FEBRUARY 7, 1899. , ,F,-i. ;...-;; : ? - CAROLINA i Interesting Items from Va rious Parts of tlie State. Glimpses of Life and Progress in the Land of the Sky. Notes Gathered' for the Oaxecta and Selections from Iatest North Carolina Newspapers. The children of Mr. H. R. jWhitley, of Nifih county, died Thursday, it is sup posed ries. - from eating" canned huckleber- The Winston and Salem fire depart ments nave passed resolutions recom mending President James D. lrNeill, of the State Firemen's association, to the position of railroad commissioner. Statesville'a new system of water works and sewerage has been complet ed. The total cost of the water works was $34,317.53, and the total cost of sew erage $11,844.27. Hickory is to have a new cotton mill, erected at a cost of $500,000. The plant 5s to be owned by Capt. Odell, of Con cord, and others, and the purchase in cluding 440 acres of land. Rutherford county , stands fourth on the list of cotton factories in the state, and has Water power sufficient for ten the number it now -has, all going to waste for want of. enterprise and cap-itaL--Rutherfordton: Vindicator. The promoters of a big cotton mill enterprise at the shoals in Davie coun ty, have bought a large amount of land in and around that place. It is said that tie owners have paid the Hairston family $15,000 for the shoals and adjoin ing lande. The company expects to 'be gin at once the erection of one of the largest cotton mills Sh the state. They wffll invest about $500,000 in the enter prise. Charlotte Observer. A big milling company has formed at Hock Hill, known: as the Rock Hill milling company. A building four sto ries hi height, thirty feet wide by eigh ty in depth.wffll be erected, which will he equipped with full roller process machinery for the manufacture of four or five different grades meals, grits and stock feed. The capacity of the mill -will be 75 barrels of flour and from 80& to 1,000 bushels of meal per day. It Is reported that Charles Maynard and Henry Shore, two- white men, went to the home of J. C. Miller, the post master at Tilden, Yadkin county, few;- days, ago and accused him of reporting- their: blockade distillery. They sefzedthim and dragged. hdm out of lied and tried - to . get him out of the house to thrash him. Miller got hold of his pistol-; and -finally succeeded- In driving them off. , Warrants were Issued for them next- day., but they have not yet been captured. The people are said to be1 Indignant over this outrage, as Mr. Miller's neighbors do not believe he did the reporting Winston Sentinel. The Forsyth White Man's club of Winston haye adopted strong resolu tions urging the general assembly to pass the Tennessee "Jim Crow" car bill The resolutions have been forwarded to Forsyth's representatives. The club also passed strong anti-trust resolutions. They urge Forsyth's representatives in the legislature to advocate the passage of as strong anti-trust law as possible. The resolution says: "It is the sense of this club that the democratic party of North Carolina, at its next convention, a planp of dclcrminod, uncompromis ing opposition to thsse combinations farmed for the purpose of restraining trade and controlling the products of labor, combinati'3 is usually dsinat ed trusts." YESTERDAY'S MASS MEETING. The mass meeting for a discussion on tbieBmprovement of tfce roads emd the public school law, was called to order by J. D. Murphy at 12 o'clock yesterday noon. The attejnldanoe was very slim, a result otfrtthe wet weather. It was decided that the small (number present could not well represent the tatoeneste of the people of Buncombe county, the meeting ad journed umitll next Saturday at 11 o'clock. The county commissioners are stronelv UTed 'to be presenft. , ran My wife bad pimple on her race, but she has been takio CASCARETS and they Have all disappeared. I had been troubled wan constipation for aome time, but after talc- JSitfctwJiSnSS0 1 haTe had no rouble with this ailment. We cannot apeak too hleh- ofrS,sSrets" ''"ft Wartmak; ; 6708 Gennantowo Ave.. Philadelphia. Pa Pleaaant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do - 7 , CANDY yl CATHARTIC f .SW TOADf MASK WIOISTIWEO',,,' r- v- jttooa, ftrrpr sicun. w eaten, or tiripe. 10c. 2ic ?0c. -, .i.-CURECONSTIPATldfl; ? ..f.- Stcrilat MM4f CMifaar, Ckleag, Umtnai. Raw Trk. 311 " -fin Tfl fllf1 8old and guaranteed by alldran- ' ' "y'WrVoaif VEAVERVILLE IIEVS C liege Public Deoai-arge. Amount of Delayed Mails Arrive ? Weaverviile, Feb. 4. The Clkophic UterarysoctyJd-a pt&Lic debate in their:haat at the college last even ing. These occasions for many years features of the spring term were fory mally known as semi-annual debates, but now this function to termed 'simply an open session of the society to which the public is admitted and Invited. The question discussed was: "Resolved, That ignorance tends more to the spread of crime than does poverty or wealth." The query was, therefore, a three cornered one, Messrs. Farrington and Lance contending that ignorance was the greatest factor in the com mission of crime; while Messrs. Bow man and Bennett urged that this ; dis tinction more properly belonged to wealth, and Messrs. Bradley and Stiles argued successfully that poverty was the parent of most crime, for these Hast named speakers secured a decision in favor of their corner of the question. The discussion on all sides was enter taining and well conducted and fur nished a fine illustration of how admir able an adjunct a debating society Is to an. educational institution. Mr. Reagan Baird delivered an excellent oration, and the two decteimers for the evening, Messrs; Charles Edwards and Robert Ramsey, reflected credit on themselves and the teachers who are training -hem. The occasion was great ly enjoyed by the audience which, ow ing to Inclement weather, was not as large as otherwise it would have been. The Weaverviile pottery property has been purchased by Mr. E. Byerly, a progressive and industrious citizen of the village. The purchaser has set UP under the roof of this plant his grist mill and planing machines, two local conveniences to the community. And now the shrill dissonance of thk steam whistle is a new Index to the business activities of the town. The telephone line to the city, under the new management of President Klr by, is giving an excellent service and complete satisfaction to the 'phonetic public. A continued and careful watch fulness over the condition of the wirea is found :to be necessary, and this is strictly maintained with results that leave nothing more to be desired along this line. - The extension of this tele phonic connection to Dula's Mineral Springs ds a matter now receiving the attention of the wide awake citizens in that immediate settlement. The esti mates of cost have been made and it Is said that the amount can be and widl be easSly raised, by those directly in terested, for the construction of this line, which would be only one and one half miles in leeth. , A two horsa wagon' load: of mail eec tmd i iliass matter1 afrmlvUng at the post 'office here yesterday afternoon attrac 3 attention. The Boad! contained, some througth mail (for Burnsville as well as large amou'nitsi for dnterrnedd'ate offices. Newspapers, magazines, books, rm-r chamidise, Public documents, and reports chiefly made up this heavy postal drift, ther accumulator of days, perhaps wfeks tat the Asheville office, while tine under paid and overworked si'ax rouite contrac .tor and mall carrier were praying- for open wealthier; amd the consequent better roads, indulging also to' 'the vain hope of a diminished tide of maffil matter in Fder thlait he may oatlch up with the .wtok. But the wagon; filled with its beilaited news amid overdue merchandise, was the only solution of the dilema. Aud here dt is that the two perplexing que ticins blend arndi mix up, the qu3tion of passable country iroakis and that of reas omble rural mail delivery. For the countryman at oftem takes three weeks to get a book from New York, and even then hie mlay haveto walk two ort three miles over muddy highways to get it, while hL's city cousin, has- the ajdvanitage of receiving Me New York rmalil' alt his own door within (four or five diavs from date of his order. Then, too, the o'2ty res iaent wonts all the roads' leading out miles Ifo-r that's as far as he desires to use them and) this is rt!o be done without for a moment cor BlBd ring the quesi'icni as to whether some quarter of the county has not been woefully negleotadi, while others have been marvelously benefited oy Dig expenditures at the common ex pensa fnonn money raised by the tiaxes of ail. The average country mam has oo sufficient vocabulary to do proper jus ttice to such questions and they can not be discussed! unless there could be se cured for the occasion, the services of some bold sailor who had (followed the seia for aj half life itime and picked up a half d':zen smooth flowang' foreiigni lan gulageis .and then in 'the rich affluence of tfcilk wordy? wealth this kind of a talker mUght be able to approximate an expres ?ti'OB of the ideas concerning these quea tiona that float unuttered and imuitrter 'aible in the brato) of .some denize ds of country. The mercury stood at 75 at noon today in the shade. PERSONAL. MENTION. Mr. W. I Ray Wf Ylamioey has been viaiittng hie son, Mr.' Walter Ray, :ior a day or two. 'Squire D. H. Reagan: has tried several cases in his court recently, in one of which 'Squire George Robinson "aPeo oc cupied the bench. Rev. W. W. Jones was iri the vii'age 'fnrtflfv TTi8 (WMinriirA firm" nffhr- fields of labor is regretted by many warm per sontal fr'emis. Rev. Mr. Sbuther, It is said, will sue ceed Rev. Mr. Jones as the DaBtor of ,the Baptist' church at this "place : " Ko-To-llai for Fifty Cents. ' ' 1 Guaranteed tobacco habit care, makes weak iien strong, bl'Hxl pvre- &oc. tl. An druegistar TmrM.9jM - trM w srtT f : CURES ALL KIDNEY, STOMACH The smallest -thtogs miyis exert ' Tthe srreatest influence DeWItfs Little Ear ly Risers ere unequalled fpr overcom ing constipation and - Hver troubles. Small put best pilli safe pill, .Paragon I Pharmacy- r -s Elasarcharehb It abv to Take ; aby to Operate Are featnres neculiar to Hood's Pills. . Small In size, tasteless, efficient, thorough. As one man said: You never know you have taken a pmtni it is aU over." 25c. & TL Hood St &4 Proprietors, LowelL Mass- Poll lis The only pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilfc, BUENA VISTA ITEMS. Buena Vista, N. C, Feb. 6.The re cent -snows and the t almost Incessant, rain have jns&ef Jrbe ithe roads " in the country almost impassable. There are places between Buena Vista and Biit more where vehicles sink almost to the huh. - . J We are sorry tb know that Mr. Green Stacey's family la so soon to leave our neighborhood., Mr. Stacey will remain here and keep charge of his work as section master on the A. & S. rai'road. He will board with Mr. Jas. Liverett. Grip is the most popular visitor we have at -present. He :s the guest of many homes. Mrs. Minerva Wlutaker, who is now :n her seventy-fourth year, has been confined to her bed for several days with grip. She has a severe at'ack. Miss Maggie Gibson, who is a student of the Normal and Collegiate institute, is also quite ill with th,e same trouUe. She is at home. Mrs. Kate Wortey, who had a very severe surgical operation performed last fall by Drs. Hilliard, Fletcher and Burgin, is now well and strong age in, arid able toJo her own household work. Mrs. SalMe , Dalvecio, who went to New York about the same time for the same purpose, is Improving very slowly. The infant child of Mr?. Dovie Curts died last week. Rev. G. G. Harley, pastor of the Bi lt more charge, has been visiting among his people in this section. He is very much liked by aSl his people and the prospects are that he will do a good year's work. Our church bells have become a nui sance. There Is a good old white head ed brother in our midst who sayg he can't sleep or rest day or night for the ringing of these bells. He has hung a bell In a tree in his yard and when the church bells ring he rings his. Saves hours of labor Elastic starch. 0 MILLIONS GTVFN AWAY. It si certainly gratifying to the publi to know of . one concern tn the land wh are not afraid to be generous to the needy and suffering. The proprietors of Dr. King's New Discovery for consump tion, coughs an colds, have given away over ten million trial bottles of 'htij great medicine and have the eatisfaci tion of knowing t haa absolutely c,ured;( ho u sand a if hopeless cases. Aothnra, bronchitis, hoarsen ees end all diseases of the throat, chest and lungs are sure y cured by it. Call on T. C. Smith and W. C. Oarmichael. and Pelham, drug gists, and get a. trial bottle free. Regular size, 50c. and $1. Every bot le guaran teed, or price refunded- Pood does more harm than good when not digested. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure di gests what you eat. Jt prevents wast ing diseases and cures stomach troubles. It cures indigestion, aour stomach and belching, and allows a wornout stomach rest. It acts instantly. Paragon phar macy. RATES TO NEWBERN FAIR. On account of Eastern Carolina Fish Oyster, Game and Industrial fair, New bern, N. C, the Southern railway will sell special .round trip tickets, rate one fare plus 50 cents for round, trip, which includes one admission to fair grounds Tickets on sate February 18th to 24th, inclusive, final limit February28ih. Call on ticket agents for full infor mation, or address, F. R. Darby, C. P and T. A., Asheville, N. C, or R. L. Vernon, T. P. A., Charlotte, N. C. Always Starch. gives saitisf action Elastic DeWltfd Little Early Risers, The famous little pill. . ThonAtfal, thorough, and comteoUT,enw fit aUJmpprtuit pHcs tlonsia the cirllixed world. F ranch; Germsa, IulanSpwu M wl s ' T.nftilh r'r treated from week to week. BELLES-LETTRES Spedal article appear' weekly In the paper, sometimes under fee tale of ; VAmoos My- Bpok,'4,wrUten by such well-known authors and critics as W. D. Howells EDMUND GOS5E SIR HERBERT MAXWELL Hear Jsjnef j Radra(dKlpiiS. 4 . . . A TZDTTE A full set Bdaaed Cone The United estate of America, 'VTertWa District of. North Carolina, el Ai-, ; vflie. In itoo drenlt and District courts. : Pursuant, to orders made and ettfaer ed of record in- the United" Sflaite cfr cutit and district courts Car the Wflatetm district of NorthTCteolliu aft Asheville, by their hofnors. Nathan Goff, rcttlt Judge, and. HainlltonG. Ewart, district judge, convening a special term wpc tiveiy of the circuit and distrtot courtt to be held aSt the United State cour house in Asheville, on Wednesday, F4 ' ruary 15th, 1899, at 10 o'cfbocK a. m. j j AM persons, Mtlgants an witnessew are i hereby notified to attend said special ! terms at the time and place above stated under the requirements and penalties ' nrMuwdhed DV law. ' In witness whereof, I hare hereunto set my hand and affixed the seals of said courts, this January 11th,. 1899. C. B. MOORE, Clerk of the. circuit and district courts, seal of circuit court Seal of district court, Don't cry, but use Elastic starch. Baanthe Bignatnre of The Kind You Haw Alwjt tegt For Sale In Hendersnrr Couuy, H C. A good farm of 125 acres, in the valley of French Broad river, one mile from depot, 22 miles from Asheville. on main road leading from Asheville to Brevard; very convenient to Dostoffice and churches; the Methodist Episcopal church one half mile, Presbyterian church one quarter mile, Methodist Episcopal,, south, two and one quarter miles and the Baptist two miles away. About 50 acres are cleared, 25 acres of which is creek bottom, very fine meadow land, balance finely timbered. One half dozen, or more excellent, told, mountain springs, freestone water: also a beauti ful clear creek flows through the farm. A comfortable dwelling house, with two rooms; barn and store house, a good country stand. A fine young orchard of about one hundred bearing apple trees. The entire tract is well adapted to pro duce, grass, clover, rye, oate, corn, cab bage, potatoes and other root crops in abundance There is inclosed in this tract one of the finest building sites in western North Carolina, for a summer resort. It is beautifully located for a ho tel; this site is situated on high ground, overlooking the French Broad valley, and commainding a lovely view of Pia gah, Craggy and the Vanderbilt moun tains, and is very accessible, only about one half mile from Tailroad. There is also near this beautiful site a very fine, bold spring of freestone water. This magnificent site ie -covered with a fine grove of native forest. This site alone is worth more than owner asks for the whole farm. Anyone desiring a home amidst most beautiful natural surround lags, and in a climate noted for its su perior healthfulness, especially for those subject to throat or lung difficulties, will find this location hard to be excelled. This farm would be very cheap at $10 per acre, but present owner is going west in the spring, therefore, he puts the farm on the market for cash, at $5 per sere. Also would add that the orchard, alia? is worth the money that owner asks for the farm. This farm can be bought at the above low price, if taken in the next sixty days. I would further add that the title is perfectly good, and that the prop erty is now assessed at 5825. Now Is your time to rush for a good home at less than half its worth. For further partic ulars, in regard to the above property, call on or write to the editor of the Ga xette. Beware starch. of Imitations. Use Elastic ' cord of I Ife. folkr ISSUED BY No. 229. 880 The Mhwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co. Viay 4, 1891, St age of 45, on the life of R. U. Garrett of Asheville, N C. Amount issued $iofooo. nnaal premium $384.60. Divi dends applied to reduce cost Tsar Cash Cash Payment. IMv. 1891 1584 60 1892 184 60 1S9S 2899 95 21 1894 US 90 105 70 1895 276 00 108 60 1896.... 163 90 220 70 1897 .. 272 80 111 80 1898 - 260 80 112 80 Double dividend. The dividends promised R. U. are mere than even tJarrett. Alex Webb, Agt 13, COURT SQUARE. U u iatenwtidhsi wetklr joumsi of ienxfAAdtm.'V. liU umpanAriAj ner perio4icV!whkh sm been recofnixed from iu fint somber wjk renew of the highest standing. CRITICAL. REVIEWS mAA muuxK DEAN 5TUBBS a. . r a.. . a i.fc . arid from time to time original piece of literary work, poems, fiction, and essay are published, bat in each case only from the pens of world-famous -. writers, such as RUDYARD KIPLINO GEORGE MEREDITH Each week a leadinr article in the nature of an editorial appears.- Thee leaders are prepared by the editor, and deal exclnsirely with literary subjects. 1 N AMERICAN LETHERS The Bi-weekly letter, written by WmUraw Dear Howells, deals in that ; author's original and keen way with subjects of vital interest in the American world of letters and art. FOREIGN LETTERS . French, English; German, and Italian letters will be published, making this periodical of great rslue to readers interested in the growth of literature. ' Occasional work by Henry James, and men of like ability, will also appear. SPECIAL SUPPLEMENTS '), J will be published, devoted to descriptive articles on sucn'subjects as rare and , curious books, book-plates, special editions of famous books, noteworthy American editionsctc ' 7 ' -r PREMIUM OFFER v f " T.rrERATURKTS famous Dortrait saonlcments. of distinguished men of letters (jo in all) for one year subscription. v;t Trial SubscriptIoir4 Weeks, 25 Cts. ? JrfnU Ow V - i i t" n Sttbtcrtptfom, U W a Tear- I hfiAte HARPER ft BR0THER5, PabUshers, New York N.;Y.' Why not Itresta with ym whether 70a eontfnae the remores the desire (or tobaeco. oncnerronf distress, eip tine, purifies the blood. seuiuoo- tores nam niwinwa. mmi too stroii? in health, nerre MdpockeV-rfiyi VI lUirO-TO-BAC from book, vil J rJToar own dninrist.who r inTonchfor.Take it with i. will, pa,ti!Btl j, peraistentlr. One bos: li nsnsJlT cures: S boxes. CSJa J arnarajiteed to euro, or we refund money. 8lrTl.c J 4y Co., CM y, trsel. Sew twAt CITY MARKETS. Prices to consumers: . FRUITS. Lemons, 25c to 80c. dosen. Peare, 20a to 40c. dos. Bananas, 25c. dos. Apples, 80c. to H.20 bu. Grapes, 25c. basket. PRODUCE. Geese, 12 l-2c. to 15c Ducks, 30c. each, Turkeys, 15c. to 18c. Eggs, ISC. dos. . Chickens, dreeeed, 18c to 80c. each. Butter, country, 20c. pound; cream ery, 30c. pound. MJ3AT8. Veai, 7 l-210c Roasts, 1020c pound. Ham, 20c. pound. Lard, 10c. pound. Dried beef, 20c. pound. Lamb, 910c. pound. Sausage, 1012 l-2c. pound. Bacon, 810c. pound. Steak, 1020c. pound. Itfuttoni, 810c. pouhd. Hogshead cheese,' 8910c. pound. . yEGBTARLESS. Spuash, 5c to 25c Onions 5c quart. Parsley, 5c. hunch. Cabbage, 510c. head. Celery, 5c. bunch. Radishes, 5c. bunch. Butter beans, 10c. quart. Sweet potatoes, 1020c. peck. String beans, 510c. gallon. Irish potatoes, 20c. peck. Canned tomatoes, 7 l-210c. oaa. Pepper, 10c. dozen. FISH AND GAME. Perch, 1012 l-2c pound. Drum, 1012 l-2c. pound. King, nah, 1012 l-2c. pound, Flounders, 1012 l-2c. pound. Sheepslhaad, 10c pound. Red Snapper, 12 1-2C. pound. Speckled trout, 1012 l-2c. pooad. Black baes, 12 l-2c. pound. Blue fish, 10c. pound. Salt trout, 20o. pound. Oysters, 3d40c. qtiart. Quail, 10 12 l-2c. each. Pheasants, 6575c. each. Clams, 15c. NOTICE. Hla,ving', qualified as administrator qf the eBtsute of W. H. Sales, deceased, late a resident of Buncombe county, all per sona hJaving cte&ms agaiiinst the decedent are hereby notified to exhibit the eame to .such ad mdnSKtraitor, on or before the 8th day of Jlainiuary, 1900, or (this notice WML be pleaded, as War to the rtcovery thereof. Thte January Bth 1899. JOHN A. BROOKSHTRE, Admlndstralbcr of estate of W. N. Sales. deceased. 286-6wk DISSOLUTION. The firm heretofore known as G. A. Meara & Sona has this day dissolved partnership. The business hereafter will be known as G. A. Meara. This February 3, 1899. -v G. A. MEARS. Makes things stiff Elastic starch. BaU & Siteppard 6 Patton Are. i Anyone wishing ,fta put, steam, heat U their building could not dj better than use a Harrisburg -Boiler. u Put you must have experienoead work men to do the work; and we are confl dent that we can please you." ' Ball & Shepherd. it 1 "1 fWELJ J , 1 wim WW WAD. be,. :- r ;"-IX you -are snflerirar witbr anv disease of the Kidnvra. Bladder-1 orUrinaryOrga' JriilvIJaWd Kennedy m xTww netneax wiumaxa youww. 11 amm cared cates tha bcrdered on the miractdoui. It quickly cures men and women of inability to hold ttrina, and they are not compelled $0 gat np often and make water at night.' " It remove the scalding sensation in passing it, and, when taken according to direction, it invariably caret pains in the 1 mall of the "back. Favorite Remedy not only cure Stone in. tho Bladder and Bright Diaaase, but prevent them from developing. "' ' ' One case i that of Johm J. Nxnx, of son North ghth Street, .Philadelphia, Pa, . In 1889 ho begam to suffer indescribable mixie from Stone in tho Kadder. An aminent physician said a surgical operation was necessary. If unsuccessful it meant death, andfMr.Neill put off the evil day as long as possible. While in this . frame of mind he heard of Dr. Dayid Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, and bought it. Before ho had finished the third bottle the gravel was completely dissolved and his sufferings were at an end. 'WA?QrifcRemedy is a perfect Blood and Nerv medicine. It restores the liver to a healthy condition, cures the worst cases of Constipation, and all diseases peculiar to females. It cures Scrof ula. Salt Rheum, llheumatism. Your druggist will sell you a regular full-sized bottle for $k.oo. Sample Bottle Free. Those Sufferers who wish to try Favorite Remedy before buying should send their full postofSce address to the Dm. David Kxkmzst Coa- roaATXOK, Rondout, N. Y., and mention tkit tfr. A free sample bottle will be sent them prepaid, together witfc full directions for using. This is a genuine offer, and ail our readers can depend upon it. Trade supplied by Dr. T. C. Smith. 1 Bp that It Is roa 7c:iin,tt pEcuiun WEAKnietsU wthiselajHC a wonderrolly iMallnf, smissr aadaeoiklmc imli fks msBStessl orcams. . It Mtes" sndtalllasTefSks I stops teostBc sad iSUswss iwwsmaslsynd nalntnl i Vor Ohanr of Ufa f Is the Mdicine mada. It i mal staring sregneaey, a4 helps Btuteaueea ibm aosees for year. It larMoraioe, LmST mk arte at twmad le to wJ adnietad women . Yf hv hywtn , any woman soffer anotasv aalnmte with certain rahef withia twaahf Wine of Oaardul nly eoats flS per tMtfele at year drag store. Tor adviat, m eaas nmUHng tywlst aVrevesorM. midrt, giving aywjtesjaa. tSa "Ladie' AdvimWf DeparhnmU,' 2vRSS. (m I W SCHTH. esadM. UjC RM atti asarf Whsa af Cartful atfcaeaai IN. Jarfalllni rt tl d tt asttrutj J jereS hr.M I THE DIXIE Restaurant and Confectionery 36 South Main St. Oysters onthe Bah Shell. Oysteis and Game & specialty. Lunch Counter for Short orders. We will serve you anything from a sandwich to 3, hotel maa TRY US. PrivateTinlngf Rooms, THE DIXIE News and Opinions OF National (Importance CONTAINS BOTH. ImmIuMm m Mi iiMfllT'l hliMbMmskVls4iMreS tuBka.Tlssn4s SMJE SON Daily, by mail, - $6 a year Daily & 8undaj, by mail 8 a year TrtE SUNDAY SUN is th8 reatsest Sunday Nawepa- . -j . . - per in .the world. Price 5c. a copy. By mail 2 a year. Address THE SUIT, New York Old Papers , dean and unmutOatect f or eiale at the Gazette Publication Office by the pound or ly the hundred. j 10 ctsa Hundred Conies. J .j ... 1 4 , . s - '

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