it it it i - - , . S . .7 :. . THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE, . FEBRUARY 1899 1 ---ix-- : - r - At GAZETTE; : . ; ASHEVILLE. J. C , I? aUishcd very3Iornmg Except Mondays X THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE PUB LISHING COMPANY. J AMISS K. NOBTON. eri-ient. aOBBCBIPTION BATES: ' Dally,, Eleven Weeks Dally, One Month rwnv One Week Waekly Gazette One Tear 1 00 40 15 1 00 Bugle Hotes i'HATKKAOH People of Asheville ARE THE Little' Want Advertisements IN THE If you are in need of desirable rooms or board, or have a house or rooms to rent, or want boarders, or have money to loan, or property ito sell or exchange, or want a servant, or a situation, or have lost your pocketbook, the PeoDle's Col umn of the Gazette is the plaice to make your need known. 'iff1 Save Xohr Money. One box of Tutt's Pills will save nanyi dollars in : doctors' bills "hey willsurely cure all diseases of the stomach, liver or bowels. No Reckless Assertion For sick headache, dyspepsia, malaria, constipation arM bilio usness, amillidn people endorse TUTT'S Liver PILLS failing to get the news until the-next day. Sunday's Knoxville Journal, At lanta' Constitution, Augusta Chronicle, Richmond ' Times j and Chattanoogi Times were among the papers that made no mention of the fighting at Manila in their Sunday Issues. They were left "on the most important newa since the closing of hostilities between the United States and Spain. The read ers of the Gazette had the news twenty-four hours before the readers of these papers. anything better than this? One hundred dollars' worth of Glide's Peptomangan. Latest arri val. WE cub the price to 86 cents per bottle, three bottles for 81 cents per bottle. Also One hundred dollar lot of Paine's Celery Compound just in. WE cut the price to 74 cents per bottle, three bottles for 72 cents each. Don't forget it! We are the people who do the cut rate drug business In Asheville. Open every Sunday except during church hours. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY. ' FELHAM'S PHARMACY, . 24 Patton Avenue, The Cut Rate Drug Store Call for Price List. The Interest in the Nicaragua canal scheme makes it worth while to recall the exact nature of the scheme. In the republic of Nicaragua, which holds the broader part of the isthmue between the Atlantic and Pacific, lies Lake Nic aragua, a sheet of water 90 miles long and some 40 miles broad. The lake is 110 feet above sea level and 12 miles from the Pacific and about 60 miles from the Atlantic. From the lake the river San Juan runs into the Atlantic. Across this river, about half way up, a dam is to be made, which wi'll render it navigable to the lake; while from the dam to the Atlantic coast a canal, with two locks will be dug. Another canal, Mrs: 1 J'. 'Bl, Strong, of ' Minneapolis, fcrr'ivedl in th6 city Sunday. p B. L Powell and C. -M.- vooper nave returned to rheir-home n iena-Eoa. i J.- A. Diakin was in from Knoxville, yesberday morning. , James M. Moody, of. Waynesvail. v,as in tt city over Sunday. ; RirfJmrd P. Ajnrinsim arrived:. In the. city from Greensboro yesterday. Rev. and Mrs. Bniamiai.H!aa"tly and cuughter, of CemveT, Col.,, arrived in .iowu yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Harkins vis 'Lt3d hi? pairaDfts (at Acton Sun-day. A.-iB. I, of New York; and P. w. Leach, cf Chirago-, who have ben via i'ding their Tatnr at the Berkeley, re turned to ihiSxs honrss yesterday. . ' ' ' District Attorney A. E. Helton came into town from Winisfcon Sund'ay. Mr. and Mrs. H. II?. Devendr-f and dau.!hi)r, Miss G;(ace, tof Waiihing-con, are registered at HcrteH Eerkeley. SxS Harry Hell Suttle returned to his horns in Knoxvnie yes::ena'ay. C. G. Logta was in from Waynesville over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Blumeabur- of Klalialmazoo, Mich., are Mr. ead Mire. .Solomen, on Gr'ove street. Mr. and Mrs.' Blum'ceburg are on their way to Cuba. , . Alexardfr Webb went to Raleigh Sun day on busllmie'ss. : Mrs. F. P. KaigM. of Mar;:he3ter, Mas-'., -''s tVe guest of Mr. 'arid Mrs. H. S. Habtoell, on Haywood street. sxj Jolin A. Weaver left for Rome, Ga'. yesterday mcrning. kihi I havd a tifw and'pfetty line of E VA Ba i Tel. 366 nb iF -v v-v ! -- x iy FflEE PHOTOGRAPH Of . vourself 1 or family group. Given with every $10 wbrth of groceries bougtiit ofime. You cant buy ; In' such. amounts asyou wish, receiving a tick et credi'timg: you with- your purcblase. When the sum is $10 you receive a pho tograph 51-2x8 inches. J. W. Harrison, We, have received a 65 North Main St., large line of the justly lomniic you must ridge s 18 South Main Sv :; Aslieville N. Cl Late of San Antonio, Jexaajt CARRIAGES AND J'JStop and considithese two thirgs: one is a good WatcEf GO-CARTS. the other a Eing. Tb'eir Perambulators are without a coubt unexcelled for durability We Carry an extra large line and beautv. Prices are no higher ... , A , . than asked for many inferior of btb, and take .pleasure in showing them to everyone. B. II. COSBY, The Reliable Jeweler, 37 Patton ATENrs makes. Furniture; Carpets, &c. 0 16 PATTON AVENUE. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bower ive a -KvKxS$$gK$ eociaDie :o 'a -numoer 01 yuuug people "Wprhnip'sw'ii'v AVieninar comDll'mentarv ,rn with six ilocks, will run from the Hake Mifes B'lker, of Asheville, who is visiting to the Pacific. There will thus be rs- wer.-i.Qoir iwo. about b4 1-2 miles or iree navigation in jUdee Fred Moore. wh!o has finished the San Juan river, 56 1-2 miles of free hcMiing court in Prank'l'm, is on1 his way j vation on the At'lantie side, and 11 1-4 utjisn the tar lamd the people. Winston miles on the Pacific, and there will also cdrrespeadeat Charl-itoe Observer. i xv-' be 3-4 mile of locks, making an atl an Hcitol Berkeley 'arrivals: W. A. Pearc inland waterwav of 128 miles. and C. E. Sanders,, Jr., Raleigh; G. B. (jrrcslmm, maa!a.narciirs; w . i. jones, xne i,iti;. ui. iuC mauiBuu v"i"y. York; W. R. Guion, Boston; W of them armed, by the way, with guns Stovall. Atlanta: W. B. Lowe, Fort w. v,, frni0h thom r tin Snan. WVnfr; Wlilli'ami Mitchell, Baltimcre; iards with) shows conclusively what 99ty North Carolina; Harry HUll Puttie, and whom' this country has to deal with KnlaxvMle, J. H. Brown, Richmond; Mr. and Nvps. J. . tsartiect, uoscon u. j. !The bill introduced in the state house of representatives by Mr. Gmig, and which was prepared by Jjjfge George A. Shuford, of Asheville, doing away with, the kissing of the bible In taking oaiths in court ds a measure pointing .strongly in the direction of sanitary re form. The arguments in favor of it are close at hand, but one that illustrated thor strongest of these nas found its way into print in New York, and has been instrumental in bringing about the re form in one court in that city, but to a somewhat less degree than the Shuford billiseeks to establish dn this state The. New York Sun of Saturday refers to the caee there as follows: The paahetic sltory told by MtagistraJ.e -txKie ox tne young woman who died fnonef i& disease contTtateted by kissing the theflbible in one of the; police courts wtfere he was sitting has le'sulted in a re form lin) the court of special sessions. At ttue suggesrtiion of Assifetantt District At , tfT O'Reilly, Cleirk Puller ordered the pua?clliaBe ktf a new bible wiith celluloid oewsema, guaraniteedi toi wash without shrtiaiking or tearing, amd yesterday the tSnfe-worn, and germ laden old blitle was discarded and the new one replaced it -iThe jAJdiiceman at the witness sitand there. h'asi been given! a sponge, with "Which! it will be (his diuity carefully to wipe away the invisible gerrms after each witness has kissed, the bible. As a further prtoautiion! the scrubwoman has received instructions to wash tbhe coviers with ihot water and diluted tarbolic acid , ajter each iadjjoxurinmenc of the court Tbis is a makeshift remedy for the evil, which according to our thinking does not fully meet the requirements ne, case. xne policeman and the scru&woman are more than likely to be careless custodians of the health and liveaf the witnesses in the court. 2CivO-' : . Therazett has had occasion fr quently to call attention to the excel lence of its telegraph service, which fQDi Ga2ette rpugrh" the Laf fanNews Bureau, the news department ofjtlke grew York Sun. - On Sunday the Gazette published the news of the in sTgeiST' attack on Manila, .This was astra-jht and Important "scoop'; or - .the-dafaette and the other Laff an News - Bureau papers, the Associated Press in the Philippines. It may be a eavage sentiment, but it is a natural one, that Magill, Knoxville. ?x To insure a happy new year, Iceep the Dress Goods Tor Early Spring, And mighty good values they seem. White Goods, Laces, Embroideries, Housekeeping Drygoods, Butterick Patterns. Superb styles iu Fine Clothing to ar rive about March 1st. The advance guard already received, but not the whole assortment. H . REDWOOD & CO., ' 7 & 9 PattoE Avenue. there is a somewhat general satisfaction andthJ bygtorous b t ' tnat as a result of their rash assault usin DeWitt's LMtle Early Risers, the ere are now some 4,000 less of the f anions lifcrle pills for constipation and 1- J. . J! It ... 1 ,-..v.. 1 X any civilized nation. The warm recep- j It never atlcSs to the tion given to the Filipino horde, when barcjfcu u5Ul w auxyxisc uui auiviieKs R makeg yQUT husband happy ElM- another evidence nat the interests of tio starch. the United States have been and are ably cared for and defended there. We admire the cool bravery of Dewey and his men and of Otis and hiis men, how ever much we may question the justice or advisability of our forcible occupa tion of that far-off country. The burning question still, with some. is, ' where can we get the exact goods we want fr the least money? Now, if you can't fully believe your? friends (for you all have friends trading with us) try us next moot h and we will answer your question. Kespectfully. H. C. Johnson Co., 36-38 North Main St. PHONE 188. AshevSlle has an illustrated maga zine at last that is truly local in char acter and that rivals-in artistic excel lence the best that has been produced anywhere. The second number of Mr. McQuilken's Pictures and Pencilllngs I appeared yesterday with many beauti ful half tone illustrations of Asheville scenery. Our readers that fail to see it will miss a treat. Bon Bons 4 Asheville Telephone Co. . (INDEPENDENT ) ' Endorsed by Asheville Board of Trade Rates for Business Phones I Rates for Residence Phones $24 Per Year. $16 Per Year. OVER 400 PHONES UNDER CONTRACT. Temporary Office, Barnard Building. W. S. PROCTOR, Supt. AND FOE- ChOOOliLtttS. lglsfca Brewing Go's A contemporary tells of a dead editor at whose funeral ,677 delinquent sub scrabers marched by and viewed the remains. Of that number 676 muttered sadly: and good anything." FRESH, PORE, DELICIOUS ! He was an industrious bright SOLD Hi SEALED PACKAGES ONLY man, but he couldn't nave - AT 4 BEER m Thte following deeds have been filed in register of Deeds Mackey'e office: isenjama'n KagskJaile and; wife Ho Wil liam Wells, property in Ashevtillie (town snip, S80. A. PJankin a'nd'wife ho Mary Evelvn Bamks, property west side North Main street, 5981. Lewlis Watters land wiife ito John K. Brank, proier!ty in Asheville 'tbwnshi-v, -ttdDert Green woicid and wife ito Mrs. Elizabeth Cnarloitrtie McDowell, piroperty meair urarage street, ?300. Heston s LARGER QUARTEftS wAre what a larger patron age demands, s J ramies, Ervans land wife ito G.-Q: Muse TU A T'C 1111 V eek. $152 ' I I H I autd wife, 10 acres on Dick's creek. $152. F. P. Ing.l and wfffe ito George Uluee, u acres tm Leicester 'towmlship. $500 B. J. Armstrong' land wife to Willis bmama, property on Waitson. street. $300 . J. W. Poster and wife Vo G. U. Muse, iroperity on JSTewfoundl creek, $70, Second hand furniture taken as par payment on new furniture at Mrs. Ij. A jonnson s, Z7 JNorth Main street. , 303-3 I have moved frpm No. io to No 5 Patton Ave. If you want fashionable tailoring done, call on r Hi PETR1E, 5 Patton Ave. Pood does more harm than' good When Over Bed wood's Store. - not aigested. Kodoi Dyertensia Cure di- gests what you' eat. . It Drevenlts: wastr ing diseases and cures etoroach troubtaO it cures andigesitioai. sour stomach wnd1 belcMng, and allows a wornoxit tomach rest.-. it acts Instantly.1' Paragon phar macy. . r DeWitt's Little Eirly Risers, ,. ii -imoas,Ilttle pills. i " PARKER'S i HAIR BALSAM ' CImbum nd beaatifie the haJr. miy Promote . luxuriant growth. .,.;vssl.J Never Fails to Bestore Gray iWPfrjEEEf Hlr to its TonthXal Oolor7 tysAg-fsl Cure calp iseaaea ft hair iailint fiwgTH "V gOc, and $ 1.00 at Prqggirts .A t E3ZZES 7 XCTJS1 flnd sood'' stock hlanketa.conxCorter's and 'white 4etf spreads; tow J 5tolvv!P4.i "nens, curtains and. curtain goods, -i sheets koid 'sheeltinff. billow .& sea as low as the lowest quaKty considered. Pinvline 4 ' ELECTRO SILICON Shiiies Silverware rismgly and casings, at prices ' - r - . -S f r est quaKty on'sidered. . FineMine of reweznbrokleries,' torchon laces and "Vai laces.' New white goods Jdst to hand and jrnorejejectedduriiglthe.w j. The few, rerrmantts lewall be closed at rem- Without Scratching s Sample sent if you say so. - It's umlike.all others. -- i Box, postpaid. In atampa.SHKDIi "tSQBiJ ELfltlBCBIHIIBi; t fc'-Si .MainStreetH'TrTSSw;:;. THE FAVORITE BEER OF ASHEVILLE.! Orders will be filled for Bottle Beer if jleft at or phoned to Halyburton & Co., Frank O'DonneH, C B. Mclntyre, Pat. Carr, Swannanoa Hotel Co., and Pat. Mclntvre, Art. Aufisfarevnhk Co. i A- THE f3 IS THE WAR OVER? We wouldn't think so. with Miles and EJagan (throwing beef at each other. There is never any question about whefther our meats are high grade or niot. We handle nothing but the best fed, primest and faittesit beef, lamb, mut- tojL, maims atnd balconi, ito be procured, and we pride ourselves upon being ex pert judges "of what 4s the best. We wiH sell yon a. fine roast, steak, chop or sausage at a reasonable price. Zimmermann & Whitehead, City Market Phone 4 HAULING Transfer and storage, piano ear e moving. Furniture tor ehlpment. Storage 39 Col lege street. Office 23 PattotF avenue. 'Phone 141. is a Piano Attachment. It will fit airy piano without any s changd in the piano. It villi play the most difficult music. Come arid see it between 1 1 and i t and 3 and 5. c. 1 M aiii St. YOTJT DOI'T JEA1? GOOD CANBY LTnlesa you Buy it at the Asheville 6y VP Mi tclMi Fine Confections -28 Patton AvenuQ ., . I - V. 1 5 Luscious Fruits J DELICIOUS OYSTERS I Come unto me, all ye that are hungry, and I will guarantee to fur nish the bestimealsiinmy ?0SlViU?4iVr:that-xan be obtained .in &; Co. THE CHEAPEST Af 4 5 For Sale Through ALL COAIi : DEALEBS ' , AND . ALli GROCEEY STOBES ihich' have a? 'Phone T 1 I t 1 c Jfr "t15! 5 4 j - i I f 1

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