THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTK JANUARY 27, 1899 - - - s, - , -THE r EASIEST WAYTO KKE.MONEY. ' -,;S tRavw iri by having yotif Fruits, Cigars, Statioueryetcat the hading truifc store. - . , ; ' i v . " : e. d; keeling; r ; r , - ' Successor to W. E. Alleni 58 TPatton'Ave., Opp P. 0. Pn6nev118i Free Delivery. . 4$$8gx8x$ OUR- .mm ' iThe A"? Iiarffled laist arightt. - ' Only one trivial case occupied police - court yesterday morning'. r j( -'- . r... . . iBlPft. Sallie Li. Reed has purchased the i.iJ-iM. RobertGs property an Norch, Atfhe- vsiie. f Reserved seats will be on sale Saitur- ' lay ibr "Miss Jmry," given lor iJhe iben- ? fflt 9f the T. M. C. A. -Dr. James A. Burroughs Mas received a: better from Alexander Which states that General R. B. Vance's condition is :taBpTov8ng. 1. i-i. . f - i5Th& Ooitral (Eipwrth League of tne rvvr, f 1, tut ttt chunah. elves a social 5 rf., u.eniDi? which deserves la iaxge at- ' tendance. The following unique invitations have leen fasuei: "Tie PM Kapi?a society nr A.jbPviiiP CoI'leee. Invite yiou to a Sil- w.dnesiav. February, First, Four to Six. 'A Silver Coin, Please.' SALTED PEAnU TS s . , THEYRFINE ONLY 5 CTSA BOX ., KISS-ME CAND Y CO.'S CAFE. 43 Patton Avenue. A. C; Mitchell, Manager. Perfect Satisfaction And a saving go with every purchase. ANOTHER LOT OF THOSE California Prunes at 5c Boohs "THE SIGN OF THE BOOKJ ana Case r - are two' things tbW.everxitoed; family. ; must posseas. Tou; caanpi; i afftrdt exist wathtfa boolos, a.they Wer th greatest means f -enJlgJhtji-'X menL' ToucaimvafPord .tahave iKwIsVwiChout a Sasevi as the boofes will soon go to the bow-bowa We have the only bookcase worth having. . It U';ttie Wernicke ULastLs. Tou can feuyjt to Just fit your library and. make its E growth keep pace. ..If?, you have books you will enjoy an inspection of these cases, cau ana ee cawsw. Rogers' BipkfcStore, f 1 Phone No 254. ' , r; 2o South Mam Stfeeti-r Ihhese qualities com' J Sf 1 bineti are what make News from !hxeveptrt, Da,, has it that Same aS Others Sell fOf 8C. a on Las been born to Kev. ana mr. j, a Tfo-ii v -Rpv. Tr Felix was lately pastor df the Firstt Babdnat Church m Country Lard at same Zhi i.t.v. He is at presenlt am charge of uuuuu J oxxc a pastioTOite in Shreveport. A "wacit" laidverti-ement of a house to .im vpstoiav's Gazette, trougnx ten jQfTiicTXT &fb a Ti h thf house was reni-ed be fore 2 p. m. Thiis advtarttisement cost 25 cents. It is a sample of the value of advertising in the Gazette. All argons, both Jftdiea and genUe- ,m Vi,av ntitions for the Ami- Saloon, league, are requeued to hand t-m in, -.n tomcwow ty J. Spangen- ynn-o. o.r mfl.n direct o Rev. J. W. Lee, lUlJ Greensboro, N. C. t t Miiirnhv and H. N. Lockwood have been elected trustees of the Fulton propeicy owned by the FliTsit Prtesbyter dan churcn. They will fill the vacancies hv the- Tesi emotions of 1. S. mot- rison and C. E. Graham. The Misses Jeanle atrt& Alice Brown, of North Main street, will entertadn their ; giiesits, Miss Mary H. Christy and Mfcs Elvil al H. CUlDercson, or ixnsic, xa., of February 2nd. Invi- Vli w o - nations have already been issued. The monthly meeting of the Astreville Township Teacherar club wUl De new arc 11 o'clock tiomonrow morning in the sug-xr-vHznr. TirJ-vm in- the court house. A aumbelr nf instrudtive topics to teachers will be discussed. The funeral services over the remains of Robent, Burgess, who was K&aiea in ttoe explosion- at the city quarry, wai price of Western, Sugar Cured Hams 10, 11 and 12c. Graham & Rye Flour at 3c. A. D. COOPER. 32 South Main. BIotCSLES - Good Tires, Good oprnigs, Good Leather, Gooi Designs Good Form, Good ContouPj 0 od'AVorn auiip, Gtod Style, Good Comfort, Good Duradility, Good Price, Good Business, Good Everything, Good Night. x$-exeS$x$x$ . .. Askeville Cycle Coi Eugene C. Sawyer. Mgr. Phone 228 - 16 & 18 Church St a v tr- j-; -"'.sc j. ' M rruoGatil.the Wheat! gimbre Paten( Aflb Your Grocer for IT. Talking through his hat. 6 ood Bicycles, .pany Broken Lots! SMOKE TBAYLOR'S MAGISTRATE CIGAR B. Y. P. U. ENTERTAINMENT. The Baptiktt Toung People's Union and their guests, enjoyed a vary good entei'tainment lat night in the Sunday school room of itfhe church. Rev. Mr Vinoa maro j mlrtf SnH-pmrs hel alu. the home tof the deceased, near j address, followed: by 'a pJapo dut by Missels Mtooreaiudi Porter that was wirm ly applauded. Miss Bertie Millers readintg of "Little Golden Hair"1 was pleasing and credifiible. ; ; Miss 1 Uzzie Poster's jIiaino soil evoked much ; ap plause. . '' The triumph of the ' (evening went to the Asheville Symphtony Club, Which was 'ass-stea tvy Mr. 1 n. ureenburg. a professional froni Covington, Ky. Last nighit he played rthis- guit ar, 'f The & Tier perfcrmers were Mes-s." Frink .M 'IIool. Carroll Brown, mandoains; Charles -G. Deulb, vtoliin; Clyde !E. Mear3, guitar; ard! A. A Fe'ithersiton. banjo. TTje -cluh, itft iitba-jee.. -nurobe'-s. on the program and were reoallEd tbim'9 and agaia by the -audience. ;. "Vance's farm The intenmenrt. was m River Vitew cemetery, The two vicftima of ifae -dynamlite ex- losiion on Town mountains Wuliam Cai owiay and James Sweeney, are improva ing undtr the efficietnt treaftmentt at the Mission hospital. It was not considered mfe to move Calloway ;to his home yes terc'iaiv, as expected, but this will prob ably be done (today. ROOMMATE KILLED HIMSELF. Conductor Joseph! Brunson, of the Southern Railway, rooms tait the Jerome hotel, at Columbia, when his work finds him to! itfhiat city for the night. The "hlotel was crowded! Weni'ne'sdiiy night, and Brunson had for a room malie a drum mer, George A. Biaker, of Lexington, Ky. Rru-Eoata. awoke about one in 'the Morning. The rodm w3ls lightied. Brun- REAL ESTATE DEALS. The fbllowang "deeds have been-filed in Regil ter oif Ieeds Mackey's office Jennie H. and H. A. Gudger to Wil t'n irisked up just :as his room mate de- lis SwiliJij, 38 3-4 acres on Beaverdam libertlv drew a raztor and cut hts own noaa, x.dou thr;at. Brunifon started forward to ore- vesitry or 'irnnnty church to John K ven'.i the mad deed but itlie drummer had Pmmers and! wife, property north side f alliein. to the floor and wa's deaJd. Beaumont street, S150. Haittie C. SHeppyno George F. Scott, ncATU or T d pdkdv 1'"c easi- vnario:i:e street, $zsv. wri-iw wr i.u vkinni j. M Roberts and wife to SaHie L T. B. Criary 68 years eld, dkd vester- 1 Peed, property in Nfanbh. Asheville, $1,- day morning at his tome on Hominy 400. creek. Eev. Joseph Hawkins will con- T. W. Pajtton and wife to Granville du : the funeral services ait the Action I Martin, lot east sti'ie Sassafras street. M. E. church, at 11 a. m. today. A wife 0 and five children survive him. The chii'diren are, W. A. Crary, of Hender "slanville, T. B. Crary, of BrevUrd, O. T. Orary, a imiember of company B, Finst Ntorth Caroliina regiment, now at Havanla, Cuba, Mrs Roxie Parker and Mirs. Ella Youmg, of South Hominy. Mr. Crtary was a native of Ohio and was an ex-Confederate soldier. He lived 3m Asheville for many years. Secondl hand furniture taken as part payment on new furniture at Mrs. L. A Johnson's, 27 North Main street. 303-3t It never sticks to the Irons Elastic starch. FOURSOME FINAL PLAYED. The finals of the men's foursome were played on the golf links of the Swanita noa Country club, yesterday aflternoon. The playing was (brisk and resulted in a victory for Messrs Graham! antd Wilt bank over Messrs. CheesborougbJ and Waddell, with a score of 2 up with. 1 to go. Handsome prize's were awarded to the four players, the leaders of the four some conteeJt. Poplar . bed3, $150 each. Poplar bu reaus, $3.50 each. Poplar wash stands 90 cents each, at Mrs. L. A. Johnson' 27 North Main street. 303-3 Horrible agony la caused bv nii burns and skin diseases. These are im mediately relieved and auicklv cured ,hv DeWitft's Wfifich Hazel Sadve. Beware of worthless imitations. Paragojx phar macy. STEVENS-HUME. S. N. Stevens amd Miss Julia T. Hume were married (at 8 o'clock last might at Inanda the home of hoth. The ceremony took place at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Hume. The groom is ai brother of Judge Hency G. Stevens and !t!he bride a niece of J. A. Teannlaot, of Ashevtnie. Child's Spring Heel Shoes, sizes 6 to t 85c O. A. Mean and Sons SUMMER HEAT Is the temperalture throughout tiouse, at the Oaksi (hotel. the PerMicai Ti pirate - W take ; pleasure in announcing that v our list of m enchants for 1899 Us Buperlor ' to any ieretiofore published., - -Etery firm is of the highest standing "and theiprlcea re Boretitfar.the quia!- ItEea offered. - " i ''5Tbu;var" tavlted;lc caM aJt, the" offle'e; 34 p'altitoa avenue, snd'-aod: gelt a li of '.firms and book ctfLtteketos fop your own A GREAT record of cures, une nnallftH in morii Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses merit un known to any other MEDICINE. Broken Prices! Heavy Underwear and Hosiery, Clothing, Overcoats., and Ulsters, Tronsers, Sweaters, and Shoes. To sell out the entire stock of winter lines Wi pE r thfm at absolute cost. Mure ctothinp: value than you are able to get culside this Retter values in. nil linet than can tpund lspvvh r A good chance to prepare for the atproxihfag cold stp ue ux-dux i; wno xeiis you that he -., can rival our laundry work in beauty or gen eral satisfaction to the wearer. We kee on jcop in up. to date laundry methods, and we take special pahia to please each iuuivmubi patron m tne exquisite finis and general renovation of their linen, Care in handling is our watchword. flshevUleSSteam Laundry Phone 95. 43 WEST COT LBGH! ST. ! m;ii;m. Hiiiiiig uump Manufacturers. JAH P. LAWYER, It-cui Coal Selected and Re-scretn, ed for Domestic Use. Miners' Agents, Wholesal, and Retail 4sh8Ylll8 Ice and Coa! Compsaj PATTON AVBBrcm DISTHXiED WaTBB. J. R. RASKIN, Cafhi'r 'pxiaj. KoaK: . - - - 1CO,COO; xupericr f acihties tor Doing & General Hanking Business. CORRESriOSpmcE SOLICITED. SAKjt fiyporr boxes for krnt FIRE store. if. New stre 18 P&tton Ave. New S(ock COR. LEXINGTON AVENUE. OPP. HOTEL BERKELEY. A. IMFIELO'S STOCK IjAT E L Yi id am aged by fire. MUST BE CLOSED OUT BY SATURDAY, f Would prefer to close out as a whole. Stock consists of ,l J 28 Remember the place, out: ST. I will Dye this Year as well as I Dyed in the Old Year. I dye ladles' and gents' clothes, tlpi, plumes, feathers, hats, etc., chenile cur tains, rugs, robes, all kinds of furs. I clean ladles' and gents' clothes by chemical process, which doea not shrink or damage the goods. I alter and repair ladles' and genti' garments, also furs, such as beaver, seal, etc. All work guaranteed. One way express will be paid on all out of town orders. I have also at my store at Court place a few head mounted rugs for sale at a low figure, as wolf, fox, leop ard, wild cat, etc One way express. 55 South Main street and No, 1 East Court square. Carl Sclmltz Practical Dyek and Chemical Cleaner, 55 S. Main St. Phone 206, FEED AS D SALE STABLES A Full Lin of Firpt class Liverv. LIVERY Rubber Tird Buggies. Riding Lessons Given "" ' r imiiiih Prompt Attention Paid to all ( )rders. Qppn Day and Night. letieii Reason Sale I You'll find lot s of odds and ends here in PANTSf UNDERWEARi FANCY SHIRTS and H NECKWEAR, some below cost others at 8 $;-P? stm ou may need something in that line to V Our fine Hue of Winter Weleht Clothing for Men and Boys at 25 per cent discount. M "'ill OUTFITTER C. C. HILLABM Prop. Phone 180 27 Haywood St A ColdWinter's Day. - . -:. - 5. TONGS, TENN., 4 v c Nov. 10, 1893. Busings Manager Gazette, , ; . . Oear Sir: We desire to renew our contract with you for the half page advertisement of Tate Epsom Spring Wate i'", , As h result of our iiref month's, advertiHing in lh zetie we Increased our business in Asheville 400 PER CENT. We also had a considerable gam in sales in other towns of West ern North Carolina a,s a direct result of this advertising. Very Truly Yours, H, A. LATHAM, .,1 po Mcpherson & clark i I 1 DEALERS IN I Stoies, Tinware and Honss ; FarMsMng Goods. Sanitary Plumbing. Steam and Hot Water Fit ring, Hot Air Furnace, Tin and Slate Koonng and Gal vanized Iron Cornice. 45 College Street TXXJBcH JNB 133 Asbevile N. C . 1898. Washington, 0. 1877. Frank Lough tan ' HAS NOW ON DISILAY 1HE FINEST LINE OF SSA10KERS tARTICLESIH ' .'' South of New York. You will always if eel warn? and r com ! tonaoie waren ; your - rooms ? , are r.foeatted wiUi ourJellieo coal.., It is : economical aiHi eiuwaituoiory ror lumace, range fire place or healing stove; and throws'' oat ,more heat to the ton than can be pio duced by double" the goade coal. ; It; make a deaaiv clear fire tWait radiates :anlnitenseheat, and-lethe ! Cigars 5 cents toi.oo each. Briar Pipes 25 cents to seven dollars each, and Meerschaum Pipes Cgar a nd Cigarette Holders 25 cents to $i$ each Cigars by the Box at Factory, Prices. V W ask comparison of our stock and prices with that of the legitimate lobacconists of? thejarge cities - 1 1 K i f t , r, t t ft I u 1 4 t . ? 1, 3 c c ( I 1 2 t own yvu. oeea ror use to cold weather GAnSLltlA COAL GO. use. 11 Patton Ave. 7Phone78; o M ; :l ?:" : MISS ;C0LE,; Ilanager; 1t I 23Tatton Ave. ; Phone 130 v. sir . , 1 y . TV 1 ,r ltd f tf.- - J a Mm, m. Bk. .a. 'bw , -