; V (Continued from first page.) - - , . - v a I & iiq j S : J S3 " 4)g-$$$ $xSx$Sx$x$xSx$xS. $X$XX$x$X $xxS 3 n "V CD ST 89 o a Ui -r 1 a, n O ; 5n en Wl T3 ft ' V o CO orq Er a fD P nra es r r . u-4 i i r. 1 f i x$3$$i$ - i : f ": I ' ' ; g f I i . g ' . 9 . Wl ::-;-ft'.,,g, .;-,vft'; CD cm S rl" 1 CD CO s $xg$$$x$ $$$x8 V 5 ft ft $X$X$ X CD 4 00 O 1 o CD O P V'.- P CD g P P CD 7? ' I P p- cn . p rt- c me p FF1 o 3 !v Ufcute W yrell as Ithe' biH bad the aR proval i of some good -lawyer; , Xtvct the? .--1. :l.i.t t , : VCw? Julian aM did toot want tthe law in Rowan, nd Mr EdaDtsell. moved to.. 1 J bl bttt bill tend wiWtitute, ywbii iwas 'Bins were also rfcsfced:. ! ? f ' . . TV allow bo vaxlouts -divlsione of the Atlaatlc Coast USne to North Carolina to change .names to Thel - Atlanltac . Cdast miklner .itew domestic cbrDdratliotas. I r ' To allow a divorce where a miaa mar sUb a woman m this frftaste,,:mttstiaJt her iamd he-hereafteSr .lives w-.yeaf'JSjitiB: BtiaJfco. Jfc a.ppMe3 only to post caJaesbe-" fore January 1st. "Owing tto am error to date.the bill wais rerreferxed tea !the ootn iatttee. t. . ''.i-f'.'' ?s..i '. uo ' exiena ' ins wrjjarace rawu Hk)bry. ; .; ' -t ' To amend chaspiter 14, abfc ot 1897,, by allowing executors or., iadmiiilistrtaitipi-l3 of mioutgagees r trustees ''" to : make such ifiles as .Shose 2eiisonis could have made. By leave Mr.. Craig 8n&rtSucedi,fUii? f 1 Jowing - request- bills : Tot v give ? magi i taiates Jurisdlctiion' of dasea of larueriy .to. animals; -to allow clerkis of court to jay out money under oerfiam circumstanced .to miniara who sare wiarda of the lawi lo tibolish jlthe ateceaisity ki3ifng tibe BLb'e; ifo amend he Jaiw itt ref firence o aerYie Of summonts by pub&cjatfom i ;" "- . - SENATE. ;:i.rV;:, '. - - - ' V- - , Bresiflent pro 'temSmi'tlb presiJ;d oyer the senate today. The ifiollowilng biltif' general impoaitance wre introduced; . By Seriaftor' Mclniyre, to 'Mrpclrate hie Carolina and NontherB TaiWcad co!m-' painy; by Senator "Wtard, Ho reenaet chap tir 17 of the Code, ireMinig 'fctn county government; by Senifor .Jiistiee, ;'Jto pro hibit public drunken nes 3 v by - Sena'ior TrtavSfs, to provide extra comrn!iior:,ei's for Warren comty; The calendar Wa?' taken up arid ttHe following bills iwtssed: . To. amend the charter 'of gasbcniia to amend; the; .charter; of Greemville; io.i-;-pealvtbiapter 150 Taws of 1897 and 'to amend chapiter 122 laws of -1897. These are it.he bills wihich .fake from the governor ;thef control ;oi ' IheAitla'ni'is and North Caroniria railroa-d company. To tallow Greensboro ito ilssue bciiidl ; 'ho "niJrease the niumber of commii-ssliion-tirs of Ncrthampbon counity; .to tameid, rsenact, and exitenict he chJalreai tof the At lantic and Y&neeyviUe raitrwaid ccjimpa ny; lth joint iresjluition for the eled ifon of tne directors of he penitentiary at 12 m., Fibruary 3, .was passed. TOPICS DISCUSSED IN THE LEGISLATIVE LOBBIES. Special to the. Gazette. - Raleigh, N. C, Jan. 30lr-The constitu tional amendment will be en do reed by the caucus practically unanimously, but this does not mean- that there is no objection td it. Three membera from the wesit 'Chat is from, Greensboro west and three from jthe far east hava de cided objections to it. Two eafetern men promised their oconstituenta that they would not vote, for any measure which necessarily disfranchised anyone. T&ey will vote, they say, for an election law which will give the democratic party every possible advantage, 'because such a law Would not on its face disfranchise "anyone: ? -' . . v i Mr. .Robert M. Rother, treasurer ..jot- the Hopkins Place. Savings bank 6t Baltimore,, which owns $25,000 of Ashe ville bonds, ia much pleased : witb the unanimity with which the committee and Jegisiaiture prevented the repudia tion of the Mt. Airy bonds whioh his bank (holds. (He will write letters to the. commercial papers and bank jour nals that repudiation is dead 'in North Carolina and hopes this will put' the ' state in "better standing with the finan cial powers. ' - Sometimes repealing bills do not spec ify whether the law repealed is a pub- lie or private act of the number named. -. In abstracting the bills introduced re cently I found one which repealed a cerbaih act of 1S93, and naturally look ing in the public acts of 1893 found that it '"was an act introduced by the late Melvin Carter to validate, or attempt to validate, as the old board of county commissioners claimed, phe Buncombe bonds. UOf course all manner of ' "sus pictons arose and I htaeteried to the in troducer to find what he meant to re peal -aa- unimportant . ' private law. There came to the engrossing clerk's office last week a bill drawn up bygone of the onost careful and able lawyer of he legislature Which provide M'B.t: "All jaws, public And private are here by epeaied. Ellis "Gardnerr'Ewho is a. valuable member . of the depart ment oil account of his legal Jcnowledge was thanked for observing, an embar rassing Emission? of the - words 1on fiict fvith this act" after, prtwtei fc ; E-l wanting sKoesf or V Efifty cents out of I HIUMHU1.......... .......tHMuuatutMtlltlltl LADIES POINT cents? spent ; with us for small size, 3 - Ejnarroviatheedl toed, button s ishoes.-i 1: We are anxioiisV to makeS Eisales'oh theal6ve goods, and you-5j- get sHoe sat lialfnce by binglJiem. J 39 PAT.TON AVE;' VfJiAGISlRATE VCISAR STATEUEIITFROMTrr ; GEORGE W. JUSTICE Denies TieftJori- ioott-Tailw ' Desperately in JaiL Special to the Gazette.. &ff tH jRoleigh, Jan S0.-George JusticV Jias 1een caHedL k )a2ither Asneriflle PQPle who are bere, and efforts werj made to secure his release. ;.' called on . hiny Saturday at , the county jail "with st well 1 known public man of AshteviWe. In reply to a ques-s tion if he wished to say (anything .through the Gazette Mr. Justice said: 'Tam entirely locen; I bought the books i am accused of stealing . frOm the superior cou?t clerk at the South ern Law Book Exchange two Weeks ago. a young lawyer from Selma or .some other place I forgeft 'was present, when I bought them". A negro carried the books to my room and if I could get out to see him I could recognize him.. I took several books from the oapibol to use for law work, but did it openly and have returned them. The books I scM ipEllis Gardner the Code and Robertson and Jerome's Digest I brought from home." "In a reply to a euggestion that itwould help him if he stated his object in be ing here since the Legislature met Mr. Justice said: "I came here for sev eral things; I was to push a bill for P. xi. inrash creating a corporation 4n Cherokee county; then I hoped .to get a poWition, and also I intended to oppose the Greater Asheville charter." Mr. Justice was ill and very despond ent. Mr. Craig aisked what he could do for him. He said only to perfornv the last duty; that before .tomorrow he ex pected to meet a just God, and asked to be buried :in his black suit of clothes, He intimated several times that he would commit suicide. He first exprefes ed a wis-h to get home to his father and mother and family. FAILED TO GIVE BOND. Special to the Gazette. Raleigh, Jan. 30. Geor e W. Justice was -arraigned before;" the .mayor this morning. Hon. R. L. Leatlherwood, of Sain, his counsel, asked a continuance until the afternoonn in' the hope of se- euriiyp W bond. i :. ; .. .'In, the' afternoon 'Mr' TJeatberwood said he was umaMe to procure the bond and asked a hearing of the warrant, The -mayor said 1ibe state was not then ready, expecting Justice would give bail. Mr. Leatherwood m'ade a strong plea that Justice be discharged on his own recognizance or an unjustified bond. - . i ... i TM4 :wag refused. Justice was given until Tuesday evening at 6 o'clock to eiVe.aV $50 bond. It Is expected that 'Aevllle'raivea" will telegraph the money.' .for the bond tomorrow. . ' ' ' s ' ; .. . ' ':.',' -:i lVnCH'S TRIAL CONCLUDED.' Case now in the Hands 'of the Jnrfo Coming Murder Trial. . , Tie trial of Diamond Lynch and oth ers charged with the robbery of Fri4denburgs store was concluded late last! evening with : Judge Stevens cliafge to the jury. During the day ableS speeches were made by Charles A. Web!b and Frank Carter' oh the part of the jiefendanlta and" Solicitor McCaJU for the state. The court is making good headway with ;th&4arge number of cases on the docket There tare yet about thirty offenses to be tried sit ' this term. The most important case on 'the docket is that; of '"the- state vs. Bon Howell, charged With the murder of Baxter on Southside Avenue on circus . day last fall fini Asheville. A special venire 'of fiftrimen has been ordered, and the trial set for, Filday, morning. mm m shoes, i 1 small ' harrow feet homewear can save 3 every;;orie hundred 3 4 'S-if. tnrn ji;o Wne FinestTrivali Inu South. Located In a residence -park ten minutes from center of Asheville Weiectrici ; Private baths, ielectric lighU, steam heat and open1 wood fireplacepl In -connection witn The Manor are two 1 (-artistic? Cottages, First season opened January If 18991 1 rur inrtnir miormauon appij; to Sjf- ? ;- MRS. CHAS. M. PLATTf Manager. BOARD OFTRADE MEETING Snbsciibers to Hew Telephone Compa- Asked to Attend. Preeddent . John A. .Nichols, of the board of trade, has issued the follow ing: "At a meeting of the directors of the board of trade, it was ordered that a general- meeting, of the members oil the board - of trade and the subscribers to the Asheville Telephone company, be called to as semble in the city hall this afternoon at 4 o'clock. "The purpose of the meeting being to confer with the officers of the Ashe ville Telephone company in .respect to ltting into operation its system and completing its connections with the subscribers, St is very important to have a full meeting of both the mem bers of the board of trade and the sub scribers of the telephone company. A full report of the progress and present conanion or tne Asneviile company with respect .to iits contract with' the city and ite subscribers, will be made. "The mayor and aldermen of the city are invited and respectfully invited to be present." CRAWFORD AND PEARSON Both in Asheville Yesterday But Did Not Meet Each Other- ..Hon. William T. Crawford, whose election to congress is being contested and Hon. Richmond Pearson, wtoo has raised the cors te-st, were in the city yes terday and Asheville was large enough to hold them. .The presence of both honorables" was ah accident. Crawford was returning to Waynesville from. Raleigh and stopped here en route Pearson ' has been in the city since Saturday. He will leave this morntog on an evidence gathering tour of the esteri counties, 4n all probability -commencing in Cherokee, where it is understood the fiercest part of the 'Contest will be waged. . . 'Neitner Orawford nor Peirson came in. contact with eacW other during their brief sojourn in the city. REVOKED BY ROOSEVELT Jacob Barker Can't be Had by the Alabama uhorities Yet. Albany, Janu 30. Upon the grounds that the papers were defective Gov ernor Roosevelt today revoked the war rant (issued by Balm last Friday for the surrender, of Jacob Barker to the Ala bama; state authorities. Barker 4s under arrestin. New York and is wanted in tHunteville ori the charge of concealing $14,000 belomging to-a; partnership composed of himself .andothers. ' v No-To-Bac for Fifty Cents. ' Guaranteed tobacco habit CBrmkes weak men -strong. hiool pur snivti. Ail rirngrlsts Child's Spring Heel Shoes, gtzes 8 tk 8, 85c O. JL Mears and Son It never ticks to the IronsElastic Irs5iii L3te faom f Worth, .rParisvr Dustan New Torki will guaxatee perfect) fit. Lat est styles, aJt moderate, charges. ; . v , Kemlworth PaMrk : AsTbeylIe, .7 C To - tadies - SUPER- ' FLOUS REMOUED :j Di jVan.Dyck, rf PliilajaelphlaPa.rf was 4fihe flrst - physao in this auntrjE to permianeniJyjdesto flupert by;the etefcveedl -Van Dyiele,"ttelsbr'a3iVte.Dyck; has devoted 20 years to Sioperationi. She has ? been-roost ytnicoeasfuJ having iMviir aSed vtodesftroy the cclstrsest hair ftitheHmost-CSctje 0khi-fMhKkit iter leaving, at .mark; or; givmg pm - -a estj mionJala 'tram- eminent,- physicians.; La dies-taught;' ;VTr '-4 1 - '5158 (3ht tnnt StV Asheville; II. C. V 4 vijfllbcmarle Park. j Charlotte Street. MURDERER CAPTURED. Ed. Whitley,, alias Louis McFadden, a colored man, was arrested In Victoria yesterday, charged with murder com mitted nearly seven years ago. The murder occurred x in Charlotte Aprn 2nd, 1892. Policeman .lames Mor gan, a popular officer iu Charlotte was the victim. He noticed looking negro carrying a sack of flour and called ont him to ahlt. The neero - - 0 - wheeled and fired three shots into the policeman's body, killiatf him instantly. Posses were organized but the murdet- " er was never capcured. .Suspicion pointed towards the negro Ed. Whit ley, but he lhad disappeared, leaving no trace Dehind him. . rewai i of $3M was offered for the arrest of the mur derer, but it has remained standing. About a year ago n. nearn in Charlotte wae sentenced to the Mecklenburg county convict camp No. 1, superin tended by W. S. Shancill. The negro promised to reveal Whitlev's whert bouts if nis term was shortened. Su perintendent Stancill paid no heed to the darkey's story, but he was so per sistent that after his release Supt. Stan cill paid his way to Asheville, promis ing to share the reward if he located Whitley. Supt. Stancill ww notified that the long and much wanted fugi tive was working in Victoria under the assumed name of Louis McFadden. Supt. Stancill came here Sunday night and early yesterday morning placed the negro under arrest. Whitley, or Mc Fadden denied all .knowledge ol the murder and protested that he had nev er been in Charlotte. ' Tne alleged murderer and Supt. Stancill left yesterday afternootl for Charlotte, where Whitley will have an opportunity to prove his innocence. , , EAVES AND LAMBERT WIH. Special to the Gazette. Raleigh, Jan. 30. It will be Senators Eaves and Lambert tomorrow. The senate elections committee today order ed a favorable report on their claims . for a seat. TROOPS START FOR MANILA. Fort SneflHng, Minn., Jan. 30. The third regiment, 1300 strong, left Manila today, via Sun Francisco. for CAVER A COURT MARTIAL. Madrid, Jan. 30. It is stated that ev ery surviving officer land sailor of Ad miral Cerv era's squadron will be cited to testify at his trial by cburtmartial, whidh, It is believed, will result in sensational developments. Ladies fine com on sense shoes, 2 1-2 to 4 1-2, at cost; 270 pairs, $1.50, $1.75, $2. This shoe cost us Sl.75, 22 and 22.60. G. A. Mears & Sons' shoe store. BsMes Moccasins, 15 cents pirM ai ookxra. G. A. Mean and Son. NCURABLE DISEASES Many diseases considered in curable are catarrh : under other names, j Simple catarrh in j the head is called incurable. ?Con- - sumption is ca- .. . iu xarrn oi me luncrs. and its victim is, no doubt, past help in the more ad- -vanced stages; but great num bers of people die of consumption needlessly. It is certain that every phase of catarrh, including many cases Df consumption, are cured by the right treatment., Pe-rn-na, Dr. HartmanB great prescription, attacks catarrhal diseases scientifically aad cores them. Dr. Hartman explains it folly in his ' books which are mailed on application. ' Here is-a letter from Mrs. Harmening, ' Mazo Manie, Wis., who is one of many pored ' of .consnmption by Pe-ru-na - Bhe saysi:i;' J' Pe-ru-nd Medicine Co Columbus, O. . i'rf THj; i , RrRfl: L cannot nraise voor i remedy too highly. ; . Last winter I had s la grippe and hemorrhage of the longs f) followed. AU the doctors around herej; told me "l had o. die of consumption, Then rthonght 1 would ask Dr. Hart man'foi advice-, whicbr I'did Hepre-j scribed Pe-ru-na for me,'and l tciok it j according Vto : his directicns amdwas j jcnretL 'I.'advisereverybodyii that isl, nartman's treatment.; &m sure wey v will not regret uucj n - enjoying- good health, and caathanlcJ IV" " iiUUMunnunnnHjiinHnnMnnunnnninJninfHinillttl!!!!! 'V.J'