f.i 1' , " f I f "aShevelub, nc ;: ' ; 5 Pablislicd Eyery Moroing , TTTT5. AfJHEVHiLE GAZETTE PUB AABHWIBHBTON, resident. . aUBaCRIPION RATES: DallEleVen 1 00 . Daily.-One Mon 40 15 " nsillv One "Week WeelUjj Gazette On Tear 1 00 Bugle Notes THAT REACH People of Asheyille ARE THE Little Want Advertisements IN THE GAZETTE If you are in need of desirable rooms or board, or have a house or rooms to rent, or want boarders, or have money to loin, or property to sell or exchange, or want a servant, or a situation, or hav lost your pocketbook, the People's Col umn of the Gazette is the place to make your need, known. (c? III III i The Gazette's Telegraph News & ill III J Service is from the Laffan m hi Q News Bureau (New York 0 ! t IS! Sun). 1 III III Where Do You Buy Your Drugs ADN MEDICINES? At Pelham's Cut Rate store 1 If not, you are the looser, It is all right if you have money to throw away or don't care what you pay for your Prescriptions, Drugs and Pat ent, If. however, you know the value of mony and look closely to your Drug Store Purchases in fact, a good buy er, then go to PELHAM'S PHARMACY, 24 Patton Avenue, Where you can buy anything , in the Drugstore line at At Cut ate Prices, We published yesterday notice of a mass meeting" to be held in AshfevSJle Feburary 6 for the purpose of consider ing legislation for: Buncombe county, especially roaid and school laws. It "Is' to be hoped that there will be a large attendance ait thfe meetting, and that every t section of the county willr be represented. The matters to be dis cussed are of great importance and there should be a full 'and free expres sion of opinion of the people of the county upon them. The present mode of conducting and managing the public schools of Buncombe has given rise to some dissentions, publdc, political and even personal. It ds to be hoped that any legislation along- this line will be ; such as to allay the dissatisfaction hat now exists. A proper road ilaw is, and ever has been a perplexing question and 5s one of vital importance to this county. Any recommendations to the legislature on thia subject should only be made after careful and thoughtful .deliberation. Rev. Hewell Dwlghit Hillis, of Chi cago, has -fiormerly aiocepted tthe call , to the pastorate of Plymouth cburch Brooklyn.' - ' PierreDuquesne, who died to. Paris some numrtlia agio, left am estate of $5 -000,000 ,an3i a bequest to the BalUmor ana Ohto Soutthwestern raalroad of Sioo - iptMoDdays ' ' ' ' ?' V . According to the best sttiajtistictaa au- - thoritiies, the world's production of gold ' SiK'JSS 5300,000,000, against less itharl - ; o'00??000 to 1897- $200,000,000 in i'fon' the 6ame itt 1895 and $125,000,000 in . 1889. to tea years, therefore, 'the annual s-?roJil($ion. of metal has more Hhan being- 800,000,000, or, on the average r-t 5180,00O;000 a year. New York Sun.'r;- years-l - : - Continues fcfr this week. : Remnants in Outir?. -Remnants in Table Linens. iRemnantsin Dress Goods. f Remnants in Kapkins. , ; 'iRemnanteiD Rilbs!: '' r Remnants in Towels. . S Remnaiats in Underwear. . : -JRemn ants in Dot ; Cur tain Swiss Z V. vl :- I While, we have Sold a Number of Remnants, we have found more and,theygo forvery, little money. ;r-; . t A CLEAR HEAD; ood digestion sound sleep; a. fine appetiteand a ripe old age re sonie pftTie results of the use )f Tutt's Liver .Pills. A single ioss will cbuvinceTypu of their wonderM effects arM virtue A Kncn Rat. An absolute cure for sick head ache, dyspepsia, malaria, soui stomach, dizziness, constipatior bilious fever, j piles, torpid live and all kindred diseases. Tuttts Liver Pill t PEHUID'S MANLY ACT. called ln toy District Attorney Holton as assistant' iru the trial of s the accused officials, said to a. Gazette representa tive yesterday, while declining to con firm or deny, any reports regarding Mr. Pen-land 'ef confession or to discuss it in any way: "You nmy state very positively that no inducements or promises of immunity have been made to Mr. Penlam'd by the prosecution in return for a confeseion from 'him. Whatever 'be does in this direction is entirely voluntary on his part. In a man placed in the position of Mr. Pen- land confession is a rig'ht and manly act, the only course open to und the wrong be hasdohe." Mr. Holton- and Mr. E. P. Maxey, the government expert bank examiner who wjorkeft up the evidence on which the mdicttrnente were found and on which the prosecution relies for their case at the coming1 trial next month, also made similar statements, denying that any inducements had been of fered to Mr. Penland or that the case against him would be affecited by his voluntary oonfeeteiom. 'What 4s the nature of Mr. Penland's 'confession" and what is its import ance? Answering th last half vt the question first the prosecution will claim tba-t it its' of little practical value in de velop-ing- their5 case. The charges against the bank officials is that they overdrew their accounts wjth the bank the amount 6f their overdrafts being in reality over1 $250,000. 'There are also separate indictments for "embezzle ment" and, against Mr. ' Penland, of making fateie reports to the comptroller of the currency. But- the main charge is of the overdrawn accounts, the em bezzlement being by their unique sys tem of overdrafts, and the false reports to conceal them. The defense of Messrs. Breese and Dickei'son will te that they but technfically violated the national banking" flaw, and on the books of the bank these reat over drafts dd not appear. Where money was drawn out there is ''paper' diS; counted by the 'bank to fiir tip tie gap. This paper i& the worthless notes about which so Thuoh 'has'been' said, -To pro cure the evidence of the system by which the bank was looted, and .who did it, the government ent Mr. Moxey to AshevMe.'-and his investigations ex tended over several weeks before the indictments were found, and he 'has been in Ashevllile for an additional several weeks perfectingr his investiga tions for the trial. The evidence rests chiefly on the checks on which the money was drawn out and the bogus notes which replaced the money and balanced the accounts of the bank. The defense will aver, that these .notes were supposed t-o-'bb good collateral. Mr. Penland ;oii!f esoes that he kmew they were not. The information that is. not yet forthcoming-, that puzzles even the prosecution and that Mr. Pen land .can1 throw (little lig-ht on is: Where did that Vast sum of more than a quarter of a million dollars go? The distributlioin of but a small' part of it can be traced, in business vetures that turned out badly, tin real estate in vestments and fan the living expenses of. the men to whom at went. . .None of it remained in the bank or returned to fit. The receivership has found ' only bushels of wortJhlesai notes to represent wihat was once a great fortune the small fortunes of very many people. The. processes which withdrew, lall'thig mney from the . ill-fated (bank extended over many years at least half a dozen --end in the earlier stiages it to doubtful if Henry Penland's htarid will be found eilther guiding th"e moves or asfsisitdnsr them. The drama, grew in aotdon and new players were drawai, om.. ithe, stage, land as the plot umaVied aiid Tbieoameln volved in inextricable ttagedy Uie cash ier took" his part, and into , insignificant pant it was.-", ---:'. it Mr. Penland was seen last evening by a Gazette reporter aaixi asked if. he" would MAROHE soeak reeaiidrne- hta confetarfoni TMr. Vfnna.na - said "JNOI AOto 3imMi.fTir fnr fiiiMfrnftBrtn.' JUT UP?. ibeen sealed for moatha, aum tnev. aye tui dented."'- r X --'V ' " -Will yoa say netner vi i. "i:, ?'That ia mx fe acknbwleagremem 'that "irrrti hn.TP f.fmtfisfL is It net?" -' v Mr. Penland smttsi and daid. "I wo aid ifcalk ite you Jf I eould, but my lawyers PUlillPlilH f R Td FIGHT Because ao Attachment Took Up the Gte Receipts . Bridgeport, Conn., : rjani 26. Peter Maherand "Stockings' Conroy were to have fought ten rounds 'here tonight for $1,000. A large crowd present was disappointed because the prinlcapls re fused to go on ad a New Haven man got away with all the proceeds on at tachment proceedings. Manager Woods has disappeared and it is be lieved ithat the two acted in collusion.' THE NEW PARAGON. The Parogon Pharmacy presents its self to the public again with an en larged store and handsome new furni ture. During the period the store was da-led, the workmen, were busy install ing the new French glass cases and moving the partition separating the prescription) departmeat from tho store back a distance of fifteen feet The alterations add greatly to the al ready attractive drug store. me raragvn nas aiso aaaea new T1 . TV . i -l stock in almost every line and is bet ter prepared than ever to supply their patrons. PULLIAM MUST STAND TRIAL Official Instructions Issued to Bring Him Back to Asheville. Lawrence Pulliam, the absconding cashier of the defunct First National bank, of Asheville, will be brought back to 'tfhia city for trial. The Giazette receiv ed aulthloili'tia'tive infermation yeeteTday that ins'tructions had already been given to an offlcral, whose name would nor. be uivulged, to prd:ie!e6j to Stdoton, Cal., at Once and to bring PullJim back to this city. Jt is not yet known whethier sthe gov ernmentt Or 'state will assume the pros ecution of 'the '(JeTaulting bank cashier. There is an indicament ag-ainet Pulliam in the crimanial ooUrt whicSb. will prop- iably be prosecuted. w . Men': numbea" 9 and 10 needie .tped shoes going at much 'less' than dost ialt D. Blianton & Co"s. shoe sftore. Ladies' Starp Seamless Slippers. 1 per cent, of coat. All oize. G. A. Mean and Son. Use Quaker Cabinet and prevent L. Grippe. - 301-et MILLIONS GIVEN AWAY. It la centainly gratifying to the publi to know of one concern in the Jand wh J Te not afraid to te gneroue to th needy and suffering. The proprietors o Dr. King's New Discovery for consump ttoOj coughs an colds, jwye giveii awaj over ten million tridf bofttle of th great medicine; and have the atlafac' taon-ox knowing it has absolutely cure thousand of hopeless cases. Asthma bronchiftis, hoarseness and all diseases o the throat, chest and lungs are surel' . cured by VU Call on T. C. Smith an Caxmichael, druggists, and get a tria bottle free Regular size 50c and $1 Every bottle guaranteed, or price r funded Misses' Jersey Leggings, size 8 to 11 75c G. A. Mean and Sons' Shoe Store To insure a happy mew year, keep the liver clear and the body vigorous bv using DeWitts Little Early Risers, the; ramous none pins ror constipation and aver troubles. Paragon pharmacy. No-To-Bac for Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes Weatr men strong, blood pure. 50c. $1.' All .druggists LARGER QUARTERS Are what a larger patron age demands. THAS WHY I have moved from No. io to No 5 Patton Aye. If you want fashionable tailoring done, call on 5 Patton Ave. Over RedTfood's Store. k OF Hes s REFUSED A cAtisfaction toe Steam ,r f- , . T . . . - ' . S - t ;r-' ' iwm tind the Hmest btationeryCrane s and HuixTs in the newest Bainbridgo's 18 South Main St., Ash vilie, N. C. , V J "J & (Formerly ot San Try My Pound Paper, We Sell; Office Desks Cheap Than jou would havf to pay exclusive dealers for the self saine t ing. These thoroughly modern desks are well built, and made to last a life time. Foil of conveniences, they afford in satisfaction a fall equivalent for what one pays for them. We carry a full line of Book Cases, Office Chairs, etc. Also Carpets, Mattings, and Linoleums. W Furniture, t We are moving a lot of Drv Goods and Clothing, which see ms odd indeed when so much of bot h can . e had at so manv places at and elowcost." What can be the reason? H. REDWOOD & CO. Asheville Telephone Co. , (INDEPENDENT) " Endorsed by Asheville Board of Trade. Bates for Business Phones I Rates for Residence Phones $24 Per Year. I $16 Per Year. OVER 400 PHONES UNDER CONTRACT. Temporary Office, Barnard Building. ' "' W. S. PROCTOR, Supt. Augusta Brewing Co's 4 BEER w THE FAVORITE BEER OF ASHEVILLE! Orders will be filled for Bottle Beer if ileft at or phoned to Halybnrton & Co., Frank O'DonneJl, C B. Mclntyre, Pat. Carr, Swannanoa Hotel Co., and Pat. Mclntvre, Ast. Augusta Brewing Co. THE "ANGELUS is a Piano Attachment. It will fit any piano without any change in the piano. It will play the most difficult music. Come and see it between 1 1 and 1 2 and 3 and 5. CI 55 VOU DON'T .BAT , . Dnless you 28 Patton Fine Confections ! DELICIOUS ; Come unto me, all ye that are, AL &sMfille Candy nish the. best; meals ; in iny RESTAURANT ' that can be obtained in shdpesnp: shaded at Book Store! Antonio, Texas.) er Williamson $L Co. Carpets, &c. 16 PATTON AVENUE. S. Main St. GOOD OANDT buy it at the atchen, AventrQ. Luscious Fruits 1 OYSTERS 1 hungry, and I will guarantee to fur WW Harrison, s '.-V. 65brth Main St, and is better able than ever to - serve ihe public with A PRICES TBa T CUT BELOW THE LOWEST You must Stop and consider these two things: one is a good Watch; the other a Ring. Q We carry an extra large line of both, and take pleasure in showing them to everyone. B. H. COSBY, The Reliable Jeweler, 37 Patton Avenue The burning question . still, with some, is, 'where can we get the exact goods we want f.r the least money? Now, if you can't fullv believe your friends (for you all have friends trading with us) try os next moat h and we will answer your question. Respectiully. H. C. Johnson Co., 36-38 North Main St. PHONE 188. SWIFT & CO'S DRESSED . BEEF FOR SALE BY F. Zimmermann & Co. City Market Phone 4. HAULING Tfc-aagfer mod storage, piasw aaA afe moving. Parnitnre pndcedi tor ehimentt. Storage SS Col lege feret Office 23 Patfcw .vnue. 'Pboue 141. Lrick & Co. THE CHEAPEST 0 For Sale Through ALL CO AIi DEALEBS " AND ALL GBOCEBT STORES - L t ! '4 0. ! Bread; S ' , - ,GKT EJimDIHTJ3, . 1 5. S. Main Street, Asheviiie.: v'f I'X-ri ; hiuh have a 'Phon It r -i i " a