..' - .....:'. nig- : ' , : .'7 f r 3 j J f ' ? '- - . 1H ASHEVILJLE tETTfc.:., JANUARY ,,ic9 1 1 1 :lKt- (CUDires ffl vsi!M?iiDia. ;1bi itkt TDn wateir n'Baippedl ; Ask yorair Coaler tor 4L, ? ;, !Iiprtctrs9 hui Trom.nih sand v musls osa file wtoidt will jh v : ':': JKay.tto vry walls if 11 Biave tesijHBo- i4 K - x "VOICES FR)M NGflTH CAROLINA. J.'s. C&rr, Dur3m, N. C. (.president ot Blackwell's Durham Tobacco Com pany): fl am satisfied that Tate Spring Wa ter is one of the finest mineral waters in this country for dyspepsia, disor dered stomach, impaired digestion, tc." Judge' Henry It. Bryan, Newberne; , N. C. "It doos me mere good than any wa ter I have ever u.scid." Mrs, M. A. -T i gtonewall Ja.cl:r "I can truly , cacy ox your rr 1 wire of General Che .t. N. C: ;o '.he effl- GOV. i: L. - TALKS. . - R. Li. Taylor, governor of Tennessee, i Nashville: VI regard -Tntc " do. the contirert." ONLY RCLiL T ' Spring as the best THE ARKAN- ?rG. M. D. Cantrell, M. D., Little Rock, Axk.z v "I have great faitb in Tate Spring -water. It was the only agent I found that gave Wila." me relief of chronic ma- :&D9 CD. A. Kayoir? PelBnaian IPlmairiiaiiacy Co., A. MmtyhurUm IHIjniieioJffivnMc hj W. Hi. JJaiitles. TILL PAY $30,000 FOR SUPPRESSING A NEWSPAPER Colombia Agrees to Indemnify the Owners of the Panama Star . and Herald Washington, Jan. 25. The state de partment today received a telegram from Mrl HSart, the United Staites min ister at Bogota, United States of Co ombia, saying that he ihad taccepted the off er of the Colombia government t pay $30,000 in three equal installments in settlement of the Panama Star and Herald, an American news piper cor poration. This claim Las been present ed to Colombia by seven secretaries of state. In 1886 the military governor of tihe province of Panama arbitrarily suppressed the publacartiion of the Sitar and Herald. This action va clearly Illegal and the newspaper company filed -with the etate departmenit a claim -for $90,000. The amount was vrbse Queafcly reduced by the United States -.ftu presenting the .claim, but the state department tood out for more that the 30,000 Minister Hart received. BIG THEFTJN LONDON. .Xiondon;, Jan. 25.--Bank notes to the v amount of 60,610 pounds vanished rom Parr's 'bank here this afternoon. The Jobs of the money was apparently due to an' extremely clever tneft, the notes having been taken from 4 drawer. The ; omblals of the bank and the police pre fessito lhiave mot the sHghteet clue to the . identity.,of the thief. . Food does more harm than good when not" digested. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure di gests - what you eat It prevents wast ing"dlsea6es and cures stomach trouble. "It cures Indigestion, sour -stomach amid "beldhliigy' and allows a wornout stomach r est. I-fe aje&i , instantly. Paragon phar It nF,M)S; w.iti "t jtaeTe: is ; really jnoi pscx- acoux w j Acyoay can try.ftr.who has feme track'; and weak kid eys.- malaria or ervous troubles. W mean, he can cure himself :right away by : italdng Electric Bitters. : This medicine ; tones up the whole eystem, -acts .a . - jstimulanlt to i$ver amia'kldiieyB, Us a "bloot purser aid nerve tonic; Jcures eonstl. - desenesa arMvelacnoiy,ii It psstPWrel ; vegetable, a ' mild ; laxative,' -anil restore they are a miracle : worlccr. ' nvery. hot ; '- tie srusraijleed. Only 50c a M'le .at T Smfth's andmCarrMchasAr dru jstores. ISiisxz Via of Testimonials of Actu EXCELS ALL OTHERS SATS THE TENNESSEE DOCTOR. W. a. Biclcfrvrd, M.. D., Memphis. Tenn.: "My experience at Tate Spring lat summer convinced me that for dyspep sia, indigestion and constipation Taie water excels all others, known to me, and I ha ve visited "most of them in the United States." , PITTSBURG'S GREAT BANKER Thomas X- Mellon (of Mellon Bros.,. bankers), Pittsburg, Pa.: "I believe there is no water in the country equal to Tate's for the cure of neuralgia, as well as dyspepsia and liver troubles." INF A oLtLLE IT" T. o;: DTSl'Ef- David Kirk, prMont of McCalmont Oil Company, Pittsburg,. Pa.: "I believe Tate Sprint water is an Infallible cure for dyspepsia." w yxCLu, jov Yv rOtGIIW 210. tvarter commissioner, James Carter, Lockport. N. Y. "I suffered for over two kidney and river troubles. years with Four doc- Tate FOR GOVERNOR OF KENTUCKY. Lu!Lville, Ky., Jan. 25. State sen ator William Goebel of Covington re cently opened the .Kentucky guberna torial campiaiign at Lebanon, announc ing his candidacy for the democratic nomination. Goebel declared himself unequivocally for the Chicago platform in its entirety and declared he would accept no nomination from a sit ate con vention thlat failed to reaffirm, that In strument. He also declared for Bryan in 1900 nd on. state issues expressed himself in favor of anti-trust and re strictive railroad legislation. Goebel lis the author of the new elec tion law which is -bitterly opposed by republicans and conservative democrats His only opponent for the democratic nomination thus far is Gen. P. W. Har din, though the Hon J. W. Stono may be a candidate. Shoes, 10 per cent, less than cost. A. Mears' and Sons.v G Children's and misses' rubber shoe a and 20 center all at-vlps- sit n a' Hears & Sons' shoe store. Use Quaker Cahd an t T Grippe. . , . , sm-R. A Chinese View of Americans. This is how a Chinese visitor In this country describes Americans in a Chinese paper: "They live months without eating a mouthful of rice; they eat bullocks and sheep in enormous quantities; they have to bathe - frequently; they eat meat with knives and prongs; they never enjoy themselvesby sitting quietly on their an cestorsV, graves, but jump around and kick' balls asnf paid to do it, and they have no dignity , for they mayVbe found walking with women." . . ' Eaifelirai Condensed Milk Little Book INFANT K HEALTH Sent FRSEk Should be In Every Housed I- 4 ILYrCONOENSro'MlCO? NEW. YORK Spring (waiy. 12MifC tors perdicted my dissolution. Tate Spring water gave me my first relief. Then I was sick and weighed 141 pounds. Now I am a well man and weigh 210 pounds."" EX-GOVERNOK AND CONGRESS MAN COMMEND IT Ex-Governor R. L. Ligou, Montgom ery .Ala.: "1 consider Taie spring water th best mineral water iu the Uivitt-d Stales for iysj:ej s: i T'. iv'i? t ! itl ai.ii Iner itni D ?a s ' Hon. A. li. f-Vf.iboof. VI C f;.. Eirst congressional ili.-ir ; Te- rsi see, Gr eiiv.he. 'I'c t ii "I was A ' see. a was c was given ui Torpidity ol tin dyspepsia w as barrels of .'., , her have eurei .-nfi r:i! ,M.se . ' V-iVi h.o , ". . T. M. MiikM. 17. 1893: "1 CiMlllll' ud as the most eti'u Vicks luir M'ss.. F-b nit ; and agivea 1 ton - ic of which l.have anv k c.osv iedji'e. PliairiHaey, 1 1 SPREADS LIKE WIIDFIRE. Tou can't keep a good thing dowa News of ft bravels fast. When thinga are "the beat tthey become the best sealing." Abraham Hare, a leading druggist, of Belleville, O., wfritei: "Elqtrie Bitters are me best selling bisters I have ever handled In my' 20 years experience." Tou know . why? Most diseases begin in disorders of the Stomach, liver, bowels, blood and nerves. Electric Bftters tones up the stomach, regulates liver, kidneys and bowels, purifiea the blood, eftrengthens the nerves, hence cures multitudes of maladies. It builds up the entire sys tem. Puts new life and vigor tnrfo any weak, sickly, run-down man or woman. Only 50 cents. SoM by T. C. Smith, W. C. Carmlchael and Pelham's phjaxmacy, surantsed. Ladies' Overgaitere, 25c. G. A. Mear and Sons' Shoe Store. NOTICE. . Having qualified as administrator oJ5 the estarte of W. H. Sales, deceased, late a resident of Buncombe county, all per sons having claims against -the decedent are hereby notified to exhibit the same to such admiimistraitor, on or before the 6th day oif Jianuary, 1900, or Ithis notice will be pleaded as a bar to the rtcovery thereof. This January 5th 1899. JOHN A. BROOKSHIRE, .amlnistrator of estate of W. N. Sales, deceased. - 286-6wk NOTES. ; There are two more strong candidate for railroad commissioners in the field They are ex-Governor JarVls for chair man, and. J. W.' SarulV o Fraokli county. Senator Murray Is heart an soul for James Rednond. of Madison and if Redmond has nojehance, then fo J.-M. CampbeU. ' Benjamin Aycock, of Winston, brrth er of C. B. Aycock, will be urged for Su perintendent of the Penitentiary. He'l supposed.tt)' be on thejtlcket with Spruil and Jarvls. It to said that Gov. Jarvi does.noit want to be csmmissioner bu "friends are urging him to,eet him'ou of the race for bigger places." But t!M is lobby talk ':r ' NOTICE. . AppHoatfion wto be made to ,the pres enSt sessioi, of this general assembly - of North Carolina,- to incorporate "The Peoples Savings - Bank, of ,: AsheviJle., or any other name hereafter determined uoon. - " ; . i .s January llsnm 202-3 1 DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Cures Pites, Scrrts, Burns. - i BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE The best salve in -the world - for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, totter, chapped hands, chilblains, 255' and all skin erupitHons, and pos laveiy cures Bileia.'mr nn iM,TPfiu1r1 ii WVVW. ' 'ti refunded. , Price 25 Per box, Per sale by T.-C. Smith; vvy . c. CarrnJchael and Pelham's phar macy. - , . - FORIA- . Fcr Infants and CliUdrca ;v Tfea. Kind You Have Always O&ghf -Beartj.tfc Signaturo of Hotel, Tate Spring, OAS o 1 EQUAL TO CONGRESS WATER. " R. T Hargrove. ;iiie. Ga.: "U'hew used before breakfast av up on an empty storra?h, two goblets full act upon the see ret strips equ.il to a bot tle of the best coneiss water." fTRKD aft::r riV ;'NO T:jOUS- A NTH M w ! N. Y. Feb i f! i i : (1! '1 . i!v P '(. of dollars If MV 1. L-:wn; and. '.) springs i 'i.hat 1 mii?ht ;i'.M;a;s of the - : r i l i li h' 5 ; rc-ief fur find stomach i usei' ie water afi'.- Inrning home. '. if perm?: pentiy curort. "a;i es C. Keli'g'g, New No. W 57th street: York city, "1 i onsliler T.tte wit'er to be invalu able in -all diseases connected with a failure of nutri!.i.in. .n'-ivs;e!:-a, iiU it-usntsss, a aero fa and many nervous disorders brought on by a reflex ac tion." . . K. L. Geer, 'Wa.sh-f g( on. Pa: "It saved my iii'e beyond a doubt. iir. asidy A CORUNDUM EXPERT. In this issue of the Gazette will be found the card Of Mr. Charles N. Jenks, mining engineer. Mr. Jenks ie the oldest enginer in the world in his specialty, corundum, haviaxg been asociated with his father, Col. C- W. Jenks, in opening and developing the first mines of this abrasive known to the world as early as 1871 and 1872. These mines were the "Corundum Hill" mine ia Macon county N. C. and the "Laurel Creek" mine In Rabun county, Georgia, they have both been, in almost constant ODeration ever since their first discovery, although uuuer umerent managements Mr. Jenks has had a more extended and vari ed exoerience in corundum mining aad prospecting than any other engineer, and hie experience is peculiarly valuable on account of his practical knowledge ot iriinlng this abrasive in manv localities and forrnaitions. ' He has Dereomallv in spettted during ithe past ten years all known mines and outcroppings of both co-rurdum and emery in the United States and Camada, also the gem depos its (corundum of Montana and New Mexico. He has frequently been' cOn suited by the United Stoutes and CanadTi -a.n governmtnt irepresentatives on these subjects as the " finst living authority He is also 'the recog nized authority im the 'trade on the comparative efficiency of the differ ent atbrisive materials, as he has scent much time in testing both emery and corundum products, and in exhaustive practical comparative tects, In which he has used all abrasive products known, Mr. Jenks has been' a liberal conitributor to the world's practical printed informa tion on these and kindred subjects, and to such leading scientific journals as The Engineering and Minhig Journal, Ttoe Mineral Industries, The Mineral Re sources of the United States published by the United States Government), The Scientific American. itc ; Mr. Jenks be lieves there is a great future for this an dustry in its various branches in North Carolina, especially as the heavy denos 'ilta of r..ccTun.dum appear to be restrited to a very limited area to this state and upper Georgia, and as the peculiar con ditions under which .these heavy depos its occur have ifchus iflar been found no where else in the world. Crce Minute Cough Cure, cures. That Is whrt Itms'ie for. ' Gears' woolen, gloves at Mears. cashmere and kid 'La grippe is -xagain epidemic. Every precaution shoUld.be taken to avoid It. Its specific cure. Is One Minuite Oough Cure. ' "A. J. '.Sneperd, publisher Agri cultural J ouTmal an'ds Advertiser, Elden, Mo:, says: "No One will be disappointed in uing One Minute Cough; Cure for da srippev" feasant t take, quick ts act Paragon pharmacy- ; - ; TarJies'" and gentlemen's fl overgait erv for -xt) centsj. G. - A. 't Mea.rs & Sons sTk store Ten dozen; . "buyt them while voi a n get. them. Cl. A . Toa m ' Sons' vfcoe- sftor; Ludfies' Short Vamp Shoes, 20 p cent. les than cost. Sizes 2 to 4 ;Q. Mears and Bona. - Hill and Green's CMldren Shoes cost.' Q. A. Mears and Sons. . - . -isames' snoes, zuc to 2Cc Q 1 t Mears and Saons.; ' . Use mark.: El astir. sta r ib FTa. - iro V DeWitfs Colic & Cholera Cure. Cjfckly cures Dysentery osT DirrTia-u sers. THE NEWSPAPER TATE. MEN DRINK R- A. Hemphill, Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta. Ga.: "I greatly appreciate Tate water and highly recommend it." t BETTER THAN CARLSBAD KISSENGEN. OR A. Straabufger, Montgomery, Ala,: "Neither Carlsbad nor Kissengen benefitted me as much as the visit to my Eldorado, Tate Spring, in 1897." CURED PAIN IN BACK. II. E. Blakeslae, 01ean,iN. Y.: "AH locomotive engineers who have pain in the back when standing erect should use Tate water. It-permanently cured me of that infirmity." 'ILL GREATEST WAG ON CARRIAGE BUILDISII IN W flLD, . AND THE J. M. Studebaker, South Bend, Ind.: "I believe there is no spring in Amer ica that contains the healing qualities that Tate Spring does." liarnMacy and -IP ait E Claytbnn Capacity 500. Thos Tomlinson, HOW TO FIND OUT. 'Fill a botle or common glass with your water and let it stand twenty-four hours: a sediment or ceiling Indicates an unhealthy condition 4f the kidneys; ii It stains your linen it is evdenuce of kidney trouble; too free deedre to pass it or pain In the back 1s also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order. WHAT TO DO. There is comfort in tha knowledge so Often , expressed, than Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney remedy, fulfills every Wifeh in curing rheuma tism, pain in the back, kidney, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passages. It correct inability to hold water and scalding water in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that un to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of bwamp Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for Its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. At druggists fifty centa or ome dtollaT , 3U.vmf ?,ave R sarnP bottle amd a book that tells more about it, both sent absolutely free by mall, if you send your address to Dr. Kilmer & 6o, Binghampton, N. Y. When writing- be J1119 and mention that you read -hds KILLS CONSUMPTION v" IH THREE WEEKS' TIME Dr. Preston's Methcd Works Wonder ful C ares in Many Places. (Dr. Preston has cured bis first patient "niy asics three weeks to destroy the eerrn-w TTp. i. .f-.vJT ber of patients, they are Ifll dotog RememWSf iwi give you any creosote or ojher drugs, by. the stomlach. thTU not the way to reach .the lungs, he eive! all hU moflin w , iic gives iY L , . V? 'aypoaenmac eur v.Tk ' - . , CVi LLL3 tne arm or "t,: raca aa-y 21 dayaonly which causes .little or no pain, the blood "w-uraiea auringy.tihis time, and tie germs ot consumption are destroyed. The Veins be-eLn to fni bloodv and ttie glow of , health returns to vo tZW e, au me treatments are taken. If there is a cavity in your lung, tod your feet are not swollen-, you cn ,ed'1 Ih has only iben a few months since even he fcould cnr. tv, tmra stage cases. Dr. Preston hascured scores of these sufferers in .the past five years, that : hadi bn iiTvinAii , t - S2eTf!hm emt physic&r of nr ymce in Sondley SiL1! 1?om8 over Heinltsh & o uxu snore, y . : ' - NOTICE. " ' ' An application wlTtt be mnflp- itm glslaSure of North CaroS, le N. a. for acharter Sv.rV.;T-re eve Loan and January '12th, 1S99. a - . . . t E. B. ATKINSON. uWi DO "Pu-51 2.1-2; t 1-2, 4 1-2, to close at S1.50 ai i tk. some hand turns. n a ?.t-w. t JT'v. Bewarerbf imitations. Use.: Btarch." ".,-!" 4' Elastic v ."UtatfHc atarch is flrstaBd! Hemt. iy ii TESTIFY FROM NORTH. EAST AND 'WEST SOUTH, F. S. Wolf, SeatUe, Wasfi. I have many rrane f.., late Spring to or elsfewhere." any place in Americil Dr. R. W. Evan? pni.Ho.j Me-.: "Hugh T.-Inman, Atlanoav Ga H. A. Chapin, Niles. ?d"ich "The finest water in the v.orld for uy siumacn trouble or auy difRealty oi ine digestive organs." Mr. Robert Sayers, Wythev it wm- III I H 1 II(J7'n in . wxxv.ic ,0 iiU equal to SHIPPED FRtSrf EVERY hEEK h. a. mmii Mansger Sfiippi'ng Depp .(D CaiTBiiiclso aimafl flaragom cffirattyirc At Open AH the Year, Proprietor. ARTISTIC PORTRttTURE Our operator, Mi. White, bas-ha sev eral years experience in large city stu dios, and understands thoroughly Isow to' make good photographs- We are gaining patronage daSy and. permit no work to leave the studio that is not all right in every respect. Re-sittings cheerfully given wken. necessary, but this seldom happens. We charge enough to afford to give aB work our best attention, but believe is liberal treatment. If any part of oar work is not satisfactory we make it so. Our large photos of the beautiful. Swannanoa river are uneaquaHed any where. We use the same materials and do amateur work as well as we do eur own work. The photo supply department carrieav everything needed by photographers, at reasonable prices. Ray's Studio, 8 North Court square. "3?" 7 3 CUT RATE Book Store Lieut. Hobsoe I . The Hero of the " Merrimac WU1 tell hU wonderfai story i thsv v numbers of' CENTURY MAGAZINE. This win b a full account f the smHag c the"Memmac" atSiuitiaeo, and-the expe eoces of the writer and his men in SpaaieS pHSOns. It will be Marl mn Arv.-.;. 1. . Ae landr - Tha is only one or manv ricUr " lllllctrta f . in.' . .-wwbwu jswsuuu utunuves IB ? JIHB LIff TDS1s new Spanish War Series. The mrm will witt for no other magum. In taa JVo. vember Centuxy begins, CAPTAIN SiaSBEB'JVSTORV f - Of the Destruction of tho' V 1 "MAINE".'.- 5 Ptain, the cplioa and wreck. The wii Tj- ?77J the destroa of Cervera's fleet will be told bv Admirals Samnnn ci,i c S S U d. n? take Thb Ckntckv in 3t A 5 XPJ1 mis1s e greatest reading of the yeSr ;Theoveml)erurnber begins the vokuae H Ct5f fC?? P3 of a splendidly Shn 3 :?-i!r.of Alexa?a- the Great,tod of Mario t ZZtZ? ? historical novel of the Cm. $ fvff"- obso' articles- begin m sW X -ecember number. ; Sj Vwa - .THE CEOTURYCO.; Union Square, New York; - Ejastte starch 8s the only genulae'W ticle. -1 - T J ,

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