner Sunset drive and Baird street. Northern cooking, spring water, fine views, broad veranda, near car line. MISSES DOUGHTY, Asheville, N. C. M. El lick, PRACTICAL FURRIER. All kinds of fur work for ladies and gentlemen made to order. Old fur gar ments worked over in tbe latest style, such as Seal, Martin,Beaver, Musk Kat, Arimin. AH kinds of iur re-ayea oiack and brown colors. A fine Overcoat made of Bear Skin suitable for conductor or motorman also a fine Deer Bug for sale. Office at Oestreicher's. FEED AND SALE STABLES A Full Lin of Firet claw Livery. Rubber TirM Buggies. Riding: Iiessop.s Given. Prompt Attention Paid to" all Orders." Open. -Dkyaad Night: C. C; UILLABD, Prop. Phone 180 27 Haywood St Ifackler. editor of the Mi- canopy (Pla.) Hustler, with his wife and children; sufferedvterribly irom lagrdppe. One M!hiute Cough Cmre' waa Ithe only remedy (that helped itnem. 11 V a nnnsTiirla olf others- use : this Tern mfma flor la sTippe,; and its i. naUn alter effedts. Never , fails Paragon pharmacy.-" ,''.v. . jf Tjunitnmi - Jfltwev tasiS Leather thV a. A- Hears 'and Sons' WHAT IS A PICTURE PLAY? A picture play, the invention cif Mr Alexander Black iof New York, has been called, "An Authiors Reading, IllustraJt ea, a fetory :n fictures anxl many other (things.- A story illustrated from real life, with lLvin people amKil real back grounds "f city, country and sea side, is . pres.- rj&& with an improved form of sfberoo "tioctni on a whilte sheet, Mr. Black te-l'-lng the story and giving the vtocai impe!non?tion of the charac ters in the -dark. The pictures dissolve', rapidly and approximate the effects of1 reiaTJ life. Afterl -Listening- 'to Mr. Black's rendition of "Miss Jerry" Wil liam Dean Howells writes: MI like your! story and the whole contrlivanf e of the entertainment. The inven tion is novel and agreeable, and de- liloyitf-fn-lilv sniirri'H'ai.Tiio' Von Havo srurk ent: he was inclined to ne sociaoie. x , A : SW rl.lv on the beach.- Germans boldly tail life in your story and you have are, oblige to observe toward German of-, gcta rreeh note rrom it. : i&laott offl- Mr. Black will present "Miss Jerry" :ZLm nihhom rvnie aire not 'at the Grand! on Januainy 31. obliged" to copy the German laittitude, but WANTED Position as traveling com panion to Texa3 or California. Ad dress T, Gazette. WANTED Position as stationary en gineer or fireman; six years expe rience; best of references. Address P. M., Gazette" office. . - - ,: c;; " fi FOR RE NT Nicely furnished, large room with heat, light and bath; omy $8.00 per month. Special to a refined, quiet couple an good health. 167 Pat ton avenue. 301-2t SouUh Sea Island trade for the Firma Godeffroy, but also found time to cre ate an empire Which has always just eluded the German grasp, the man who1 lis really responsible for the Ger man colonial policy. He and hfe suc cessors tried in every way to give Sa moa to Germany. The treaty changed all that on. the face of it. Nevertheless German influence is maintained at top notch. That is tihe real duty of the president. His hand, bearing always eavy on the native government, must teach the unvarying 'lesson that Ger- many means power. The Berlin act which constituted the presidency has defined also the duties f the president. As there is a double system' f admiin'tetration in Samoa, one for the white residents and another ior the native population, so is there a di vision in the presidential duties. Upon the white residents of Apia he bears aa presiding officer of the municipal coun cil, elected "by the white people of all nafcionaMties who have qualified by a residence of six months in the munici pality. He is in effect a sort of may or. The municipality has been gerry mandered Into two wards In such a manner as to secure the election of nev er fewer than three German councillors out of the six provided by lawv With the president a German the municipal council all ways has a majority of rep resentation against all other nationalit ies, no mmn advantage in Itself. Upon the royal government of . the Samoans he exercises a dominant sway 'through being receiver and custodian of the rev enues. But the presidents have not rested content: with what , the law has given. There is a peculiarity, about the Berlin act. Alongside of the most pos- itive definition of powers and functions if - includes a parallel series of vague and : general statements which might bear almost any meaning. It has been within the power of a German policy working steadily - and consistently In Samoam affairs to place ,tupon tthese vasrue and general statements a con struction ever favorable;' the tighten ing of Uhe German grasp upon the king dom. ':Z It & was on account -of the possi biliities of pvv .preeenitedby the of flee that ; Germany obtained from , the other powers the privilege of naming .... the president.- , find themselves admitted to the company of the offii:iials. When Dr. Raffel first name he made acquaintance an am y xiiitvi ovo.rvT-iin.dv and seemedi to .think that he could discuss public affairs in- fW-TTWilv with the crtizenl eaus slender Mulivai stream who migQttheh American or English, just as ne couia lalk over the same topics weat or mai stream in Matafeie, wnra i Acttu'ally he spokei disrespectruiiy m tlhiose flmt days of 'the President's, dwell ing. He said it was too rar rrom every- bodv, tli-it it had no sneiter, ama-L rw-Pie wind blew a gaie ijuoush u raiy long, 'that he woura JiKe uve he -cither end of town n a mouse iwtwcn the Prlth and American wwuiao. This ted for days while Apia wonder ed. Then -the Pre'ideno siaw a lie-ht atnffl went prommivi on w ,n, "hi .Tcenes30TS IhlJKl liveu. w some way he acquired a fund of infor- AT THE CHURCHES. FOR RENT New, well equipped, first class bakery in town of 7,500 popula tion; no bakery; good opening. Apply to Lock Box No. 44, Concord, N. C. It FOR RENT Large snug rooms in new home. Centrally OdJated. P. O. BOX 381. 298-&t FOR RENT One pleasant furnished room, suliltlable iflar one or two persons. Use of 'phone. 37 North French Broad avenue. 298-tf Firtt Baptibt Services at 11 a. m. and at 7 30 d. m. Preaching at both hours; Jh.'J !FOR RENT-Unfurnished, elegant Growth." Subject of the evening termon, "Eesau's Insane Bargain," or "The Great est Folly in the World" a sermon to young peoples Central Method tet Dr. C. W. Byrd, pastor Services at 11 a m. and 7:30 p. m. French Broadj Durham, pastor, and; 7:30 p. m. BapJtSist Rev. C. H. Services at 11 am. Wt3nd BaptiBlt Rev. A. E. Brown, paaaor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:20 in the evening. Haywocld Street M. B. Rev. H. L. At- fiat 4 rooms and bath. Modern improve ments. Very pleasant. Also furnish ed cottage, 7 rooms and bath, for six months or longer. Call or address E. G. Ketchum, 90 Cumberland avenue. 297-6t FOR RENT Pleasant single or double furnished rooms, with board, 55 Col lege street. 295-6t FOR RENT One large store room un der Asheville hotel. Apply to A. D. Cooper- 292-lm , T o rt iff oTen t man' iaywoaa street jml. jw. roe v. n. u. ai- maiMion which made nim a ara 1 llia v. oprvj. M ! 11 a. m. and avi. n v,o m,-made acoviaiinted wi h. K3S, paetor. fcervipeB l ii a. m. ana the fnrt Grnt 'in Samoa the Germ em Ki te tthie veriest dfai f -"e extends life. It -results from .all th!s that Germ;anv governs Samoa through two offiK while its assoel-ote flwen have one re spectively each. In: Pctice the sys em works smwlly. Suppose the Germans txri the heirh- see a chance for eome re, uMlton which wril restrict others more than themselves. The) if -con earned! to the President with em m- tlmatibn -as to what .toe 13 expeuu- The German ma-JorWr m ine "TJfZL i onv art f reguilatio ctr ordinance which comes ajgwith the official recommnatlon. si u,o nmnnsed ordinance i-- KAoriVnfl three consuls i oomes oeiwe " il i.,-. flaw for review. If approved It beewnes tow, ff disapproved, it may be .Tf-.0 Mbly 'amended and again erit w, or mar be sefrih to tttnel 7:15 p. m. t Subject in the morning, "The Divina Road to Greatnes3," Matt. 18:4 and Mark 10:43-44. Evening subject, "Mose In viting Hobah to Canaan," Num. 10:29. FOR RENT At the low rate of 12 per month; residence, on Blanton street; 8 rooms-; large lot B. Coffin, Corner Haywood and West College streets. " 191-tf. North Asheville M. E. Rev. E. L.. Bain, castor. Services at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. ' Flret PtresbyierSan Dr. R. F. Camp bell, pastor. Service at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p-. m , St Paul's Lutae-ran Sunday school at 10 a. m- Preaching at 11 am. Services at Y. M. C. A. parlora. C. Brown Cox, paaaor. FOR RENT Newly papered nine-room house, with stable, on Pen land street AlTO several offioee on second floor of Gazetlte building. Mrs. C. B. Alvey corner of College and Vance street. 272-lm FOR RENT Bed room in Henry block. Apply to C. S. Cooper, 39 South Main street. 248-tf FOR RENT Front room, first floor, furnished or unfurnished. 38 Pen land street. FOK SALE. The rearular weekly meeting 4n Gospel FOR SAjLE Quaker Bath Oab'toet, for Chiaoer. 20 Vance street, has been changed from Tuesday tt Monday at 3:30 p. m. We invite all Christians and those who desBre a better irxe to come German measure is by this yd nancl worship with us. J. Cadwallader i... rr-n. rmgn President sees is, . . thtough the municipal nci-the Ger manoneul takes charge of when it noTiAiilai boaro. ine President ie sure of mlj&lVZ a?,l Seat. free. . i-.K.rt.Trt n i r, l . lax - - In charge. Chrisftftan Science Pythian hlanil, 35-37 Soufch Main street- Setrvaceto alt 11a.m. measures, dux it TiiiiJJ bu xj-x js axv St. Lawrence'sr-Falther Matlom, osr. Mass at 11 a. m. pas- TCPIPH, smoothed tfnSteS m lslaiUoin.which oe not suit German policy. , , Ari,. rights " to un napein w i equip, the Axciozm. cpaJirf i Tnajty dhfurch Rlev. McNeely DuBose Paoro-piaeo are perfect. . "Jr?1, Wtm. HoBv oommumiion, 8 a. m.. Mom- aside for . all Ittfme iforthje mw"" waier( 11 a. m. Sunday school, 3:45 vy and P "m- Evening prayer, 4:30. neaira.nn oaT)er. inAJie -"lvi, ti... iiact la inl the power or tne ' (,';. gt: Matthias'-Rev. Henry S. McDuf- President of the as to fey. priest in charge. Matins and eer " ... vt- imiflnence cloe the 'bay of Pa SS it that" nothing hut warships can claw, it opea. N. "yp. Sun. . . :- SOME FREAK BILLS .-Sr INTRODUCED IN KANSAS One to Prevent Hjrpnotism and the Other to Hake Judges Pass an, '" Examination. - mon. xx mon, 4 p. a m. m. ; All Souls' Blltmore. Rev. R. R. Swope, D. D., recttor. - Servioes at 11 a. m. and 5 p. m. ATl'aeats are free and the public to coiidia5ylnvflted to attend the jKlrvice. Bears tho Tbpekav' Kan. Jan. ' 21. Among the j Beware of lmltaitlons. - Use Tbi Ihi Yos Kan Always Bssgtf It never: pticks to the -trons Elastic Elastic . See what manner or men Germany bas freak hills Introduced la Ithe legislature ttarch. Turkish and Russian baths, to be tak en in your room. Price $5. The lat est and best. A boon to mankind, for full partiicukLro and examination of cabinet, address Miss Sutfon, 243 Hay wood street 282-3m RUBBER STAMP OUTFIT WILL BE old cheap. T. K. Davis, care Reg ister office. , SHAMPOOING . Mrs. Morrison, Is prepared to viefit la uSics at their residences and do this work at a moderate price. Orders-may be left ami information obtained at Ray's Book Stone, Court Square, Asheville, N. C. " Masses' Jersey Leggings, size 8 to 11 75c Q. A. Mears and Sons' Shoe Store Paul Perry, of Columbus, Gi, suffer ed agony for thirty., years, and then cured his piles by using De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It healatojur!e3 and skin diseases Hke magic Paragon pharmacy. One Minute Cough Cure, cure - That t4&vbs.1 it vas r;.u2 for. Food does more harm than good when not digested. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure di gests ,what you eat.! It prevenlts wast ing diseases and cures stomach troubles. It cures indigestion, sour stomach and belcMngv'ahd allows a womout stomach rest It acls , inrfantly. Paragm.phar- ( GeSLts woolen,- caahmere - Ana J93 : tfovea at llesro, .','' - - ' v . : - X t - ' i 7 -r r . '.4 i 7 tr :

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