11 If J r 7 1899 v ? - - . . . fJ, . Th e Oaks JE NOW OPEN TO SHE REMODELED AUD REFURNISHED. Table first-mass; hot and cold baths; steam heat; splendid views ffrm-b:alfonie8 city; street cars from depot to hotel terrace; three1 Blocks from Court square. Up-to-date rvice, free billiartls 1R At ES AODfeRATE. SAMUEL. H. REED, Prop Ashevllie; N. C. THE BliOCEER HOME, O. H BLOCKEE, Fropiietor. Good Board $6 pel wk; $1.60 per daj . OXilD FOBT 3ST. Ox Do yxm want a cummer jnd winteir hbme to tie Land of the Sky ? Cool in sum mer and mountain-locked to tbe north with southern exposure i& wiater. Fine water, ' dry air, 2,800 to 8,000 deviation. Now m the time, while property la low, this la the pHaoa. ' Ikrable daUy trains . m thiviugih Southern Railway. BeiauU ful vceavery anid the finest Mgh altitude winter country in the world, attracting attention tbe world pver. . . ' v OAK HILL, The finest equipped Hotel to On tLe southern slope of the fogs are seldom seen, winter clin ate in western North Carolina, For further particulars apply to - JOSEPH HELLEN & SON., Proprs. Oak Hall, Trypn,N. C HOTEL FLEMING Marion, n. c GKUBER CONCERT CO., Proprietors. is arro "A Home away Raleigh's New and Located on Fayette ville street, only four blocks from the Capitol. Street cars pass the door every 15 minutes - j .. MGvervtliinnnei aU appointments istriciiy up-io-aaie . Cuisine second to nooeand of the proprietor, with textetided Address Pro BOARDING. Gaod bosrd in an S",JU,"52 ma mbua Bouse, 5, 6ana j7 per Zk. On& block nm powtofllee aia ness rSUoiw. Th Tuxedo. 7 Hay- KENILWORTH PARK On mli from the court b(Mi6; tjree JEoW walk from BJltmore wr Bw SSrfthe healtnlest locattoiui AJ JST New house, wttb tmnds; open flW wktu.- v-. ftat. No advancea UTbl class bcird loop only t&M flft per week. an4 New Bpglaiia Home. tb or tnihout board. 102 Paltoti ABnSI ''"v Unrt floo. SSwet randas. Three Joc SStoffice.ian4ntejloek from w,ov market afford m&r&L - J RJS SSek, for one, or f toy two. Th AWnwot, . 2U aywooaf street. THE GROVE HOUSE, Hons moelDWfred fmn3f throughout Halls wen neateo, avlcnoee. Near etreet car ianm i 00 Sunset drive, ne mile from joourt l&ear Charlotte street ar line. iW-. f--aceheat, m oooKing, sprius w-w.r . r- Pwtp" reausonable. . , t v; ; ; Guy P Latta. tttt . Trim f!OTTAGEL t Ooroer Sunsert oilve end Balrd street rr-h-rn rooking, spring w-ater, fine vtowK. broad veranida. near car Jta Tlsw Droaa ggug DOUGHTY. pneto PUBL1G; the South, is situated at Blue Pidge mountains, where and, without doutt the best from Home." Popular IHote and first-class and undtr the personal supervision experience. Kates reasonable 0 The Carrollton, Haleigfc, K C. PRIVATE! BOARD. House In suburbs In large shady grore, food table with abundance of fireah milk, butter, eggs, eta Ids from court house on electric car Una telephone 29S. Rates low. Informatlos at Mrs. J. M. Ray's, on Lookout Mora- ala ear lln or at Ray's bookstors. TO VISITORS. Any one stopping in town who would Oks prirate lessons In French will find is excellent opportunity to study with If me. Heutte, who has a number of pu- otle at the hotels and In town. She is Parlstan. and her terms are very mod- rata Address 4 Broad street. 9-Xl The Direct Line from" Cincinnati DAYTON,, LIMA. VIA TO TOLEDO, DETROIT, Mlohiffan, and Canada Points -5 trains every weekday. 3 trains1 - on Sunday. Pullman and Wagner Sleepers on nlgftit trains. Vstl , buled-Parlor, .care on , day. trains.. CIIICIIIIIATI JO CHICAGO 4, trains every weewiay. 3 trauw on Suadday. Vestlbuledl trains,, t Pullman Standard and Compart ment Sleeping Cars, Parlor Cars, anfiftOafe Dining pars. . . 1 Ginciriiiati to Indianapolfe 6 trains every weenvr:, r 4 trains on Sunday. -: -FAST DAILY SERVICE 'J " . -TO KANSAS - CITY and the WEST Dally Pullman and t Wagnerf Sleepers. J. G. MASON, Genn . Southern Agent. J. S. LEAHT, Trav. Pass. Agent, Knoxvllle, Tennessee. " p. g. EDWARDS. Pass. Trafflo Mgr. FIRST NrC REGIMENT DESIRES TO COME HOMt A PetitiottSecretly Preparea and Sent to Senator ; Pritchard The Gazette has received a copy of a petition that nas been signed by vi per cent, of the enlisted men in the Plrst North Carolina regiment, now at Camp Columbia, Havana, requesting that they be .mustered" out. The pe ti- tion has been sent to Senator Pritch- T 74 - i. '-' 3f ard. A -letter received in thia city from one of tha A. L. I. boys, dated February 1, ref erring to the petition and the causes that led to It says: "Our officers have .circulated a pe tition among". . themselves to send to Washington that our regiment was-in good health and that the men are sat dsfied and want to remain in servtee, so a few of us boys g-ot together and de cided that we were in a hole. We be gan working secretly -among the com panies, and we had a' secret' spot that we would meet at every night and discuss what we would do. In four dayfi time we got up the list and 97 per cent, of the regiment signed it. It was In the mail before our officers knew anything about it, but later some one gave us away. Our officers are trump ed. They don't know what to do. We want the people of Asheville and throughout the entire state to know the true sentiment of tne men -of this regi ment. We were misrepresented to the war department when we had orders to be mustered out while in Jacksonville, Fla. We started up a list there and our orhcers tnreatenea to court martial us, and made us de stroy it; and two of our majors went to their comrades and had us retained by stating that 95 per cenj. wanted to stay 4n service. "I wish here to correct a statement nig that there were but three sick an regimental hospital and two at division hospital. There are over 65 percent, of this regiment unable for duty. The regimental hospital is full, and many have been sent to 'the first division hos pital. Company F has had 37 on the sick list for the past week. We had only one full set of fours yesterday, four companies formed together mak ing a Datailion with eleven sets of fours." The petition among other things says: "Our repreeentatves in senate A and congress: "Gentlemen: Appended herewith are the signatures of the men composing the rank and file of the First North Carolina volunteers, who responded to the country's call and who have serv- ed their state and country with honor and fidelity, and when necessity calla they are ready to do so again. But now that peace has been declared and absolute quietness prevails upon the Isl and of Cuba, there is no further use of our service here and the demands of our families for our service at home make it necessary that we should make every honest effort to secure through you the- early return of our regiment to our native state, that we may render to our dependent families the duty we owe them. In addition to this the Warm and rainy season pecu liar to 'this country is near at hand, and our .personal safety from disease and death consequent upon these condi tions demand that we should request our earfly relief from these dangers. We, therefore, appeafl to you as an hon orable representative to make eve- possible effort ' to secure our early mus tering out." Heavy soled shoes suitable for tnii wea'ther at J. D. Blaniton &'Co'a, shoe store, during 1899 will be devoted JjROVND TABLE U TWO SERIAL STORIES ' m PnmrflH March t" - Gavin Hamilton M tiocf of a young hero with Roos . . ell'a Rourh Riwfc SCOUTING OK THE PLAIKS By "Buffalo Bill" WOLVBS yi.DISCIPLIia By Hxnry W. FiscMsa A DANDT AT HIS BEST ByJuixiNJULFH s A WAR JaUwBalph ALASKAN FISHERMAN r. '- By H. J. J Eo ART OF FLY-FISHING By B. C. Ksarr TREE-TOP CLUB-HOUSES ByDAir Ba tub Eorroirs STAMPS AND Molly EUietSMwcn! Address HARPER ?5 Thf IIvit ?et lazy and sluggish some time( and i hen jou hat' bil inn sues a ltd bad c m plexion. LIVER M u. .,-, 3 iwournvi o Rittr8 "livens up the liver, clears up the comp lexion and makes you well again. THE PULLIAM CASE. It is Probable that aU Prosecutionywil be Abandoned. The disposition of the Pulliam case Kk g mat tuiciesi ILL me Clty- According to a notification from U- S. District Attorney Foote, of San l-'rancispo tr rHitrlot Al-m A XT' xavnon, Pulliam is in San Franeisco awaiting the opening of the U. S. Dis trict court here next May. v On fairly reliable authority it is stat e(l that by May the prosecution of PuK Ham w in be abandoned. It is argued" that the government has nothing what ever to do with his case. The indict ment in the criminal circuit court here wiW. it is alleged, be quashed and the state will drop the case. The former bank officials and stock holders are not inclined to prosecute, and i,t is understood that Pulliam can return home without fear of imprison ment. WATER STREET BLOCKED Part of Wall of Old Warehouse Falls and Street is Considered Dangerous- J-ID8 danHeTkms old ruin on Water suneet, meaicioned to Suniday'al Gazette will be torn dJovuni dial the rest, few days iif 'the ow.iiieir is nolt heard1 from. rrn - 1 Ane aangetr of its 'ifailling in had not been exaggerated. Sunday, a huge piece of the wfall, wieiakened by the heavy rain, fell outward andi crashed! to the ground. Forturlaltieily no an was passing we ikia cime, or a ratajitty would have re suiteo. The building' commlibtea of the bWard of aldermen and Building Inspector 6. R. Jairrect visited the old warehouse. In Many other piints of the wlall, fronting the street, threatens ito fall and it was deemed, adv'dsable ito close Water street ait this point. The street weis blocked., and will nemalimj so, until the owner is GJk&rd from, or the committee feela it its (Jmty to Itake aiotion. . - Tbe structune is imi tob daneertoua iltdon to be ;tonm KSowm and dynamite probably be u'sed. O fiean the Signature of 1 The Kind You Have Always Bougfe Use Quaker Cabinet and nrevent L.. Grippe. 301-6t It never sticks .to the irons 'Elastic starch. Different. Father (to youthful son) Now look here, my laddie, If you ever do that again, I'll make yoa smart for it Son You can't do it. Teacher says I was bom stupid, and no power on earth can make me smart. He says that I oome of a stupid family. Father What! I'll go and see that teacher. Jondon Fun GELMAN The only New York taJtor 5a the city. The finest line of goods in the otty all Hhe newest novelties for gentlemen's dotfe- in? Th mniv tore in the cfty that makes clothing to order exclusively. Save your money aad your clothing to have them cleaned, pressed and repaired. All work guaranteed. GELMAN, the Tailor, Cor. Hay wooa and College Sts. to Fiction Travel, and Sport, and will be the 1 a. .0,. " i want si 'By KIKK MUNROE . , By MOLLY ELLIOT SEA WELL it a .tory of the time of King k reuci v' SOME SHORT STORIE3 AN EXCHANGE OF MIPS By OKORGK C. uu i-THE GUNSHOT MINE By Charlis F. Lcmmis THE . KING'S TREASORE-SHIP By HioutAiJ Gouxa STORIES OP THE WAR -- --- - v Thoa .tone, are founded o. fact, and in many case, are tbe actual expert. . ' ence of tbe authors. , ths nssenx OF REDWAY CR0IS1K0 WITH DEWBT A SCARED FIGHTER . LZI2I KW T HmnlKSOI . By COLGATE ,"" UUKKKSrOHDSJIX avwAa, . - .aMaH WITH CATRON AT Et CAKlt ' x By FiXTC&n C JUmsoum . j . t cc nisi cDnDT iNnTDAVEL kwrmr. WAYFARERS ' , By CrmcsC Adams "TWO-FOOTED FIGURE-SEATING -J By W. G. VAH T.fiUTTUMM BICYCLE POLO , By A. H. GODTUT tabib; rf-hlJtB CAMERA CLUB ,V ' '-n .nl DUC AltfTft OI1T.TL3B3 X V. I rAMPS AND wuw rnwuw 1,)'Zt71 -r i jrTeattentkweaAinimib in the ROUND TAB Lit ., . j rvrnijiO. Fsousne, new K s 4 Lb ifiV. 1SC EXJULNKO U8. WANTED. Roll top desk. Address, P. M.. box 113. RIDING LESSONS Mrs. R. FL Dixon uu Stevenson are prepared to give lessons in riding, to ladaes, geotle- raen ajw cnndren. Safe and rcJlal e horses and ponies, that trott, walk and ianter. Terms ieasonablo. leaping iwons. tr. kj. iiox 104, Asheville, N. C. WANTED Two people to occupy front room, with bay window, new furniture. new oeaamg. House centraiiv locnited. fifty yards from Montford avenue and car line. Eight minutes walk trom court square. Terms, for room and board, $7.50 per week, for two. Also a back room, witih everything new lernis $6.25 per week, for two. Apply 17 Hill street. 302 26t miss NORA WARE Pianist and teacher in stringed Instruments, 12 vance street. SOUVENIRS Ana ail kinds of fancy paintings made to order. Pupils in crayon drawing and oil solicited. Miss Minnie T. Deaver, 25 Pine street, Asheville. tt HObKiil ttitOTjlt crjcy surveyor and engineer, office Daily Gazette; resi dence, 55 Victoria avenue. BOARD IN ASHKYIULH. BOARDING Private yaiUy near square; terms reasonable. Mrs. L. V. Cole, 69 Spruce stre-t. 140-tf WONKY TO LOAN. TO LOAN On improved city properti $500 to $800. Address with description of property box 200 postoffice. SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED Position as stationary en gineer or fireman; six years expe rience; best of references. Address P. M., Gazette , office. WANTED. Lady stenographer and typewriter, owning own machine. Ap ply at office Swannanoa hotel WANTED. Canvassers for household specialty; apply after 10 a, m., room 36 Palmetto building. 310-3 WANTED A White g&rl, ten or twelve years old, to attend a young baby, and make herself generally useful around the .house. Address H. C. care of the Gazette office. FOR RENT "Large brick dwelling wtitth about eiglM res of Band, No. 101 Pine sfeneet, next to Winy ah samii'Sarium. Also frame i':ore. fformieriy used as grocery, om Woodfin1 street, near Oen tral avenue H. F. Gr&nt, 24 South Maim street. 313 6t FURNISHED Front room for rent. With or without board. 49 Church street 310-3t FOR RENT Nicely (furnished room. Beautiful location on Haywood street. No tuberculosis patiemits need apply. Address P. O. Box 381. 309-6t FOR RENT One large busTmiess room second floor, on patltan avenue, near Court square. Reasonable rent. Ad dress, H. Gazette, 309-&t FOR RENT At Trr-nv Is t, a x room fcwU ur aitid completely fur-. Blataec. Bach room, cellar, hot and cold waer. Rent $20 per month. Ap ply, Lock box 106, Tryon, N. C. 305-61 FOR RENT Newly, cleaned and kalso miaed, seven -roomed cottage No. 11 Montford avenue. Apply o Miss Hawthorne. 208 Pattern, avenue. 8056 1 FOR RENT One large store room un der Afittiefvllle hotel Apply to A. D. Cooper. 292-lm FOR RENT At the" low rate of $12 per month; .residence, on Blanton street; 8 rooms:. large lot E. Coffin, corner Haywood and West College streets. 281-tf FOR RENT Newly papered. Bine-room Save Money on Printing. If yon are interested in the above, the following rea sons will explain how you can do it. 1. We are printers, and by doing our own work we save our patrons the ex pense of nayine: extra i or printers' wages and middlemen's profits, . 2. We have no exorbitant first-floor rents topaym expehsixe motor bills to meet when the first of the month rolls arounQranu-our customers .reap xne Dene- ; 01 oursaymg.. .. 5 niVr rirAssps-arfi IS NEW AND PRETTY, AND GUR WORK MANSHIP, LIKE 0UR PRICES, IS STRICT LY UP-TU-DAlii. t M 1 We cmUthograTe your stationer well as print if. and at a very little more cost. VVe Imve Morind 7e will close out at cost. Call on v -; Ifil House. Cor. Pation Ave. and Court Place. v E, W. AcADAA. MANAGER : bbuf, wfth ctabSe, on Penland street , ASm several offices on exnd floor , of Gazette buftfinr. Mrs. C r. aivV corner of College and Vance tncn.- 272-lm FOR RENT Front room, first floor inrnisnea or unfurnlsh ed. S8 PenHr land street. l'SH SALJC FOR SALVE A horse 5 year old. sonM and gentla Good suddler, and a fine carriage horee. Bargain. Apply at 241 Haywood ctreet. 313 3t FOR SALE. Fine! German zither perfectly attuned. Address, P. M., box 113. FOR SALE. A' saddle' and drivlne aorse; in first class condition and wi afraid of street cars; any lady can drive without danger. Address1 P. O. box 404 Biltmore. 3123 FOR SALE Quaker Bath Cabinet, for Turkish and Russian baths, to be tak en to your room. Price $5. The lat est and best. A boon ito mankind, for full partkculairs and examination of cabinet, address Miss Suttton, 243 Hay wood street. 282-3m NORTH CAROLINA CORUNDUM CHARLES N. JENKS, MINING EN GINEER. (Member American Institute of Mining Engineers.) Specialty Corundum and Emery. I would call the attention of all par ties contemplating investment in cor undum properties, or to owners of oorun dum mines, to the fact that. I have had a longer experience as a practical miner in thia field, also in the corundum and ?mery grain and wheel trade, than any living engineer. That I have unequaled facilities for analyzing and testing corundum and emery, having special arrangements for cooperation with the most eminent living authorities and with the leading corun dum and emery wheel and grain manu facturers. I am prepared to inspect and report upon corundum and emery properties and products; also to render expert ser vice as a consulting engineer. Terms moderate. I refer by permission 0 Gilbert Hart, proprietor Detroit Emery wheel company, Detroit, Mich. The HamBden Emery and Corundum company, Chester, Mass. Charles L. Allen, secretary Norton Em ory Wheel company. Worcester. Mass. Professor J. A. Holmes, North Caro Una state geologist, Chapel Hill, N. C. Dr. David T. Day, chief United States geological survey, Washington, D. C. Professor William E. Chandler, Ooium bia School of Mines, New York city. Thomas A. Edteon, Menlo Park, or ange, N. J., and cithers. European references if desired. Address 115 Chestnut street, Asheville, N. C, or 120 Broadway, New York city. I&voritfe Kemedy cures all kidney; Stomach f 'AND LIYtK TROUOLU- BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE The best salve In tbe world for cuts. bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptflons, ana pos itively cures piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed ito give perfect satis faction or monev refunded. Price Z5 cetaSs per box, For sale by T. C, Srnftn, W. C. Garmfichael and PeUsam's phar macy. Elastic starfch keeps linen from blister ing. NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of W. M. Lomdnac, deceased, all creditors of said estate are notified to present (to me lor payment, their claims against the same within one year from this date, or this notiice will -be plead is bar of their recovery. , January 10 1899. JOHN M. LOMINAC, 308-6w Administrator. Goes twice as far as any other Elas tic starch. C ASTO R I A Por Infants and Children. Tha Kind You Hare Always Bought Bears the Signature of ..; ..... thft Cnandler & Price H-oim mm tvpf. - t i ( - ! -t w f ! - 5 1; 1 1 n iff .1 A . r r k . it - 4 Mi il 1 . 9 1.1 J i 1 1! f- 1 j 1 , t,!. f y 4ji ; i 1 -II 7"

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