THE ASHEVIIXE GAZETTE:. JANUARY, 27, liSc ! v ni l iii I ; ' t . :mu1muiiHmmii;immiiiiii,iiai.w1iniiiHmn:; u.".!.. jregetaMePrcparation&rAs-: slnrilating tteToodaodlieguIa ting Stomachs aodBoreis cf Promoteslcsfion(CIful iness and EesLGontalns neither ,Morptiine nor ntneffli. Opmm ot Narcotic Pumplan, St$ JbcSennm Seed K JhCarbanaltSed' falByrfa, Harm Aocrfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomaeh.Diarrhoca, Worms Convulsions , r cvensn DSS and LOSS OF StB Tac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. 1 WJWU exact copy or wrappcq. PbfltaaCildicA I Always 4 -- Bought Bears the Signatur of A J Use Vjr For Over Thirty Years (0) Jll thk oBimwn mmmiit, rm vonit mm. c SOUTHERN RAILWAY. In Effect Dec. 5 1398. - NO TOP TO THE B00L1 Numbers. Number. I7&11 U 4 Eastern Time. Numbers. USkU Number. I C 4:16pm 12:Gfim :ESpm S:5$am IjT. Nw York Lt. PWladelphla Lit. Baltlmor Ar. 12 :41pm t:Muu Ar. .10:15am 2:56&m Ar. S :00am ll:2Spm 11:42pm ll:lim i:ltam 1:07pm Lt. WMhlnffton Ar 6:i2am Ar. 11:25pm t'.XSpxn 1:80pm U:ltam U:tlpm Lr. Biekmmd Ar. :40am l:2Epm tttpm :16am :10am 1 :60pm 4:tSam I.Wpm LfSun t;2Jvpm Lt. Norfolk Lt. Belma Lt. Kalelsh Lt. Greensboro Ar. 7: Warn 5:&5pm Ar. 2:40am 12:35pm Ar. 1:40am U:6am Lt. 10:41pm 8:60am (Cantral Time.) :Bun f :fjem ItrtSam tt:itam 12:13pm J:lipm J'JSpm 1:15pm. J:E2pca :Wpm 7:4dpm U:t6pm 7:10pm f rfOpm :20pm 1:07pm 9:25pm 10,S4pm 12:0Jam 12:10am 12:15am l:tfMB 1:00am 4:25am 7:40am 70pm f:40am C:ESpir Lt. Saliabury Ax. 6:35pm Lt. Statesvilie Ar. 5:44pm Lt. Newton Ar.- 5:03pm Lv. Hickory Ar. 4:45pnu Lt. Marion Ar. 3:28pm Lt Biltmor Ar. 1:30pm Ar. Asheville Lv. 1:20pm Lt. Aaheville Ar. 1:10pm Lt. Hot Springe Ar. 11 :40am Morris town Ar. :50am At. Knoxville Lv. 8:26am Ar. Chattanooga Lv 4:20am Ar. Memphi Lv. Ax. NaahviUe Lv. M:llpm 9:30am 8:43am 8:09am 7:52am 6:45am 5:21am :15am :10am :00atn 2:t0am 1:15am 10:00pm t:ltam 5: 5: 4: :10m 7:Mam ?:Mp J: Warn 7:S9pm At. Loulrrille Lv. 7:4ipm 7:4am Ar. dndnaati Lt. t:ttpm l:ttam A. AND : S. BRANCH. i. No.. It Ne-i iCmtl Tim.) No. It. No. No. 1. C:t&xa i:9pm :2tam C:17am l;2uam 2:40pm t :15pm 1:29pm i:00ps& CISpm 9:35pm Lt. AanevilU liiajiern Time.) Blltmore Ar. Lv. Jdeudereonville Ar. Lt. Try on Ar. Lv. Spartanfcura Ar. Ar. Columbia Lv. Ar. 6:00pm 1:40pm 6:52pm 2:30pm 6:03pm l:46pxa 5:00pm 12:42pm 1 :10pm 11:25am 11:30am 8:30am CstfBsn U:am Ar Charlestoa Lv. 7:18am S:2tpm l:ttem S:20un :Um :15am (Central Time.) .... Ar. ftavannai Lv.tll :14am 11:14am Att Jacksonville Lv. 1:00pm i :00pm 1:55pm f:am :lvam Ar. Aususta Lv. l:Spm t:Sepm Atlanta Lv. 7:10am ll:Wpm 7:40am 8:10pm Ar, New Orleans Lv. 7:4pm I:5eas At, Mempkis Lv. :tpm MURPHY BRANCH. No. 7 No. 17 (Central Time.) No, 68 No. 18 - 3:00am 4:00pm 109am 6:25pm 11:20am 5:50pm 1:45am 8:00pm f:tfp "Dally excet Sunday. Lt. Lt. lt. Ar. Ar. Aslievllle Ar. Waynes ville Ar. Balsam at. Bryson City Lv. MorDky Lv- 4:00pm r.Npm 1:50pm L:41am 12:20pm ll:20m 9:20am I'.Uaa 6:00 a. m. Iaily except Sunday. (8LSI7INO C AR SXHVICB.) Trains 17 and U, and 12 and 18 carry Pullman sleepers between New Tor. CTsAblnrtom, Asheville, Hot Bprinss, Ckattanoosa and Nashville. Trains I and 1L and lt and 12, between Jacksonville, Savannah, Colombia, Asheville, Hot Springs, Knoxville ant Cincinnati. Trains 15 and IS carry Pullman sleepers between Saliabury, Asheville, Hot Springs, Nashville, Chattanooga and Memphis. v Tesetmerwith our e- ellenl equipment and schedules to the north and east, all rail . throurk Washington, the publics spedvl attea Hon is called to our rail and water route to tne north ana east Bjut&ern railway and the Chesapeake line, xms scaeauie allows a aay s stoa-over - - - . . .a j.. .a eiiA d at Norrolx, va., asorains an oporLuni l j- to tuh kjio. roun whuots Monroe), Virginia, I'Vlrginla Beach, New-port News, etc Baggage called for and checked from hotels and residences byhe Asheville Transfer Company, office 'with cdlty ticket office, 60 pattan avenue, AehevUle, Ni C. ITBANK S. GANNON. - J. 1L CDLP, 1 Third Vice-pres. Jk Gen Mgr irrame Manager, . Washmgton, D.C Washington, IX C. .:b. HABDWICK, ft. A. BCTJKBV - ,v - f , . . A. Q. P. JL, Atlanta, Qa. passenger Agent, V. B. TATLOS. y Washington. P. a ' - A -a. P. A LmtfBviUe. Sr. C A. EENCCOTER. tT. R. DARBY,- A. G. P A., .Cbiattanooga TensL I. CityPass. and T. Agents T ' ' : ' - V i I , Asheville, N. C . Bright Prospects and Plenty of Cheap Mony Carry Prices Upward, INTENSE ACTIVITY III GRAIN j2tc S5n ztSbCt7 liizm CEIL W. R. 8I.IITH, rmidsjt sf list ' XrZEJXLU. CCLLE6E OF KEJITUCIT UXr.TZSITT 600 pates ChiMreasr Shoes, I to It. At cost. G. A. Hears aad Cocs. Ekoa CURES ALL KIDNEY. STOMACtT ARU LIVER TROUBLES Bib Advance Y esterday Fol lowed by another Eise of 3 cent per Bushel in May Wheat. It'sEasy f to break dow u the bealth by bard wofk at d neg?ect, but it's just abut as fasy0 get strong:" ami well again. Take HnRtet-.t.ji' - - iivvcAa, auu NORTH; CAROLINA - CORUHDUW. CHARLES N. JENKS,- "MININQ 'EN , GINEJER. (Member. Ainertcn InaMtute . of Mining -; ' - Engineers.) 1 r Specialty Corundum, and- Emery. I wuuid can, the aiteiitirut n rvo ties contempiadiig invesiment in cor PATflPP'U t . :. , u .ues wnanj -- .av x ujncpsia, inaigestlOD, urcuau projjtrues, ar o owners of corun DilUjusniRH ' dum;jmnes. co Jthe fact u t Tiavii ConstinaHon slOSt tftr R as" a praciloar miner iipauon, iivo t , O m this field, jUso ia the corundum and "ci vousiiess or c a i emery emuh and wheel trade, than anv malaria gone almost before you know it May Aug. 4f ( 620 623 623 628 616 621 616 C21 PRETTY GIRLS THE DEVIL'S-AUCTION Cotton Very Active at Advancing Prices- Manager Yale Tells h w They are Gathered from All Quarters of the Globe. Charles H. Yate's "Fbrever Devil's Auction" ha always been noted for its beautiful women, aiwl 'this year's gather- By Direct Private Wire to W, P, Hi'1 Broker 48 Pattern Ave. New York, Jan. 26. Those traders who looked, for a reaction this morning were sorely disappointed when London feiant -in opeciing- at an increase of a ln' e nxaaiagemien.t states, will prove fraction .higher, and as has been the j exceltion ito the general rule. With , , . I -tyllis AlleiQL stajtely -and tall, who is case for a long time past the market ; nilr , . . ' " 18 , A . ! Purely of the Ameracan sityle of beauty: was ready to respond with good buying . Mayme Mayo, piquant 'and pert, who orders and from openting to close the . -YQ more the German blue eyes and ! Dionde hair aF the Maj-emertte tvn- "Mii- trans actions were made at advance . dred HAifun Q wr have WeauaM fanniHi a. i a. w a ww i vej a.v a rjA analyzing and test! corundum and Sill PTK emery, having special arraiMremeiiiha tor wviuwvu v i til -iliv IXtDKL CIIUUeiLb llVlJlg . wvi v u lVUlUg i.m ij . dum aodemery wheel and grain, manu racxurera. a am prepared to inspect and report upon oruDdum and "emery, propertie ena proauots: also to render expert ser vice as a consulting engineer. Terms moderate. -I refer by permission o Gilbert Hart, proprietor Detroit Emery wurei company, uetroit, Mich. ine xtampaen Emery and Corundum icompany, Chester. Mass. Charles L. Allen, secretary Norton Em ory Wheel company, Worcester, Mass. Professor J. A. Holmes, North Caro lina state geologist, Chapel Hill. N. C. " Ir. David T. Day, chief United States geological survey, Washington. D. C. ProfeseoT William E. Chandler, Ooluni oia cnooi or mines, JNew xmn city. x nomas a. 'aison, isaenio jark, or ange, N. J., and orhers. European references if desired. Address 115 Chestnut street, Asheville. N. C, or 120 Broadway, - New York city, prices. The buying wad stimulated by the bright prospects for the peace treaty. Metropolitan Traction was the lead ing f eature, advancing about $12 . a share and the rest of the list came in for their share of the advance. St. Paul and the other grangers were among the most prominent stocks to record gainis. There ""vj' mugsnt do oaKen, lor a jjYench or Cuban beauity, but who hails from New York city Another disitinot type is that Of Mtadge Torrence, a statuesque expon ent of thei clear complexion amd ross tinit ed cheeks of old! (Englaind. As for the ! corps de ballett "I (jannot remember," ' Baid Manager Yale, "when. I have been j foutunaite enough to get la'prebtier tot of ItTirls. it is Prance, Ilaly, Poland, Aus- tria and one even, from Russia." What ! about the American; girl? "Well . you seldom find American coryphees. Bal i let dancers ais a class come mostly from I Euirove. There aie mo ballet schools in is still notMng in sight but j 'the strict sense of .the (term in this coun- prospecrts of advance and on all slight j JJf hn .'Europe, howevefc. each hur& I City has its regular school. Milan, Italy, reactions we would advise continued has the largest and best, I believe. The purchases. girls are sent there by (their parents or ' guardians at an early age, generally at COTTON The action of the market Ave years old, ithey go through long and leaves no room for trade to guess con- ST t Sl "tiack line" of the balleit Of one of the large theaitre3, and upon their own abil ity antd hard practice depends their ad vancement. Rather too slow a process to suit the average Amenitaan girl, as we have to depend upon Eurape for our ballet dancers, who are carefully select ed by our (European agemt: first as to 'tlheir dancing abiUty and also as to their youth and good looks. Source of the Uoir stream. Investigations by Dr. Linden-Kohl havt shown that t-e principal source of the gulf stream is not the Florida channel but the region, between and beside the. Jslands of the West Indies. At Binloni ' the voluino of this warm water Js 60 times as great a? the combined volume of all the rivers of the wortd at theik mouths. ditions. Liverpool; fell in fully with the I advance of yesterday by opening at an ' advance from 4 to '5 points. This 5n turn was reflected in our market which opened in full sympathy and buying orders flowed In, freely throughout the entire session. There was at no time more than slighit) hesitation in prices up to the last hour of trading when prices fell off a few points below the beet of the day. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE. Chicago, Jan. 26. The strength which was developed on' the opening of the grain market this morning was a re flection of the cables which were up in full sympathy with the Chicago' close of the previous day. The opening was at an advance of 1 cent to 1 1-2 a bushel and throughout the entire sees ion' there was strong de mand which carried prices upward 2 cents per bubsel without a single re action. ' There was throughout a greater dis play of activity than at any time since .the great upward movement in the New York stock market com menced. We have predicted this upward movement and trust that our many pa tncnis have taken full advantage of it to increase their holdings. From pres ent indications the market is weH on the up turn. No puts and calls today. m ww vrvRT?- Riwnr TC-srrrrr a nth-tr. Open High: Dow Clse Am. Tobacco 147 148 146 146 Am. Sugar K. 132 134 131 132 The Direct Line From Cincinnati DAYTON, LIMfi, VIA TO TOLEDO, DETROIT, Michigan, and Canada Points 5 trains every weekday. 3 trains on Sunday. Pullman and Wagner Sleepers on night trains. Vesti buled Parlor cars on day trains. CINCINNATI TO CHICACO 4 trains every weekday. 3 trains on Sunday. Vestibuled1 trains, Pullman Standard and Compart ment Sleeping Cars, Parlor Cars, and Cafe Dining Cars. 180 pairs men's fine congress shoes at cost, $2.25 to $3.25. G. A. Mears A- Sons Shoe Store. 11 ILu. jLA JO THE AGE A. T. & S. F. pf. 63 64 63 62 Bait. & Ohio. Brook. R. T. Chi. B. & Q. Ches. & Ohio. Chi. G. W. Del. & Hud. Fed. Steel. Fed. Steel pf. Canada So. Gen. Electric 110 111 Central. Lou. & Nash. Manhattan. Mo. Pacific Met. Traction No. Pacific. 55 86 86 73K 74 73 73 91 94 91 92 139 139 13& 188J6 30 31 30 30 18 18Jt 17 17 115 116 115 116 55M 54 54 87 85 86 87 85 86 113M HO 112 120 121 120 120 67K 68 67 67 116 117 116 116 49 49 47H 47 210 220i 210 217 49 61 49 50 No. Pacific, pf. 804 81 79 80K N. Y.,Cen. 139J 139 137 137 Northwest'rn. 151 151 151 151 Omaha. 93 98 P8 98 Pacific Mail. 50 52J 50 61 People's Gas. 115 117 115 116 Rock Island. 120 1214 119. 120 So. Railway pf. 48 0 48 4P St. PauL ... 128 130 128M 129 T. C. & I. 44 45 43 45 U. P. pf. 82 83 ; 81 81 West'n Union. 97 97 96 '96 Continental Tobacco pfd. - 76 -- CHICAGO .BOARD OF TRADE. - , , . Open; High Ijow Clse May Wheat. 76 -; ; 79;75 77 May Cojm ' 88 89 1 88 88 May Oats. - 28- 29 28 28 May Pork. il05Q;U062 ii?42; ;j.06d May Xard. 687 697 585 697 May Bibs. 517 7.620? , 516 , "5li NEW YORK COTTON EXCHANGE. -; -Open mgb4' IsriT Clse March 615 61 09 12 'i housands have tried from time Imme morial to discover some efficacious remedy for wrinlrirtj And other knoerfections of the complexion, but nope had yet suc ccedod until the Misses Fell, the now fam ous Complexion Specialists, of 78 Fifth Avenue, New York ity, offered the pub lic their wonderful Complexion Tonic. The reason eo many tailed to make this discovery before is plain, because they have not followed the right principle. Balms, Creams, Lotions, etc., never hare a tonic he skin, hence the failures. . The Misses Bell's Complexion Tonic has a most exhilarating effect upon the cuticle, absorbing and carrying off all impurities which the blood by its natural action is constantly forcing to the. surface of the slau.. t is to the skin what a vitelizing tonic is to the blood and nerves, a kind of new life that immediately exhilarates and strengthens wherever applied. Its tonic effect is felt almost immediately, ami it peedily banishes forever from the skin, fretrkles, pimples, blackheads, moth patches, wrinkles, liver spots, roughness, oiling,- eruptions, and discoloraf'ons of fi o ler that all may be benefited by r;- at Discoveryi the Misses Bell wilt . .: ji t:e present month, sive to all call- ers-at their parlors one trial bottle of theb Complexion Tonic absolutely free ; and in order that those who cannot call or who lire away from New York may be bene fited, they will send one bottle to any ad dresj, all charges prepaid, on the receipt of 25 cents (stamps or silver) to cover cost of . packing and delivering. The price of this wonderful tonic is $1.00 per bottle, and this libera offer should be embraced by all. The Misses Bell have just published their new book, Secrets of Beauty," This valuable work Is free to all desiring it. The book treats exhaustiveij f the importance of a good complexion ; tells how a woman may acquire beauty and keep it. Special chapters e the care oi the hair ; how to have luxuriant growth ; harmless methods of making the hair pre serve its natural beauty and color, even to c advanced age. Also instructiocs how tc 4 banish superfluous hair from the face d neck and arms without injury to the skin. . This book will be mailed to any address on request. FREE Trial Bottles ot Wonderful Corn. ; plexion Tonic free at parlors, or 25 cents j (cost of packing and mailing to those at s distance. v' Correspondence cordially solicited. Ad, THE MISSES BELL, 78 nfth Ave, New York fXy. Tlie "Mtom Bell's complexion ton'c. eomplexlon soap, 4epCo are Cor sale In this ctty hy W. C CannScteeL - ? skin food and W.XJk Cincinnati to Indianapolis 6 trains every weekday. 4 trains on Sunday. FAST DAILY SERVICE ;- , . xTO - KANSAS CITY anT the WEST Daily Pullman and Wagner Sleepers. parlor uars on day trains. J. G. MASON, Gen'l Southern Agent. J. S. LEAHY, Trav. Pass. Agent, Knoxville, Tennessee. D. G. EDWARDS, Pass. Traffic Mgr. ONE ' TRIAL BOTTLE THIS OFFER ALMOST SURPASSES BELIEF. in External Tonic Applied to the Beautifies it as by Magic. DISCOVERY Z A WOMAN WAS THE INVENTOR. Whh the following Symptoms. Erilarm Pnt. nf tlim baM j a.1. - nose, toickening and ulceration of the lininir mom Kr n a it a discharge of uuhealthy mncusand pus breath taints h.n-k.'n . i . " r V. "Putorai ing, noaebleeding, besdacbes, partial loss of hearing, noises in the head, deafness and impaired vision, CAUSED BY Poisoned Condition o! the Biood CURED BY ' Botanic Blcod Balm THE GREAT BLOOD REMEDY. CaJtarrh is dua tn an i or the blood and Is one of the lnnumer ous offsprings of blood poison, It may nave come from a long way back in tbe wuniiy mscory, out the genenail opinion among medical men, is tha-D caiCarrh me onsnoot or poisoned biood, pro ducing bad breath and the above named symatxns. Thp fnt i aAmxd k . n that it is only curable by conatituftonai uicamieiiu rmtaiuc xsiooa is aim (B. B. B.) ib as scored some brilliant victories in the cure of this lftathrvm ndwhy? Because B. B. B. when tak en as directed mlixes with the poisons in tne oiooa wnicn produe cataTrti, so aa to cause the poison to be expelled from the blood through the sweat glands and excretory organs. R. R. Sau liter, Ath ens, Ga., wroce us not loog ago iht uo was surprisea 'to observe how agree able his breath had become since using umy xnree Dottues oi H B. B. He was also able to hear better. Mrs. Lulu tsiaoKs, or AJaibama, wrote us that a frieWd of hers since lisincr bItt Knfti B. B. B. thajt 'tie mucus dischargee which she had through the mouth and nose had stopped and tfhat she was able to breathe freely and talk without of fending any one with her bad breath. A remaiTKiaDie case is cnat or Mrs. Eliza beth Knott, of Atlanta, which we nrint hi full Diflcharge Copious and Offensive Entirely Cured by B. B. B "For four years I have been afflicted with a very ifcrOublesome naeal ca'tarrh. bo terrible has its na)ture been that when I blew my nose small pieces of bone would frequently come out of my mouth and nose. The discharge was copious, and at times- very offensive. My bllood became eo impure that mv general heai'tlb was greatly impaired. with poor appetite, and bad digestion Numerous medicines were used without relief, until I began the use of Botanic Brood Balim B. B. B. and thres bot tles aotedi admoet like! magic Since its use, over a year 'ago, not a symptom has returned and I feel in every way quite restored In health I am1 an old citizen of Atlanta; and refer to almost any one living on Butler street." MRS. ELIZABETH. KNOTT. Atlanta, Ga. Tfce Deaf Hear. That sounds miraculous, and yet one may become temporarily deaf on ac count of catarrhal biood poisoning set tling in tlhe ear and then find: quick relief by using B. B. B., Botanic Blood Balm John W. Weeks, Dejcatur, Ga,, writes: "Six months ago I had a pain in my ear, and in ia few dayd it discharged matter. Them I grew deaf and could not hear alt all. I began the use of Botanic Blood Balm B. B. B. and the running of my ear scon ceased, and I now hear while my health is much improved, and I feel full of gratitude to God and the proprietors of so good a remedy." As a blood purifier B. B. B. Botanic Blioodf Balm has no equal. One bottle of it contains more curative virtues than a gallon of the many s called blood purifiers. Buy the original and te on the eafe side. Beware of substitute and insist on having the o'.d reliable B. B. B. Then you are sure of a cure Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B. ) is a scientific vegetable compound used by Tr GiW'im la his private practice for b:.ood diseases, such as old eores, scrof ula, boils, blood poison, catarrh, ettr. It cured so many people that it was put on the market and is far sale by all druggists ax. ?1 per large bottle. It has always enjoyed a large sale because it Cures ! Cures ! Cures ! even after everything else had been tried in vain. Book at cures sent free of charge. Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE. Under and toy vtrtue of a power of sale to a deed of trust contained1 exe cuted to the undersigned as trustee, by J. F. "Woodbury, dalted December 16, 1895, acid registered on the 16th day of January, 18.96, in book of mortgages and deeds of trust No. 40, at pages 86 et seq , in line office of the Register of Deeds of Buncombe county, North Carolina, and by virtue of said deed of trust, default having been made in the payments of the moneys secured by said deed of trust as well as in other provisions contained In said deed of trust, the under signed will sell for cash, at public auction at the court house door In the city of Asheville, county of Bun combe and state of North Carolina, to the highest bidder, on Saturday, the 11th day of February, 1899, the property conveyed dm the said deed of trust , and which is described therein as follows: "A piece or paircel of land sUtuaite, lying and being In the ciuy of Ashev&He, county of Buncombe and State of North Carolina, on the west side of Bailey sifcreet, (bounded and more particularly-described' as foDowsi --Beghming at a stake William Blanton's comer.-and runs south with the west edge of Bailey street seventy-five 75) feet "to a stake; thence west one hundred and fifty (150) feet to a stake; thence north seventy five (75) feet to a stake; thence east one hundred and fifty (150) feet to the be ginning, It heing lot No. 2 of what Is known as Shelby Park,- a plat of which is registered in the office of the Register of Deeds for Buncombe county, which Said lot NO. 2 was conveyed to the said J. F. Woodbury by R. P. , Foster and Love H. Foster, his wife-by deed exe etrted the Ttlr day of June, 1894 anil re corded in the office of the-, Register, of Deeds for Bumoambe covtxaj, in tHX jo deeds No. 89, at pagtee 265, tt eg. iref er encC t' which said plat and. eaSs deed Is hereby expressly given for tevnipre fall and perfect description of the land here by conveyed, " " ' J , Thte January 12,-189 ' l7 THOS. C&J JONES, Trustee. OAOT Start the gnatuB ' ". of ""lis? ' ow

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