I HHMitwiiHtiiwmmiiiHNfmmnimmiimiwiinH .US, rHiiTOttniin.iHt!iHiimuiiiiiiniIiin. .L!(imiiiiiirunniiuinltt.ntiiTrTT71 AgebblcPreparatbDJiMrAs slmilating uteToodaitfltegtila ting theStmnnrhs andBoweis cf PromotesXesfion,ChettfuI oess andlfesLContaias neither OpiumIorphine nor Miftefial Not Nahc otic EtapeofendllrSXMnELEnXMB Pumpkin Se JkcSenrut Ante Seed Uppernnat -tBi CafiaMttSaSa flfrmSecd -Gcnfied Suffer Hmtvhb' Florin A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomich,Diarrhoea, Worms ,Convulsions,Feverish and LOSS OF SLEEE Tac Simile Signature ot NEW YORK. i ! J EXACT COPT OF WBAPFEB. J 1 MS ill For Infants and Children. ine Kind Yon Have Always Bought Bears the Signature " of Mi AM n Use For Ove Thirty Year pa THI OKNYAWM OWSANT, NIW YORK IT7. fi SOIJTIIE RN RAILWAY. Numbers. Number. . Numbers. Number. I7&11 tt Extern Time. lJfc?. M t:SGpm 12:06am X-T. New York Ar. 12:4ipm 1 :15am :S6pm 1:50am Ir. Philadelphia Ar. 10:16am 2:56am t:S0pm 6:22am Lr. Baltimore Ar. 8:00am ll:2Spm 5:4Spm 11:15am XiT. Washington Ar 6:42am :S5pm ;10am :07pm Lt. Danville Ar. U :25pm l:t0pm tS:ltom 12:01pm !. Richmond Ar. :40am 1:25pm t'SSpm t :10am Lt. Norfolk Ar. 7: Warn S:E5pm t:10am 2:50pm Lt. Belma. Ar. 2:40am 12:iJpm 4:eiam l;S0pm Lv. Raleigh Ar. 1:40am ll:5am 7: Warn ;lpm L.t. Greensboro Lv. ie:4Jpxn g:S0m :95am 9:55am l 15am 10: Mam 12:12pm 2:16pm 1 :25pm 2:25pzn fl:Mpa i'.ibpm 7:40pm U:X5pm 7:10pm 7:F0pm 8:10pm 8:07pm 9:25pm 10 -84pm 12:05am 12:10am 12:15am ltfam 1:00am 4:25am 7:40am 7:10pm (Central Time.) Lv. Salisbury Ar. 6:35pm 9:30am 'IiV. Btatesville Ar. 5:44pm "8 :43am Lv. Newton At. 5:03pm 8:09am Lv. Hickory Ar. 4:45pmi 7:52am Lv. Marlon Ax. 3:28pmi 6:45am Lv Biltmore Ar. 1:30pm 5:21am Ar. Asheville Lv. 1:20pm 5:15am LT. Asneville Ar. 1:10pm 5:10am Lv. Hot Springs Ar. 11:40am 4:00am Lv. Morristown Ar. 8:50am 2:20am At. Knoxvllle Lv. 8:26am 1:15am Ar. Chattanooga Lv 4:20am 10:00pm Ar. Memphis Lv. f :15am S :49am 6:Wpm Ar. Naahville Lv. l:ltpm :10m 7:59am 7:58pm Louixville Lv. 7:45pm 7:4tam 7:28am 7:S8pm Ar. Cinctaaati Lr. 8:Wpm t:t$am A. AND S. BRANCH. No. l.No 18 Na.1 tCaatral Tiaae.) No. 11. No. 8 No. 7. g:S&am 8:15pm :Iam 8:15pm 8.17am 2:2pm l;&m 5:60pm 8j4S2&xn 8:15pm 2:40pm 9:35pm Lv. Aaaevilla Ar. 6:00pm 1:40pm (Eastern Time.) L. Biltmore Ar. 6:52pm 2:30pm Lv. Henderaonvilla Ar. 6:03pm 1:45pm lv. Tryon Ar. 5:00pm 12:42pm Lv. Spartanbnra Ar. 8:10pm 11:25am Ar. Columbia Lv. 11:30am 8:30am Ar Charleston Lv. 7:28am I:8fpm l:2&m 5:2fraaa C:15am 8:15am (Cantral Time.) At. savanna Lv. 12:24am 11:14am AJt. Jackaonvill Lv. 8:00pm 8:epm t:8aax B:55pm 6:18am Ar. Ai. Auyuta Lt. 8:2pm 8:t8pm Atlanta Lv. 7:50am ll:5$pm 7:40am 8:10pm Ar. Naw Orlean Lv. 7:45pm 7:5iaa l:fi$m Ax. Mempkia Lt. 8:89pm MURPHY BRANCH. No. 7 NO. 17 (Caatral Time) No. 68 No. 18 3:00am 4:00pm 10:29&m 6:25pm 11:20am 5:50pm 1:45am 8:00pm 5:i5pS Daily except Bunday. Lt. Lt. Lt. Ar. Ar. Aahevilla Ar. Wayneavilte Ar. Balsam Ar. Brywm City Lv. Iturnhy Lv. 4:00pm 1:88pm 1:50pm 11 :41am 12:20pm 11:20am 8:20am l:tfaa 6:00 a. m. Iaily except Sunday. (SLEEPING C AR 6EKVICB.) Train 87 and 11, and 12 and 88 carry Pullman aleeper between New York WaahintTton, AanarfU, Hot BprinT, Cnattanooca and Naahvllle. Traina S and lL and 18 nd 12, between Jackson ville, Savannah, Columbia, Aaheville, Hot Sprin, Knoxville and Cincinnati. Trains 15 and 16 carry Pullman sleepers between Salisbury, Asneville. Hot Springs, Nashville, Chattanooga a nd Memphis. Together with our a- client equipment and schedules to the north and east, all rail -through 'Washington, the public s sped a atten tion is called to our rail and water route to the north and east Bouthem railway and the Chesapeake line. This schedule allows a days stop-over at Norfolk, Va affording; an opportunity to visit Old Point Comfort (Fort Monroe), Virglniia VirgMJa Beach, New-port News, etc Baggage called for and checked from hotels and residences bythe .AshevUte Transfer Company, office with efflty ticket office, 60 paitton avenue, Aeheville, N. C. FRANK S. GANNON. J. It CDLJ, , Third Yica-xm. Gen, Ugr- TnOo lOmar, . $ ' ' WtAa2nston, 1.C. ; ' WlMblncton, D. C. K. H. HARDWICK. H . , 2F. A. TURK. r - ; A. G. P. Atlantav Cfc , CNs. Npcerent, A G. P Ai Loulsnne, Ky. C A EBNCCOTBB, TE. R. DARBY, stf r . - ' " ' A. G. P. A., Ctottanooga, Tenn. City Pass, and T. Agent ' n - Asheville, N. C. " r- : CCO pa5 ChTPttaf Cosa. I to It. Wl ecs. CL A. Hear ,ead- CssaT. Ct riDf. Doyid ricrincqyD ) WASlILD -AfiD FURIOUS Laziness Disease Ope ning of the Stock Max. ket with Advances of from 5 to io per Cent. TOTAL SALES EXCEED RECORDS Anthracite, Western Union and the Specialties in the Swim. of the liver and stomach. , " When a main is "out of sorts." indolent and don't feel like working, he needs a few dopes of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters to liTen np his digestive organs aq4 to stimdlate his liver and kidneys. "soput ; Hostetter's new vigor 4- f Stomach EhS'Sieod Bitters Liverpool Proves a Big Buyer in the Cotton Market Chicago Board 0 : Trade Had a Baying Fever toa. By Direct Private Wire to W P, Hi'1 Broker 48 Pacton Ave. "With, the exception of U. P., which sltowed an advance f nearly $2 a share compared with. Saturday's closing-, there was but a fractional change in London's ope rum g figures. Near the close, (however, the foreign markets became exceedingly violent under the influence of cur local markets, which showed more activity than at any time since the present bull campaign, total sailes exceeding all previous records. The opening wae wild "and furious, with advances of five to ten per cent., which in many issues was followed by breaks equally as violent under the pressure of profit taking. After the lapse of an hour or soothe market be came more quiet in tone and fluctua tions less violent. In itfae later dealings the buying movement was renewed on an active scale, and the advance was resumed with vigor. The 'Anthracite coaler came into prominence with, gains of 3 to 5 per cent., after rising over 3 per cent it broke over 4 per cent but recovered half the loss. Big Four became active at sensational advances and rose nearly $7 & share and held a large part' of the advance. General Electric rose 6 per cent and Manhattan after dropping 2 points gained 4 per cenrt. Later in the session Western Union rose rapidly, it simply being caught in the swim. Tne specialties show substantial advances and showed conisiderable strength at the close. N5 material weakness was shown 4n this market and conservative 'houses still predict higher prices. COTTON Liverpool !has at last be come aware of the enormous short in terest that has accumulated in the cot ton on that scale and was one of the beat buyers in our market today. Ear s' ly cables show an advance of about 2 points for futures. This was more than reflected in our market, which opened at advances ranging from 5 to 8 points, and during the early hours held fairly firm, and but for the all absorbing in terest in the stock market would un doubtedly have run to a higher level; as it was the support was well sustain ed until the closing ihour, when consid erable realizing set in and prices for the list declined 3 to 4 noimts. New York as well as southern showed ad vances and unusual firmness. A small reaction from points may follow the coming week's business, but we would advise purchases 'as we look for a sen sational squeeze before the leading op tions mature. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE. iChicafco. Jan. 23. Cables were 1-8 to 1-4 higher, which frightened the shorts and started goo buying by the crowd who believe in higher prices. The visible only showed an increase of 338,000 bushels and Russian ship ments followed while our clearances were larger, showing that Europe still depends upon our market. The ad vance rallied over 1 cent a bushel. Corn sympathized with the wheat market but was dull. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. Open High: Low Clse Am. Tobacco 146 148 144 148 Am. Sugar R. 133 133 120 131K A.T.& S. F.pf. 63 65 62K Bait. & Ohio. 68 68 68 68 Brook. R. T. 92 fl2 88 MX Chi. B. & Q. 140 141 US 13 27M 27 27 27 18 20 16 18 114 117 Cbs. & Ohio, Chi. G. W. Deh & Hud. Fed. Steel. 54 Fed. Steel pf. 84 .a Gen. Electric 103 . IK Central. -'' 122 Lou. & Nash. 67 Manhattan. 115 Mo. Pacifla n Met. Traction. 109 No.Pac&o ,49 113 116 64 - 52 53 84 83 83 107 102 107 122 119& 120 68 66 67K 117 111 115 48 46 47 199 197 197 ; 49 48 1X.;80. ,80 14X135 188 No. Pacific, pf . , 80 Ni.Cen. ,189, Korthweatfrn. 150' 152 15$ Omaha. 99 .99 97 7 Paoiflo MaiL. 46 46 - 4 . 4 Pebplen Gai. r 110 lh 103 V&M BocfcWandU' 121. k m s W 101 80. jtallway pf. 48 "49 ' J 48 39 80 95 39 81 97 76 T- C. & I, 40 40 IU. P.pf. 841 git West'n Union. 95 98 Continental Tobacco pfd. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE. Open; High. Low ctee - 71 72 71 72 37 38 37 37 27 28 27 28. 1025 1035 lu25 1032 582 592 580 590 512 517 512 n!5 NEW YORK COTTON EXCHANGE. Open High Low Clse March " 600 606 600 603 May " 608 611 607 607 Aug. " 615 616 610 CI 2 May Wheat. May Corn. May Oats. May Pork. May Lard. May RiDs. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY PERI HOUSE, 2 The Event of the Season! . THE HONEY MAKERS. ::.'r.:-v.-v" '.l:. - j :. n It is in:possiblq;jta"move a frame hive any distance w ithout fastening the frames. Bee3 in .box hiTesian be fd up for win tering just as well as in any other kind of hive If proper care is taken. ,All coaob building ceases at the com -nicncementof cold weather. The bees can not secrete wax in cold weather A well formed brood nest laono that oc cupies the center of fooror five frames and is surrounded with sealed honey. Candy alone should be used for winter feeding, laying the blocks of candy direct ly on top of the combs over the bees. Bees are not known to secrete wax and bnild comb at, any other time than when they are gathering honey or being fed. Combs of any standard size of hives are always in demand. If anything about the apiary deserves good care it is the combs. To make candy for winter feeding take four parts of brown sugar and one nart of water. Simmer together until It becomes! U n ,4 1 1 1 9 To have the bees do well during the winter they must be kept very quiet, with no disturbance whatever. If necessary to work about tho hives do not jar them. In undertaking to combine beekeeping with any other business it should be re membered that in summer the bees require morennd closer attention than at any oth er tin; . St Louis Republic. Ladies fine com on sense Shoes, 2 1-2 to 4 1-2, at cost; 270 pairs, $1.50, $1.75, 12. This shoe cost ua $1.75, $2 and $2.5o. G. A. Mears & Sons' shoe store. Ladies' Felt Shoes, and CongTess at 85c. Sons' Shoe Store, All sizes. Lace G. A. Mears and America's Foremost Comedian, tflr. Samuel W. Glenn, assisted by DOBSON & KING'S SUPERB COMPANY -in a- ESUPENDOCIS: SCENIC PRODUCSION of Washington Irving-'s CplRhratd Legend, RIP VAN WINKLE, silts on sale at Heinit-h & Reagan's. The smallest ttaagrs may exert the greatest influence. DeWiltt's Little Ear ly Risers are unequalled for overcom ing icionsitipiation and liver .troubles. Small pillbest pill, safe pill. Paragon pharmiacy. MILLIONS GIVEN AWAY. It is terrtainly gratifying to the publi to know of one concern in the land wh are not afraid to tie generous to th needy and suffering. The proprietors 0 Dr. King-'s New Discovery for consump tion, coughs and colds, have given awaj over ten million trial bottles of thl great medicine; and have the satisfac tion of knowing it has absolutely cure thousands of bop bronchMs, hoarseness and all diseases o the throat, chest and lungs are sure! cured by it. Call on T. C. Smith an Carmichael, druggists, and get a tria bottle free. Regular Size 50c. and $1 Every bottle guaranteed, or price r funded 8 Infant Food x U3 li Boraem Eagle llranti Condensed Milk A Perfect Substitute For Mothers Milk. For 46 Years the leading Brand. "INFANT HEALW sarr FREE. M.V. (ONOEXSED MlLK Q. NEW YORK. I s ONE ( TRIAL BOTTLE THIS OFFER ALMOST SURPASSES BELIEF. FR JOJU An External Tonic Applied to the Skin Beautifies it as by Magic. SC0VERY AGE A WOMAN WAS THE INVENTOR.' iTiousands have tried from time Imme morial to discover some efficacious remedy for wrinkles and other imperfections' of the complexion, but none had yet suc ceeded until the Misses Bell, the now fam ous Complexion Specialists, of 78 Fifth Avenue, New York ""Sty, offered the pub lic their wonderful Complexion Tonic Tho reason so many Tailed to make this discovery before is plain, because they have not followed the right principle. Balms, Creams, Lotions, etc., never have a tonic Afifocfc upon the skin, hence the failures. The Misses Bell's Complexion Tonlc"has a most exhilarating effect upon the cuticle, absorbing and carrying off all impurities which the blood by its natural action; is constantly forcing to the surface of the . . . . 1 ... T X sxii It is to tne skiu wuat viuuumg tonic is to the blood and nerves, a kind of new life that immediately exhilarates and strengthens wherever applied. Its tonic effect is felt almost immedJatdyV'and it tpeedily banishes forever from the skin, - freckles, pimples, blackheads, moth patches, wrinkles, liver spots, roughness, lines. eruptions, and disooloraqna of J; iy kind.. . - ''- r- i Tn mler that all may be benefited by ' r XI rent DiscoTery, the Misses Bell will, n the present month, ore to au call- ers at teir parlors one trial bottle of the!? Complexion Tonic absolutely free; and is order that these who cannot call or who live away from New York may be bene fited, they will send one bottle tc any ad dresj, all charges prepaid, on the receipt ot 25 cents (stamps or silver) to cover cost of packing and delivering. The price of this wonderful tonic is $1.00 per bottle, and this liberal offer should be embraced by alL The Misses Bell'' have just published their new book, Secrets of Beauty." This valuable work is free to all cUsirmg it. The book treats exhaustiveij ?f the importance of a good complexion ; tells how a woman may acquire beauty and keep it. Special chapters on the care of the hair; how to have luituiant growth ; harmless methods of making the hair pre serve its natural beauty and color, een to advanced age." Also instructions how to banish super ffaous hair from the face neck and arms without injury to the skin This book will be mailed to any address 00 request. ' ' f F . FREE Trial Bottles OX Wonderful Com plexion Tonic free at parlors, or 25 eenta (cost of packing and mailing) to those ate distance. . r . Correspondence cordially solicited. Ad dress ' ' ' i THE MISSES; 6ELL, 78 Fifth Ave.t New Vorfc Oty. Thai ihsbm' BeUVi complexkm toale. complexion . soap, - ' skm - food -i ana Wi h the following Symptoms. Enlargement of the soft bones of the nose, ti.ickeninff and ulceration of the lining: membrane, with its constan. discharge of unhealthy mucusand pus! breath tainted, hawking, expctorat- ns5' osble?yn headaches, partial Obs of bearing, noises in the head, deafness and impaired vision, CAUSED BY Poisoned Condition oj the Blood CURED BY Botanic Blscd Balm ( 23. IS.) THE GREAT BLOOD REMEDY. Caitarrh is due to an impure condition of the blood' and Is one of Jhe in-numer ous offsprings of blood poison. It may (have come from a loner wav bark in family history, but the general opinion among medical men. is tha.ii o v. v.LuWl uuuaoneq Dioou, pro- aucing .bad breath and the abovenamed symptoms. The fact is AxSmh'tteA Kir oil that it is only curable by constteufknal utdimeni. oltanic Blood Balm (B B B.) Jas scored some brtUlawt victories m the cure of this loathsome malady and why? Because E. B. B when laic eii as direoted mixes with the poisons in the blood which produe cataTrh so as to cause the poison to be expelled from the blood thu-ough the sweat glands and excretory organs. R. R. Saukei. Ath ens, Ga, wrote us not long ago it not he was surprised to observe how agree able his breath had become since using only three battles of B B. B. He was also able to hear better. Mrs. Lulu Banks, of Alabama, wrote us that a fnenld of hers since using six bottles of B. B. B. that tlhei mucus discharges which she had through, the mouth and nose had stopped and "feat she was able to breathe freely and talk without of fending any one with her bad breath. A remarkable case is that of Mrs. Eliza beth Knott, of Atlanta, which we print in fulL Discharge Copious and Offensive Entirely Cured by B B. B "For flour years I (have been afflicted with ia very troublesome nasal ca'tarrh. So terrible has its nature been that when I blew my nose small pieces of bone would frequently come out of my mouth, and nose. The discharp-e was copious, and at times very offensive. My Wood became m impure that my general heaLtih was greatly impaired, with poor appetite, and bad digestion Numerous medicines were used wkhout relief, until I began the use of Botanic Blood Balm B. B. B. and three bot tles acted! ailmost like! magic. Since its use, over a year 'ago. not a svmrntom has returned and I feel ira every way quite ree'too-ed 'in health I am1 an old citizen Of Atlanta; and refer to almost any one living on BuMer street." MRS. ELIZABETH KNOTT. Atlanta, Ga, The Deaf Hear. That sounds miraculous, and yet one may become temporarily deaf on ac count of catarrhal Mood poisoning set tling in 'tlhe ear and (then . And' aufck relief by using B. B. B., Botanic Blood Balm John W. Weeks, Decatur, Ga,, writes: "Six months ago I had a pain in my ear, and in la few days it discharged matter. Theru I grew deaf and could not hear ait. all. I began the use of Botanic Bkxyd Balm B. B. B. and the running of my ear soon ceased, and I now hsar white my health is much improved, and I feel full of gratitude to God and the proprietors of so good a-cemedy." As a blooid nurifler B. B. B. Botanic BloteKd' Balm has no equal One bottle of it contains more curative virtues than a gallon of the many so called blood purifiers. Buy the original and be on the safe side. Beware of substitutes and insist on having the old reliable B. B. B. Then you are sure of a cure. Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B. ) is a scientific vegetable compound used by Dr Gililam in his private Dractice for blood1 diseases, such as old eores, scrof ula, boils, blood poison; catarrh, etfc. It cured so many peopile that it was put on the market and is for sale by ell druggists at $1 per large bottle. It has always enjoyed a large sale because it Cures! Cures! Cures! even after everything else had' been tried in vain. Book of cures sent free of charge. Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE. Under and by virtue of a power of sale fin a deed of trust contained exe cuted, to the undersigned as trustee, by J. F Woodbury, daltedf December 16, 1895, anil registered on the 16th day of January, 1896, In book of mtoTtgages and deeds of trust Nb. 40, at pages 86 et seq., in the office of the Register of Deeds of Buncombe county, North Carolina, and by virtue of said deed of trust, default haying been made In the payments of the mjomeys secured by said' deed otf trust as well as In other provisions contained in saidi deed of truet, the under stned will sell for cash, at public a.iiction at the court house door tin the city of Aaheville, county of Bun combe! and state of North Carolina, to the highest bidder, on Saturday, the 11th day of February, 1899, the property conveyed fin the saidl deed of trust , and whida Is described therein as follow: "A piece or parcel of land sKtuatte. lying and being In the citly1 of AshevfiiiSe, dounty of Buncombe and State of North Carolina, on the west side of Bailey sfcreet, bounded and more partic ularly described as follows: Beginning at a stake, William Blanton's corner, and runs south with the went edge bf Bailey street seventy-five (75) feet to a stake; thence west one hundred and fifty (150) feet to a (stake; thence north eeventy five (75) feet to a vtiake; thence east one hunidred and fifty (150) feet to the be ginning, it being' lot Nb. 2 of what ia known as Shelby Park, a plat of which Is registerfed 9m the office of the Register df Deeds for Buncombe county, whicn riaM Wt No. 2 was conveyed to the aald J. F. Woodbury by R. P. Foster and Dove EL Foster, bis wife by deed exe cuted the 7th day jof June;' 1894, and re corded in the office of the Register of Deeds for. Buncombe oounSy, la book of deeds No. 89, at page 265r & eeq., refer ence a which aald Dfa.t anil aald deed Ur- hereby expready (given1 for to more futt and perfect tiescrlptfan of the land here by conveyed." .-, t. i - ;i t ; TUB January 1Z, 1899. THOS. A. JONES, Truatee, frl-4w T nm ar vMt Milsfied Wftb TOOT ent accommdOatbaw try the Oaks botelr jftTTr 2grraP 1 AMD UVCU TtlOUULSS S. PawL I2S 1 127 128 iCa r Cr csle la th2s etty y W. C ratM moderate. , . 1 - V

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