h "if i . .. Vol. -4; No. 8. I ; Price 5 Cents; .1 I V A Genuine Frenchn5 Kid Glove 0eriIOAr. day and Tuesday QnljK hare closed out':a spleadidlineof fcse Goods from a large importer whose Good, are known alVover.ttie country, and in buying tlrs quality we are on the inside, astopracef, - ' vn1r int that in;s is - he had at the price, and will save 50c to each cus- f tomer who purchases onthese two days. 4 i,oo is what jwill; buy a pair of Genuine French $1,50 Kid Gloves in Black or Colors. Be Quick; OESTREICHERi 0., X-ast of the season. Price irom thirty-five to fifty cents per doz en. G.A. Wholesale and retail deal- Cr in Fancy, IJOnieS tlC anu Imported Groceries, 53 Patton Ave, 48 West College. '- Dou Yoii .Need! an IRON TONIC? I Ifso use l-- :-C.ir T.:.4A.-.j - GUDE'S W; ; h PEPTOMA NGAN. Price is reduced to : HEHIITSH & REAGAllr .:A Druggists, z?:H":: ; Cliurch St. and Patton Ave. , a hurry for Drugs phone 132. Florida Oranges GREER SJ ZK 0 " I'M nQWJ UlL ' t --. Lrommittee g Reoort Wilsons Should be 3 ? HojiseTlayjDppose Vindi- -cation :fof ,S. Otho. White's; Resolution Df Im- " . peachmenl tf Judge - Brown Expunged f ; ; Valiaation of Madison fCoiuity Bonds iscussed in Committee-Scot-..:s land County Bill. Special to the Gazette. 'Raleigh, Feb. W.-nator . Osborne today irbtted ito the joint eesslion 'of the senate and (house the Teport of he joint committee on thennaitter of the removal of Major J. :W-rd Wilson ,, and, S. Otho Wdlsoa. The report states thai I'the committee ddd not sit tnT review of the case but to consider whether some of the rUxoad comiDSxm were " dis QuaMfied, "The committee, ftods at: a" morttgage: of $6,000 by Major .Wdtgon to Colonel Andrews did not diaauaillf y tfiio- nTsaior, a Andrews was amply pro-. teoted by the mortgage collateral, and it waa not tn Violation of the railway coramtesSoni act, as it doeo not put Ma, jor-WHson fin the power of Andrews', who. is vice, president of the-" Southern, nor is the ownership of the Round Knob hotel a disquaMcaittoni. ; ; Jibe report Ands that Major" WiWon's family 'did not ifide on free' jpasses; -rSr 3 . 1 a 1 -me I. did h& deadhead, express or telegraph. The report exonerates S. Otaro Witooh kalso; It finds that the leasing : of the Round Knob was not a disqualifydng interest.- It recommends that the Wil sons be reinstated (and paid back eal aryT Senator Justice moved the adop tion of the resolution. Senator "Ward ' -J 4fiuk rvrnjH rrf KAO unites inf the. r-erWrt. . X TMs was carried. i There may be opposition in the hour's. to a vindication of S. Otho "Wilsori. Senator Justice Introduced a bill abolishing the office of treasurer of Henderson county"$5 take effect in 1900. " : Bills passed to create additional com missSonera for Washington land Pam!!-" 00 counties; to (incorporate the North Carolina Society of Cincinnati; for the relief otf tlhia treasurer, of Henderson4 county i to require the supreme court to .decide all sasslsnments of error; to AlApt JirertoTs of the deaf tmd 'duimb school at" Morgantoni ' tomiorrow;. to ln- yoo.rnora.ta the Nortih Cahloaiina' airsd oPtnern railway; to exchange supreme ! court reports wth Hawaii. The bill to amend section 690 of the code relative to testJimony: against dead persons in law suits was tabled. In tlie house White, of Davfie, asked that 'hifei resolution of Impeachment (Confflnued om fiflthage.) FOIL THE PEOiPLEV OF ASREVICLE. - - , - V . I have made up. my mind to go. to Porto Rico. I will elose suit my snttre scock at zi - pencems. tees tetany cost. Clothiaug, 'genltJH furnishing" goods, hats fljftd underwear, merchant tailor's cloth and; cloth, for-ladles tailor made suits, also' stone 8cture)ii.,-r Entire stock must go . - jLW. GLASER, . j- - S4 South Main street, . Ashevllle ? El OPPORTUNITY flCSTABLISHED 1888: 5TNIU1 1 A Bpeclal Private eatmexit of Lung i .7, -KABL von KUCK, BATBS, $22:50 per week and upward, according to the room selected, " includes everythlBg : f 'xcepting.-medlclnea, which - are supplied at- cost; .A :, certate-number ofcoms ; are reaexved at a lower rata for patients whose ; (financial dreumsta nces require it wad to such i the medicines are also ' in Z oludecU' PaUents can; eater- and leave iat any time. : Advanced" cases- apt -5" mot to nnnoK INSURGENT OQs CoHa in the Regiments; : ; Rebelalllslng near; X T Manila, T-hnTsda-" Veb. Z ltAln ac cordanoe -wlti the' .- poiicy'.' General Otaa iwt to, "extend hi lln! atotMan ila any further at presentfthe Croat Bl- rea3yf being ? nearly - 4weotyfiveinile long, portkma ' .f -ibe'- Calil5orna "and Waslhingtoii regiments f and Haw tborne'a mountain battery,' whlchwere about ; to mafce ccmeentrated ack on the. insurgents 4ie30W Pateros, were withdrawn vesterdav afternoon their former ; posttions along the; liver. A thousand or twelve hundred rebefaq ar reported to be massing' In that' yl- r.in.lttv. Some :arrt oomln-e - fronk v the north. .,. " : . " . . Lieutenant Harting, of -."the South Takota infantry, waa . drowned while attempting to land ai gun from the gu?l boat Ijaguna.de fioy. iFRUlT "STEAttSHlP -BflES ASHORE Accident " in BnzzaTd's Bay Passeri- . glrs and all but One of r. Crew'Sayed ; Bostaa, Mas& Feb; . 16. The Boston Fruit companya steamer Admiral Dew ey went atnowr at the entrance to Bui jard'f ; bay bffrr mwrang, and this ev- entng it was jrepoiAed that there wa po hope of getting her. off. The passeng ers were saved las fmre fdt jqt erTf excepts pe au&rtennaer(rw3:Kwas swept: overboard mt.fliywiielty CRUISER CHICAGO Is now:at Hew .Orleans JTarrofr OEs eaxia ' of-tli Sterlinsr. - .Wadhingloiiu 15-Ct CSoope.1"11 Utfcthe pendlngbill de - navy ;departaient totey -that lilat ship: had arrived. ; safely4 at ; New CWgans. i Considerable umaasiness had been felt . - . : - . . , .- - i - for the ship owing to the'torm. The colHer-'eterMm? tiad a' very nar row escape, drifting "heiplesBiy.Sn pela hair SiTit fitutjllv Arrived s Dela- wane Breakwater with a toie to fcer bOW: ANOTHER STORP IN MISSISSIPPI Business a; a Standstill ill Jackson and Much Suffering. Jacksoni Mlss, Feb. 15. This aectSon was visited i toy janoUier enowstorm to day, followed by a heavy rafn. The coal famine continues and there is much suffering among the poor. Business is practically ; dead. FLORIDA QRA1IGE CROP SAVED Jacksonvane, Fla., Feb. 15. CSonflict jiijg reports ai-e received cerh9ng the Effect of the storm on crops. The veg etafele crop lis practically desroyed, but much of r the orange arop lias been saved. Pineapples. and7 ottoei? tender fruit have' been badly injured. CURES COLDS AND HA GRIPPE. Grant's No. 24 curea. colda and 1 grippe. Stops the aching. Money ba if it fails.: PriQe 25 cents, prant's pbar macy. .. ' .v rvrt nrmm a rroTTi in ONE DAT Take tftxative Bromlo Quinine Tablet" AJ1 druggists refund the money If It faJs to cure. - 25 cents. The gesttisie nas L B. Q. on each tablet. - u s-Xt makes" your husband happy Elas tic -starch. ' ;. " ; " A new let of bed room suits and side beards just in at: Mrs. Ia A.' Johne -a ; 27"Nonth Main street Call aad seo f cm : 5 3 "'Money ;saved Is ""money m'ads. and you in save, nxorney by going to Mrs. L. A. Johnson's, 27 Nonth Maim efcreet, f or ycr furntture. ' .-Z - s 53 Institution for the and Throat Diaeaaes. U. D. Medical Director. III m m ; Lffl . fiSHE Abanddhrrient of Nic- ? araguaEnt By US.? House Refusea to r Attach Sundry : CirttBiU, , AfterSharp i Fight ?by Advo cates of ; Government ; ? - - - Ownership; BespondentViewof the Sitaa'ion by Friends of the Canal !oject-A 1 Uuestion of EyDedienpy. , ??fl r nwn-lSJSlr tions ttuaii.l: Nicaragua caad project in the r house are WeH uiw3e(i, the actdon of that body today Itt'Cominlttee of ie whole by. re fusing, y a vols of 152 to 118 to addthe Hep- leans, and to serve only on the ilsaods fetrrn bill as an amendment to the iun- on which they are enJi3Led dry civil b&l meane, the abandonment - It fis said tMs afiternoon vthat the pres pf?the enrtse by:tljrtedjsfs;j ident would willingly assuhw lhe' The vote by-Aeremrfeyea retspbiUty if congress wouldpw n agaimst the project resuOtJng .127 to 109. This conclusion -was reach-ad after a e royal betwOen the ieaduig advo- oates of the measure and those opposed to te being a rider on. the appropriation bill. There waajiD apparent division of sentiment aa to the deMrblZtta J canal, and neaily aM favored, govetn ment ownership and jcontrcrf. The only division was as. to .the expsdJencv of fSfwmg appeals" of ' lidckecy fsourv'and lioody, of Massachusetts,, tor the 4egrityt.b.:tliie:rules doakeWludJ'Mayfield'&mendmi)it.'r' ' muchdo $n-t casion.:;j v..;. v . . ' Batley leader of the democrats, did not ; clearly " define his attitude toward tne stated fiU preference for weppurivs proposiuonr over Morgan s He expressed an opinfton that the houee I be compelled io consider , one of the two, and he advised that an.opportunl- j whether or not the dispensary shaH be ty be of forded to take it. out on the removed and thus secure prohiblrtion'. Hepburn' bill. Fleming, of Georgia; an- J To the Archer bill Mr. Mayfield had t agonized the pending proposition as x6ff ered an amendment by ; which the obnoxious under the ruJea, while Ores- people of a county should, vote tor high venor, of OfoSo, insisted that failure to (license, ddspenisary or prohibition. The act on the proposition meant the aban- ordering of the electton was to be in donment of the enterprise by the United the saimiei manner as proposed by the States. . Archer Mil. M'vH DBCPCnEMT IIP2IFI I The Hendersonvtflle substitute bill, Washington, Feb. 15.-he senate f ehDjAy prtovided spent oonsiderablle time " djscus- a reerence of whole tter to the sing whether It would be a bad prece- of the state at aarge to be voted dent to altow a bill to pass without be- ln a &eneral elecfon to bo held ing read in full. Carter had reported to JuTy the three gueaaons of li the house a biM establishing a criminal , dispensary or prohibition, coae. torais was very long. Hoar suggested reading in full be dispensed wcn. o muui jectSon" was raised, however, that the attempt to consider the mil was doned. A biH was passsd diireoting thajt a trritfi tds.l-hH filven to Helen Gould, ' and McEnery explained that his resolu ' tlon passed; yesterday was not 4n the I interest of the sugar planters of Louisi- j ana- Rare Satisfaction Is getting your goods msn. Thitfyou can easily enjoy ; by buying your beealth foods lrl from us. t ; " " n:tar2um Frait Crackers; Granose Make Wtebacks, Caramel CereaL Alliresh fronx the manufactararsat t t Siildefs BADOUTLO0I FOR AliLlY BILL i .. Its Defeat Likelyin Senate: Compromiae Ueasure r ; Likely; : : ; vWablngtact Peb. 15.-The Hull army reorganization -bill wU rbe - reported to the senate .toniorrow without recom- roenda&ion. ltd defeat . in that body i pracccaajy assureo. a. suDsmnte or amendment, which, will be off ered by the democrats, -will be agreed to, tr tihere will be mo reorgan1atiott Jegiaia- tion at this season. It is Mao believed that the adinlnfetration will accept Che compromise, and that thereby an, extra session win be avoided. ' The committee on military i affairs stands six republicans .to 'fiver demo- ,- - - crate, but. Proctor, who Is absent, im Struc t ed Cockrell to see he was paired against Jt. . This was an unpleasant surprise to the republicans and ; the b!I3 wild be reported without jrecommjefjj. ' tockrell'a .amendment, Is a shrewdly w.-f jPsJdent the reeponsthty for the In- gives" tiiufi authority to mfotain an army atthrtnt basis of 6200 and permilaiim to etKl fur- t mer increU?e it up 6 iOfj.000 by -tho m- ! Iktment of stives, offlcewd by Amer- upon Mm. UQUOB QUEST10II Hi SOUTH CAROLINA Senate Besides th?,. Counties may Tote fox ov Aga;c Dispensary Columbia, S7-C, Peb.; 15. The senate j last night, agreed to allow, .under the Archer bia,f which It passed, any coun- - ty now dpensary, , to" vote W prohlbl- bifir whitrhMpeaa very similar to" the met last night and took up tne liquor question f,or consld- eralkm these three general propositions were before it. ; The Archer. bM, nnder:whose terms ; a counxy now naving a. dispensary may, ! on presenting a petition signed by one- have an election ordered " to determine j Mayfiei amendment was . jedted ly te of 9 o 29f Hex j betutute by a vote Of 8 to it. ; the Archer bill passed its second 1 by a vate of 20 to 14, j J ' "WANTED. ( will nav cash for stock: of general mi-rvin.htfii? that will Invoice from $10, 000 to $20,000, when sufficient inducement is made Address "X" care Gazette. 315 et. You can get almost anything you wzrnt In "- .- ; .. n "; : ii d n u t s PERFUMES & TOILET ARTICLES; AT THE ' :'?-r lOpg. Pos; Office i , Phone 2G0. v 4 -5 : : ! fflllSliJflhErlWy Steam Engineering at Brook lyn Burned Qrie and a Half Million Dol lars of Property Swept Away. Valuable Models - and Pat terns of Warship Destroyed. Th?sa jncjuded the Model of the Maine Which was to have been TTsed in Construction of Hew Ship. New York, Feb. 15. Tha known as No. 28 at fc " ' DulJdtog yard, occupy; K Je vy . ' steam englneer- S Ipartmeht, was totally destroyed oy fire this evening, together with its content whaoh Included much val- aMe machinery. The loss is estimated at si.500,000. The cause of the be fire unknown-. : ' - U1VUC ana patterns or warships were destroyed, including tihose ot the Newark, Raleigh, New Or leans and Avlanta. Acoinddenoe of the fire was that the model of the battleship . Maine, which went down in Havana harbor a year ago today, was also destroyed It was especially valued at this time, as It was. to be used la the construction f the new Maine. : The 'battleship Massachusetts was in dry dock, five hundred yards - awajr from the fire but :waot Injured LOST; HEirOF THE LAVREHCE : FOUND OH AH ISLAND F3n ;ea cf uie Missing Men Saved TIi? Sieauiship's Breaking TIj. Savannah, Ga., Feb. 15. Captain Willis and thirteen missing men of the crew of the wrecked steamship Law rence were found this morning on St. Helena, island and brought to this city tMs afternoon. The Lawrence cannot be eteved las she is rapidly breaking up. NOT, AHDREE'S BODY- iStocfcholm, Feb. 15. M. Stadling, who conducted the expedition sent to Siberia- recently to search for An dree, today received a telegram stating that tha reponfe of the finding of three bodies, supposed to be those of Andree and his companions, Is now supposed to be un true. WARLIKE ACTIVITY IN FRANCE. London, Feb. 15. The Toulon corre spondent of tho Daily Mail, remarking upon the extraordinary activity at the arsenal' there- and generally In! the French maval works says: "It is believ ed that M. Lockroy (minister of war), expects war. with Great Britain within two years." Dp You Want Some Silverware For Less Than it is Worth? We have selected out a lot of Silver-pMedWrftf dingTrayrfd Hollow Ware, which we are offering at 8o cents on the dollar. It wilLpay you to look these things over as they are worth - 20 per cent, more Building than we are now asking for them. Arthur fil. Field : Leading 'r cainrch St. and Patt6n Are. Ashoville N. C 11-' ..V -y t r . '.( r tr C"V- f"? -r-V I On the Square 1 7 -TP J: "WiriyabHotel and Sanltariiua Ck. - - - - . " - ' V ,, ,