THE ASHEV11-LE GAZETTE;,;- JAOTJARY 3C-iP9S -1 5 -r ; 4 -n. TH E V AZ ETiTE;' onvIr1nliarQ m doctors' bills rhas removed to - nf ised Very Mbrniiig Eicppi Mondays i ftqy Will SUreiy cure an uibcoa j 65Wbrtli Main St., the stomacft, nver or Dowcib. THE ASHisVILLB GAZETTK PUBr "i LlSHlNd CTOMPANT. - . V-: ? AincH KOttTOH.:Prliit. . For sick'heada(Ae(7dyspep5ia;,lsovMs made by, G. B. Hurd & itNcjyiHii malaria, oristipaUon,andbUio4 . - ."r,. N"C :Vi t I A' and is better ablertaaa ever to- servethe public With . " - a ftimsfJRIPnoN RATES : iVcnp;q. a million people endorse Yo;K; ivedn the city, Su-oday i JU U. IV-r i j vl w k 0,; Daily.' Jsneven "VJ---- TUTT'S -Liver : PILLS J. C. Dancer of Charles; -W. Va., ! s - . OOUtn ;JQiaiIl , ASiilIie,, XI. A. , aShe.iSirm Hso; j'Ask for .Big value: Box of S5p;sheets;;and5 s. kh is be cm. ?eej0pes; 35c:rl AIsib'jny'pajiniirPaoQr;D9th 40 15 7 ..1 ,4 ' I. f 1 n -1 i -Tw. n rr. rtne Week V. . -iWaekly Gazette On-Yar 1 00 s THAT REACH People of AsheTille ARE THE ' Little Want Advertisements ' IN THE i If you are in need of desirable rooms or board, or have a. house or rooms to rent, or want boarders. , or have money to -loan, or property ito sell or exchange, or want a servant, or a situation, or have lost your pocketbook, the Peoole's Col limn of the Gazette is the plafce o make your need known. Bugle dotes Did you Fee our List of Cut Rate Prices 'v ' , in Sundav raorninor's Gazette?" If not, etili at our Drugf vStore today and secare a copy. We Believe In . Closest Cut Rate Prices ...'...and...... - ;We Publish our Prices, And we can save you money in your Drug Store purchases. i Uurs is...... The Cut Rate Drug Store FREE PHONE, AbMANA.CS, CUT RiTfl Price Zdsta ' PEWSIPPRHACY,- 24 Patton Avenue, , Some jofflcer. of ftbe penitentiary "would evidently fit in better as inmates. - - The legSsaature 4s doing right in put , ting Its f ooff dowm firmly on. schemes ,Vf town or coumty repudiation. j . y -v President McK4nley completed his flftyIfth year on Sunday. He is said to be the strongest man, physical'y, - has ever occupied the presidential ch'aSt'In his .two years of office he has never taken a day's vacation. He is , not fond of society and wastes" few ' , Y'jwordsln conversation. He has a choice ' variety of them, Ihowever, for publio ut- ,teranees, and the speeches he makes at ' -iPe.intervato have counted for more in ' PbHc -op5nkn thant his state papers. , , The legislature is moving slowly with , y - " Important business whfile transacting a large volume that is of minor or local ' . . interest. The committees are taking " ample "time to consider the bUls that . .vitally affect the'state, and it Is well . they should; do so. On "Wednesday t . V - .n?s;ia' however, the democratic caucus 1 vnll -act on the bill providing for the j suffrage amendment and the close of I -C -J.the week wiM doubtless bring before th two houses much that wHl be "of - extreme interest--such as a road im 'prQvement law, one already haying - , been drafted; penitentiary control, and . perhaps -themportant question of bet ; '.tering the public school educational J X facilities of the' state. MAY SURVIVE HIS JOKE. - -, ' . Norfolk, Jaa. -f .30.-"W!iiliiatn! i'McOdn- ley, of Berkeley, for a joke - dropped. 4 - r aighte6.agar diown theback. of Samuel ; Srnithson' today. : Srnithson fired I'five ' shots into McGiniley, who, however, xna.y recover. f ' . i To insure a happy mew year, keep the liver clear and" the body vigorous by using TteWitfs Lfittle Early Risers, the famous 31 fctle - pills for constipation and liver' troubles..; Paragon pharmacy. 4 Conimues Remnants ; Itemnants . ..... ! I- "Remnants' Remnabts in Dot Curtail Bwisii': ! - , v "V. 'Wn' ' . ' " 71iile Y7e nave bold a found mbre and they, co'for very little moneyi . .r . laJ LJ AJ3QI3lfM - i sVS., Main Street I..-V i ... - . - t ' MODIFIED AM 1 T Ms: f , Amendment ' Passes : the House--Use ofArmy in bor Disturbances. WashihWton, JaJi: SOiXThe house to day adopted, the amendment to . the army bill f-firing.the: minimum number of men to'jectiycompany battery so that ' the aVmy ouldi'be about 50,00, but givtogf tine president." power to In crease the army to ,?f00,000 at his dis- cretEOn.'-, ' .' " -:-: $W? ' - The vote waei 10? ttiV&S An amenament nac tne increase . . - should be ftiade only in time of war was defeated 60,o ,86. , Cummings, ;,demi6crat, New York, gave tnotice thatho' would at the pr6p er time move an'ajnendment providing thatno part of he . army should be used as posse -comiiti&tus, or to quell strike or labor disturbances1, except xupon written staitement of the govern or of. the, state in which -they existed, that he could not, with the fore at Ihis command;.; restore and maintain order. EMPORER IMPRISONED Off AN ISLAND A Successor Said id'.toHav e Been Chosen For China' Depose'd'Euler. Pekin, Jan. 30. It is stated in influ ential Chinese circle that the dowager empress and her relatives have defin itely chosen a successor to the present emperor. The change of rulers is im pending. ( The emperor; still -kept a prisoner on an islaoid In Palace lake. The draw bridge connecting the island is raised every might, and the ice about liis ma jesty's prison kept broken in ' order tc prevent him from communicating with nte adherents. i ; The em press, Influenced by Kang Ti, has become wholly anti -foreign. THE DREYFUS EVIDENCE Bill Passed to Give Hearing to the Arguments for a Revision. Paris, Jan. 30. The chamber of dep uties .today adopted the proposal to sub mit to a special committee of the cham ber a bill provading' that the case on trial for revision be brought before tne united section of 'trie court of, cassation. The, report ,of M. Mazau, first president of the court of cassation, on the charge of M. de Baurepaire, former president of .Htie ,.eivi& eectibn' -.of that body, will be Tead before that committee. M. Greorgesberry asked- for the pub lication of the evidence in the case of M. Bard, who reported on the Dreyfus case Co the court of cassation. Premier Dupiiy said he ,wa desirous- that full 3ig!ht be thrown on the subject and therefore the government would Sub mit to the committee complete docu- ments to the case. BLIZZARDS RAGING H THROUGHOUT THEVEST. , Chicago, Jan. 30, Rejuotrts frorpiiXnkiiiy pointsl in' the west : inidicaitie the'. tkreW? .teaoe. of widespread istornai wttb, the. lowast: tempeaiaitunes of the wtniteal , Tne merteury reached 30 below t Duluich tnisj i.inornlng : and 28- beioiw aiQ Bis marck. lt ts 38 below at Baibtleford and 10 $ow -.. 'MsJirquctte, 'slLkMBfCOSf At St Paul- 26 bow. i - W - . ': ' ';"' ' , -i Wichittk, KansL Jalin. 3(k Sfnow bessan 1 falling ijfcojday , acoomptaaiiiiad toy.U' fierce wana. A severe bl'lzzardl extiemias over southern. Kansas and .Oklahbma, -1 CARLAOD'S'FUIIERALT'I- Litl Rock, Ark:, Jani 30. The re mains of Hcat A Gteurtandl reatcSiea Uttle Rock this morndtasr. ; amf lay - in Btate iimtll 2 o'clock, when elaborate cej emonles were held ism tfche t.hfalTrvof rthe house of represenitai'tlives,, thf t s&ohR chamber rbeing:tbniaidto!adeqtiiaftefea ap- Rill ADOPTED Niimber, of Remnants;? w6 Tiave 1 Mr.-McCullou&h and cixur, of t. Paul. Minai., ; who have be&nsi.-gpp.n at Mr. Haslsr's cH French Jjroa.a avenue. Jert Tcstexday for ajJirae weeks' tour of Flcr da. . J. W. Trowa-was in :the city from Kx;rasvil V we- Suudby. Frank Lousrhraa, of the Hotel Be-kJ- eieytua ou.l otcer a carcc ujo mue -a. Rueseir:Wethcbury, '-wiho hfas 5ezn in the city for !the past week, left yesterdt-y for "Wliming-con, N. C. Ben. T'rvll otorekceoer and guagfT, re iturmsd . yesterday from along trip cn Rowan t v f;-' .... : Ex-Po'iiceman Tihomas Hunter was in the city oil Inan'Sa, yesirday. Deputy Ooil lei :itor J.: T. Ffox was. m from Mialrshall, las.4 night. He will re- ituirn 4hfs morning Clerk of the SutiOor Courf , T. c. Starnws, is quite (111. Charle3 F. SomeryiJle, edir of u r xV fia two mo-nirh'3' business tnp an New Tkwk and Chidag. Sx$ . M:o. R. M. Futmid ani family will leave this morning tfr. join the Hen. R. M." Fiwman at. Raleigh. W. C. StTtadley, Froprdetor of the Southern hotel, Hendeirsonville, is in town.' Joseph J Hooker, of Webber, was in the city over Sunday. ,Ex-SherIff W. M. Wtrley is in the city from "WTnsiton. Mr. W. W. DeVaul't, of Atsheville, visi'ted his parenrts, niear Glen. Alpine, ithe firsi of tie week. Burke County New. Mrs. M. C: Sudder'.h and heT two daui?h'ter3 returned yesterday from a vMt at Hat Springs Ark. $x 'v Violar Fftzpatrick :is recveiring from, herrrecetuh serfous ..'illness. Mr. and Mrs. D. -H. Henry went to Henderisianvyie yesiterday. . M-r. ani -Mrs. Theodore S. Morrison and daughter, Mis Nellde-, leave this manning far a trip (through the south west, which will probably consume about three, months. Mr-. Mbrrf-on will remain at 'Las Vegas, N. .M., about three weeks fo take the flatmous mud- baths for Theumatism. : MIse "Wifittman, of the Normal -..ana; ColleglAte hus'tttute facul'ty, is plaJtops; tOilexve for a long visit at her mome in Te-anesaeie. Mrs P. L. Baldwin wi'.l assume -cliare of Ithe Laitin deparftmettt duringher abseoice. .-;V . - gXS Hotelr Berkeley arrivals: H. C Pres- sey, " .PMlsdelpihlla.'; W. M.v Tankard, Atlanti; -Will-am Haniitue, Philaftlpt.ia HJG. ; Stent New Tork; Charle?. F Meyers,; I, E. Cuno Ingham, Tolecto, 0.;,S. M. Black, Rkhmoni. Va; R.lD. Alex'ajoder. B41'tmore; Sol. Clafk, Atlanta; A. Wetoer, Baitimore; Jarrve? O.iDoWd;, Cinctonati; L. D. BrS'ftjin, Hominy; I. N. Briwn, Rlchmona and S. Meitger, of Atlanitaw ." T I PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Promotes lnxorUnt growth. Never Tails to ButoMj &ray Cures sealp diieste iihrr falling. and $1.00 ti PrbgKlft - ELECTRO sriicou Shines Silverware Surprisingly Without Scratching ' Sample sent it you say so. AND FpS-POfefibELICIODSJ SOLD III SEALtu PACKAGES OIILY AT . S7l i'Z' I .-fi f . ; LAftGER -QUARTERS ' vAre 7hat a largenpatron ageidemands,:., U--; THATS: lVHY1ir:r I, have moved frbmtNo 10 ; toITiL'S Patton'Ave 1 If you vzantf ashioriable failorine m. petrie; - 4 : . 5. Patton Ave. Over Bedtf ocxTs Store.- J' Bon Bons:; ,. ; f.' 'V? ' Chocolates; esion - a W. B fhiture. W GOOD VALUES: In All Wool Dress Goods 26 inch, 40 inch, and 48 inchSome at 35 cents, Some at 39 cents. H. Redwood & Go., Dry Goods, Smallwares, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, and Butterick Patterns. Asheviile Telephone Co. :c INDEPENDENT) Endorsed by Asheviile Board of Trade Rates for Business Phones I Rates for Residence Phones $24 Per Year I $16 Per Tear. v OVER 400 PHONES UNDER CONTRACT. Temporary Office, Barnard Building. Vjr. S. PROCTOR, Supt Augusta 'Brewing Go's BEEF? IN- . THE FAVORITE BEER OF ASHEVILLE Orders Will be filled for Bottle Beer ifjeft at or phoned to Halyburton & Co., - Frank O'Donnell, C B. Mclntyre, Pat. Carr, Swahnanoa s a PiknoJAttdchmen ItRduttariy, change in tne mostmimcuu f music, l uome na see it betweerivti and-12-and 3 and 5. 1ML 55: YOU DO'T UATi GOOD : GAND Y - -.t,iit , Unless you Fine: Confections If nevui - Comeuhto me, all ye that are hungry and I il! guarantee to' fur nish the best meals in my STAU RANT-that "can: be obtamed . m Asheviile." ... 4 '.-.. i . 1., V J - , We have received a large line of the justly famous , ..i-t m CARRIAGES :- -AND GO-CaRTS. Tbeir Perambulators are without doubt' unexcelled for durability and beauty. Prkes are no higher than asked for makes. many inferior ilKamson & p Carpets, &c 16 PATTON AVENUE. Hotel Co., and Pat. Mclntyrp, Ml Augusta Brewing Co.. f thepiario;iIt will play f ain St. 1 r$. j. V buy it at the . .,;f :. M Paon 4venzrc.- , " 1';. ; .;. .Luscious Fruits I 11 i ' Al PRICES THAT CUT BELOW THE LOWEl must N Stop and consider these two gs: one is a good Watch 1 .' ; ' the other a Ring. We carry an extra large line of both, and lake pleasure ia showing them 1o everyone. B. H. COSBY. The Reliable Jeweler, 37 Patton Aventjb The burning question . t , still, with bomev is, where cau we the exact goods we want f r the least money? Now, if you can't fullv believe your friends (for you all have friends trading with us) try us next mouth and we will answer your question. Respectfully. H. C. Johnson Co,, 36-38 North Main St. PHONE 188. IS THE WAR OVER? We wouldn't think bo, wfth Miles and (Bagian, ' ithipawSngr beef b)t each other. There ia never iany questioa a2out whether our meats are high grade or nbt W handle not Mag- but 'tie besrt fed, prinrest and Calttest beef, lamb, mot toa, hiaans amd. baj:oni, ttio be procured, tod we pride' ourselves upon being ex pert judges of wiiraii iis thie beett. We will sell you a. fine xoaat, steak, cbop. or sausage at a reasonable price. F. Zimmermann & Co. City Market Phone 4 Trawrfer and storage, piano cuai , e-irvtog. 4 furniture packed Cor shlpmemrt. Storage 39 Col lege rtreet. Office 23 Fako atenue.' 'Pbcme 141. i& Co. THE CHEAPEST IFor Sale ThroughT - r VST ALi 7 COAL j) EALEBS AND YOU MAULING - rhich have a 'Phone

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