THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE., JANUARY, 24, 1899 - A - t & sr.. THE EASIEST, WAY TO MAKE MONEY s t6 paviVj ;by bn inK yonr Finite, qgsis.tktionery, etc , .af the leading irtiit store. t C w; ;r.' t E. P. KEELING, C ; ; V - Succossor fco W. E. Phone 118. PbeeDeliveby. '' The new furniture tap the -pharmacy arrived yesterday. Paragon i The citizens mass meeitlAsr' will: com - mence at 8 oUock tonight in the court ; i , house. 5 Charles H. Brown, colored, has been commissioned second jieutenan of Ool. , Thaa Jones' command, the Tenth vol unteer infantry. . - ?Pna.nk Pounders, a young colored boy, t will be tried in police ckurt 'this morniog, - vm a birie of stealing 35 ceota from Mrs. Koppelberger. IMed, January 23 Mrs. C. W. Judson, of New Haven, Conn. The funeral ser vices will be held January 24 at 12.30 p. m., a-t 26 Arlington place. "The Seven Ages of the Earth," was the subject at en illustrated lecture at All Souls' parish house, Biltmcre, lasl night. J. A. Roebling delivered the lecture. A social will be given at the Central M. E. Church next Friday night, under the auspices of the Cemtral league. A musical program has been arranged. Refreshments will be served. "William Hill, the broker on Paitton av enue, has engaged Charles Russell, of St. Louis, to fill the plositioni resigned by John T. Gaster. Mr. Gaster has accep ted a position in Washington. The wedding of Miss Ada Johnscn, of this '.city, and Edgar T. Ware, of Dan viire, Va., Qpcurred in New York Wty ia-st Thursday. The Rev. Or. nougton . performed the ceremony. Mrs. Ware is a sister of Mrs. T. H. Cobb, of this city. The Woman's Guild, of Trinity parish, will have a fair on the afternoon, and evening of Thursday, January 26, at 67 Piatton avenue, the store formerly oc cupied by Sawyer, and kindly loaned by Mr. Johnson. Refreshments will be served. ' The North Asheville M. IE. Church held - their: "missionary entertainment" last night An excellent program had been . prepared and received! careful rendition from the performers. The proceeds were devoted! to the childinens missionary society. Shortly before 8 o'clock Sunday night the oventurning of a lamp in the home , of C. W. Stiketeather, on Bailey street, a '. started a small blaze. Ani alarm) was v. turned in but the fire was extinguished before the firemen's arrival. No damage , was done. The officers of the Anti-Saloon league held a meeting Sunday afternoon in the Y. M. C. A. rooms. The finances were ' discussed!, and a plan to raise money for the work, submitted. The outline of the wr-v w?? ilso drawn up and subjected t discussion. The French Broad council, Royal Ar canurrL gave an enjoyable oyster sunper . in the K. of P. hall last night A full at - tendance attacked the lucibus bivalves, which were served in a number of d'if ferent styles. Toasts and speeches con eluded ithe supper. A pairty was given by Miss Ethel Wil eon at the Grant house, on MontfoTd avenue, last wight, complimentary-to her tguest, Miss Ullmer, of Norwich, Conn. It was a highly enjoyable affair, Mis" Wilson- performing the duties of hostess with charming grace. ij. P Sutton of Black Mountain is in it!he city and! reports that the village is on a ibom. In (addition to the building erected by (the Rural Retreat association forty two new house have been built wi,tbin the past twelve months, and oth era are in course of -construction. All. persons, both ladies and gentlemen toto ba-e taken petitions for the Anti Saloon league movement, are urged to complete their canvass by Friday, 27th Inst., and hand their list? to J. STine?n-berg,-or sendJ eama to Rev. J. W. Lee, Greensboro, N. C, as is most convenient - for them. Wednesday being St. Paul's da; there will be holy communion at Trini . ty church at 11 a, m. The regular Fri ; day evening service will be held this week at the usual hour, 4.30 o'clock. The meeting of the1 Willing1 Workers will occur on Wednesday at 4 o'clock in the chapel. As a . result of doing aJ number of things at once, a man made himself the center of attraction on the square yester day afternoon. He was riding horse back. In front ofl him he carried a huge trunk which he steadied with one hand. With the other hand he was lead ftng an untruly bull by a rope. The case of Shep. Hampton, charged with attempted1 assault by his sister in law, Miranda Hammton, was brought before Justice Stokeley yesterday morn v- Ing. The assault was alleged to have been attempted near! Leicester.. Mrs. " Hampton failed to put in am aDoearnce - and "the def endamt was discharged. . Police court docket contained twelve cases yesterday. Will Bruton ani Annie Thompson, colored, arraigned tor assault . were discharged. Alf Taylor was bound r, over to court, charged with carryinig can . ceailed! weapons. A colored woman ' caught loitering on the streets, was fined : $5. Eight cases of drunkenness were 5 s. fined . The total fines amounted to $37. . i This whflt the Charlotte Observer .' I has toay bot "Miss1 Jerry," who is to appear at (the Grand, January 31st; 'Th Fitory ,the pictures, the author; -' the Celling were all charming. It is safe ':.' - to eay that not on person In a hundred Periodical Tickets; "We take pleasttre In aninbunchie fthat uh Jb to meotehaiD-'ta tor 1899 Bb sUperloir i to any heretofore published., . , t-.i Every firm is of thfe " highest aHamdlng aad thedr prices are lowest, for the qua!- ftiiea offered.- . ' . ...-.T " - Ton - are tavlted to call aft the office. ; V; 34 Paltitoia avenue and aha gta Kst,of firms and Oaoolc ox; tickets or your own r s . - " ' . . nee. , t "fl -."'-''f -HISS COLE, 'Hanagep.. r . . 1 : : . ,. . .. ' ' : - - ' on Allen, 58 Pattbn Ave.; )pp P.(X . TyS n TRY OUR1 SALTED PEANUTS THEY ARE FINE ONLY 5 CTS. A BOX KISS-HE CANDY CO.'S CAFE. -43 Patron Avenue. A. C Mitchell, Manager. Perfect Satislaction And a saving go with ? every purchase. ANOTHER LOP OF THOSE California Prunes at Se. Same as others sell for 8c. Pure Country Lard at same price of Western, v Sugar Cured Hams 10, 11 and 12c. Graham & Rye Flour at 3c. A. D. COOPER. 32 South Malm had an idea of what he was to see, and not one person int. the large audience but rendered! the general verdict, Ta delightful enlteTtainrntenit' " Deputy Collector T. C. McCoy re turned yesterday from Greenville, S. C. He reports much work done in that sec tion. Depunes McCoy, hi. A. AKin ana H. Rice, were in one raiding hand and since January 1st. have succeeded in de stroying thirty-four Illicit distilleries. The still were located! in Rabun county Ga., Oconee and Greenville counties, S. C, and Polk and Rutherford counties in this state. Prof. M. M. Lemmond. "announced hia intention yesterday of closing up his school in the -Paragon building, known as the Southern Business College . He intends to open a similar sflKI either in Bristol, Tenn. or Grennsboro, N. C. Prof, and Mrs. Lemmond leave for Brie tol this week. The Southern Business College has been a boon to many ambl tious .young people and closes with .a splendid record. Our mattreeses are the best in the clov for the money. Your patronage ' will be highly appreciated. CaJll and see my line of goods. . MRS. L. A. JOHNSON, 4 27 Northi Main Street Dr. David Kennedys Favorite Remedy cures all kidney, stomach 'AND LIVR TROUBLES . Child's Spring Heel Shoes, sizes 6 tw 8, 35c G. A. Mears and Sons Use Quaker. Cabinets and prevent L Grippe. 301-&t Gents' woolen, cashmere and kid gioves at Mears. SUMMER HEAT Is the temperature throughout the house, at the Oaks (hotel. Remember the fixe sale at 28 South Main street The entire stock of A. Tri fieid, slightly damaged1 by his recent fire, is being sold 'regardless of cost. 298 6 t " Ladies' Starp Seamless Slippers. per cent, of cost. All sizes. G. A. M and Sons. Horrible agony isi caused by piles, burns and skin diseases. These are im mediately relieved, and quickly cured hv DeWitt'e Witch Hazel Salve. Beware of worthless imiitatlon.; Paragon phar macy. DYSPEPSIA is the cause of un told suffering. By taking Hood's Sarsaparilla the digestive organs are toned and dyspepsia J $ CU RED. m M ieiueeh You'll find lot s, of odds and ends here in PAISTS9 UNDERWEAR, FANCY SHIRTS and NECKWEAR; some below costf others at COSt.' : You may need something in that line to n tide you over, till spring. p. - uur ic unc- ui mnier weignt uioining for- M en and Boys at i i5 wi-s!,'.;; ci-t -- -ev I-.- . -v- 2.- HSMB ;;OTEJTFiTTES 0 11 Nation Avei;f'Phcne 78.' " , ; are two thingshat every refined family must, possess. You.canot afford to exist without book, as they , arej the' greatest 'means. Kf enligihten ment You caimc afford to ave boo ks vlthout a case; as the booiks will' soon go to the W-boWa: Wej have th e only bookcase worth (ba.Vlngf. r It is the Wernicke Elastle. You .'can buy it to ; just fit your fflbrary aaid make its growth keep pace. If yoni have- boo ks you will enjoy an Inspection, of these cases. CaU and see catalogue. Rogers9 Book Store, Phone No 254. Io selling Bicycles, have we been able to offer the excep tional values in wheels that we now are in position to do. We want you all to come and see the new "Eagles" for they are '"birds" indeed. Asheville Cycle Company Eugene C. Sawyer. Mar, Phnne 228 16 & 18 Church St Broken Lots! Heavy Underwear and Hosiery, Clothing, Overcoats, and Ulsters, Trousers, Sweaters, and Shoes To sell out the entire RfyK-k or winter lints we ofinr them at absolute cost. . More clothinp: value fhan you are able to g?t outside this store. Better Values tu all line than can tound flsewher :Jl p;ood chance to prepare for the approachiug cold nap Store POttOU AV6. COR. LEXINGTON AVENUE. A. TRIHELB'8 STOCK LATELY DAMAGED BY FIRE It Must go at 25 CENTS OUT THE BOLL AH! Goods consisting of ' CDfigafS amid TTobacco, IPipcs BBMjBsei ' Ar Hides, at 28 SOUTH MAIM ST Remember, It's only tor FIVE DAYS. Will sell at wholesale or retail. i eason Sale. i? 25 oer cent discount , . .-. , . - - - .,. . V... "" - " - "JV".";J 'THE SIGN OF THE BOOK.1 2d South Main Street no During previous year Of our seven years' ex-penence Broken Prices! New Stock OPP. HOTEL BERKELEY. 5 V. Time has tested it, And everyone , that uses our JelHcoi high grade coal acknowledges ita superior pierics. jaiconuray in consumption, a clear, orignc nre, tnajt raaiates more heat than any other coal you can. use. . olq by the GAnoLincontGO. - 23:Patt6nAve:,-PIioiiel30.r. Talking through his hat. the man is who tells you that he can rival our laundry work in beautv or een era! satisfaction o the wearer. We keep on xop in up to a ate laundrv meUmds. and we lake special pains to please each inaivrciuai patron in the exquisite finish and; general renovation of their linen, Care in handling is our watchword. Asheville Steam Laundry Phone 95.' 43 WEST COLLEGE ST. GREAT REMIT GTo (UosftMiiiiie for CDjm Week dDimly. We shall offer the greatest sale on Remnants and Odd and Ead Goods ever beea in asheville. Cost will not figure in this sale asthj goods must be cleaned oat, and the first come will gee caoice A line of Feat her bone, C B., P. M. and other corsets that we do n t intend to keep in future. The regular price of these coi sets were $1 and codt 75c; at this sale To Close at Remnants in Table linen ia Odd Napkins and Doylies, three to a dozen. Remnants in Scrim, 5 and 6 yard lengths. Remnants in Curtain Swiss. Remnants in Toweliugs, Crashes, Odd Towels. Remnants in Drtss Goods, lengths ranging from 2 to 5 yards. These values will surprise you. Remnants in Fancy Silks, Our sOc Tarn Caps to go for 25c. to close. Our 25c Tam Caps to close at 19c. Men's Odd Undershirts at less than half regular ptices. -Ladies' and Misses' odd pieces Underwear that tor price will surprise ab cheapness. A few old pairs Lace and Dot. Swiss Curtains in this remnant sale. Odd skirts in wool, sateen and mohair saving this is. . Remember there are remnantts and oJds in every department, and you will surely find something you need or. will need, and if so you will find tit to your advantage to BUY NOW. . tEvery remnaat or odd has a large ticket showing quantity, stating former price and thie sale price. These goods will he on sale for this week only. Strictly cash to every one. No ticket taken on remnant sale. More value for vjeur money than ever heard of before in Asheville. Bon iarche,l Washington, 0. C, 1877- Frank Loughtan HAS NOW ON DISPLAY 1HI FINEST LINE OF SilOKERS t ARTICLES- South o New York. Cigars 5 cents to $1.00 each. Briar Pipes 25 cents to seven dollars ' each, and Meerschaum Pipes Cigar and ' Cigarette Holders 25 cents to I25 each - r Cigars by the Box at Factory Prices. ; h--- We ask comparisorof our 1 ot the legitimate tobacconists ,Pnra.Gonio!tli6 Wbeat! PI. II : Mour. Ash Your Grocer for IT- Asheville Hilling Comp') M&naf&ctttrcrs Coal Selected and Re-screen ed for Domestic Use. Miners' Agents, Wholetalt and Retail AsMle Ic3 and Coal Compaey S4 PATTON A VBWTJB. 'njBTmLED watbb. 59 Cents. i-j lengths of 2& 2, 2, 2 yards. that you will see at once what a Ashevil!e,N. a. 1898. stocjc and prices with A that of the large cities. - , uuiiure raxenv lillainSL 1 1. i V

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