THE ASHEVIIXE GAZE1TE: FEBRUARY 19, ,1899 A? A..' m 1 H 1 B Remua'nts Made Goods. yj& tit $k A Beautiful Flan nelette Wrapper. Waist lined, nicely trimmed, ex anv nkf nicture. $1.00, hotter cradles in Florentine flannel, $1.25 0 - . DO AA n viJl on,! ?i ?;n farmer Dnce ..uv uu $2.50. Ladies' Coat Suits. Tailor made. An elegant, fly (front coat, silk lined, latest skirt, made from best Venetian, cloth. Great value at $12.00 Sale price $7.85. Black Serge Coat Silk lined coat, wide skirt, specSal, $4.98. Finest imported Bedford and chev tot suits, silk lined, from $10.00 to $15,000. Remnants Dress Goods, WJiite Goods, Flannelettes, Outings, Calicoes, l- Muslins, Laces, Embroideries, Ribbons, Trimming. LATE ARRIVALS. s Spring Capes Black, blue ankl tan, doth, sold at 50c, 75c. and $1.00, sold three, times the price. Novelties in silk and feather capes $3.00 to $7.00. 3cent Indigo Blue z. SolidKalico. 3-cent Bleach Muslin. 4?cent Best American Calicoes. 5-cent 36-inch Percales. O-cemt. Imported Ginghams. 15 to 35'Ct. Novelties in PJque Suiting si 11 mi LHDUiniii sets. WARNER'S Warner's corsets, a full line, in cluding: all the 98 modtlia . The best and most popular corset made. Prices 75 cents to $2.50. Thompson Glove-fitting Corsets. At Cost. $1.00 quality at 1.50 " 2.00 " ' $ .75 1.12 1.40 R. & G. CORSETS. At Cost. $1.00 quality at 1.50 " " R&D $1.00 corset alt $ .75 1.12 .50 Mears' Special 6-Hook Corset' Made of best coutil, high full form, extra long waist, specially for us, 50 cents. bust, made 6. A. WEARS, 33 S lain Sk-l CAROLINA NEWS place when. ville Time. ' iit was raided. Henderson Interesting Items from Va rious Parts of the State. A two-monttis' old colored dhdld froze to death in Wilmington Sunday night. It was im bed with its parenlto, but they were Unsufficiently provided; with ctoth&ng, and when they awoke In the morning the child was dead. The Salisbury Sun says the residence Glimpses of Life and Progress in the of claries a. wagoner, on. the west Land of trie Sky. Kotes;Oathered for the Gazetta and Selections from latest North Carolina newspapers. . The Sapphire Company (have raised their offer for the Hendereonville & Brevard railroad to $50,000, says the Hendersonville Times. The democratic legislative caucus has selected Mr. M. O. Sherrfll. of Newton. for state librarian. Mr. Sherrill has held an office of one sort or another all his life. At Newton Saturday night some son of Belial sJtole the wood from the Ger man Reformed church and no services could be held in the church Sunday. Stateevi'lle Landmark. ' The grtetait weight of the anow wreck ed the large tobacco ware house of Eg ertan & Wood, at Louisburg. ' The roof fell in and the building collapsed. Ihe damage amounts to 410,000. jjepmy marsnaii saiver captured a still at Jupiter last Saturday-night. It was located in an old barn and John Beted, the proprietor, was asleep to the era Railroad, six miles this side of Sal isbury, was burned with its contents, about 3 o'clock yesterday morning. Tfce fire was accidental. Though early in the season to mention the fact, we have just received a letter etabing that there would be a demand for all the blackberries that could be furnished by this region, and that bas kets, crates, etc., would be furnish d shippers. Murphy Bulletin. Leave "has been granted J. P. Spain hour, of Morganton, by Attorney Gen eral Wailser to bring suit to test the right to the soidcltorsihip In the lftth ju dicial district, now 'held by Moses N. Harshaw, republican. Mr. Spainhour 'claims that "there -were irregularitiieg in voting in Mitchell county. A young man by the name of Mofflt cut off one half of a Miss Cavenesses' hair, cays the Ore Hill correspondent of the News and Observer, then the next day slipped to her room and cuft her wedding dress into strings. She Is going to marry the other fellow. The sheriff is looking for the young mane In a privalte letter to the Landmark, jem. a. jj. uowles, wlho has beeni In Washingiton for some time, writes that he leaves for Savannah tomorrow, and win sail thence tor Cuba The ener- eraa say ne as sci'ii in line of pro motion1, having progressed from brtga-r dler to capltain, and If luck doesn;t1 de sert him 'he may yet get to be a private. was seen by a News reporter this after noon. He was: asked what disposition he expected to make of the property. His reply was that ne (had thought of establishing ah alligator preserve and and a terrapin farm. dhaiHotJte News. Hon. Richmond Pearson, who is con testing Hon. W. T. Crawford's election to Congress, accompanied by Hon. Tbos. Settle, his attorney, and J. J. Hooker, typewriter, arrived tax Franklin Thurs day night, and epent Friday and Sat urday recounting votes and taking dep ositions, says the Franklin Press. Mr. Crawford was along1 to cross examine the witnesses. The recount of the Ogree tta vote gave Mr. Crawtford a gain of 10 voltes. He also gained 8 votes by the recount in Swatim county. The party left Sunday for Clay county, but will resume taking testimony here today, them off. One day (last week, Deputy Marshal c A;, Cooper; or Jtuckory, wen oyer inito the Soutn mounttains to serye7 dome papers.' Near the" line between Cataw ba and Burke he broke down 'h'ia lauggjr and left ! It ait a man's house until he could go to Hickory and back. When Ihe returned he found that his buggy jtad harness had beea . cult ,? to L pieces. Every spoke in the wiheelrf had been cut and all the otther wood work 'toad been made iaio kindling wood.--.-..The harness was to about the eame fix. . The blocks ad era, who never let an opportunilty -es-dape to take revenge on an officer, saw their opportunliity and made use of it. --Newton Enterprise. '- ' - .1- - 1 Secretary George Green, of ttoe New- tjon Fair asaoicaation, says that the ap- proachlng'. .exhibition ' will be the most successful In ;aM points over any neld. Ttie' indications are that the number of vdsStors will be Immense, and the dCherf faoturers will :f ar eclipse all! former re cords. The exhibits In" the Various de- -paiitmeirts will be plentiful as well as Interesting, he says, and the visitors will be given an excellent opportunity to observe the resources of Eastern Car oMha. The directors in charge of the fish and oyster department eay the collection 5f fiVh and shell fish will he one of the finest ever seen in the country. The races are all nicely filled and as the track will be in excellent con dition there Willie some exciting and toteresting exhibitions of horse speed. Mr. C. M. Steinmetz, of Rose Hill, secretary of the Eastern Carolina Truckers and Fruit Growers' a&sodJa tlon tells the Wilmington Star that, so far as lie has 'beam able to ascertain, the damage to truck by the recent se vere weather is very slight, owing to the fact that plants were covered with snow before the extremely cold wave reached that section. "Strawberries," says the Star, "are not hurt at all, he thinks. The lettuce is probably the most badly damaged crop. Cabbage, radish and similar plants are also in jured and kilied outright. A number of truckers in this Immediate vicinity re port losses by reason of damage to crops of this character. However, it fa not generally believed that the loss to truckers in this section will be even heavy as now estimated." Traveling men are getting up peti tions to present to the legislature to pass a Jim Crow law. They state that the people of the state demand the la as one of the campaign promises. The Kind Tou Have .Always Bought, and which has w ui jura Autvfu vjwhs, wis nonie me signature of w vv uuvue uuuer ms per sonal supervision since its infant Allow no one to deceive you in tiii AH Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex periments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is la substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops " and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant, it contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind . Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTOR I A ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The End You Have Always Bought1 In Use For Oyer 30 Years. - thc cCTrmun company, tt hurray stmkt. new vohk city. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. In Effect Dec 5 1898. i The Kind Yon .Ha Always Boagfc Bears th ' ) "'"Tojnsure happy cjew year, keep the liver clear and the body - vigorous by using DeWitt's LAttle Early Risers, the famous little pills for constipation and liver troubles. Paragon pharmacy. - - i 1 - If trrttable, out of orts. depressed In spirits, have a dull headache, take a few doses, Dr. M. A. Simmons' XJver Medi ctoe for quick reitef. Angry words etarch is used. vanish when Elastic sold, too, oca It rests with yon whether 70a cnntlnu th removes the desire for tob&cco. wj out nerrousdiBtreM, expels nico-. tine, purines tne Uiood, 1 store, las. maaiH makes tou Btrony tu uen.u,uorTe- yw 11 a Uncases cured.- Buy fJHKAetjfil Vf flhWO-'ro-MAC from lIlTonc.h for 11 n. TaJte it with wtll.nAtipntlx- nmiatntlv An box. ei, nsaallT cures: 3 boxes. C2.S0. isr&Bteed to cure, or we refund money. BaM4YC, CUesfo, BratrssL In ImA For sale by The Carolina Pharmacy, College street and Court Square. .hrfTSlI J yjvl Al AJ SUOOO boxes 1 1 1 1 mr m m r.m ssa sj w sr w m. w w n DanTt get scared when, your heart trou you. Most likely yen suffer from in digestion. - Kodoi Dyspepsia Cure di gesite what you eat. It will euro every form of Dyspepsia It never starch sticks to the Irons Elastic DeWitt's Little Ear!y Risers The famous Htl pi Ms "A tape worm ei&bteen feet lone a T " )?ast came on the scene after my taking two . :-rt - J- ASAF?S- This I am sure has eausedmy t i j,-- health lor the past three years. I am still , t' . taking Casca rets, the only cathartic worthy ol ,'".- i - ootioe by sensible people. UBO. uairar Miss. - firvY CANDV . - SJJ CATHARTIC Ovl T,,A0,t.,,IA,,,, OtSKCtii00 i- Plcasaht. Palatable.- -Potent. Taste Good. Do ... Good. Never Sickeu.-Weaken. or-S ripe. 10c 20c &0e. " - .V.iOURE CONSTIPATION. f Kr)l.f Ttm-J CMipsay. CMes, Heotrr!, Saw Tsrlu SIS tin Tft Dllf 8oldan(friamnteedby alldrns - till- I UaUAw Ktstfi to CVIXK Tobaeco Habit. For -sale by. Tie Carolina Pharmacy. Crtlege' street nd Oourt, Square. ' Our representative, Hoffman, has been, petltHonied to give Burke an extrq' term ait he end of the tenth; district circuit tor the-trlal of civil cases only.! Suflora now have little chance of a heari ! ingowiing' to the criminal doclcer. nd the need of the term Id admitted. There? waw . ww aiv srtuiu jury ana hence not much expense save to those having- suital --Morganton! Herald. dCapt: K..S. Finch, eent of the Sea board Air line In Charlotte bias aexnired TfiTWHiWK tilt niatsa ibnanA ' .. . - yt cuucauon an option on am the awamp Jahds held by' vobsl Doajru. Hie oumoer of aerea is Jn the neigrhborhtfod of 860,000. The ootdon; price Is fifty cents, per cre. Capt Finch' 'Sarsapariiia ures Peftr.aner.tJy Cures ScrofuSa5 which is one of the woist flictions of the human race, enc comes from impure blood. Eczema. a most offensive and nncomf ort- nia afFpnMnn of the akin. aia' N due to impure blood. Salt Rheums, o t.nrmen t to the flesh, a dis figurement to the body, aud c drain on the .system, also : to vitiated blood. Pimples, which so disfigure the skin, and make the human face divine anything: but a thing of beauty, " but which are Nature's adver tisement of foul blood; . RATES TO NEWBERN FAIR. On account of Eastern Carolina Fish, Oyeter, Game and Industrial fair, New- bern, N. C, the Southern railway win sell special round tirip tickets, rate one fare plus 50 cents for round trip, which includes one admission to fair grounds. Tickets on sale February 18th to 24th, nclusive, final limit February 2Sth. Call on ticket agents for full infor mation, or address, F. R. Darby, C. P and T. A., Ashevllle, N. C, or R. Ii. Vernon, T. P. A., Charlotte, N. C. Numbers. 1711 Number. IS Eastern Time. Numbers. 12SS Number. If 4:30pm trpm t:tOpm , ilpm 1 :10am 12:0&uc l:air I'.Slam 11 :TtAm H.-Clpm IiT. t.r. L.T. t,r New York Philaderphla Baltimore Ar, Ar. Ar 12: 41 pin 10:1 &am S:00xn t:S&ajn l:5am ll:pm Waaajnirtoc Ar Dan villa Ar. S:42axn l:t&pm 1 :10pm ISieam H:tlpm Tt. 3ti?km&d Ar. 1:40am f:2pro Irtipm t :10am t:IUm 7: Warn ttisam :Wpm l.iOpm S'tSpm Lt. Norfolk Ar. '.Kirn il&pm Lv. Beima Ar. 2:40am 12:Spm Lt. Raleigh Ar. 1:40am llrttwn Lt. Greensboro Lt. U:4Spm S.Sdam I: Mam tUam t6am l.ISpm t :11pm , 1.2Bpm ' t:Wpm Crf&pm 7:40pm 11:15pm 7:10pm 1 :fpm S:tepm S.07pzn fr2SpTn If 14pm U :01am 12:10am 12:15am f:fura - IOOACl 4:26am '7:44tn 7vl0pm (Csstral Time.) L,v. Salisbury Ar. 6:35pm 9:30am Lv. Btatesville Ar. 544pm 8:43am Lit. Newton Ar. 5:03pm 8:09am Lv. Hickory Ar. 4:45pra 7:52am L.v. Marion" Ar. 3:28pm 6:45am Lv Biltmore Ar. 1:30pm S :21am Ar. Ashevllle Lv. 1:20pm 5:15&m TtT. Ashevllle Ar 1:10pm 5: loam Lv, Hot Springs Ar. 11 :40am 4:00am Lv. Otorristown Ar. :B0am 2:20am Ar. Knoxvllte Lv. 8:2Sam 1:15am Ar. Cliattanooa Lv 4:20am lOtfOpa) Ar. Memphis Lv. I:liam 1:40am t:Wpm N. .sis Lv. M:lwpm t'.ltam 7: Mam 7:Mpm AT. r,uasTins Lv. 7:4ipin !: 7: Mam f:tfpan Ar uindamatt Lt. I:ltpn :Jfc A. i2D S. BRANCH. No. U. No. 1 (Csatral TUas.) N. It. N t No. T. l-.tsaaa 1:SP ;l7am IB :10am U:t3m 2:40pm f.iapnj f:lipm 9:?5pm Lt. Asaevtlle (12astem Tima.) Lv. Biltmors Lv. Hendersonyills j,t. Tryoa Lv. BpsjrtSAlnurfl Ar. Columbia Ar. :00pm 1:40pm Ar. Ar. Ar. Ar. Lv. 6:52pm 6:03pm 5:00pm 1:10pm 11:20am 2:30pm 1:45pm 12:42p 11:25am 8:30am Ax Cbarlwatbm Lt. 7tttaai I:2PTa f:ttam I:tjra (Central TlaasO A. ' Bavamsaki Lt. 12:24am U:Ma J:lSam l:liai A. Jacksonvllls Lt. l:Wpm l:Wpm 8:Hpm I.Ham l:lam Ax. f Augusta Lt. l:Mpa J. Al. Atlaata Lt. T:Wam ll:Mp duo Catarrh, which; very often comes-from a chronic affection of the circula tion', is a constant offense to one's self and clhis frierids. Rheumatism 9 which all authorities now attri :,: . Vi bote to varibus acidities Arx the ! blood, which this creafc blood ? S puriner of ; t he se. Tiood'a Sar r.;.-:. - Eapariila, corrects. Hood's SareaparHIa Is sold by all dmcglsts.?' $1 : at lor-?. Pre parsu only by w i. liow ft OiV. ty';' Mss. SHAMPOOIISIG. . Mrs. Morrison is prepared to vie$t la dies at their, residences and do this wor at a moderate price. Orders may be lef and information obtained at Ray's Boo Store, Court Square, Ashevllle, N. C. 7:40am 8:10pm Ar, New Cristas Lt. 7:4pa I : Lt. :psn MURPHY BRANCH. No. No. (C-atrsi Tims.) No. 8 No. 18 S :00am 4:00pm. Lt. 10:29am f:26pm LT. U :20am :60pm Lt. 1:46am 8:00pm Ar. I:4lpM AT. Dally sxcepx Busoay. AshsTfUs Ar. Waynesvtlls Ar. Balsam . Ar. Brysom City Lv. MuxDky Lv. :0pm l:Npaa 1:50pm ix:42in 12:20pm 11: 10m t:Wam : 6:00 a. m. Daily except Bunday. Baft & Sheppard 6 Ptioti-Ae Anyone wishing to put steam heat L their building- could not d le iter than use a i , . Hot Sprlnffs, Knoxvins ssA Ciseiaaati. Trains 15 and M carry PuUman sleepers between Ho Bprlnss, Nasnvms, Chttanoo and Memphis. 1 Harrisburg; .Bbilei But you must have experienced work mea to .do the work and we are confi dent that we can please you. 3 r - ;Bail; & Shepherd. PHONE 88 (BLBEFINa C AH BEKVICn.) Train 17 an4 IL ass 12 and earry Pullmsji slsspers between NeW , Wsahlssrtea. Asksrllis. Dst prlns, CsAttanooga and Nashville. Trains and 11, and lt and 12, betwaen JsksonTill, SavanHab. Columbia, i Salisbury, Ashevill,. north and cast, sil rail throne Waskiarton, raspuoucs "ttfI Bon is called to nr rail andwatar roots to the north railway and tk Ckasapwaka Una. Tois:se at Norfolk, Vsw, asordins; am opportuaiiy wtoi Kwtrwn w-rf M Mciroe),i Virginia, Virginia Beach, Newport wewveic iBggaso fl checked from hotels and residences p ine Aiaevuw aniw ' with city ticket office, 60 patton avenue Aaeviue, w.c FRANK 8. GANNON., J- M. CULP, rr-r& vteswnMSL a on. if " TrsXM Manager, Wsahmsrton. TXCL - ' ' Washiagton, C IX. HARDWICSL A. ftTDIUZ, A. G. P. A Atlanta, Cau . - fT. TJL TATLOB. . A. G. F. An Lotdarills, Ejr. a A. BENW30TE3X, F. R. DARBY, A. G.-P. A,, Chattanooga, Tena city Pass, and T. Agent. AsheviUe, N. C D. C. CN,;Passngr Afeot, - Wasklngton, v. ltiarat CEM. W. R. SMITH, rmi4sat f tst CCCSIEECLU. COLLEGE Of KEHTUCXT USnrESSITI " -s - - li&SUTGTOV, KT " -rot ClmUrssf this ivmrif4 -4i4. AT WniJJS : Kdm to thecsaads f nawwlbl RradosM. 0i oWi -Mr.-S. A. Fackler, Editor oi -canopy (Fht) Hustler, with his t f cblMren, suffered terribly Grippe.. One , Minute Cough Cure the only iremedy th!at helped acted quickly. ? Thoufianxis of Jt this remedy as at speflc for La andU its exhausting af fcer effects. . fatter 5 4 : r