2 a-" 5 f .- .. ..;T - if" f7yy.-i s . V-'Viv HA i .-: :'r- V VOICES FROM NORTH CABOLSXA. J. S. iGaxr. DurlMUHi N. C. (,pree&6ent MMot Blaekwell' Durtuam Tobacco Com- to thfa country for d ereu SWIXXSUHl, iHHeurcvi u6ot.iw, ate." t t, VAarhim Judge Henry R. Bryan, Newberae, N. C: , . "It does ra more good than any w- ter I have ewer used." W Mrs. M. A. Jackson, wife or uenerai ci.MIr.e water- . 2i&$&m..'' : . - 7,-t- "e-. GOV. BOB TATLOR TALiKS. S. I. Tavlor. rovernor of Tennessee, flajfthvllle: regard Tate Spring as the best m the continent." ONLF RELIEF FOR THE ARKAN- SAS DOCTOR. G. M. D. Cantrell, M. D.. Little Rock, "I have great faith in Tate Spring water: U was the only agent I found that gave me relief of chronic ma- laria." . : ale im ADnevMEe hw IHIeSimMslIii IHlea aell, . A; lEayswj !PelIliiainm9 IPlarimnacy, jPlaariofliacy jC.? SaimatorMmm IPItnairflimaey, rrn LtLKKOD JUST PLAIH HLORO. Montgomery, Ala,;' Jafe. ' 30.Repre fientatlve Jones of Covington Introduc ed imtb ther houser of irefcentatives a resolution to the effect that in all trans actions in this state of a Judicial,"edu ' cationaH, or business character, and in - all matters public or private,, where it . is necessary; to distinguish between tl)Q white and black races, the word "col r ored," as now applied to the black race, shall be eliminated and. t!be word "ne- At r'gn" snbsttttrbed .therefor, and that in : f wriiUngcor printingt taie wordrthe dnCtiai; ?7;-V letter shall be a capital. -JThe preamble . , V- to the resolution sets out that "color " ed is not a generic word and that the JfJSword "negro" Is not Intended as an in sult or stigma to tthe . race. The . Ala bama statutes now refer to the negro as a "person of color," DECREASES IN LIVE STOCK. The departmerit at Washington issu- ;;i ;ed the following: The returns7 of the number of live r ;. tMk n farm An tVA TTnl c. g?ianuary.lt';i899, show there ' to have been 15,665,307 horses, 2,134,213 mules, 15,990,115 milch cows, 27,994,225 oxen, .":, .and other caittle, 39,114,453 sheep, and V , : 38,651,631 wine. These figures show V -VI decrease of 295,604 in ' the number a of v horses, 66,069 fa that of mules,: 169,972 ,tn that of oxen and other cattle, and y, 1,108,262 in that of swine. On the oth- - uaiiu i'uw,m ail jacrewe OK i milch cows and 1,457,493 sheep. The average farm value of every de- i scripdon of live stock is. higher on January, V 1898. - than PUNISHED FOR MICE6ENATI0N. Savannnah, Ga., Jan. 29. Jenny Mdore, a1 whVte woman,1 aged 19, who says her home is In Jersey City. N. J., and Trinnell Elilis, a jiegro, were yes- day sentenced by .Judge - Norwood. - of fthe clty court, to- the chain : gang for i miscegenation.' There were " three ac- cusaMons fori three days, January 1 16 17, and 18nd ipon each"' the court imposed J1.0W nne ana one year In. the chain an?:4 Later thV'sehtence as're-1 - - - --2n ... 1 gaxds the woman. wasvuspenaed .andl ;f '''tJss Grippe. she .was given ,..,tfwiemtyrfour- houra, 9 tw-U leave - -- - T . osTTT . I -5. -WiaHn .T7 r , cenioi per bbx. For : serve W, sentence. ,Th TOnan., , says f , .Thli sale, wttl '6nirTbe ta thVflrt.fJ,w.a Carmfchael she If an'army nurse,;, but was left fce ."elWtV-T0! t wBJsJJsjvsj, " "" - " ; Lind whenthe ps Wt Cuba, ,J ear .vVi; . & 4 1 - - -f i,sp;r 'XSSLCSEHjS AXilt OTHERS SAYB TENNESSEE DOCTOR. t,' rft r- - AND CONGRESS- 'too., iuuibcduuu uvu wimu(uuu J w waterecels all others known to me, .nd I Stare visited most of them in tlw tt. . . 1 1 - ' ... ' PITTSBUiE&G'a ..GREAT BANKER . , . - SrSLS well as dysnensla and liver troubles."1 a. vvmuv - - MwwAar ' w vu '. UNiTAJULiusjujii ivk BIA. David ITirfc. tyreaident of McCaJmont Oil Company, Pittsburg, Pa.: believe Tate Spring water is an in mi 1 1 cure itr ujrBpeysitu WEIGHED 141. . NOW WEIGHS 210. James Carter, water commissi omer, Lockport, . N. T. : , - - "I suffered for over two. years with kidney and . liver troubles. Four doc- ?rt' ri t 'ir - TV?' DIAMOND New Haven, rCormi, Jan. 30.--John Hugo, a grocer,.. lost a valuable dia mond about five weeks ago. Saturday xme of his customers,- wMie at dinner, noticed a jewel sparkling in a rice pudding. It. - wasr recalled. that- five pounds of rice had been .ordered from plugo by his customer - oyer a . moplth ago. The diamond was returned to the grocer. T. . ; GRAVES OF THE MAINE VICTIMS. Phtladelphia Record. ; The plot of ground forty feet, square in Havana cemetery, where Hie inter red the remains of 153 victims of' the Maine disaster, is reported to be sadly neglected, overgrown with weedsi, sick ly shrubbery and straggling uncropped. grass. Those nurled here were the first martyrs of the war; and their last rest ing place will bo forever . af shrine at which all true patrloiwfll'galthef freeh inspiration in the "service of their coun try To neglect the propercare of such an American alter would be not merely shameful, butv barbarj An.- v . CARpOF THANKS. We. wish tottiren the4r kind assistance fMoiid&ycm6Yning: inisus M sav&tMlr and propertydurlngJ home We especially thank the fire- men tortBelrprcpt reps gooa worK. MR, AND. MRS. T. H.- BISHOP, -epmreet' O. A. Meant aad Seqf; ShESc Ladies' -trO slioei? ttfTIos.' at G. A.-Mears.aaaSona; -UU'.fA FINE jeARfAENTS -AND 1RUGS AT COSt; At No." 1 East Court Place, fefter ithe 1st of Fetxruar 1 tny. business wHl (be only at'55iSouh Main shaeeV.Threfore" I 'r11 11 "ri. "r1!? ur garmenxs ana ng cbst; :miencs are all head mbiimtArt nih Wuds wttt. t wblf. , i mi 7f rj,i .'. ate Spring II Bolllals: of : Ac?tiia tors peardlcted my dIaluoiu Tal fitirlcu: water save me nay first relief. Then I was bIck ; and weignea m '"Pound Jow I am awell man and irelh21JpoTind." 1CAN COMMEND IT. mr Ex-Governor R. L. Ugon, Montgom- ery lAla.: 1 consider Tate , Spring water the best minrl water in the United I1 1W. 1"ulCTDn"v" J101 ' Tenae8- oiiW iv to nhin n I was called suddenly toOhio to , aswas expected, a sister die. She was riven un as utterly incurable, giea up as uuen rp'idity of the liver an Tnmiditv f tW iivr and confirmed tSTwo dyspepsia was the cause dmmanAtii tiro c Va M11U TfllO TWA barrTof Tate wITou haTe W outmI her" EFFICIENT TONIC. n tut tw viTthure. Miss.. Feb. , - . - "I commend the Tate Spring water as the most efficient and agreeable ton- ic of which I have amy knowledge." At si Tfiio nrinrr unn vy iiu 1 iiihq -4 . AN $800 FIRE. Family Awakened by Smoke and iV Barely Get Out' With Their lives. !. --A small but fierce flre caMed- f the, hose wagon, and-ftook and ladder truck to theone story, frame building on ,De pot street occupied by Thomas H, Bishop ands bis famfl' . early yesterday morning. , Just how "the blaze originated Is still a matter of "conjeoture, but about 6 o'clock in the morning Mr. -Bishop was awakened by a feeling of suffocation to find the house full of smoke. He succeeded In arousing his family and getting them outside, where .they stood iehivering ia their night clothes, while the firemen' turned the streams of water lntq the. burning welling. , The fire had gained a tnamenaous headway before it' vr as discovered, and despite the efforts, of the firemen, the building -was completely, gutted. fr . tr . , , The damage to. the. building; -will reach 1650, It .ia wnedby , ..iJohf M. Cpl.wh.aiilgi at .present . Ral eigh, anoVcojud ; jnot t be u learned hethe'iijin JBbjop Cfrres3 no. insurance, V? PRIBADS LD33B'WTLl5Fnife ; ,f 1 Toil can't keep a good thing bowo News of ft travels fast. When things ithev became "the best are. ?he best Ithey become "tne oest cost a ju. ussj ' AbriJ- SSggWilU BeSs? 5; -write:fM ' "iaedtrti Bitters are rne beat :: selling ".bUttem I have evter htandlea in . my 10 -vekra ; mrnfrttnaiiA.- Tbtt:. know why? nerves, iaeotrtc BSCtars nones up tne atomach, reguJates iiver,V kidneys ! t and oowelsL imiifies the bJood, stnengxnens the -nervea hence cures multttudes Nf maaadies. -It builds ud he enaare ? sys tem. Puts new life and vlgnr tnfto any weakj sickly, run-wn man or. woman. Only 60 cents, a Sold by Tv CI Smith, W. C Carmichael and Pelham's phiarmacy. giirantsed. JeWitt Witch Hazel Salve j Cares Piles. Scalds. JSarna. -r - -3TJCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE i The' best ealve In the world for cuts. btalses, sores, ulcers, salt- rheum, fever aoresi tetter chapped nanos, .cminjiasns, corns, i and .H utteM: erunttaona. and nrw. yely cures piles, or . no pay reauked. Xtls guaranteed . to. gdve " perfect aatis- refunded. Price? 25 sale by T. C. Smith. and PettJeuxilB phar- !iLi - II iv j j it- ii s BQTJAli TO CONGRESS WATER. R. T. Hargrove, Rome, 3l: "WJien used before breakfast or up- on an empty rtomach. two gobleto fuU act upon tfoe Becretprtai qual to a bot- -tie of the. best xmgress water." CURED AFTER SPENDING THOUS- ANDS. Oeorge'W. Root, Jamestown, N. T.: Feb. 8. 1894: "Having spent tnousanos or dollars fesiSsSLl uyer d stomach, at your suggestion I used the water after rettiroihg home. -J.2L-iS n ttup vin Mrrwm u r n u - -veil w- hi mmtm i t mumsnH ktJw St.NeW TOTk city' rir,TXiSl Tateter, It permanent- rw, ,1 4"; " . able, in all diseases connected with a failure of nutrition, in dyspepsia, bil iousness, anaemia and many nervous THE aisoraers Drougmx aa ny a renjex ac tion." IT SAVED HIS LIFE. E. L. Geer, Washington, Pa.: "It saved my life 'beyond a doubt. . T. ;ai 'A CLEVER TRICK It certainly looks like it, but there is really no trick about t.. Anybody cnn try it who has fame back and weak kid neys, malaria or nervous troubles. , We mean he can cure himself right away by taking Electric Bitters. This medicine Cones up ithe whole system, acts as a sMmulanlt to Diver and kidneys, is a bloot purifier and nerve tonic It eures eoosti pation, headache, fainting spells, sleep lessness and melancholy. It & purt-i vegetable, a .mild laxative, anid restore the system to tta natural vigor. Try Bleatrlo Btbters and' be convinced tha they are a. miracle, worker, v-.-y bnr tie guaranteed. Only 50c a bottle at T C. Smith's, W. C. : Carmdchaers, and Pelham's drug store. If you' are hk satisfied with your pres ent acommbV3atlans try the Oaks hotel, rates moderate. Gests':wooleny- cashmere atid- kid gjioves at Mears. Ia grippe is again epidemic. Every precaution should be taken to aYtdilt. J . - ifli 1" j n mars u. - f Its specinc cure as une jvunuie uougn Cure. A. J; hepera,'' pubMsher-' 'Agri cultural JouTmaB . and Advertlser,ftEldeh,f Mo., says:, "No one will be, disappointed in using One 'Mifrute Cugh'Care' for "4a grippe." Pleasant to take, uick t act Paragoq pharmacy:, lS, -.,, 3, V UdacateToor Bowels With Cssearsts nniiv Cathartic, care constipation forever. 0e,2So. If C a G; fail, drturjrir.ts refund moneyi Todies' and 1 gentlemen's 21 overgaltt era for 50 cental Q. A. Mears & Sons sbee storsif -iJ-TW aom? "vuyxaem while yon can get them. J. A. Mears Sons' sHoe store;' ' ''' Zbext vamp .- Vhotm. n-p les ttan cet Css 1 ts 4, Q. A. HOI and Greea'a ChSfirea ESbm O. A. usars ana boss. . tJse mark. Silastic - --starch.. Flat-iron trad i - DeWitt's Colic & Cholera Care Quickly cw Dysentery ndOIrrhp. jjaBes Overgalters, . 19 cents a pair G. A. Mean; & Son& . ... Finest Passenger:vr Serivice TEXAS No trouble to answer Questlona" ' . Direct Hue to A . - " TEjcAs, - i- -y V MEXICO, : " ; jIIARIZONA.T v . i.-N. ImMmW1 forni a. Write for new book on Texa'free: I S. THORNE. V. P. and Gen'l Mgr. E. T. TURNER, Gen'l Pass, and Ticket Asent. Dallas, Texas. - UDip IPDne djaropJlniina Me (Da Jffiu'evaipdl toy Tenn. imesitjttll THE NEWSPAPER MEN DRINK: TATE. -o a tt a1Sl. waBwunra, "I greatly appreciate Tate water and Mghly recommend it" t rnnAM ri4 KISSENGEN. AStrasburger, Montgomery, Ala.: weitner Carlsbad nor Klsssngea oenemxea me as mucn xne visit to ' CURED PAIN IN BACK. - ' H. E. Blakeslee, Olean, N. T.: in the ba'k whel antog eTeci cureu me oi inai mnrmuy." AND GREATEST WAGON CARRIAGE BUILDER IN WORLD. THE J. M. Studebaker, South Bend, Ind.: "I believe there is 00 spring iij Amer ica that contains the healing qualities that Tate Spring does." . Smith W. JJo IE MeDi Jmiipiaedl Users PIlnaiacy sunn all (Dlayt Capacity 500. Open Till the Year. Thos. Tomlinson, Propr ietor. HOW TO -Flin OUTt: - Fill a botle or common glass with your water and let If stand ' xwenty-four hours: a sediment or settling tadlicratea an unhealthy, wnditioii., of the kidneys; If lit stains your linen, it is evdenjce of kidney trouble; too free desire to pass ft or pain in the back is also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of ordter. WHAT TO DO. There is comfort in the knowledge so orten expressed, thai) Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney remedy, fulfills every wish in curing rheuma tism, pain in the back, kidney, diver, bladder and every part of the urinary passages. It correct Inability to (hold water and scalding water, in passing it, or bad effects following use of Mquor, wdne or beer, and overcomes that un to go often during the day, and (Co get up many times during the night. The mild end the extraiordSinaTy effect of Swamp Root is eoon realized. It stands the highest for Its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases.' If you need a' medicine you should have the best. At druggists fifty cents or one dbMar. Tou may have a sample bottle and a book that tells more about it, both sent absolutely free by mail, II you send your address to Dr. 'Kilmer & Co.. Biittghampton, N. T. When wafttog be sure and mention that you retd this Gazette. . . Paul -Persy, of Columbus, Ga,, suffer ed agony for thirty years and then cured-his piles by using DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It heals injuries and skin diseases like magic Paragon pharmacy. All DadiesWool Shoes' 1.0 per cent of cost. Q. A. Mears ana Sons. UfeaW Overgaiters, 25i& ;G. A. Mear and Sons Shoe Store. C"; t; WHY DON'T YOU HAVE Fish and -Oysters on yoir tablel breakfast, din ner orrsupper? m&ou. can get thein tresl ltonnuf LI WM. C. McINTIRE, - ; 5StaU G, Central Marked wEum, PRACTICAL FURRIER : 'All kinds of fur work' for ladies and gentlemen made to order. Old far gar ments worked over in the latest style, sach as Heal, Martin, Bearer, Musk Rat, Anmin. All kinds of fur re-dyed black and brown colon. 1 1 - f '-; - i ;'A fine. Overcoat made ;of Hear Skin suitable ; for. conductor or "inotonnan also a fine Deer Bug for sale. Office at Ocstrcichcr'23. y6naip dealers a if FesJm nibire itiimes a . AnaHysis made by T. S.. Anteu iJ.r professor of chemistrv im isioi ZJi.fL Uni- sDlmrir w agracultme. SuipnuKic Acid Iiidie .. 130.S7 Magnesia. -V. . . , Iron Peroxide 8L12: 10.9 1.00 5.90 32.63 .27 .71 9.90 .02 272.91 160.66 32.91 8.50 1.54 40.27 2.99 .62 1.14 21.56 2.70 .02 272.91 ''fi? ! andi Soda Chlorine Silica, Soluble ..-.. SSffL Nitric acm ""' 1 5 Ss:: suiptiaite of Soda Sulphate of Potiassa ... Chlorlide off Sodium Chloride of Mingaiesi " . ISodium (traces) x-xiumtLtj 01 ume Carbonate of Lime Silfca Nitric Acid Total H. A. LATHAM, ; Manager Shipping Dept (D.-Daicto 7 re. nn. I ARTISTIC PORTRAITURE Our operator, Mi. White, has bad sev eral years experience in large city stu dios, and understands thoroughly bow to make good photographs. We are gaining patronage daily ana permit no work to leave the studio that is not aJl right in every respect. Re-sittings cheerfully given when necessary, but this seldom happens. We charge enough to afford, to give all work our best attention, but' believe in liberal treatment. If any part of our work is not satisfactory we make it so. Our large photos of the beautiful Swannanoa river are uneaaualled any where We use' the -same materials and do amateur work as well as we do our own work. The photo supply department carrisa everything needed by photographers, st reasonable prices. Ray's Studio, 8 North Court square. CUT RATE Book Store. KILLS COIISUMPTIOII IRTHREE WEEKS' TIME Dr. Preston's Method Works "Wonder ful Cures in Many Places. I5r. Preston has cured Ms first. naJtieat weeks ago. He only asks three wieelu to destroy the germ. He is treating a nunv be? of patients, and they are all doing nicely, and will get well. Remember the doctor does not give you any creosote or other4lrugs, by the stomach, that is not the way,to j-eaxsh the lungs,, he, gives all his 'medicine bye" hypodermic enr inge, which Is injected into the arm or bigh, once each day lor 21 days only wnich causes little or no pain, the blood is "kept sajt.ura.ted durkur this' time, and "the germs'of consumption aredetroyed. Jie veimsvbegin td? fill with rich, new blood, , and the glow of hearth' returns t the cheeks before all "the treatments are taken. If there is a cavity in your lung, and your rfeet are not swollen, you can be, cured. ,.It has only been a few .months since even he fcould cure thes third stage cases. Dr. Preston has cure scores of these sufferers in the past five years, that Jiad been 'fxronounced Incur able (by the most eminent physicians of tl United"' States. Office, in Sondley buildingi rooms 4 and 5, over Heinitsh & Reagan's .drug store. V . NOTICE. An " application wSH be made to the legislature of North CarDltna, now in session at. Raleiigh, N.. C, for a charter to Jncbrbomte the "Aahevllle X6an and) Savings .Bank." r ' . . i :jaaiuary;12th, 1899. -t -' " ' ' , :-r --r Ladleqt3 fihoes, no tip. sizes 2 1-2, t X l-VC,, to close at 21.50 and 21-75; some , hand turns. G. A. Mears ft Sons" hoe store. ' : r A T NOTICE. ' AppJlcalimVci be made to tthe pUef etit eesslaa7 of the general assembly of North Omc!rma,7' tocorporate The PeopCes Savfass Bank of . Askevilie. cr. any other name hereafter determined upon. - ' - - , ' Jaauay. 11, 1853 J3& audi